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MINNEAPOLIS NEWS Beinocratia City Convention. Mjnneapoi/b, March 14.— The democrats of Min neapolis will meet at lUrmonU hall, on Wednesday, March 3Clh, at 10 o'clock a M.,toplaco in nomina tion candidates for tho following offices : City Treasurer. '■ \ Three members of the board of education. The different ward* wiU be entitled to representa tion as follows : , Delegate*. Delegates. FlrEtward 13 Fourth ward 10 Becondward « Fifh ward 12 Third ward li M*lh ward • ....... 13 The ward conimitieoa will pease call the ward caucu«o% to meet 0.. Monday evening next. H P. DUWNIKOTON, Ohaln&aa City Committee. Ward Caucuaes. TUB IUUI>. 1 hero wlil be a canons of the Democrats of the First ward held at the Turner's hall Monday evocing, March 28, ftt 8 o'clock, for ihe purpose of nominating aldermen and elec.ticg deleg»t€B to the City conven tion. Ohajulsb Thkijjj, Chairman. TUUID WAIU). " Tho voters of the Third waid will hold & caucus at rJyitouth Ho.c on Monday ereninß, to elect delegates to the Citj ctn\eutiou and nominate a can didate for alderman. SIXTH WABB. The Democratic ot«e 1 1 the Sixth ward will meet st Hose House No. son Montiaj evt nlLg, March 23, at 1 :30 o'clock, to nor.ii. ate oce alderman and elect thirteen dtleir-.toa to me CHy etnTenUon. F B. L'AIUIULL, Caairi-an Ward Committee. Tho Democratic voters of tho otuer winds will meet without flutter notico st the several polling f laces . f T KAPOLIB OLOBELETS. Fifty-two inmates at tho county jail. The telephone olB«« will be closed to-day to allow the new Bwitoh boards to be erected. The case of E. A. Henderson against the city will be tried again at the May term of court. Winthrop Young, a member of the school Board, states that he will not be a candidate for re-election. It "is coining gentle, Annie," and not to be left Bargeant West has downed a bran new suit of navy blue. The annual meeting of the Minnesota State Millers' association will occur nt the Nicollet house on April 12. The rarnell land league will meet to-mor row evening at th« hall, comer of Washing ton and Cedar avenues. Seven candidates for baptism, the results of the recent revival, will bo admitted to the First Baptist church this evening. The Republican* of the Fourth ward held precinct caucuses hi6t night and chose dele gates to the ward caucus on Monday night. Alderman Anderson w confined to his resi dence with a sprained ankle and several severe bruises, the injuries being the result of a run away in which he iigurou on Friday night. Joseph Rample, who was recently stabbed at Linwood, Anoka county, by David Stockton, has been brought to this city for medical treatment. He is at the surgical infirmary and is in a critical condition. The engagement of Charlotte Thompson in this city, under the außpk-es of the Zouaves, is certain to be a unam-inl success. The boys have thus far &old i ,000 tickets, and a crowded house is assured the well known actress at each performance. A row took place at Johnf on's salooD, on Fir6t street south, about 10 o'clock last even ing. Two men weie badly cut by the bar lender with a Leer glass and v kuiie. No ar rests were made, i.ut probulilv Johnson will be arrested on a warruut uu Monday. The alarm of lite from Imx 12 at 2 o'clock ye6terday afternoon culled the department to Todd & Kimball'B printing olfice, on Second street couth. The service of the department wae not needed, the me, » li cli was a heap of rugs and paper 6at muted with oil, being ex tinguished by Joe Rubuojv, ho, in endeavor ing to extinguish the flumes, was seriously burned. The body of W. T. Jnyne, which was found in the canal opposite the Northwestern mill on Friday afternoon, is still nt Warner's under taking establishment. Owing to no mark of violence being found us the body, the coroner did not deem it necessary to hold un inquest. It will be held to await the action of the young man's father, who is now in lowa, but is expected here on Monday. Ahorse dealer named Dunn brought up a lot of horseß from Dc« Moines, lowa, Friday night and took them to Ci rt-hV pale stable on First street norih. Jame* Smith came with him as an assistant. Smith was alone inside of the burn last night t.inl about half past ten was found lying inu.otirri«»iu> in front of one of the Stallß, having bun kicked and trampled upon. Examination shoved he had received serious internal injurit about the chest, and he will probably die. Field Ituif nt O*wl<:y Court. Just as Bailiff Gny knocked for order at the police court yesterday morning, the side door opened and a procession of eighteen filed in ■with Chief Hunger it the head. Bailiff Gray said it was the spring weather Hint caused the largo number of arietta, bin Bailiff Jesse Wil liams said it was irlii>k y. Thei-.i-urt looked the mob ovor and deemed to dispose of the drunks first. Harry Crawford, Charles Severson, James McDonald, John Ghiilnetier, Frank Doran, Joseph McDonald, Mel." Carson and Emma Dean were .given the choice of paying $5 or sojourning at the county jail for five days. Mel. CarFon was the only one of the parly who could raise the dust mid the balance went up. Thomas Murphy mm! W E. Gene, two bosom friends, who were arrested in a state of fighting drunkenness, were reprimanded and discharged. Ctirihtine Swainaoo and John 11. Smith advanced to the bur with downcast eyes. Christine to the individual whose face woul.l stop ii street car, and according to John's story had inveigled him into « cheap lodging house on Bridge Square, where tliry « ere found by two police officers occupying the same bed. Smith paid $12 for his foolishness and the female took twelve days. Jennie Brown nnd Eugene Ward were charg ed with vagrancy, and as ii was a clear case they will not be eern on the streets for the next twelve days. Mary O'Brien, who for the last month has revolved between the Jji 1 an'l tiou house, being arrested for drunkenness as soon as dis charged from the jail, was bent back to that institution for one month. Mary Fox, arrested nn ■ wnrrant for assault ing Adam Beth, ex| r.iined tiiat Hcth was steal ing wood from her yard. She was discharged. William Uurri<>, charged with robbing Wil liam Nolan, was held to await the action of tie next grand jury. A witness who saw him in the yard at t hi- rear of the residence at which, and about the time, says he was robbed, set I ling his case. D. F. Wymiin, who rnns lie fifteen cent lodging bouse on Bi pquare where Chris tine Swan Eon and John Smith were f..und, was brought up on a charge <•( keeping a house resorted to for the purpose of prostitution. Wyman plead not j:nilf\ , »nd his case will come up for trial on Monday ufternoon. Artrfll, Russell <S <'art>rntrr's Paper Mill on I'irr The alarm of fire at 10 o'clock last night lrom box 125, wad eau-el l>y a (Ire in Averill, Eusscll & Carpenter's piix-r mill on Hcnnep:n idl&nd. The (limps were iret discovered in the roof. Before Hits Ike sub hied the roof was burned <>(F at the north corner, and nearly nil Hie stuck on th r - third Boor badly damaged. | The mill wu* runui'isr "ii full time, ni^lit and j day. There were fifteen men and two women I in the mill nt the lime cil the lire 1 The fire-- | men and workmen remove) the manufacture] i paper. It is mi ,[>< «<• .i the re originated fro in i the emoke-t-u-k, hut llu* is Dot definitely j known. Girt. Rollin-, tUc futcni -m <if the . mill, estimate-* the lo>.» at. between $4,000 und ! $5,000 on 9t<»fk. . liisiiriin-e on stock, liulJ-, ings and machinery annul $15,000 The day force ntim'»e'- twenty- four ani fie ■. night seventeen ik' They will be out of] employment a few d:i\s until repairs can lx- 1 made. i People in the west of 1. eland are busy work- i ingonlind nn<! "vy quint, Mil anxious to] fcnow the terms o? iii<* government land bill. ' A LIGHT DAY'S WOKK. The Senators Postpone the Beginning; of Their Final Struggle for the Offices Uutil Monday — Beck Shows Up the Re publican Candidate for Sergeant-at-Arms As a Persecutor of the Colored Men — Mahone to Spread Himself Through a Set Speech Monday Positively No Ex tra Session— -Division in the Republi can Caucus. Untied States Senate. Washington, March Immediately after the reading of the journal, Senator Dawes de moded the regular order, it being the election of Senate officers. Senator Pendleton moved to go iuto execu tive session. Rejected— yeas 29, nays 29. Senator Mahone was present and voted with the Republicans. *» A motion to lay the motion on the table was lost — yeas 28, nays 29. Senator Logan said during the special ses sion of 1853 the officers of the Senate had been elected. He cited this to 6how there waa a precedent for the position now taken by the Republicans. Senator Harris 6aid that was the only precedent that could be found, and called attention to the fact that at that time the old officers had been re-elected except one , who had been removed. Senatar Farley inquired of Logan if he could find any precedent where the dominant party had refused to go into executive session to confirm or act upon nominations made by its own President. Senator Logan replied by inquiring if the gentleman could find a precedent where Ihe minority have ever undertaken to rule the majority. Senator Farley replied that at this very ses sion a minority of the Senate had for two weeks fillibustered against the organization of the Senate committees by the majority. Senator Morrill read from a speech made two years ago by the Nestor of the Demo cratic side fSaulsbury) at a time when a change of ofneers was proposed, advising the Republicans to reconcile themselves to their position as the minority, and like Christian gentlemen, bear it manfully. Senator Butler replied by quoting from a speech made at the same time by the Nestor of the Republican side, (Anthony,) in which he stated he did not think he would ever be found advocating the removal of officers who had performed theirduties faithfully and efficiently. Senator Call opposed the resolution. A motion to go into executive session was defeated, yeas 25, nays 27. Senator Beck referred to the statement made yesterday by Senator Davis that he supported Riddleberger because he belonged to the body of men who opposed that party which had its heel on the neck of the black man in Virginia, and desired to call that Senator's attention to a 6cene which had taken place in the Virginia legislature. Mr. Morse, a colored man who probably could neither read or write, who therefore could not be entitled to yote in Massachusetts had arisen and made a rather rambling speech, in which he advocated payment of the State debt, and had then yielded to Riddleburger. That gentleman thereupon had offered a resolution to expel Morse, which was rejected. The man who had sought to expel an ignorant bet honest col ored man was the man who was now cham pioned by the Senator from Massachusetts (Dawes.) Senator Groom — Does it appear whether Riddleberger proposed to expel him because he was a colored man or because he was in fnvor of paying tbe debt? Senator Beck— Poor man, I suppose he took the double chance on him. [Laughter.] A motion to go into executive session hav ing been defeated, Senator Mahone took the lloor to address the Senate. This roused that body, which had been very dull all day, into something like attention. He was unfortunate, he said, he having been absent from the Senate yesterday when some allusions had been made to Riddleberger and himself. He had been indisposed and vas still too unwell to review the speeches. Senator Dawes interrupted and said if the gentleman w ould prefer to epcak Monda', he wouid movo to adjdurn. Liie .motion was agreed to. Adjourned. General Capital Noes. Wabuingtox, March 20. — Republican Sen ators 6tate this afternoon that they have re ceived positive information from the President that no extra session of the Sentte will be called. The President nominated Charles E. .Van Pelt postmaster at Bewa.rd, Neb.; A. C. Bruu del, surveyor of customs at Miehiean City, Ind.; S. A. Smith, receiver of public moneys at Worthington, Minn. The Republican Senators held a caucus this morning, and determined to stand firm in the pending contest for the possession of Senate officers, nnd continue it as long as necessary to attain success. It was agreed, however, that an adjournment of the Benate be allowed at a comparatively early hour this afternoon, and subsequently the caucus reassemble to perfect arrangements for resuming the Btruggle on Monday, with a view of continuing thereafter without inter mission. Mahone will deliver his carefully prepared speech in behalf of his position and that of the Virginia readjusters on next Monday. There is a rumor that the contest over the election of Senate officers, may be settled by involving with it action on Robertson to be collector of New York. That Senator Conk lmg is more anxious to defeat Robertson than to elect Senate officers, and he will arrange with the Democrats to postpone the election in return for votes against Robertson. Inquiry fails to show that an agreement has yet been teached, but apparently this matter is under consid«ration. It has been arranged between the two sides of the Senate to adjourn this afternoon until Monday. The Republican caucus this morning was not entirely harmonious, as Hawley, Blair nnd others Insisted that the support of Riddle berger was nn unwise move. Notwithstanding the fight it is believed the Senate will adjourn next week. Garland pronounces the inter view with him published and tele graphed to the effect that he is op posed to resisting electing officers as false. It is now said that Robertson's nomi nation may not be referred to the commerce committee, but that a motion will be made to confirm without reference. Should 6uch motion prevail it would prevent Senator Conkllng's power to delay action on the ndmi nation. At the afternoon Republican Senatorial caucus it was decided to adhere to the action takeu this morning. SERIOUS RUNAWAY. A Child Run Over by a Crazy Horse and nickety Wagon. An exciting and exceedingly cad run away accident occurred on Wabashaw street, a few minutes before 9 o'clock yesterday morning, resulting in painfully serious and perhaps fatal injuries to at least one the unfortunate victims. About tho time named, a colored man named David Edwards, the, in company with another colored brother, ■was driving an apparently crazy old horse and wagon down Wabashaw street. When nearly opposite the capitol the man in company with Edwards, rose up on his seat to look around. The cob pricked up his ears and jumped forward, snatching the wagon with such force as t-> project both men from their seats to the street. Edwards lit on his head and sustained a painful but not serious scalp wound. The other man was indifferently scratched. But the mischief was to come. With the instinct that might have served a better purpose, the vener able plug took advantage of the freedom and went bowling at a frightful rate of j speed down Wabashaw street. On reaching Seventh street, lie essayed ;to turn down that thoroughfare. Cross i ing ihe street at that time was the }-oung ; daughter of Mr. 11. H. Schroder, the fur- I n.turc manufacturer, on Sixth street. ! The child, who is nine years of age, did : not have time to avert the catastrjpho. ! The animal plunged around the corner | and the shaft or forearm of the horse I struck her a violent blow, knocking her I senseless and bleeding to one side. She ! was carried to Getty & McMaster'B | drug store on the corner, where medical 1 aid was promptly summoned in the per THE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1881. sons of Drs. Wheaton and Abbott. The child was found to be seriously injured about the body and head. Her left arm was broken and the left ear almost torn off ; also a portion of the scalp was laid open. She was removed to the residence of her parents, No. IG, East Sixth street. The physicians think that no internal in juries were sustained, in which event she will recover. The mischief-making plug was captured. WEAK FOR A WEEK. The Stack Market Rallies at the Close, But Not Enough to Check ihe Tendency of the Week to "Weakness— Wheat Steady Yesterday, anil Pork Higher and Strong. St. Paul, March 27, 1881. On the board of trade yesterday prices and transactions were as follows: Wheat— No. 1 hard 97c; No. 2 do. 94c; No. 1 94c; No. 2, 92c; do. April 94c; do. May 96c; No. 3,82 c. Corn— No. 2 41c; March and May 39c; March offered at 42c. Oats -No. 2 white 33c bid, S4c asked; No. 2 do. 32c; No. 2 mixed, cash.April and May, 32c; April and May offered at 33c; No. 3 mixed, 31* c. Barley— No. 2, 85c; No. 3 extra ?sc; No. 3, 65c. Rye— No. 2, 80c. Ground Feed- $15.50. Corn Meal-$14.50. Bran-$9.50. Baled Hay— Hogs— Live, $5.15; dressed, $6.00. Sale, one car live at $5.35. Timothy seed— s2.6o. Clover seed— ss.oo. Receipts yesterday, 17 car loads of wheat, 7 car loads of corn and 1 car load of oats. Commission house prices for flour, potatoes, onions, beans, butter, eggs, poultry, etc., un changed. A >iew York dispatch of last evening says: Dry goods business fair with cottoa goods and commission houses. Prints in moderate request; best makes are steadily held. Ging hams active with agents and jobbers. Dress goods and lawns moderate request. Woolen goods quiet. The Bulletin says 250 packages of Kirkland mills domestics are to be sold at auction next Wednesday. Kastern and European Markets. New York, March 26.— Money 4@6 per cent, per annum. Prime mercantile paper 5@6 per cent. Sterling exchange, bankers' bills firm at $4.80^ • Sight exchange on New York at $4.82^. BANK STATEMENT. The following is the weekly statement of the New York associated banks: Loans, increase $ 444,700 Specie, decrease 1,883,100 Legal tenders, increase 693,300 Deposits, decrease 2,345,100 Circulation, increase 859,400 Reserve, decrease 603,525 The banks now hold $1,707,775 in excess of legal requirements. ' Governments quiet and firm. Bonds — Railroad bonds generally strong and higher. State securities quiet. Stocks — The stock market opened generally strong and higher, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis showing an advance of 1% per cent, and recording a further advance of 2 per cent. Speculation, however, soon became weak and prices declined % to 2)4 per cent., the latter in Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis, but at the first board a firmer tone prevailed and a recovery of %to \% per cent, took place, in which Northern Pacific and coal shares were most prominent. After midday the market became unsettled with a downward tendency, and after the second board, when the lowest figures of the day were touched, the decline from the highest point ranged from Xto ±% per cent., the latter in Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis. In the final sales there was a re covery of 3s to 1 per cent., in which most of the active shares participated. An injunction having been served upon the Northern Pacific railroad company forbidding the transfer of a part of the common slock, the Stock Ex change rule that only certificates of common stock registered March 18 or previous, are good for delivery until further notice. The transactions aggregated 376,000 shares; 8,200 Canada Southern; 116,0 - J0 Delaware, Lackawanna & Western; 9,700 Delaware & Hudson; 5,000 Denver & Rio Grande; 21,000 Erie; 3,500 Hannibal & St. Joe; 5,000 St. Louis & Iron Mountain; 2,000 Missouri, Kansas & Texas; 17,000 Lake Shore; 1,400 Louisville & Nashville; 4,500 Michigan Central; 2,000 Mobile & Ohio; 11,000 Chicago & Northwest ern; 7,600 Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis; 48,000 New Jersey Central; 35,000 New York Central; 11,000 Northern Pacific; 3,500 Ohio & Mississippi; 2,400 Ontario & Western; 3,500 Ohio Central; 8,200 Pacific Mail; 4,700 Phila delphia & Reading; 23,000 Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul; 1,800 St. Paul & Omaha; 11,000 Texas Pacific; 21,000 Union Pacific: 5,800 Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific; 4,800 Western Union Telegraph; 3,200 Chesapeake & Ohio. EVENING QUOTATIONS. GOVERNMENTS. Coupons, '81 102)^ New 4 Der cents. 111% NewSs 101)4 Pacific6s, '95.. ..130 New 4*s 111% STATE BONDS. La. consols 59 Virginia 65, old. 32 Missouri 6s 110 Virginia 6s, new. 32 St. Joe 108 X Consols 115 Term. 6s, old 66 Deferred 14}£ Term. 6e, new... 64)£ RAILROAD BONDS. C. P. Bonds 113 St. P. & S. C. Ist U. P. Bonds, Ist. 113& C. C. &I. C. Ist U. P. land grant.HSX do seconds Sinking fund 120 Erie seconds 99 J* Lehigh&W 129}£ STOCKS. Rock Island 132 Alton &T. H{. . . 40 Panama 212 do preferred. . . . 125>£ Fort Wayne 131 Wab. St. L. & P. 45% Pittsburgh 180 do preferred. . . 88j| Illinois Central.. .l 34 Han. & St. J0. . . 56^ C. B. & Q 164^ do Chicago & A1t... 138 Iron Mountain... 64 do preferredt...Hs St. L. & S. F 40x N. Y.Central 144^ do preferred... 62 « Harlem 160 do Ist pref'd.. 95 Lake Shore 127% C. St. L. &N. 0. . 72# Canada Southern. 80 Kansas & Tex. . . 44% Mich. Central.... 111^ Union Pacific. .118 Erie 46% Central Pacific 85 do preferred... 85 Northern Pacific. 42^ North western.... 121% do preferred.. 69% do preferred. . . 132^ L'vilie & Nash. . 91 % Mil. & St. Paul.. 111^ N. C. & St. L 76>£ do preferred. . .122 L. N. A. & C 70 St. Paul &om'a. 41),' Houston & Tex. . C 5 do preferred.... 99X Denver & R. G. .102% Lackawanna 121 West. Union T.. 113 Morris & Essex.. 123 Atlantic &Pac... 45^ Delaware &H...1 IOJ£ Pacific Mail 55% N.J. Central.... 101% Adams Express. . 128 Reading 60% Wells & Fargo .118 Ohio & Miss 43 American 72 do preferred.. .103% United States.. .. 56 Chesapeake &O. 23% QuicksilverJ 13% Mobile & Ohio.. 24 x do preferred.. 61 Cleveland & Col. 86 Caribou 2* C. C. &I. C 24X Central Arizona.. 4% Ohio Central.... 29% Homestake 27% Lake Erie &W.. 52 Standard 25 Peoria, D. &E.. 36% Excelsior 50 Ontario & W.... 84% Little Pitts Z% B. C. R. & 15.... 72% Ontario 36 —No sales. tOffered. tßid. §Ex. coupon. *Ex. div. VEx. int. London, March 26. Money 9915-16 Account 100 UNITED STATES SECURITIES. New 5s llH^ N. V.Central .... 149& New 4^s 115 Erie 48% New 4s 115 Erie seconds ...103)£ Illinois Central ..139)£ Reading Si* Pa. Central 68^ Amount of bullion gone into the Bank of Eng and £15,000. Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars in Sold was taken from open market yesterday for America. Gold has also gone from Paris for the United States. M. DORAN'S REPORTS. The following quotations giving the range of the markets during the day were received by M. Doras, commission merchant: Liverpool, March 26, 10 a. m.— Spot wheat inactive. Floating cargoes irregular. Cur goes on passage neglected; no business do ing. California wheat off coast Cd lower. Corn off coast 6d lower. ' ;.'K- - New Youk, March 26, 12:00 Wheat strong; No. 3 red 1.23; receipts, wheat 128,500; com 151,798. ' WHEAT. MILWAUKEE. CHICAGO. April. May. Apfil. May. 9:30 a.m. &9K 104 % - : -- 105 fi 9:45 " 9% 104% 100* 105$ 10:00 " 99* 104.V .... 105% 10:15 " 99>^ 10*% •••• 105% 10:30 " 99>* 104% 100* 105 10:45 « 99>^ 104% .... 105% 11:00 " 99* 104% .... 105% 11:15 " 90* 104% 100% 103% 11:30 " 99^ 10*% 1«% 105}* 11:45 M - 99^ 10*% 100& 105^ 12:00 M 99* 104* .... 105% 12:15 F. m. 99M 104 X ••• 105% 12:30 " 99# 104* .... 105)$ 12:45 " 99# 104^ 99% 1:00 " 99K 104% 100 ' 105* Wheat receipts in Chicago 16,550 bushels; shipments 8,794 bushels. Wheat receipts in Milwaukee 2,700 bushels; shipments 800. CORN. Chicago. Chicago. A.M. April. P.M.April. May 9:80 .... 42* 12:00 .... 42% 9:45 .... 42* 12:45 .... 42# 19:00 .... 42% 1:00 .... 42# 10:30 .... 42* . 38>£ Corn receipts in Chicago 57,140 bushels shipments 10,660 bushels. PORK. Chicago. j;!:. Chicago. a. m. April. May. a.m. April. May. 9:80 .... 15.30 11:15 15.40 9:45 .... 15.45 11:30 .... 15.47* 10:C0 .... 15.50 11:45 .... 15.45 ! 10.15 .... 15.50 12:00 .... 15.45 10:30 .... 15.52K 12:45 .... 15.50 10:45 .... 15.55 IKK) .... 11.50 11:00 .... 15.82% LARD. Chicago. Chicago. A. M. April. May. a.m. April. May. 9:30 .... 10.47^ 11:15 10U5 . ...." 9:45 .... 10.55 12:15 10.42^ .... 10:00 .... 10.57^ 12:30 .... 10.57 10:15 .... 10.60 12:45 10.45 10:45 .... 10.62K « 1:00 10.47* 10.60 ASSOCIATED PRESS MARKETS. Milwaukee, March Flour quiet and steady. Wheat opens weak and closed firm; No. 1 hard nominal; No. 1 nominal; No. 2 fresh 1.01; March 99#c; April 99&e; May 1.04>£; June 1.05&; No. 8 90@U2c; No. 4 82c; rejected nominal. Corn quiet; No. 2 89}* c. Oats scarce and firm; No. 2 32. Rye firm; No. 1 $1.01. Barley unsettled and higher; No. 2 fresh 89c. \ Provisions firmer; mess pork $15.45 cash and April; 15.55 May. Lard, prime steam 10.55 cash and April; 10.65 May. Live hogs quiet; $5.30@5.80. Receipts, 18,189 barrels flour; 27,600 bushels wheat; 7,000 bushels barley. Shipments, 17,885 bar rels flour; 800 bushels wheat; 12,883 bushels barley. Chicago, March 26.— Flour nominally un changed. Wheat dull and prices a shade lower; No. 2 Chicago spring, regular 99% c; fresh 1 01% cash;99%c bid April; 1.05 bid May; @1.053^ June. Corn in fair demand at lower rates; 38K@40^c cash; 38%@38j* c April; 42& @42^c May; 42c bid June. Oats unsettled and generally lower; 29%@32#c cash; 29% c April; 34^@34Kc May. Rye steady and un changed. Barley firmer; 1.05. Pork steady and higher; 15.45@15.50 cash; 15.45 April; 15.57^ May; 15.70 bid June. Lard strong and higher; 10.45 cash; 10.45@10.47}£ April; 10.57K@10.60May;10.67>5@10.70 June. Bulk meats strong and higher; shoulders 4.95; short ribs 7.85; short clear 8.05. Whisky steady and unchanged; $1.08. Receipts, 19,000 barrels flour; 17,000 bushels wheat; 57,(K)0 bushels corn; 29,000 bushels oats; 1,300 bushels rye; 14,000 bushels barley. Shipments, 19, --000 barrels flour; 8,500 bushels wheat; 106,500 bushels corn; 51,<00 bushels oats; 10, --000 bushels rye, 10,000 bushels barley. The Drover's Journal reports hog receipts 16,000; shipments 6,500; dull; prices a shade lower; common to choice mixed packing 5.25@5.60; light 5.50@5.75; choice heavy shipping 5.75<@6.40. Cattle, receipts 5,000; shipments 3,300; very heavy; supply reduced; prices 10@15c; decline since Tuesday 25c; common to fair shipping 4.30@4.60; good to choice 4.70@@5.85; exports 5.50@5.75; butch ers 2.00@3.75; stockers and feeders 8 25@4.50. Sheep, receipts 2,000; shipments 1,500; fair demand; common to medium 4.00@4.50; good to choice 5.00<<£5.40; closed 10@20c lower. New Yokk, March 26.— Cotton quiet; 10%@llc; futures easy. Flour steady; receipts 21,000 barrels; exports 27,000 barrels; superfine, state and western $3,603 4.10; common to good extra $4.20@6.00; good to choice 5.10@6,75; white wheat extra 5.00@6.00; extra Ohio 4.30@6.75; St. Louis 4.30@6.75; Minnesota patent process 6.50@8.00. Wheat unsettled and feverish; receipt* 120,000 bushels; exports 147,000 bushels; ungraded red 1.19@1.24K; No. 3 do 1.19*; steamer do 1.10; No. 2 red 1.22 steamer do 1.19&; No. 1 red 1.28@1.28K; mixed western 1.190 1.20; No. 2 white 1.18@1.18>£; No. 1 do, sales 36,600 bushels, 1.20@1.20*; steamer do 1.16; No. 2 red March, sales 104,000 bushels, 1.21^@1.22#; April, sales 8tf4,000 bushels, 1.21 Hi May, sales 296,000 bushels, 1.19%@ 1.20^; June, sales 248,000 bushels, 1.18)4® 1.1934. Corn dull and lower; receipts 163,000 bushels; exports 146,000 bushels; ungraded 50%@59c; No. 3 57@57^c; steamer 58@58* c; No. 2 5S)i @59#c; old do 59c delivered; No. 2 white GOc; " No. 2 March @59J^c; April 5C%@57c; May 54^@54^c; June 54@64*c Oats firm; less active; receipts 13,000 bushels; mixed western 41@44^c; white western 45@48c. Hops quiet bnt firm; yearlings 13® 18c; eastern and western 16@22c; New York State 15@23c Coffee quiet and unchanged. Sugar quiet; fair to good refining quoted at 7 3-16@@7%c. Eggs dull and lower; 19% c. , Pork held higher; old mess quoted at 15.00 ! @15.50; new mess 15.75@16.00. Butter in good demand; firm; for choice 10@29<r. Cheese dull; 10@12&c. Copper quiet; new sheathing 20c; ingot lake 10@10^c. Pig iron dull and unchanged; Russia sheeting 13@15c. Nails, cut 3.0003.60; clinch 4.50(3:5.00. THIS COURTS. District Court. SPECIAL TERM CALENDAK. Chas. Bernhardt vs. John G. MaglU; order to show cause. Heard and granted. In the matter of the adoption of Elise Ma honey by Alexander D«beau; same. In the matter of the assignment of A. H. Strouse to J. Austrian; garnishee disclosure. Submitted. Holl&Paarys A. Leh mi eke and T, Ooch ran et ah, garnishee. Dismissed. C. Gotzian & Co. vs. Chas. Vitalis and F. B. Dorothy; garnishte. Referred to J. M. Bron eon. Fred. Banholzer vs. J. J. Esch; order to show cause. Heard and granted. A. Crawford vs. B. P. Lewis etal.; applica tion for final decree. Same. Olive Biron vs. Louis Payette. Stricken off. Kuhles & Stock vs C. C. Caldwell; order to 6how cause. Heard and to be discharged upon appearing before the referee March 28th, at 10 a. m. D. R. Noyes et al. vs. C. L. Flannigan et al. and T. Cochrac, garnishee; motion to dismiss. Submitted. Municipal Court. [Before Judge Burr.] CRIMIKAL. The City ye. John Lawrence; drunkenness. Fine of $5; paid. The City va. Thos. shoely; same. Sent out of town. The City vb. Wm. Dambrouk and A. Koenig; disorderly conduct. Fines of $10 each; paid The City vs. Wm. Dambroek; assault and battery. Fine of $10; paid. The City vb. Chas. Kernel ; came. Fine of $5; paid. The City vs. David O'Neil; assault and bat tery. Continued until Monday. Pro/rate Court. [Before Judge O'Gorman.] In the matter of the estate of Wm. Rhodes, deceased. Wm. Rhodes, Jr., appointed ad ministrator. Bond filed and approved. Dal nth School House Contract. [Special Telegram to the Globe] Duluth, Minn., v| arch 26.— The board of education opened to-day the bids for the new public school building, and awaided the con tract to I. I. Palmer, of Indianapolis, at $18,29G There wera two other bide. They rejected all bids for steam heating. THE K. N. LINE. The Davidson Party Take Their Suit Into the United States Court, Where They Ask au Injunction Against the Assignee St. Loma, March 26.— The figbt be tween the factions In the Kookuk North ern Line Packet company, which lias been going on so long in the State courts, was transferred to the fed eral tribunal this morning, by Abraham 11. Hutchinson, and Jas. H. Anderson, of Keokuk, stockholders in the company filing in the United States circuit court a petition asking an injunc tion to restrain Chas. Green, the assignee, from interfering in any way with the property of the company. The suit is brought in the interest of the Davidson party. SUACDBSOIL SEBMAN REMEDY. RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals Sr. Jacobs Oil m a safe, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial entails but the comparatrrely trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every one suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BT ALL DBUGGISTB ANP DEALESS IN MEDICINE. A. VOGZLER & CO., Gentle Women Who want glossy, luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant, beautiful 11 air most use LION'S KATHAIRON. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely and fast, keeps it from falling ont, arrests and cores gray ness, removes dandruff and itching, makes the Hair strong, giving it a cnrling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. EDUCATIONAL TEAOHEKS' EXAMINATION! Teachers wishing certificates to teach in Ramsey county, will present themselves for examination on ■ S&TUs'D&Y, THE 21 D&Y OF APRIL. at 9 o'clock sharp, at assembly room of High School, St. Paul. E. A. HENDRICKSON, 83-92 County Supt., Ramsey County. PROPOSALS. PROPOSALS FOR PRIBTIH&. Office off ) State Boajjd op laPwinoK, > St. Paul, Minn., March 24, 1881. > Sealed proposals will be received at this office (in New Market House) until 10 o'clock a. m., March 29th, for the following work, viz.: 30,000 Copies State Immigration Pan»phl«t in the English language. 25,000 Copies ditto in German l.wgii.-ige. 15,000 Copies ditto in Norwegian language. 10,UOO Copies ditto in Swedish language. 2,500 Copies ditto in French language. Said pamphlets to contain sixty-tour pngfe, saul pages to be four inches wide by seven inches long, primed o. in Loner Primer type, ob book paper weighing not less than fifty pounds to the ream of 25x88 inches in size, and to be illnf trated with six full-page, twelve half-imge, and six smaller engravings, (more or less,) the cuts for the same to be furnished -by this office, and to be covered with good cover paper, weighing at least fiftj pounds to the ream; each of the four pages of the covrr to be printed upon. Bids to include stitching through three punctures, with good linen thread, binding, trimming and delivering to this office, in neatly tied bundles of one hundred each Al6O— For a twelve-page faMer, printed on back of State maps lurmshed by this office, said pages to be three and one-quarter inches wide and eight iuches long, in Long Primer type, and the number of copies to be as fol lows, vie.: In English .... 87.500 In German. . 82,500 In Swedish . . . . 10 U0 • la Norwegian. . 17,500 In French 2,500 Said folJora to be illustrated with three en gravmgf, cuts to be furnished by this offic-,) and to be delivered to this office unfolded i i neat flat packages of five hundred each, well tied up. -■: . Take Notice— virtue of a resolution adopted by this Board, no bid will be consid ered unites it is confined exclusively to the work in one only of the above mentioned lan guages, and come 3 from a party whose busi ness of printing is conducted mainly in the language for which the bid is made • Bids lor each class of work most lie made separate, though both may be enclosed in ih< came envelope, and samples of paper mu.-t ac company bids for the pamphlet. The Board re>erve« the privilege of reducing oi increasing the number of copies .T page.-, of pamphlet, or number of copies of folders be fore making contracts, and also of rejecting any and ah bids. * Bids must be enclosed in scaled envelope*, marked" "Proposal* for Printing," and ad dressed to the undersigned, ; H. H. YOUNG. Secretary State Board of Immigration INSURANCE. - Boylston Mutual HIDBUCE CO.; OF BOSTON, MASS. CASH CAPITAL, $557,200. President ..... .... ..........:.. . J. W. Balch. j Secretary .' — ... ..... .W. Gl»ver. Assets. . ■ Value of real estate 0wned. . .... % 20,000 00 Loans secured by mortgages on real . ' . estate 175,078 62 Market value of bonds and stocks 557,273 00 Loans secured by bonds and stocks - y n as collateral ii 81,400 CO Cash on hand and in bank 65,395 36 Premiums in course of collection. '■ 59,210 53 All other assets ..-. /.....:/;... .;: ; j 1,900 00 ri admitted assets .'. p. .... $ 970,257 51 ' Liabilities. Paid capital $ 557,200 00 Re-insurance reserve 145,364 14 Unpaid losses 89,000 00 Other liabilities 3,393 40 Total liabilities, including capitals 744,957 54 Surplus over liabilities, including capital... $ 225,299 97 h^M%^> Income in 1880. :&SSS3BBa From premiums received $ 288,174 30 From interest and dividends 47,927 68 From rents and all other sources, 1,318 20. Total income.... $ 337,420 18 Expenditures in 1880. Losses $ 169,860 16 Dividends 82,609 80 Commissions and brokerage 27,660 12 Salaries of officers and employes. 23,750 00 Taxes 8,446 88 All other expenditures 15,938 62 Total expenditures $ 327,765 58 Total risks in force December 31, 1880 28,284,000 00 Business in Minnesota in 1880. FIRE. , Risks written $ 161,911 00 Premiums received 2,865 27 Loseespaid... 1,871 85 Losses incurred 2,571 85 ■ . .- . •■■■■■ STATE OF MINNEBOTA, ) ■£' DUPARTMBNT OV Iksukance, V>/ ; ; ■■'^g . St. Path., March 25, 1881. ) I, A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Boylston Mutual Insurance Company above named, has complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now fully empowered through its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of fire insur ance in this State for the year ending January 31st, 1882. A. R. M'GILL, . Insurance Commissioner. * WATSON & OXLEY, AGENTS, ST.PADL, - - - MINN. Telfer, Irish & Co,, -Minneapolis. lITED STATES ! LIFE Insurance Co., - of Hew Tort City. CA«H CAPITAL, $250,000 President T. H. Brosnan. Secretary C. P. Fraleigh. Assets, Dec. 31, 1880. Loans on real estate $2,053,612 72 Loans on collateral security.. . 701,250 00 Premium notes or loans 109,013 97 Value of real estate owned 102,905 00 Market value of bonds & stocks owned 1,053,553 75 Casn on hand and in bank 28,197 09 Accrued interests and rent* . 63,480 12 Net deferred and outstanding premiums 107,939 98 All other assets.. 21,28184 Total assets $5,141,224 47 liabilities. Net reinsurance reserve #4,138,748 00 Total gross policy claims . . . .'.' 66,560 00 All other liabilities 30,775 22 Total liabilities $4,226,078 22 Surplus over liabilities $915,146 25 Income, 1880. *>■' Premiums, less amount paid for reinsurance $593,517 00 From interest and dividends. . . . 264,723 12 From rents & all other sources, 44,513 58 Total income.... $902,753 70 Expenditures, 1860. Losses and matured endow ments $332,96043 Dividends and other disburse ments to policy holders 159,784 51 Total payments to policy holders $493,744 94 Interest paid stockholders 29,627 50 Management expenses 250,849 81 Total disbursements $779,223 25 Business in Minnesota, 1880. '••■•■•" In force at end of 1879, No. 59, $98,380 00 Issued ring 1880, No. 32 49,575 00 In force Dec. 31, 1880, No. 68. . . 110,515 00 Total premium receipt* '. ".* - 3,356 43 Losses paid 1879 5l» 00 Losses incurred 1879 600 00 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) Department of IssoRATfCB, - > '■<- ' St. Paul, Minn., March 15, 1881. ) I, A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner of the Slate of Minnesota, do hereby certify that ! the United States Life Insurance Company above named, has complied with the laws of this State -relating to insurance, and is now fully empowered through its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of Life insurance in this State for the year ending January 31st, IBb2. A. R. M'GILL, Insurance Commissioner. L.P. VAN NORMAN, GENERAL AGENT, 116E^T u .HRfPRpj, • ■ ■ St. fed! '£%U Hlli\i.>',\J GOODS. ti ATB l> c vs it Parti's. Hi East Stfußtl Street. I INSURANCE. lew Enslani Mutual LIFE Insurance Co., - - - of Boston. President, Benjamin F. Stevens. Secretary, Joseph M. Gibbens. Assets Dec. 31, 1880. Loans on real estate. $3,140,725 00 Loans on collateral security. ..•■••• 100,200 00 Premium notes or loans 1,496,638 49 Value of real estate owned 1,312,726 70 Market value of bonds & stocks owned.. 10,101,704 25 Cash on hand and in bank ,; 417,303 18 Accrued interests and rente 198,051 13 Net deferred and outstanding premiums 170,530 15 All other assets ..-..- .. >• ; 4,000 00 Total admitted assets $15,941,879 40 Liabilities. '; • ; v ; ■\ : Net reinsurance reserve ■ $12,319,484 93 Total gross policy claims 118,036 00 All other liabilities... 162,923 36 Total liabilities. .... ■ . . ... $12,600,444 28 Surplus over liabilities ........ $3,841,435 12 Income, 1680. Premiums, less amount paid for • v . . reinsurance $1,568,042 59 From interest and dividends. . . 797,042 21 From rents & all other sources, 81,638 78 Total income $2,446,728 58 ' Expenditures, 1880. .. : ;V; ( Losses and matured endowments $1,249,736 00 Dividends and other dirburEe- • 44 ments to policy holders , 651,069.50 Total payments to policy ' holders $1,900,805 50 All other expenditures 315,044 60 Total disbursements $2,215,850 10 Miscellaneous. . • Policies in force at close of 1879, • No. 18,750 $55,039,488 00 Policies in force at close of *"* 1880, No. 19,001 66,148,627 00 Net increase, No. 251 . . .'. . . . ... 1,109,139 00 Business in Minnesota, 1880. In force at end of 1879, No. 855 $1,061,552 00 In force Dec. 31, 1880, No. 864.. 1,064,302 00 Total premiums received in 1880 " 18,262 Losses paid 1880............... ' 1,000 00 Losses incurred 1880. 1,000 00 STATE OF MINNEBOTA, ) Department of Insukance, > St. Paul, March 25, 1881. ) I, A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the New England Mutual Life Insurance Com pany above named has complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now fully empowered through its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of life in surance in this State, for the year ending Jan uary 3lßt, 1882. A. R. McGILL, Insurance Commissioner. J. J. WATSON, GENERAL AGENT. "Watson <& Oxley, Agents, Davidson's Block St. Paul. Frefl. ! fc Paine Agent, - - Minneapolis. HOFFMAN Fire Insnrance Co., of New York City. CASH CAPITAL, $200,000. President M. F. Hodges. Secretary J. D. Macintyre. & Assets.'".' .. . Value of real estate owned ......$ 27,458 42 Loans secured by mortgages on real estate 67,670 38 Market value of bonds and stocks 201,750 00 Loans secured by bonds & stocks as collateral 2,750 00 Cash on hand and in bank. .'. .... 27,137 85 Premiums in course of collection, 12,271 59 All other assets. 1,013 25 Total admitted assets ...;.... $340,054 44 Liabilities. Paid capital $200,000 00 Reinsurance reserve.. 77,671 51 Unpaid losses 16,301 87 Other liabilities . . . . .; .-. ......... 2,963 94 Total liabilities, including cap ital $296,936 82 Surplus over liabilities, including -°i*s capital . .' ; 43,117 62 ■...-• .- ■ . ■ - •.,..■>• * .-.-■•. Income in 1880. From premiums received 143,712 15 From interest and dividends 16,091 93 From rents and all other sources, 2,437 10 T6t«a] income- '...... $162,241 JlB ■^SMi Expenditures in 1880. Losses $87,703 93 Dividends 20,000 00 Commissions and brokerage 24,755 57 Salaries of officers and employes, 19,000 00 Taxes 872 59 All other expenditures 20,056 98 Total expenditures $172,388 07 Total-risks in force December 31, *■%* 1880 ..... .\ ...:. 15 408 117 00 .. Business in Minnesota in 1680. FIRE. Risks written $207,615 00 Premiums received 3,167 92 Losses paid 3,246 93 Losses incurred ........ '.'.'. ...... 4,746 93 STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) Department of Insurance, > : :. ; St. Paul, March 25, 1881. ) ■I, A. R. McGill, Insurance Commissioner of the State of Minnesota, do hereby certify that the Hoffman Fire Insurance Company above named, has complied with the laws of this State relating to insurance, and is now fully empowered through its authorized agents to transact its appropriate business of fire in surance in this State for the year ending Jan uary 81st, 1882. A R. M'GILL, • Insurance Commissioner. WATSON & OXLEY, AGENTS, ST. PA UL. A.'DOLLIVER, Agent, - - Minneapolis Dil A.L CLUM'B CATHARTIC. Purely Vegetable Cures all billons diseases set. ing on the Stomach, Liver and Dlood. Warranted la all ca?es Auk your rVnr,"i*t for thi* Mcdieinfc tfao for circulars. . : CIXH COHTOCimiSO COZ^ Sold by «JJ DmofiMt*. Bed Win*. iffiZ^'