Newspaper Page Text
SUNDAY OLOBELETS. The Baptist anniversaries will beheldthia year in Indianapolißj in May. A donation of §50,000 i.s offered to Lewlfi burs (Baptist) university, provided Its friends raise 150,000 ::» addition. FongChah, Baptist missionary and teacher - making a gn -it sneceaa of hia work among Chinese In Portland, Oregon. Louis Straus?, a wealthy Hebrew of San Francis o, has :ft large bequeste to Protestant and Catholic as well as Hebrew institutions. The Rev. Cortlandt Whitehead, D. D., of hem, ie called to become rector of the Protestani Episcopal cathedral at Bafialo, N. Y. Dr. J. A. Broadus, of the Soathern Baptist Theological seminarT, has obtained subsenp tioas to tii': amount of $40,000 for that semi nary. The . ■. Frederic M. Bird has accepted the professorship of psychology, Christian evi dence .;. I rhetoric at Lehigh university, South Betl : .: m,Pa. The colored Baptists of Baltimore are re -sin hie dedication of their new ihurch on thi corner of Caroline aiul McElderry >st -*-20,000. There ar in Byria, after many years of hard labor, only about 1,000 communicants m the is mission churches. The congregations ire aljuut 4,500 in all. President Strong is making an e'Jort to add $100,000 to tho invested fun-Is of Rochester (Baptist) Theological seminary. About two thirds of the amount has already been se cured. The number of persons in full communion in the Presbyterian church in tbe Uuited States of America in 1830, as reported to the general assembly of that year, was 173,329; the num l-er reported in !SbO was 575,651. The in crct'su is more than threefold. At the last social gathering in Boylston chapel of the parishoners of Harvard church, Charlestown, was presented to the society a portrait of the Rev. Dr. George E. Ellis, who was their pastor from l*; 40 to IHYJ. The Rev. lv. M. Thompson, formerly a Con gregational pastor in Cincinnati, Shebovgan, Wis., and Ottamwa, lowa, has recently be come a Baptist, and is soon to be reordained at Madisonvilk', Ohio, by a conference called for the purpose. It is stated that the English Church union have resolved to appeal from the judgment of the lords justices of appeal in the Enraghtcase to the house vi lords. The hearing of the Maekonochie appeal has commenced in the bouse of lords. Grandmamma's boom is always a sort of paradise to the little ones aal it i 3 easy to ap preciate the earnestness with which little Johnnie said, on his return from a feast upon grandma's goodies: "O, I am co sorry for God, 'cause he's gut no grandma.* 1 As there is little chance for revivals at the •easide in summer, when busin ss is brisk, the Reformed church at Long Branch is having its revival now. Sjiechil meetings have been held for two or three weeks, and a number of con versions are reported from among the residents. A clergyman's daughter lit Hapa, Cal., went to a circus. On the following Sunday her father preached on sinful amusements, and used her case is an illustration. In the .Sun day school that afternoon he said that she was impenitent] and moved her expulsion, but a vote being taken, all the pupils voted to retain her. The American Sunday School Union asks for money to supplement the African fund es tablished by the late Elliott Cres3on, the in come of which was to be expended in . sending Sunday school books to the colored folks in Liberia. Mr. Crcsson's original donation was $1,000, Which was securely and profitably in vested. A newspaper directed to "His Satanic Ma jesty, Hell, Below China," fell into the hand? of the mail agent on the Salem Branch rail road, Virginia, the other day. Being puzzled as to what disposition he should make of the paper, he referred the matter to the postmaster at Salcia, "who settled the matter by saying: "All foreign mail matter goes north." To tear down the venerable old Church of the Redeemer, near Hartford station, Pa., is objected toby many of the neighbors on the ground that the hallowed associations with the ivy-grown structure are huch that it ought to be allowed to stand. The project is tousc the btoiice in the old building as ma terial for the construction of a new one. The Shuttle family were quietly enjoying the Sunday afternoon dinner 'Job, my dear," said his wife, wreathed in smiles, -'I wT?h you had been at church this morning. Mr. Good will was very interesting; and when he prayed for the absent ones"— "Well, that accounts for it, then. I haven't caught such a string of fish for a year as I did this morning." A Catholic mother once showed her child a beautiful doll— a St. John of an exquisite rose color. "See," she said, "he has been very good, and heaven always reward* the good by making them beautiful." "Oh," says the child, lifting its shoulders, "don't believe that, mamma. This little St. John looks very.meek because he's all glued up, but if he could only move, you'd see!" TL representative of Russia at the Vatican is in the first place to be an envoy endowed with full powers tor resolving the pending questions relating to the church in Poland; and it is only when this mission will have been accomplished that the temporary envoy will be succeeded by M; Malanoff, whose perma nent post in Rome will be that of a represen tative of- the cabinet of St. Petersburg at the Vatican. The secretary of a school committee,who,by the way, is a clergyman, sent to the principal the manuscript of his school report, wherein was the following sentence: ''We proceeded with the work according to our best judg. ment." In correcting the proof ho. was amazed to find the sentence changed to the foil owing: "We proceeded with the work ascending to the last judgment." llc*~nttrib- this alteration to the devil. Bishop Paddock is to leave Brooklyn in afew dayd for the diocese of Washington Territory. No bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church bus ever left the Ea6t for v missionary diocese financially so well equipped for his work as he now is. The Brooklyn churches have respond ed generously to his appeals for aid, and liberal contributions have been made by churches in New England, New York and Pennsylvania. The board of missions uf the Re formed (Dutch) church bavins as much other work as it c tn attend to, and regarding the Indian aborigines rather as native- than as foreigners, has asked of the commissioner of indiar. affairs at Washington to transfer all its interests in the Indian schools of Arizona, to the board of home missions of the Presby terian church. The two churches are so sim ilar in their doctrines and practices that the Indians will never know the difference. The choice of Professor g. Wells Williams, L. L. D., as president of the American Bible society, meets with general approval. Dr. Williams' long residence in China, where he went in 1833 as a missionary printer, his ex tensive familiarity with the languagi a of the middle kingdom and of Japan, his experience in diplomacy, his wide repute for scholarship andLis deep interest in the promotion of Christian institutions give good ground for conSdcncc that his counsels and help will be of great beueflt to the work of the society. OFFICIAL. Proceeiliiigsofiiießoird efEtali&a, Office of thh Boabo of Education, ) March 11, 1881. J The Board met at 7:30 P. m., and upon roll being called the following members answered to their names: Messrs. Murphy, Abbott, Athey, Don nelly and President Lineau. There being no quorum present the Board adjourned until Monday, March 14th. at 7:30 r. m. J. Gr. Doxni:i.i.v, Secretary, OSFICE OF TILE BOAHD OF EDUCATION, ( March 14, 1881. \ The Board met at 1:30 r. m., President Lineau in the chair, with the following members present: Messrs. Murphy, Abbott, Kerr, Benz, Weed, Athey, Hamilton, Donnelly and Lineau. Inspector Abbott stated that the lots purchased from Mr. Green, corner of Laurel and Mackubin streets, could not be had unless tbe Board would pay a $120 assessment. On motion of Inspector Kerr the reso lution ordering the purchase of those lots was reconsidered by the following vote: Yeas — Messrs." Murphy, Abbott, Kerr, Athey, Donnelly — 5. Nays — Messrs. Benz. Weed, Hamilton, Lineau — 1. On motion of Mr. Murphy the matter was laid over to next Thursday, March 17th, at sp. m. Carried. On motion of Inspector Abbott the Committee on Property was instructed to advertise for bids for the plumbing of the new Franklin school. The pay roll for the month of March was read as follows: Officers $ 249 08 Special 470 CO Jackson school ISO 00 Monroe school 285 00 Adams school 370 00 Washington school 325 00 Sice school .". 215 00 McLean school ISS 00 High school 855 50 Xeill school 410 00 Lincoln school 465 00 Madison school 730 00 Humboldt school 600 00 Franklin school 490 00 Jefferson school (J55 00 Janitors 480 83 Total $6,971 31 Allowed and ordered paid by the fol lowing vote: Yeas — Messrs. Murphy, Dufrene, Ab bott, Kerr, Benz, Weed, Hamilton, Rich eson, Lineau — 9. Adjourned to March 17. J. G. Donnelly, Secretary. Office of the Board of Education, ) March 17, 1881. ' ) The Board met at 5 p.m., President Lineau in the chair. The following mem bers answered to their names: Inspectors Murphy, Donnelly, Abbott, Kerr, Weed, Athev, Iticheson,*Mr. Presi dent. The President stated the object of the meeting was to consider the buying of property on St. Anthony hill for the new School. " '• - • The Secretary read a telegram from Mr. Green, offering to sell the lots corner Laurel and Ma^kubin streets for $3,000. Inspector Abbott gave several figures on property in different locations and hoped the Board would settle the matter at once. Inspector Murphy was not prepared to act in the matter and moved to adjourn. Carried. J. G. Donnelly, Secretary. Office of the Board op Education ) March 21, 1881. ) The Hoard mot at 7:30 r. m. with the following members present: Inspectors Murphy, Turner, Dufrene, Abbott, Kcrr, Bcnz, "Weed, At hey, Ham ilton, Richeson, Donnelly, Mr. President. The Chair stated that the object of the meeting was to hoar a report from the Committee on Property on the purchase of a site for a school building on St. Anthony hill. On motion of Inspector Ben/, the Board took a recess for ten minutes to wait for Dr. Abbott, chairman of the Committee on Property. Dr. Abbott soon appeared and the Board proceeded wit li business. Inspector Abbott moved that the new school be built on the Neill school prop erty. Inspector Weed moved to amend, to build on the lots corner of Laurel and Macubin streets, and that the lots be purchased of Mr. Green for $3,000. Inspector Weed's amendment prevailed by the following vote: Yeas — Messrs. Murphy, Turner, Du frcne, Abbott, Kerr, Benz, Weed, Athey, ITamilton, Richeson, Donnelly, Lineau — 12. On motion of Inspector Hamilton, the Committee on Property was directed to purchase the two lots adjoining the A-lams school for the sum of $5,500, and the proper officer was instructed to sign the riropor papers to carry out the pur chase. Adopted by the following vote: Yeas — Inspectors Murphy, Turner, Du frene, Abbott. Kerr, Benz, 'Weed, Athey. Hamilton, Richeson, Donnelly, Lineau —12. J. G., secretary. Adjourned. MEDICAL. CUKE YOUKSELF ! FRENCH SPECIFIC- Guaranteed to cure radically diseases of certals private, delicate nature, either sex or condition. rice $1, Beat by expreos to any part of the country e'ull direction with eacb bottle Sold only by E. L. ■JTAHL. Nortbt>B«l «omM of V-»n "irftis str«ft »n<! *< .vo.i.i* *.>••«...-<• <«un COSTUMES- COSTUMES ! For Masquerade ana Theatrical purposes, for Lad ea and Gen tlemen, at . In, Hptopd's, So* w Thl-.l g» ■U<i ,WEB.p M laiaes Bros. % Jecßer & Sen Helrcpoli'ai **_ WESTERN CBTTAGE « tod ocscplete Bt«cfc of Musical Her- r A ckaadta*, tt H. C. MUNGER'S, § 71 East Third Street. £^ 6av« a? <-.«!•»««- ist-n* andßut Birrs I'akQi I'arlor Folding-Bed, The ox si Compact, Elegant and Sub tantial Best Steel Spring Mattrass tedding- folds out of sight in Bureaus, ■ H. Andrews & Co., ■195 VT abash Are., CHICAGO. Also Manufacturers of ■ Artistic Household Furniture. Wood Mantel* CITY NOTICE. Notice for Judgment Office of tiie City Treasurer, St. Paul, Minnesota, March 22d, ISSI. $ I will make application to the District Court in and for the county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at the special term held Saturday, April 9, \ SSI, at the Court House in St. Paul, Minnesota, for judgments against the several lots and real c*tate embraced in a warrant in my hands for the collection of unpaid assess ments, with interest and costs thereon for the hereinafter named special assessments. All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota, when and where all persons interested may attend and be heard. The owners and descriptions of lots aud real estate are as follows: All persons interested in the assessment for constructing, relaying and repairing sidewalks, under contract of Henry Starkey with said city, dated July 13th, A.'D. ISSO, on the prop erty hereinafter described, fronting on said walks, and benefited thereby. St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. George Pulford, 26 ft ely of w'ly 100 ft of n'ly )i 3 32 § .59 David Kent, ely 10 ft of sly 100 ft 15 25 SB9 Same, sly 100 ft 16 25 23 21 Alexander Ramsey, e'lyS 10 26 686 Same 11 26 12 91 Isaac Brenheimer 10 24 15 56 Fourth Street— North Side. St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Severinus J Corrigan, Mary J Corrigan, D W Corrigan, sly % 14 IS $18 50 Ramsey County 9 20 1 Same 10 20 ! Same 11 20 j Same 12 20 J. 220 62 Same 13 20 | Same 16 20J Kittson's Addition. John Bin 8 26 30 60 John P Hoffman 5 27 35 65 JaneE Hefferman 5 22 18 76 Wescott Wilkin and Sarah W Coleman 7 24 46 02 Seventh Street— Sonth Side. St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of descriptian. Lot. Block. Assm't W R McKo wen, n'ly K--. 8 4 §30 40 NW Kittson ." 5 3 30 39 Whitney & Smith's Addition. W J Cutler, cX 18 7 35 23 James II Davidson, mid,' 3 ' 12 7 30 TO Ewing & Chute's Subdivision of Lot 1, Block H, Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Franklin DeCou, w'ly 1 foot 1 59 Same, ely y~ 2 15 63 Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. AdaLMayall 11 8 $3175 Same, n ' j 10 8 15 56 Kittson's Addition to St. Paul. Edward McMenemy 3 31 30 81 James H Mayall 1 29 35 44 Ada L HayaH 2 29 30 73 Same 3 29 30 73 Brunson's Addition to St. Paul. Ada L Mayall 5 12 33 53 Same 6 12 30 51 Sam- 7 12 2 65 Eighth Street— North side. Robert & Randall's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of "description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Pennock Pusey, estate of S B Philips, Reuber. Barnard 13 15 $24 33 Same, same and same... 14 15 32 63 Pearl Street— North side. McCloud's "Subdivision of Block 2, V.inden berg's Addition to Hovt's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner .and Am't of description. Lot. Assm't. Abial C Wood 18 $19 48 P II Prendrgast 20 19 48 Andrew G Johnston 21 19 48 Harriet A Davison, a)i . 17 11 19 Wacouta Street— West side. Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. JuliaAMetcalf, sly 10 ft 6 15 $6 88 Peter Simons and Clara Simons, his wife, commencing at a point on ely line of Robert street 100 ft n'ly from the n side of Twelfth street, in Robert & Randall's add to St. Paul, thence ely on a line parallel with said Twelfth st 100 feet, thence n'ly parallel with c line of said Robert st 25 ft, thence w'ly parallel with Twelfth st 100 ft to said Robert st, and thence sly on c line of said Rob ert st 25 ft to beginning 13 71 John Genois, commencing at a point on ely line of Robert street 250 ft n'ly from Twelth street, in City of St. Paul, thence ely parallel with said Twelfth street" 100 ft, thence n'ly parallel with said Robert street 50 ft, thence w'ly parallel with said Twelfth street 100 ft to said c side of Rooert street, thence running sly on the last named line 50 ft to place of beginning 24 57 Win Dawson, commencing at se'ly corner of Robert and Thirteenth streets, in City of St. Paul, thence se'ly on ely line of said Rob ert street 48 ft, thence ne'ly parallel with said Thirteenth street 108 ft, thence nw'ly on a line parallel with the ely line of said Robert street 48 ft, thence se'ly on sly line of Thir teenth street 100 ft to place of be ginning 26 42 St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. A6sm't. Pcimock Pusey, Reuben Baruard, Estate of J B Phillips, sly 50 ft of n'ly 100 ft 7 26 $23 19 Norman W Kittson 7 3 73 71 Tenth Street, North side. Kittson's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Rosanna Lowery 6 4 124 58 Still water Street, West side. Patterson's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. W H Phillips, n* ofn* 1 4 $28 63 Alexander Wilson and Eleonor Wilson, that strip of land between Broadway street and.. .. 14 1117 Estate of Pierre Chfcuteau.Jr, deceased, 27 67 that strip of land between Broad way and the following tract of land, ■yiz: Commencing at ne'ly corner of land sold by C T Whitney and others to Joseph A. Bullen in 1852 in se is ses. 31, 1 29, r 22, (being 100 ft n'ly on w line of Kittson's Addition to St. Paul, from nw'ly corner of land in said sea . conveyed by by B F Hoyt to Neal McHenry) thence w'ly on n line of said Bullen's land 153 ft to land formerly owned by Bridget O'Connor, thence n'ly along said O'Connor's c line 50 ft, thence ely parallel to first named line to the line of said Kittson's Addition, thence sly on line of said Kitt son's Addition 50 ft to place of beginning '••"•• S"~7 07 Estate of Pierre Chouteau,Jr,deceased, that strip of land between Broadway st and the following tract of land, viz: Commencing at a point on c line of Canada st 95 ft n'ly from nw'ly corner of land sold by C T Whitney and others to J A Bullen in 1852, (being in se'., of sec3l,t29, ;. I >,4 r'22) thence n'ly on c line of said Canada st Sft more or less to the s line of Joel Whitney's Addition, to St Paul, thence e'ly'^long the 8 line of said Joel Whitney's Addition and along the s line of L C Dayton's en largement to St Paul to the w line of Kittson's Addition to St • Paul, thence sly on last named line 8 ft more or less to line of land now owned by L H Hunt, thence w'ly on line of said Hunt's land to place of beginning C 03 L C Dayton's Enlargement to St Paul. Supposed owner and Am't ot - description. . Lot. Block. Assm't. Estate of E S Oliver, strip of land between Broad way street and 10 $14 49 Estate of P Chouteau, de ceased, 6trip of land be- ; tween Broadway street and 2 3 66 Canada Street, East side. Bagnell and McGruder's Subdivision of Part of Block 15, Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Thomas Harris, except s lft 0 *26 85 Robert Street, West side. St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Vincent D Walsh, s! 3 of n'lyK 16 4 Sll 12 A R Capehart, BX of u'ly.'j 16 4 11 12 Alfred Wharton, n'ly ; fi .. 16 4 1112 Lewis Jones, aijH 1 11 22 91 Severinus J Corrigan, Mary J Corigan, Diego W Corrigan, sly* 16 IS 649 Alexander Ramsey, sly )i of n'ly % 1 25 27 19 John Eagan, s'lyh 1 10 29 96 Charles Deller, s'lyx of n'ly % 1 10 29 96 Robert and Randall's Addition. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Geo W Wheeler 1 20 $77 27 St. Paul Proper. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Julius George, sly 52 ft 9 6 $38 96 Rice and Irvine's Addition. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. John R Franklin, Walter B Snow, Theodore W Williams 10 26 $39 93 Same, Eame and same 11 26 56 67 Lucinda M Eaton 1 27 40 88 Gustav Wilhus 5 27 37 20 W S Alexander and John W White 7 27 6121 John M Armstrong 6 28 36 75 Same 7 28 38 01 Dayton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Block. Assm't. Catharine L and Gustav Rosank 29 $53 97 Fort Street, West side. Dayton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Aesm't. Alexander Ramsey 13 50 $14 23 S A Sheffield, partly in Rice and Irvine's addi tion to St Paul 9 51 37 02 Same, partly in Rice and Irvine's addition to St. Paul 10 51 37 11 Rice and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Alfred Wharton, sw'ly 25 ft 11 53 $1547 Gottfried Fredericks, 23 >i ft ne'ly of sw'ly 13)£ ft 12 53 13 49 Joseph Thornton, sw'lyx 13 53 16 34 Walnut Street, East side. Dayton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. M B Farrell, sw'ly 40 ft ofse'ly9,Vft 7 65 $4 89 Louis Street, West side. Dayton and Irvine's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. George M Brack, except c 6 33-100 ft 16 S3 $17 41 Bailey's Addition to Rondo's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Olive Biron 1 2 S4 47 Same 2 2 4 47 John Winterbalter S 2 4 47 Mederic Bouthillier 4 2 4 47 Same 13 2 4 47 John Mueller 16 2 4 47 James H Mayall 2 3 4 41 Same 3 3 4-41 Mary S Mayall 4 3 4 41 AdaLMayall 13 3 4 41 Rondo Street, North side. Rondo's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Thomas Wheeler, ej, ... 1 3 $6 51 The Girard Life Insurance Annuity and Trust com pany 10 3 IS 54 Nininger's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Robert A Smith 17 8 $4 35 Same 18 8 4 62 Same 19 8 4 62 Same 20 8 4 62 Same 21 8 4 62 Same 22 8 4 62 Same 23 8 4 62 Same 24 8 4 62 Same 25 8 4 62 Same.^. 2G 8 402 Same.l* 27 8 462 Same 2S 8 4 62 Same 29 S 4 62 John J Pearson 30 S 4 62 Same 31 8 4 62 Same 33 8 4 62 Dale Street, East Side. Terrace Park Addition to St. Paul . Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. J Rankin Parsons 10 4 130 48 Grand Avenne, sonth side. Summit Park Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Louise G Ward 18 $7 81 Cornelius X Sutton 2 8 5 15 Same 3 8 5 15 Grotto street,west side. Summit Park Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Asem't. Board of Education, St. Pau!.. 28 7 $18 71 Summit avenue, south side. Summit Fark Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of -description. Lot. Block. Assm't. Charles Bell SI 15 07 •Same 4; ' l.?;- ! 5 OS Win YV Bell « 1 5 08 Same... 7 1_ 507 Edward J Kenward 10 3?ilf# 5 08 Charles D Elfelt 12 0 - 507 Same 13 6 . 508 Same. li 6 507 Same -.15 6 5 30 All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. 83-86 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. LEADING BUSINESS MEN OJff 1 st.paul, MINN. ARCHITECTS. JOHN STEVENS & SON, 29* East Third •treet, St. Paul, Minn. . ' : AETISI&' MATERIALS. BHERWOOD HOUGH, corner Third and Wabashaw. ATTORNEYS. WILLIAMS & DAVIDSON, Attorneys, have removed to Davidson's block, corner of Fourth and Jackson streets. BEEF PACKERS McINTOSH & Co., Beef Packers and Preserv ers of Meats, 20 and 22 Jackson street. ~ BQOK3 & 6TATIONBBY. BHERWOOD HOUGH, corner Third and Wabashaw. ST. PAUL BOOK AND STATIONERY CO., 87 East Third street. CARRIAGES k BLEIGHB A. NIPPOLT, cor. Seventh & Sibley streets. COMMISSION, FRUITS & PRODUCE. ' FINCK & McCAULEY, Wholesale Dealers in Grain, . Flour, Feed and Provisions, No. 44 Bibley street, St. Paul, Minn. CROCKERY- WHOLESALE ft RETAIL J. BCHILLO & Co., 106 Wabashaw street. CARP-bTS & WALL PAPERS. JOHN MATHEIS, 11 East Third street. W. L. ANDERSON. 86 East Third street. DAY GooD3— Wnolesaie. AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTSON & CO., corner Third and Wacouta streets. Retail. A. H. LINDEKE & BRO., 9 E. Third street. FUR 3, FEATHEB3 & GINSENG. A. O. BAILEY, 10 Jackson street. FURNITURE, FEATHERS ft MATTRESSES STEES BROS., 51 East Third street Estab lished 1850. aßOOEßS— Wholesale. P. H. KELLY & CO., 142 to 14S East Third street. •, : . - '.- ! ;;: HARDWARE & TOOLS. KINGSBUPtY & DRAPER, 35 E. Third Street JEWELERS & WATCHMAKERS. EMIL GEIST, 57 East Third street. 1 HARDWARE— STRONG, HACKETT & CO., 182 E. Third St. LIME, CEMENT, ASTER HAIR. , SANDERS & MATHEW3, 71 and 72 Levee. TRUNK MAKERS. CRIPPEN & UPSON, 74 Erst Third street W. H. GARLAND, 41 East Third street WINES AND LlQTJOß3— Wholesale. PERKINS, LYONS & CO., 31 Robert street. B. KUHL & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Eiquors and Wines, 194 East Third street, St Paul. UPHOLSTERY ASP FDRNITURE HEZEKIAH HALL, furniture and upholstery Choice stock; first-class work; No. 57 Jack son street. WHOLESALE NOTIONS. ARTHUR, WARREN & ABBOTT, 186 and 188 East Third street. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever. Dr. T. Felix Gonraad's Oriental Cream, or Magical Beaatifier Purifies as well as Beautifies the Skin. A Sajre, baia to a mdy o. the navt (on (a patient:) •Ms you ladies will use them, I recommend 'Gouraud's Cnam* as the least harmful of all the Skin preparations." Al*o Poudre wibtiie removt-s superfluous hair without injury to the skin Mme. 51 B. T. Gonrand, sole proprietor, 48 Bund street, N. Y. For Shle by all druggist- and fancy goods dealers throughout ttw United States, Canadas and Eurore Bew ire of base imitations which are abroad. We offer $1,000 reward for the arrest and proof of any one selling the same. Refer to Noy- s Bros. & Cutler. 54-236 «xl&w»ow Notice to Bnilflers. MINNESOTA HOSPITAL FOR INSANE, ? St. Peter, March 10th, 1881 . $ Bids will be received until April 12th, by the Board of Trustees, for restoring the burned North. Wing of tho Minnesota Hospital for Insane, at St. Peter, in a fire-proof manner, with iron joists and brick arches, according to plans and specifications, which may be seen at the office of Horace E. Horton, Rochester, Minnesota, until April first, and after that at the Hospital in St. Peter. The trusties reserve the right to -r-ject any and all bids, if not satisfactory. Per order of the Board, Wm. ScniMMEL, Secretary. mar ;2-3t c tt-4w >*O MORE RHEUMATISM! or Gout, Acute or Chronic. SALICYLJCA, SURE CURE, Manufactured by the European Sledicine Co. of J'aris and Leipzig. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of Europe and America, be coming a Staple, Harmless and Reliable Reme dy on both continents. The Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of 100 caees within three days. Secret— The only dis solver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients; $1 a box; ti boxes for $5. Sent to any address, free by mail, on receipt of price. Indorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Address, DANIEL ROMMEL. Sole Importer, 162 Fulton Street, New York. For Eale by Noyea Bros. & Cutler, St. Paul. Minn. 43 <I»nkflPPn Appetite cured. NO FEE till i-im-u I U UiluUU Send sump. Q.S. M. Co. .Cleveland O. MAII Gold, Chromo and Lithograph Cards, no two alike, name oa, 10c. & DePuj Syracuse, N. Y. XAXU7ACTUBEBB. ST. PAUL FOUNDRY AND MANUFACTURING COMPANY V Manufacturers of the BT. PAUL FARM ENGINE, Car "WHeels, Railroad Castings, Iron Fronts for Buildings Heavy Wood and Goal Stoves; Bridge. Sewer and sll o ' kinds of Castings, President— W. BBIAM. MaubMr—l. N. PARKER. >.«. 80,. .Beo-y *"* Treas — H. W. TOPPING P. O Box. ?57S _ ' ; . . CONTRACT WORK. Grading North Street. Office of theßoaudop Public Works, ? City of St. Paul, Minn., March 19, 1881. > Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the Ist day of April, A. D. 1881, for the grading of North street from Burr street to De Sota street, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARPJNGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 79-89 FUEL 6816GS & FOSTER, DEALERS IN COAL li It 29 East Bin Street, ST. PAUL, - - - v MINN. t^-Grest Reductions in Prices of Coal. U»DE£TAKEBB. C. 3. MoOabtht. J. O. DomncLLT McCarthy & DONNELLY, UNDE ETAKEES 54: Wtibashmv Street, [Opposite Postoffloe.] Agent* for Power* & Walker's fine burial cases. Galls answered at all hours. Kmbalu Ing a specialty. Beat hearse In the city and finest carriages at tin lo «est rates. Funerals conducted ana satisfaction guaranteed. :/■' 323' WOOD DEALERS. JOHN W4(JENEB. S. LEE DAVIS. WAGENER & DAVIS, DEALERS IN WOOD! No. 158 East Third Street, Firß & Marine Building, - - - St. Paul. 65* ? CUTOAOT WOEK Sewer on OakSfcr eet. Office of the Board of Public Works, ) City of St. Paul, Minn., March 16, 1881. $ Sealed bide will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the Ist day of April, A. D. 1881, for the construction of a sewer on Oak street, from Walnut street to Third (3d) street, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Boa.'d. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids GEO. L. BECKER, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 76-86 A 111% "!■ 1 1 fl f" rosinveiy curea.somai tas DIIOTIIDL trust can be entirely dls- KlSr I Ifir pensed with and life no IIUI lUHIa longer imperiled by the •uptm becoming strangulated Do knife or Hga ure, no "rupture salve." no "rupture curative com uound," nr so-called ''radical cure" or "common <enso" truss, no patent or cruel mechanical appli tnca whatever are employed b7 Drs. Logan & Cady n treating and cuing rurtwt By • rational, safe »nd almost painless method of treatment Drs. Logar k Cady guarantee a positive cure. Person* may ■eoeiva treatment and return homeward th« pame •ay, and continue employment while under treat ment, if abdominal pressure be avoided. Treatment tppiles to each sex and to all ages A positive curs guaranteed or no charge made. Why continue the r rnsa and suffer the mental and nervous depression, trowKlnesß, ba>k ache, frequent disposition to -lnate, and other renal difficulties that almost in cariably follow the unnatural trull preuur* upon the internal organs when an absolute cure la In store for you? • ' Dra Logan & Cady are permanently looted m Chicago. Office 202 State street. Cor. State and idams. References given at the office. Hoars 9a. a. to i ?. si. Consultation and Examination Free, . sis-dftw ■:.■-•■?'■:■•.; Removes Tan Pi m pp cs , Freckle, Moth Patches and every blemish n beauty It iis stood the tent of thirty j ears, and is so harmless we taste it to be tire the pre para'ion is , r> >iierly made A ccept no cuu lerfeit of s milar name. The distin guished Dr. L. CITY NOTICE. Notice for Judgment. Office of the City Treasurer, ? St. PAyL, Minn., March 22, 1881. S I will make application to the District Court in and for the county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at the special term held Saturday, April 9, ISSt, at the Court House in St. Paul, Minnesota, for judgments against the several lots and real estate embraced in the warrant in my hands for the collection of unpaid assess ments, with interest and costs thereon for the hereinafter lamed special assessments. All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota,' when and where all persons interested may attend and be heard. The owners and descriptions of lots and real estate are as follows: Assessment for widening and straightening De Bow street, from Olmsled to Williams street. : ;v.r;i J ' De Bow, Smith, Risque & Williams' Addition. Supposed owner and '■ Am't of . description. . Lot. Block. Assm't. R W Taylor 4 1 $8 88 Nels Nelson 6 2 8 88 FredAlthen 7 2 8 88 SKI Carey, H DamgerfieJd, 10 r> 8 8 75 J A Chandler 16 3 525 ■„_*:, - Schurmeier's Addition. Jacob Hank ..:...... 6 1 $7 (0 Bridget Devitt... •..:..... 7 1 700 Reinhart Brewer :. 8 3 583 All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. 62-86 F. A RENZ, City Treasurer. H?i L'f lf PU!!' Tfce Or«*4 treucn lnvlgurau«. '»:»•*» uLiJululu only. 'Stamp for circular. HerviLt RING fil.s for lost manhood, $1 box. Boot oo Nervon* Dlaeaaea, emm and cure; Vie to pay pcttag* DB JASIKa "04 itr.Rtor itreet, Chi £ao7ra w TEA VELERB GUIDE. Paul Railicay Time Tables. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Three daily trains to Chicago. Two dally trains to St. Louis and Kansas City . Kifte< ndv ly trains each way between St. Paul and Minneapolis Leave. Arrive Trains. j St. Paul. St. Paul. River Division— Thro Chicago & E.Exp.. »12 p m 5 :60 a m Thro Chicago &E. Exp.. 8:10 p m *i:25 m lowa 4 Minn. Division— Thro P. da C ,111140 Ex . *C :40 ant »6 :40 p m St.L. & Kan. City Ex. . *6:40 am *6:to a m St. L. & Kan. City Ex.. +8:45 p m *6:4opm Hastings & Dakota Exp. . *6:40 a m *6 : id p m Owatonna Passenger. ... *4 :20 p m »9:35 a m St. Paul and Minneapolis Trains. Via Short Line. Leave | Arrive Leave Arrive St. Paul. Minneapolis Minneapolis St. Paul. 6:00 arc 6:3oam | *7. i oo»ni »7 :3oam •8:00 am *B:3oam | 8:00 am B:3oam 9:00 a in 9:3oam *9:ooani '9:3oam ♦10:00 am :30 am *ll:00am *ll :30 am ♦11:00 am *11 :30 am ♦12:C0m ♦12:30 pm 11:00 m 13:30 pm ♦1:00 pro *1 :30 pm ♦1:80pm ♦2:oopm 3:00 pm 2:30 pm ♦2:00 pm "2:80 pm *3:oopm *B:3Opm ♦3:oopm »3:3opm *4 :00 pm *4:3opm ♦5 :00 p m :30 p m ♦5:00 ♦5:30 pm ♦0:00 *6:3opm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm ♦7:oopm 7:3opm 7:3opm 8:00 pm Via Fort Snelling and Minnehaha. ■ ♦B:ssam '9:45 am ♦6:3oam *7:2oam 4:oopm 4:45pm 10:C0am 10:60 am ♦5 :55 p m »6 :55 m 4 4 :10 p m »5 :10 p m ' ♦Sundays esccptod. 1 Saturdays excepted. X Mon days excepted. Trains not marked are daily. ST. PAUL— Depot f cot of Jackson street. City office 113 East Third street, corner Jackson. Thomp son & Petsch, Ticket Agents. MINNEAPOLIS— Depot corner Washington and Third avenues south. A. B. Chamberlain, Ticket Agent City office No. 9 Nicollet House. G. L. Scott. Ticket Agent. _^ Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis ti AND OMAHA LIKE. EAfaTKUX KM 1 >'.:.— h. ..'.. •-.» P^nl * >. I'li '!:(>■>!; Line. TWO DAILY TRAINS TO CHICAGO Depot Foot of Waconta Strtt. Trains^- Leave. Lev"*! 81 Fata MltKitippUfi Through Chicago and I *13 :80 p m «11 :4e m Eastern Express.... ) tß:o6pm tf-SOpni North Wisconsin ♦lO :10 a m Wisconsin Contra] £;" a a irrivo. Arrive. tbaiks. St. .iul ]flaneapoll| Through Chicago and [ IC.-C0 a *7:Mit Eastern Express flsOOpm t2:» p W North Wisconsin. *4:00 p m Wisconsin Central • 9:18 p m »T. PACI, 4 BTIH.WATBK ItUn. - ' . Depot foot of Waconta street. Leave. Leave. St. Paul m|Bttllwiter tI2:2J( pm " +B:ospm| " *8:10 pin Depot foot of Jackson street. Leave. Leave. 3t. Pan1.......*10:15am *8:55 a m - *l:08pm " no:Osam M *4:oopm " ♦1:36 pn * EIVEB PALLS TKAtH. Depot foot of J»crion street. Leave. '■ Leave. 3tPaul *4:0«p ml River Falls for _^ I St. Pan 1..... »7ta6a All the above train* pass Lake Elmo. WESTERN DITISION-St. Paul A Sioux City Railroad -"Tre Sioux City Route." Depot foot of Jackson street. Trains. . Leava. Arrive. Omaha, Korutaa City and Texas Express *3 :40 p m ♦10:58 am Sioux Fails and Sioux City Ex press „ ...... *7 :10 am *6:80p m ♦Sundays excepted. tDailr. t Mondays exceptad. The Sioux Falls & Sioux City Express makes close connections to and from all points on branch lines. F. B. CLARKE. General Traffic Manager. Hern Pacific Railroad. Depot foot of Sibley street. Ticket and freight office, No. 43 Jackson street. In effect February 15, 1881. Westward. ' B&SWIRL. Leave. Txti-m. Arrive. I ♦7:00pm! 7:ooam St Paul 6:4opm +7:soam *7 :3opm 7 :4oam Minneapolis. . . 6 :25pm t7 :3oam ♦10:i0pm 10:40 am Sank Rapids . . 3:36pm +4 :25 am I:3oam 1:10pm Brainerd. I:l6pm +I :3oam 7:3oam 6 :55pm Glyndon 7:3oam I 6:56pm 8 :00 am 7 :lfpm Moorhead 7 :o4am 6 :3opm B:osam 7:2opm Fargo 7:ooam 6:25pm 7:lspm Bismarck.... 7:loam ♦s:oopm Dnluth ' t7:4Oam «6:3Sptn N. P. Jnnctlon t6 :loam * Daily, except Saturday. + Daily, except Monday. Palace sleeping coaches on all night trains between St Paul and Fargo. -. Connection made at Bismarck with stages for Fort Buf ord, Standing Bock, Fort Eeogh, Tongue River and intermediate points. At St. Paul with roads to and from the East and South. H. E. SARGENT, Gen. Manager. G. E. Babkes, Gen. Passenger Agent St. Pan!. Minneapolis mid Manitoba R. K. Dspol foot of WacouU street In effect Nov. 21, 1830. mans falls DrvinoK. Leave Ecrth. ■■• • Arrive "South, Fargo, Manitoba. Manitoba. FargQk Passenger. Express. Express. Pamper. ; am pm am pm •730 . 7:.V1 .. St. Paul.... H-M •B:ie B:lo..Mlan»am)lla.. 9:38 v:» BSBOVXKHUIOB DIVIBIOW. Breckenridge - BreekenriJire, Passenger. Passenger, am pm ♦ISO Leave ...St. Paul ... Arrive *7:W5 »9:0fl do ..Minneapolis., do *6:35 Ht. Paul And Minneapolis Short t,tpw. " Leave . Arrive at Leave Arrive at 31. I'au' Minneapolis Minneapolis St. Paul *7:00 at» '":35 am 7-BOam 8>35 > m ♦7:30 am t»:10 am »9:00 am ♦9:(2am *B:3oaiD *9:ooam 10:45 am 11:19 am 9:10aio 9:lsim tll:4» am ♦12::6p» •'0:30 am 'll:0Sam 1:40 pm 3:l6pm 12:00 m 13:30 pm *3:55pm ♦3:3opm •I:4spm '2:Spm 4:25 pm S.-CPpm I :!•» pm 8:40 p m :30 p m *7 :OS p •4 MS i> tii •*. :20 pen s:4opm 6:16 p ig t7 :C0 p m t":36 p m 730 no ■ 6:10 p m ~ Trains leaving Saturday at 7:30 p. if. goes to Fer zv.r, only. ;■■•.•;. •Kxoej/t Sunday. tExrept Saturday. JAB. 3 HILL. Gen. Xhu*a-t .1 ~. At,'T»<n« fiw fT«BPTii?rr Agent St. Paul & Dalath Railroad. Depot foot of Waconta street. Trains. I Leave. I Arrive. StUlwater, Taylors Falls& Duluth 7 :45 am I 6 :oopm ♦Hinckley Accommodation 11:20 am I 2 :Sopm Rash City 3:2opm I 11:15 am 'Depot foot of '1 bird street. On and after Sunday, March 6th; the train on the Taylors Falls branch of the St, P. & D. IS. R. which leaves Taylors Falls at 6:45 a. si. and returning leaves Wyoming at 6:10 p: m., will be withdrawn. A M. EDDY, O. T. A. Wisconsin & Minnesota and Wisconsin Central Railroads. The new line from Minnesota to Northern, Central and Eastern Wisconsin . Leave St. Paul, (via 0., St. P.. M. 40. ■ . 6:16 a m " Btillwater Junction 6:6oam " Hudson 7:l6am " Baldwin Breakfast) Arrive 8:06... B:26am " • Menomonee 9:24 am Arrive Ban Claire 10:20 am Leave Ean Claire (via W. ft M. R. R.). . . . 10 60 a m " Badger Mills 11:01 am " Chippewa Falls 11:15 am " Cadott 11 a m " Stanley 12:14pm " Thorpe : 12:33pm " Withee 1:07 pm Arrive Abbotsford (Dinner) 1 :50 p m " Phillips(W. C. 8.R.) 4:53pm " Flfleld :. . 535 pin " Stevens Feint..... 6 pm 11 . Venaeha-Neenah B:4opm " Appleton '.) :05 pm " Green Bay 11:59 pm " St Paul from Green Bay 9:lspm F. N. Frsym, Gen. Man. Jab. Bakes, Q. P. A. LIQUOR DEALERS. W. L. PEBKIHS. MAURICE LYONS. [Established 1859.] PERKINS, LYONS CO., REMOVED TO 31 ROBERT ST., HEAB THIRD. i '■' Wholesale Dealers in Para Kentncl[y Bonrlion & Rye Whiskies i California and Forego Wines and Brandies. f£T Country and City Order* Solicited. 84-83 CORFKCTIOHERY. g\ m fITTk ■"TSendone, two, three, or firs II 1 nil ■/dollars for a sample retail II I ! ■■ I box, by express, of the beat I IB II! II II Oandlesin America, putop | , I 'li || I elegantly and strictly pure. I I 111 1 1 I Defers to all Chicago. Ad -111 I 111 |dw«O.F.OUHTHJSB, V. HADI3OH BTBHT. CHICAGO.'