eiTT WORK. A J.Hrj;** Amonnt Mapped out l»y th« City Council. A special meeting of the city council did a large amount of routine business last night. There were numerous pe titions for street openings, grades, sew ers, etc., all of which were referred to committees, or the board of public works. Mayor Dawson's appointments of work house commissioners were confirmed. The city engineer submitted a sensible criticism on the mixed numbering of houses. It went to the committee on streets. Mackubin street was ordered graded from Summit to Dayton avenue. A. list of streets where changes of grade were ordered by act of the legislature, was submitted by the engineer, and re ferred to the board of public works. A street thirty-eight feet wide was ordered opened through block 29, St. Paul proper, and blocks 3 and 4, Hopkins addition, at a cost of $15,000. Leech street was ordered opened and extended. Pleasant avenue sewer was ordered. University avenue was ordered graded from Kice to Dale streets. Holly avenue was ordered graded from Western avenue to Dale street. Arundel street from Sum mit to Holly avenue, and Portland street from Summit avenue to Dale street were ordered graded. New sewers on Seventh street, from Broadway to 100 feet east of Jackson, and also on tglehart street from St. Peter to Rice, were or dered. A new ordinance was adopted provid ing for the regulation of cornices and awnings. The ordinance provides for the inspection of cornices by the chief engineer of the lire department, and if found dangerous, for the removal of the same, at the expense of the owner ; it also provides for the infliction of a tine for failure to repair dangerous awnings or sidewalks. The namo of Bluil street in the Sixth ward was changed to Cherokee avenue. W. B. Rowell & Co. sell cheipcst. DIKD. SMITH— In this city at 13 i\ m., March 1 24, 1881, Henry Smith, asxed 65 years. Funeral will take place from the residence, No. 85 Oak street, at 2 r. m., March 27, 1885. Friends of the family respectfully invited to attend. AMUSEMENTS. OPERA HOUSE. Tte HDits ill Wednesday Matinee, COMMENCING Monday, April 4th. BENEFIT OF THE ALLEN LIGHT GUARD. [[^"■Engagement Extraordinary. ,^| The Allen Light Guard take great pleasure in announcing to the citizens of St. Paul and vicinity, that they have secured America's Greatest Actress, MISS (MLOTTE THOMPSON, Supported by an unusually strong dramatic company. Monday evening, April 4th, will be presented for the first time in this city, Mr. J. K. Tillotson's new and successful Ameri can Comedy Drama, THE PLANTER'S WIFE. Tuesday evening, April sth, "CAMILLE." Wednesday evening, April 6th, "EAST LYNNE." Grand Family Matinee Wednes day afternoon at 2, on which occasion Mips Thompson will appear by special request in her world-famous and most enduring success, entitled "JANE EYRE," as played by her over 2,000 times. £37° No advance in prices.J®" Evening admission s!)c, 75c and $1; reserved seats $1. •Matinee 50c, with no extra charge for reserved seats, which can now be obtained of the mem bers or at the Opera House box office. 86-89-96 DENTISTRY. MI Tft r* Dental Parlors, Sher - 11 II ' ' .* m ' block, Wabashaw Ii I I U Street, near postoffice n1 I , p, The ° ni *' tirst-class of- I lllUUl ti " i; in lhcvitv charging moderate prices. [d.A.'monfo.rt,.^ .g.r,monforl MOWFORTgcCO GROCERS March ii*, 18S1. We have just received :i large assortment of beantifdl Imported Baskets of all the various si7-es, from finull lunch iol.irge hampers. We are also in receipt of a fresh lot of Devik-d Crabs, Barabaria Shrimps »ud Canned Lobster. CuILLUESV (' \TJU VttES. ONLY $16.(10. Novelty Carriage for the Baby. (Patented.) In Willow, Rattan, and Wood. Affords pro tection from Sun and Rain. Sufficient room to sit or recline in. Umbrella large enough to bhield at all points. The only Carriage made with Sliding Bottom and Adjustable Snritiffs. Beware of Imitations. Scud for Circular to 99 CENT STORE ST. PAUL, MINN. Too iPnrest and Best Medicine ever Made. 9 aeolinMnation of Hops, Buchu, Man* § drakme&Bd Dandelion, with nil tno nest Md fi most c%urative properties of all other Bitters, g tnakes\tlie greatest Blood Purifier, Liver G Reg U I V tor, and Lite anil Health Kestorinsj ■ Agent on^B""™™ 1 " 0 " 01 " ; No disease c%.an possibly lor.?: exist where flop | Bitters are nayteu ¥*l fed and perfect aro their | Hay giw iswUVsaad-riscrtitia&seJiiidiiira. jj i To all whose loylnents cause irre^ lari ' I Mr^»ffiebo\relsor\ urinary organs, or who re- I quire on ApptliwrVronM an.i mild Stumilnat. ■ Hop Bitters are iaval\" **>'*• Without intOX- [ Icating. OEBiSk g Up matter whatyour fo^fUngs or pymptom;! p are what the disease or ailWOect is uso iI op Bit- H ters. Dont wait until you ii* 1 * sic* but if you 9 only feel bad or tniserablo.» l:s - l : at once. 1 It may BarayourlUe.lt si 3 aved hunaroas. D S SOO ill be paid t or a they •Brill not I core or help. Do not suffer \|o« let your fneiida I sufler.batuseaadursre theni^k to US9 MOP B I; ltcinember.nop Bitters Is no^tj "^i ., 3 r l; p ' S drunken cobtram. bat the Puresi^a ad liett H Mcuicinc ever male ; tha "UiTiUCo^w raiKJiaS «.ui i;OP2" and no i«.>rson Or family^^ <£3555 should bo without them. llfl 'liMIII'MJk MB niC Is an absolute nad irresistible cure \ KS^« toiDnmkennoss,u« of opium, tobacco andHsw^JHQ narcotics. All sold by rtrugrslsts. Send m n JSm for Circular. Hop Bitten 2 fg. Co., JJ EMM Rofhcyter.K.Y andTorOTto.O^t. >^^^^SBa PRESS GOODS. \ NEW I SPRING GOODS! Milier Butters Are Now Openint; Daily ATTRACTIVE NOVELTIES IN Dress Fabrics, TriimiHi Materials, French Costa, Siflelianu Surahs, Aiwe Silks, (Mines, Bmtiop, Neds' Veilints, Etc. COMPLETE^ LINE OF Dress Trimmings. Jet Gimps and Fringes, Cut Steel Gimps and Fringes. Colored Silk Fringes in every shade. Black Girdles in 20 different styles. Colored Girdles in every shade, with Trimming, Cord and Tassels to match. NEW BUTTON'S In a matchless variety of over DOO styles, comprising the newest designs in JET BUTTONS, STEEL BUTTONS, PEARL BUTTONS, FANCY METAL BUTJ'ONS, In alii he lea ding Spring Shades. No. 7 East Third. H U CELEBRATED l|\ ■^ w STOMACH BITTEB s Invalids who have lost but are recovering vital stamina, declare in grateful terms their appreciation of the merits as a tonic of Hos tettcr's Stomach Bitters. Not only does it im part strength to the weak, it corrects an ir regular acid state of the stomach, makes the bowels act at proper intervals, gives ease to those who suffer from rheumatic and kidney troubles, and conquers as- well as prevents fever and ague. ■ : • For sale by all Druggists and Dealers gen rally. " -~J : (PATENTED JV.NB L>XH, 1876. ) Having secured the services of an experi enced glove fitter from New York, we shall hereafter fit the Foster Kid Gloves to the hands of Ladies and gentlemen purchasing. In this way customers are sure of perfect gloves and perfect fits. The sales of the Foster Gloves are increasing every year, and are so large that it is almost impossible to supply the demand. Try a pair and have them fitted. Tours respectfully, ( :. A DI BB LE, Nlw Number 75 EAST THIRD fcTREET. CONTUArT WORK. SEWER ON ST. PETER SI'REST office of the Boakd of Public Works, ) City of St. Paul, Minn., March 26, 1881. i Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the "corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, at their office in f»aidcity,untill2M. on theSthdayof April, A. D. ISBI, for the construction of a sewer on St. Peter street from Summit avenue to Tenth street, in said city, aceordtnajto plans and spec ifications on file in the otllee of said Board. A bond with at least two Burettes, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, nui.-t accompany each bid. The said board reserves the ri^ht to i eject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, Prcsidest. Official: R. L. Gokman-, Clerk Board of Public Works. S6-VG THE SAINT PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 188 L FIVE CENTS A LINE PEOPLES' GROCERIES. THE PEOPLE'S GROCERY— On and after April 1 we shall occopy the store lately vacated by Dreis & Mitsch, corner of St. Peter and Ninth streets. This store shall be known as the "People's Grocery," which term we have applied in view of a lasting expression to the generosity so observable toward us by the citizens of this prosperous Nc rth Star city. However well or ill this course may be thought of, we are induced by a motive, orii inally our own, and we assume the responsi bility of mentioning, individually, the names of those parties having shown us helping op portunities and an encouraging will. To H. H. Timme we are indebted for the foundation of our prosperity; Holl & Parr, wholesale grocers, have in a high degree shown toward us a generous and lenient spirit. In like terms would we speak of Jno. A. Ber key & Co., spice dealers, Hoxsie & Jaggarand Chase & Co., commission merchants, E.F. Berrisford, baker and confectioner, H. Swift, fruit dealer, Schaber & Passavant, St. Paul flouring mills ("White Rose") and of the bankers Dawson & Co., who, in the person of Albert Scheffer, are represented by a gentleman holding a royal recognition of his subjects, meriting for him a philanthropic reputation. In no less degree would we speak of our cus tomers, who, having, we are well aware, our success in view, have sustained us in our at tempt at building up a trade. In recognition of the helping opportunities generally, aa well as of the fact that we shall be located under less expense than any other establishment of the kind, enabling us to offer a complete stock of first class goods, at the lowest possible prices, thereby claiming the people's trade, we trust the term in the pos sessive is legitimately applied, "The People's Grocery." 1 Marzolf & McGuire. wiat;gLLAinßoq». T> ED CEDAR CHESTS for your furs. The Xl> best and cheapest refrigerators. Ice chests for $6, at Stees Bros. sun-wed-fri* STOVE REPAIRS— Wilkens Schenck, man ufacturer of all kinds of stove repairs, fire backs, grates, dampers, stove lids, etc. Stoves repaired at your house without remov ing. Office 334 Jackson street, near Fourth street, Davidson block. 85-89 FOR SALE — First-class ice box, counter and shelving. Fred Burnand, 7 Cor. 84-88 FOR SALE— Large butcher's ice chest, at No. 145 Jackson street. 82* FOR SALE— A No. 1 billiard table for $175; cost $275; but little used. Wish to use the room for other purposes. Call at Wm. Bircher's at end of bridge, Sixth ward. 78* NOTICE — Lumbermen and contractors who are in need of men as river drivers can have them furnished upon short notice. Ap ply at Lahr & Co. 's Employment Bureau, 137 East Third street. 74* FOR SALE— Cheap— Second-hand storm sash for hot bed?. E. Ingham, 219 Pearl street. 74" FOR SALE— Restaurant ajid bakery at a bargain. W. R. Booth. * 71* WILL buy pilicies in failed or solvent life Co.'s; loans on same. L. P. Van Nor man, St. Paul. ■ 35 PIAJT) IN3TBTTCTIOV. MISS LAURA W HALL. TEACHER OF PIANO. - - ST. PAUL. Residence, No. 20 Western Aveaue. Reference ly permission, Prof. H. S. Saroni. DHY GOOD*. Mlro \tvW\b Powers Hn 01 EAST THIRD STREET, Will offer on Monday, March 14th, the latest and most desirable productions in French and English Dress Fabrics, Including "Melange Rayure," "Drap Lemille," "DrapTricotures," "Armure Gasson," "Carreaux Invissiblc," "Drap Dcs Indes," "Beige Indes," French "Foule," "Tokio Cloths," "Croize." French "Shoodah," New French Plaids, New French Stripes, French Wool Crepe Cloths, French Wool "Novelties," "Cashmere Madras," English Plaids, English Suitings, Wool De Beges. French Buntings, Lace Buntings, American Buntings, Flannel Suitings, Linen Lawns, Shirting Percales, French Percales, Cotton Mornies, "Crepe Fleur De The," Madras Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams, Et«-., Etc., Etc. Now Opening 600 Cases New Sjrifls Dry Goods, At Lowest EASTERN PRICES. Agents for Butterick's Pattern*. Spring Catalogues now ready. CLOTHING. HONEST STATEMENTS Supported by public con fidence. Boston One-Price Clothing House, 43 East Third street, St Paul. "J)ArvTIES wishiugthcir n:une elcßnntly xrrit- JL ten on one dozen cards, will j>|e;i.«e enclose J 10c to If. D. llofr, Pmr of FcnmutftMp, Grove Lnkc Academy, North Fork, Minn 5t FIVE CENTS LINE WANTED WANTED— first-class barber at No. 8 V T Mississippi street. ' 84* "VTrANTED— A good man with wife, who YV understands farming. Employment for the season. Call at 145 Jackson street, im mediately. &' "\T7" ANTED— A first-class upholsterer. W 83- BTEE3 BROS. WANTED— Six first-class coat makers. The highest prices paid. Fergus Fahey, 68 W. Third. IT ANTED IMMEDIATELT-A No. 1 meat and pastry cook, one who under stands the busines in allbranchee,either man or woman. Good wages. L. A. Hathaway, Far ibault, Minn. ■"_ 77' Wantefrschoo', county, town and railroad bonds and county warrants. O . Livingston & Co., St Paul. «ITOATJOrs» ART»X> «!UU» A SITUATION wanted by a young man as assistant bookkeeper, bill clerk, or any position in which he could make himself gen erally useful. Has had mercantile experience. The best references. Address 8., this office. 86 • WANTED— A position by a Connecticut young man. Good penman, under stands stenography and type writer operating, three years' experience in banking and insur ance business; good habits; 21 years old. Ad dress Frank E. Prior, Burnside, Conn. 86* WANTED— an experienced miller, a situation; satisfactory references given. Call at M. D. Clark's, No. 208 Fort street. 82- WANTED— Situation as baker. Three years' experience under instruction. Wages not so much an object as steady em ployment. Address Baker, Globe office. 81* WANTED — By a man who can give best of references, a place to take care of horses and attend to the garden, or make himself gen erally useful. Address J. G., this office. 79* WANTED — By a young man of experience, a situation as shipper in a wholesale house. Is honest and willing to work. Ad dress J. X , this office. 77" ANTED— A situation in a hotel or saloon as barkeeper, or at any other employment in a hotel. Will work for low wages at first. Address Barkeeper, this office. ■ 75. TXT ANTED— A situation in any respectable TT business, packer or shipper in a whole sale house preferred. J. F. W., Globe office. 53* WANTED— Situation by a young man from the East — two years' experience in banking house. No objections to traveling or going West to some small town. W. A. S., •lobe office. ; :' ; ; 72* ITUATION WANTED— Man from the East; has twenty years' experience as fore man of iron foundry and machine manufactur ing. Any concern requiring such a party will do well to address L. 8., Globe office. 71* ANTED— A situation in a wholesale V f house. Has had experience as salesman in a commission house. Best of references. Address M. W., Globe. 67* WANTED — A Scandinavian young man of IT good habits, who has had six months experience in the grocery business, will take any kind of work. Can furnish good recom mendations. Address O. C, this office. 63* female*. "^ WANTED— A lady desires a few more places to do sewing in families. Work by the day or week. Address Mrs. O. R., this office. 63* A YOUNG Norwegian girl would like to assist in general housework in a small, elderly family. Address Good Home, this of fice. 81* WANTED— A situation as a second girl in a private family. Best of references given. Address C, 105 Commercial St. 81* WANTED— A position as first-class' head laundress; a patent and fancy ironer; prefer going to the country; most satisfactory references, if required, can be given. Apply 82 Robert street. 79* WANTED— A situation for housework or second work, by a competent girl. Ap ply at 147 W. Fifth street. " 75. WANTED— a dressmaker, engagements in families to do sewing. Address G., this office. 70* WANTED— A competent girl as nurse and second girl in a small family. Apply at 32 Burr street, Branson's addition. 67* ANTED— middle-aged widow lady de sires employment as saleswoman, cash ier or copyist Best of references furnished, and bond if required. Address A. G. Long, No. 27 Tilton street, city. 65* SITUATIONS OrrEBSD-ruuies. TXTANTED— girl for - general TT housework. Apply 29 Ashland A ye. 86* ANTED IMMEDIATELY — Competent girl for general housework. Must be good cook. German or Swede preferred. No. 73 Summit avenue. Mrs. F. P. Wright. 86" WANTED— A competent girl, must be a TT good cook — Woodward avenue. ST.- TXJ ANTED— At once, girls nt C. O. D. TT laundry, 165 Fort street (above Seven corners). Also boy wanted. 78* / 1 IRL WANTED for general housework. vT Must be experienced. Mrs. J. B. West, 43 E. Eleventh street. 77- ANTED— A girl for general housework. TT Good wages paid for competent help; 14 Ashland avenue or 43 East Third St. 6S* WANTED— A good, steady, reliable, female Vt cook, for a first-class boarding house, also two competent dining room girls, good wages and permanent employment. Address W. 11 , No. 23 Globe office. " 65* WANTED — A competent girl for general T V housework at No. 1 Waverly street, corner of Stillwater. 56 ___ Males. WANTED— Five good men to sell the gen- Ti vine Singer machine. Salary and com mission. References required. Apply 19 East Third street. * 7S* TXTANTED — Young man to take care of T T horse and cow. Apply at 122 E. Third street. ' 75- TXTANTED — A young man who hr^ had ex- TT perience, to work on farm for the sea son. German preferred. Correspond with Michael Nell, Neapolis, Minn. 60* WANTED— Feed boy, to feed cylinder TT press for book work. West Publishing Company. 70* BOOMS ASP HOUSES WASTED XTTANTED—A small house of three or four TT rooms. Address D. S. . Globe office. ' . 86-7 TXTANTED — By single gentleman, a nicely V V furnished room, five minutes' walk from Merchants hotel. • Address F. M., Globe office. 85- ANTED TO RENT— A house, barn or TT shed to live in — house preferred. Own er will please permit the three children of the : family to live with us, as they can not be killod or sent to the foundlings' home. Address, with particulars and price, Stranger, Western Newspaper Union, city. ;-".'" j 86" I WANTED— To Rent— A good dwelling TT with barn, in good neighborhood, con venient to Seven Corners, at say $30 to $35 per month. Possession given May Ist. Address No. 29 Robert, street. Satisfactory references given. '- ■ ' S3-S6 FOUR or five rooms wanted for lighthouse keeping by gentleman and wife; no chil dren. Address Housekeeper, Box 76t», P. 0., I stating location,accommodations,terms,, 86 LAND, three miles from depot, White Bear, $7.50 per acre; land near Lakeviile, $5 per acre; improved farm, $15 per acre. J. W. McClung, Bridge Square. 86 FOR SALE— IOO city residence lots by John Kclliher, 22 East Third street. 86* Ip OR SALE— Farm lands in Clay, Otter fail, Ju Benton and Nobles counties by J. Xelli her, 22 East Third street. 86* REAL ESTATE bought and sold by J. Kel- XV liber, 22 East Third street. 86* FOR SALE— The South Shore hotel prop erty on White Bear lake, 25 acres in ex tent, twelve miles from St. Paul, on Duluth road, the best known hotel property in the State, is for sale on terms which will allow of the platting of lake front lota, if desired, giv ing hotel lot at small figure. Apply to our attorney, James B. Beals, St. Paul. 79* ROBERTSON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS, room No. 7 McQuillan block, invite business calls from parties desiring to buy or sell city or county real estate. OMESTEAD LOTS — Convenient— Two hundred to five hundred dollars each. Accommodating payments. Robertson & Co. 1 f\i\ Lota near Chicago, St. Paul, Minne- JLV/v/ apol is & Omaha shops. Robert son & Co. ' WELLING HOUSE LOTS— Desirably sit- X.J uated for business men. Robertson & Co. . WHITE BEAR— One acre fronting lake. YV Rare opportunity. Robertson & Co. 75* DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE— The old Emmelt homestead property, 188 Fort street; double brick building, handsome front, pleasant grounds, shade trees, good 6ta ble; cars pass the house every five minute?. The owner is going: to California, and will fell at a low price. 120 feet front by 180 feet deep. i Apply to Major A. B. Brackett on the prem i ise*, or S. A. Sheffield, Faribault, Minn. 80-93 FOR SALE— an astonishing bargain, a new rawing machine of standard make. ■ Apply at Globe office, where machine can be ex:unined. :' vV ■/-' 64 SALE— A I6O acre farm, 2 % miles from i ij city, with, wood, water and meadow. P. De Rochebrniie, 13 West Third street. 60* ' LOST AND FOUND- LOST — A buffalo robe, last Monday even ing. Finder please return to W. L. An derson, 122 E. Third street? and be table re : warded. - 75* MONEY TO LOAN - First Saturday every month, 1100 to $10,000 to loan at six per cent. Easy monthly payments. • St- Paul i Mutual Building Association No. 1. 86-7 J. W. McCLUNG, Secy, Bridire Sqnare. Cfll niCDC sod Peaalaoara Mad roar addraa on OULU t HO » p«tal c»rd to J. F.SOOLE. Box £) Wellington, D.0., tad reco'.T* FREE «o el ht-p**« i paper devotad to roar laterMta— Mention (hi* paper . SPUING GOODS. 61 sa-i:nt ; paul" ci ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, BATTLER BROS., 61 EAST THIRD STREET. A. FULL LINK OF SPRING- GOODS JTTBT RKOEIVBD D 1 Boya' and Children's Clothing a Specialty. Orders by mail proropßj attended. 6 1 ARTHUR, WARREN & ABBOTT Wholesale Not i Hosiery . and Fancy Goods. 186 AND 188 EAST THIRD STREET, - - -- - -'- BT.PAUL , ' SEND US A POSTAL CARD '•■^if- -_" _" '_" _-- . . : "v With name and address, for Catalogue of Mi S^?J^» With name and address, for Catalogue of Seeds. Field, Garden /~\ r*\ 77" IJI "O "XT French China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, . ■ V-^-LVV>Jv>'-IX.JIJ -Tt X , House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc. 64 SIBLET STREET, ST. PAUL. - COMMISSION MERCHANTS. HOXSIEI SELL ORANGES & LEMONS, T \ r» i 1 A I* Timothy and Clover Seeds. JAuljAlt. 14 JACKSON STREET, ----- ST. PAWL. " " iaLECK&tfT TAILOKS. ~ MATHES, GOOD & SCHUEMEIER ! THE r..\KOES*r 'M) MOST FASHIONABLE MERCHANT TAILOIiING ESTABLISHMENT iii tsz southwest, t^r't '£'-:. Jobber* la "If rv. \od*, Cloths, Caaslmeres and Trimmings. S2 JACKSON STREET, ST. PAUL. |N^L<^^^^ T c3s > Z L 3rd. \ CAHRIAGI KAinT7ACTUSXSB. A 111 MI) V 0 Tl ATI I MANUFACTURE UUIJ\J) I & tIALLU W IiLL CARRIAGES 4 SLEIGHS riVE WORK ONLY, 54, M<£ 58 ROBERT STREET, -. - - ". - ST. FAUL. Ar>itt for ''Tft-a C«ncor FMMo& Plate > ; .- ,:ig, cpon application. 101 EAST THIBD STREET, - - - ST. PAUL BOOTS AND BHOEB ■ New Spring Goods, New Styles, pi TT f\ TPI C% ARRIVING DAILY AT V LI ML V SOHLTBK & COS., I ■■Si 1 1 1 I And will in a few days bo the °"'- v v u v jjui complete stock and Largest Assortment of Boots & Sloes __„____ __» IN ST. PAUL. Agency for tha well-known BURT3 SHOES. SCALES- DDPTTPD 9 Dlinnrd wholesale dUdUM & lillUUlju, Iron, Nails, Steel, Hv?avy Hardware, Wagon & Carriage Material, Ho rseshoes and Ilorsenails, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers' Supplies 221 and 223 East Fourth Street, St Paul. * ; > > . THE BLANCHARD FOODS 111/lfhi***** 1 (Concentrated and Artificially Digested.) ' "l/Ml Pn+7^****^ A SURE NATURAL BFM I" DV IP it ' For a" f °nna of DYSPEPTIC WASTING 1 IHl) Tn*^++^ and CHRONIC DISEASE. ABBLIQOID • "V n//lfm^>^ Circulars free on foods, DL(j w, SiiiJT^^ HI PREPARED DIRECTLY FROM **//f Q/iJi^^ Wheat, Beef, Milk. «W ' MPH> Dr. Blanchard's "Lectures a!hd Essays" on Pood, Prica 26 cents. '* fJfA / Address BLANCHARD M'F'G CO., 27 Union Square, N. Y. V / For Sale by NOYES BROS. & CUTLER, St. Paul, Minn. Attention, Jiekcep !' The North Star Mills, near Seventh street bridge, St. Paul,, is now making a superior article of Fancy and Straight Flour. House keeepers, by ordering direct from the mill, can save from 25 to 75 cents per sack. Ali orders, either verbal or by mail, promptly at tended to. Flour delivered to any part of the city, and each sack warranted, at the follow in p prices: Fancy, per sack ;...:.. $3 50 Straight 2 75 Frost & Co., 44 Virginia avenne, and W. F. I'ieper, 116 Jackson street, sell this Flour at the i-iiine prices. iU-BS BARTON A JONES. STRAWBERRY PLANTS by -the million. Catalogue free. Address C. Hodsdon, Minneapolis, Minn. ■; . : ; J 70-91 FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ECLIPSE WIND MILLS, Feed Mills, Tanks and Fixtures FAIRBANKS, MORSE & CO., '::■•-: .-" . ■£■■'■'■ ■■ * ■ 46 East Third Street. HARDWARE. OOBTTTMEB. THEATRICAL AND MASQUERADE EMPORIUM, No. 10 ff. TIM Street St. Paul. I respectfully invite the attention of ladiea and gentlemen to my large, raoot complete and elegant stock of new Masquerade Ccmtumes for Balls, Parties, Theatrical Performances, Old Folks Concerto, Tableaux, Ac Masks at wholesale. P. J. GIEBEN. Country parties send for list and prices.