Newspaper Page Text
MNNEAPOLISNEWB Democratic City Convention. Mikn-zapoi.'S, March 2*.— dtmocraU cf Min nenpoUa »ili meet at lUrmonia haU, ou Wednesday, March SOth, at 10 o'clock a. m., to plaoe in nomina tion candidates for the following ofllaes: City Treasurer. ' , 'J hr*e members of th« board of edaoauon. The diflVr«ut wards Will bo entitled to representa tion as follows : _ , , DeieKa-.s*. Delegates. First ward 13 Fourth ward 10 Second ward 6 Fit a ward 12 Third ward ... -.13 »>lith ward ....... S3 •ihe*ard oonjmitt>eB will p«a«e ca 1 the ward caucus to mot-t ou Monday evenluu next. U P. Downing ros, Chairman City Uouia.ltte«. VTanl Caucuses. THE FlasT TTAnD. There *iH be a eaucun of .ho Democrats of the First wild hell at tbeTumet'fhali Monday evenin«, March :8, at 8 o'clock, for ihe pur^-eof nominating a denaeuaLd electing rtvJF«»e» to the C ly foiiTcn t:oa. (.hiblm Ihklin, CtialrnißU. THIiID V.ABO. - The voters of the I hird w»iU will hold a caucus at Plymouth Ho-e b..'Ui>« ou Mouday evening, to tloU deletja ft. to the City otnTeLtiou aud uuiiai-ittw a cau tor alac.a.n.i. SIXTH WAB*. The Democratic \ oter* . f the Sixth ward will me*t at Hyse U<.u«e No. ft ou Mouiiay evrnUg, March **, at 7 :i0 o'clock, to u>:ujl. ata one aldei and elect thirteen djci; tc. to the City ocuveutiou I' B. Oasboll, Chair aan »rd uiittee. The Democratic voters of the ottier wad* wil latet wilhuut luitt-tr ujtice at the several poling piaoes. MINNEAPOLIS GLOBELETS. The Zouaves will drill on Wednesday evening at the armory. The Canoe club will hold a special meeting at their rooms this evening. JuJge Ke.i states that his wife has gone to Ohio ou a visit and be will remain in the city. The infant daughter of Dr. F. A. Dunsmoor died yesterday. The funeral will take place this afternoon. The Democratic voters of all the wards, with the exception of the First, will hold caucuses this evening. The judges of the election meet at the sev eral polling places to-day. This will be tue last opportunity to register. The law and order party, of which the Spec tator man is th* sell-acknowledged leader, wants C. 11. Dubois to run for school direc tor. Miss Hannah O'Brien, a sister-in-law of Peter Qu idy, died in this city yesterday noon. The remains will be sent to Faribault for in terment. . The cells in the new jail addition are being painted and the work, which according to con tract should have been completed one mouth agy, will be finished in about ten days. Mrs. Mary Eddy who, while laboring under mental aberration, applied at the court house for a marriage license for herself and "Eider" Long Metre Stewart, will he taken to St. Peter on Wednesday. The Spectator man doesn't like City Treas urer Buiton, and thinks "his habits and aeso cifttesare bad." If Mr. Buxton had enabled "0. S." to negotiate that loau perhaps lie would feel better. Alfred 11. Laurence, of the firm of Hunt & Laurence, fell into the canal at the foot of Third avenue south and Main street yesterday morning. The fall of fifteen fuet fortunately did not seriously injure him. The case of D. F. Wjman, charged with keeping a house resorted to for the purpose of prostitution, ou Bridge square, was called in the police court yesterday afternoon. Not being ready for tri;.l the case was coutinued until Wednesday afternoon at 2 p. si. A freight train on the Minneapolis A St. Louis was wrecked yesterday noon near Hopkins station. The accident ditched three cars but no one was injured. The wrecking train was at once dispatched and no detention will occur. A broken axle cau.ed the acci dent. Officer Allen, who has charge of the "stone pile gang" on week days, took the Henncpin avenue beat on Sunday. As he wa» a stranger he made himself friendly with the saloon men, and yesterday morning three saloon keepers were brought up before Judge Cooiey. Levi Gorman, Patrick McDonald and T. McDougal ■were the parties arrested, and each of them paid a tine and costs amounting to $15, for keeping open on Sun lay. TUe three yu'inc "bloods" arrested by the police on Sunday morning at Mrs. Dunn's bagnio, :md lucked up in the station, wt-re re le.i-eJ, sottie police authorities aUted, Sunaay on I'iil. T!i-y did not ;i;>pear at the police court yesterday morning, and it loon us though the authorities were "playing; favor ite •." ihe fact that the individuals ate well known. hnve a little money, ;ind ore considered by themselves •8 "tony," shonld not. exempt them from punishment, or from app-aring at the police court to answer to the chsrgje on which the.'s were arrested. An examination of the slat* tt headquarter! yesterday showed that th char^e ''being foand in a hou?e of ill fame 1 ' had been eraseJ, and a charge of "disorderly cooducl" entered a^tinst their names. GHTTIXG RE.-VDY FOR THE FRAT. Caucus dominations List Evening of the Two Political l'mrticf. The Democratic and Republican voters of the following wards held caucuses and meet ing? last night. The following are the names for aldermen and delegates elected to the city conventions from the various wards: DEMOCRATIC CAUCUSES. First Ward — Alderman, B. F. Nelson. Dele gates, O. C. Merriman, H. P. Herring, B. F. Nelson, Charles Thilen. John Flannigan, W. C. Stettson, Matt. Iltie, Simon Lyons, G. B. Dike, J*oie« White, Henry Wvman, Wm. Uov. Third Ward— Aldarmsn, Daniel Tfaltt. Delegate, Mathias Groos, Louis Oleson, Herman Westphal, A. A. Eichhorn, John JLUtadt,' Louis Fritsshe, Joseph Boohn, Sam uel Marty, Gus Pflmm, Chas. Sandlof, F. Heckryck, H. M.Doyle. The Democrats of the Second, Fourth, Fifth an I Sixth wards will hold caucus meetings this evening. .In the First ward caucus B. F. Nelson was nominated for alderman. 1h? contest until the third ballot was rather spirited, timothy Bowcn and Matt. Ilthis being candidates for the nomination. At the third ballot Bowen with drew and Nelson was elected by 14t against 70 for lithis. In the Third ward Daniel Waitt was elected without any opposition. REI-CBLICAX CAUCUSES. Second Ward— Alderman, T. F. Andrews. Delegates: S. B. Lovejoy, S. H. Baker, 0. T. Bwett, T.F.Andrews, C. H. Beuton, C. C. Jones. Fourth Ward— Alderman, George S. Cleve land. Delegates, O J. Evans. A. Botr.imnn, J. H. Thompson, E D. Herrick, H. T. Ness, E. Spear, C. Havemer, td. Numi, L. K. Gray, A. B. Taylor, E. A. Arnold, Geo. Jiunn, T. D. BkUes. Filth Ward— Alderman, J. R. Cross. Dtle gates, G. W. Brackett, 0. Throliik, A. L. B'iu*man, C. A. Ciuusoi, Jos. Stoddard, W. J. Fencer, M. W. Yerxa, F. C. PillsbnrjJ Elisha WO'S?, F. T. P<.et, G«o. B. Bradbury, A. B. NeUleton, Robert Hale. S. C. Cutler. C. W. Moore. Sixth Ward -Alderman, C. Huigan. Dele gate?, Joseph Leachman, E. M. Litternd, O. C. Haagan, B. Simonson, H. C. Butler, W. 11. Johnson, D. Royal, R. E. Whitmore, Stiles Gray, D. C., P. Mark, L. A. Dunn. Th* Rej v ; leans of the First and T.jir 1 wir Is ■will meet in caucus convention this evening. The nomination of J. A. Cross in the Third ward Republican caucus, was a set back for the present alderman from that ward, C. L. Snydsr, who expected to be nominated and re-elected without much opposition. In the Fourth ward also, the Republicans caused di.« satisfaction by nominating Geo. S. Cleveland instead of Fred Hooker, the former receiving the nomination by one majority/. . ' .TEUPESAXCE CAUCUS. • About 100 persons, including a number. of , la'lies m»t in Harrison's hall, last evening, to t.;kt action in regard to the coining elec- ! tion. The meetinc was of the usual order of temperance gatherings. Every one present told how much they hid done for the cause, and, after talking for over an hour, and takjng up a collection, the meeting adjourned to meet Wednesday eveuing. A committee of five, to select nominees for aldermen in the various wards, aud a committee of threw to prepare a platform were appointed. Smnllpom Scare. On Saturday afternoon a man giv ing his name as George Lavant was ta!;eu to the police station by Officer Norman, who found him on Washington avenue south. Lavant complained of feeling unwell, and as he said he had just come from the hospital at Chicago, Dr. Kelly gave orders to have him t.nken to the Cott.ige ho.-pital. Yesterday morning the report was circulated thatftbe patient was ill with a severe case of smallpox. A Globe representative culled at Cottage yesterday afternoon and wns met at the d.>or by the nvitron. In answer to the queMion as to whether the rumor w;is correct, she said thut although sever tl physicians called to see the patient, but none of them were wiil ng to >tak<: their repu tation as to the case iteing small pox. A pe>t house is beinir erected by the health authori ties a sh >rt distance from the city limits, and the patient will be removed as soon as the building is completed. The man has been :m inmate of the hospital at Chicago and says jie came to Minneapolis in search of work. While at the police station on Saturday LiViut held conversation with a newspaper reporter, Cap. Berry, Detective H>v an 1 Olftctr N'ormai, and the following orders b;ive been issued by Jailor Bate heller. C.ipt. Berry has ben in structed to go into the country for a vacition. Officer Norman has been excused from coming to the staiion for two week?, Detective Hoy has been charged to keep on the east side of the river, the newspaper reporter who interviewed thf pntlent h;is been barred from the lockup, ai d nearly ali the force were busy yesterday in getting vaccinated. Coroner's Inquest. A coroner's inque?t wa« htliyepterdny after noon nt Warner's undertaking room?, on ;he bodyf)f W. C. Jaynf, which whs found in the cinal near the Northwestern mill on Friday afternoon. The testimony of the witnes-es nhowed that Jayne cro-»-<e.l the river on the Ice on the night of January 4 and as no marks of violence were found on the body and the articles in the rockets were found all right a rerdietof death by accidantal drowning wa returniNl. The body is still at the undertaking entat/li^hm^nt awaiting the action of the friends at the deceased. Probate Court. [Before Judge Rea.] In the estate of Hugh Wiley. Inventory filed and allowed. In the estate of PhQeos C. Peck. Letters of administration issuod to C. L. Peck. In the estate of Ohi Olson Klopstad. Ad mimetrator ordered to file h ond. Hiybarth Sahlgard appointed guardian of the Forkild minor.*. In the estate of Nancy T. Goodwin. Final account of administrator filed and petition for settlement of estate filed. In the estate oT Dickinson Morey. Letters of administration issued to J. M. Pottle. UPS AND DOWNS. Stocks Up and Grain Down— Strorc 5 Sp«cn lation an th» Sew York S'.o«k Board anil All Stocks Advaucfd— Flonr Heavy- Whfiitt Unsettled and Lower— Corn Dull and Lower— Pork Dull and a Shads Low er on Cash and Short Time Deals. St. Pai-l. March 19, 18?!. On the board of trade yesterday price* and transactions were as follows: Wheat— No. 1 hard 97c; No. 8 do. f3c; No. 1 94c; No. 2, 91e; do. May 94--; No. 3, Sic. Corn— No. 2 41c bid, 43c asked; March 41 c bid, 43c asked; May 89c bid, 40c asked. Sale, two cars rejected at 41c. OaU No. 2 white 33c bid. 34c aiked; No. 3 do. 32c; No. 2 mixed, 32c bid, 33c asked; do. May, 32c bid, 32 % c asked; No. 3 mixed, 31c bid, 32c aßked. Sale, one car No. 3 white at 33^c. Barley— No. 3, Ssc; Vo. I «xtrs 75«; No. 3, 65 c. Rye—Ko. 2, 80c. Ground -$15.71. Corn Meal-$14.50. Bran— s9.oo. Baled Hay— Hogs— Live, $5.10; dreued, $6<J56.50. Timothy seed— Clover seed— ss.oo. At the commission houses good to choice butter sells readily at 18(£22c, and cert;? at 13c. A >ew York dispatch of test eveni.isj says: Dry goods: Jobbing trade continues fairly active and business moderate with cotton goods and commission house.*, but woolen iroods quiet in first hands, Prints in fair de mand and ginehnins remain act re. Lawns jobbing fairb. ~ Dress goods in moderate re quest. Foreign goods fluggish with im porters but jobbing fairly active. Kastarn and European Markets. New York, March 28.— Money easy at 4©6 per cent, per annum. Prime mercan tile paper 53$ per cent. Sterling ex change, bankers' bills at $4.80%. Sighi exc.hanceon New York at $4.63!^. Governments firm but unchanged fir 6s and ss, and % per cent, higher for 4>£s and 4s. Bonds — Railroad bonds active and irregular. State securities in light request. Stocks— The stock market opened strong and higher and prices immediately took an upward turn. Speculation was strong and active throughout the entire day, and v der brisk purchases the rntire list advanced stead ily and closed at or within a fraction of the highest figures touched. The improvement ranged from }{ -° 4 per cent., the latter in Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific and Chesapeake- A Ohio first preferred — Lake Shore selling up 3% per cent., Chicago A Alton 3^' per cent., Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western 3 per cent., Philadelphia & Reading S\' per cent., and Chi cago & Northwestern and Union Pacific 35-4 per cent. Chicago, Burlington <fe Quincy rose 4> per cent., but reacted \% per cent. Pana ma sold up to 12S and closed at 130 bid. The general market closed strong. The buoyancy of speculation is generally attributed to the announcement that it had been finally decided not to call an extra session of Congress. The transactions aggregated 441,000 share*; 13,000 Canada Southern; 91,0.0 Delaware, Lai'kawanna & Western; 7,000 Delaware A Hudson; 6,000 Denver & Rio Grande; 11,000 Erie; 5,000 Hannibal & St. Joe: 12,000 St. Loui? & Iron Mountain; 2,000 Illinois Central; 3,00 Missouri, Kansas & Texas; 50,000 Lake Shore; 3,000 Louisville & Nashville; 12,000 Michi gan Central; 5,000 Manhattan Elevated; 1,700 Mobile & Ohio; 25,000 Chicago A North crn; 4,000 Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis; 23.0C0 New Jersey Central; 17,000 New York Central; 7,000 Northern Pacific; 1,400 Ontario & Western; 1,300 Ohio Central; 13,000 Paciti Mail; 5,000 Philadelphia A Reading; 42,000 Chicago, Milwaukee* St. Paul; 25,000 5t. Paul A Omaha; 19,000 Union Pacific: le,ooo Wa b.ish, St. Louis A Pacific; 9,000 Westen. Union Telegraph; 8,000 Chesapeake A Ohio; 3,000 Chicago, Columbus A Indiana Central: 3,000 Chicago, Burlington A Quincy; 2,00u Chicago, Rock Island A Pacific MORNING QUOTATIONS. Rock 151 and... . .. 133}£ do 3d pref'dj... ,7% Panama 225 B. C. R. AN.. .. 71 ''. Fort Wayne 131 Alton AT. H. . . 40 Pittsburgh 130 .. do -pref erred \... 125 ?s Illinois Central.. 135!*' Wab. St, L. A P.. 46}$ C. B. A Q..^. .... 16S# do preferred. . . 89 • Chicago A A1t...13d Han. A St. Joe. . 56 do preferred....! 15 do preferred. .101;^ N. Y. Central. ..145 \l Iron Mountain .. 64 Hurecat UK) St. L. AB. F.... . 4o's Lake Shore .... 129; do preferred. . .' 62 C Canada South'n. 80% do Ist pref'd... 95 Mich. Central. . .113^ . C. St. L. A N. O. 71*| Erie . . . . : 47 Ji Kansas A Texas . ' Ib% do preferred... 85 Union Pacific... 118% Northwestern... 123,^ Central Pacific. 85 do preferred.... 134 Texas Pacific. .. 551$ Mil. i St. Paul 111% Northern Pacific. 42'^ do preferred.. 122 do preferred . . 69k, Del. A Lack. / 122;^ L'ville A Nash. . 92 " Morru A Essex. 122 .N.C. & St. L. ... 70>i Delaware & BL.-.llO^ L. N. A. & C. . . 11 THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 29, 188 L N. J. Central.... 101 Houston A Tex... 65 , Reading ........ 03* Denver AR. G..103% Ohio & Miss .... 43 St. Paul A Om'a. 42 do preferred. . . 103 \ do preferred . . 100% Chesapeake AO. 24 P. B. A W ' B'Jkl do Ist pref'd.. 35 Am'n Union T... 80 . do 3d pref'd. . . 26% Memphis A C'n. 43 Mobile A Ohio.. 25^ West. Union T..\YS% C. C. C. A 1.... . . fc'(S Atlautic A Pac. . 47J^ C. C. AI. C. . . . . 24% Pacific Mail .... 56% Ohio Central. ..SOX Adams Express. . 128 Lake Erie AW.. 52 Wells A Fargo... 11 Peoria, D. A E. . 37 % American ...... 72 , - Ontario A West. 35# United T States... 56 Ind. B. A West. . 71 Quicksilver .. 13>£ M. C. Ist pfd.. 10# dopreferredj... 61 ....No sales. tOtfered. tßid. EVENING QUOTATIONS. GOVERNMENTS. Coupons, '81....102K New 4 per cents. 114 Mew ss 101 y 6 | Pacific 63, '95....130 New 4)<s 112 STATE BONDS. La.' consols' 58 Virginia 6s, old. 39 Missouri 6s 11l Virginia 6s, new. 31 St. Joe.. 108 Consols 115 Term. old <>3 Deferred 14 Term. 6s, new... 63 BAILROAD BONDS. C. P. Bonds 113 St. P. AS. C. Ist .... U. P. Bonrls.lst.ll3% C. C. AI. C. Ist U. P. land grant. 11 do seconds ...■ Sinking fund 120 Erie seconds 100% LehighAW.....l29K STOCKS. Rock Island 135.% Alton AT. H... 42 Panama 230 do prefer red.... 127 Fort Wayne 131 Wab. St. L. AP. 46% Pittsburgh 130 do preferred. . . S9>£ Illinois Central... 138 Han. A St. J0. .. 58% C. B. A Q 167 do preferred... lo3% Chicago A A1t...13'J Iron Mountain. 65 do preferred!... l4s St. L. A S. F 41 N. Y. Central 145% do preferred... 02 Harlem 160 do Ist pref'd.. '.'5 Lake Shore 131 '4 C.St. L. &N. 0. . 72 Canada Southern, blj^ Kansas A Tex. . . 45% Mich. Central.. .113% Union Pacific. .119% Erie . 47% Central Pacific. 85 . do preferred... 85. Northern Pacific. 42)$ Northwestern do preferred.. 71 do preferred. . . 135 L'ville A Nash. . 92# Mil. & St. Paul. . 1 13 N. C. A St. L 77 do preferred. . .123 L. N. A. A C...-. 70 St. Paul A Om'a. 42 Houston A Tex.. 65 do preferred.... Denver A R. G . 103# Lackawanna 123% West. Union T.. 1133* Morris A Essex.. 122 Atlantic A Pac... 46 Delaware AH... 111^ Pacific Mail 57 S. J. Central.. . .102$ Adams Express.. 128 Reading 63>£ Wells A Fargo . 1 17 14 Ohio A Miss 44 American 72 do preferred. . .103?£ United States 56 >; Chesapeake AO. 24 % Quicksilver 13% Mobiie A Ohio.. 25>4 do preferred.. 60}£ Cleveland A Col. 86 Caribou 2* C. C. AI. C 24% Central Arizona.. 5 Ohio Central 31}£ Homestake 28 Lake Erie AW.. 51 Standard 25 Peoria, D. A E.. 37% Excelsior 5 Ontario A W.... 35>£ Little Pitts .... 3^ B. C. R. & S ... 70 Ontario 36 No sales. {Offered. tßid. §Ex. coupon. ♦Ex. div. DEx. int. London, March 28. . Money 9915-16 Account UNITED STATES SECUKITIE3. New 53 104}£ N. V.Central . . . Sew c 115,4 Erie 4s^ yew 4? 116 Erie seconds — 10334 [llinois Central ..13^ Reading 31% Pa. Central 68'^ M. DORAN'S REPORTS. The following quotations giving the range )f tii" markets during the day were received by \l. Doras, commission merchant: Ljvehpooi,, March 2S, 10 a. Soot wheat nictite. Floating cargoes slow. Cargoes on passage very inactive. London quiet. French markets linn. Weather in England cold. New Yokk, March 28, 12:30 p. Spring wheat scarce: prices nouiina:; winter options itesdier; si>ot red quiet; receipts, wheat 128, -400; corn 167,856. 1 p. m. — Spring unchanged; winter options steady; spot red 1.22; exports, wheat 305,075; corn 6iJ,407. •'. ■'■ •'' ■■■'-- WHEAT. Ull.'.'ii i.i:r. CHICAGO. May. June. May. June. 9-M i. M. 104# .... 101% ",.. <; .-. fI.M. 104% .... 10i% -.... «• 104^ .... 101% IG-00 « 104 .... 104% 10:15 " H6« .... 104% 10:30 " 103^ .... 104^ 10:45 " 103% .... 104% -r.\V 11:00 " 108 X .... U>4% 11:15 " 103% .... 10t% 11:30 " 103^ .... 104 tf ._, .... 11:45 " i"3 : < .... 104^ .... 12:00 X 103% .... 1U4% ...» 12:15 -p. M. W6,» .... 101% 12:30 " 103% .... 104 12:45 " 103% .... lO^f 1:00 "104 .... 104 105^ 2:UO " .... -.;:. 104% 2:15 " 104 .... 15 2:30 " 104 .... 104% 105} i Wheat receipts in Chicago 23,303 bushels ihipnients 13,810 Itnshels. - Wheat receipts in Milwaukee 24,400 bushels; shipments 4,400. [':'■ -' ,; . . ; ; : Stock of wheat in Milwaukee 3,260,000 bushelc; CORN. Chicago. Chicago. 4. m. May June. p.m. May. June. 9:30 423^ .... 11:45 42 % 11:45 42% .... 12:00 423^ >-.... 10:00 4234 .... 12:30 423^ 10:30 42 .... 12:45 42, 10:45 42^ .... 1:00 42>^ 42,', 1:00 43^ - .... 2:15 423^ ... 11:15 42 -i .... 2:30 42% 42 Corn receipts la Chicago 80,178 bushels; shipments 104,892 bushels. PORK. Chicago. . Chicago, a.m. May. Juie. a.m. May. June. £30 15.50 .... 11:15 15.45 ....' 9:45 15.52K .... 11:30 15.47 % 10:0 15.50 11:45 15.47 .■* '.*.'. 10.15 15.47) i .... 12:00 15.50 .... [\t-J3Q 15.40 .... 12:30 15.47* iv:4s 15.40 .... 1:00 15.50 15.60 11:00 15.42% .... 2:00 15.50 15.62% LARD. Chicago. Chicago. t A. M. May. June. a.m. May. June. »:80 10.57% .... 11:00 10.55 10:00 10.62% •■-. 12:15 .-.. 10.55 10:15 10.60 .... 12:30 10.55 X ' W~ 10:30 10 57^ .... 1:00 10.52* 10.62% L 0:43 10.55 .... ;":;'' ASSOCIATED PRESS MARKETS. Milwaukee, March 28. — Flour in light demand. Wheat opened unsettled; J£c lower; closed firm; No. 1 hard nominal; No. 1 nominal; No. 2 fresh 1.01; March I'S^e; April ■)6%c; May 1.04}£; June 1.04%; No. 3 JBc, No. 4 nominal; rejected nominal. Corn lower; in fair demand; No. 2 40c. Oats steady; No. 2 42. Rye dull; No. 1 $l.oo#. Barley -trong and higher; No. 2 89.;.. Provisions easier; mess pork $15.35 cash and April; 15.48 May. Lard, prime steam 10.55 cash and April; 10. 6S May. Live hogs lower; 50.20@5.60. Receipts 12,545 barrels flour; -'4,400 bushels wheat; 8,500 bushels barley. Shipments, 19,469 barrels Hour; 4,400 bushels wheat; 7,500 bushels barley. Chicago, March 28.— Flour steady and un changed. Wheat unsettled and lower; No. 2 Chicago spring, regular 'JUj^c; fresh 102 .•a-h; yj>* (g'JJ^c April; 1.04^@1.U4\ May; 1.05^®l .05tf June; No. 3 Chicago spring 88 <s'J3c; rejected 73©'50. Corn dull and. prices lower; 36(ti>40c cast; 3S.^©33^c April; 42^© W^c Mu\; 42!$c June; rejected 3'Jc. J Oats in ct bat ste tdy; 2 J%@32c cash; 2.^c April; 34J^c May; 83 X c June. Rye. stronger; 'JB><@ iI.UOJ barley. firmer; 1.05. Pork dull and rices a shade lower; 15.37>£ cash; 15.40 April; 15.50 .2,15.52.^ May; 15.62K@15.6.5 - June. Lard easier; 10.35 cash; 10.42^<ai0.45 April; 10.52^@10.55 May; 10. 10. 05 June. Bulk meats easier; shoulders 4.95; short ribs 7.80; short clear 8.05. Whisky steady and un changed; $1.08. &U board— Wheat firmer; not quotably higher. Corn steady and unchanged. Oats steady and unchanged . . Rye in good demand. Receipts 2J,000 barrels flour; -23,000 bushels vheat; 80,0 0 bushels corn; 32,000 .bushels .ate; 1,800 bushels rye; 21,000 bushels barley. Shipment*, 20,000 s barrels ! flour; '; 140,000 bushels wheat; 104,200 bushels corn; 44, 00 ;>ushel« oate; 5,500 bushels rye, 10,000 bushel* ■arley. • -'::--:.— \:_ f^'-'T'iC The Drover's Journal reports hog receipt* •33,000; shipments 8,000; in fair demand; pack ers not buying; 10c lower; mixed packing s.2s (g").5O; light 5 40@5.65;; choice he.ivy ohip 5.70@d.20; ciused weak. Cattle, receipts 7,.VM); shipments 4,B^;^ weak; 10(al5c lower making a decline of 40 to 60c from the highest prices of last week; exporters active, 5.40&5.75; fair to good shipping 4.50:35.00; common to fair 4. 10(94.40; butchers slow, 2.50<23.75;.5t0ck era and feeders steady, 3 20,44.40; lair demand, but a good many poor shipping and common cattle left. Sheep, -. receipts 1(5,00 ; shipments 2,000; slow butftteady; fair to good 4.. .0@">.00; choice 5.25(£5.40; common very dull; good offered at 4.00; buyers holding off. The Jour nal's London cable reports cattle steady and unchanged; best strew 14M c; top sheep 18c. New Yokk, March — Cotton quiet; 10 11-16@ll 15-I6c; futures steady. Flour heavy; receipts 2J,000 barrels; exports 34,000 barrels; superfine, state and western $3.ftoi§) 4.00; common t(J irood extra $4.15(§:4.y0; good to choice 4.'J5(g1).75; white -wheat. extra 5.00(66.00; extra Ohir 4.2506.75; St. Louis 4.25(3(5.75; Minnesota patent unices* 6.50(§,bi.00. Wheat stronger: receipts 223,000 bushels: ex p0rt5335,000 bushel*; No. 3 Chicago 1.16* '» ; ungraded red 1.15;/«1.273^; No. 3 do I.l'J© l.l"J«;No. 2do 1.21 'i®T.2-J X; steamer .do l.l:tu ; No. 1 red 1 27#<g1.28; mixed western 1.19O1 19*; ungraded, white I. Hi; No. 2 do I.lBiti@l 18^'; No. 1 do, sales 01,0 0 bushels, ■I.l»}s<#l.2O#; No. 2 red March; Mies 32,000 bushels, 1.2t@1.21J^; April, snli-s 828,000 bushels, l.2ls<<g!l 21%; May, sales bush els, 1.1^(81.20^; June, "sales 210,000 bush els, 1.1K%@1 I *H- Corn, moderate trade: re ceipt* bushel*: exports 6ti,(iOO bu.-hels; unsrraded &7@581f c; No. 3 56'4@5i»'< c; sUam er 57x@57%c; N0.2 5S 1 , 07 5 No. 2 . white 59K(£5JJ*e; steimer white ftO^c; No. 2 March 58*@58%c; April 5(5^ (a. 50 4 c; May 54,V@54^c; June 53?^@53%c. Oats stronger; receipts 46.000 bushels; mixed western 44@ 45c; white western 45>it48^ c. Stock-* of grain in store March 25, wheat 1,002,000 bushels; corn 436,000 bushels oats 4-I, DUO bushels; barley 138,000 bushels; rye 22,000 bushels. Hay quiet and unchanged. . Hops quiet but firm. Coffee firmer for common grade-; Rio cargoes quoted at 10 @l:?c; job lota 10@t41ic- Sugar quiet and unchanged; fair to good refining quoted at 7 3 16 <' (Il."i"'^c. Molasses in fair de mand. Rice steady; in good demand. Eggs heavy, l£c. t Pork dull; heavy; old mess quoted at 15. 01 15 25; new mess 15.75(210.00. Butter steady; good demand; for choke 10(<£.80c. Cheese quiet and unchanged. ~ l 2&3» 'Bs?**" TE.ADE - MABr^J S(l FOB Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gcut, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and . Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oh as a safe, sure, *ii,ij,!e and cheap Extern?.) Itt-raedy. A trial entail* but the comparatively trifling outlay of 50 Cents, and every oi;e suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* claim*. Directions in Eleven Languages. SOLD BY ALL DBUGGISTS ANP DEALEST IN MEDICINE. - - A. VOGELER & CO., HaUimm-a. Hfii. n. ft 4 Gentle Who want glossy, luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must use LION'S KATiIAIItON. This elegant, cheap article always makes the Hair grow freely mid fast, keeps it from falling out, arrests aud cures gray ness, removes dandruff and itching, makes tho ll a 'r strong, giving it a curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. aiAi^urACTOX^Ks. ST. PAUL FOTJNDSY un , • . SIAinJFACTURIjSG COMPANY Ituinf&cturan of the - ST. PAUL FARM ENGINE, Car "Wheels, Railroad Castings, Iron Front* for Building*" Heavy Wood •-'I Coal Btovea ; Bridge, Sever and all or ki: ds of Castings. :r./-: r PreaWaat— w. i,M URIAH. '-'-. Mai - r— 1. N. PAP.SHR. Sao j*; d Trea* B. W. TOPPING 'P. O Rm.S*-* ; . IS MEDICAL. CUIIE ■; YOUJiSELP } ";.'.: FRENCH SPECIFIC. ' Onarantfted to enre rr.i-.f»'rj dl«oacea ef *«»r»o.];. private, delicate nature, either ses or coin? too -" ri-.T 5, Bent by exps*** to any pirt of to» osnet-n fni! dirwlioM witb «mc*i borO* 5 Sold only by B. L <Til!T* Northc*j4 ronaai 0/ Vtp "htmi fctrtf-! an' /OIL GfiIGGS & FOSTEE, r"-7": PBAiEES 15 COAL il WOOD, v , 29 East TUira Street, ' •ST. PAUL, -'-'~-- : - - MINI?. il^TOreU It* auction* to Prices of Coal. . :.. : j PHD inpn Appetite cured. NO FEE till cured. I U DnuOU send stamp. G.B.M.Cb.,Cleveland O. £ i All Gold, Chromo and Lithograph Cards. J* no two alike, name on, 10c :C. DePuj, a^icuae,H.X -, - - . . CITY NOTICE. ' Official Publication. ! Vacation of Paris of Mississippi Street. Citt Clerk's Officb ? St. Paul, Minn., March 14th, 1881. J Whereas, a petition has been filed in this office, as provided by law, by order of the • Common Council of the City of St. Paul, ask ing for the vacation of thote parts of Missis i pippi street, as now established, between i Granite and Nellie streets, which do not con form to the lines of said Mi.-sissippi 6treet, a* l;iid down upon the plat of Edmund Rict-'s j Trout Brook Addition to St Paul. Theobjpet I of said vacation, its stated in snid petition, is ; th it said street shall conform to the lines thereof, as indicated on said plat. Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that p.-tid petition will be heard and considered by the Common Council of the Cty of St. Paul, or a committee appointed by them, on Tuesday, the I'.ith day of April, A. D. 1881, at 3 o'clock P. M., at the Council Chamber, in the City HalL By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, Marls-4w-Tues City Clerk. CITY iNOTICE. Official Publication. Yccalion of Par! of York Street. Citt Clekk's Office, ? St. Pall, Minn., March 14th, 1881. J Whereas, a petition has been filed in this office, as provided by law, by order of the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, ask ing For the vacation of that part of York street lying between bl.»eks six nod seven in Edmund Rice's Fir.-t Addition to the City of St. Paul. The object of said proposed proposed vacation, a* stated in said petition is, that in Edmund Rice's Trout Brook Addition to St. Paul York street is extended from the west through block six parallel wi*h the former street and but a few feet south of it, rendering that portion asked to be vacated wholly unnecessary. Now, therefore; notice is hereby given that said petition will be heard and considered by the Common Council of the City of St. Paul, or a committee appointed by them, on Tuesday, the 19th day of April, A. D. 1881, at 3 o'clock P. m., at the Council Chamber, in the City Hall. By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, Marl&4w-Tnea City Clerk r lii;.-.<r>.i..N.» OtiOU^. \ HATS A>riJ CAPS At PaniiPirs. 111-East SeTBBtIL Street. COSTUMES. COSTUMES ! For Masquerade no Theatrical p-arpoe-s. for Lad c* and Gua tleruen, at . Irs. B^wpitpb's, 1 *2« W. Tit <i «♦ A. Slim of Tienuty t* a Joy Forever. Dr. T. Felix Gonrand's liiital Cpft:ira. or Muncal Beaniifier Purifies as well as Beautifies the Skin. A. o..>r>^, ru..-. i.. 1,. u> o ilil- kant ton, (% p»tienr:) "As you' ladies will me them, I recommend 'Gouraud'ti Cream at the least harmful of alt the Skin preparations." Al-«i Poudre Mibtile remms supt-illno'.s hair without lijm> to ib» skin Mme. U B. T. GoiiraiKl, sole iiropneior, 48 Bond stre-t, >■'. Y. For sle by all <Irn»?i{i.-t« aud faucy goodn H« |i.™ throughout th- Uuittd States, Oatiadaa and Europe - ■ . „- . {^""Bewreof base :mi'»!lnrg which are abroad. We offer $',(K!() reward for the arrest and proof of any one bo, ling the same. Refer to Soy. c Bro». A Cutler. . 51--23R f-od&w-ow Notice to Milrs. MINNESOTA HOSPITAL TOR INSANE, ? " St. Peter, March 10th, 1881 .; S Bids will be received until April 12th, by the Beard of Trustees, for restoring the burned North .Wing of the Minnesota Hospital for Insane, at St. Peter, in a fire-proof manner, with iron joists and brick arches, according to plans and specifications, which may be seen at the office of Horace E. Ilorton, Rochester, Minnesota, until April first, and after that at the Hospital in St. Peter. The trusteed reserve the right to reject any and all bids, if not satisfactory. _ Per order of the Board, Wm. Schimmel, Secretary. mar 12-3 1 c w-4w _^__^__ ■ NO MORE RHEUMATISM! or Gout, Acute or Chronic. SALICYLIC A, .. . T./'l SURE CURE, niemufmetured by the European. Medicine '•'• .:'• v - Co. of f ar i* and Leipzig. Immediate relief warranted. Permanent cure guaranteed. Now exclusively used by all cele brated physicians of Europe and America, be coming a Staple, Harmless and Reliable Reme dy on both continents. - The Highest Medical Academy of Paris reports 95 cures out of 100 cases within three days. Secret— The only dis solver of the poisonous Uric Acid which exists in the Blood of Rheumatic and Gouty Patients; $1 a box; 6 boxes for $5. Sent to any address, free by mail, on receipt of price. Indorsed by physicians. Sold by all druggists. Address, DANIEL ROMMEL, Sole Importer, ' 162 Fulton Street, New York. Tor sale by Noycs Bros. & Cutler, St. Paul Minn. : ?:'-\ :-.' ■■■ 43: iTA.TEOFMINNfc'OrA.COUXTYOrBAMSET O —fig. In Prcb&te Court. Special term, March :, 18S1. In th- mattor of the estate of Emily If . Gorman, dlat—fd. 'JLZJt. • On . Radian end fl'.lDf? ike petition of ThoT as W OdiH an, one o: the eiecators of *.he estate of Smi '■■ N. Gorman, deceased, .representing aniTgoihe :hl'igß, tli-.t he h*» fay a:imir.!tt*re<J said suUt> id praying that * fnaa and (.He* be Cie*l for exim i.iui; and- al^wirg bis tc:o-;n! of hit »-!.;: ii i-!ri , Uod, and for the a«e!goiveut eMhsredd a of sain ft-t'ta to tho 1 artie* eutitied th' ret -, and for tneb > her &nd farther rriief as to :he cou. t thalt seem meet, . ' " It is order* d, that said account be examlneil and petition heard by (he Jnige of th'» conn on Thnrs lay, ;he3'6td»y of March. AD tS3I : at ten o'clock 4•M , at the ProbAto ofßre In »aid connty.'. .; " " • -And it b further ordered, that notice thereof bf given to aH persons interested, by publishing a cop> of this'order for tnreo successive weeks prior to eald da-, of BTUh hearing, In the Daily Globs, a news paper printed : and published at Saint Paul, In said eonuty. Jby the court, . ' , - .'. : [1.. a.] ■ - . HENET O'OORHAK. Judge of Probate. ' Attest: rBAJnc Bokket. Jr., Clerk. .-, ; . - . : ----•——■.- • • - Mar * 4«Tnea — --. *** ■ ■ . ndi<: Bin : Burr's : Patent Parlor Folding-Bed, The most Compact, Elegant and Sub ttantial. Best Steel Spring Matlrass Bedding^ out of sight in Bureaus ■ Rook-Cases, Desks, &c li. H. Andrews & Co.. 195 Waba»h At«./ CHICAGO. I '. Also Manufacturers of - '- Furniture. Wood JUntaU I Artistic Household LEADING BUSINESS Mi OF ST.PAUL, MINN. ABCHITBCTt JOHN STEVENS & SON, 29* East Third street, It Paul, Minn. : I: - A&TUia' MATBBIALg. ~^ SHERWOOD . HOUGH, corner Third and WabasUaw. . .. > . - . • ATTOKWEYB. , WILLIAMS A DAVIDSON, Attorneys,, have removed to Davidson's block, corner of Fourth and .l»ick >ttyrt». "• -: . . - PaCKERa. McINTOSTI A Co., Beef Packers and Preserv ers of Meals, 20 and 23 Jackson str««t. . " BOOXt ft ITATIOWKSY. \ SHERWOOD HOUGH, corner Third and Wabashaw.' . . . . ST. PAUL BOOK AND STATIONERY CO., 87 East Third street. V. — -■■-■ yy CARRIE QE'~sTBLEIGHB A. NIPPOLT, cor. Seventh & Sibley streets. cog*iB»iov, yauiTs* produce, FINCK & McCAULEY, Wholesale Dealers in Grain, Flour, .Feed ami Provisions, No. 14 Sibley street, Bt. Paul, Minn. CROCKERY- WHOLESALE * RETAIL J. SCHILLO 4 Co., 106 Wabashaw street. , CABPaTS & WALL PAPIBa. JOHN MATHETB, II East Third street ; * XV 1. AVnFP-'/>V on p a .< ti,),-< .«.«»at MAY U>oJJ* - Wholesale AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTSON A CO., corner Third and Wacouta streets. Ketail "~~ A. H. LINDEKE A BRO., 9 E. Third street FOB', FEATHEKB k QINSBfIO. A. O. BAILEY, 10 Jackson street _ ,v BS IT ORE, FEATHERgJt MATTRESSES STEES BROS., 51 East Third street Estab- UshedlBso. ■ . . - ;-■ . OBOCEBB-Wholesale. P. H. KELLY & CO., 142 to~l4<~East Third street. : ;; >. , HABDWABB & TOOLS. KINGSBURY A DRAPER, 35 E. Third Street JEWELERS k Wa.TCHatAKEB3 EMIL GEIST, 57 East Third street ,■■ HABDWABB— Wholssale.: . STRONG, HACKETT A CO., 183 E. Third St LIME, OEMEST, PLABTEB HUB. SANDERS A MATHEW3, 71 and 72 Levee. TIUT.NK M^IBS. CRJFPEN A UPSON, 74 Erst Third street W. H. GARLAND, 41 East Third street **"" " "•- — - — -• — ■■"■ WISEB AND LIQUORS— Wholesale. PERKINS, LYONS A CO., 81 Robert street B. KUHL ACO Wholesale Dealers in Eiquors and Wines, 194 East Third street, St Paul. ; ; UPHOLSTER! AND FDBHITUBB. HEZEKIAH HALL, furniture and upholstery Choice stock; first-class work; No. 57 Jack son Street. ..-. ''.■ ■:•■■.-:"■.:■':.■■-■'. \\: ■ -^*: = l WHQIE3ALE NOTIONS. .. : . . . ARTHUR, WARREN A ABBOTT, 188 and 188 East Third street. - yy COiNTBACT WORK Grading North Street. Removes Tan PI mp 1 c , Freckle. Moth Patches ' and -vt-rj' hlemieh v beamy It .-« stood the e<"t of thiny 3 ears, and ie so hariuiefw we u<>t« it to be ur« the pre paration ■ is ir-'»erly made I c :ept no con terfeit of 8 raiiar nmt. The ■ distin- En i-h '•d Dr. L. Ofhc« of thk Board of Public Wobkb, ) Citt of St. Paul, Minn., March 19, 1881. $ Sealed bids will be received by the Board cf Public Works in and for the corporation cf the city of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the Ist day of April, A. D. 1881, for the grading of North street from Burr street to De Seta street, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gormajc, Clerk Boird of Puhlie Works. 79-89 CHANCERY SALE. Or-mit Court of the Ui.i ed States of Atr erica In and for he District of Mlnnes6t»— ef.' i■■ *• .- •• : . ■ ■ . ■ I B. B. Oan»hi, adm'»torof ihd rotate of Israel G. Lash, deceas«<l. t* . Maria B Da} ton, Lyman C Dayton and M I Eltln«?. his wife, Ljman C. Dayton, administrator with 'he wi'l annexed cf - Dayton, ■ d^cea and the Lake Sap-ri r k MlB>tretp- 1 Railroad o-mpany. ;:•;:•' : :, .■:. .'- Purfua •» to decree of the Circuit Gcrrt of the United StatPß of America for th« Ui»trlct of Mlone i ta made ■1b tbis otnue ,mt the ■ December - term hi-reo*, A. D. 18" R. and on the 28th day of Derea t<er. A . D. 18"S, the nodeMgued, a master in chin cary of oaid court will -e!l at pubtio tuotlon, to the h'*h<-8* bidder for oath, on Wednesday, th« twpnty snventhdayof April, AD 1881, at Weren o'clock In the forenoon,' a* tits front entrance to the United Stater Cxstcni House, in the 0 tj of St. Panl, la said [ di-trict [the p ace- of lb< Ming iaid court] on Wa ba«haw Mreet, in said city, all and singular the fol low 1. g described real est&tr/ situate and being la the county of Ramsey and of Minnesota, to-wit : Block" foty-two [42] In Lyman Dtyton's addlt'om to St. Psul, aconrdinv to 'the plat th erf of on reoort in th« office eft he register Of deeds of tile county of -".arasf-y aforesaid, with 'U appurtenances, ezcepticg and rec«rTlii«;tber»froin so mtfch'if paid block as ha* been ootdemned for the n§e of the defendant, tie Lake Superior k MitoiH»tpri R-i!roal company, b- the Judgment vt .the court of common plfaa of the ennry of Kaai«"y aforesaid, namely: Lots eifht [•<] nine [9], fen [10]. e'eren [O], twelre [12], thir teen [13], fourteen [M], fifteen [IS], sixteen [■«], <«-Tniiteeii [17]. and eighteen [18] of said block, to •at i-f y the amount which is by said decree mule a charge upon said premlstf . .' ', H ' E. MAN S; - fj.iu.l ...-. -./-- Master in Chancery. - rat'rt Var h 75,1881. -• - '--■- ■ E B. Hollixbhzad, Solicitor for Assignee. . Mar'6-7w-Tne* OF MIHHEBOTA, BAMBET OOUBTT— 0 ss. In Probsie Court. • ' ■ , " In the matter of the estate of Thomas Harris, de ceased. . -■"':--■.;•"-"■•■■-■■ -■ ."..■.:■'■'•■■■■.". On reading and filing the petition of Eliza J , John n., Joseph G.. Willlitn T , Cora F. and Nellie May aims, of raid connfy, representing, among other things, that 'ihomas Harris, late of said j eonuty. on hel7<hdayof March,* A. D . 1881, at Baiut Paul I[i raid county, died intestate, and. long an Inhnb • lant of this count; at the time of his death, leaving ar oi*. chattels and estate within , this - county, • aiid ■hat the sail p?tUlot>ers are the heirs and nest of sin of said deceased, acd ptajing that administration of ■•aid estate be to John Bell granted, 7" " " ' It Is ordered, that said petition be heard before the 4 u<ige of >h'iB Coon on Wednesday, the 13th day of Apri, ».D. 1881, at ten o'clock a. m-, at the Pro bat* office in aid county. '?^9BWMA a 4^BJPfl Ordered further, that notice thereof be given to •h- h- ire of nalrt deceased and Vi all pert ocsinterf d b* publidhine a copy of this order for three succes sive weeks prior to sa'.d day of hearing, in the Daily Glob*, at- w»p» printel acd pnb'.ished at St. Paul, In said county. uaied at bt. the 21*t day of March, A. D. 1831. ; By the Court.:. . * \[L ■.] HENBY O'GOBM\W, -J, % Attest:- - Judge of Probate. -, FranV Bobert. Jr . Clerk •"■".'- - Mur »?-4w-Tnea -'■" :rr - ;'" wood DE4.LEB3. ■;-', ':"yy.*~: , JOHN WAGENEB. 8. LEE DAVIS. WAGENER & DAVIS, DEALERS IN : WOOD! No. 158 East Third Street, Firft & Marine BnilliM, - • - St. Paul, TRAVELERS' GUIJ>E. , Paul Railway Time Table*, .'■'..'. Chicago, Ullwaak** St. Paul Railway '-' Three dally tralusto Chicago."- Two dally trains to Bt Loul- aud Kansas Cttj K if ' a 4 i]y trains each wiyh»i»emi tt * a 1 and Mini ( spall «. .-■■ :**.::''..••■• • L«avc ~~ '■ Arrive ./^ .Trains. St. Paul. . St. taul. Elver Division — - .. Thro Chicago &E. Exp. *12 pin : 6:150 am Thro Chicago kE. Kip.. 8:10 pm - *1 :25 p m lowa k Minn. Division - •;*- .." ThroP.daO.MUtO kx, *6-40 a a «o:4opm Bt. L. * Kan. Olty Ex. :*6:iO a m . $6: oam St. L k Kan City Ex t«:45 p m - :40 pm Hastings k Dakota Exp. .'6:40 am *6:40 p m Owatoiinn P«»MPtig»r ''•t'pa *9:a6am ■■ nuil .*!•'- n« |> in 1 rn-ij». .. •■: :■ ■:Vi'> short Line' ; .■ Leave ■ -mm . leave Arrive Si. Pa 11 Mranraiclls Minneapolis 81. Paul 6:111 am :'. 6:»»anj *7:0-'aiu -7:*' am 'IMi am •«:Snaoj ' H.Hiaiu B:9oam !':0»m 9:3 ii am ♦9(Xiaiu 9:30 am •10:00 am *l»-30am *110t)aiD - *11:80 am •llrtK)atn *ll:3flam ••8:'0m *12:*»pm l2:<oni n3l m *l:O0pnj *l:Opm •1:80 • ' Of' p m . 9 fifl pa ' ".' 3:80 pm • • *:<Opni *2:opni *BrfX)pni ' *>:.iopm :(>o p m .*3 80pm ♦« :i 0 p - *4 p m • *6:iM)(>m ♦fanpm «a :00 pm •5:30 paa •6:Wipui *6:»>pm I^Opm 6:* pm '7:00 i 7:3Apn> 7:Siipm SlOOpm . . Via Fort SnelHog and atlaueboha. •B:ss am *9 :48 am '6:Boam. *7:20 am 4:(Hpa 4:45 pm 10: i 0a m 10 60 am •s:s.'iiiii *6:st>pm *4:liipm *6:lupm *BtmdayB executed. -Saturdays excepted. t Mon days excepted. - Trains not marbea are daily " - ST —A V l.- Depot f oi of J«ck>on street City office 118 Vast Thud street, corner Jackson. Tbomp ■oi. & P<-tscb, Ticket Ag.-utt.. -." \ - MINN BAHi. is- Depot corner WnMnirton and Third are- npa south, A. B. Chamberlain, Ticket Apeot City OTIOO No 9 NlooUrt House. O. I, «co»t. Ti^yt-t Ag»nt ■ ■ Chicago, St. Paul, liieapolis AWT) OMAHA LIN«. KAMTSBK DI VI «1 ON— 1 htm*o.Bt F%ol * . . .-. .......... «Jinn»ij»i»olJ» LJce ---- TWO DAILY TRAIHS TO OHIOASa - Depot Fsot of W— onto Street. ■;., .. Trains. I I****. : Cefeve. - - > HP«a" K&y«Mx>fis through Chicago and I "*U Mpa *f I:^ * a E"»*»«rn. Express. . . | t« :06 p w tviSoyii VorB) wise- b«J« ...... *in:Wsia :.-. — ■."• wiioooaln Central «:W aat :...i:-. * •"'*-.:.■■.- - > ' Vrrfv*. Airtra. : ' tbaxnu. It. *«ol WimwimHi Tnronfh Chicago and I *»«• a m nq» a M Eastern Express .tlfltio ftaß p ? Sorth Wisconsin •4:f*"i • m tTlaapnitn Central • kll >i [ -.■-■ -....-■• 5 M. pah, 1 stkxwatsb TZAXIiC — Depot foot cf . W»««ut» street , - ■ L*av« Lsa*a> St. Pad.... :.*12:38 p rnlstEUwmUi tv»i39 p bb • " tB*spm| •* .."...: Hilbpi Depot foot of Jackson street. ' - •'- Leave. ■'.'■- '■■ Laar*. St. Pan1.......*10a6am18tmi»at«r...... ••:«» m " •1.-OSpm . " *10:0£asj . " •4«opm| « .. *ti3Srft • biveb rtiu nun. Depot foot of J ekaos strati, - Leave. . . ■ Leave. . St. Paul ..... . •«:o»pm|Rlvw r alia for ■ I 8t Paul TOP* All the above trains pass Lax* Elmo! " VTKSTKRH DITISIOH-S: Panl * Si/mm City Ballroa4 - H Th« Rioux City Route." ■ ' ■ .Depot foot of Jartson street. i< ■ -■-•- -Trains. Leave. Arrive. Omaha, Kansas City and Texas Expi*«s... •8:49 pm 'lOrWaßi dkmx Fait* and Sioux City Ex me» . ;.....„....: 1: *7 am•«AS p n •Bnndaya accepted tTJiilr. {Mondays esceptad. The s:ivix Falls At Sioux City Express uakas clow aonaeetions to and fmns an points 00 branch tines. F. B OLABKE. General Traflo Manager. Northern Pacific Bailnid. Depot foot of Bible? street. Ticket an* freight office, No 43 Jackson street. Id effect February 18. IW. Westward. I^at^nwO. "* ... Leave. ,- . TtUna. ■ -'.. Arrive. *T:oopm 7 :ooam 8t Paul. . 6:4opm t7:sOam •7 :9opm 7:4oam Mli.meapollg. . . 6:2spnj t7:3oam *10: Opm 10:4« am Sank Rapids.. 3:B&ptu f4:3»am I:3oam l:><)pm Bralnerd l:lfipai tl:3oam 7:9oaui 6:66pm G1ynd0n. ..... 7:30ao; 6:G6pm BHX)am 7:1 pm Moorhead 7:o4am 1 :80pm . B:oSam 7:2opa Fargo T:ooam 6:iBpm T:lspm - Burner eh 7:loam ■ •s:'Jop. - - Dulutb...;.. .. t7:4oam «<t :«pml, »■ P. unction ■' t0:10am * Daily, except Batar>lay. t Daily, except Monday. ; . • Palace steeping ooaohes on all night trains between BL Paul and Fargo. ~::. : ..'.'■ ."--. 5 - Oonuectiou made at Biamaros with stages for Fort Buford, Btandiug Rock, Fort Eeogo, Tongue Elver arid Intprmediatspoiuta At St. Paul with roads to and from the £a*t and Boutb. .'.< . ■„: f . - ' HE. BAEGENT, Gen Manager. 6. t. BAB»»a. Pen. Pas»eng»r Agent -i. flkul, Jlts.'^. ■>'. 1 '. < ■»■/•! ><sulU»lM B. H. ■ Vtv< t loot of Wacsuta atrnat. - . In etf«Cl Var. 21, 1880. nnoui wts.ut Dtruioß. ; ,*v« North. : l: '. L'f: v - - ~.' izt ~: . Arrive loath. *rgo. M*nltoha. .. Manitoba. rarg» »"Mi)ger Expresa. Xxpr«ss. Passen/or. »m to # am p m 7:#» 7:-0 .. St. Patffr.. .lo:o6 **:» *8:U B:io..Mi«n#Apo!ls.. 9:« »6:li BVEcuiißroes omnoi. Braoksnrldga . Bracken rtdg*. "asuenger.. ; r. . Paeieagu 1 . am • ■ . . .' ■ p m -. • ««:-:o Leave.-. .'.Bt Panl... Arrive *t-dt *»:o*i do' Minneapoiia do ' :«6gg ■ fet. Pan' «t <f~st'iin<-H|»o'<» Shtrrr titr.^> t«ave 1 Vive at '.oavi> Arrive at • ■'t. Pan -'itnieHpoii* '1-./.-nna|.ollf «>, Paal •7:00 am '7:95 am .7 60 am &?35 a m •7:80 am tH:loam «9:00 am *9K.«2am •«:20aro Win 10:49 am tl :5» am 9:loam 9:4« am Hl:4Sam *!Q:lfi|. •'0:«»bi "11:09 aco 1:40 pm 9:l6pm ; MM) m fJSWpm »9:Sspm •B^i>pai •lMCpm '3:90 pm 4:28 pm s^..i>prß 3:10 pm 3:Vpm *C:Bopcs *7!t)6pm 4 :48 p m 'iiOom . «;40pm 6:16 pm ■ 7 :of - ! p m t7 :» p m '7 BCp tn 8:10 m - '-• *;'-: '--j^ .Trains leavTug Saturday at 7:80 p. v. goes to Fer m» Falls, only ; . ..■, : Except Bnnday . tExoept Saturday . -;:-:.- JAB. / IIII,L. Gra. Hnwir. Bt.F»al« Ualatb KMIIrdMCL. Dupot foot of Waconta strut. Trains. I Leave. 1 Arrive. Stlllwater, Taylors F&l!n& Dntath j 7 :tßam ] 6 :oopia •Blnekley Aocoauaodation Ill :30am 3 :r.opm Bosh City... ...•;..... ...... I B:aopm I 11 :16 am * Depot foot of 1 bird street <- On and after Sunday, March 6th, the train on the Taylors Falls branch of the St, P Jc D. It. It. which leaves Taylors Falls at 6:45 a. v. and returning leaves Wyoming at : 10 v: if., will be withdrawn. A M. EDDY, B. T. A.^>?r Wisconsin A Minnesota and WiMonala • - Central Railroads. 4> . --— 'C The new line from Minnesota to northern. Central and Eastern Wisconsin . • . • -■.■.'.-- .-'■ Leave 8t Paul, (via C, St. T.. M. k 0.) . 6:16 a m " Stillwater Juncti0n................. 6:6oam " Hudson... 7:16 am " Baldwin (Breakfast) Arrive 8 .06 ... 8 :36 a m " Menomonee ...... ............... :34 a m Arrive Kan Claire ............... .:.. 10:20 am Leave Kan Ulaire (via W. * M. B. 8,).... 10 60Tm " Badger Mills... 11:03 am " Chippewa Falls 11:18 am ■-••. Cado t. : ....11:45am M Stanley 13:14pm ■*■ Thorpe ...."..' 12:33 pm " Withee ..:.....:..... J J«i7 pm Arrive Abbotfford (Dinner) 1:60 pm "- Phillips (W. - 0 B.B.). .4:63pm - Fifleld ..-.- 6 85pm -; "r- Stevens Pcmt.. .;. 6:l6pm ; " Blenaaha-Neenah .......... 8:40 pm "..Appleton.... .........;;...-....;...* 9:ospm ; " Green Bay .-..-... ..;.... 11 :60 p m '• 8t Paul from Green Bay 9:16 m F. H. Fxhitet. Gen. Man. ; Jab. Bxxkb, O. P. A. LIQUOR DEALERS. ' W.L.PKHKIKB. ;r, ' 'MAITKIOB LTOXB. . -' '."" [Established 185©.] PERKINS, LYONS i C 0. ,; BIUOTZDTO 81 BOBEBT ST., KKAB THIRD. , Wholesale Dealers In Pure ... Kestncky Bourbon & Rye Whiskies - : California and Foreign Wines aid Brandies. - rmantrr and Olty Orders goßaWesl -'IM-W jffc^ DB> *- 1* CLUM'B V" CATHARTIC. rarely Tegetable. Cores all billow diseases act. ' l«r « «>• Btomach, Uttr sad BlockL-i^MraaS*