Newspaper Page Text
MINNEAPOLIS NEWS MINNEAPOLIS GLOBXXETS."' Bock beer day yesterday. D. R. Barber. is slowly improving. . | D. R. Barber is slowly improving. The Temple of honor held a meeting last night. I The Zouaves held an interesting meeting last* evening." evening. Mayor Rand went to Dakota in the interest of his farm. A regular meeting of Minneopa lodge will A regular meeting of Minneopa lodge will be held to-night. "Macbeth" for Mr. Chester's benefit to night at the opera house. , Judge Jones, iv company with F. 11. Carl- Judge Jones, iv company with F. H. Carl ton and wife, have taken a trip to La Crosse. Some important repairs are being made on the upper bridge by Messrs. Winston Bros. A runaway horse upset on First avenue south yesterday and was captured. No dam age. The Northwestern Telegraph company has The Northwestern Telegraph company has suspended the East side office for some cause. The Minneapolis Weekly is moving into Hs new quarters at No. 10 Washington avenue north. The municipal court adjourned at noon The municipal court adjourned at noon yesterday, in respect of the funeral of Judge Cornell.* The funeral of Judge Cornell yesterday The funeral of Judge Cornell yesterday afternoon was largely attended, especially by the legal fraternity. Nature effectively sprinkled our dusty streets Na;ure effectively sprinkled our dusty streets yesterday, much to tne relief aud gratification of Buttering humanity. The funeral of John Thierin will occur this morning at 10 o'clock, from the residence No. 12 Prince street, East slue. -..-,,, . A number of hilarious drunks were taken "iuout of the cold" yesterday. The judge has business --lore him to-day. J. W. Pomioy is expected home from Flori- da on Friday. He probably can tell somewhat of Harwuou's orange larmutg. The ladies of the Westminister church served up strawberries and ice cream last night at -v,rs. Tboiupsou's, 50 Tenth btreet. The foundation ' of the Hill block, on First avenue south, is completed, and the car penter work was commenced yesterday. Work ou the new Second street car line has been suspended for ii lew days. Yet the su periuUuueut promises to have cars running iv a few days. r In the event of Judge Vanderburg's receiv- ing the appointment as successor to the late Judge Come. J, there will be a struggle among eligiuie attorneys tor district jujgesuip. The Osseo branch of the St. Paul, Minneap olis & Manitooa railroad, is being vigorously pushed. The grading has been completed two and one-halt miles or more, aud a large gang ol men are engaged. The commissioners appointed by the district court to award damages for the lands used for right of way by the M. & N. W. railroad have awarded damages lor over one hundred acres of laud, netting $20,0U0. The grand lodge I. O. O. F. will convene in this city on the Bth of June. The local. lodges are busily engaged in making extensive pre paration for the reception and entertainment of representatives from abroad. P. J. Oberst has soli his interest in the establishment of the Standard Manufacturing company to Goodfellow & Eastman, and will go to San Francisco. At that place he will establish himself in a manufactory of a similar nature. The sealer of weights and measures 16 busy examining into the strawberry business. He found a lot of boxes labeled ''one quart " These boxes only contained about two-thirds of thatj amount. . Ihey were peremtorily confiscated. The G. A.' R. extends an invitation to all the ladies in the city who are willing to give their assistance in decorating. the soldiers' graves with flowers ou Decoration day, to meet with them in Armory hall ou Saturday morning at nine o'clock. — ... Setn Abbott has returned from Lynn, Mass. He is now endeavoring to work up an interest in his new city, Lynn, which he has platted out near lakes Calhoun and Harriet. * He ; ex pects this city, now in embryo, to rival, in the manufacture of boots and shoes, etc., even the Lynn of Puritanical fame. The foundation for the monstrous Whitten block is growing rapidly under the manipula tion of a large crew of masons. This will be a very large and exceedingly heavy building. Whit seems strange is that there is tv be no center walls to support the great weight. To the unsophisticated it looks rather hazardous to erect a building of such large proportion without a strong center wall. THE COURTS. District Court. [Before Judge Vanderburgh.] -The following judgments were rendered: • 10,820. Against S. J. Quigley, $182.86. I_,_"Jo. Against J. C. McDonald et al., $1, -055.83. • 12,691. Against W. B. Fiske, $122.42. Tha following new cases and papers were filed: " ■.'-.-'... 12,631. John A. Bond vs. W. B. Fiske. Judg ment roll tiled; "5122.42.; . ' -.- .< 12,002. James .3. Vail vs. John Rollins. Complaint filed to recover $143.55/* 7 The following cases were set: - 12,110. Cliailes O. Badef vs. If. A. Buckley. Set for Jnne Ist. 12,601). John S. Randolph, 7 respondent, vs. Ch-is. Beck et al. Set for Mty 2tttb. - 12,215. Edgar W. Wilson vs. Chas. Miller.- Set for May 26th. [Before Judge Young.] The case of John Dempsey, indicted for lar» •enj, was set for this morning. Probate Court. [Before Judge Rea.] In the matter of the estate of Calvin 6. Goodrich, deceased. Order it sued confirming administrator's sale of certain real estates. The probate court adjourned at noon as -a mark of respect to the memory of the late Judge Cornell. "I Don't "Want That Stuff," Is what a lady of Boston said to her hus- band when he brought home some medi cine to cure her sick headache and neu ralgia which had made her miserable for fourteen years. At the first attack there after, it was administered to her with such good results, that she continued its use until cured, and made so enthuiastic in its praise, that she induced twenty-two of the best families in her circle to "adopt it as their regular family medicine. That "stuff" is Hop Bitters.— Standard. TLe Kent Kemcdy tor Chapped Hands. Is Hegeman's Camphor Ice. It should be rubbed upon the part affected. The warmth of the skin will soften it sufficiently, under or- dinary c:roiiuist;iucc-s, but in extreme cold weather it may be necessary to warm it by the fire. If the hands are badly chapped, applj every night, and protect the hands by wearing an old pair of kid gloves. .Hegeman's. is the best and most popular of all the Camphor Ices made. liegeman's Camphor lee is also a cure for sore lips, chapped face, and sunburn. " It is compounded with glycerine, which renders ders it more emollient than any other Camphor Ice, and it will be found a most - soothing - ap- plication to the face after shaving. • Be sure to 7 ask -7 for » Hegeman's- (formerly made by. liegeman 7 & Co.,- New York, and now made By the. Metropolitan Med." Co., 7of New Haven, Conn.), and do not be put off with l any '-. other compound which may become rancid and J do you r.'.otx harm than good. l> Hegeman's Camphor Ice never fails. \ '■;■:. 7 7 . In 7 Brooklyn -yesterday,: 8,791 : officers and I teachers and 52,000 children took part in anni versary paaade of Sunday schools. " STILLWATER. l The grand jury was in session yesterday. The district court will be in sesssion to-day. The J. S. Keaton left here yesterday with a raft. ■ • .■■.... -i» ■:, ■ y »"':-' The Hutchinson case has been set for June 9th. -. y .'.'" ■ ' i Olivette this evening at the Grand Opera house. ;.. .. : .._.-.- 7.77.7;, < — ~ Gentle showers these days make the people smile. y i isl'&f. •' 7- 7y<7-. .E. W. Durant left -yesterday for Beef Slough. : eikf^'p .- Hank Smith has resumed his place on the lower road. „" "'*v* '. The municipal court disposed, of three drunks yesterday. 7-7 • ,7.7 7-. - The Lumbermen's board of trade meet this afternoon at 2 o'clock. This warm weather reminds' our citizens of the advantages of the water works. L.Beland's boarding-house, near Staple's mill, is being raised up and repaired. . Geo. Walsh, Esq., of St. Paul, dropped into town yesterday to chat with the boys. Frank Bergland has been called to Taylors Falls by the sickness of a brother-in-law. - The committee to investigate the Knapp disaster resumed their investigation yester- day. ' . . y . y. ._ • A number of the members of the bar went A number of the members of the bar went to Minneapolis to attend the funeral of Judge Cornell. ... The Coles and Lee case still hangs fire. It same up for trial last Monday at Hudson 6nd was put over. ' We noticed in the city yesterday Mr. Erwin of St. Paul. He was here in the interests of the Dick Willett case. „ The ladies of the Universalist church will give a Apron Fair in the vestry of the church, on Wednesday, June 1. A meeting of the directors of the city hos * pitalat the residence of Mrs. John McKusick, this afternoon at 2 o'clock. Joseph Sullivan, a teamster in the employ of Isaac Staples, had his foot quite badly crushed yesterday, by being run over with a cart wheel. Isaac Staples has sent sixty head of cattle to Maple island to pasture for the summer. Mr. Maples has a large tract of laud there which he u.-es lor grazing. The bodies of Opsahl and Jacobi have not as yet been found. The father and brother of Jacobi arrived here Monday and are doing all they can to recover the bodies. The Wil met house had an opening yester day and some of Mr. Staples' men got rather too much of the opening, and maue it too noisy for the beys in the office, so they sent for the police to quiet the racket. The unfinished work at the Opera house, left by Signor Arrigoui on occount of bad health, will be completed by Prof. Strong, of Chicago. Prof. Strong is an eminent artist, and the work will be finished without interruption. What might have been an exciting runaway was nipped in the bud about 2 o'clock yester- day. A span of horses, with the forward wheels of a lumber wagon, came around Myrtle street from the depot, and started up Main streeet. Several loads of hay ana other teams were in the street at the time, but they were stopped at Commercial avenue. • Sometime during the night of Tuesday a Swede fell from the fourth story window ol the Sawyer House to the ground. He lit in a hogshead of ashes and refuse which helped to break the fall. He had just come down from the drive and was stopping at said house for a few days. He says thut6ometime iv the night he got up and thought that he would sit by the window was cool and that he dropped ashen and fell. He was fruit at the time aud fainted, and after coming to himsall he got up and walked into lite house. Dr. Watier was called aud after an examination he thought that he might have sustained some internal injuries, but none of a dangerous nature. ture. This is the second person who has fallen from the same window. NORTHFIELD. Northfield, May 25.— Our North bound train was four hours late yesterday. Misses French, Wilkins and Smith left for Boston yesterday. Two cases of measles are reportel in the family of N. Davenport. Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, the mercury stood at 85, 86 and 88 degrees above zero iv the shade, and to-day 89. Mr. J. S. Way will start west in a few days for Ausburn & Co., at a salary of $125 per month. Remenyi, the world-renowned violinist, at Lockwoods hall, Wednesday, June «3. Fresh strawberries are already in our market at 25 cents per quart. The Cannon river has fallen 13 and risen 2 a inches in the past ten days, and is on the rise. Yesterday a man in the employment of Archibald & Co., Dundas, came near losing his life from the effects of drinking ice water. Prof. Strong, of Carleton, left some time ago on a collecting tour. He has turned up in the East, where he, it is reported, ha* raised $10,000 to proceed with building Ladies' hall. Whether this be true or not, the hall is- being rapidly pushed and will be, it is said, finished the present season. It is 200x40 feet, with wings 90x40 feet, and to cost between forty and forty-five thousand dollars. Ij-jjEf .-^ ■ THAl""***; |p.- fI^TT-fc GREAT --fly MM N **Olt RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago. Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell' ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, 7 Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. .No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil as a safe, sure, simple and cheap Externa! - Remedy. --A trial i entails but the comparative!-; trifling outlay of SO Cents, and every one. suffering with pain can have cheap and positive proof of it* claims. ' . -.-;' ;■' . . Y -- ~ ■* .: ' v'\ • _ 7 ' - 7 '- *'•-.•• ' ..'. "■ • Directions in Eleven Languages. V*. V 7* BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS Aim DEALERS y^ . 15 MEDIOISE. 7-. Y^: 7 : A. VOGELER & CO., Baltimore, Jfd,. 8. 4 ■sag — tßßsaeaßssssßS — - ~~— CLOTHING. ■J CLOTHINGI ' WEAVIRSON & JOHNSON, WEATfipON & JOHNSON, MERCHANT TAILORS, 310 Jackson St.. Merchants Hotel Block. 310 Jackson St., Merchants Hotel Block. Where will be found a fine stock of Imported and Domestic Goods, and work" guaranteed 7 :fi:r,st-C7l,__j3S. . .' i': ;-!:FiR9.T;C7£ASS.:-'".,.-77 V M. C.'Ten Eyck is engaged as Cutter at this establishment, and ; cordially invites . his old customers and the public who desire first-class work, to him a calL - ,145* THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 26. 1881. CIVIL ENGINEERS. - ' VINE D. BIMAR. W. S. MORTON SIMAE & MOBTON, ' crviu engineers] f . .-.. Will make engagement -' for work j requiring exercise of professional skill, on short notice. B»om 32, Davidson Block, City. [ 138-168 : -a-_H__H____B_Bfl_H-n_H Ladies Do you want a pure, bloom- ;: ing Complexion? If so, a few applications of Hagan's MAGNOLIA BALM will grat ify you to your heart's con- tent. It does away with Sal- lowness, Redness, Pimples, Blotches, and all diseases and imperfections of the skin. It overcomes the flushed appear- ance of heat, fatigue and - ex- citement. It males a lady of THIRTY appear but TWEN- TV: and so natural, gradual, and perfect are its effects, that it is impossible to detect its application. ■ ' *►— ; pi ' i i ' p. MEDICAL. ..;.- " "' : CUKE YOUJ-SELF! FRENCH SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to cure radically diseuee. of carta!, rats, delicate nature, either »ex or ooDditlou- I'rlc* $1, .';; !it by express to au; part of the ootmtr) fail directions with each bottle Cold onij by K. L •JiTAHL. Northeast eornw of Van -'<!«o -treat *n« filrh ,t«n<p» . nhfamwn 7 *'.*V.H, " — ~m__. __, __—_—__——_»»——_—_—_. Reassessment for Oping anfl Exten sion of Tilton Sireet. Office of the Board of Public Works, . } Citt of St. Paul, Minn., May 25, 1881. J The Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minu., will meet at their office, in said city, at 2 p. m. on the 10th day of .Tune, A. D. 1881, to make a re-as sessment of benefits, damage?, costs and ex penses arising from the opening and extension of Tilton street, from Ramsey's Addition to Kice street, in said city, on certain? property un the line of said improvement, and -enO-tfd or damaged thereby, and on which property Judgment has been denied by the .D^trie' Court of Ramsey county, Minu. ; " . ■■-'■:■ The land necessary to be condemned and tiken for said improvement is described a. follows, to-wit: - All that land lying between Tilton street and a straight line drawn from the southwest erly corner of lot 1, block 8, Ramsey's Ad dition, to the easterly line of Rice street, at n point two (2) feet northwesterly of Tilton street, being a part of the "Tilton Acre," st> mallei, in the city of St. Paul, Minn. . All persons interested are hereby notified to be present at said time and place of making -aid re-assessment, and will be heard. JOHN FARRINGTON, President.,. Official: R. L. German, Clerk Board ofPublic Works. ' 146-48 CITY NOTICE. Change of Street Grade Change of Street Grade " ■ Citt Clerk's Offioe "■'- y?. Citt Clerk's Offioe ? St. Pattl, Minn., May 12th, 1881. $ Notice is hereby given that the Common Council of the City of Saint Paul will at their meeting to be held on-the-7th day. of June, A. D. 1881, at 3 o'clock p. m., in the council chamber -4f the City Hall, order a change of grade on the following street between the points named, viz.: ' Westminster Street Westminster Street From Lafayette avenue to Minnehaha street, in accordance with and as indicated by the red line on the profile thereof, and as reported upon as proper and necessary by the Board of Public Works, of date April 22, 1881, which *aid report was adopted by the Common Coun cil at their meeting held May 5, 1881*. 7 The profile indicating the proposed: change is on file and can be seen at this office. j By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, ' May 13-Mon & Thur-3 w - City 7 Clerk. Notice to Creditors. SITATE OF MINNESOTA— COUNTY OF BAM- O sey— ln Probate Court, Special Term, May 'Ith *iBHI V-: '- -.*. , Id the matter of the estate of Daniel Chamberlln, . deceased :'..:::. ."• -; • •.'— ..-...'J :.:..■'■•_. Notice is hereby given that the Ju-*?e of Probate. of tbe county of Ramsey, will, upon the first Monday >f the months of Ju'y, Atutust, September, October j and November, A. D. ISSt. at ten o'clock a. in., at he Probate office In Raid connty ,~ receive, hear, j ex amine and adjust all claims of all persons against said ' eceased, and that six months fioin this c ate have been allowed and Halted for creditors to present their claims against said estate, at the expirat on of which time a 1 claims not presented . or not allowed Khali be forever haired, unless for cause shown, further time be allowed. ' HESBY tO'C^RMA***, YYY? [l.s] Judge of Probate. * ,-.- - may lWiw-Tbnr . ...."-'. _-■'. :'\7. NOTICE TO PLUMBERS. * ■' 7r' 0 Sealed proposals will be received at the office Sealed proposals wi'l be received at the office of the Board of Educition till noon of MAY 3 Ist, 1881, For doing the plumbing iof 7 the Franklin School Building, 7 corner - Tenth f street ! and Broadway. ... • ' 7 . Y-. ::.'-. y Specifications can be seen at the: office of E. P. Bassford. " , 1 7 - ■'■ E. J. ABBOTT, '■':.* 142-51 Chairman Committee on Property. . STATE OF ; MINNESOTA, 7cO DNT 7 OF : RAM-" | Veey—es.'- District Court, S Second Judicial Dis trict. • y ""-.;' ":*.7 Augustus E . Btrnnm, Plaintiff, vs. . The ... unknown heirs of John V. Van lugen, deceased, Defendant.' '-.',_-_. '..-;■ SUMMONS. The State of Minnesota, to the above named de- fendant: ' '.7--7r.~177!_.j_&\77 p-;-*S 5,. You are hereby ■ summoned and. required to an-' i ewer '"■■■• "- the - n - com»la'nt 7'— of ~ the — plaintiff ' in the above entitled action, >aU copy cf , wh'ch has been heretofore duly fled in , the office of ' . the C erk of the District Court : aforesaid, and' to ' xerve a copy, of . your - answer ".. to '.}. said complaint i on the subscriber, 3 at I his offioe in the city of St.- Paul, in the county of Ratr^ey, within j twenty, days j after the service of this summons mon yon, • exclu- ! Five of the day of snob service, and if you fad to | answer tbe said complaint within the time aforesaid, I the Plaintiff lin this action will apply .7 to . the Court ; j fur the re'ief therein demanded;; together 7 with the j. costs and disbnrs ments herein: :--'- •--".-•-.-*';•>- > •--■? :l i Dated At. Paul. May 25, . DM *.*"*" Qi it: .-:/;•;•■. '"J. m | -_.-> ••:'-• - , -X HILERH. HORTON. :y j Plaintiff's Attorney, St, Paul, Minn. j CMay_6-7w-Ih>_:.) CITY NOTICE. , ,ff:: '" " ■' *'•''•* ••■•■•■:::" - for i Jndgnient| Notice for Judgment '''-■'•''•"' .•• '■■* ": '"' .- . 7'" .7'^l§K^ Office of the City Treasurer, ? Office of the City Treasurer, ? - St. Paul,' Minn., May 24, 1881. J I "will make application to the District Court in and for the county of Ramsey and State of Minnesota, at the special term held Saturday, June 11, 1881, at the Court House in St. Paul, Minnesota, for judgments against the 3 several lot* and real estate embraced in i a warrant } In my hands for the collection of unpaid assess-; ments, with interest and costs [ thereon for the hereinafter lamed special assessments. ; "77777" All in the City of St. 7 Paul, county of Ram- sey and State of Minnesota, when and where allpersons interested may attend and be heard. The owners and descriptions of lots and real estate are as follows:. 7: .... -,/, V - - . s Assessment for 'straightening Mount Airy street between Broadway and L'Orient street. Ashton & Sherburne's Addition/ Supposed owner and Am't of .':• 3 description. Lot. Block. Judgment. Dawson .........: 15 7 17 - $4 33 Anna Woodruff.:.. ....'l6 17 4 33 Same.:;:..:. ;..-...... 17 17 4 33 Estate of Ezra 8 Oliver, * deceased . . . ....... . . . 4 .18 433 Ada L Mayall ..... 11 .5 18 7 . 2 16 5ame............ 6 18 7- 217 5ame....... ..;... 18 18 2 16 Same ......19 18 2 17 Mary J0rgen50n ........ 20 17 ; 483 F Knauft, £ 112 ft 21 17 483 John Anderson 7 . 18 433 J B D0w. .. :..: : . ....... 8 18 7 4ss Aug Repke.... ......... 15 8 , 846 St. i'aui Workingmen'- •' - Building Association, 16 ■-:*-'■• 8 ■"-" y 846 Paul Paulten, part of lot 9, block 18, _ -y commencing at northern corner of said lot 9, thence running in a . s'ly 7 •"• • . direction 56 ft, fronting -oh Broad- . way, thence running in an ely di : • rection 51 4-12 ft, the front on Mt. - y Airy street, • thence w'ly along - Mt. ■'-■ "'" ; j Airy street 108 X ft, thence sw'ly to beginning — .........r.y.i.... ,;7 433 Olaf Lundgard, lot 9, block 18, except -. -7 part owned by Paul ; Paulson, and ,- | except se'ly part of said lotl front- . I ing 56 ft on Broadway by 83 ft on ely line of said lot owned by Eliz- 7 ; -•"'' abeth D0w....... 4 88 J All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram- sey and State of Minnesota. " 7: 7 7 _ ; - 145-49 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. CITY NOTICE. Notice for Judgment. Office of the Citt Treasurer, ? St. Paul, Minnesota, May 24, 1881. J . I will make application to the District Court, in and for the county of Ramsey and State ol Minnesota, at the special terra held Saturday, June 11, 1881, at the Court House in St. j Paul, Minnesota, for judgments against the. several lots : and real estate embraced in a wai rant in my hands for the collection of unpaid assess- ments, with interest and costs thereon for the hereinafter named special assessments." 77r L. 7 . All in the City of St Paul, county 'of 7 Ram- sey and State of Minnesota, when and. when all persons interested may attend and be heard j The owners and description of lots and real estate are as follows: : 7 7 Assessments for constructing sewer on Minnnesota : street ■ from Ninth •to Eleventh street, thence on Eleventh street to a point 50 feet east of Cedar, street-. y. V y Robert & Randall's Addition. .. .-, Supposed owner and •' Am't of description. 7 Lot. Block. Judgment. Chas H Johns, e'ly ,<* .. 1- 5 .-$178,50 Estate of Morris Lam- prey, except n'ly 50 ft 1 . 12 . 205 28 H D Ruffner, James Ruff Her, -Trustee.... 2 6 • 89 25 James Cu11en.......:. 4 5 89 25 Thos F0x...... ....... 6 7 5 ' 89 25 All in the city of St. Paul, Ramsey county, Minn. .' 7 ■'■'■■■ •■ \ '"~ "*" 145 49 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. .J CITY NOTICE. Office of the Citt Treasurer, ) . Office of the Citt Treasurer, ) St. Paul, Minnesota, May 17, 1881. > All persons interested in the assessment for Sever on Minnesota Street, From Eleventh to Twelfth' streets, thence ; on Twelfth street to Cedar street, thence on Cedar street to Thirteenth street, and -on -Twelfth street half way to Robert street, -;|7'Y17..7 ' WILL TAKE NOTICE*; That on ; the 16th \ day of May, 1881, 1 did receive a warrant from the City Comptroller of the City of St Paul,*; for the i collection of the above named assessment. ,<.. „r. ■•-. si - * ;• - \ I The nature of this warrant is, that if you fail to pay the assessment within Thirty Days - after the first publication of this notice, I shall report you and your real estate so assessed as delinquent, and apply to th* District Court of the county of Ramsey, - Minnesota, for judg ments against your lands, lots, blocks, or par cels thereof so assessed, . including \ interest, cost and expenses, and for. an order :of the Court to sell the same for the Davment thereof. :\ 137-147 F. A RENZ, City Treasurer. Bl I S% ""■fl**" i _ *"r*_ _*'■* *r«>stßV«/ CoMp^ppU) mat Lie v 1 1 11 8 1 S I- tru:' can be »:- -^iy *' ' *a ¥ I 3 lit* peiised with .and Hie _• ViiV" telbnger imperiled, by- __* rapture becoming sirajifu/afed." Bo knife or lhf> -' . tore. no -rupture salve." no ."rupture curative com" pound," nc so-oiiled 7 "radioal < cure" or . Vcommo* j ••na*" truss, no patent . or ' cruel mechanical appll v. anee whatever are employed by Drs. Logan * Cady In treating and curing rurtws By * rational, *af» Mid almost painless method of treatment Dra.Logat 6 Cady guarantee a positive :ewre. "Persons nv*j receive treatment I and return I boo_«ward the sami l lay, and eonttaue_mpl-y___-t~w__to:t__da--U__fc~- went. if abdominal pressure be avoided. S Treatment lyplles to each tax and to ah ages .-'-"•■' A positive cur» - jTCirautoed or no charge made. . . Why continue th* Ltim and suffer the mental and nervous deprentoa ., Irowslnes*. bark " ache, frequent j , deposition 7U -rtnate, acd other renal difficulties that almost in variably follow the unnatural truss pressure sua the internal organs when an absolute cure Is la -ten for yon? ;*;::'..'■ -77~,-7 yy . yiyy? Drs Logan ft Oady are permanently looted hi Chicago. Office »_ -tats street. Cor. BUts an* Adams. Befersacss given at the office. Hoars 9a. k. to 4F. ny-- y :7Z7 ii- *".', ~ -'" ■'.' : --„1777T7.7V ' *'■*'' ' . >I ; Coaa-altattom and Examination Free, 7 77,. ■ i • >*. -.■-:■-■• wa^iacw • .-• -•-'"'- -". STATE OF MINNESOTA— COUNTY OF BAM- ■ sev— ss. In Probate Court, Special term, May 11th, 1881. •'--: -„... _...... In tbe matter of the . guardianship . of ? Harry E. White and Harriet M White, minors:"-! *..,-•'. s8 | On I reading nnd filing : the pet tion of B. 78. Galui-ha, guardian of the persons and property o' said Harry E. White and Harriet M. White, minors, for license to sell the real estate of his paid wards, at private » ale or public auction: • and . It appearing from eaid petition thi. t it is necessary aud would be beneflcial to said w rds - that ! raid real estate, or a part thereof, ch ■> Id be sold; 7Y: ' '- :'•'.* _Z&f- ■'■ as _ It is order**], that the next of kin of paid wards, and all persons interested tn the estate of said wards, j shall appear before »aid Probate Court, at the • Pro ! bite office in the city of Saint Paul, in the county of ! Bamsey, aforesaid, on the "27th day of June, A. D ! 183' , at ten o'clock In the ■ forenoon, to show cause why alt ense should net be granted for the sale of Eaid real estate. ■'•" •^s-.'.-' 'YY. : ' -" -H -'"-'-',- ':•-.*, And it is further ordered, that a copy of this order be personally served on t*ie next of kin of said i wards residing in said Bamsey county, and on all I persons interested ln said estate, at * toast ' fourteen | da- a before the hearing of said petition ib aforesaid, ' and by the publication thereof f v four . successive i weeks in the Daily Globk, a newspaper printed and published st the city of Saint Paul , in i said . Bamsey j county, the last of ■;. which ' publications shall be at j le**t fourteen days before said day of hearing, . ■ By the Court, ' 777 .7. HENKY O'GOBMAN, -i* :*f J '-'■; [n.s.]'ri- ••*-.% YY'- 7~-7.;" Judge of Probate. ; ? Attest: \ Frank Robert, Jr., Clerk. •'••'- v [ ■ j'-'.- •? , - ' may I"i-**w-Thur . * "'-■:.■■■-:;■: i•■ Di ''T DU( 'ik* <**••* Franca lurjgorau*. i_-nts 1 ! liilUU 1 illu cub' - Stamp = for * elroular. Nervine ! KING '77 Fills far lost man-nod, Sl boi. 800. j .'ss Nervosa U-eacea, cause aad am; Mc to mj ; i «t*«» : "Oft , 1 A_CBB. "*"* .WM-thurtoa street. Chi- f DEEDS V" ' '. '...y.p^r OR '*i**^^ V%' '.' v,.'; \ ,- •-- Local, June 23, 1881, June 23, 1881, Beino: IheList Day for Redßmptioo fiffiinE tie Last Day far HedentptiDQ •■- Comptroller's Office, Citt Hall, ' ? ; St. Paul, Minn., May 28, 1881. Jy- To the owners of real estate, holders of "City To the iowners of .real estate^ holders "of "City Treasurer's certificates of Bale," and to '; all . ; other interested parties, ,7:,T.J 'i;.y~>cJft GREETING: v Deeds will be issued iby the City of Saint Paul, on the twenty-fourth day of , June, 1881, in accordance with the city charter, upon the presentation to the City ' Comptroller- of the following unredeemed "certificates \of sale," issued by the City Treasurer, for property sold by him on the twenty-third day of June, 1879, to satisfy judgment- against the! same,-: ren dered by the District Court of the ; county of Ramsey, State of Minne^tj, for the following improvements, unless redeemed on or before the twenty-third day of June, 1881 ' with twenty-four per cent, penalty, per annum, from the date of sale, June 23d, 1879, viz: . r.:; U HolManl^YiK-ine^> Grading. Lyman Dayton's Addition. Li "*■.. 77 No.of - - Am't of Certificates. Supposed owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. -2314 Estate of Lyman Dayton, 1 44 $621 22 3315 ;jBame.;.ir":^ .".;:. ..r.y33 44 148 17 2316 iSame.:U:y-: .;*....;.. 23 44 167 18 2317p5ame:i,.yi.;,.'...y...y 21 44 167 18 2318 Same :..... :....::. 20 44 167 18 2319 Same S. .r. 7r;'i ... Tfi 19 44 ' 167 18 2320 5ame......... ....18 44 167 18 2321 Same ....... . 1 '*.' ...... ... 17 44 873 6*l 2323 5ame....... .....10 45 8446 •2324 .Same .:..:....:... .*. '.**.. 11 * 45 * 34 46 •2325 Same..:. .. ....... ;.... 12 45 1»0 43 •2326 Same./.. .....: 13 45 167 18 2327 5ame........."....-... 14 45 f 167 18 2328 Same ........ .;...>•• 15 45 133 80 Self trrane Grating. - Kern's Addition. 7 ; • No.of ': ■'■''"■'■■ " ■••'•'•■'•': '-: Am't of Certificates. Supposed owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. •2345 John Brown 20 2 $6 57 2346 Same 21 ,2 657 Woodland Park Addition. * 'ft: '■ No. of y »■ Am't of Certificates. Supposed owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale j ■2350 Edward Curry , ..' 12 3 $10 22 2:351 5ame...... 13 3 776 2352 Same 14 37 76 2354 John NKelly.... ........ 14 4 776 Ninth Street Sewer. • :-... Robert & Randall's Addition. No. of , .■ Am'tof Certificates. Supposed owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale." 2361 Mary * R Milette, w'ly • - 15 feet.............. 5 15 $18 04 "2363 Same.... ............. 6 15 55 81 2363 Same 7 15 55 81 7 Rice Street Sewer. Irvine's Enlargement to Rice 7 & Irvine's Addition. No.of - ,- Am'tof Certificates. Supposed owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. ■2364 James Stinson .....' 11 58 $83 21 2366 E Stone Gorman, ne'ly ..:<-:-■ Xof *. 4 59 94 58 - • -■■■ • Irvine'- Addition. Irvine's Addition. No. of Am't of Certificates. Supposed owner. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. 2367 Nancy 1rvine. ........ 5 4 ' $63 67 Portland Avenne Oping. 7 - '. Woodland Park Addition. 77 Vo.oiy.'-.':"7'-77:: 7. ■ :'-'y;'"7' Am't of Certificates. Suppose:! owners. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. 2370 SJR McMillan, west -155 ft, more or less, j ••-: - of east 402 ft 0f.;...,---- 2. $8 29 Bloff Street Opening-, ; -- .'■ No. of Am't of Certificate. Supposed owaer. \, Sale. 2376 Davidson & Allis, commencing \ if. at a point on the s line of Bluff V v j' ; y street, in Lambert & Co.'s ad- 1 \ dition, where the w line of land deeded by L Roberts & wife to TJ L Lamprey, February 3, 1866, :■>■' intersects said line; thence 's y J ■•■': along the w line of said land . deeded to said Lamprey, ,25 ft; ;„ t.y. , ,. s thence sw'ly parallel with Bluff " ;y ', il'-:. street to a point where a line 50 • v * ft sly and parallel "with a" line ■■.. '"_ drawn from sw corner of block • 9 to se corner of . block 6 of / Ewing&Chutc's addition would V intersect; thence sw'ly parallel with the said last mentioned. • line to the s line of Ewing & :■■■:[ Chute's addition; thence ne'ly along, said s line of Ewing & Chute's addition and the s line y of Bluff street, in Lambert & Co.'s addition, to place of be- . y h .: ginning .......Vy....:...;:52777 ; Wins S'ret Crating. . Kittson's Addition. > 7 No. of v*--" ' ■; Am't of Certificate. Sunpciei owner. Lot. Bl'k. Sale. •2879 ..ARCapehart.......; .6 50 $96 .Jackson Street Payirg and Grating. " V St. Paul Proper. ,^ y V 7Y if No. of '■'•' "\ '■■y Am't of Certificates. Supposed owners.' Lot.' Bl'k. Sale. 3883 Caroline Schurmeier, 8 .'~rr-:-*Y 7 * 44ft0f................ 8 18 $120 88 2385 B A Allis.ntfof s)i of 14 12 69 58 2386 i Mary C DeCou, s# of .. \ -:■■: ilisH of ...;..... ;....; '.14 -.12 . 69 58 2389 i J P Harrison, und yt of ts3ftof.....y :'.... t.T: 1 17 589 2390 JO Harrison, und Xof . vl ys3 ft0f.... .....;..... 1 17 -5 89 2391 V D Walsh, &% of mid- 0* jJ 7t YydleJi 0f... ....... ...44 17 67 17 2393 Same, n# of middle "■'-'• -- Kofw... ......;.-14; 17 67 17 . JOHN W.ROCHE,- .:, - 144-49 -\ :..■ City 7 Comptroller. - DR. A L. CLUM'B XaXXnESZI. CATHABTIC. CATHABTICi *£ Purely Vegetable. Curse sB bilious diseases set. -tag ob the Stomach, Liver and Blood. Warranted Is all eases. Ask your DrnprJrt for this Mettctea sold by aU Drac**- urn Wktm. vA y!.*^.^.:«!fli&™'^ §r\\ ni CDC *ad r*B*iua*n —aa yo«» adan*. a* yLUILiIU ajSstel ear* to Jk FJJOOLB. Bra dULUitnO spw-) ««rd to J P.-OOLB. Bes "5 w-»h<us»«e, 0.0- -a- «-wt-» FREE so *l bt»a«e : to»t_.r d*rm4Wl*e **er i»«i»«to M«a> h* *hl» e-oer »■—— — 1 " '"" ""'"'""'^"■T*""l gj-g-g-g . :7&rfi&._'mttlNriu^^ HISS LAUBA W. HALL, r if: :viaa;iiinati&r%__w lEACEER (ff PliSO, - - ST. PAUL. Residence, No. 20 Western Avenne. I . 7 Residence, No.' SO Western Avenne. ■ Befesenee . by permission, BroC H. 8. Sarotl ■; LEADING BUSINESS MEN 7 rf *.. ■«;-.; mi. - "..ifi- i.|v7 ?)*" {7g-:;A7J-l '/! fjlOri.T, ■?. 7J *7/' Y7 OB* ST. PATH-, MIN2ST. --■j'-"" .■■■■■ — 'ljjpj'' -l ' . ■ *"■■• ■■"' ■ "' " ' *•' y ABOHITIOTI. Y.f '.-■■' -ff 7. ABOHITgOTg. '■ 7:77^: * .■■>^ JOHN StKVINS * -ON, 2-x East Third ; JOHN STIVINS A ftON, 29^ East Third ftFMt. St. Paul, Minn.*; .;;._».^, .«._, "... . . •! ■I i _____________________ 1 .gas ;.-. j#''H li:i;A-tHtt^l-ATlBlAtg.^rg j § £ IHKRWOOdT HOUGH, corner Third " and iWabMhaw^ J *J ,i*. q>j» , iV .V.6.^ * '*■' f .' ."» ATTOBNEYB. WILLIAMS 4 DAVIDSON, Attorneys, WILLIAMS A DAVIDSON, Attorneys. have removed to Davidson's t block, corner of — j^urtynd litd.eon6treets. 7, 7BI«r.PACKEBB. . V ..■-.-; McINTOSH & C 30., Beef Packers and Preserv- 1 > ers of Meats, 30 and 22 Jackson street. '-' BOOKS A -T ATIOSIBY. SHERWOOD HOUGH, corner Third and Wabashaw. '. \tlii%\ . :■■■.- i^ii-'f '- ? v."; Y'i.: y ST. PAUL BOOK AND STATIONERY CO., UT East Third street. i*^- . ■ ';:.: <7.- 7-^ 77.777. :■ -7 CABRI-OBS A SLEIGHS- A. NIPPOLT, cor. Seventh A Sibley streets. - A. NIPPOLT, cor. Seventh A Sibley streets. ■.■a- i ' ggg COM-lIBBION, FRUITS 4 P-tODUCE. • coamissioy, fruits a faopucg. i FINCK A MoGAULET, Wholesale Dealers In Grain, Flour, Feed and Provisions, No. 44 Sibley street, St. Paul, Minn. J^ -X! M.tB) *S££SSS£SBSBS££££S£E££S£BSS£SSEE££& CBOCBBBT-WHOLBBALB k RETAIL 1 CBOCKIRY- WHOLESALE A RETAIL. J. SCHILLO 4k Co., 106 Wabashaw street : J. SCHILLO A Co., 106 Wabashaw street ' ,-i t'Y a .1 „ ' ■ ■ - CAR7ATS A WALL" PAPERS.,: JOHN M ATHEIS, 11 East Third street W. L. ANDERSON. 86 East Third street. DAT QOOPa- Wholesale. ~ AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTBON A CO., AUERBACH, FINCH, CULBERTSON A CO.. corner Third and Waconta streets.' 7'■ • ":- '.{. V.':- :■ . .--. ■ ' --BetaU.,..;.;^:* - .; T" . I A. H. LINDEKE A BRO,, 9E. Third street - ■ - ■ ;vt .FUB-, FEATHEBS A GINSENG. ■ j' FUBS, FEATHERS A GINSENG. ] A. O. BAILEY, 10 Jackson street y:* ;:i' TmmmsasssesmsmtaKeemK&ssmßsmmmammemi ; FWRNITDBE, FEATHEBS ft MATTRESSES. FTJRNITORE, FEATHERS A MATTRESSE*i. : STEES BROS., 51 East Third street. ; Estab lished 1850. V *.?. a ?.-:.-:'- ? ..?■". .' '7-. •*. - j , r ...... ; -\ .-. GROCERS— Wholesale. rj^ -k-^-VX P. H. KELLY^A CO^ 142 to 118 East Third street ,-.,..-,.-■; ....-; g^j ,y-.y-.-y>, .-.;--.q *.--:■.■ HARDWARE ft TOOLS. >t •; •' KINGSBURY A DRAPER, 85 E. Third Street JEWELERS ft WATCHMAKERS. j EMIL GEIST, 57 East Third stmt ' HARDWARE— Wholesale. STRONG, HACKETT A CO., 188 E. Third St FUBS, HIDES, WOOL, GINSENG. MERRELL RIDER, 55 Jackson street j MERRELL RIDER, 55 Jackson street' 7' ■■■■■: LIMB, CEMENT, PLABTEB HAIR. ■ SANDERS A MATHEWS, 71 and 73 Levee , TRUNK MAKERS. . . v CRIPPEN A UPSON, 74 Erst Third street , W. H. GARLAND, 41 East Third street VB KBB-E-S_3B--B-t-K-Sa--iB-g-t-B-88-BgB3B-SBM -.;,-- WINES AND LIQUORS^- Wholesale, gg g j * WINEI AND LIQCOBS- Wholesale. I PERKINS, LYONS A CO., 81 Robert street B. KUHL & CO., Wholesale Dealers in Eiquors and Wines, 194 East Third street, St Paul. '■* ■ ■ :.' *-•■■. ;•» - .'.-' I FOSNITUBE AND UPHOLSTERY. HEZEKIAH HALL, furniture and upholstery j Choice stock; first-class work; No. 311 Jack son street. * :-*- . . WHOLE3ALB NOTIONB. "" ARTHUR, WARREN & ABBOTT, 186 and 188 East Third street. PROPOSALS FOB TOWER Cli III! Citt Clerk's Office, ? St. Paul, Minn., May 9th, 1881. $ 7 Sealed propo_als,marked "proposals for tow er clock, etc. ," will be received at . this offlce until Tuesday, the 7th day of June, A. D. 1881, at 12 o'clock m., for furnishing this city with a tower clock and bell, proposals to comply with -■ the following specifications: The clock must be half hour strike, and suf ficiently heavy to raise a fifty pound • hammer without under strain upon working parts. The dials, four in number, to be seven and one half feet in diameter, and all metal, unless the common council, or a committee thereof, shall choose illuminated dials. The clock must have ! gravity escapement and compensated pendulum, and its rate of variation guaran teed not to exceed fifteen seconds per month. The bell to be of sufficient weight and strength to stand the blow of 7 a fifty pound hammer. Ihe opening in the bell tower -is nine feet in the clear. Bidders will state the weight of bell for which they bid. Ths right to reject any and all bids „is re served -.-"-. ■■:.-• "7-. By order of Common Council. THOS. A. PRENDERGAST, ; 130-158 . '< ■'.-. City Clerk. ■■■' -. POM. .7 Y-' #*"" GRIGGS & FOSTER -7 y. Ifiyjl:-.' D*___KBS -H , ; jy-y dialers a 11 11 11 29 East TMrd Street, |§§ ST.PAUL, V ■ - y- -■; Mum. |_r*arMt B-duotton- In Mesa of Goal, *>/ 7 — * 7 IKS-TOT POWDER." ■'? '"*'.■-■" Y-*"i~4 PROF. F. A. THORPE, manufso- tur-r of VERMIN and INSECT DE- STROYING POWDER. • .- Free i from Poison. No. 11l West Third street, .St. Paul, Minn. \ y " Orders '. promptly filled. Send for 'circulars and testimonials. H6-3m '■J7 '■£? S^y* MANUFACTURERS. ST. MUL ;f OUNDEY ST. PAUL FOUNDRY AM) MANUFACTURING COMPANY, MANUFACTUBING COMPANY, i!* 7 ;" -f- Manufacturers of the 7 "is^y ST. PAUL FARM -engine, Car Wheels, Railroad Castings^* f .. -7 Iron Fronts for Buildings. Heavy Wood and Coal Btbves," Bridge/ Sewer Heavy Wood and Coal Btoves, Bridge, Sewer «^-^i and all other kinds of Castings. . -,7^-i. President— W.*R;MEßßiAM.y7"y:^' 7 i ' Manager— C. N. Pabkbr. ': 7;I *ir V* * r Sec.* and Treas.— H." W. Topping. ,7. j 0. Box, 2575. _:' 7 ,. ■yJ^.'^Z'^Z'-. "'';''"■'■' c»yv::yy>?ooi-fiCTioMigT»,'y'.'l-f-i;--7.-* - _f\ ■ ' »TWa ■" TBend one, two, three, or fl-ra 111 ■ II ■■ j dollars for a sample n*<\ 111 ■ 1 1 If box, by express, of th* best 111/ Candies la Americe. pt<t op "Irnl 1 ■■:■ elegantly and etrtcUy jure I| LB -ill Befen to aO Chicago. ■Ad lIH 111 I **•■•©• r*eDMTHEB' .Ayy^ygiiiTiT-rnr «8_«r,05-OAoaM^ TRAVELERS' GUIDE. • -.' :"* * = Paul Railway Time Tables' • ' ' Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis Chica^O/StyPaii]; Minneapolis AND OMAHA LINE. -BAST-CRN DXTIUOM-Chleaco, St. Paul A _-AJtT_Ut_f DIVISION— Chicago, St. P»ul A :-7i: -MnacanoU- Line. ■ , • V TWO DAILY TRAINS TO CHICAGO. i ? «'-" j •- J1 Depot reck of Waoonta Street j I--* , Leave. -Leave., t »r.-> St Paul. Minneapolis Through Chicago and I *13 p m *ll:Mam Eastern Express.... J f8 :05 pm f64opm North Wisconsin •10 :45 m Wisconsin Central 6:15 a m J i?mO^ •*. r :.--' ::.;.. v •• . ,' , Arrive. . - Arrive. !•-'•" .-.- num. '■'■'■" I St °aul. Minneapolis Through Chicago sod , MM am *7:86 am Eastern Express . • fl»0 pm t_-» North Wisconsin 1..". . »3:85 p m ....<!. Wisconsin Central.,.. 8: p m '-,*■•.* : „•...;...:.![ . ST. PAUL A STILL WATEH TBAIM. ;-"•:-;' V Depot foot of Wacouta street.;'- ' . j 7 Leave. ..];..■ Leave. '• ■ St Pan 1......1* 6:16 a m Stillwater fl9 4* pm • tv i tB:o6p mJY; M,y*.N..V*B_lop m Depot foot of Jackson street. . . .Leave. ■■-- 7>~.-7 -*■'•> Leave. "-■■'■ - St Pan1.... ■•1:15 a.m. I Stillwater..... *fl^o a. m. ) ■,:" ....no4«p.m.b ~M .....*•:*> a. __* ■ — .....*»4op.m.lJpy<<;:: .... natty m. ■ BITES FALL «T*AIN. Depot foot of Jackson street. ''Leave.'.-- ;■-*.'. ;y Leave. St Panl «s:oepmlßivw Falls for t . ■ . .: >:-:• I St. Paul *6 am ■ All the above trains pass Lake Elmo. - ; V . VfKS'I'KBW DIVISION— St Paul A Sioux j ■;' City Ballroa.l-" Th c Slonx City Route." _ Depot foot of Jaofcsou street. Trains. y Leave. Arrive. Omaha, Kansas City and Texas ; •■ Express....'... *3:4opm »10:55 am 8-OQx Falls and Sioux Oity Ex- pre 55......... *7:loam *6*6opm • •Sundays exoepted. tDally. + Mondays axoupid. *7 Th* Slonx Falls A Slonx City Expreaa makes ohm oona-etl-as to and from an points on branch Unas. ' F. B CLARKE, O-nerml Trafflo Manager. . Chicago, Milwaukee £ St. Paul Railway i Three dally trains to Chicago. Two dally trains to at Louis and Kansas Oity "fifteen daily trains each tray between St. Panl and Minneapolis. ':■■ - ~ '. " Leave. .. Arrive . j 7. [i 77.. Trains. • * St Paul. Bt Paul. ' River Division— v*-^ •»■ <-.•' [':■■- Thro Chicago AE. Exp.. *12:35 p m 640 am Thro Chicago A E. Exp.. [ 8:10 p m *1:26 p m lowa A Minn. Division ; Thro P. O .Mil&C Ex. *B*4o a m »6 :4D p m St. L. A Kan. City Ex.. *6:40 a m "M to "it L. A Ran. City Ex.. t8:46 p m *6:40 p m aastlngs A Dakota Exp.. *tf*4o a m *0 -M) m Owatonna Passenger.... *440 p m »946 am •]';•'; St. Paul and Minne .polls Trains. U ''- ','. Via Short Una. '.'■- - '■-. Leave Arrive ) Leave Arrive St Paul. Minneapolis Minneapolis St Paul. j 6:00 am 6:3oam *740 am »7 :3oam •840 am •8:80 am 8:00 am B:3oam 9:00 am 9:30 am *940 am ■ '9:3oam '10:00 am *I** so a m *ll:00am 30 a m •1140 am *ll:80am *l_4om •12:.*» pm i_-40m.r; 12:30pm .'.•l4opm :*; *l:"0pm ." , *l:80pm .■•2:oopm 240 pm 2:30 pm ♦240 pm •2:10 pm •840 pm •3:Sopm : •840 pm 7*B:Bopm 7,*440pm * 7*440 pm •640pm X*s4opm *6:oopm •5:30 pm ♦6:00 pm *6 :30 pm 640 pm 640 pm •740pm 7:Bopm 7:3opm 8:00 pm Via Fort Snelling and Minnehaha. A .. •B:ssam . *9:45 am •6:Boam *740 am ■ 6:00 pm '4:45 pm \c 1040 amp 10-60 m * * •6:56 p m *6:55 p m '4:10 p m - *s:lt)pm i '•Sundays excepted. ---Saturdays excepted. $Mon- . lays excepted. ". Trains not marked are daily. . ST PAUL— Depot foot of Jackson street City office 118 Fast Third street corner Jackson. Thomp son & Petsch, Ticket Agents. .>. ) MINNEAPOLIS— Depot corner Washington . tnd Third: avenues south. A. B. Chamberlain, * 7 Ticket Agent . Oity office No. 0 Nicollet House. O. ,L. Scott, Ticket Agent. - ■ - St Paul, 7 Minneapolis and Manitoba K. R Depot foot of Wacouta street. In effect Nov. 21, 1880. FERGUS FALLS DIVISION. --.-•- Leave North. Arrive -outh. Fargo, Manitoba. Manitoba. Fargo. Passenger. Express. Express. Passenger. jam.- ■ - p m . ■ "• am p m ! •740 7:30... St' Panl.'. .-.1040' *6:30 •8:15 B:lo.. Minneapolis.. 9:85 *6:15 BEECKENBIOOK DIVISION" Breckenrldge. •-■-■: ' Breckenridge. Passenger.. »; '!£' ?.jl ii -z. ... . , Passenger. J am v:5 i* -. ft. 11 ,>";- , ci .. Y? ipiij i 7 •8:20 Leave.. .*.St Panl. ...Arrive " 3, *7 :__',?;. ! *9:OQY: *do -..Minneapolis:, ido _ »6:35 I I St. Paal and Minneapolis Short Line; :'-- -. Leave Arrive at "-Leave Arrive at ; St Paul Minneapolis. Minneapolis St. Paul •7:ooam **7:35 am 7*50 am B:2sam *7:3oam +8:10 am *940 am 7; *9:'2am •B:2oam *940 am 10:45 am 11:15 am ! 9:loam 9:45 am t11:45 am *12:15pm •10:30 am ♦1145 am 1:40 pm 2:lspm . 1240 m 12:80 pm 7: ♦2:55 pm *3:3opm •1:45 pm -2:20 4:25 pm 640pm 7 8:10pm- 8:40 pm '6:80 pm ♦7:ospm •4 :45 p m ♦6:20 pm ; 6:40 pm 6:16 pm ' +7*o pm +746 pm . 7:30 pm 8:10 pm '.-■■■• I . < LAKE MI ION HA TE* IHh: 7 t- ">;•. 7 Leave. Arrive. St Panl 8:20 am *8:25 am ; -" -.-. *s:4opm 7:lopm Minneap01i5.................... 9:>oam ♦7 ftO am ' " .-.;.•.-...-'........... •fi :15 pm 6:3»pm Wayzata, (Lake Minnetonka)... *7:lo am 9:15 am ';■ ';«r', Y: ,:\ "-)" ... 5:45 pm '7: opm | Trains leaving Saturday at 7:30 p. m. goes to Fer gus Falls, only, v « -;..;- ■■■*: I •Exoept Sunday. cept Saturday. JAS. J. HILL, Gen. Manager. W. 8. Alxxandeb. Gen. Passenger Agents I Nortta Filfir Baflnii.: j' Ticket office 43 Jackson street i Leave. ; --" ■ . i •■" -■-=■ . .• Arrive, +7 40 a.m. " Fargo Express. +6 :40 p.m. J740 b. m. Fargeard Bismarck Ex. (7 A. M. '.. +Kxcept Sunday. $Exoept Saturday. (Except Monday. .s--V;. ..-.:.-• ; Palace sleeping cars on all night twins. ■ Connection made at Blsmarcx with Missouri river steamers for Mon ana. * :'?i**77 t<tw£^-.- H. HAUPT, Gen. Manager, St Pan!. O K. Babwim. fl«n. PaßPPitigPT Agent. St Paul. St. Paul A Oulnth Railroad. "* Depot foot of Waoonta street 7.77:7: 1 BAIN 8. • ' Leave. ..-•' . -.: Arrive. . ■ St Paul* 8:00 am. Duluth 4:40 pm ' « J7:4spm. -•«* 7;3oa_a - Duluth 9:3o am St.Paul 6:oo pan i "■ • . +6:30 p.m. '■ ■ ■"*■■•■* 6:30 am < St Paul 8 40~_7m. Stillwater 9 a.m • «■ 4:1" p.m -Y4 * -«:10pjn • 1 Stillwater 7:46 am, St Paul »:"»-,n { ■ -** 440 p.m " 640 pjn " St. Paul 8:00 a.m. W'te B'r L'ke 8:40 a.m ■ " 9:60 am. " .* 10:26 a.m j " *ll._oa.m. •:'■**■'-:: 12:10 j, m ! - 4:0 p.m " , 40 p.m 1 «* 6:00 p.m. .«••"■. 6:30 p.m M 7.45 p.m. " 8:36 p.m W'te B'r L'ke 5 a.m . St. Paul 6 :* ) a m 1 a 7:<oam. " „ 840a.m J • M 945 a.m. M 9.*Aoa.m ■ M 2:<o p.m. ""■'-■_ *3^»pm 7 «' 3:05 p.m . " 8:0 p.m ! 'V--. - I ■ 6 "25 p.m. " 6:00 p.m St Paul 840 a.m. Taylors Fall* 11 i2sa.m i *L •---' 4:10 p.m. " 7:56 pm Taylors FsTs . 6:45 am. . St Panl ' 940 a.m..... ..... "-■• 2:85 p.m. " •- 6 00pm i •To and from St P. A D. depot foot of Third street. • ' .'• ; Daily except Saturday. " ' ; . - »* ". 7 Daily except Sunday. '-. All other trains daily except Sunday. 1 ■ ■ '-. HHIXX BXAB LAKX SXTKDAY TBATNS, WHITE DEAB LAKX SUNDAY TBAINB. W'te B'r L'ke 8:45 a.m. St. Paul 920 a-» " %■'-'■ ," •--■ . "•' 6:45 p.m. p. *", M 7. .-. 6-10 p.m St. Paul 10:15 am. W'te B'r L'ke 10:50 a.m h .-.;;•": -:-.:.-:-.' 7:40 p.m. * ** *••** -'-8:15 yja I To and from Wacouta street depot, St. Paul Sleeping cars on through night trains v.f-i ' V '■*;-.<> OKO. H HAZZ&RD, , ■ . 7 V V Ticket Agent 168 East Third street i A. M. EDDY, General Fretlght A Ticket -gent. 1 * I Wisconsin A . Minnesota and Wisconsin Wisconsin & Minnesota and "Wisconsin ;-}^ ";••.-..-,:, 7; :.■*"; Central Railroads. _-'.-. -'-'_i-''"Y,>'' * The new line from Minnesota to Northern, Centra ; ' and Eastern. Wisconsin.- ■'■■ „ ■ Leave St. Paul, (via C, St. P.. M. * 0.) . «:15 a m •« Stillwater Junction ........ ....v«:W am ••»«y Hudson. ;:.*:. .::....'....'.'.'.'.'..'•'.'..'». 7:l6am " Baldwin (Breakfast) Arrive 8:06... 8:26 am « Menomonee ............. ,'!^*m Arrive Kan Claire.: .....'. .:.*-/..:.■*.... 10:20 am Leave Kau Claire (via W. AM. B. 8.).... 10 60am " Badger Mills 1142 am " Chippewa Falls 11:16 am Nmy Oadott . .:.-..*.*.. *../....;'..'.. ..*.'. ;'11:45»m-: J ««.."'. Btanify.T... ..12:14pm .-•"'•« Thorpe..:v.V..V.«v .: 1248 pm 7 -1 »,»«fYWithee...Y.'::":/;..."t... .::....., 147 pm Arrive AbbotsfcrdlCPten«,')"'»'"i'"" •••'* I:6opm '■ "-- Phillips (W. 0. 8.R.). .. ... ....... 4 :63 pm " .• Fifleid/..;.".V.*>:-..i-"..vr."-..*;;."..'.-..'' 6 86 pm ■ ■ « Stevens Pclnt ...... ............ 6:25pm ' '.« Menasha-Neenah.................. B:4opm -.«* > App1et0n..;....:.................. 946pm . " Green Bay It :69pm : " 'St Paul from Green 8ay...."...... 9:lspm F. y, vr-r-rr. Oen.Man.V- J Jas. BAK_aujELP_A. !. ■nn 1 PDt\ Appetite cured. NO FETE till cured. j TUBAbuU Bend stamp. Q.B.M.Co.,CUTelaiid 0. i ,;-"* --** '■" V.»— ,- ~- ■-^- -- - ■'-'-': MAD Gold. Ohromo and Ll-hograph Cards, MAII Gold. Chromo tad lithograph Card*, ao two alike, Mm* ••, Wa. 0, Otfuy, '^fciiißi^lt-t^-1"-^--*-* — :-''- "*■ ''":."--r: :■■'■ ** "T*.*- ■*** -~^