Newspaper Page Text
'Removal. The St. Paul Lithographing and Publishing company have removed to the "Prince Block," corner of Third and Jackson streets, opposite the Merchants hotel. G. Jay Rick & Co., Proprietors. Funeral Notice. The funeral of the late Arthur R. King will take place this afternoon at S o'clock, from his late residence corner of Jackson and Four teenth streets. Friends of the family are in vited to attend. AMUSEMENTS. ___ OPERA HOUSE, SATURDAY, JUNE 4, GRAND CONCERT. RE MB NY I, Assisted by the following Solo Artists: Mile. Renie 'Reignard SOPRANO. T- Mr. Edmond De Celle TENOR. Mr. Henry "Beale, PIANIST. S Admission: 50 and 75c. No extra charge for reserved Feats. Seats on sale Friday, 8 A.M. 152-55- OPERA BLOUSE. TWO NIGHTS ONLY, Thursday and Friday, June 2d and 3d, haverly's EUROPEAN MASTODON MINSTRELS, JUST FROM LONDON, ENG. The famous and identical company that created for the term MASPODON, its present accepted definition of "Wondrous and Artistic." The same Minstrelsy that achieved the remarkable distinction of 200 consecutive performances at Her Majesty's Theatre, London, under the patronage of their Royal Highnesses, the PRINCE AND PRINCESS OF WALES. Admission 50c, 75c and $1. Reserved seats on sale at box office Tuesday, May 31st, at 8 o'clock a. m 149-51-52-5 3-54 OPERA HOUSE The Fashionable Event of the Dramatic Season. MONDAY and TUESDAY, JUNE 6 and 7 Engagement for two performances only of the brilliant and fascinating actress, from Wallack's Theater, New York, MISS ROSE WOOD, Supported by the r talented young Actor, Mr. LEWIS MORRISON, and a splendid company, under the management of Messrs. J. A. Ham lin and Will J. Davis, of the Grand Opera House, Chicago. JioHT.iOAMILLE. tub n s ?g a h t,!FROU FHOU Popular Prices— 50c and 75c. Seats may be secured without extra charge at box office of the Opera House, Saturday, 8 a. m. THIRD ORGAN RECITAL ! -AT- House of Hope Ohitrch -BY i. S. A. BALDWIN, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 3, at 5 O'CLOCK. -ASSISTED BY MISS EVELYN BURBANR, - SOPRANO TICKETS-25c. For sale at the principal drug, book and music 6tores. The Recital will be one hour in length. Fourth Recital, Friday, June 10th. 153-54 EXCTJRBION. JACKSON ST. M. E. CHURCH EXCURSION. THURSDAY, JUNE 9th, Will leave depot foot of Waeouta btreet, at Ba. m.; arrive at Chisago Lake 10:20 a. m.; k at the Dalles at 11:20. Picknicing, Sight-see ing and Lunch, three hours. Returning, leave the Dalles at 2:25 p. m.; arrive at Chisago Lake at 3:20. Picnic and fishing for three hours. Leave the lake at 6:15; arrive home 8:15 p. m. Any persons not stopping at the lake" will arrive home at 6p. m., on the regular train. Tickets to the Dalles and return, $2; To Center City or Chisago Lake and return, $1.30. thur-sat-tue-wed-thur DKNTISTRT. Dr. Rice's Dental nniTmTPim Rooms, Sherman block, 1 1 I \ I V I Wabasha St., near P. O. 1 1 HII I\ I Onl - V first - class offlce fill I 111 I tae city charging mod- VU I \ IJK) 1 l crate prices. PainleM extraction.. [d.A.monfotit. - g.FCmonforl MONFORT&CO WHO^MIffAiUROCERa l'.N° aSbaf'.a-.'s.f: st . p au l . Mat 11, 1881. - The great increase in our business during the past year has necessitated larger purchases this spring than ever before, and we are now receiving the largest stock of every description of choice goods in our line which we have ever had in stock. Anxious to keep pace with the recent marvellous growth of our city, we have made all necessary arrangements for a still farther increase of our business, and are now prepared to fill all orders for imported or domestic table delicacies, fine wines, liquors and all kinds of fancy and staple groceries, with fresh goods of the very best quality and at Chicago prices. WOOD DEALERS. JOHN WAGENEB. 8. LEX DAVIS. WAGENER & DAVIS, ; . ••~~:,--- DEALERS IN WOOD! No. 158 East Third street, Fire and Marine Building, Bt. Paul. :■:■ ■ 89* THE co-partnership of Mclntosh & Co. is _L this day dissolved by mutual consent." The business will be continued by J. F. Mclntosb, who will collect all claims due the firm and pay all liabilities. " ' ■ v St. Paul, May 27, 1881. JOHN F. McINTOSH, 153-55 W. L. HALL. FIELD SEEDS. SOFT MAPLE SEES Now ready, extra choice stock, carefully handled. Sure to grow if planted before July Ist. Delivered for express or freight shipment at $1.25 per bushel, bags free. T. M. METOALF, ]S"ortli Star Seed Farms, ST. PAUL, - - - MINN. 149-155 H U CELEBRATED ** i|X |^t • STOMACH "^ £? *ITTEI* S The Traveler Who Wisely Provides Against the contingency of illness by taking ■with him Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, has occasion to congratulate himself on his fore sight, when he sees others who have neglected to do so suffering from some one of the mala dies for which it is a remedy and preventive. Among these are fever and ague, biliousnfss, oonstipation and rheumatism, diseases often attendant upon a change of climate or un wonted diet. For sale by all druggists and dealers gener ally. p[GP BITTERS^ H .(A Medicine, not a Drink.) B CONTAINS 5j g HOPS, BUCIIU, MANDRAKE, ■ M DANDELION, 9 H Aitd TffK Purest axd Best Medical Qt/ali- I g TIES OF ALL OT3IEK BITTEKS. . J3 I THEY CURE 1 M All Diseases of the Stomach. Bowels, Blood, H M Liver. Kidneys, and Urinary Organs, Ncr- H H vousness. Sleeplessness and especially -gf m Female Complaints. _^&BL I si 000 m gold, "*^«| N Will be paid for a case they will not, cure or^| EH lielp, or for anything Impure or injurious jjj| gj , found in them. - 9 H Ask your druggist for Hop Bitters And try B S them before yon sleep. Take no her. H 9 D I.C. is an absolute and Irresistible cure for 9 m Drunkenness, use of opium, tobacco and BJ narcotics. [3 M m viwt Send fob Cir.crLAr.. CKBSSraSEESa En . All above told by Hnijrzists. . - « H Hop Ditt*rs Mfg. Co., Rochester, ft, V., <*. Toronto, On«. I FURNISHING GOODS. Ladies' Mnslio Underwear. Ladies' Liilt Merino Underwear. Ladies' Gauze Hilernar. CUUrdi' Muslin Dierwear. CMlflreos' Itlit Merino do. Chilflrens* Gauze do. Hosiery. Laces,. Neck Wear, RncMop, Gloves, Fancy White Goods, Just Received at C. A. DIBBLE'S. PROPOSALS. REBUILDIN& STATE CAPITOL STATE OF MINNESOTA, ) Executive Department, > St. Paul, June Ist, 1881. ) Proposals for rebuilding the State Capitol will be received until the 10th day of June inst., at 12 o'clock, at the office of the Gov ernor. Plans and specifications are now fully ready and can be seen at the offices of L. S. Burlington in St. Paul and Minneapolis. The right is reserved to reject any and all bids. A good and sufficient bond must accompany each proposal. J. S. PILLSBURY, 153-63 Governor. Oping, Extendlflc and StraukteniiuE Oumsity Ayenne. Office of the Boabd of Public Works, ) CittofSt. Paul, Minn,, May 31, 1881. 5 The Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minn., will meet at their office, in said city, at 2 p. m. on the 17th day of June, A. D. 1881, to make an assessment of, benefits, damages, costs and expenses arising from the opening, extending and straightening of University avenue from east line of Brewster's Addition to Jackson street, in said city, on the property on the line of such improvement, and such other property in Lambert & Co.'s addition, Ewing <fe Chute's addition, Brewster's addition and Dawson & Smith'a addition, as maybe dam aged or benefited thereby. The land necessary to be condemed and tak en for said improvement is described as fol lows, to-wit: "A strip of land 60 feet wide extending from :he east line of Brewster's addition to Jaakson street, the south line of said strip being the south line of the northwest quarter, section 31, town 29, range 22, in the city of St. Paul, Minn." All persons interested are hereby notified to be present at said time and place of making said assessment, and will be heard. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 153-54 Notice to Creditors. STATK OF MINNEBOTA— COUNTY OF BAM sey—ln Probate Court, Special Term, May 11th, 1881. In the matter of the estate of Daniel Chamberlin, deceased: Notice la hereby given that the Judge of Probate Of the county of Ramsey, will, upon the first Monday of the months of July, August, September, October and November, A. D. 1881, at ten o'clock a. m., at the Probate office in said county, receive, hear, ex amine and adjust all claims of all persons against said deoeased, and that six months from this date have bees allowed and limited for creditors to present their claims against said estate, at the expiration of which time all claims not presented or not allowed shall be forever barred, unless for cause shown, further time be allowed. HENBY O'GOBMAH, [ij. «.] Judge of Fiobate. ' may 12-sw-Tnur THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, THUBSDAY MORNING, JUNE 2, 1881. DAILY REAL ESTATE BULLETIN Of City Residence Lots, Blocks and Suburban Tracts for sale by D. A. ROBERTSON & 00., Real Estate and Mortgage Broken, McQuillan Blook, corner Third and wabashaw streets. FOB SALE— LOT AT SEVEN OOENEKH-(Slte of the old Wlnslow Hotel) 163 feet front ou Fort street; will be sold entire or divided. A most de sirable locality for retail business, and is offered at bottom figures . FOB BALE— Wholesale business lots on Rosabel and lower Third street. Retail Business lots on Third, Mississippi, Bice and Fort streets, and four on Bridge street, Sixth ward. Several fine residences in different first-class neighborhoods, $7,600 and $11,000 and $15,000. Eligible residences up town and down town, $1,600 and $2,600 and $3,600 and $4,600. Some fine residence lots in middle town, up town and down town, rangiog from $660 to $5,000. Nkault 1,000 Lots, well situated, la various parts of the city, ranging in price from $100 to $600 each, and payments to suit purchasers, which include lots to suit all demands, in Sixth Ward, West St. Paul Proper, and in Dawson's addition and in Robertson 'a addition, and on same terms. Lots on Dayton's Bluff, lots near Ham's brewery. Lots and blocks north and south of St P., Minn. & Omaha B. B tracks, Lots on streets between University avenue and Como avenue, near Bice street. Lots on Aurora, Fuller and Martin streets, be tween Western avenue and Kent street Uptown lots on Pleatant avenue, on Lisbon street and on Prairie street tetween Weßtern avenue and Douglass etrept. Lots, more than 100 to cbcose from, <n the new additions adjoining ami near the Oh. , St. P.' & Omaha Shops, &c, now building. Lots in Drake's addition, eaet Bide of Fort sfreet, near street railway . Lots in Stlnson, Crown & B&msey'B addition Sf.vek '. 1. whole blocks In Arlington Hills addition, north and south of railroad track. Also, nv*-acre tracts within city LiiiitH, suitable for platting into new additions, and also several eligible tract*, 15 to 160 acres, adjoining and near city lin Up, nnitabto for platting in suburban ad ditions or out lots. Also a cumber of choice resi denca tites of one or more acres, on Bummit 11 venue near Short Line crossing. Also several tracts rang ing from 40 to 160 acres within cr.e to three miles of city limits. TAILORS. duncan~&"mrsy, ieiilTirs 30 East Third Street. OU Ml 1 Jill 11 uliOGi. Quality of Goods, Trimmings and Workman ship guaranteed first-class. v 105 DBY GOOD& STILL, GEEATER REDUCTIONS IN DOLMANS, <fee, &c 9 AT PiiflßFiers 815.00 Silk Dolmans marked down to 81000. 820.00 Silk Dolmans marked down to 812.50. $22.50 Satin De Lyon Dolmans marked down to $16.00. $25.00 Satin De Lyon Dolmans marked down to 7. 50. $30.00 Satin De Lyon Dolmans marked down to $22.50. $40.00 Satin De Lyon Dolmans marked down to $30.00. $45. 00 Satin De Lyon Dolmans marked down to $35.00. $ 8.50 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $6.00. 810.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $800. $13.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $9.00. $14.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $9.87. , $17.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $12.00. $20.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $14. $22-50 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $15.75. $25.00 Diagonal Cloth Dolmans marked down to $17.00. Above garments arc FIRST-CLASS in every respect, and at prices quoted are POSITIVELY LOWER than equal qualities can be bought at elsewhere. Lot Light Cloth Jackets, Havelocks, Children's Havelocks, [' Ulster?. &c, &c. TO BE CLOSED OUT WAY BELOW COST. New Lines or linen and Mohair. Ulsters. BARGAINS In Paisley Shawls, ■" Black Thibet Shawls, Shetland Shawls. NOW OPENING 100 Cases New Goods, IN Dress Goods, Silks, -7? - . Laces, Parasols, Hose, Gloves, Silk Mitts, . Linen Goois, k ~" STOCK YABDB. NORTHWESTERN STOCK YARD& Strictly Live Stock ; Commission Merchants- Shippers and buyers of Live Stock will find it to their Interest to correspond with us. : . DELANET & O'CONNOR, 146" St. Paul, Minn. CIVIL ENGINEERS. -...^^r.-.T VINE D. BIMAR. W. S. MORTON i SIMAE & MOJITON, ; CIVIL ENGINEEBB, |] Will . make * engagement . for work requiring ; exercise of professional skill, on short notice. Room 32, Davidson Block, City. 188-168 • FIVECEKTS ALINE BPQBTINd. m pHAMPIONS' REST -Comer Fifth and \J Minnesota streets. The nightly resort of all the champions. Sparring, wrestling and heavy lifting every evening. Strangers who come to Bt. Paul should not fail to witness the sporting events that take place nightly. Ad mißsion free. 102.7 WASTED. WANTED— A man with outfit, to board 50 men on railroad in Dakota. Call immediately at Moore' 6 Employment Bureau for transportation. 153- X MORE Bridge Carpenters for Mnndan; $8 ?J per day. Railroad laborers for Cable, Wis.; $1.75 per day. Moore's Employment Bureau. 153" WANTED— A good white barber at M. Sigo's, cor. Third and Minnesota street?. 153 OMART, active boy; apply at No. 1 Bridge kJ square, in basement. 151 • "TXTANTED-Office boy from 12 to 14 years '» old. Apply at my office to-morrow at 3 o'clock, and at no other time. R. W. John 6OU - __ • 153 WANTED— A young man to learn the dry goods trade, Swede preferred; 428 East Seventh street. 151 • SCIOOD Carpenters wanted by H. D. Gates, No. 75 Summit avenue. 151- WANTED— A middle aged man (with ref erences) to work for private family. Enquire at Chamber of Commerce. 131* MEN WANTED— TcTwork on the" railroad between Wadena aud Fergus Falls. Fifty miles to sub-let at once. Apply to DeGraff & Co., 105 Jackson street, St. Paul. 147 ANTED— A boy at 408 Wabashaw street, 143* ANTED— Situation by first-class meat and pastry hotel cook. Thoroughly understands the business. Apply to Mrs. Kearney's intelligence office, Robert street. v ■':.■•' ■:•-. 142- - WANTED— gentle horse for lady to drive or child to ride. T. C. Field, 16Iglehart street, St. Paul. 135* ANTED— 3 first-class carpenters. Good ft wages every Saturday night. 8. C. Mad den, 111 Mississippi street. 137* W ANTED— A good farm hand. Also, men to grub land by the acre. Apply to Wm. Stees, cor. Third and Minnesota st 125* ANTED-^-lOOmentowork near Watab, tt Minn., in getting out and dressing granite, viz: 50 competent stone cutters and 50 drillers; wages, 15 cents per cubic foot for cutters and $1.75 per day for drillers. Also 4 boarding house keepers. Transportation free from St. Paul to Watab. Address Saulpaugh & Co., at Sauk Rapids,, Minn., by mail. 91' Wanted school, county, town and railroad bondi and conuty warrants. O. Livingston & Co., St Paul. ■■'--■.- ■ ;" SITUATIONS WAHTJgD-..Ma19». SITUATION wanted for a young, polite and k? honest German, as waiter, or for doing general housework in private family. Ad dress S, 20, Globe office. 149- WANTED- By a man fully competent, employment as gardener; has had ex perience. Add: ess, J. P. H., this office. • 148* ' WANTED— By a man who has had expe rience, a place to make himself useful about a house, take care of horses, etc. Ad dress, Nicholas, this office. 144- WHOLESALE LIQUOR TRADE-Clerk it ship in the above wanted by a young Englishman, who has had several years' expe rience in a wholesale London house. Address, C. H., this office. 145* AYOUMCI- MAN wants situation in private family; not afraid of work. Address, J. A., this offlce. 142- WANTED — By a man of experience, who can furnish references, a, place as groom and coachman. Will work about the house. Address, M. D., this office 141* WANTED— By a young man, with refer -oices, office employment, or assistant bookkeeper, or as a start, clerkship in store. Address, K. 8. R., this offlce. 187* /"COPYING or other work wanted evenings. \U Address, P. O. box 644, city. 134* Tenuiei. WANTED — Situation as housekeeper, by a middle-aged American lady of experi ence. References if required. Address, C. M., 27 East Ninth street, St. Paul. 153- ANTED— A situation by the day or week, to wash and iron, or do plain sewing. Refferences given. Enquire at Larson's new house, Williams street, between St. Paul and Deßow street. 146- WANTED— Situation in private do sewing, by a lady who can cut and fit. References if required. Call or address 395 East Third stteet. 131 --iiTUATioHaorraitED-rmuiM. ~ WANTED— Two good dress-makers, at No. 40 East Seventh street. 152 --/^ IRL WANTED—Enquire near cor. Fourth VU" street and Maria avenue, Dayton's bluff. Mrs. C. Casey. 144j WANTED— A second girl at 91 Wabashaw street. 141* WANTED — A girl for general housework in small family. Enquire at 48^ West Third street. 140 - IRL WANTED— lnquire at N0.356 Broad- VX way, corner sth street. 183* WANTED — A first-class cook, no washing or ironing. Good wages paid to a com petent person. Apply to Mrs. W. A. Culbert son, 238 Bummit avenue. 133* ANTED— A competent girl for general housework, at 25 Stillwater St. 132* WANTED— Young girl, at 62 gtill water Street. 130- WANTED— A girl for general housework in small family. Enquire at No. 1 Grova street. 127* /COLLAR AND SHIRT IRONER wanted \J immediately at the C. O. D. Laundry. 125* WANTED— A girl who is competent to cook, wish and iron, at 69 Summit avenue. 121' Malei. WANTED— One office boy and one feed boy. West Publishing Co. 152* WANTED— Intelligent office boy. Room 4, Davidson block. 152- WANTED— Two first-class sewing ma chine men — one to take charge of an offlce and one to close sales. The Howe Ma chine company, 25 West Third. 152-53 ANTED— Two first-class pantaloon makers at Schefers Bros., 40 East Third street. 152" YOUNG MAN wanted to take care of horse and do chores. W. L. Anderson, Carpet Hall, 122 East Third street. 148* WANTED-Good competent boy to drive grocery wagon and take care of horses. West end of bridge. J. C. MacCarthy. 145* TT7" ANTED— Two first class barbers, at 185 VV East Beventh street. 141* A SMART BOY living at home can have an opportunity to read law, by addressing, in own handwriting, "Lawyer," Globe office. m* WANTED— Two boys to work in Broom factory. Apply No. 87 Carroll street. 138J WANTED— A boy to learn the upholster ing business . Stees Bros. , corner Third and Minnesota streets. 134* HISCILLAOTOVI. T" OANS on life insurance polciies negoti- JLj ated. Sol Tent or insolvent bought L. P. Van Norman, 116 East Thkd. 126* Rg. ROBERTSON— Ladies' nurse. Ap ply 24 Sixth street east. 146- > FIVE CENTS A LIRE AUCTION SALEB. AT AUCTION— On Friday evening, June 3, at 8 o'clock p. m., at the hall of the Workingmen's Building society, 80 Robert street, lot 8, block 13, Terrace Park addition; size of lot 60 by 230; very desirable residence property. Payments in monthly installments. 152-54 A PLEASANT and Convenient Home for a XX business man, at auction, Monday, June sth. I will 6ell at auction, on Monday, June 6th, at 11 a. m., on the premises, No. 52 (old No.) Norris St., a good 2-story dwelling of 8 rooms, good cistern and well, together with lot 50x100 feet. This property Is convenient ly situated, being but two blocks east of Jack son st. and one block south of Pearl 6t., aud within five minutes walk of the Merchants hotel, thus making it especially desirable as a homo for a business man. Terms made known on day of sale. P. T. KAVANAGH, 143-52 Auctioneei . HEAL ESTATE. IF you want to buy a cheap lot near to a pub lic school, near to railroad 6hops, near to street R. E., where you can get water easily, go to Faircbild's auction sale next Saturday at 10 corner Mississippi and Cayuga streets. 151 54 FOR BALK— Fine building lots ou Dayton's bluff. Th ice houses and lots on Dayton's blull", $1,200 to $3,500. Lots on Dayton's bluii", $100 to £500, monthly payments. Houses and lots in lowtr town, from $1,500 to §0,000, on easy terms or monthly payments. A. Got zian, 428 East Seventh street. 151-56 IF YOU want to Ijny, sell or exchange prop erty, call on K. .'. Lewis, room 42, David son block. 149-53 FOR SALE— Choice building lots on Sum mit aye., College avc, Pleasant aye., Rice st., Fifth 6t., Sixth st., Oak st., Franklin st., Walnut st. Also lots near the Lincoln school, lots near Hamm ; s brewery, lots on Dayton's bluff and in West St. Paul; 80 ?cres 2m miles from city limits; lauds in Chiy, Otter Tail, Benton, Steams aud Wilkin counties. Office open each evening until 7:80 o'clock. 22 East Third street. John Kelliher. 142- FOR SALE— AT A BARGAIN— House 592 Canada street, near Fearl street; ten rooms, furnace, water, bathroom, etc. Apply to H. S. Fairchild, corner Fourth and Jackson streets. 120* LOST AND FOUKP. LOST — A red cow, while face and legs, horns broken at top, end of tail cut off* Finder please return to E. Scauler, 7 Colborno street. . 153-56 LOST— On Saturday, the 28th inst,, between the city market and Third avenue south, on Hennepin or Washington avenues, a large pocket book containing papers, to-wit: Pen sion certificate and voucher of Louis Gobbin, and a contract for deeds of railroad lands in Anoka county, Minn. The finder will confer a favor to a poor pensioner by leaving the same at Bottineau's office, 311 Hennepin ave nue, Minneapolis, Minn. 151-53 BOARDING. ~" £)r CENTS pays fora first class meal at £*J the Palace Dining room, No. 311" Robert street, bet. Third and Fourth streets; 21 meal tickets, {4; 5 meals, $1. Also, nicely furnished rooms at low rates. Call. 152" EEK'S Model Restaurant and OysteTPa7 lors, 256 First avenue 6outh, Minneapolis. The beat place in the city to got a meal or lunch. Parties visiting the city will fin.d it to their advantage to call at this resort. Robert Feck, Manager and Proprietor. Ill' FOB BENT-Booma- FOR RENT— Cheap, 3d floor over No. 27 Robert street, bet. Third and Fourth streets; size 25x75 feet; light and airy. Ap ply in restaurant underneath. 152 1 FOR RENT— Furnished rooms. No. 54 Deßow street. 149-55 FOR RENT— One suite of furnished rooms, at 441 Jackson Btreet, bet. Seventh and Eighth. 146- OR RENT— One store room, 22x60 feet, on Bridge square. Inquire at room of Chamber of Commerce. 64* /^FFICES FOR RENT— In Davidson's block, \J with steam heat, good ventilation, Phalen water, electric-bell passenger elevator, well lighted rooms and halls and all modern conveniences. Apply at agents' office, in the building. 23* WILLIAMS & DAVIDSON, Agent*. Houses. FOR RENT— Handsomely furnished house, with all modern conveniences. Shady grounds, and in one of the most desirable and convenient neighborhoods in the city. Thos. Cochran.Jr., Real Estate Agent, 312 Waba shaw street. 149- OR RENT— From Aug. 1, a first-class residence. All the modern conveniences. On line of street cars. Apply to R. L. Gor man, at city hall. 142* FOR RENT— House of 12 rooms, partly furnished, two squares from post office. D. S. B. Johnston, 20 Dayton avenue. 139* FOR RENT— Two houses, $12 and $30. J. W. McClung, Bridge Square. 138" FOR RENT— Residence, -with gas, water and furnace, ten rooms, convenient to business. Williams & Davidson. 132* HOBBEB &c- • ' "■ FOR SALE— black horse, sound, 7 years old; good driver, single or double, and pleasantly gaited under saddle. Will bo sold at a sacrifice. Enquire of J. D. Wood, Globe office. 152-58 FOR SALE— fine English marc, over 10 hands, 7 years old, color dapple brown, markably kind and gentle; perfectly safe for ladies and children to use; commanding ap pearance. A very superior animal, suitable for a, coupe or family carriage. Enquire of B. Atkins, 86 College avenue. 146- FOR SALE— Two horses, kind and gentle; perfectly safe for ladies or children; will drive and sell double and single. A. Gotzian. 151-53 FOB BALE' pi OOD CHANCE for a man with $1,000 \3T capital. Grocery business for sale in a good location, doing a good business. For particulars enquire of M. I tin, Fourth street, Sixth ward, Si. Paul. 148-161 FOR SALE — Good building stone, on ground or delivered. Enquire foreman grading lot, cor. Fifth and Sibley street. 146* ClT^x Will buy a combined Buckeye Reaper Kjp I O and Mower, (dropper,) but little used, in good condition, with four sickles and repairs. Cost $210. W. M. Stees, corner Third and Minnesota &ts., St. Paul. 134* FOR SALE— Ten shares St. Paul Harvester Works stock. Address, "Stock," Globe office. 121- . XOJ LOAN. MONEY TO LOAN on real estate; from one to ten thousand dollars. Ad dress, P. O. box 520, St. Paul. 149 --t)AnA TO LOAN on improved city real £i\)\)\} estate. U. 1,. Lamprey. 93- TO LOAN— At 7 per cent, money on im proved city property. D. S. B. Johnston, 20 Dayton avenue. • 131" ". yy MEDIC aE! ~~~ CUBE YOURSELF ! FRENCH SPECIFIC. Guaranteed to cure radically diseases of cer ( tain private, delicate nature, either sex or con- c dition. Price $1; sent by express to any part : qflthe country.'-. Full directions -with each bot- 1 tlej 1 Bold only by E. - L. - STAHL, northeast corner of Van Buren street and Fifth avenue, Chicago. ■■. '-: i "., . / . v • J 120-119 Li L'I"I'UIP The Invlgomor. ttaata iiujblJUu only. Stamp for «ircul*r. H«rvta« > RING nili tat lost manhood, fl box. Book ■a HtrTons lMmmm, mm «4 mm; 100 to j«) ; oitaM. DB. «AHM,2M Wmllnftto itrMt, Obi. I Mt 11 J0 ■ntua ooodb. 61~ S^-INT IP-A.T7L 61 ONE-PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, BATTLER BROS., 61 EAST THIRD STREET. A. WXJUJJ LINK OF SPRING- GOODS JTJST RECEIVED. 61 Boyt' and Children's Clothing a Specialty. Orders by mail promptly attendtu. 6 1 HABDWARE. "" BBEOER& MODES, ironnsrsteei, Heavy Hardware, Wagon & Carriage Material, Horseshoes and Horsenails, Bellows, Anvils, Vices, Blacksmiths and Wagonmakers' Supplies 221 and 223 East Fourth Street, St. Baul. "Arthur waeren & abbott, Wholesale Not i ons, Hosiery and Fancy Goods. 186 AND 188 EAST THIRD STREET, - - - - 81. F AVI hTI <gSsgj East 3rd. Strl^&ifoJ£_\ BOOTH AND S_O_B ■ ■ New Spring Goods, JN'ew Styles, STTfYTI ft ARRIVING DAILY .A.T \ n I 1 P \ SOHLIEK & CCS., I i I B I • Ad d will in a few days be the only v UIJ v*u * Complete Slccj[ mi Largest Assortment of Boots & Shoes | IN ST. PAUL < Agency for the well-known BUKTS SHOES. ! MERCHABT TAILOEB. ~ ~MATHES> GOOD & SCHUEMEIEE ! " THH Ii&BOBST AND MOST FASQIONABLS MEiICUA NT TAILORING ESTABLISHMENT - IB TH« KOBTHWXBT. ./obb«m In SS«rchnnt Tat'.'-rliiij Qood», Cloth*, C'uair.fvf an<l T;inu:ilDS* 82 JACKSON STREET, ST. PAUL. STATION ER 3. "' T.S.MTEHo, WHO S x2^S E h, Paper and Blank "Book Dealers. NO. 71 EAST THIRD STJIEET, - - - - AT. PAUL . _____ _ _ ■ ' 2 !_. i — '- PIA fMOS,ESTABLISHEDIN IBSB.ORCA^S, R.C MUNGER. ATITHIT) V P fl * I I / i 11/ Pllt MANUFACTURE' UUJftl)] &iif LlAni Mi carriages & SLEIGHS jrj"" work onijy, 64, &6 «£ 6H ROBERT STREET. - - - - ST. PAUL Ag»»to for "Tii-: *'««r<Tt< nirnwii' J. UffMMllfi « fill, iULLINEBY GOODS, A.rui M.anut;ivturer» ot LAI3IJCB' IWMMED HATS. iQI EAST THIRD S'i'KEET, - - - -ST. PAUL COBIMISSION~MEBCHANT3. * ROXSIE ~ SELL — — Fine Creamery and Dairy Buttor, &>' CALIFORNIA HONEY, CHEESE, m ORANGE*, LEMONS, CLARIFIED CIDER. JAGr(tA It 14 JACK-SON STREET - - - SI. PAUL. OROCKEHT. """CRAIG, LARKIN"&'BMITHr Importers and "Wholesale and Retail Dealers in / y RHP TT FT "R^V French China, Glassware, Lamps, Looking Glasses, '. /X\\J V_y_L\--LUX\ X , House Furnishing Goods, Etc., Etc 64 SIBLET STREET, ST. PAUL. V->; WHOLESALE DRY GOO OB. AUEEBACH, FiNCH & VAN SLICK The Only L eacLins Dry Goods Bouse ii tip, Northwest. Competes with the Markets' of New York and Chicago. NO YES BROS. & CUTLER, IMPORTERS £ WHOLR&AIjM JXtUGUISfS, 88 and 70 Sibloy Street, Ccr. Fiftn, :, '".,-- -" - .- St. Pay: "FRANKLIN STEELE, JR., & CO., Slosser Solid Steel Scraper. MINNEAPOLIS, - - MINNESOTA. DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the firm of N. Gauthier & Co. is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. F. N. Gallant assumes all "liabilities and collects all the indebtedness due said firm. N. GAUTHIER. F. N. GALLANT. St. Paul, May 31, 1881. Tlk St. Paul Dining Hall will be continued ab hcretojorc at No. 22 West Third street, by the undersigned. F. N. GALLANT. 152-55. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, ECLIPSE WIND KILLS, iTet*d IMLilla, Tallies and Fixture FAIRBANKS, MOUSE & CO. 46 East Third Street. JOBBERS AND RETAILERS OF Farm, Freight and Spring GENERAL FARM SUPPLIES, ETC. J27 and 123 South First Street. CLOTHING. TOIRSON & JOHNSON MERCHANT TAILORS, 310 Jackson St., Merchants Hotel Rlock. Where will be found a fino stock of Imported and Domestic Goods, and work guaranteed FIRST-CLASS. Hi C. Ten Eyck is engaged as Cutter at thib establishment, and cordially invitee Win old customers and the public who desire lir. t-clasb work, to give him a call. 145*