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4 Receipts into the Treasury from Railroad Companies. Internal Date of Pay- State Institu- ■ Permanent Improvement nient FROM WHAT SOURCE RECEIVED. tions. School. Land Fund and Total. Interest Feb. 15, ISBI. St. Paul & Duluth Railroad company, 3 per cent on cross earnings to Dec. 31, 1880 $9,392 49 $9,392 49 Feb. 'Jl. ISBI. Road and branch from St Paul to St. Vincent, 3 per cent for six months on gross earnings, ending December 31. 1880 52,0/8 92 52,0,8 92 Feb. 23, 1551. Burliugton, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railroad company, from Albert Lea to State line, 1 per cent. on gross earniugs to December 1, 1880 ' '0 19 " UIJ M*ch 3. 1881. . 'Chicago, Milwaukee <fc St. Paul Railroad company, from lowa State line to St Paul, 3 per cent tax on gross earnings to December 31. 1881 19,772 10 19,772 10 M'ch !« ISBI.. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company, from Hastings to State line. 3 per cent tax on gross earnings to December 31, 1880 9,233 50 9,233 oO M'ch !L 18S1.. Chicago, Milwaukee «fc Sl Paul Railroad coinpauy, from Grand Crossing to Winnebago. 3 per cent tax on gross earnings to December 31. 1880 11,292 04 12,292 04 M'ch 3, ISBI.. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company, from Wabasha to Zuinbrota, 2 percent tax on gross earnings to December 31, 1880 465 00 405 00 M'ch 3. ISBI.. Chicago, Milwaukee it St. I aul Railroad company, from Wells to Mankato, 2 per cent tax on gross earnings to December 31. 1880 441 19 441 1» M'ch 3, ISBI.. Chicago, Milwaukee <fr St. Paul Railroad company, from Wiunebago to State line, 1 per cent, tax on • gross earuincs to December 31, 1880 839 88 839 b8 M'ch 3, ISBI.. Southern Minnesota Railway Extension company, from Winnebaeo City to western State line, 1 per cent, on gross earnings for lour months ending April 30, 1880 321 17 "i- 1 17 M'ch $, 1881..- Southern Minnesota Railway company, from La Crosso to Winnebago City, 3 per cent, tax on gross earnings, ending Auril 30, 1580 4,230 05 4,230 Oo M'ch 9, 1881.. Central Railroad Company of Minnesota, from Wells to Mankato, 2 per cent, tax on gross earnings for four mon h» ending April 30. 1880 23G 33 2JO JJ M"eh $, 18SL. Minneapolis «fc St. Louis Railroad company, from Duluta to lowa State line, 2 per cent, on gross earnings to December 31,1880 15,336 82 15,336 82 M'ch <>. 1881.. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company, from La Crescent to St Paul, 3 per cent tax on gross earniugs to December 31, ISBO 33,256 81 33,256 81 March 3, ISBI. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company, from State line to La Crescent, 2 per cent to * m ~ A j December 31, 1880, on gros* earnings 176 44 176 44 March 3, 1851. Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway company, from Caledonia to Preston, 1 per cent to Decem ber 31,1880, on gross earnings 49 00 49 00 M'ch 310, 1881. Chicago <fc Dakua Railway company, from Tracy to State line, 1 per cent to December 31, 1880, on gross earning? 660 42 bCO4^ M'ch 10, 1SS1. Rochester & North Minnesota Railway company, from Rochester to Zumbrota, 1 per cent, to Decem ber 31. 1880, on gross earnings 139 19 lav IV M'ch 10, 1881. Chatfield Railway company, from C Junction to Ohatfield, 1 per cent to December 30, 1880, on gross earnings ■ 45 87 *o »' M'ch 10, 1881. Plainview Railway company, from P Junction to Plainview. 1 per cent to December . 31, 1880, on gross earnings 87 66 87 b 6 M'ch 10, 18S1. Minnesota Valley Railway company, from Redwood Junction to Redwood Falls 92 05 a^ wo M'ch 10, 1881. Winona «fc St. Peter Railroad company, from Winona, and Gray's from Junction to Mankato, 3 per cect tax. to December 31, 1880, oa gross earnings 32,679 82 -. 3Z.O7SJ \SZ M'ch ]1. 18S1. Northern Pacific Railway company,, from Duluth to Moorhead, 2 per cent. December 30, 1880, on „-«/», no gross earnings 25,001 98 20,001 98 M'ch ] 1 1881 Northern Paciflc Railway company, from Sauk Rapids to St Paul, 3 per cent December 30, 1880, on iaoiock grossearniugs 10-.312 65 10,31.4 od M'ch 1 1 lS^l Northern Pacific Riilroad company, from Brainerd to Sauk Rapids, 1 per cent, to December 30, 18<0. on gross earnings 2,839 07 2,839 07 M'ch "9, 1881. 'Chicago, St. Pun!, Minneapolis & Omaha, from stillwatar junction to Be Paul, and branch to Still wnter, 2 per cent, to December 31, 1880, on gross earniugs 515 20 515 20 M'ch !!& IS3I IChicago, St Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha, from Lake St Croix to St. Paul and branch to Stillwater, 2 percent, to December 31, 1880, on gro<s earnings 1,492 86 — 1,492 80 M'ch !!S, IS3I . St Paul & Sioux City Railroad company, from Lv Verne 10 lowa State line, 1 per cent *o December , 31. lS^iO, on gross earnings 12 57 1Z o7 ]Tch!l6 1331 S\ Paul & S>oux City RiilroiU company, from, Lake Crystal to Blue Earth City,, 1 per cent, to De cember 31. 1880 < n gross earnings 165 65 165 65 M'ch "8 ISBI- St. Paul & Sioux City Railroad company, from Heron Lake to Woodstock, 1 per cent, to December :;l 1880, ou gross earnings 34 06 34 06 M'ch°S H?SI. St. Paul it Sioux City Railroad company, from Worthington to Dakota Territory line, 2 per cent to December 31, 1880, on grossearniugs 753 47 703 47 Marcl "S 1881 St. Paul <t Sioux City Railway cempany, from St. Paul to Still water, 2 per cent to December 30. 1880. on cross eamines 1,08129 1,081 29 Marcl 2 s ? 1831iSt. Paul A S;oux City Railway company from St. Paul to lowa State line, 3 per cent, to December 31, 3SSI. on gToss earnings 15,671 02 15,6/1 02 April 19, lSSLlMinnecora Northern Railway company, right of way in 16, 135, 43 ?.lav : , 18Sl...|Nortbern Pacific Railway company, right of way .-» $46 75 46 <5 Au^ 53 1883 St. Pai'l<fc Duluth Railway company, 3 per cent, to June 30, 1881 945 00 $26120 1,206 20 Aug. :!7, 18S1. 'Little Falls <fe Dakota Railroad company, right of way iv 125. 41, and 125, 42 7,871 62 7,871 62 Oct 7 1881 Ist Paul, Minneapolis «fc Manitoba Railroad company, 3 per cent, on gross earnings to Jane 30, 175 06 101 25 276 31 1881 55,903 85 55,903 85 Oct 1° 1831. JChicag , St. Paul. Minneapolis & Omaha. 3 tier cent, to June 30, 1881, from St Paul to lowa line, on grossearniugs 12,306 85 12,306 85 Oct 3 2 1881 Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis ife Omaha, from Lake St. Croix to St. Paul and Stillwater, 2 per cent tax to June 30, IbSO, op gross earnings 2,286 54 2,286 54 Oct ] 2, I SBI . Chicago. St. Paul, Minneapolis <t Omaha, St. Paul, Stillwater & Taylor's Falls division, 2 per cent tax to June 30, 18S1, on gross earnings 544 32 544 32 Oct. "2, 1881. -Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis <fc Omaha Railroad company, from Worthington to Dakota section line, 2 per cent, to June 30, 1881, on pross earnings 411 99 411 99 Oct 12, 1881. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis <v Omaha Railroad company, from Stiliwaier Junction to St Paul and Stillwater, 2 per cent, to May 31, 1881, on grnss earnings 408 85 408 85 Oct 12, 1881. Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad company, from Lake Crystal to Elmore, 1 per cent. to June 30, 1881, on gross earnings 183 05 ; 183 05 Oct :12, 1881. Chicago, St Paul, Jlnmo-apolis & Omaha Railroad company, from Howard Lake to Woodstock, 3 per cent to June 30, 1-^l, 011 gross c a ruin gs 24 58 24 58 Oct. '. 2, 1831. Chicaf o, St. Paul, Mn neapoHa & Omaha Railroad company, from Lv Verne to lowa line, 1 per cent. to June 30, 1881, on gross earnings 8 61 8 61 Oct ',3. 1881 Chirago, S;. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha Railroad cimpany, from South Stillwater to Lake St Croix, 1 per rent, to June 30, 1881, on gross earnings 33 26 33 26 Oct. "8, 1831. St Paul it Dulutb Railroad company, on Taylor's Fails & Stilwater Railroad, 1 per cent to December 31. 1881, on gross earnings 28 39 28 39 Oct ' 8, 18S1 St Paul & Duluth Railroad company, from Wyoming to Center City and Taylor's Falls, 1 per cent to June 30, 1881, on gross earnings .' 66 83 66 83 ! $329,555 50 $1,166 81 $362 45 $331,084 76 ( P^|l f l From what Source received. **™«« General School, g™!?. . j£~gjt m J™g|«g .' TctaL Janu:ryB Geo. W. Bray, pine timber cut in 1879-* BO $457 26 ~. $457 26 Janui.ry 8 Douglas Bros., pine timber cut in 1879-* BO ; 320 64 320 64 Janu;ryB..... Douelas Bros., pine timber cut ini|S79-'BO $1,616 10 • 1.616 10 February 18.. A. C. Morrill, nine timber c it. in 1879-' BO 453 93 453 93 April 1 R. L. Frazee, pine timber cut in 1881 600 00 • 1600 00 April 13 Townson & Leavitt, nine timber cut in 1877-'7B $60 66 j 60 66 April 13 Townson & Leavitt, interest $8 49 8 49 April! 13 Townson A Leavitt, interest < 283 I 283 July IT, J. S. Philbrook. pine timber cut in 1879-' BO 188 69 < 188 69 Aofdtt 8 d. VV. Bode, pine timber cut in 18S0-'Bl 37 99 37 99 October 5 Krowu & Richardson, pine timber cut in 18SO-'Bl 1,283 10 ; '. , 1J283 10 Nov nber 5... Camp & Walen, pine timber cut in 1880-81 551 94 ;..... &51 94 Novenber 30.? O. C. CamDbell, pine timber cut in 1880-'Bl 5.124 17 5,124 17 | Nov«*Bbar3O..|Chas. POUbury <fe Co., pine timber cut iv 18«O-'81 714 48 714 48 1 New nber 30.. Cha3. Pillsburv * Co., pine timber cut in 1880 '81 141 74 141 74 Nove nber 30.. Chas. Pilislvjry & Co.. pine timber cut in 1880-'Bl 853 03 853 03 ] NovenberSO.. L Dny «fc Sun*, pine timber cut in 1880-'Bl 1.212 83 1,?12 83 Novenber3O.. Merriman, Barrows & Co., pine timber cut in ISBO-'Bl 1,694 41 1,894 41 Novenber 30.. Merriman, Barrows & Co., pine timber cut in 1880-' SI 450 12 • 450 12 Nove nber 30.. E. St. John & Co., pine timber cut in 18*o-'Bl 45 80 J45 80 Novenber 3o.. Isaac Staples, pine timber cut in ISSO-'SI 854 14 .' $54 14 ! Nove 3iber 30.. 1.-iaac Staples, pine timber cut in 1880-'Bl 59140 594 40 1 Nove Tiber MO. . Isaac R'aples, pine timber cut in 18SO-'Bl 61 41 «... .• • 61 41 | November 30.. A. T. Scott, cent sale of stumpage, 1881 ;. 30 00 '. ..; 30 00 I Nove nber 3o.. Isaac Staples, for right to clear 16, 43. 22, 1877.... 1,215 00 1,215 00 I November 30. . 1 Isaac Staples for interest on deferred payments 427 26 427 26 November 30.. 1 T. W. Wilson, pine timber cut in 1879-' BO „ ;. 5,485 80 ...;.... 5.485 80 I Totals $22,325 08 $427 26 $106 46 $11 32 $1,616 10 $24,486 22 st-a.t:e:m::e:&tt "id." I Receipts into the Treasury from Telegraph Companies: Payment, From what Source Received. Institutions. Total- JlBBl. January 20... . Western Union Telejraph Company ff'f, 2S&"S"Z,"nJnnn February 1.... Northwestern Telegraph Company 1.032 CO. igI.OTU 00 Totals TTTT. ~ j $1,070 OOJ STATEMENT "B." Receipts into the Treasury from Miscellaneous Sources. : — : ; : : ~ ~ ~~ ■ Internal im- : T>ate Permanent General Perman't General Internal provement Attorney ■mil,] of FEOM WHAT SOUBCE EECETVED. Revenue. School. School. Univer- Uniyer- Improvem t fond^nd jjj l^ Total j Jan.!! 1 :... One percent interest on United States consols . $2,020 00 $140 00 ....1 $740 00 $2,90000 Jan. 12.... Attorney General Start collected judgment against Pine -,..„„ .„ • 153 07 City Lumber company $16 5S $2,136 49 -" | Jan. 13.... Six months' interest on $511,000 United States 6 percent. r 1" "40 00 15000 3,240 00 .". 15,63000 D0nu5. ................................................... ...•.....•.•'■.........•"•• — ,— i.... ...... li'iOO Jan. 14.... Hon. D J. Dodge refunded mileage overpaid 15 00 Wo"; • ;.v 448 34 Jin. 17.... C. H. Ring by O. P. Whitcomb 448 34 : O 7 99 Jan. 20.... Interest on deposits for December, 1881 067 99 • : '-, - | . Jan, 18.... Six months' interest on $981,000 Missouri 6 per cent OP r 3 GGO 00 30 00 "943000 Jan. 27.... Six months*' 'interest 'on $29O,bo6'*S*t'aVe' bonds! '.'.'.'". '.'.'.'.'.'. !!!!!!!!!!!. •!"- 9.050 00 .......... 52j 00 ...... .. . '100 Jan. 28.... Special law* sold ...;...: . 1 00 ■••• . • 11 DO Feb. 2..... Insurance commissioner, fees for December, 1880 • ' 11 00 : • • ••• - • .• • • 1 516 OO Feb. 2..... Insurance commissioner, fees for January, 1881 1,516 00 ••••. • •"•.•."•"• "".'. .. s' 767 46 Feb, 2..... Insurance commissioner, taxes, 1880 ..„. 8,767 46. • • ,"**" * V**' . * .7 Feb. 2..... A. J. Reed, warden, keeping United States convicts, fourth ' ...,-• -■■ ■;-'.. '326 75 quarter, 1880 32675 • . ■' ■:••••: V "•" " ••••••• •*. '" 42567 Feb; 5..... Interest and deposits for January, 1881 425 67] 9 OO Feb. 8..... Martin Nelson, carpets * 9 HO :•„• • ••• 4 go Feb. 17... Hon. H. Kohlmeier, refunded mileage overpaid 4 80 •• •_• V •••• 130 65 Feb. 26... Balance of interest on deposits for January, 1881 130 05 •*• •••• • 2,95100 March 7... Insurance commmissioner, fees for February. 1881.. 2,951 OUI '. •-• ••••• • -• 1581 5 24 Match 7... Insurance commissioner, taxes 15,815 24 • •' •• ' 10 00 March 14. Hon. W. M. Campbell, postage refunded 10 00 • •• •••• • •-.••— — •— 10 00 March 14. Hon. J. B. Giltilian, postage refunded -v 10 00.. • • 10 00 Mailch 14. Hon. C. D. Giltilian, postage refunded 10 OOj .'. ••••• ;.•••• ••••• ••••• 10 00 March 14. Hon. C. A. Pillsbury, postage refunded .... 10 00 ; •• ••• • •■•••• •••••• •••"•* ' .' 60 March 14. Hon. Jos. Burger, refunded mileage overpaid 00 • •• 454 57 Match 14. Interest on deposits for February, 1881 454 57 ; : - .. ; April 1.... Interest on United States 4 percent, consols to March 31 \ •_..... 2,410 00 24000... 740 00 3.390 00 April 6.... Insurance commissioner, fees for March, 1831 360 00 • ••••• • •••• ■ 4 630 80 April 0 ... Insurance commissioner, taxes, 1880 . 4,630 08 ........" • • : • '"116 51 April 16... Interest on deposits for March, 1581.... ■ 766 51 ••• • ••••••; • 'TV. . ST-Au.TE32s«CE3!ET i r "33," st.a.t:s:m::e2stt "O." Receipts into the Treasury from Stumpage on State Lands: STJiFIFLIEIMiZEIISrT. . Internal im- •» Date Permanent General Pennant General Internal provement Attorney Total „. of PEOM WHAT SOUBCE EECETVED. Revenue. a .v „,, tux, , Univer- Univer- ,_„„„„,, fund and 12th School. SchooL u gUy< Improvem t lnteresU District 1881. "" ' May 2 $10,000 Minnesota State Bonds, loan 1873, redeemed 10,000 00 i 10,000 00 May 2 $IR,OOO Minnesota State Bonds, loan 1873, redeemed 1500000 15,<K)0 00 Way 2 $16,000 Minnesota State Bonda, loan 1878, redeemed 16,000 00 .. 16,000 oO May 2 Interest on above 41 honds to date ;... 553 33 350 (0 903 33 May 10 — J. A. Reed, warden, keeping United States convicts first quarter.lBBl 212 00 212 00 May 10 — Insurance commissioner, fees, April, 1881 287 00... .... . ...... 237 00 May UK... Insurance commissioner, taxes, April, 1880 58135 .08135 May 10.... Interest on deposits for April, 1881 759 54 . 759 54 June 8 Insurance commissioner, fees. May, 1881 928 00. " Hi! B 00 June 8 Insurance commissioner, taxes, May, 1880 800 01 .' 860 01 June 20... Interest on deposits for May, 1881 082 09 , , " 082 09 13... United States 6 per cent, cold bond redeemed "id'.OOOOO '.' '. '.'.'.'..'. 10,000 OO July 13... Interest on United States 0 per cent gold bond 300 00*" 300 00 July 13... Bis months interest on United States 6 percent, bonds. ..........11.. 11.5)40 OO "..'.'.'.'.'.'.. 150(0 3,240 00.". 15.330 03 July 13. .. Six months interest on Missouri 6 percent bonds 25,740 00 '. ..... 3,600 <><> 30 00 29,4H0 00 July 13... One per cent, iu'erost on United States 4 per cent, consols 2,410 00 '" 240 (>O l 740 00 - 3,390 00 July 19... Yellow Medicine county " , 59 33 59 33 July 19... Chippewa county i 11..! !!!"•!!!!!"!!!!" " "..I.*. 51 66 5160 July 19.. Kandiyohi county . .... 150 00 150 00 July 19... Switt county 1., '.' 73 00 73 00 July 19.. Interest on deposits for June, 1881 034 U .............. '.'. ........J. 634 36 July 21... Lac gui Parle county ..•...........". '"." ' 40 66 40 66 August 8.. Insurance commissioner, fees, June, 1881 208 00 ....... I. ..»..*.* '. ! 202 00 August 8.. Insurance commissioner, fens, July, 1881 147 00 "*"""".."" 147 00 August 8.. Insurance commissioner, taxes, July, 1880 464 26 .!„........., .'...1 '"....'. ' 464 20 Aueust 8.. G. W. Buck, interest on stumpage 1 BO i....... """!..."" 150 August 11. Stevens ounty " * 58 33 58 33 August. 11. Big Stonecounty " ' 18 66 18 €6 August 11. Traverse county '. !!!!!!"! W. " 9 33 9 33 August 16, J. A. Reed, warden, United States convicts, second quarter, 1881 11900 11900 August 16. Interest on deposits for July, 1881 .. 1 161 55 " 1,16155 Aueust 27. Interest on 150 bonds, loan 1873, and 99 bonds, loan 1878 8,22000"" '.".I'."".'.'.'.'. 8,220 00 Aueust 27. W Ikin county 39 00 39 00 Sept. 3.... I Amount of State auditor's warrant 14,965 refunded "*"* 926*68 °**.'""*"!"!! '"**".*'*.'" " 926 68 Sept. 5.... i545,000 Minnesota State bonds, loan 1873, redeemed *45,0"00b6 !'!!.!.! 45,000 00 Sept 5 $14,000 Minnesota State bonds, loan 1878, redeemed 14,000 00 ......." ! '...'. 14,000 00 Sept. 5 Interest on above flfty-nine bonds to date , . *6*6s*V>6 *" 665 00 Sept 19 .. Interest on deposits for August 1881 1,200 08 407 25 99 >5 " 163*25 1,869 83 Oct 4 One per cent interest on United States 4 rer cent, consols 2,410 00*" 240 X) '" 740 00 ' 3,390 OO Oct. 5 Insurance commissioner, fees, August, 1881 54 00 54 OO Oct 5 Insurance commissioner, fees, September, 1881 211 00 ""* 21100 Oct 5 Insurance commissioner, taxes, 1880 213 17 213 17 Oct. 5 Interest on deposits for September, 1881 893 2Q .'..."..'.".'.'.'.. SCo" 35 "' " p *99 75 " " 17041 "".!!!!!".!! 1,723 71 Oct 7..... Interest on deposits (error in May interest account) 8 00 ' 8 00 Oct 21 ... Hon. H. F. Kohlmeier, refunded mileage overpaid 5 70 .......... 570 Oct 27 ... Kandiyohi county "1..1... ...... II 112*56 112 s(> Oct 28 ... Chippewa county , 38 50 33 50 Oct 23 ... Lac gui Parle county 1111.1 3050 3050 Oct 29 ... Yellow Medicine county 1 4450 4450 Nov. 1 .... Wilkin county , 29 25 29 25 Nov. 1.... Stevens county " 43 75 43 75 J. A. Reed, warden, keeping United States convicts third Nov. 5 quarter, 1881 69 00 69 00 Nov. 5.... Insurance commissioner 258 00 . 258 00 Nov. 14 .. Special Laws sold 1 15 .1...1.....1.. 1111111111.111 115 Nov. 30 .. United States government 5 percent, on land sales 1.....4..-..1.. IIII"III.IIII *" °"3 iij)' 98 Till*" 3,115 98 Nov. 30 .. Insurance commissioner, fees, November, 1881 259 00 ;.... ". 259 OO Nov. 30 .. Insurance commissioner, taxes 337 68 'I,**,*."*"".!"**.! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!" 337 68 Nov. 30 .. I surance money collected on State library 10,000 00 11... 1, 10,000 00 Nov. 30 .. Interest on insurance money on State library 200 00 ! * '200 00 Nov. 30 .. State auditor, for grass cut on State lands in 1881 746 23 ' 746 23 Nov. 30 .. Interest on deposits for October, 1881 1,748 55 1,748 55 Nov. 30 .. Interest on deposits for November, 1881 1,498 63 . 1,498 63 Nov. 30.. State treasurer, collected on school lands in Ramsey county ' 3,053 56 * 1,16*5 12 ''"'."'.'"l ."".".".*."'. '""""'*!.*""' "I.!!!!"!. !.*.*'*.'.'."*. 4,218 68 $60,798 08 $100,638 39 $106,992 60 15000 00 9,554 00 $3,115 98 $9,833 66 $798 97 $306,731 68 ST^TiEa^iEisrT "if 1 - 77 Received from County Treasurers for School Text Book Fund. Becker $209 94 1 Isanti ......". 349~04|P0pe.T. 317 80 Benton.. 212 93 Jackson 163 80 Bedvrood , 277 79 Big Stone.. 82 23 , Kittson .• 152 88 Renville 500 00 Blue Earth. 134 30 | LacquiParle 114 85 St. Louis 29 90 Carlton ..7.......... 19 21 j Lake. 10 80 ! Sherburne.. 01 61 Chippewa '.. 137 78 | LeSueur. 293 36 Siblev 194 79 Ohisago 141 1 McLeod 543 30 Steams 1,125 Clay 250 90 Marshall ; " 151 62 Swift... :. 25194 Cottonwood 113 08 Meeker 73 97|Wabisha 138 57 Dodge 488 20 I Mille Lacs... 369 10iWadcna 302 48 Douglas. 279 10 I Morrison . 177 52 Waseca : 129 72 Faribanlt 351 28 Mower 375 50 Winona. 409 53 Fillmore 1,069 88 Murray 418 34 Wright.., 100 04 Freeborn. 81 75 Nobles 173 83 '■ Yellow Medicine 55 04 Goodhue 93 58 Olmsted. 105 15 Pipe Stone... 146 56 Grant 79 21 Otter Tail 545 79 H^nnepin 28 16 Polk 1,30600 Total. 13,547 92 Houston 386 30. • ■ . * - — — — . — — _^_^___ __^ _^ —^ —^— Tree planting claims, - - - 1877 State forestry association, - - 877 Soldiers' orphans, - . - , - - 1878 Supreme court reports (Yols. 25 and 26) - ... 1878 Exchanging documents, - 1878 Governor's clerk, - 1879 Supreme court contingent, - - 1879 Insane support, - - _ - 1879 Deaf, dumb and blind support, - 1879 Printing, advertising and binding, 1879 State board of immigration, ' - 1879 Interest on temporary loans, - - 1 879 Tree i-lanting claims, - - - 1879 Farmers' board of trade, - - 1 879 Care of idiots and imbeciles, - 1879 Printing paper, ••:' - -, - - 1879 Water supply, university, - - 1879 Repairs, capitol roof, etc, - - 879 Governor's salary, - -_ . 1880 Secretary's salary, - - - - 1880 Auditor's and land commissioner's salary, - - -:K - •>,.-,-, -jv-v -'.--■ 1880 Treasurer's sakry, - - - - 1880 Superintendent of public instruction, salary, - - - - - 1880 Attorney general's salary, - - 3 880 Adjutant general's salary, - 1880 Railroad commissioner's salary, - 1880 Insurance commissioner's salary, 1880 Librarian's salary, - - - 1880 Clerk supreme court, salary, - - 1880 Public examiner's salary, - - 1880 Governor's private secretary, salary, 1880 Governor's clerk, salary, - - 1880 Assistant secretary and statistician, salary, ... •-;.-.:.-?■. 1880 Secretary's clerk, salary | - - 1880 Auditor's chief clerk, salary, - 1880 Land clerk, salary, - - - - 1880 Auditor's extra clerks, salary, . - 1&80 I Deputy treasurer, salary, - - 1880 ] Public instruction clerk, salary, 1880 j Attorney general's clerk, salary, - N 1880 Insurance commissioner's clerk's salary, ------ 1880 Engineer's salary, - - - ' 1880 Janitor's salary, - - - - 1880 Fireman and day day laborer, sal ary, ------- 1880 Night ■watchman, salary, - - 1880 Military storekeeper, salary, - - 80 Messenger, salary, - - - 18&0 Reporter supreme court, salary, - 1880 Salaries, judges, - - - - 1880 Superintendent fruit farm, salary, 1880 Fish commissioners, - 1880 Executive contingent, - - - 1880 Attorney general's contingent, - IbSO Secretary's contingent, - - 1880 Public examiner's contingent, - ,1880 Public instruction contingent, - 1880 Auditor's contingent, ... 18SO Library contingent, - 1880 Treasurer's contingent, - - - 1880 Law library, - ... I**o Interest on State loans, - - * 1880 liepairs capitoL, . - - - - 1880 : State board of health, - - 1880 ' Express and mileage, - - - 1 880 Fuel and lights, . - - - 1880 i Sheriffs' fund, • - - - " ' - ISSO ! Selling State lands, - . - .„ -*'■ 1.180 I Historical society,' '-"• v -.. - - 18jjO Rent of arsenal, ■"- - - 1850 ! Agricultural societies, - - - 1880 : j Printing paper, - - : -";..-' -"' ;". -.'. 1880 ; Binding law books, •. - - - 1880 i State costs, - -•*? -' - 1880 j Arrest and conviction horse thieves, 1880 j Printing, advertising and binding, 1880 . j Requisitions, - -■; - - 1880 i Insane support, Ist hospital, - 1880 j Insane support, 2nd hospital, - 1880 j Second hospital, insane building, 1880 j Deaf, dumb and blind support, - 1880 j Care idiots and imbeciles, -', - 1880 ' Prison current expenses, - - 1880 St Cloud normal school, - \ - 1880 ! Deaf, dumb and blind, heating, &c, 1880 j State costs, -v - - - 1881 Indexing laws, - - - - 1881 Binding law books, . - - - 1881 Register and receiver's fees, - - 1881 Arsenal rent deficiency, -i. - 1881 Waden* county, v': - ... 1881 EXIFIEHSnDITTnR.EIS From December 1, 1880, to November 30, IHBL $702 00 I Murray county, - - - - IKSI 164 65 ' Crow Wing county, - - 18H1 72 35 Administering oaths, - - - 1881 Reading proof - - - - 1881 1,200 00 Governor's Guards - 1881 683 A. G. Perkins, - - - - 18S1 100 00 ; Victor Hjortsberg, - 1881 36 S3 iJ.Q. A. Ward, - - - - 1881 3,378 67 j John Patterson, - ... 1881 1,117 62 Pomme de Terre river bridge, - ISBI 105 11 Buffalo river bridge, - - - 1881 533 80 Minnesota river bridge, - - - 18H1 925 59 Red river bridge, - - - 1881 400 00 ChisaKO lake bridge - 1881 372 80 j First hospital insane, water supply, 1881 367 98 I Second hospital insane, water 9upp'ly, 1881 2,675 0(5 Grading Winona normal bcuool 500 00 j grounds, ----- 1881 145 92 Enlarging St Cloud normal school 316 74 gronnds, ----- 1881 150 00 Insane support, second hospital de ficiency. 1S«1 250 00 ! Employes first hospital insane, - ISSL 291 73 Ex-governors' portraits, - - 1881 Law library contingent deficiency, - ls^L 208 37 Appraising State prison machinery, 18S1 166 74 State library gas fixtures - "- 1881 125 00 Adju'ant general's clerk, 1879 and 250 00 1880, 1881 166 75 Winona normal school, improving 125 00 grounds, 18S1 125 00 Minnesota Reports, Volume 26, Num -291 70 ber2, ----- 1881 875 00 Second hospital insane , engine 125 00 houf-o, ----- 1881 Salaries judges, - 1881 166 71 Winona Normal school support, 18S1 82 87 Mankato Normal school support, - 1881 125 00 St Cloud Normal school support, 1881 100(10 Training schools and institutes, - issL 4155 32 j Agricultural societies, - - ]sKI 125 00 I Commissioner statistics contingent, 1881 100 00 (Legislative funds - 1881 16 73 I Soiling State lands, - - - - ISBI ' Selecting indemnity lands. - - 1881 100 00 I Printing, advertiwing and binding, 1881 100 00 Law library, - - - - 1881 100 00 j Printing paper, - - - - 1881 Stationery, - - - - - 1881 60 00 Requisitions, ----- I*Bl 75 00 Sheriff's fund, - 1881 33 32 Wolf bounties, - 1881 50 00 Tree Planting claims, - 1881 250 00 Express and mileage, - - - 18s I 7,659 06 Fuel and lights, - - - - Issl S3 37 , State board of health. - v - 1881 200 00 State board of immigration, - 1881 488 91 Minnesota National guards, - - 1881 182 08 Rebuilding capitoL - 1881 2:5 00 Boiler room, capitol, - 1881 94 16 Repairs and fnruishinsr capitol, - 18sl 68 20 Insane support, first hospital, - 1881 61 20 InsaLe support, second hospital, 18'Sl 355 Reform sciool support, • - - - 1881 t 34 Deaf, dumb, blind and imbecile 532 ' support, ----- 1881 9,575 00 Pri3on current expenses, - - 1881 15 79 Historical society, - 1881 370 63 A ttornevs 1 fees, bond adjustment, - 1881 87 35 Legislative- extra session, - - 1881 655 24 Governor-! salary, - 1881 419 30 Secretary's salary, - .- - 1881 917 15 ; Anditor'and land commissioner's 1,107 50 : salary, ----- 1881 23 98 Treasurer's salary, - 1881 5105 Attorney genoral'*s salary, - - 1881 76 Adjutant general's salary, - 1881 43 25 Superintendent public instruction, 57 35 ; salary, 1881 1.700 00 Railroad commissioner's salary, 1881 3,986 92 Insurance commissioner's salary, 1881 229 85 Librarian's salary, ... 1881 '5,136 82 Public examiner's salary, - - 1881 2,541 47 Janitor's salary, - - - 1881 5,595 51 Engineer's salary, _ . _ 1881 2,222 73 ; Firemen and day laborer's salary, 1881 782 10 I Assistant engineer aad night watch -10,849 09 1 man, ----- 1881 258 47 I Military storekeeper, - - 1881 795 oO 1 Messenger, - 1881 102 42 I Governor's private secretary, - 1881 200 00 Assistant secretary and statistician, 1881 53 85 Secretary's clerk, - - - 1881 182 65 Auditor's chief cierk ... 1881 401 52 Land clerk, .... 1881 400 00 I 300 00 Auditor's extra clerks, - 1881 1,934 60 429 93 Dept.ty treasurer's salary, - - 1881 1,375 00 284 50 Attoi ney general clerk's salary, - 1881 216 63 400 00 Public instruction clerk's salary,- 1881 1,100 00 128 00 Insurance commissioner clerk's sal -18 50 arj, 1881 900 00 125 00 Superintendent of fruit farm salary, 1881 833 33 14 50 1 Clerl.Hupreme court salary, - - 1881 1,375 00 75 00 Reporter supreme court salary, - 1881 450 00 200 00 Marshal supreme court salary, - 1881 100 00 300 00 1 State lant agent's salary, - - 1881 500 00 300 00 Governor's clerk salary, - -- - 1881 1,100 00 400 00 Extra clerkß, insurance commiseion -500 00 er (alary, 1881 225 00 15,000 00 Adjntant general's clerk salary, - 1881 1,100 00 5,000 00 Depi ty clork supreme court salary, 1881 7dl 08 Stationery and document clerk's sal -950 00 arj, ISSI 550 00 Executive contingent, - - - 1881 2,289 02 650 OO! Sccntary's contingent, - 1881 400 00 lAudi'-or's contingent, - 1881 498 70 2,000 00 |Trea Mirer's contingent, - 1881 353 78 1,306 17 jAttoi ney general's contingent, - 1881 736 31 500 00 ' Insurance commissioner's contingent, 1881 266 73 110 SOJPubl c examiner's contingent, - 1881 1,250 21 854 57 Railroad commissioner's contingent, 1881 200 00 42 00 Superintendent public instruction contingent, - 1881 497 1G 1,000 00 Library contingent - - - 1881 996 07 Supr3rae court contingent, - - 1881 655 40 250 00 Extr .ordinary contingent, - - 1881 2,496 89 Publishing laws in newspapers, - 1881 19,973 00 1,000 00 Arreit and conviction horse thieves, 1881 3,000 00 IState board of equalization, - 1881 974 00 5,000 00! Fish Commiasiocers, ... 1881 3,500 00 57,189 49 Statf Horticultural society, - - 1881 131 00 14,000 00 .Fun inning senate chamber, defi -12,000 00| ciency, ------ 1881 2,073 16 12,000 00 University grounds extension, - 1881 20,000 00 2,765 00 Firsi hospital insane, building, - 1881 37,000 00 2,891 89 Firs< hospital insane, furnishing, 1881 2.000 00 200 OOi First hospital insane, heating, - 1881 9,000 00 72,998 23 i First hospital insane, repairs, - 1881 3,000 00 4,980 71|8eeood hospital insane, furnishing, 1881 5,000 00 959 04 Second hospital insane, heating, - 1881 14,000 00 1 9.440 74 Idiots' and imbeciles' building, - 1881 9,804 51 15.025 82 ißefcrm school deficiency, repairs, 1881 7,500 00 3,000 00! Man <ato normal school repairs, - 1881 10,000 00 3,407 77 Stato board immigration, deficiency, 1881 2,286 57 312 00 Legnlative deficiency, - - 1881 207 80 2,718 76, Investigating Bt Cloud normal 7,946 00! Bciool. 1881 818 94 2,202 OO: Pub iHhing laws, newspapers, defi -426 411 ci«ncy, 1881 3,033 60 2,300 14 Publishing laws, extra session, news -979 32! papers, - 1881 8,436 00 3,552 65 Printing, advertising and binding, 1881 500 00 1.500 OO; Printing paper, deficiency, - - 1881 535 00 44,285 01 Stationery, deficiency. - 1881 338 43 1,500 00 Fitting legislative halls, market 248 62 house, 1881 977 81 90,971 21 Furnishing offices, market house, - 1881 383 75 33 142 82 Bond adjustment expenses, - 1881 1,658 50 30,000 00 , Total, $910,897 67 35,172 87 40,119 15 Intarest fund— lnterest 2,861 58 paid on State loans, - - $9,910 53 2,500 00 Sinking fund, 70 bonds of 46,132 35| loin of 1873, redeemed, 70,000 00 3,482 76 Seed grain sinking fund, 1,650 00 30 bonds, loan of 1878, redeemed ----- 30,000 00 2,750 00 Permanent school fund, 3,208 26) be nds purchased - - 70,000 00 2,291 62 Pumanent school fund, 1,375 00 sale canceled - - - - 192 00 Gen f-al school fund ap -2,291 G5 p< rtiouments - - - 259,414 90 2,750 00 Gen aral school fund, re -1.832 10 ftnded on cancellation 1,747 18 of sale, etc. - - - - 07 88 3,208 30 General school fund, pre -1,100 00 minms, etc., on bonds 1,100 00 purchased -- - - 9,872 65 660 00 General university, uni versity support - - _ 47,000 00 262 50 Internal improvement 733 32 la.vl fund, cancellation 550 00 of nale ------ 41 80 750 00 Sch y>l text book fund, 1.833 26! paid contractor - - - 13,017 31 916 63 Attorney 12thctwtriet - 798 97 510.910 12 1,833 28 1,37500 Tjtal - $1,421,813 79