OCR Interpretation

Daily globe. [volume] (St. Paul, Minn.) 1878-1884, April 01, 1882, Image 3

Image and text provided by Minnesota Historical Society; Saint Paul, MN

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025287/1882-04-01/ed-1/seq-3/

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OrrtcE or this Board or Public Works, )
Citt cr St. Paul, Minn „ Match 25, 1553. i
The Board of Public Works in and for the
corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minn.,
will meet at their office in said city, at 2 p.m.,
on the 14th day of April, A. D. 1882. ta make
an assessment of benefits, costs and expenses
arising from the construction, repairing and
relaying sidewalks, under contract of Peter
Berkey. (climate* 8 to 9, both inclusive) for
Tear ending January Ist, itSi, on tbe prop
erty hf-reinafttr. oVs«-Tlbetl, (rontine or said
walks, anl benefited thereby, amounting in the
aggrtgate t0518,43'J.74, ten it:
TIM SW-Korli Mi
Kittson's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
CWOriggs. HKFo«t*r 5 63
C W Griggs, HF Foster 6 68
C HE F.isifcr.. 7 62
CWG.IJHS*. HE Foster S 89
Caroline Sehurmeier 7 0!
Joseph Robert..*. 8 03
Estate of Gto 8 Warren 5 Gl
Same 6 6*
line 7 6t
Same 8 04
Sime 5 05
S me 6 65
Same 7 65
Sams 8 65
E.*UteofS J Wilkin -5 6ti
B<m<» 6-- 6'>
EFDrako 7 W
Same 8 66
AH Wilder 5 67
Solomon Bergman ft - 67
Same and E Levy 7 67
Same and E Levy 8 67
• Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot Block.
H Sophia Sanford, except c 29
ft of n SI ft 9 .19
Jacob H Stewart, c 100 ft 0f . . . 1 IS
Gu-tav Dresst-ll and John Remer,
c X of s 100 ft 5 17
Wm H Miller, c 50 ft of 1 15
St. Paul Proper.
Buppos«d owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Robert Reade, c 28 ft of 11 22
Rice A Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot Block.
.Tames H Sirap»on.... 4 19
Alexß:im?ey 5 19
FredEmmert.eK 6 19
Lou G Koch, w X • 6 19
E M Dean and Chan II Bigelew.
Commencing at the corner of
College avenue and St. Anthony
stieet, (now 3 i street,) thence
nw'ly along ne'lv side of t aid
Third street 170 j,' ft to Mul
berry street, thence ne'iy along
s line of Mulberry street 206 X
ft, thence se'iy to a point on
n'ly Him of College avenue dis
tant 163 % ftne'ly from begin
ning, thence ew'ly 103* feet
along College avenue to begin
Alexander Ramsey, w5 ft 0f.... 6 17
TIM Street South Side from Frankliu
Street to Fort Street
Sice A Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Buprosed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
James Btinson 1 24
Ferdinand Dmcjiif, wK of 2 24
James Stinson, c.V 2 24
Cl*r» W Hand, v 20 ft of 8 24
HLD>u»m«n,e49x ft 8 24
Frtd Eramert, w 40 ft of 4 24
Clara W Ham!, c 4: *.' ftof 4 24
Geo Faber, 24* ft w of e4* ft 4 24
Fred Emmert, c 25 ft of 5 2*
CD El felt, w4l^ft of 5 24
Alf Wharton, (Third street front)
w 158 73-100 ft 0f.... 25
J H S swart, 30 feet east of west
158 7 100 ft <.f 25
Nancy Irvine, (3d street front,)
eG327-looltof 25
Boutb Side of IBrl Street from JacS
son Street to SiMey Street,
Bt. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
James W Yandes, w 14 ft 0f.... 4 80
Same, c 18 ft on 3d street of 5 SO
Fourth S ! rest~Nor!ii Sine.
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and
description. • Lot. Block.
Wm F Davidson, s 112 ffc 0f ... 7 19
J H Davidson 8 19
James Carroll, e% of 9 19
Charlotte R Goddaril, yvJi 9 19
Wm F Davidson, vr% .10 19
Thos glut* r, Thos Riley, e^ .... 10 19
FrarikE Clark 11 l'J
John Casey 13 19
Henry Bocktnfelt, % 11 18
Fonriii Mreet--Soniii sue.
Rice A Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Estat* of T S Woods, deceased,
c 23 ft of : 2 17
E9ta'e of Morris Lamprey, de
reaped, 17 jj ft wof 23 ft 2 17
Same,RS Moon- and John Smith
w 19* f t of of 2 17
St. Paul Proper.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. ' Block.
J H McAllister, Wm Smith, w'ly
SBX ft 0f..... 8 26
Wm Smith, John J Pearson, J H
McAllister S 26
H*nry L<*mb 4 26
C E DLk-rman, w'Jy 25 ft of n'ly
100 ft of 5 26
Erime, ely IS ft of n'ly 100 ft of 6 26
Wra Ni^haup, wjf 5 2J
Henry Niehaus, etf.... 5 23
Fifil Street, Monii Site.
Rice A Irvitii's Addition to St. Pan!.
Supposed owner and
description. • . Lot. Block.
The of St, Paul 3 8
Same .7. 4 $
M«rkCustel!o 5 S
Thomas Grace 7 7
Albert Gree"lenf 8 7
Right Bey. John Ireland ....... 0 7
Mre.JolUH McCarthy........ 10 7
DSB Johnston, Ruth H Stauton 11 : 7
James Biyd 13 7
St Paul Proper.
Supposed owner r.ed
description. Lot. Block.
John Hsgp'nmlller 10 12
Jacob ThuTwurth..." ...11 13
Edwin B Satlord, Herman A
Bafford, Chillus 13 12
Firib Street, M Side.
Bice A Irvine's Addition to St Pact!.
Supposed owner and
description. • Lot, Bock.
TJie Northwestern Mutual Life
•Insurance Comoany ;. 5. v 12
W H Cran, ti'ly a of 6 12
Chas Hennir.g. w'Jv % of 6 i~
Thos Grace.. 7 12
S»me S 12
game U 12
Sixth Sired, South " Side, from Market Street
to Washington Street;
Rice & Irvine's Addition to Bt. Paul."
Supposed owner and
• description. ; Lot. Block.
Charlotte UCoddard. ...'.. 1 "8
Mary L Stoakes.. 2 .' 6
Seventh Street, North Side. r .
Robert & Randall's Addition to v St. Paul.
Supposed owner and '■, .
description. \\ ■■ f Lot. Block.
Alex Crawford, c 46 ft 0f....'... 10 18"
Same, w 4 ft 0f...... , 11 IS
Screnlh Street, South Side.
Rico & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Geo Naceand Jas Whinnery.. 5 7
Lun s Fisher, 43 ft sofn 40 ft, : } v
except Seventh street, of . . ..'6 ■ 7
St. Paul Proper;
Supposed owner and '.',
description. - Lot. Block.
TRenrdon.... 1 5
OB Tune 11..... 2 5
John S Prince 3 5
OB Tnrre'l 4 5
Beijimin I Oilman and Elizabeth •
DGilm*n 5 5
Benjmiin I Oilman and Elizabeth
D Gilman 0 8
Eittson's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and "
description. . Lot. Block.
Caspar K1ein.......... I 34
Wrkin and C01eman. .......... 2 84
E Howard Fitz, John H Filz, Re
becca L Fitz ................ 8 34
Joha Marty ;...... 4 34
Eighth Street, North Side.
Hojt's Addition to St. Panl.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Edward L Reed.......... 5 2
V D Walsh's Rearrangement of lots I and 2,
block 16, Robert & Randall's Addition to
St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Vincent D Walsh..... 8* ....
Ei# Street, Soolk Side.
Mayall's Subdivision of block 1, Whitney &
Smith's Addition to St. Paul and of block
17, Robert & Randall's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owiier and
description. - . Lot. Block.
WM Stees John A Stcs, Rob
ert A D.irsey, Jas W TandcS.." 8 : ' ....
Same, same, same and same.... 9 ....
Whitney & Smith's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. ' Lot. Block.
Virginia S Pcngnet and Adele-8
Morrison ~\f?. 2
A^ele S Morrison and Virginia S
Pcrier,et 10 2,
Isidorßo?e, w'ly 50 ft of 1 3
Sime, ely Via ttof 10 . 8
The German American Bink,
87* ft wof c 13* ft0f....... 10 8
Kittson's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. „..-;- Lot. Block.
Henry Kroecer, ely X of 1 25
Louisa Adams, w'Jt % of 1 2-5
Same, ely 7ft of 2 - 25
Andrew fclio Is, w'ly 43 ft 0f... 2 25
Michael O'Brien..^. 8 - 25
Joseph T M- 4 25
James T McMillan 1 26
lon Sutmir 2 26
Win Bt'dwin 3 26
Wm Mahle 4 ... 28
G»retta M Murphy 8 '28
Same 4 28
CliasPChouteau...... 1 24
Same 2 24
Kiaih Street North Si J e.
Hoyt'6 Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Sn»an M W barton, e36ft of w .2.
lSGftof 5 .5
■ Kiitl Street, South Side.
Kiltson's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and
description Lot. Block.
a ABSba«e 3 17
Wehfife.r Smith 4 ~ 17
Chas P Chouteau 1 l >
5ame...... 2 15
Tenth Street, North Side, from \Yasliiiiglo:i
Street to St. Peter Street. ;
Bazilla & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Seymour Kin*.. 9 2
Lydia A Fisher 10 S
The Minnesota Historical Society It 2
Same 12 2
Tenth Street, Mh Side, from St. Peter
' Street to "College Avenue.
Bazllle & Gnerin's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Ferdinand Hilcrer, ely &6# ft of 0 8
Margaretha Hilger, except ely
2t>X ft and except a small piece
of land in nw'Jy part owned by
John Wagner.......: 0 • 3
Anton Mil)*r. It 8
Edward Livingston Montgomery 12 8
Sarah Miiner and Isaac W Milntr,
sly 75 ft of 13 3
Isaac Mil ncr and Sarah Milner,
sly 75 ft of .1...... 14 3
Barah Mil-;< .-rand Isaac W Milner,
B'Jy7sitof 15 3
Irvine's Enlargement of Rice & Irvine's Ad
dition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and ,'•'.' -.;!
description. .... Lot. Block.
Adam Lindig, w'ly 60 ft (Tenth
6tre<;t front.) of.. 1 58
Mfirgaretba Ili'ger, ely 41* ft
(Ten'h street front,) of I 63
John Wagner, 48 ft ely of w'Jy
50ft af..... 1 53
George PrDsley -.' 2 53
EveLimprev 8 5S
The odoie Wi-mann, that part
se'ly of College avanne, of — 4 58
Teat!) street, South side, from St; Peter
, street to Fort street
B&zlile & Gaerln's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed ownsr and
description. * Lot. Block.
Henry H Timme 2 i
The Board of EJucation, St. Paul 8 4
game •• * 4
JohnJO'Leary 5 4
John We*chenb9rger, w'lySOft
ofe'Jy6o ftof 6 4
Irvine's Enlargement of Rice <fc Irvine s Ad
dition to St. Paul. -
Supposed owner and
description. Lot.. Block
Helena 5chrei1...:. .....-.....'. 8-_ 65
Joseph Lick. That, part lying in
front of lot 8 in E Rice's en
larcement of like & Irvine's ;
Addition to St Paul ...... 9 ,68
Helen*. Schreil, ! w'ly 32!^ ft of. . 9 . 66
John Kunz">, ely 25 ft of . .".'... - 9 68
Piusßusch«>r. that part in front .
of w'ly 15 ft of lot 1, ERice'g
Supposed owner and '■'-'.■
■description" Lot, Block.
- enlargement of Wee A Irvine's v "■: A
addition to StP^ul...... 0 66
Same. That part in front of e'Jy
10 ft of lot 2in E re's en-.
. largement of Rice • & Irvine's - ■
addition to St. Poiil ....... 0 . 66
Michael Wiilam. That part in *
front of w'ly 80 ft of lot 2 In -
E Rice's enlargement of Rice
A Irvine's addition to St. Paul 9 60
Rt Rev Thos L Grace. 1 bat tri
angular p ccc of land bounded - .
by w'lv Tin* of -B>i'zW« A ni,» r -
JuV addition to St. Paul,
■ the e'Jy line of lot 9, block- 66,
in Irvine's enlargement of Rice
' . & Irvine's addition !• St. Paul,
Tenth street, and the south
line ofawv of sec SI, town 29, .
range 22, being a put of said ,
• wjtr
Eleieolli street, Korth side, from Gedar street
to Jackson s'reet.
Robert A Randall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Wm F Davidson... ......... 11 - 2
Wm P Murray, eof Randall's line 8 - 8
Win F Davidson, w of Randall's
line 8 8
Richard Hull 9 3
BteplvnKtilt........ ....10 3
Mary Springer 8 4
Joseph Farr ...It 4
'Adam Decker 12 4
Eleyertli Street, ■ lout! flip, from Plae
Slraet to Oliye Street. :
. , Kittson's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and ■ i ''-'-~^
description. . V-^ ' Lot. Block.
Henry Keimkemp 1 - 5
Sunn ....... 2 5
M Hen*ly •.. ; 8 5
John Hcinlein ...... ..;.-.•..■ 4 5
Twelfth Street North. side, from Bob
ort street to Cedar street
Jennie R Lamprey. That block of
land between Minnesota and Rob
ert streets and 12th and 13th sts. . ■ ;•■"
Litchfield's Subdivision of Block 1, Medill'e
■f- Addition. to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. . Lot. Block.
The Church of the Good Bhepard, 1
Same 2
Annie P Drew 3
Mary Horst .....i.i....... 4 ..
AD- Graf '....'.;...;... 6
Ellen P Y*le 6 ..
Annie PSabin ."......... 7
Sherwood Hough :....'8
Thirteenth street, South side, from
Jackson street to Canada street.
Joel Whitney's Addition to St PauL '0,
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block
Darwin Install 1 8
Estate of 8 Desnoyers, deceased,
strip fronting Jackson street, x
opposite .....,..■._.... 1 8
Catherine Cheevers, AonGunnip,
II Ca,.eturt 1 . 1
McCioud's Subdivision of Block 2, Vander.
burgh's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
(Tinhunz ... -1
AnnaThTa... . 2 ..
George Thera.. .*..... 3 ..
Mat ia F Cooper ..' .. 4 ..
Sine ..- 5
Mary A Hallowtll ;..... 6 ..
Same 7
JohnC Qulnby 8
Same 9 ..
A.I Schhnanski.... .;....... 10
WmL Beard ; 11
IFA 51uddart... .......... 12
John ASteesand WMStees...... SO~~-~..
Alley in Block 2, Bice & Irvine's Ad
dition to St. Paul, East side.
Bazills & Guerin's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
IfsthUa Koch, except c 100 ft.. 1 10
Margaret Hilger ............ 2 10
1 Eliz'ib'th.Fnin, n>»' ot 3 : 10
Maria Ryan, s# of 8 10
Thoa Eid 4 10
City of St Parti ....-: 5 10
Thus R055i1er... ....... 6 10
Geo Mitch, except 7ih ttreet .... 7 10
Arnndel' street, East side. _■■
Mackubin & Marshall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
JC Kennedy 15 23
EnunaLamb 16 22
Ashland Avenne, South side, from
Western Avenue to Dale street.
Woodland Park Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Mary A Mann, n 60 ft of. 1 13
Same, n 60 fr of 2 13
Sjme,n6oft 3 13
Cuitis A Hughe5. .............. 4 13
S.i me, 0f... 5 13
Michael It Prendergast, w# of 5 13
5ame.......... 6 18
Anderson II Wimbish and Wm C - -V
Gannet ........... 7 13
MaedelenaLGronewald........ 8 13
JPGribben 9 18
Same... 10 13
JWL Corning 11 13
Wm Egan 1 14
Eliza Bacon 2 . 14
Same 3 14
CtiasDElfelt ,4. _14
Same .- 5 14
Martha 3 Dixon and W H Dixon 6 : 14
fame and same 7 - 14
E^tateof J C Burbank ..'8 14
Patrick ßowlin..... '..... 9 14
Sime 10 14
Robert Craii? II 14
Same 12 14
Thos A Abb0tt.......... i. 1 .. 15
Same..... 2 15
Wm Chandler and Frank M Par
cher..... 3 15
B<me same 4 15
John W White 5 >. 15
Same 6 15
Silvester Hi man.. ..1 15
5ame........ 8 - 15
Anderson H Wimbieh .....;... 10 15
AVTeei>le 11 15
Stmuel J Bluisdell. 1 16
S.me 2 , 14
Eliza Bliven 8 16
George Griges... 4 16
Id.i A F10wer.......;.......... 5 16
Curtis M Churchill .- 6 ]6
Samuel 81ai5de11......... '.»... 7. 16
Mary Chad wick 8 16
5ame....... 9 16
Catharine A5kew........ 10 16
Same ..11 16
Bluff Street, iVorth side.
Ewisg & Chute's Addition to St. Pan!.
Supposed owner and '
description. . -. Block
John Klein, 110 ft of ..'......;... 6
Kichard Chute... 7
Same, except n 242 ft...... 8
Bradley street, West side. -'
Branson's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. _ Lot. Block
Frifz Wehme1er... ..^.. ........ 1 " 11
Michael Mu1iane........ ...... 12 - 11
Gottfried Henneherg, si 0f..... 1 . ■ ; 8
Ai> L. HHrry H and Mary A . - -'
Ma) all, DX 0f . . . . . v . . . . V. ..... 1 3
MarfatH**, estate 0f....... ... '12 - 8
Daniel D Merrill ..;.....•.......• 1 " 5
Ada L, Harry H and Mary A .
Mava11... ....... ....;. .13 »
Chss'F Ltpke ..'....;.;..."... 1 2
Margaret* Armbruster 12 . r.:2
Burr street, East side.
Branson's Addition to St. Paul. *
Supposed owner and , .
description. ;. . Lot.- .Block.
Eva 8 Bergstrom, nM of 6 " 2
Willielmlm K*istr, middle <i of • 6 2
Moms Hokanson, *>.'.,' 0f... ...... 6 2
J Mann. ....... .;;............. 7 3
Burr street, West side. J
Stineon's Addition to St. Paul. .
Supposed owner and
description. . ; Lot. Block.
James Stlnson 1 .13
8 1 lilt: ........'... .4; 13
5ame........ ..1.. ............. 6; 13
Same... 8 13
Rufus C0nrad. ................. 9 13
George EPennock....... .. V 16 13
5ime.'.....;:.... .............. 17 IS
Chas H Netterberg.;.. •.......".. 20 v 13
O'isß Bailey .......;.... 21 13
Harry Jay ....;.......:... 24 1"?
Homer Starkweather 25 13
WmAFaddis 28 IS
Same.. .:.....;:.. 29 1?
Canada Street, East Side, from Pearl
htreet, a Distance of 440 feet South
Vandenburgh'f Addition to Hoy t's Addition
• , - to St. Paul. - '
Supposed owner and >-■> ,
• description. ■-.'■ Lot. Block.
Elizabeth Scully, sly 50 ft 0f.... 1 %
John Mattocks, • Brewer Mat- -
tucks; Helen M. Bpeneer, Julia -
B. North • James 8. Mat
tock", Fannie T. Mattocks .Jes- - .
sic P. Mattocks, fiber wood 8. ;
Mattocks, Walter .H. ; Mat- r •
tocks,n > 1y16ft0f....... i .... I • 8
John Mattocks, Brewer , Mat- -
' tocks, Helen M. Spencer, Julia
B. North rup, James 8 Mat- ...
tocks, Fannie T. Mattocks,
Jessie P. Mattock , Bberwood ,
8. Mattocks, Walter. H. Mat- - ,
t0ck5........................ 2 3
John Mattocks Brewer Mat
tocks, Helen M. Spencer, Julia : -'
B. Norihrup, James S. Mat
tocks, Fannie T. Mattocks, .
Jessie P. Mattocks, Sherwood •
S. Mattocks, Walter H. Mat
tocks, sly 32 ft 0f....... 3 3
Walter Mann, n'ly 31 ft of 8 3
Same, sly 16 ft0f.;....:....... 4 8
Rebecca F. Bangs, n'ly 50 ft of 4 3
J. A. and W. M. Btees. Com'g
on e'ty line .of Canada street, "
2084-10 ft n'ly, from nw'ly
corner of bik 15, Hoyt's add.
to St. Paul; thence n'Jy on ely %'<'. '
line of Canada street 50 ft; tv
ely at. right angles 137 ft;
th sly par'l with, Canada st 50
ft; th w'ly 137 ft to beg, being
-in sex, 8 31, t 29.r22........
Same and same. Com'g on ely
line of Canada st, 5584-10 ft n'ly '
from nw'ly corner of blk 15
Hoyt's add. to St. Paul; th n'ly ... «
on e'lv line of Canada st 50
ft; th e'iy at right angles 187
. ft; th sly pir'i- with Canada st
50 ft; th w'ly 137 ft to beg., he
ing in the Be* , 8 31, 1 20, r 22. :.
L H Hunt. < ommencing rne'Jy
line cf Canada st 308 4-10 ft
n'ly, from nw'ly corner of bJk
| 15, Hoyt's add. to St. Paul; th
n'iy on e'Jy line of Canada st
45 ft; th ely at right angles to : - '.
Broadway st; th B'ly 45 ft; th
w'Jy tnbesr , being in se X , s.
81, t.29,r.22 i......:..^ >v^
Estate John, Spencer,? deceased,
Com'c at sw'ly corner of Van- '."■■'.
den burgh's add. to Hoy add. \
*> St. Paul, on the ely Una of
Canada st; th . B'ly 8 ft .
th «'ly to line of \ Kittson'a
add. to St, Paul; th n'ly. 8 ft; -
5 th w'ly to beg., being in se jf ,
. s. 31, t. 29, r. 23... ..........
Canada street, West side, from Pearl
street to 13 th street.
McCioud's Subdivision Block 8,~ Vander
bnrg'a Addition to Hoyt's Addition to St.
Supposed owner and -■'.:
description. Lot.. Block.
Edmund Rice, Jr., trustee 25
David 1nc.... 26
Daniel MeCaine 27
Henry Ley 28
Siime, «x of ................ 29
Chas Let an, John Let tan, Au
gustav Lett an, FeidiDand Let- •
tan, August Letts n nx 0f... 29 v-;-.. :
John A Stees and W M Stees. 80 ..
Cedar street, East side, from Twelfth
street to Eleventh street.
Robert A Randall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. ~. Lot. Block.
Mary Springer n_B %i 4
. Chestnut street, North side.
Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
description. Lot .: Block.
Henry O'Gorman, &X of mid
dle Xof 8 -„ ■ S3
Mary Cunningham, sji 0f...... 8 53
WraSeng.n^of 8 63
Part in Irvine's Enlargement to Rice A Ir
vine's Addition to St. Paul and part in Pay
ton A Irvine's Addition to St. Paul, . r -
Supposed owner and : ■'■•■'
- description. Lot. B3ocV.
Anton Bcttingen It 63
Irvine's Enlargement to Rice & Irvine's Ad
. dition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and - - :
: description. Lot. Block.
Nicholas Hardy 12 68
Rice & Irvine's Additio* to St. PauL
Supposed owner and ,„ «.
dsscriptlon. Lot. - Block.
Ellen Lynch, n# of middle %of 8 63
College Avenue, North Side
Irvine's Enlargement to Rice . & .Irvine's Ad
• v , dition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and -
■ description. - Lot. - Block.
John H. McAllister, William ';.'<:
Smith., extent Wlt 10 f of
n'ly 50 ft..................... 10 . 59
Alice K. Merri11..........!...... -. 69
Estate of Morris Limprev, de- - ■
.- ceased „ U 69
5ame.......... 18 - 59
C. H. Bigelow. Beginning at a - .'•' '■ • r
point in w'ly line of College
aye. at cc corner of land con
veyed by J. R Irvine and wife
to A. M. Fridley, on April 7, ,
■ 853, said point being 241 ft
distant from the corner of St.
Anthony; now Third st, and
said College are; th n 40 d>g. 47
mm. 150ft t/>at)ost;fhBw'ly -
on a Una parallel with College
ave;7Bx ft to a post; th s 40
deg. 18 mm c 150 ft to College ;
aye; th ne'ly along the Una of
said avenne 77 ft to place of
beginning. .'.....-"
E. M. Deane and C. H. Bigplow. ;
Com'g at the corner of College
aye and St. i Anthony, ; now
' Third st, in the city of St.
. Paul, and running tb from the
n'ly line of said College aye, n 50
deg. 50 aim. w, along the ue'ly
side of said Third st, 170* ft,
; *to the corner <-. of Third and • -
Mulberry sts; th along said .
. Mnlberry»t In anely direction
2;'G % ft; th a 41 deg, 18 mm. c '
197 ft along w'ly line of a lot
„ deeded by A. M. Fridley and
wife to J. T. Bosser, on Sept.
1,1853, to the i nw'Jy side of
said College aye, and th along
said n w'ly side of said College
aye, s 48 deg. 15 mm. v 163 *
■ ft to place of beg.... ........
College Avenue, South side.
Bazille A Guerin's Addition to St Panl.
Snppoeed owner and ■. -. - -j
description,' Lot Block.
Martha Ludw1tr.... ......;..... 1 *. 1
Johannah Whee1er....'....... 2 ' 1
Augustus Chiipron ;;;.......'.".; 8 -1
Tberesia Eibert, nX of wBB ft.. 4 1
B«me, i\X 0f........ ....'....'.'..' s*: 1
W Whiteand H B Sweeny, (c 12
ft) being a11ey................' 4 1
Cooper street, West side, from Ninth
street to Tenth street.
Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul. , - H
Supposed owner and .1'
description.; . ■ - Lot block.
Cephas W Carpenter, B'ly 150 ft \
of ely 102 ft 0f.... ......... 1 ?X 5
IFA Btuddart, n'ly 50 ft of ely
102 ft 0f...................... 1 8
Thomas Rossiter, B'ly 100 ft of,
n'ly 150 ft of ely 102 ft 0f. ... 1 . 8
Dakota avenue, West side.
Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul
Supposed owner and -1 V
description. Lot Block.
WmYounjr, 1 , ; 166
Same..... 3 166
H-nry 5mith............; 8 • 1«6
JnlnesWhinery 4 : IGH
EFDrake ...... ...."....... ; 5 1«8
DDMerrill ............... 1 : 167
5ame............ ..:.......... 2, 167
M Bruggeman. .....,'... 8 . 167
5ame. ?..... .. 4 167
ArterousOale ............. 5 -167
D D Merri11................... 6 167
Troy City 8ank........... 7 1«7
James Jordan.... 1 180
HenryFSchwabe 8 180
Justina \B<-hu man.. '..... .8 -180
Herman GeUsler, DM of 4 180
Same, 0f... ..;...... 4 ISO
Joseph Minea 5 '180
Dayton Avenue, North side. '
Dayton A Iryita'a Addition to St Paul. •
Supposed owner and
description. , Lot. Block.
Nellie X Green;.. 27 * 82
Martin F Kennedy ............. 5 81
Kern's Addition to St Paul. H. V
Supposed owner and .;' * . '
description , Lot. Block
Judson W 8i5h0p.............. IS 1
Same.... • 14- 1
Same ..I* 1
Hunt.... 16 1
Bame, wj< 0f.............;..... 17 1
DM Ferguson, ex of 17 1
5ame............ .............. 18 1
Dayton avenue, South side.
Dayfon A Irvine's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and , ; ; . - -
tescripiion. ' .
Catharine V Knight, e 55 ft of w 712* ft of
Selbv block in. -^
Adam X F»hnstock, c 27% ft of w 740 ft of n
150 ft of Sflby block in. . V .
Same, c 27J* ft of w 767# ft of n 150 ft of
SI by block in. .• . ' ;
IFA atuddait, e6O ft ef w 827« ft of Selby
block in.
Kern's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
desci iption. - Lot. , Block.
2 A and W M 5tee5........ 11 '2
CHasE F1andrau...;. .......... 12 2
Same, etf. .....:............'... 13 ':- 2
Ue Bow street, East side, from Grove
street to Olmsted street.
Patterson's Addition to St. Paul. ;
Supposed owner and
description. . „ • Lot. Block
Bebaßtl»n V Hanft, s* of nj^.. . 3 2
Sibella Tostevm, sx ............ 8 2
Mary ASleppv, 50 ft n of 860 ft 4 _.x. .8
Eva Kuss, a 50 f t of 4 i
RHandn*rry,sBoftofsKofn>^ 4 - ?
Mary Whitaker, n6O ft of 4 - 2
Same, n 20 ft of s^ of n^v 4 2
De Bow street, West side.
Dayton's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and'
description. -- /- Lot. Block.
Wilhelmina Hasplborst, %X of.. 1 1
John Whaley, 65« ft nofex • • 1 ' <)
Eagle street, North side.
Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
• description. Lot. Block.
Clara W Hand, w 20 ft0f....... 3 8«
Sim*. e4£ ftof... 4 24
II L Don- man, e49 ftof 8 2-4
Frederick Em inert, w4O ft 0f... 4 24
Georee Faner, 24 « ft w of c 1%
ft, (Third 5treet)... ........... 4 24
Fredrick Emmert, e2B ftof.. . 5 24
CDE'felt, all of e2B ft 0f.... 5 24
H L Poiiernan,FDuduB ....... 6 24
Thomas W Sherman -7 24
Gertrude Jansen ............ 6 23
Joseph 8reg..... 7 23
A R Capehart... .:......-....... 8 23
Andrew Foo^,slsoftofelosftof 9 23
George B Warren............".. 8 42
The Minnesota Soap C 0 ... ...... 4 42
5ame........ .................. 5 42
Alfred Wharton, w 158 ft 0f . . . . - 25
J Stewart, 30ft eof 158 ft of 25
Nancy Irvine, (except w 188 f 1) . . ~ 25
Eagle street, South side. ' -;••■
Rice & Irvine's Addition to St. PauL
Supposed owner and
description. . . Lot Block.
John Farrtngton and estate of
Geo Cu1ver............ ....... : ; ..l 26
Exchange straet, North Fide, from
Wabashaw street to St. Peter street.
Bazille A Guerin's Addition to St. Paul. '
Supposed owner and . ./'
-description. Lot. . Block.
D Barthel, sly 1-6 0f........... 8 5
Ann Vicber 9 5
Peter Schonarth .............;. 10 .5
H A Boardman, sly 60 ft 0f . ... 11 5
Exchange street, East side.
. Rice A Irvine's Addition ,to St Paul.
Supposed owner aod" _ _ -
-description • Lot Block.
Emily Robe, B'ly 80 ft and 10-12
feet...................;....-- 6 - 3
Joseph Bree, 62 2-12 ft sly of
: n'ly 25 ft.;.'.; 6 8
E C Buck, 83 ft sly of n'ly 87 , -l^
212 ft....................... 6 3
John B Messing, sly 100 ft of 7 . _ : 3
John Bissenius, n'ly 50 ft 0f . ... 7.V 3
Exchange street, South, side.
Bazille 4 Guerin's Addition to St. Paul. -v.
Supposed owner and ' -.•-.
■:> description. . Lot. Block.
Peter Schonarth, n*ly 1-6 0f. .... 1 - 8
Same, n'ly 16 0f.... .......... 2 8
Charles P Hawley, ely 25 ft of
n'ly 100 ft 0f............-..'.. 3 8
Margaret Hawley, w'ly 25 ft of - - -
: n'iy 100 ft/. . . . . :. . . . ......... 8 8
Bernard Michel, n'ly 1-6 0f...... 4 8
Same, n'ly 1-6 of ...... ......V5 8
Same, n'ly 1-6 0f..... .......... 6 8
Albert Edgerton, n'ly 85 ft 0f... 1 9
5ame...............:.......... 2 9
Eugene 0^b0rne.. :..*.......'.. 3 ; : v
The Order of St. Benedict....... 4 v •'
Same ........:..........;.. 5 . - ?
Same. .That parcel of land lyinic .
between Exchange- and Ninth • •.■'.'
'■■ ■ streets and w'ly of block 9,' Ba
i z He & Guerin's addition to Sc.
* Panl.
Exchange street, Southeast side, from
. -• Sherman to Kirn street.
> '.-' Rice & Irvine's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and ■•*
-description. - Lot. Block.
Geor?" H Broadhead ;..;.... 4 •■'■"■■ 80
AlexF.amsey 6 80
■■ ;■ " ■■•:■-;■■■: ■■■^ ■:..
Fort street, East side, from Ninth to
\9 Tenth street.
Irvine's Enlargement to Rico & Irvine's - Ad
dition to St. Paul. 7
Supposed owner and
description. - Lot. Block.
Frank Funk, sly 33 ft 0f. ... . .". 5 k 86
Helena Schreil, txcept sly 33 ft, 5 6tt
5ame............v...........;. 6 66
Same.... ........'. 7 66
game "..'. 8 66
Fortstr«et, West side, from Ninth to
Tenth street.
Irvine's Enlargement to Rice & Irvine's Ad
dition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and
• description. . ' ■ Lot. Block.
Jacob Mainzer 8 : 67
Terrence U'iJrien ............... 9 57
Grove street, North side. .
Patterson's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and . ; . .
description... .. : Lot. , Block.
Estate of Wm Rhodes, s X — 4* : 4
E C Beiote, d\4 of mi 0f:........: 5 4
Bus«n Magraw, wj< of w# of 8 - I—'1 — ' , .
- 150 ft .'...;. a ..... .......:. 5*4
W J Godfrey, ex of w>£ of a 150
•feet.....;..-........'. .:.... 5 4
" Dayton's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and
- description. : Lot Block.
Christiana 8D0ran.... .......... It 5
Same..... 12 6
Patterson's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and .. . ■ .
description. " ". Lot. Block.
Wm H Hawkins, w 60 ft of 6 100
ft0f...................... 5 8
Grove street, South side.
• Kittson's Addition to St. PauL
Supposed owner and
description. vr-' Lot. Block.
Chas Clifford, 30 ft c of w 100 feet
0f....:.. .............;...... 1
Augusta young, c 43 1-12 ft of n
32 ft.. 1
FerdKnauft, w 100 ft of nsof . . ' 1
Geo LFarwell.e 150 ft 0f.. ;..... 1 '2
Holly avenue, North side, from Western
avenue to Dale street. v
Woodland Park Addition to St Paul. .7'
Supposed owner and .
description...: -j :'. \ ■': j : : Lot. Block.
JohnGHinkel 12 \ 13
Same, w^ of .V. ....... .*.'..... 13 18
John Caulfield, of .;.... 18 13
Same.... 1* ■ 'IS
Nathan Ga11up..... ..,,.13: . 14
John P Jacobson 14 14
GnldoN Leiber ...15 14
Same..... ..16 14
Morgan L Bproat 17 • 14
Theodore Ladd....".... ......... 18 14
Sime.... 19 I*
Walter W ■Evan5............... 20 14
5ame....... ••••21 1*
HenryS 0gden......; 22 14
Same... 23 14
Same... •• 24 14
A. H Wimblsh and W C Gannett, 12 15
WmHendricks 13 15
DD Merrill 14 15
Chas L Johnston :.v ' -* <lj 16- -. - 15
3R Me Master 17 ' : 15
Godfrey Siegenthaler...:. ...... 18 : 15
H E W'deNtedt. 19 . 15
Elizabeth Grant... 20 15
RF Marvin....!... .....21 15
Lenaß Knox.... 23 15
E WShirk. 12 16
ChasFabrot... 13 .16
Elizabeth P Narvel 14 ;• 16
AH Wimbish 17 1«
llbertMEddy 19 . .16
HCEller £0 , 16
A V Wright 21 16
John GDaggan. 22 16
. Jackson street, East side.
% St. Paul Proper;
Supposed owner and '■■' 1,, .
description. Lot Block.
Geo Adams, 20 ft Bofn4o ft of . . 8 13
John H B^hurmeier, 20 ft 8 of n ;<
,60 ft of 8 IS
V D Walch'fl Re-arrangement of lots I and 2,
block 16, Robert & Randall's Addition of
blocs: 7, Hoyt's Addition
Supposed owner and
• dascription. Lot Block.
Wm Da.wson 1 ••
Robert H Bv'and..... .. 2 . ..
Vincent D Walsh 8
Louisa A McQuillan, Mary Mc-
Quillan, Alien McQuillan, An
nie Belle McQuilMi, Clara
* Belle , McQuillan, Philip Mc-
Qui11an......... 4
Robert & Randall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and _-
description.' ■-.-. Lot. Block.
Chas T Miller, part lying in front
of lot 5, block 5, > Hoyt's Ad
: dition, 0f...... 2 9
Joel Whitney's Addition to St. Paul. -
Supposed owcer and • ;;- s*. .
description. •, Lot. Block.
Estate of Stephen Descoyer, strip
in front 0f............;...... 1 ' |
Same, strip in front of .~. 2 8
Same, strip in front 0f......'.... 8 8
S-tme, strip in front 0f .......... 4 8
Same, strip in front 0f. ......... 5 :. 8
Same, strip in front of n)i of.. 8 3
Whitney's Addition to St Paul.
Supposed owner and w ' ■
description. . v Lot. Block.
J0hn Prince........... 7
Same.... •.'«...>•..«••.....•>... 8 •>.
Prince & D*>snoyer'B Re arrangement of part
of Mock 8, Joel Whitney's Addition to St,
Paul. -.-■- r__ .1} v
-Bnppofed owner and " .---ciw
description. • Lot Block
JohnB Prince : ' 9 ; .i
8ame.....;..............- — •• 10
84me-.V.'.. ........:.:..:...".. 11 - v
Eetateof Stephen Dee nojer..... 12 -. - ..
5ame... Vr... .......-....•-••• 18; • ••
bert & Randall's Addition to St. Paul. .
Supposed owner and .. '-.'-'■ _, ,
. description. ; Lot. ; Block.
Wm Constans, except part cov
end by ] Prince - & D.-snoyer's
' Re-arrangement and except 5* >■''
Davidson's part ... '"•• 1
Wm F Davidson, the n 125 ft next
b of Prince & ; De«noyer's re- _
arrangement.... '..... -......•. ;' ; 1
Jackson street. West side.
.- Robert & Randall's Addition to St PauL .
Supposed owner and • . -, ,
description. : Lot Block.
WmFDavidFon .1 J.
Annie WR Warner.... 2: ' 7
Russell Blakely ;..r. .';....-.... % ; 7
same.... ........:..»••>• •:••.••;.»;=. ; ys:i
Same 13 J
Same • •••••:• • • • 5 * : - 1
AnnaCDorsey ..'... .'.•..."•• ■ »■.. »
Philip S Harris, sly 40 ft ... ... 13 ■ 2
Same ...."••• •••••• •••••• :14 '^ 2
Iglchort street, North Side.
Mackubin & Marshall's Addition to St. Paul.
Supposed owner and m
'"■ description. '■.:.'■ '. Lot. Block. -
JL Morrell .....VlB : »0
ChasN W00dward.............. 19 '■• 20
Albert Wn1ff...........v....... 20 20
Susan McC1ung.... ........ .....21 ' 80
EliZiMC!)rastock........ 23 20
John McAdam, Jr............. 24 \ 20
Same....-.:. ..........:25 20
Edward P Bassford 29 - 20
Saaie.... ..:./.... ...;... 80 20
' Jglehart street, South side.
Mackabln & Marshall's Addition to St Paul
Supposed owner and . ,;,,
-,; description. v v;; C^-.v Lot. Block.
Lizzie A Brown "Ui'Js.T 1 ' ■ 21
JJ McCardy.... ....... ....... .3 21
Same .................••••• 8 81
Kate street, North side, from Dakota
avenue to Bertha street. '
' . Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul
Supposed owner and . *. -J
description. ; — :?•-. Lot. Block.
Estate of Btephen Ward, ' de
tea cd... .............. 9 177
R Renz.:.... „10 177-
DD Merri11......... .:.... 11 177
J^mesMelady.. 12 177
Same.... ........ ....*..... 18 177
E-lward Langevin ............. 3 174
Same.... 4 174
Bizille & Robert's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed owner and '
_,_ description. Lot Block.
RSWollam .;......7.'.. .'..... 5 - 5
M^thiae I'm *. # .. 5 6
Eiward Lmcevin .......... 6 • 6
Maria (i Koch, c 40 ft of 5 .7
Cyrille I^ichance, except c 40 ft 5 "
MH<hi»s I>in ................ 6 7
D D Merri11. ..:................ B 8
Edward Langevin...... ........ 6. 8
Marshall's Addition to West St Panl.
Supposed owner and
description. :■- Lot. Block.
JanvsLHohaiin, 0f....... 10 9
FJAlljjaner, ex of .:..;:.... 10 9
J >hn Mangan, wx 0f........... It 9
Margaret McMahon.etf 0f.".'.... 11 9
John Mangan................... 12 , 9
I^aluh St. Peter, wK of .....13 9
James L Hohm*n, ex 0f ■:.'.";.... 18 9
J B St. Aubin and L Di0n..... 10 8
Same and fame '............ 11 «- ■
Same and 5ame.................. 12 8
Si 1 c and 5ime..'.:. ...'... Y:/...'. IS 8
Estate of Patrick Miller, deceased 11 7
Edward Langevin .............. 12 7
F A Carive»u and Louis Fontaine 13 . 7
Cha^ L Pfeiffer and John Ragney, 14 .. 7
Kate Street, South side, from Daniel
street to Dakota avenue.
Irvine's Addition to - West St. PauL
Supposed owner and _
description. • ■ Lot. Block.
SDLord ...;......., 1 193 .
OOCuilm 2 193
Carrie Wright................ 8 198
L«aac Bernhelmer.... 4 1 193
Mary F Dawson 5 193
Bernheimer 6 IV3
Robertson's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed owner and •. . . .
. ; description. . Lot. Block.
DD Merrill 1 161
Same... ......;. 8 161
Same 8 161
Same • ...4 161
Same .... •'.. .......••••• •• 5 161
Victor Villaume .....M 163
John Hennessey .....2 ■ . 162
Cornelius Hennesey .v. 3 162-
DD Merrill 4 162
Same... .T..:.': 5 162
5ime.......... • 6 162
Same 1 165
J»me9MC00Uy.;.:.V..... •=....., 2: . . 165.
August Coflers 8 165
Estate of Stephen Ward, deceased 4 165
Same 5 165
Same.... •'.....'..... 6 \ 165
•lames Jordon >. 1 180
DDMerrill 10 180
Kate street, South side. '
Irvine's Addition to West St. Paul.
Supposed owner and .. - '
description. Lot. Block.
MaryAE Willey... •-. I 196
Cii-topti Beinuilott 2 180
CAJones.... 8 1«6
Guiileib d«hnlza. :.;.... 4 • I* B
Amanda lumbull 6 IUO
Kent street, East side, from Van Bu
•] ren street to Charles street.
Smith's Subdivision of Block 8, Stinson'*
Division, &c. f
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Wm Wiefincer 1 8
Nellie MWeide 16 8
Smith's Subdivision of Blocks 2, 6, 7 and 8, of
Stineon'a Division, Ac.
Supposed owner and ' t •'.;,,;
; . description. - . Lot Block. -
Wm A Van 8iyke... ;.......... 81 ...6
Timothy Raarduu. 46 6
Joseph Tomser 1 6 ■
Jtnme Haas 16 6
Ranney's Subdivision of Block 11, Stinion's
Division, &c. -
Supposed owner and
description. Lot. Block.
Carl 5cbu1er............!....... 15 ' l'
<Iha? Toungquist and Mary Oleson 16 .: 1
Ole OUen.. /.......... 15 2
Adilena Ranney... 16 2
Laurel avenue, North side, from Mac*
kubin street West 160 feet.
Woodland Park Addition to St. Paul. '
Supposed owner and "
description.: v , 'Lot. Block. _
The Board of Education, St. Paul 20 5
Bame ..21 : .8
5ame.....;.. .29 5
Laurel avenue, South side, from West
ern avenue to Mackubin street.
I Woodland Park Addition to St Panl.
Supposed owner and
description; . ". • . Lot. -r Block '
BtelJa~B 5e1by:.:..... .......... 13 •: -9i
-B..me 14 - 9
5ame................. 15 ; . 9 ■'.
Sophia Selby:..... 16 9
5ame........................... " « 9
8^mv....... 18 9
8te1!a88e1by. ..:........ ........ 19 9 .
Btella B and Sophia Selby 20 9
BMlaBB.-lbv .......: 21 - 9
Mary A Me Math .......'.....-.. .'. 12 12
G»-o F Woodward ......... ... 18 -, 13
Ad.i A H0ward.........:........ 14 18
Same. 15 12
Same, 0f..;........:.'..;.... 18 .12
Leonard B Hodges, e# of 1« 12
Same ;............;......... 17 12
Samp, 0f.:......:..:..;..... 18 12
Thos Cochran and Wm Barbonr, " ; . -.''■:-
ex of ...... ..;r..v..;...;... 18 12
Same and fumt^tZTl'.'.Z.... :.'.".. 19 ■ 18
Tb0m»f.Ri1ey..... ............. 20 12
Emily R Newoomb, nx 0f....... 2t r 13
5ame.n^0f.:;..:.............^ 23 12
Lafayette avenue, West side, from
Waverly Place to. Woodward aye- '
nue. - y" : , ■. . --.-:.., ) :.• ; " :
i Bass' Addition of Out Lota to St.' Paul. •-
Supposed owner and , - 7 ■ '■■ . r>:
; description. Lot. Block •
E F Drake, c 230 ft 0f.... ..........'. 2

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