Newspaper Page Text
INANCIAL & COMMERCIAL. St. Paul, April 1, 1552. ST. PAUL BOARD OP TRADE. The attendance on the board yesterday was r and some business was transacted. \ Wheat s 6troug with a free inquiry and no offer. ;s, Corn was unchanged but firm. Oats . re firmly held and some grades were .her. Barley was quiet and steady, with *j offerings and few 'ealcs. Baled hay > held higher. The following are the quo lous: Vhea.l— No. 1 hard,' $I.S(VgI.S7, and f1.25 I for May; No. 2 hard • $1.31 bid; No. 3 2S hid; No. 3 $1.12 bid; No. 4, $1 bid; . ictcd 86c bid, 66c asked, worn— New (53c bid, 66c asked. Pats— 2. mixed, 47e bid, 4 ( asked; No. '■-ed 47c asked; No, 3 white 49c bid; 50c • a; No. 3 white 47c bid, 4Sc asked, krley— No. 2. SSc bid; No. 3, extra, 7Sc ; No. 3, 65@70c bid. ' lye— No. 2, 73c bid. Jround Feed— s2s bid, $25.50 asked. in. a— SI S bid, $17 asked, liled Hay- $8 00 asked. >ressed Hogs bid. 'otatoes— Ss..<£9oc bid, iales— l car No. 2 white oats, 80c; 1 car No. lixeil out.*, 4Gc; 1 car rejected oats, 4tJ^c; ir No. 2 mixed oate, 47,5 c; S3 hogs, $8.25; hoes, $S 50; 1 car seVd oats, 53. 1 ; 1 en- seed " % stk; 1 car corn, G7c; I car hay 99; 1 car ; . by sample 55. commission dealers; _ 'he following are the quotations from sales commission men yesterday and are subject laily fluctuations: f sides, per pound 6 @8 .ter, gilt edge, per pound SO ©35 tor, choice, in tabs 30 @35 II and print fresh choice 2S (332 ~ diuiu..' 16 @'>0 ter, medium to good 15 @1S "•, common 8 @12 :. State factory, full cream .... 12 ®15 •c.d chickens, per lb 12@14 sed hogs, per pound 7^@ 8 turkeys, per lb 12@15 per dozen, fresh receipts 14@15 lea, green 1 Its, green salt Q)i -"" -.'3, green calf 10 c?, green kip 9% es, dry flint 12 cc, dry salt 10 XX on, per pound 9(310 s, wool, estimated, per pound.. 20 ow, No. 1, per pound..... G ow, No. 2, per pound.... 5 ntry Lard 10@ll 1 calves, per pound sx@lo — >les, per barrel $4.25@4.75 as, hand picked navy, per bu ..$3.50@4.00 aberries, per bushel. 51.00@2.00 dpeas 81.5001.75 ST. PAUL BET AIL MARKET. a following shows the prices the articles ed bold the day before the publication: '.essina oranges retail at 20@40c per doz. ions, 25@30c per doz. Bananas, scarce, per doz. New lettuce selling at 75c doz. Celery $1 per doz. Apples $2.20 bu; $6.00 per bbl. Potatoes £1 20@1.25 per Onions $1.75 per oh. Cabbage 20@25c head. Oysters per can, Standards 40c; is 50c; Gems of the Oce*n 55c. Dry led turkeys 20c per lb.; dry picked chickens per lb. Granulated sugar in 25 lb. cages, 10 cents; powdered 10#; cut lOii; crushed 10)£c; Ext. C., 9^c, Yel- C, SjUc; brown Sc; Minnesota 10c. — , 0. G. Java coffee 83}£c; best Mocha c; best Rio 22 #c. Best teas, En Break- Si per lb; best Young Hyson $L per lb; Gun Powder $l? 20 par lb; best Japan SOc: Basket Fried Japan 75c. Orange Blof i flour St 25 per cwt; Pillsbury'd Best $4.25 cwt; Straight- $3.75 per cwt; Eggs 25 I doz. eats — Sirloin and porter house steak, 18c ; roasts, 15c; cuck roasts, 12^ c; mutton — as, 15c; fore quarter, 123*0; round steak, I shoulder, 12#c; veal, 12 1.5 c; pork ps, 12#c; pork roasts 12J^c nam bacon dry bacon, 15c; shoulders, 12)s' c, joles, 8c; .' beef, 8c; sausage pork, 12 c; smoked are, 12xc; lard in jars, 14c; per single i, in kegs, 13sc. Financial ana Stock Market*. MORNING BEFOBT. "" ew York, March 81, 11 a. m. — The stock ket opened somewhat irregular but in the nwas}£@T£ per cent, lower, while Han ,l & St. Joe preferred was 1 per cent, high- In the early dealings Rochester & Pitts ;h sold down \% per cent. This was fol :d by an advance of %@\% percent, in eh Denver & Rio Grande, Philadelphia & — ling, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Louisville it Nashville were prominent, •on parties are buying Hannibal & St. Joe. AFTEftNOOX KEPORT. .•lme mercantile paper 5@G per cent. Bar :>• at $1.14%. Sterling exchange steady; SJ4 long, 14.89K sight. overnments Unchanged. __ ,ate Securities— Dull. jnds ßailroad bonds irregular. ock*=— After 11 o'clock the market was . Houston & Texas Central advanced 1 cent.; other changes slight. Sixes •.aded, 101,^; fives, 103%; four aud a balfa, ',/; fours, 119^; Pacific sixes 0f '95, 180. return of business failures throughout _ United Stares for three months ending " eh 81, 13 completed by R. G. Dun &Co. tern States, 202; Middle, 508; Southern, Western, 523; Pacific States and Terri es, 107; total, 2,190, with liabilities $30, -2il. This is a large increase over the cor londlng quarter of ISSI, when the failures ibered 1,761, with 524.445.730 liabilities, increase of los 3 by bad debts this year is ~" pfore 24 per cent. In 18S0 the liabilities the first quarter were hut .512,000,000, but 87'J tut y were $43,000,000, and in 1878, OOO.COO for 3,355 failures, so as compared a the first qu irtcr of IS7B, the first quar of 1883 shows to good advantage, taere >g 1,165 fewer failures and $52,00u,000 less •iiities. In the Dominion of Canada the area for the quarter ending March SI, were , with liabilities $2,053,000, as compared — ti 165 and &2,0«2<5,000 liabilities for the cor )undui£ period last year, somewhat of an •ease, bat there is a decrease of nearly 5 cebt. both in number and liabilities com .■d with the first quarter of ISBO. Morning Board (Quotations. k Island 131 do 2d pref 'd. . . 9 ama 190 8., C. R. AN.... 79 t Wayne 134 Alton &T. H... . 2S)£ ■ isburgh 136 do preferred.... 67 aois Central.. 13GK Wab.,St.L.&P.. 85% U.&O. 134}? dopreferr,ed... 61 sago & Alt. . 131 % Han. x St. Joe. 99 o preferred... 150 do ]. referred... 99^ V. Central:... Iron Mountain clem 200 St. L. &S. ¥.... 41 je Shore 119% do preferred... 56% )adaSouth'n.. 53 do Ist pref'd.."94^' •h. Central... 84% C.,St. L. &N. 0.. 75 - c 37% Kansas* Texas.. 35 — o preferred. . . 77$| UnL*n Pacific. . .115^ ( ;thweßtern....l3l3^ Central Pacific. 91% 0 pieferrfd..l39>^ Texas Pacific... 44% ( i & St. Pau1. .114 North 'n Pacific. 37% o preferred. . .131 do preferred.. . 79? \ Lack 124% L'villc & Nash.. 8lJ 4 ' rris & Eaeex.l23j2 N., C. & St. L.... 70 aware & U. . .100 L., N. A. & C. : . 66 ■J. Central.... 84« Houstou & Tex.. 77 " ing (« ■■ •' Denver &R. G. . 6fi 1 $ ~So & Miss. . . . 38>| St. Paul & O'ha.. 88 ; . .o preferred... 105 do erred... los c isapeake & 0.. 23 8., P. & W . . . 45^ , ( o Ist pref'd... 33 Memphis &C... 56 pref'd.. 24 West. Union T.. 90^ *bile&Ohio.. 2S Paci fie Mai1. .... 42 Ireland & Col.. 79 West. Union T. . 40 btlfi & Ohio. . 28 Pacific Mail 42 (■eland <s Col.. 79 Adams Express.. l4o fc. &I. C 13% Wells & Fargo.. 129 • "io Central.... 17 1 3 American 94 <ke Erie & W. . S3 United States. ... 75 — 'Sria, D. & E.. SS Quicksilver 12 "tario&West.. 28 do preferred... 57 vI 1.,8.&We5t.. 44 Mo. Pacific 9Si,/ A C. Ist pfd.. 13 ....No sale". lOffered. ißid. *Ex div. EVENING KETOBT. . •loney 5@6 per- cent. Prime mercantile ' -cr 5@6 per cent. . Sterling exchange, bank :!' bills steady at $4.56#; do. ex. demand, — 89&- Dry goods imports for the. week, $3,453,000. governments— except for ex ided sixes, which are }$ per cent, lower. — Railroad bonds irregular. State Securities— lnactive. stocks— Share ppeculation opened in the main , J^@l - per cent, lower ; than yesterday's closing prices, the latter for Milwaukee, Lake Shore & Western. Hannibal & St. Joe pre ferred, however, opened 1 per cent, higher. In the eaily dealings an advance of }4@% per cent, in the general list, the latter for Phila delphia & Reading, was followed by a reaction of H@% per cent., the latter for Denver & Rio Grande, while Rochester & Pittsburgh fell 1% per cent, to Sl, An advance of Js@'K- per cent, then took place, in wnich Hannibal A St. Joe preferred, Denver & Rio Grande, Phila delphia ft Reading, Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis aud Louisville & Nashville were conspicuous, but about noon the market re acted }4<&% per cent., Louisville & Nashville leading iv the decline. Subsequently another advance of H® IK. per cent, was , recorded, Hannibal & St. Joe preferred, Denver & Rio Grande, Chicago & Northwestern and Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific preferred being prominent therein. In the late dealings the market be came weak and sold down % to 2J£ : per cent., the latter for Hannibal & St. Joe preferred. New Jersey Central, Denver & Rio Grande, Philadelphia & Reading, Wabash, St. Louis & Pacific preferred, Louisville A Nashville, Michigan Central and Missouri Pacific were also prominent in the decline. The market closed weak. As compared with yesterday's closing prices the market was irregular, the principal changes being an advance of 1% per cent: in Hannibal & St. Joe preferred, a decline of \% per cent, in New Jersey Central and IK per cent, in Northern Pacific preferred. The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad company has declared a quarterly dividend of 2 per cent, payable April 20. " ' The transactions aggregated 860,000 shares: Delaware, Lackawanna^& Western 13,0(0; Denver A Rio Grande 69,00"; Erie 15,000; Mis souri, Kansas & Texas 12 000; Lake Shore 17,000; Louisville A Nashville 23,000; New Jersey Central 24,000; Northern Pacific 30,000; Philadelphia A Reading 16,000; Chicago, Mil waukee A St. Paul 11,000; Western Union Tel egraph 35,000; Wabash, St. Louis A Pacific 12,000. Afternoon Board Quotations. GOVERNMENTS. Sixes extended.. 101 % Fours do 119% Fives do 103% Pacific 6s of .140 4>£s coupons. . . .115^1 STATE BONDS. La. consols ... 64>^ Tenn.6s, new.. .. 50# Missouri 6s...... 112>£ Virginia Cs 33 St. Joe 109}£ ConeolsS 66# Term. 6s, old 50^ Deferred 114 RAILROAD BONDS. C. P. Bonds, lst..H4% U. P. land grant..Hs# Erie seconds 95J^ Sinking fund.... 117 Lehigh A W... 105 Tex. P. grant 8.. 68% St. P. A S. C. lst..H2# do Rio G. div.. 84 U.P.86nd5,15t..116 STOCKS. Adams Express..l4o Norfolk AW. pf . 53 Alton AT. H. .. 27^ Northern Pacific 37% - do preferred.. 68 do preferred. 79 American 93 North western.. ..l3l3^ 8., C. R. AN do preferred.. 140^ Canada South'n.. 53} 4 ' N.Y. Central.. . .133% C, C. AI. C. . . . 13% Ohio Central.. . . 17# Central Pacific. . 91'% Ohio A Miss.... 37% Chesapeake A 0.. %>.% do preferred.. 105 do Ist pref'd.. Si Ontario A West. 27% do 2d pref'd. . . 24 Pacific Mail ... 41 Chicago & A1t...13l Panama. 195 do preferred. ..150 Peoria, D. A E. . 3>% C, B. A Q...\ . . .134% Pittsburgh 138 C, St. L AN. O. 75 Reading ....... 62% C, S. A Cleve... 51^ Rock Island 131& Cleveland A Col. 78K St. L. AS. F. . . . 40 Delaware A H...105K do preferred.. 56 Del. A Lack 124% do Ist pref'd.. 96 Denver AR. G.. 65% Mil. & St. Paul.. US& Erie.... 37% do preferred.. ..J2l do preferred... 77% St. Paul A Man..l lV% Fort Wayne. . . .134 • St. Paul A Ora'a 37% Han. A St. Joe.. 90 do preferred. *lo3 do preferred... 89 - Texas Pacific. 44% Harlem 200 Union Pacific... 11 5 Houston A Tex.. 75 United States.. . . 75 Illinois Central.. 1361/ W. , St. L. A P.. 34% Ind., B. A West.. 44% do preferred. . . 6i>% Kansas A Texaa. 35 Wells A Farco. .128 Like Erie AW.. 33% Western U. T.... 90 Like Shore... 119% EastT.,V. AG.. 12% Louisville AN.. 80% do preferred.. 22 L.,N. A.AC... 65 Caribou 2 M. &C. Ist pfd.. 13 Central Arizona. % do 2d pref'd.... 7 Excelsior 2 Memphis AC... 56 Homestake 17% Mich. Central... 84% Little Pitts - 2 • Missouri Pacific. 98 Ontario 35 Mobile A Ohio.. 28 Quicksilver .12 Morris A Es^ex. .l23 do preferred. .. 55 M., C. A St. L... mV x Silver C1iff....... 1% N.J. Central.:.. 82% Standard. .. .... 18% No sales. towered. tßid. *Ex. div. §Ex. mat. coup. ||Ex. int. . M. DORAN'S REPORTS. The following quotations giving the range to the markets during the day were received by M. Dokan, commission merchant: Liverpool, March 81, 10 a. m.— Spot wheat. dull; penny lower. Floating cargoes steady. Cargoes on passage firm; there Is a continental demand.: California wheat 3d lower. English country m rkets firm. French markets quiet. WHEAT. KILWATTKBH. OHIOAQO. May.- June. May. Jnne 9:30 A. M. 129% 128J£ 130 128 9:45 " 129% 128% 130% 123 10:00 " 129% 128% 130% 128% .0:15 " 12»% 128% 130 128 10:80 " 129% 128% 129% 127% 10:45 "■ 129% 128% 129% 127% 11:00 " 12: % 128% 129% 127% 11:15 " 129& 128% 129% 127% 11:30 " 129% 128% 130% .128% 11:45 " 129% 1283* 130^ 128& 12:00 X 129% 128% 130% 128% 12:15 P. it. 180' 128% 130% liiB% 13:30 " ISO 125% 130* - 128% 12:45 " 129% 128% 130% 1283* 1:00 " 129% 128% 130%, 128% 2:00 " ISO 128% 131 .... 2:15 " 129% 128% 130% 1?8% 2:30 " 129% 12*3* .... 128% 2.45 " 129% 128% .... ■ ..V. Wheat receipts in Chicago 16,583 bushejs; shipments 10,720. r Whea - receipts in Milwaukee2S,77s bushels; shipments 2,775 bushels. (JOKN. i<- Chicago. Chicago. a.m. May. June. 11. May. June. 9:30 69% .... .12:00 70 9:45 69% .... 12:15 70% 10:45 69% 69% 12:45 703* 11:15 69% 69% 1:00 7(% • 70 11:30 69% • .... 2:30 70% .69% Corn receipts in Chicago 49,030 bushels; shipments' 56,578 bushels. PORK.. Chicago • . Chicago. • A. m. May June. if. May. June. 9:30 17.37; 17.57% 12:00 .... 17.55 9:45 17.35 17.55 12:30 17.37% 17.60 10:15 17.32 X 17.52% 12:45 .... 17.57% 10:45 17.35 17.55 1:00 17.87% 17.57% 11:00 17.32% .... 2:00 17.42% 17.C0 11:45 17.35 ... LARD. Chicago. Chicago. a. m. May. June. p.« May. June. 9:30 11.13;^ .... 12:30 .... 11.30 9:45 11.15 \\3hii I=oo 11.12^ 11.27 V 10:15 11.10 11.22}£ 215 11.15 .... 10:45 11.12^ 11.27i£ 2:30 12.123* 11.27^' 11:30 11.15 11.273* ASSOCIATED PRESS MARKETS. Mixwaukbe, March Sl.— Flocr — Dull: in light demand. Wheat— Firm; No. 2 banl nominal; No. 3 1.27% bid; March 1.27% bid; April 1.27^ bid; May 1.29% bid; June L*B%; July 1.25K; August 1.13; year nominal; No. 8, 1 13; No. 4 and rejected nominal. Corx— Quiet but fitm; No. 2 fresh 68@653*e; regular rjoj^c. OATS-Quiet and unchanged; No. 2 44c. RTE-Quiet and weaker; No. 1 SC^c. B*rlet— Firmer; No. 2 fresh 91 }< @91% c; April 89# c; extra No. 3 nominal; 8»c bid. Pkovisions — Higher; mess pork cash and April; 17.55 May Lakd— Prime steam 11 00 casb and April; 11.12}£ May. Live Hogs— Steady; 6.25@6.75. Receipts— 6,090 barrels of flour; 28,775 bushels of wheat; 7,820 bushels of barley. Ship ments— S,7B7 barrels of flour; 2,775 bushels of wheat; 6, 150 bushels of barley. Chicago. March 31. -The Drovers 1 Journal reports: Cattle— Receipts 4,500; shipments 4,300; active and stronger, at full previous quotations; some very choice sold at 7.65, the highest price this year; export steers sold at 6.75@7.40; common to choice shipping 5.40@6.75; butchers and canning 3.00@5.50; THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, SATURDAY MORNING, APBIL 1, 1882, stockers and feeders 8.50@5.50. Hoos—Re ceipts 1S.000; shipmenis 8,000; active and firm; 5c higher; heavy packing and shipping 0.80@7.50; mixed packing 6 85Q6.75; light 6.40@0.80; Texas hogs 5.00Q6.00. Suebp— Receipts 3,000; shipments 1,500; active; 15@ 25c higher; choice natives 4.75@<J 35; good to prime corn fed Nebraska sheep 5.903t5-25- Chicago, March 81.— FLOUB--Bteady and unchanged. Wheat— Active, firm and higher; No. 2 Chicago spring 1.35^@1.8G cash; 1 36 March and April; 1.30% May; I.2S«£ June;- 1. 24 %& 1.25 July; No. 3 Chicago spring 1.04® I 12; rejected 80@S5. Corn— Active, firm and higher; 66@6SKc ca«h; 66@ fit)'4c March; ofi> 4 'c April; 70>^c May; 70 June; 70$ c July; 55#c Augu't; rejected 07}^c. Oats —Active and a shade higher; 43%@46?ic cash; 43Xc March and April; 46% c May; 463^c <une; 44c July. Kve— Firmer; S2@S4%c. Bakley— Firmer; 1.04. Pork— Demand fair and prices higher; 17.15@17.20 cash abd March; 17. 17^ April; 17 35@17.37K May; 17.55317.57^ June; 17.T5 July. Laki>—De mand active and prices advanced; 11.00 cash and April; 11.12^011.15 May; 11.27^@11.30 June; 11.37X@U.40 July. Bulk Mkats— Stronger; shoulders 6.60; short ribs 9.75; short clear 9.95. Whisky— Steady and urn-hanged; 1.18. Freights— Corn to Buffalo 2#c. Call: Wheat — Quiet and unchanged. ConK — Demand active and 1 easier; not quot ably lower, except for July; 7Ojs£c. Oats— Active, firm and unchanged. Pork — Fairly active and a shade higher; 17 25 April; 17.40 May; 17.60 June. Lard — Firmer; not quotably higher. Receipts— lo,ooo barrels flour; 17,000 bushels wheat; 46,000 bushels corn; 6^,000 bushels oats; 1,200 bushels rye: 14,000 bushels barley. Shipmknts -7,500 barn-Is flour; 11,000 bushels wheat; 57,000 bushels corn; 44,000 bushels oats; siO bushels rye; 6,000 bushels barley. Nbw Yobk, March 31.— Flour-- Steady and unchanged; receipts 7,000 bushels; exports 1,300; superfine state and western 4.'H)@4.40; common to good extra 4.60@5.15; good to choice 5.20@S 50; white wheat extra 7.00@8.50; extra Ohio 4.70 @8.00; Bt. Louis 4.70@8.50; Minnesota patent process 7.50@8.50. Wheat— l@2J-£c higher; excited and unsettled; receipts 29,530 busnels; export* 69,000 bushels; No. 2 spring 1.35; ungraded red 1.20@;.45; No. 4 red 1.14@1.15; No. 2 red 1.11@1.43 new; 1.42^@144 old; N<>. 1 red 1.45; ungraded white 1 S2@ 1.86; No. 1 whlie, saleo 200,000 bushels at 1.36@1.36K cew; 1.37% old; No. 2 red March sales 16,000 bushels at 1.40}£; April, sales 36,000 bushels t.40%@1.42}£, closing at 1.41%; May, sales 896.000 bushels at 1.40@1.41%, closing at 1.40%; June, sales 744,000 bushels at 1.35^@1.37%, closing at 1.36%; July sales 632,000 bushels at 12313-16(^1.26^, closing at 1.25J£ Corn— Excited; \%(gi6£ higher; receipts 3,800 bushels; exports 4,fc00; ungraded 78@S2c; No. 3 79%@S0c; No. 2 78>£@S0c in store; 80@8lKc elevator; 81® 82^c delivered; No. 2 March 78%e; April 78>^@80%c, closine at 80c; May 77 7-163 79>^e, closing at 79% c; June 7~M@79c, clos ing at 78% c; July 77%@79c, closing at 78% c; August 7&% c. Oats— Excited; 2@sc higher; receipts 8,500 bushels; exports 18; mixed western 60@64c; white western 60>^@65c. Coffee— Quiet but steady. Sugar— Stionger; fair to good refining quoted at 7J^@7%c. Molasses— Demand fair and market firm; Porto Rico 50@70c; lower beans 55@75e; EDg hsh Island 42(3 14c. Rice— Demand fair and market firm; range 2Wc. Petroleum-DuII and nominal; united 80}£c; crude 6%<&79ge; refined 7J^c. Tallow— Firm. Rosik— Strong; 2.40@2.45. TußrENTiNE—Easier; 59e. Eggs— Western firm and higher; 18^® 19c. Pork — Stronger; new mess quoted at 17.62}£. Beef — Demand fair and market firm. Cut Meats— Quiet and unchanged; long clear middles 9.t>7>£; short clear 10.25. Lakd— Higher; prime steam 11.30. Butter— Frm;l7@44c. Cheese— Quiet but firm; B@l2Kc. New York. March 31.— Dry goods: The character of the demand with jobbers and agents continues as last reports, and nothing special claims attention. From jobbing hands large selections of miscellaneous assortments are in active movement, and to supply new wants commission merchadts are called upon to furnish supplies to the extent of a large bnsices?. In all classes of goods special styles and qualities have a decided preference, and are in nominal, fancy supply, while these less popular f<re in fuller stock. However, the market, has a hardening tendency, and, with the present distributing demand of the coun try continuing for a few weeks, no values will beany lets. The Journal of Commerce an nounces an anetion sale of 750 cases of Whit tenton cottonades for Wednesday, April 5. Itching l'llen— .syuiii'oinH Bud Cure. The symptoms are moisture, like prespira tion, intense itching, increased by scratching, very distressing particularly at night, as if Din worms wert crawling in and about the rec tum; the private parts are sometimes affected; if allowed to continue very serious results may fol'ow. "Dr. Swayne's All-Healing Ointment" is a pleasant sure cure. Also for tetter, itch, salt rheum, scald head, erysipelas, barbers' itch, blotches, all scaly, crusty, cu taneous eruptions. Price 50 cents, three boxes for $1.25. Sent by mail to any address on re ceipt of price in currency or 3-cent postage stamps. Prepared only by Dr. Swayne & Bon, 350 North Sixth street, Philadelphia, Pa., to whom letters should be addressed. Sold by all prominent druggists. aud Cure. An Ohio State Music Teacher?' association was organized at Columbus, 0., yesterday, and a full list of officers chosen. GREAT GERM At. REMEDY FOB ; RHEUMATISM, NEURALGIA, SCIATICA, LUMBAGO, BACKACHE, caour, SORENESS - or tub ~ - CHEST, SORETHROAT, QUINSY, . SWELLINGS SPRAINS, FROSTED FEET IMB EARS, . MKB SCAXiDS, , General BoOfly Pains; i: TOOTH, EAR HEADACHE, ASD ILL QTREB NIK ACEES, No Preparation on earth equals St. Jacobs Oil. a? a s*rr, sure, simple and cheap External Remedy. A trial cet&ili but the comparatiTely triflingoutlaj- of 50 Cents, and every ona suffering with pain can. have cheap and positive proof of its claims. DIRECTIONS IS ELITES LASOCACES. " SOLD BY All DROOQISTS AND DEALERS 111 MEDICINE. A. VOGELER & CO. . Baltimore, 314., V. S.A. VTOTIOE OF EXECUTION BALB -Notice is h«* 1\ by given that pnwuirt to an execution duly issued out of and under the teal of the district court for the Second Judicial district, county of Ramsey and BUte of Minnesota, upon a Judgment in an action therein pending, wherein Angnßta lung, adminis trator of the estate of William ■ Tncg, deceased, Is plsintiff, : and J. R . Celaney Is ' defendant and R L. Whartcn Is surety on spec*!, I 'will sell at public ▼endue to the highest bidder for cash, on Monday, the 17th day of Apiil, A. D. 188). at two of the clock in the afternoon, at the front door of the old oonrt house, in th* city of St. Paul, in said county of Banvey. all the right, title and interest of laid R. 1,. Wbartan, surety on appeal, in and to lots seven (7) and eight <«), in block (8), in Whitney & Smith's ad aitlen to the city ef St Paul, in said Bamiey county, ted all lh« right, title and interest which eaid B. Wharton had therein on the 2Gta day of July, A. D. 1872, or. at any time since said date, to pay and satis fy raid execution and the cost* »n1 expenses of sale. Dated St. Paul, Minnesota, March 4, 1882. -•' -- i -; •■>• -.- - •:• ' -" - FRED. BIOHTEB, I.V. ■■ • Sheriff of Ramsey County, Minnesota.. . - Edrcnnd R. :. EoLi&ahesd, Attorney for Assignee of Judgment . -.-■■■-■_; - ■ msr i>7\r-Mt Confirmation of Assessment for Grading Granite Street. Officb of the Board of Public Works, ? City of St. Paul, Minn., March 29, 1882. > The assessment of benefits, coits and ex penses, arising from the grading of Granite street from Courtland street to Mississippi street, in the City of St. Paul, Minn., having been completed aad entered of record by the Board of Public Worke, in und for said city, said Be d will meet at their office in said city, at 2p. ra. , on the 14th day of April, A.' D. 1882, to hear objections (if any) to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said assessment will be confirmed by said Board. The following is a list of the supposed own ers' names, a description of the property, and the amounts assessed against tho same, to-wit: Edmund Rice's Second AddlUon to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefit*. AnßaMßice 11 1 •}» £> John Leienbecker 12 1 WB5 Henry Fortinejer 13 1 98 85 Christine Solvas .14 1 98 85 Anna M Rice 15 1 98 85 Same 10 1 «8 85 Andrew Dahldren 17 1 B« ? 0 Patrick Quinlan 20 1 254 M The Board of Education of Bt.Paul 13 2 174 00 Selah Stewart 14 2 08 85 Same 15 3 97 85 Anna M Rice ltt 2 97 85 WinSeeman 17 2 97 &» John Stadel 18 2 97 85 A-cna M Rice 19 2 74 60 Andrew Gerson, e# of 18 3 78 40 Tbomas Urealy, w 0f... 18 3 78 40 Paul Lamotte 14 3 76 00 JN Rogers 15 3 78 00 Same... 16 3 76 00 B.ime 17 3 76 00 Martha Newell, except ely 98 ft 21 3 10060 Sarah C Ray, c 98 ft 0f.... 21 3 52 40 Charles McDevitt 14 76 00 Joseoh Mertz 2 4 76 00 Hubert A Perrung 3 4 76 00 Antoine Desmarais 4 4 76 00 AnnaMßice 5 4 76 00 TBBenson 6 4 76 00 Emily C Lambert 7 4 76 00 Same 8 4 76 00 Christian Weber and Mary Weber G 4 76 00 Same and same 10 4 74 50 Terrence McGovern, w'ly 12ftof 15 16 95 J I Benson, except w'ly 12 feet 1 5 11250 ESLightbourn 2 5 189 40 FXLaveller 1 C 254 00 ERice.Jr 4 6 09 00 Sarah L Erickson 5 0 S9 00 Elias Fehr 6 6 99 00 Anna M Rice. That strip of land lying between block 1 aDd 2, E. Rice's Second Addtion, in the city of Bt. Paul, Minn. . 119 60 ElizibethGienther 7 6 106 00 HenryKraus 8 6 106 00 August E Repke 9 6 106 00 Elias Fehr and Barbara Fehr 10 6 106 00 Herman Schulke 11 6 106 00 Isaac P Wright. 12 6 801 85 All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 89-92 CONTRACT WOEK. Grading East Sixth, John and Neill Streets, Office or the Board of Public Works, > City of St. Paul, Minn., March 81, 1882. $ Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of tne City of St. Paul, Minn., at theit office in said city, until 12 ni. , on the 11th day of April, A. D. ISB2. for the grading of East Bixth street, from Broadway to Kittson street; John street, from Grove street to Fourth street, and the partial grading of Neill street, from Seventh street to Fifth 6treet, in said city, ac cording to plans and specifications on tile in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. The eaid Board reserves the right to reject any or all bida. JOHN FARRINGTON, Official: R. L. Gorman, President. Clerk Board of Public Works. 91-101 CITATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF BAMBEY >J In Probate Court, - Special Term, February 1882. ' . In the matter of the estate of William 0. Gray, de ceased: • On reading and filing the potion of John B. Oliv ier, administrator de bonls n>n of said estate,»etting forth that no personal e-tate has come to his hands, the amount cf debts outstanding ag*in«t said de c-ssed. and a description of ill tbe real estate of which said deceased died seized, and remaining un sold, and the condition and value of the respective portions thereof; and praying that license be to him granted to sell either at private sals or publio auction all the real estate described in slid petition ; and It appearing by said petition that there is not gurficent pesonal estate in the hands of said administrator de bouis noa to pay said de' ts, and that it is necessary in order to pay the same to Bell all of said real es tate;.-- . - >-;-. .- -, ■ : - ..- ' ■ -• '■• It is therefore ordered. That an persons Interested in sa d estate appear before the Judge of this Court on Monday, the 17th day of April, A. D. 1882, at ten o'clock a. m . at the couit house in St. Paul in said c«unty, then and there to slow cause (if any there be) why license should not te granted to said admin istrator de bonisnon to Fell said real estate according to the prayer of said petition. ■■ At d it is fmther ordered, That a copy ot this or der shall be published for four , successive weeks prior to said day ot hearing ths last of which publi cations shall be at !e»» t fourteen days before said day of hearing In the Daily Globe.a newspaper print ed and published at St. Paul in said county aad per son ally served on all persona intoiested in said es tate, residt in said county, at leant fourteen days before said day of hearing, and upon all other per sons interested, according to law. • • By the Court, • ' -> UK VRY O'GORif AN. [x» 8 1 Judge of Probate cf Bamsey county, Minn. Attest: Frank Borwrt, Jr., Clerk. - . feb2B-sw-sat - NOTICE OF MORTGAGE BALE -Default has IT - been mad* In the ooDditiont of • certain mort gage executed acd delivered by Philip De Bo he brnne, (bachelor) of Ht . Paul, Minnesota, mortga gor, to Sarah B. Flag?, mortgagee, dated the thir tieth (30) daj of Jascary, v D. eighteen hundred and eight; (1880), and recorded as a mortgage la the of fice of the Register of Deeds of the oonnty of B«m ay. In the State of Minnesota, on the third day of February, A. D. 188.1, at 4: 16 o'clock p m., in book "46" of Mortgagee, on page 424, on which there is claimed to be doe at the date of thfa notice, the amount of Fifteen | Hundred and Sixty Six Dollars, (1,556 1, for principal aod interest, according to the terms of the note secured by said mortgage, and therein described ; and abo Thirty One Dollars and Thirty Fire cents, C 53 116), the same being the taxes for the year 1830 upon the real estate described in said mortgage, and the cost*, interest and penalties tbereon, which became delinquent and which was re deeraed by said mortgagee on the 4th day of Febru ary, 1852, and no action or proceeding baa been In ■)itat«d at law or in equity to recover the debt bow remaining secured by said mortgage or any part thereof. -. ■ :." .:-.." .' . "-• . .. .■' . ■ •-.,;. :, The paid mortgage was duly aa»!gne4 by an Instru ment thereof, duly executed and delivered by the Mid Sarah It. Flajtg to Samuel D. Flagg, dated the eighth day of February, A. D. 1882, and recorded in said i ffi c of the KegUter of Deeds, on the four teenth day of Februiry, A. D. 1883, at 12:15 o'clock p. m., in bock G- of Assignments, on page 464. -.' I Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a power of sale contained in eaid mortgage, and of the stat ute in such case made and provided, the end nsort gsge wiil be foreclosed by a sale of the moxtgaged pre ra-f es therein deicribod, which sale will be made at the front door of the old court house in the city of St. Paul, in the dimity of Bamsey and State of Min mscta, at public auction to the highest bidder for cash by the sheriff of said county, -on Tuesday the fourth (4th) day of April, A. P. ) eighteen I hundred and eighty-two (1832) at ten o'clock in the forenoon,* to satisfy the a-uouu '. which shall then be due on said mortgage, and taxes paid as aforesaid with the in- It it at thereon, and cotts and expenses of 1 sa'e, and seventy-five ($75) dol are attorney's fees as stipulat ed in said mortgage in case of foreclosure. - ' The premlf es described la said mortgage* and : so to be sold, are the lot, piece or parcel of land situat ed in the county of Bauuey and State of Minnesota, indkrjo»naad dweribed as follow*, to- wit : .Lot nnreber three (") in block forty-two (42) of, Kittsen's addition to Ft . Paul, ' according :to recorded ■ plat thereof on tie in the office of : reciter of desds for said county of Bamsey, together with all . the . here-" ditaments and a»pnrtenances thereunto belosging, or In any wise appertafnicg. '-",-'" *•'-";,.-'" ;- - BiMtna.'D. Fx.aoo, Assignee of Mortgagee. , > ,:."HuiTirTCTFieK»,"-.-:-'V^^i=>- t , :.-,.-•.■■ ..-■-_..•;-•.■ '■ > Attorney of Assignee,' 1 St Paul, Minn ■•? -i--';- Dated Fibruary 18, 18« . Feb » 7-w.Sat CITY NOTICE. City Treasurer's Sale. Office of thb City Treasurer, 1 St. Paul, Minn, March 80, 1883, J Notice is hereby given that under and by vir tue of a judgment entered on the 13ih day of March, A. D. 1882, in the District Court, second judicial district, Ramsey county, State of Min nesota, against the hereinafter described real estate, situate, lying and being in said city and county, on an assessment warrant for Gliauge of Grade on Isabclle street, from Dako ta street to Bellows street, in said city of St. Paul, the undersigned, will on Monday, April 10, 1882, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the City Treas urer's office in the City of St. Paul, county of Ramsey, offer for sale at public auction as provided by law, to the best bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to wit: Irvine's AddlUon ta West St. Paul. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Judgm't Cythera A Stees 10 198 $1 1 50 Same 17 198 11 50 Lewis C Phillips 5 199 1160 Cythera A Btees 6 199 1160 Amanda Turnbull 8 199 1150 Cythera A Btees.... 9 199 1160 Jos Hare, trustee 10 199 1150 Robertson's Addition. Supposed owner and Am't o description. Lot. Block. Judgin' Robert A Smith, Wm Dawson, M Brugge man, Wm F Mason, as signee, and J C Terry.. 1 157 897 Same 2 157 8 97 DD Merrill 3 157 8 97 Same 4 157 8 97 John C Scneneld 5 157 8 97 M Bruggeman, John C Terry, J W Carter, trus tee 11 158 8 97 Same, same, same 14 158 897 Heirs of Jeremiah Mayo 20 153 897 All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and Slate of Minnesota 89-93 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. CITY NOTICE. Gity Treasurer's Sale. Office of thb Citt Treasure?., ? St. Paul, Minn. March 30, 1882. $ Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a judgment entered on the 18th day of March, IBs2, in the District Court, Second judicial district, Ramsey county, State of Minnesota, against the hereinafter described real estate, situate, lying and being in Bald city and county, on an assessment warrant for the Grading of Mackubin Street, from Summit Are- Due to Dayton Avenue, in said city of St. Paul, the undersigned will, on Monday, April 10, 1852, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the City Treas urer's office in the city of St. Paul, connly of Ramsey, offer for sale at public auction, as provided bylaw, to the best bidder for cash, the following described, to-wit: Woodland Park Addition. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Judgm't John Vidner 1 1 f 2l 55 Judson W Bishop 14 29 01 Mary Grace, the n 128 ft of the c 104 ft 18 16 70 Carpenter, c 201 ft.. 22 37 45 Selby, McClung & Van Meter's Addition. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Judg'm't Laura E Dickinson 33 1 $16 85 Same. w# S4 1 6 10 Mackubin & Marshall's Addition. Supposed owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Judgm't Eleanor Calvert 80 12 $17 15 All in tbe City of St. Paul, connty of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. 89-93 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. CITY NOTICE. City TreasurerVSale. Office of the Citt Tnr. AstREB, ) St. Paul, Mink., March 30, 1888. ) Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of a judgment entered on the 13th day of March, 1883, in the District Court, Second judicial district, Ramsey county, State of Minnesota, against the hereinafter described real estate, situate, lying and being in said city and county, on an assessment warrant for Grading Nelson Aienne, from Summit Avenue to Western Aveßue, ia E.iid city of St. Paul, the undersigned will, on Monday, April 10, 1883, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the City Treas urer's office, in the city of St. Paul, county of Ramsey, offer for sale at public auction, as provided by law, to the best bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: Dayton & Irvine's Addition. Suppos«d owner and Am't of description. Lot. Block. Judem't Le wis W Bechler 16 82 $36 03 All in the City of St. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. 89-93 F. A. RENZ, County Treasurer. CONTRACT WOEK. firaflimiSuaii, Winifred aiißoliie Streets. ©3TICB Of THE BOAKD OF PUBLIC WOBKS, ) i Cmr or St. Paul, Minn. , March 34, 1883. $ Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in sud city, until 12 m., on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1882, for the grading of Bußan street, from Concord to Madrid street; Winifred street, from Bertha to Madrid street; and Robie street, from Bertha to Madrid street, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. JOHN FABRINGTON, Official: R. L. Gobman, President. Clerk Board of Public Works, S4-0i CONTRACT WORK. Grading Cherry Street. Officb of thb Board or Public" Work?, I City of St. Paul, Minn., March 22, 1b33. J Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m. on tue 3d day- of April, A. D. 1882, for the grading of Cherry street from Hoffman avenue to right of way of the Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Paul Railroad Com pany, in said city, according to plans and spec ifications on file "in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent. Of the gross amouat bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President Official: R. L. Gormam, 83 92 Clerk Board of Public Works. CONTEACT WOftK. Fill Poni on I/Orient Street. OFFIOX OP THE BOABD OF PUBLIC WORKS, ) City of St. Paul, Mink., March 22, 1882. S Sealed bids will be received by the Board ol Public Works, in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Minn., at their office ie said city, until 12 m., on the 8d day of April, A. D. 1882, for the grading of block 9, Ashton & Bherburne's addition, and block 7, De Bow, Smith, Risque & William's addition, in said city, so as to abate a nuisance of im pure water thereon, according to plans and specifications oh file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any snd all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 82-98 CONTEACT WOEK. SEWER ON FOURTH STREET, Officb of thb Board of Public Works, ) City of St. Paul, Minn. , March 23, lßS3. i Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the -city of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m. on the 3d day of April, A. D. 1882, for the construction of a sewer on Fourth (4th) street, from a point 80 feet east of Minnesota street to Robert street sewer, in said city, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond.with at least two sureties,in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all bids JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 82-92 CONTEACT WOKK. Paving Third Street. Offics ov thb Board of Public Works, > City or St. Paul, Minn. , March 22, 1882. J Bealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works in and for the corporation of the city of St. Paul, Mian., at their office in said city, until 13 m., on the 2d day of April, A.D. 1882, for the paving of Third (3d) street, from the center of Sibley street to the center of Wacouta street, in said city, with cedar blocks and granite curbs, according to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, in a cum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the righ to reject any or all bids. JOHN FARRINGTON, President, Official: R. L. Gorman, Clerk Board of Public Works. 82 92 Am't of CITY N OTIOE. City Treasurer's Sale. Office or the Citt Treasttbep., ) St. Pattl, Minn., March 80, 1883. $ Notice is hereby given that under and by virtne of a judgement entered on the 13th day of March, 1832, in the District Court, Second Judicial district, Ramsey county. State of Min jesota, against the hereinafter described real estate, situate, lying and being in said city and county, on an assessment warrant for Constructing a Sewer on Ramsey Street, from Pleasant A?enae to Forbes Staff, in said city of St. Paul, the undersigned wUJ. on Monday, April 10, 1883, at 10 o'clock in the foienoon, at the front door of the City Treas urer's offlc, in the city of St. Paul, county of Rarns'-y, offer for sale at public i uction, as provided by law, to the best bidder for casb, the following described real estate, to-wil: D.iyton A Irvine's Addition. Supposed ownerand Am'tof description. Lot. Block. Judgm't John N Speel, trustee. ... 19 68 $57 18 WHChandler 33 68 113 03 All in the City of Bt. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. 89-93 F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. CITY NOTICE. City Treasurer's Sale. Ornce OF the City TREASURER, .T; I '". , St. Paul, Minn., March 30, 1882. J. ~ Notice is hereby given that tinder and by virtue of judgment entered on the 13th day of March, 1883, in the District Court, Becond ju dicial district, Ramsey county, State of Minne sota, against the hereinafter described real es tate, situate, lying and being in said city and county,' on an assessment warrant for the Grading -of Gecessec Street, from _ Buffalo to ,-. Mississippi Street, in said city of St. Paul, the undersigned will, on Monday, April 10, 1883, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, at the front door of the City Treas urer's office, in the city of 8t Paul, county of Ramsey, offer for sale at public auction, as provided by .law; to the beet bidder for cash, the following described real estate, to-wit: ; E. Rice's Second Addition. Supposed owner and . \ . -.--',■ •". Ain't of - description. V-, Lot. Block. Judgm't R 8 McMasteri. . . . ; . . . . . 12 -T : $107 49 -i All in the City of St. -. Paul, county of Ram sey and State of Minnesota. . 89-93 :-'>'■: ; rj- ,v, F. A. RENZ, City Treasurer. - TATE OF MINNESOTA, COUNTY OF BAMSEY & — District Court. , ._ -- -.-. «- In the i matter of the i assignment . of William H . ■ Gross. -": .-.'■■ "•■;-_,..: . ■'■ r-r. ~; •••.-.•;:-■ ', Notice Is hereby given that William H. Gross, of Saint Paul, In said county and state, has by deed la writing, dated 13th day of February, 1832, made a general assignment , to the undersigned, of all bis property not exempt by ■ law from levy and sale on execution, for the benefit of all his creditors, with out preferences. ? ■■ :-.- ; " -•'.■•'.».- : ;; ,:'-, £->.* ■■• -- i ; Ail claims must be verified and presented to the undersigned for allowance. '■• '—.-■-. ' Dated 13th of February, 1883. '•"--; " 48- - ALCEBT ARMSTRONG, assignee. Leading Business Hen St. Paul, Miim«sot<. .. <s ATTMunri. JAJIH M. BBO9SOI, MS )«dMB Mm*. .. , '.. " . ." '".' ■"— • ; *™ ' - ..:': -. ABOHTTICTB, •;. ■ - : . A. D. MHHTOALB, In«wB 3. WAIiTU BISTSBB, OavMssa BIMk.B*MB IBsadM.- ■ . --■■-:■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ - ■ ■ --■_■, ■■" I IJHB A * TIHTII MATBBIAM. .' I :■ BHBBWOOD MOU6H, MiSH TkM saA Waft* . shsv. ■- ■ -■ •:-'• :-..•■•-■■-.••: , ■ - STZTBira * BO3MITSOK. U Mart AH —I 1, . St. >»■!■ -'■- -'"-• ■■-■■ ..;:_^_^__^_l_l_l__l_.' . BOOM ABTP CTATIOITKBT. ■H IB WOOD IQOOI, mmm &M Mi fllt> Amp •T\ FAUX, BOOK * iTATioimnr 9*,mwm naioiit--j-... : ;■>.:• .r,. „,•--- ■■■:.-■■■■ ■■ __^_-. : . OABBIAggS Ajr» axn— J. A. ITirroLT, mnm Iwrit md Bflihf WpmiZ OABPBTB AMP WALL WATWM. ---■■ tom» KATHXII, 11 Bui TkM Hurt. W. L. AWPKBaOW. m I Third Kfl. PBT ttOOPg-Wtol— W. -I—AVBKBAOK.1 — - AVBKBAOK. rtKOB ft tab: SLIOB. Ofiil Tkltd MrtlW>uiti Bbirts. .. : pst mooa^-mma. UIDKI, LAPP ft QO, § WM* tMri B^iss, "" yPBB, FBATHBM AJTP ttDIBB— . - A. O. BAIUiT, M lubot Hill. . ruMrrnrßß, tbathbbb AITP mattbbbct> BTBBflßßOa..«lßM>Tlar«BttM>. BliMUhai mo iii.^^^^^^m •BOOBBS— WkolMOa. r. M. KBLLT » OP- 141 to It* KM > TMr« B»lt£ ■ ABPW ABB— WfcotoMls. j BTBOH*. ft 00., 11l Baal MM* ■ABPWABB AJTO TOOLS. >. m. PB»yBBftOO.,MBMtTHI«BtMrt. , ~ ■ IK WBLBBB AMP WATOHBT A ITBBB. Mini. OglBT, IT BMt Thirl Btrst. - LOOEINO ALABSBB. J „ BTBTBKB ft BOBBBTBOB. 11 But TUt* BUM*, , Bt. Pan!. . : ~ PAPEB. T. 8. white stationery O mpany, Ho. 71 B. Third Street . . , _-..^_l___- PAPBB ASP BTATIOBBBT. ■ . T. aWß3Tß>oO. flo,nßMtTfcll<WfMl. • "" ' - P10TPBBB~».WP fBAMBB. BTKVSKB ft BOBBBTBOH, 1> Bait TkM Btns*> ■tP»uL -J.Sr!,': TBUHXMAXBBB. - OBIPPXH ft DPHON, Tl East Thlrt Otillti W. H OABLAHD, il EMt Third Btr—t. ~ WIITBa AW) MQUOBS^WaVilassir™^' B. KXJHL ft CO., Wkolssala Pealsn Is Ufaan MdWia*a, IX Bart Third Street, SUP— I. . - WHOLESALE HOTIOBB. ABTHUB, WABBBK ft ABBOTT, IN sal 1M Bart Third Htreet. __^___^ BTA.TIONBBY. T . 8. White Stationer; Company, No. 71 E. Third treet. • » CONTBACT WORK. Grading Concord Street -..-■■ :■--•- -■■ .■ ■ -; -Vk- ■ Office «p THB fiOABD OP Fubmo Worm, I CittopSt. Paul, Minn., March 94, 1888, $ ■ - Sealed bids will be received by the Board of Public Works, in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minn., at their office in said city, until 12 m., on the 4th day of April, A. D. 1882, for the grading of Concord street, from Isabel to Madrid street, in said city, ac cording to plans and specifications on file in the office of said Board. C^' A bond with at least two sureties. in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount - bid, must accompany each bid. The said Board reserves the right to reject any or all bids. - JOHN FARRINGTON, Official: R. L.Gorman, President. Clerk Board of Public Works. 84-94 CONTRACT WORK. Sewer on Fourth Street ---■..■ . ... ■ Office op the Boars of ?trsuo Wobxs, I City or St. Paul, Minn., March 85, 1888. ) Scaled bids will bt received by the Board of Public * Works, in and for the corporation of the City of St. Paul, M inset ota, at their office " in said eitv, until 13 M., on the Bth day of April, A. D. 1883, for the construction of A sewer on Fourth street, from Cedar street to Minnesota street, : in said city, according to plans and specifications on file In th« office of said Board. A bond with at least two sureties, In a turn of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany each bid. ; The said Board reserves the right to reject any and all b-ds. JOHN FARRINGTON, 'I Official: L R. Gorman, - President. Clerk Board of Public Works. -85 95 ff ; 1 S«nd $1, $9, $8, or $8 I >n 11 fiTT for m retail box by ■*• I Jill! If p ™*' of th ** auuUM I /I If 1 1 If la Americ», pat ap In ele- I 1 1 1 1 1 iI I * nt boxes,*' and .i strictly \J lilXli J par*. Suitable for pretv . ants. ■ Express ehargcsl : ." ' Usht. Refers to all CbJ«t> :-; -o. Try It one*. : - %^ Pjlllllf Address, gmtbl, 311 nlft. F. GONTHIR, ■ 111 Hill OoaX*etloBor» jstqtioe] . Health Offics, ? Washington Street, No. 876. ) On and after April tbe Ist, 1882, all persons using the public alleys for the purpose of de positing garbage, house slops and manure, or rising sad alleys for the purpose of dumping ground : will . be prohibited . from doing the same, and will be called upon to '■. remove the . same that | they have deposited for the year 1881. It is hereby further ordered that here after the public alleys must be kept ■as clean . as the streets, so that when warm weather sets in we shall have more pure airtban we have had heretofore. Persons not complying at the time of this notice will be complained of at once. We shall ask the court to so fine each and all that may be so complained of under the bureau of health. John Patterson, 60 \ .■" Health Inspector. Health is "Wealth! ■ Dr. E. O. West's serve and brain treatment, V specific for hysteria, dizziness, convulsions, nervous I heaeache, mental depression, loss of memory, " Pre mature old age, caused by over-exertion, or over indulgence; which leads to misery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Each box contains one month's treatment,',* One dollar a " box, or six boxes for five dollars ; sent by ' mall prepaid on : re ceipt of : price .""-■■ We , i guarantee' six - boxes i to cure any case. With each order received by us for six boxes, accompanied' with | five dollars, .we' will send the purchaser our written guarantee to ■ return the money If the treatment does not effect j a cure. Guarantees issued only by I Lambie • & ■ Co,, I corner Third and Wabashaw streets, 8b Pan], Ulna ; Ordeir by>maU promptly attended to. —