VOL. V. DRY GOODS. Uul Itiiloj .1 "We do not like to fight, but if at tacked will fight in good earnest. War is Declare I Aaft is tee Pickeft Dj tlie (toe. IST iijJN ' FROM THIS DAY ON: Silks and Satins, Velvets, Black and Colored Cachmeres, Dress Goods of all descriptions Gassimeres, \ Flannels, Blankets, Comfortables, Table, Linens, . Napkins, | Underwear, Hosiery, ' Gloves and Mittens, Cloaks AND DOLMANS! AT DEFIANT PRICES I Now * make your family, your friends happy, by purchasing Christmas lilll INIIIIniS Vlll ■UlllHiW Presents I For them at Little or No Cost. We want to Close our Business, and desire to see happy faces around us at the closing exercises. ESTERLEY & main, X Corner Seventh and Jackson Streets. Sunday ST. PAUL. SUNDAY MORNING. NOVEMBER 26, 1882.—TEX PaUES. MAMHEIMER BROS, T>TZTZ- C3-OO3DS IDe;pa,:rtxxie:rit- We have just received a shiphment of 250 pieces Pine French Dry Goods, originally intended for our October sales, but having arrived too Late, we are authorized by the manufacturer to dispose of the lot. Below Importers' Cost ! Thus enabling us to place them before our patrons at about one-half their regular retail price. Though the season is far advanced, we apprehend no difficulty in moving them rapidly at the prices we propose to name on them: 50 Pieces Black Arminias, 45 inches wide, pure wool and very heavy at 90 cents per yard. 50 Pieces Cachmere d'Ecosse, brocaded, striped, checked, spatter and moire styles, at $1.00. 25 Pieces, Colored French Suiting Cloths, (Drap de Dames ) very fine, $1.75 per yard. 25 Pieces French Diagonal Suitings, 45 inches wide and pure wool, all leading shades and black, 70 cents. 50 Colored Melange Camel's Hair, vrey fine and heavy, and especially adapted for Misses' schoolwear, .10 per yard. 25 Pieces Black Nun's Serge of most reliable manufacture, 40 inches wide, at 85 cents and $1.10 per yard. ' 25 Pieces Black Mohair Serge, extra heavy and 54 inches wide, at $1.40, $1.55 and $1.70 per yard. The stock shown by us m this? department is unequaled in the Northwest and embraces all qualities from the Mow priced' to the 'finest produced any.where.' C loa,lcs <&, Dolmans In all stylos anci materials popular, an immense variety, to which we make daily additions. Undies' Seal Garments ! All styles and sizes. Lowest prices. Guaranteed Quality. Out of town orders receive the prompt attention of our mail order Third and Minnesota Street (Elnbe. DRT GOODS. ■„ ;'- .'' r " :;; „•"..*.'.'■ ■■'■■ . ■ '•"',' -.--■•'*. FIRE SALE. '■ "''V;-' '•'.'; . :■ i- ''. L ■ The Event OF THE • Season ! -ON— Monday Morning, And for the MM OF THE WEEK, We will offer to the public our fine line of . ClOtHin.g AND S H ID HUB I^B^fl^ v H HUl^' ifflß^^K I H HI B 111 B BB B H H At prices lower than the lowest. OUR Immense Stock Must be closed out in the shortest Time Possible, Therefore, we will offer inducements that can be EQUALED BY NONE. We are bound To Close Out Our stock. Take advantage of the opportunity and purchase your winter outfit at the Great Fire sale :- : i ' ' :-/-'- OP ■ :;■'/,/..i•: '■'*\ ■■ ' •V'--V;^i^r : ' * '■... ■"■ "i" ■"■'.-••;"■.'.■ "'-.'■■ Clotliing\ SATTLER BROS. NO. 330