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Supposed owner and description. Benefits. Earnages. Balance John __hchmann. All that part of lot 2,Ayd's subdivision of north 100 acres of nw)£, section 11, town 28, range 23, lying within the lines of a street 80 feet wide, the center line of which shall be the extension m a direct line of the center line of Pleasant avenue (as now opened between St. Clair street and Dale street), from St. I'lair street to a point 40 feet north of the north line of . blocks 1, 2 and 3, Michel and Robertson's addition, aU in the - city of St Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue)....... . -?50U UU j Same. Lot 2, Ayd's subdivision of north 100 acres of nw^, sec- I tion II; town 28, range 23, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, Y 500 00 except twit taken for Pleasant avenue and described above, ami except railroad *560 00 -* Catherine Schmitz. All that part of lot 3, Ayd's subdivision of north 100 acres of nwK. section 11, town 28, range 23, lying -within the lines of a street 80 feet wide, the center line of which sliall be the extension in a direct line of the center line of Pleas ant avenue (as now opened between St. Clair street and Bale street), from St. Clair street to a point 41 feet north of the north line of blocks 1, 2 and 3, Michel and Robertson's .addition; thence running we*t, parallel with the north line of said blocks 1 2 and 3, of Michel and Robertson's addition, to an intersection with the center lii of Pleasant avenue, as laid out in said addi tion, if produced northerly, all in the city of St. Paul, Minneso- - ta,(taken for^Pleasant avenue) .y y : y i_5j 00 I Same. Lot 3. Ayd's subdivision" of north 103 acres of nw& sec- \ tiou 11, town 2rf, rang.- 23, in tho City of St. Paul, Minnesota; Y '-oU w _ffi ffi_i&S:.*8SS^"-. d"r."-:-" d ™ os . J *~rtJ 0-1 ... Mary Plate. All that part of'the south 500 ft. of lot 4, Ayd's sub division of north loO acres of nw.}-' section 11, town _:8, range 23, lying within tlie lines ol a street 80 ft. wide, the center line of which'shaU bo the extension in a direct line of the center Una of Pleasant avenuo I a* now opened between St. Clair street and Dale street) from St. Clair street to a point 40 ft. north or the north line of blocks 1, 2 and 3, Michel __ Robertson's addition; thence running westparaUel with the rtorth Une oi said blocks 1,2 and 3, of Michel k i:nbertson's addition to an intersection with the center line of Pleasant avenue, as laid out in said addition, if produced northerlv; ;_U iu the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue) ' ' 9--° ou ' S'ime. South 500 ft. of lot 4, subdivision of north 100 acres I of nwM section 11, town 23, range 23, in the City of St. Paul, Y $30 00 Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue and described i above ." S25500 J H. E. Thompson. A.i that part of the south 500 ft. of lot C, Ayd's subdivision of north 100 acres of nw,1^ section 11, town 28, range 23, lying within the lines of a street 80 ft. wide, the cen ter eof which shall be the extension in a direct line of the centd* line of Pleasant avenue, (as now opened between St. Clair street and Dale street) from St. Clair street to a point 40 ft. north of the north line of blocks 1, 2 and 3, Michel k Robert son's addition; thence running west, paraUel with the north hue of said blocks 1, 2 and 3, of Michel & Robertson's addition, to an intersection with the center Une of Pleasant avenue, as laid out in said addition, if produced northerly; thence running southwesterly along said center Une of Pleasant avenue, as laid out in Michel k Robertson's additon, to James street; aU in the Citv of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue.) ffcOU 00 Same. South 500 ft. of lot 6, Ayd's subdivision of north 100 I "^ - acres of nw# section 11, town 28, range 23, m the City of St. Y •»J w Paul. I Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue and do scribed above *899 °° J Michel and Robertson's Addition to Bt. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damage*. Balance BernardMichel 10 1 *4 °° *° °° *4 °° Bernard Michel _. _ 4Q0 o00 _ M __\l i 400 000 400 ___! 13 1 400 000 400 g£e ::.'.".::: i* 1 400 000 400 ____ 15 1 400 000 400 ___l ." . 1 2 400 000 400 ___ 2 2 400 11 00 4 00 t__l :::::::::::.'.'.: 3 2 400 0 00 00 5SS ::::::::::::: 4 2 400 000 400 \_~Z ' Y.Y.Y.... 5 2 400 000 4 00 t__ e .: ."".'."._.".'._._ 6 2 400 000 400 2!°: 7 i 4 00 0 00 4 00 ___l *.'.'.:.'.'.'.'.".'..'. 8 2 400 0 00 4 00 S; ' '"" 9 2 400 0 00 4 00 ___t YYYY.YYYY 10 2 400 000 400 ___ e Y"YY.Y. . 11 a 4°° 000 400 S^; ........ 12 2 4 00 0 00 400 a_—a'''""""" 18 2 4 00 00« 400 s^e ::;;;.'.".'.'.'.".'.'.'.'.'.".'.".*.".'.'.'... 14 2 400 000 400 *__1 ; 15 2 400 000 400 __l 1 3 500 000 500 5^e * 3 5 00 000 5 00 S^e ..... 3 3 5 00 000 500 STTp YYYYY..Y 4 3 5 00 GOO 500 SaJne ''"". •' 5 3 10 00 0 00 10 00 \s__\l 6 a 40 00 0 00 40 00 ___!' . 7 3 4000 6 00 40 00 _£™ ft ' -. 8 3 10 00 0 00 1000 ,|^e 11 8 100° 0 00 10 00 lame'"' .' :.12 8 40 00 0 00 40 00 ___ ..." ". 13 8 40 00 000 4000 Same 14 8 10 00 0 00 10 00 Sam" '"■ 15 13 15 00 0 00 15 00 ___- 16 13 35 00 0 00 85 00 Same * .".'.' 17 13 35 00 .0 00 35 00 Same.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.V.V.'.' 18 13 15 00 0 00 15 00 Bernard Michel. AU that part of lot 1, block 14, Michel & Rob ertson's addition, lying within the lines of a street 80 feet wide, the center line of which shaU be as foUows: Commencing on the south line of James street, where the east line of the west 32 rods of the southwest quarter of section 11, town 28, range 23, would, if produced northerly, intersect said south Une of James street; thence running south along said east line of the west 32 rods aforesaid produced northerly, to the south line of Randolph street, all in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue » - $125 00 j Same. Lot 1, block 14, .Michel __ Robertson's addition, in the city I of St. Paul, Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue, j $105 10 and described above £20 00 J Michel and Robertson's Addition to St. Paul. Suppostjd owner and description. -. L't. Biock. Benefits. Damages. Balance BernardMichel .■ 2 14*2000 $000 £20 00 Same 3 14 10 CO 0 00 10 00 T__er____i'i_i-d Prauz Rath 22 14 10 00 0 00 10 00 BernardMichel 23 14 20 00 0 00 20 00 Bernard Michel. All that part of lot 24, block 14, Michel & Rob ertson's addition, lying within the Unes of a street SO feet wide, the center line of wiiich shall be ao lows: Commencing on the south Une of James street, where the east line of the west 32 rods of the southwest quarter of section 11, town 28, range 23, would, if produced no rrheriy, intersect said south line of James street; thence running south along said east line of the west 32 rods aforesaid produced northerly, to the south line of Randolph street. aU in the citv of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue) ". $225 C0^| Same. Lot 24, block 14. Michel k Robertson's addition, in the ! city of St. Paul, Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant are- _^ [ $205 00 nue; and described above $20 00 J Michel and Robertson's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Block. Benefits. Damages. Balance Bernard Michel 1 4 $25-00 $0 00 $25 00 Same . . .v 2 4 25 CO 0 00 25 00 Same 3 4 25 00 0 00 25 00 Same , 4 4 25 CO 0 00 25 00 Same 5 4 25 00 0 00 25 00 Same 1 7 25 CO 0 00 25 00 Sams 2 7 25 00 0 00 25 00 Same 3 7 25 00 0 00 25 00 Same 4 7 25 00 0 00 25 00 Same 5 7 25 00 0 00 25 00 A. H. Wilder. The west forty (40) feet of north 770 feet of west 24 rods of e 48 rods of w'm, of sw^ of section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city of St. Paul* Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant ave nue,). $250 09^1 Same. North 770 feet of west 24 rods of e 48 rods of w)4 of sw,1^ 1 of section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city of St. Paul, Minneso- | $82 50 ta except part taken for Pleasant avenue, and described above... $332 50 J Thomas C. Sullivan. West forty (40) feet of s 110 feet of n 880 feet of w 24 rods of e 48 rods of vr)4 of sw^ of section 11, town - -.;. .' 28, range 23, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, taken for Pleas ant avenue '. f 50 00"") Same. 3 110 feet of n 880 feet of w 24 rods of e 48 rods of w>$ of j sw^ot section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city of St Paul, Y $12 00 Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue, and described j above $62 00 J Annie M. Stanley. AU that part of the s 770 feet of w 2 4 rods of e 48 lods of n 100 rods of w \_ of sw}£ of section 11, town 28, range 28, lying within the lines of a street 80 feet wide, the cen ter line of which shall be as foUows: Commencing no e line of w 82 rods of sw}^ of section 11, town 28, range 23; at intersection with south line of Randolph street; thence running south along said east line of west 32 rods aforesaid, to a point where the cen ter line of Pleasant avenue as laid out and opened in West End addition to St. Paul, would if produced northeaster! v, intersect said east line of the west 32 rods of the 8W, L4 of sect, 11, town 28, range 33; thence running southwesterly to the city limits along the center line of Pleasant avenue as laid out in said . West End addition, if produced northeasterly, aU in the city of.'._._' y St. Paul, Minnesota, (Uken for Pleasant avenue, $250 00"") Same. South 770 feet of w 24 rods of e 48 rods of n 100 cuds of w )4 of sw, 1 Of section 11 tow. 28, range 23 in the city of St Y $77 00 Paul, Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue. ar.d de scribed above $327 00 J • H M and M W Rice. All that part of east 8 rods of west 32 mis of north 100 rods ofw^ of sw _,. of section 11, town 28, range 23, lying within the hues of a street 80 foet wide, t^e center line of which shall be as follow.. Commencing on east line of west 32 rods of southwest )i of section 11, town 28, range 23, at intersection with south line of Randolph street, run- i ning south along said east liu;> of •'-". 32 rods aforesaid to a point where the center line of Pleasant avenue as laid ont and opened in West End addition to St. Paul, wo.-. if produced northeasterly, intersect said ,'iist line of the west 32 rods of tha southwest quarter of section 11. town .-. range 23: thence ruu • ning sw'ly to the city li::: along the center Une of Pleasant . avenue as laid out in said West End addition, if prodneed northeasterly; all in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for Pleasant avenue» Same and same. East 8 rods of west 32 rod- of north 100 rods of west )■< of southwest ', of section "... town '-:■ r___tg_ 23. iu the Y " $150 00 city off St Paul. .Minnesota, except part taken for PIea..a_!r ♦ avenue, and described above 692 "■ ;- Bettie MeGe'im and Mattie Ei-win. All that part of the south } ■' of north )4 of southwest ££ °>- southwest }1 of section li, town 28, range 23, in ■ within the lines of a Street _K) feet wid?, the center line of whicii shall be the extension northeasterly in a' direct line of the <>?__.•.; ' THE ST.PAUL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MOKNING, JaN IJaKYM, 1*3. Supposed owner and description. Benefits, Damages. Balance line of Pleasant avenue, as laid out and opened in West End ad dition t _> St. Paul, to an intersection with the east line of west 32 rods of southwest quarter of section 11, town 23, range 23, . (taken for Pleasant avenue) ....................... *dM uu Same and same. South % of north % of southwest quarter of ; southwest quarter, of section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city Y > < * of St. Paul Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue, and described above •• • * 377 °° J R B Rankins and others. All that part of north % of south % of soutliwest quarter of southwest quarter, of section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, lying within tho lines of a street 80 feet wide, the center line of which shall bo . the extension northeasterly in a direct line of the center line of Pleasant avenue, as laid out and opened in West End addition to St. Paul, to an intersection with the east line of west 32 rods of southwest quarter, of section 11, town 28, range 23, (taken for Pleasant avenue) " ••••• *3U0 00 Same. North % of south % of southwest .quarter of southwest I ' quarter, of section 11, town 28, range 23, in the city of St. Y $77 00 Paul. Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue, and de scribed above *377 co . -> . .'.';.. Mary C Breckenridge and others. All that part of the south "'. : : of soutii % of southwest quarter of southwest quarter, of section 11, town 28", range 23, in the city of ft. Paul, Minnesota, lying within the lines of a street 80 feet wide, the center line of winch shall be the extension northeasterly in a direct line of the center ; line of Pleasant avenue, as laid out and opened in West End ad dition to St. Paul, to an intersection with the east lice of west 32 rods of southwest quarter of section 11, tow 28, range 23, (taken for Pleasant avenue) ., • ■ *«^u M 1 Same and same. South % of south % of southwest quarter of _ I _ southwest quarter, of section 11, town 28, range 28, in the city Y *«7 UO of St. Paul, Minnesota, except part taken for Pleasant avenue and described above • * 377 00 J All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and tiled with the clerk of said Board, at least one day prior to said meeting. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. GORMAN, Clerk Board of Public Works. 12-14 Confirmation of Assessment for Opening and Extension of the Alley Between L. 0. Dayton's Enlargement and Vandentogli's Addition, to Tenth Street. Office of the Board of Public Wores, ) City of St. Paul, Minn., Jan. 9, 1883. 5 The assessment of benefits, damages, costs and expenses arising from the opening and extension of the alley between L. C. Dayton's enlargement and Vandenburgh's addition, to Tenth (10th) street, in the city of St. Paul, Minn., having been completed and entered of recerd by the Board of Public Works in and for said city, said Board will meet at their office in said city at 2 p. m., on the 22d day of January, A. D., 1883, to hear objections (if any) to said assessment, at which time and place, unless sufficient cause is shown to the contrary, said assessment will be confirmed by said Board. '■-,1'.•-.-:< :■- '-'■:■'', . .'•-* - The following is a list of the supposed owners' names, a description of the property and the amounts of benefits and damages assessed against the same, to-wiL: Supposed owner and description. Benefits. Damages. Balance LeavittTOlds. That part of block 8, Hoyt's addition to St Paul, lying between Tenth street and the ne'ly six and one-half (6%) feet of lot four (4), Bagnell k Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Panl, and the ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot four (4), Bagnell k Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, (taken for alley) ;:":*V .32a 001 Same. That part n'ly of Tenth street of w'ly )4 of block 8, Hoyt's addition to St. PauL (except ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) ' J feet taken for alley), and lot four (4), BagneU & Magruder's Y *325 00 subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, I (except ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet, taken for aUey) $0 00 J Mary Springer. Ne'ly. six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 5, Bag neU & Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's ad dition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for alley).... $26 00 J Same. Lot 5, BagneU k Magruder's subdivision of part of block y 83 60 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paid, Minnesota, 'except | ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) *109 60 J Same. To remove or abandon building in line of aUey on lot 5, BagneU & Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's i.',.-',___ addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota 90 00 $10 00 $10 00 Mary Springer. Ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of s'lyl ft of lot 6, BagneU & Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Panl, Minnesota, (taken for aUey) .. SO 50 J Same. STy one (1) foot of lot 6, BagneU k Magruder's subdivi- I -..__• sion of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Jj- $1 55 Paul, Minnesota, (except ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) $2 05 J NeUie M. Weide. Ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 6, ex cept s'ly 1 ft, BagneU __ Magrude 's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, . " (taken for aUey) 26 50}- Same. Lot 6, except s'ly 1 ft, BagneU __ Magruder's subdivision I of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paul, Y $85 15 Minnesota, except ne'ly six and cue-half ( 6). ) feet taken for I aUey) •••••• * in 65 J Caroline Schnrmeier. Sw'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 1, BagneU k Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for alley).. . -327 00 J Same, Lot 1, BagneU k Magruder's subdivision of part of block I 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except - | $85 «0 ■ sw'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) .: $113 70 J • A. Alness. Sw'ly six and one-half (6){) feet of lots 2 and 3, BagneU & Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, and that part of block 8, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, lying between Tenth street and the sw'ly six and one-half (6;..') feet of lot 3, BagneU & Magruder's subdivision of part of block 15, Hovt's addition to St. Paul, (taken for aUey) fcl,097 35 j ! Same. Lots 2 and 3, BagneU ._ Magruder's subdivision of part of , -, ..,«_ block 15, Hovt's addition to St. Paul, and that part n'ly of Y £1,013 75 Tenth street of e'ly half of block 8, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, ___ (except part taken for alley) $83 60 J '■-' ;--:.;.'■_:. -.".1. ' Samuel Leopold. Ne'ly six and one-half '->'-.;• feet of lot 7, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition ,to St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for alley) .'. «>19 75~| Same. Lot 7, HcHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's I gg 4 20 addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except ne'ly six and . one-half ( .6)., ) feet taken for alley) §83 95 J Mariam J. Hntson. NeTy six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 8, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for aUey ) _. $19 75") Same. Lot 8, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's I gg 4 20 addition to the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except ne'ly six and _ j one-half (6).) feet taken for alley $83 95 J Mariam J. Hutson. To remove or abandon building on Une of aUey on lot 8, MeHenry's subdivision oi part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota... $0 00 $5 00 $5 00 John A. Stees. Ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 9, ZdcHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in ! the city of St . Paul, Minnesota, (takon for alley) $19 75""} Same. Lot 9, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's ! jg^ go addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except ne'ly six f Bad one-half (6)4) "feet taken for aUey).. '. 683 95 J John A. Stees. Ne'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 10, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, ( .ken for alley) „ $20 00~| Same. Lot 10, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's l »g- qq addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except ne'ly six f andone-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) $85 00 J Charles Grewe. Sw'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 11, Me- Henry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for aUey) $20 001 Same. Lot 11, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's I addition in the city of St. Paul. Minnesota, (except sw'ly six | $65 00 andone-half (6)4) feet taken foraUey) $85 00 J Evelina B. Williams. Sw'ly six and one-half (6)4) feet of lot 12, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, taken for alley $19 75 1 Same. Lot 12, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's I addition in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except sw'ly six j $64 20 and one-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) ...$83 95 J Frances M. Kline. * Sw'ly six and one-half '.6)4) feet of lot 13, Me- Henry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the . . city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (taken for aUey) ...............;_-'vK; . $19 75 - Same. Lot 13, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's I addition, in the city of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except sw'ly six f $64 20 and one-half (6)4) feet taken for aUey) ....$83 95 J Alex, and Eleanor Wilson. Sw'ly six and one-half (6%) feet of lot 14, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition in the city of St. Paid, Minnesota, (taken for alley) $19 75 Same. Lot 14, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15,Hoyt's ;.;':; I addition in the city" of St. Paul, Minnesota, (except sw'ly six | $64 20 and one-half (6)4) feet taken for alley.) $83 95 J Same. To remove or abandon building in line of alley on lot 14, _"-' MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition, in .-' - / ' the city "of Sc Paul, Minnesota ....$0 00 $15 00 $15 00 J. A. _. W. M. Stees. AU that part of the foUowing described f '- '/^T- '-'.*., piece of land lying between the lines of a strip thirteen (13) - ''''*'"'!"'; •' feet wide, the center line of said strip running from the center lineof aUey between L. C, Dayton's enlargement and Vanden burgh's addition to Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, to the line divid ing lots 10 and 11, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15,-,;.r- - Hoyt's addition to St. Paul: said piece of land being described as foUows: Commencing at nw'ly corner of MeHenry's sub division of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, on e'ly line of Canada Street; thence northerly on Canada street 100 feet; thence at right angles paraUel with n'ly line of said MeHenry's subdivision, to Broadway, in Kittson's addition to St. Paul: ■ . - thence s'ly along said Broadway 50 feet; thence w'ly at right an gles to a point 137 feet e'ly of said Canada street; thence s'ly 50 feet to said MeHenry's subdivision; thence w'ly 137 feet to begin nine. being in se)_ section 31, town 29, range 22. (taken for alley | 675 00' Same and same. Commencing at nw'ly corner, of MeHenry's sub- , 1 division of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, on e'ly 1 line of Canada street; thence n'ly on Canada street 100 feet; j thence at right angles paraUel with n'ly line of said MeHenry's j subdivision, to Broadway in Kittson's addition to St.Paul; ( $242 50 thence s'ly along said Broadway 50 feot; thence w'ly at right angles j to .1 point 137 feet e'ly of said Canada street:thence 50 feet to j said [.'Henry's subdivision; thence w'ly 137 feet to beginning; ( being in sej£. section 31. town 29, range 22, (except part taken j for aUey and described above.) _"..- $317 50 J Same and same. To remove or abandon building on above de scribed premises in line of alley : $0 00 61," CO $15 00 ' Supposed owner ani description. ' Benefits, Damages. Ealance S. D. Buck. All that part of the Mowing described pieceof land, lying between the linos of a strip thirteen (18) feet wide, the center line of stud strip running from the center Une of alley be tween L. C. Dayton's enlargement and Van.lenburgh's addition to Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, to the line dividing lots 10 apd 11, MeHenry's subdivision to part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, said piece of land being described as foUows: Com mencing at ne'ly corner of MeHenry's subdivision.of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; thence e'ly to Broadway in Kittson's addition to St. Paul; thence n'ly along said Broad way 50 feet; thence w'ly parallel with n'ly line of said MeHen ry's subdivision to a point 137 feet e'ly of Canada street: thence s'ly 50 feet to said McHenry'y subdivision? thence e'ly to be ginning; being in se^ section 31, town 29, range 22, (taken for alley • $25 0)-) Same. Commencing at ne'ly corner of MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; thence e'ly to Broadway in Kittson's addition to St. Paul; thence n'ly along said Broadway 50 feet; thence w'ly parallel with line of said > $33 50 MeHenry's subdivision to a point 137 feet e'ly of Canada street; • thenco s'ly 50 feet to said MeHenry's subdivision; e'ly to beginning; being in sej^ section 31, town 29, range 22, (except part taken for alley and described above) -$105 .0 j John A. ard W. M. Stees. AU that part of tho foUowing described piece of land lying between the, lines of a strip thirteen (13) feet wide, the center Uno of said strip running from the center line of alley between L. C. Dayton's eul.-i'.g-ir.or.t and Vanden burgh's addition to Hoyt's aduitf62 t;> St. Paul, to tho line divid ing lots 10 and 11, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St: Paul: said piec. of land being described as ioUows: Commencing on e'ij lino of Cau.d_i street distant 100 feet n'ly from nw'ly comer of JicHenrj-'a subdivi.-ion '"part block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; theuc - n'ly on said Can ada street 5. feet; thence e'ly at rig angles 131 feet, thence sly parallel with said Canada street 5o feet; ihence w'iy 1:57 feet to beginning, being in s.-'-., section 31, township 29, range 22, (taken for allay) $25 00' Same and same. Commencing on e'ly line of Canada street, distant 100 feet n'ly from nw'ly corner of. MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; thence n'ly on > $ I 0 .0 said Canada street 50 feet; thence ely at right angles 137 feet; thence s'ly parallel with said Canada street 50 feet; thenco w'ly 137 feet to beginning, being in se^4' section 31, town 29, range "■■ 22, (except part taken for alley and described above). 5105 50 J Same and same. To remove or abandon building in line of alley on above described premises $0 00 $7 50 $7 50 Supposed owner and description. __efits. Damages. Balance " " • - v^- Martha L. Banker. All that part of the foUowing described piece of land lying between the lines of a strip thirteen (13) feet wide, . ! the center line of said strip running from the center line of alley between L. C. Dayton's enlargement and Vandenburgh's addi tion to Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, to the line dividing lots 10 and 11, MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addi tion to St. Paul; said piece of land being described as foUows: Commencing on w'ly line of Kittson's addition to St. Paul 100 feet n'ly from n'ly line of MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; thence w'ly paraUel with n'ly line of said MeHenry's subdivision 137 feet more or less, to a point midway between said w'ly line of Kittson's addition and Canada street; thence n'ly at right angles 50 feet; thence e'ly to a point on said w'ly line of Kittson's addition 50 feet n'ly of place of beginning; thence s'ly 50 feet to beginning, being in se3^ section 31, town 29; range 22, (taken for aUey) $25 CO ] Same. Commencing on w'ly line of Kittson's addition to St. Paul 100 feet n'ly from n'ly line of MeHenry's subdivision of part block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, thence w'ly paraUel with n'ly line of said MeHenry's subdivision 187 feet more or less to a point midway between said w'ly line of Kittson's addition and } $80 50 Canada street; thenee n'ly at right angles 50 feet; thence e'ly to a '-.. /» point on said w'ly line of Kittson's addition 50 feetn'ly of place of beginning; thence s'ly 50 feet to beginning; being in se^' sec tion 81, town 29, range 22, (except part taken for alley and de scribed above)... ' ..-. $105 50 J L. H. Hunt. AU that part of the foUowing described piece of land lying between the Unes of a strip thirteen (13) feet wide, the center line of said strip running from the center line of alley between L. C. Dayton's enlargement and Vandanburgh's addi tion to Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, to the line dividing lots 10 and 11; MeHenry's subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt'y ad dition to St. Paul; said piece of land being described as follows: Commencing 150 feet n'ly of nw'ly corner of MeHenry's subdivi sion of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, on e'ly line of Canada street; thence n'ly on e'ly line of Canada street 45 feet; thence e'ly paraUel with n'ly lineof said MeHenry's sub division, to Broadway in Kittson's addition to St. Paul; thence s'ly 45 feet; thence w'ly to beginning; being in se% section 31, town 29, range 22, (taken for aUey) $45 00) Same. Commencing 150 feet n'ly of nw'ly corner of MeHenry's | subdivision of part of block 15, Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, on j e'ly line of Canada street; thence n'ly on e'ly line of Canada I street 45 feet; thence e'ly parallel with n'ly line of 6aid McHen- > $145 50 ry's subdivision, to Broadway in Kittson's addition to St. Paul; j thence s'ly 45 feet; thence w'ly to beginning; being in se)£ sec tion 31, town 29, range 22, (except part taken .for aUey and de scribedabove) '. $190 50 J J. Spencer. AU that part of the following described piece of land lying between the lines of a strip thirteen (13) feet wide, the center line of said strip running from the center lineof alley be tween L. C. Dayton's enlargement and Vandenburgh's addition to Hovt's addition to St. Paul, to the line dividing lots 10 and 11, McHenr..' subdivision of part of block 15; Hoyt's addition to St. Paul; said land being described as foUows: A strip of land fronting about 8 feet on Canada street, extending from said Canada street to Kittson's addition to St. Paul, and lying imme diately s'ly of Vandenburgh's addition to Hoyt's addition to St. Paul, and s'ly of L. C. Dayton's enlargement in St. Paul; being in ae)4, section 31, town 29, range 22. (taken for alley) * $8 00 J Same. A strip of land fronting about 8 feet on Canada street, ex- i tending from said Canada street to Kittson's addition to St Paul, | and lying immediately s'ly of Vandenburgh's addition to Hoyt's } $25 80 addition to St. Paul, and s'ly of L. C. Dayton's enlargement, in I St. Pan!; being in sej^, section 31, town 29, range 22, (except I part taken for aUey and described above) $33 80 J . . L. C. Dayton's Enlargement, St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Benefits. Damages. Balance Christian Peterson 1 $10 00 $0 00 $10 00 Martin Flannagan.....' • - 3 1000 0 CO 10 00 Andrew Simpson 4 10 00 0 00 10 00 S;ini 5 10 00 0 00 lo 00 Martin'F__;___isan.'.'.'.'.'..'..' 6 10 00 0 00 10 CO Same ...V " 1' 10 00 0 00 10 00 Henry'Lamb..'.'.". 8 10 00 0 00 10 00 game Oliver'.'.._'.'.._'.'...'.'.'.".*.'._."'.'.'..".'. '. .''. '. '.."". Y.Y.Y. 10 10 00 0 00 10 00 Ezra Oliver YYY. YYY. 10 10 00 0 00 10 00 Vandenburgh's Addition to Hoyt's Addition to St. Paul. Supposed owner and description. Lot. Elock. Benefits. Damages. Balance, B C Gallup, s 50 ft of.. 1 3 $1100 $0 00 $1100 John Mattocks, Brewer Mattocks, Helen M Spencer, Julia B Northrop, James S Mattocks, Fannie T Mattocks, Jessie P Mattocks, Sherwood S Mattocks, Walter H Mattocks, n 16 ft of 13 $3 50 $0 00 $3 50 John Mattocks, Brewer Mattocks, Helen M Spencer, Julia B Northrup, James S Mattocks, Fannie T Mattocks, Jessie P Mattocks, Sherwood S Mattocks, Walter H Mattocks 2 3 $14 50 $0 00 $14 50 John Mattocks. Brewer Mattocks, Helen M Spencer, Julia B Northrup, James S Mattocks, Fannie T Mattocks, Jessie P Mattocks, Sherwood S Mattocks, Walter H Mattock's, s 32 ft of 3 3 $7 03 $0 00 $7 03 NeUieMWeide,n34ftof 33 7 47 000 747 Same,sl6ftof ; ••- 4 3 3 50 . 0 00 , 3 50 Same|n50ftof 4 3 1100 0 00 1100 All objections to said assessment must be made in writing and filed with the Clerk of said Board at least one day prior to said meeting. The confirmation notice heretofore given has been annulled. JOHN FARRINGTON, President. Official: R. L. GoB____tf, Clerk Board of PubUc Works'. < 12-14 STANDARD SCALES FAIRBANKS J ECLIPSE STANDARD | . SKLF-BEGULATING SQALEPl JWIND ML _r FAIRBANKS, aORSE & CO., -^ 66 East Third W. ,^^ MMM i M^^^M.^^^^^.^^.^_________---»----_-_-------r--------_-_-_» LIQUORS ASD W__-_8_ \ . *: IV IT 1TWV i) i'i4\ WHOLESALE . BMT YT 1¥ Y i, ii A\ wholesale . KOHL & CO., _IQ..B._!IE_ We have the control I this market of the unrivaled O. F. 0., the Hume and Crystal Springs Whix. and are also handling tae W. H. McBrayer'i and Nelson Whiskies and Guokenhelmer Bye. 194 East Third Street, '■'[•■ .»■'-•■ - - ■■ St. Paul, Mia. ..".-..-', WHOLESALE DBY GOODS. AUERBACH, FINCH & VAN SLICE Tie Only Leading Dr. Goods Mm tie WsMi. ■ i ' ■ '■"■"-..-": Co-mpetet* with the Markets ot New York and CMeajt Cor. Third and Wabashaw Sts. ST. PAUL. "This institution has established a reputation for thoroughness end fairness which make? it tb» Leading Commercial School o th West." WRITE TO BUSINESS COLLEGES. 251-3-5, Nicollet Avenue MINNEAPOLIS. TRAVELERS' GUIDE St. Paul Railway Time Tables. Chicago.St.PauI, Minneaoolis AND OMAHA RAILWAY. "THE ROYAL ROUTE." J^^The oniy route running solid trains from Minneapolis and St. Paul with Pullman smoking room sleepers on all trains to Chicago. E^"The only line running solid trains from 8t ' Paul to Council Bluffs with sleeping cars through to St. Joseph"and Kansas City. Le. Mlnue- Leave at. DHPABt-TN-G TRAINS. I apolis. j Paul. Chicago Day Express fl2:00 m I f 12:45 p m Chicago & Milwaukee Ex.. . *T_0O ml "7:45 m Sioux City & Sioux Falls... f7:10. .-. at, j7__i) a m Omaha and Kansas City *'_:_flpn_j .iJipn Green Bay and Appleton... '■' 6:00 am North Wisconsin ..Superior |7:30 IB t8;10 a m River Fall-... +4:30 pi-.\. __***"pm The '"-a:: !«>ivius' '....t'.eapoiis at 7:00 p. m. ana 8t. Pn. I •»« ->' ■ '■ t>. :n. is the celebrated dining oar ~~ Arrive St Ar. Minne _-..;f.i...' ii__i>s. PauL apolis. C_ii. •.:-... .. ■•* <^ .-to-. Ex... I6_3en_l $7.-00 a a C_N-_w \'i,; i. •-...*■ 23 p . *3:10pm SiO-SiOi'j .. -x.;.-. Fells...! -" : - pm! ." Oin_.!:. _.'!,.: ►.••:.-.->» City..;. *ll:ii5a___i * North .Vir-Ma.-i,. & Superior f_:5o p ia iS:<)0 p re Green 'B_iy i Applet) n j tS:10 P ni i$-J& p m Siver Falls ! t__5-. a ra "ll0:t"_ a m Lake Elmo and Stillwater Trains. " ' L_tAV2 3r>:>-s.iP-._..s. 17:30 a ft, t3:30 am, rl2«ta_, +L00 pin, +4_30 p m, *7:00 p m. i__;av__ ST. PACt.. +6:00 a m 3:10 W_33 am, a m, +lt_:... pat, f2:C0 p m, . +6_U5 p a. and 7:45 p lit. ______ S_1_XWA_-E3 FOB ST. PATH. * WrS?T__A?.JI_-_», t8:00 a m fU.-CO am, f.:30 p m, »1:13 era f7.-0« pm * Dally, + Except Sundays. $ Except Mob .ays. {^"Tickets, Sleeping Car Accommo__._t.oi_3 ______ all information can be secured at PNO. 13 Nicollet House Block, Minneapolis, • ■" •..: J. CHABBONNEAU, Ticket Agent. Minneapolis depot,corner Washington and Fo-'» avenue north. W. P. IVES, Ticket Agenw Corner Third and Jackson streets, St. PauL CHAS. H. PETSCH, City Ticket Agent. New Union Depot, foot of Sibley street, KNEBEL & BROWN, Ticket Agents. S. G. STRICKLAND. Ticket Agent, Stillwater. CMcap.Mwaie^St."Paiil Railway. Arrival and departure of through passenger train. I Leave Leave d__pabt__*._. thai., s. ! Minneap'lis St. PauL River Division. Dubuque __ Bock Island Ex 7:23 a m C 8:00 a m Milwaukee & Chicago Ex.. 0 12:00 m 012:45 pm Milwaukee & Chicago Ex.. A 7:00 p m A 7:46 p m Iowa k Minn. Division. South'n Minn, k Iowa Ex.. ,0 8:00 a m C 8:10 a at Owatonna Accom C 4:30 p m O 4:30 pa MaponCy. South ,_ West Ex 6:00 p m E 7:10 p a Hasting* * |a»te ,-a I Aberdeen * lv_.ot: Ex.... JO 8:50 a m O 8*0 a a Bird ......;i. 1-■_ • _ A 3:15pm A 2:00 pa Arrive Arrive ui»n..^ i^is.. St. Paul. Mianeap'IIs I Arrive I Arrive St. Panl. __i__neftp*_ls Hz\"r _i.vM_.ii. CmcM-p^-t k_ii-»si..e« Ex.. A 6:15 am A 7:00 a m Cbieai" * •' ' ' «Ex..|C 2:25 p C 3:10 pm Dubi..[i-.e & Ibyk Island Ex 0 9:50 p m 0 10.SO p m Iowa ___*__!_____,* Division. | I Mason Cy. South & West Ex F 7:45 a m F 830 a m Owatonna Accom > 0 10:28 a m C 10:35 a m Sonth'n Minn. _. Iowa Ex.. 0 6:55 p m 0 7... p m Hastings k Dakota Div. Bird Island Accom A"'0:30 a m A 9:55 am Aberdeen & Dakota Ex.-... 0 5:38 p m 0 4:40 pm A, means daily. C, except Sunday. E, exeat t Saturday. F. except Monday. St. Paul—Chas. Thompson. City Ticket Agent, 162 E. Third street. Brown & Knebel, Ticket Agents, Union Depot Minneapolis—G. L. Scott. City Ticket Agent. No. 7, Nicollet House. A. B. Chamberlin, Ticket Agent, Depot, Toward fe Rising Si. (_ THE Albert Lea Route; Which is composed of the _a_nneapoll3 & St. Lonh Railway, Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway, and the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railwy Announces to the people of Minneapolis, St Pan and the Great Northwest, that it Is new running two trains daily to Chicago, connecting with all the trains leading East, Northeast, Southeast and South, affording travelers unsurpassed accommodations, sure connections and quick time to Chicago, Yew York, Boston, Philadelphia ~ .: Baltimore, Washington, Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, .___<! In (eel *•-> ail Saltern points in the United States and Canada. The 630 p. m. train from Miu neapoli- rnt.p through to Chicago, arriving 'a the latter '••try ■■-* •"*:.!» p. tn.. in ample time to conned with r.i.a L;_u't«d and Fast Express Trains to th» ik V f.:x___3___-BS fko:^ Bom: ;: -Ola DM & Manitalia Will fi.'fi tun 1 in. d .-t and most convenient route to the E-_l, u_ _ui__iect:iou9 are made in the Union time. - Remember, St Paul passengers leave the Union Depot at 7:25 a. m. and 5:30 p. m., and leave the Union Depot at Minneapolis at 8:10 ... m. and 6_K p. m. Fare always as low as by any other route, and baggage checked through. Ask for your tickets via this route, and be sure they read via Albert Lea and West Liberty • , B. F. Mills, General Freight and Passenger Agent, B., C. R. & N. Railway. A. H. Bode, General Traffic Manager. M. & St I* Railway. S ".-. E. St. John, General Ticket and Pa___ongar Ag«ni, 0., R. I. k P. Railway. The city office of the A bert Lea Route tn Minneapolis is at No. 8 Washington avenue, oppo site Nicollet house, and in St Paui at corner Third and Sibley streets C0NFECTI0NEBS. ~ (PL™ Jtt , Send $1, $2, $.S7oF$5 I nil M IT for a retail b« by Expres, I nil ill of the best Candies in I III ll I! I America, put up in elegant * boxes, and strictly pure. ■ Suitable for presents. Ex g* press charges light. Mer- C press charges light. ,fryit H11 rlTT a11 Trj'ifc 13 ( IIIB V f&ss C. F. GlDfTHER, U ItlJ . Confectioner, —— Chicago. rDobbins' Starch Polish] CONTRACT WORK FaTing-SeTeaUi street. Office of tee K...!:li ■!(•• r :i ICW'-IIKB, I City or St. P;-,cr_,Mir-__., Jan. 5,1883. \ . Sealed .bids will be received by the Board of. Public Works in and for tae corporation of the City of St. Paul, Minnesota, ui their -ice in said city until 12 m. on the iSih day of January, A. D. __-S3, for the paving of-Serenth (7th) street, from Jackson street t<> Fort street, j in said city, with c«L:r block.- and granite curbs.according to plan* aud specifications on file in the oifice of said Board. •A. bo . with at least two sureties, in a sum of at least 20 per cent, of the gross amount bid, must accompany euch bid. The said __._;.I reserves the ri^ht to re:e?t aa? or aU bid?. ..'■ '.:';i, ;JOHI. FARRINGTON. Official: R. L.Gosjiax. President Cleric of Board of PubUc Works. -lfi FOR CATALOGUE. 305-fSM 7 An important discovery by which every family may give their lin en that beau tiful finish pe culiar to fine laundry work. Ask your Grocer, i B non; 'h.i.ns.onia.Ps..