Newspaper Page Text
2 THE FUfl CONTINUES. Of Marking Down Window's Vote Day by Day. CLOSING WEAK AT FORTY-EIGHT. ' Senators Pillsbiirj and J. B. Giinilan Arise lo a (Question of Privilege ob the "Globe." DENYING THE JOHN S. BOOM. And Pledging Renewed Fidelity to the "Lost Cause." JOINT CONVENTION. Mr. Hirfrs occupied the chair at the convention, which convened at the usual time. Immediately after the calling of the roll Senator C. A. Pillsbury arose to a question of privilege and called attention to the following, from the Globe of yesterday: , WHAT WISDOM'S CO3HXa MEAN-;. A secret meeting was held at the <>in o' S?*ritor CiiPP. A." PjTJsbury at the Merchants night before last, at which it was proposed to bring out John B. PillsbuTy as a dark horse when Windom is out if the way. It is with this view that a desperate effort has been made by Senators J. B. G^lani and C. A. Pfllsbnry, the proprietors of the John S. boom, t > keep the Wmdoni force intact. They had hop-d to keep them together to transfer them bodily at the opporti le time. Finding the dis integration impossible to check, they have hasti ly summoned Windom from Washington on the pl"-i that ho can save himself by coming. This they know, at heart, is impossible,but they want his presence to aid them in transferring Ids votes to John S. Pillsbury. That is what the coming of Windom means. He claimed that he had been constant and honest in his course of supporting Windom, but if the statement made be , true he|would be the most despicable of traitors and unworthy the confidence of any honest man. He wished publicly to state that he had never attended a meeting eith er in his own room or that of any other person, when the question of electing Gov. John S. Pillsbury Unit ed States senator was considered, nor had he ever spoken or written to Gov. Pillsbury on the subject. He claimed that nobody was more anxious to see Windom elected than himself, and he knew that Gov. Pillsbury would also oe rejoiced at; the success of Windom. He had never spoken to any person in the legislature or outside of it in regard to this matter, and he challenged anybody to prove that he had. He considered the statement a vile slander, one of many which the oppo nents of Wiudom had been circulating to reduce and disintegrate his strength. Senator J. B. Gilfillan next rose to a question of privilege; something, he said, he very rarely did, and if his own interests were only affected he would not rise now. He would be indifferent to whatever might come from any public newspaper. He deemed it his duty now, as others were affected. He also called attention to the above publication, saying it referred to a recent caucus in which he was charged of being a participant. He denied having been at such a meeting, either at Senator Pillsbury's room or elsewhere. • He continued: I wash my hands of any participation in any such an affair. As far as the candidacy of Gov. Pillsbury is con cerned, either as a dark or white horse, the subject has never been alluded to between the governor and myself in any manner or in regard to his being a candidate at any j time. In another place the same paper says: "J. B. GflfiUi n tbrew down the gauntlet last night. Under •><> chcumstances would ho sup port any anti-Win candidate." This is ally untrue. I did say this referring to rumors of the bringing out of men not fairly in tho race, that I would set my face against any dark horse not fairly trotted cut by professed Windom supporters. In this I had no allusion to regular candidates. They say Mr. Win dom has beeu sent for and is coming to be used as a dictator in supporting Pillsbury. The bare statement ought to ba its own refutation. It is a fact that in view of certain circumstances, a telegram was sent to urge Mr. Wicdom to come on, and against hi-* persistent and decided determ ination not to be present, he has seen the force of the reasons and, I am happy to say, he will be here probably next Monday. No other parties responding to the invita tion of Chairman Hicks to make explana tions, the convention proceeded to ballot twice, both times with the same result. Mr. J. Smith, Jr., then suggested that such voting was unprofitable, and the coaven tion adjourned. FtBST BALLOT. , Senate. House. Total Wirdom 16 32 •■ 48 Wili .8 24 •; 00l . ... • j; I>U.!U^ x g 1J ' Hubbard 2 7 9 Kindred 14 5 Start i 134 Davis 2 2 4 Farmer 13 4 Strait 1 i Castle *."..*.. 1 .. 1 Armstrong .. 1 1 Berry... 11 Gilman 1 1 Wakefield .'..'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.' .'.' 1 1 Total ~42 ~97 IS9 Those who voted for William Windom were: SENATORS. Chandler, Goodrich, Pillsbury, Compton, Greenleaf, Shaleen, Fletcher, Houlton, Steenerson, Gilfillan, C. D., Langdon, Truax, Gilfillan,J. 8., Rice. Waite, Wheat—l 6. I^I'RESENTATTVBS. Anderson, W. End», Smith, J. Baker, Hicks, Snow, Barker, Holmstrom, Spaulding, Batchelder, Johnson, M. Strong, # Bean, Lydiard, , Swenson, J Boardman, Miller, Thaver, Bobleter, Nelson, Thompson, Bohland, Peterson, J. A.Torgerson, Child, J. E. Peterson, Ole Torrell, Collins, Plummer, Mr. Speaker-32 Crawford, Porter, Those who voted for Thomas Wilson were: SENATORS. Castle, Griggs, Vollmer, Christensen, Peck, Welch— Crag, Sieke RE 'KESENTA'I'IVKS. Baumgarten, Ciillen, Lenz. Becker, Dr-meules, Patterson, - Borak, Dilley, Eshilly, Brown, Emery. Randall, Bad:, Far: Smith, J. Jr., - C- ■••-.->-, ■■■■>". Stahlman, < } ulm, ■ Hill. Stestriniii. Cv.--. J-.ckiin, White— Those who vot-.l for Gordon E. Cole were: r IBS. Blake, Clement. Mclaughlin, Clarke, Knudson, VanHoesen— REPRESENT . Cornish, Merriam, Peterson, John, Gotzian, Morris, Way, Gray, Morse, Wells, Morris, Mortenson —lit Those who voted for M*rk H. Duanell were: SENATORS. Crosby, Hollister, Word, Hickman— i. REPUESEXTATIVES. ; Bell, Carson, Johnson, W. H. Black Finch, Potter—6. Those who voted for L. F. Hubbaid were: BEXATOB3. Johnson, Peterson —2. REPRESENTATIVES. Doyle, Paulson H, Sampson, Gtrueteoh. Paulson, T. Sidener—7. Ilult'bak, Those>ho voted for C. F. Kindred were: SEXATOU. Bnckmanl. REP2E3E.VTATIV Hartley, Pf.rker, Sadley— Moore, Those who voted for C. K. Davis were: SENATORS. Bills . * O'Brien—2. BEPEIIBSTATTVCS. Grimshaw, Lionel!— Those who voted for J. Q. Farmer were: SENATOR. Sergeant. REPRESENTATIVES. Baarnaas Frank, Greer —3. Those who voted for C. M. Start were: SENATOR. # Morrisonl. REPRESENTATIVES. Daniels, Dyar, Frahm Senator Wilson voi i for J. N. Castle. Mr. Anderson, H. voted for H. B. Mr. Cole voted for John M. Berry. Mr. Burmester voted for J. B. Wakefield. Mr. Peterson, 0., voted for T. H. Armstrong. Mr. Van Dyke vot?d for C. M. Gilman. SECOND BALLOT. Another ballot was taken, with th« same result as above, no change whatever hay ing been made. '; •„> The joint convention then adjourned. SENATE. The honorable senators were in their Beats three-quarters of an hour yesterday, fifteen minutes of which was consumed by the devotional exercises of the chaplain, and the balance in routine business, which consisted of the introduction of six bills and the adoption of two resolutions authorizing the appointment of additional clerks,which will presumably be needed when the legis lature shall have elected a United States senator, and get ready to attend to the public business. At present there don't appear to be an accumulation of business calling for additional clerks. ' The talk about the senate chamber yesterday in dicated that there was no hope whatever entertained of a reaction in favor of Win dom, and that now it was only a ques tion of who they should rally upon. So many aspirants have the senatorial bee in their bonnets that the old stagers think it best to let the aforesaid bees buzz yet a little while longer before the hopes of these statesmen are blasted. However, there is a difference of opinion upon this subject, some very astute politicians believing that a bold and aggressive movement in favor of the "dark horse" is the right move, reason ing that many of the Windomers who now stick to the scooped candidate do bo from sheer lack of a candidate to take his place, who has a reasonably good prospect of de curing an election. So the matter rests over Sunday. Meantime the public busi ness is being neglectod. Routine Report. Senate met at 11 o'clock, President Pro Tern. Goodrich in the chair. Devotional exercises by the chaplain. Roll called and journal read and approv ed. * Senator Clark offered & resolution em powering the chairman of the enrolling committee to appoint a clerk with com pensation the same as that of the enrolling clerk. Adopted. , Senator Hollister offered a resolution empowering the chairman of tiie commit tee on engrossment to appoint a clerk with compensation fixed at the same rate per day as the engrossing clerk. Adopted. BILLS INTRODUCED. By Senator Appropriatingssoo to aid in the construction of a bridge across Red river, in the town of Freiburg, Otter Tail county. By Senator Hollister appropriate 121) to J. M. Greenman for taking testi mony. By Senator Claik—To appropriate $1,000 to build a bridge in Swift county. By Senator Griggs—Amending the act authorizing the city of St. Paul to pur chase the franchises of the St. Paul Water company and creating a board of water commissioners. Passed under suspended rules. By Senator Steenerson- To amend Bee. 15 of chap. 18 of the general statutes of 1878, relating to the support of bastards. By Senator Peck—To amend section 10 of chapter 65 of the general statutes of 1878. relating to transcripts of evidence in district courts. j executive GUSIKTJNICATTON. A communication •was received from th« governor announcing his approval of the bills appropriating money to finish and furnish the state capitol; appropriating money to pay legislative expenses, and several other bills of minor importance. Senator Rice moved that when the senate adjourns jt adjourn till 10 o'clock on Mon day. Carried. The senate then took a recess to meet the house of representatives in joint session, after which it again met and adjourned without transacting any further business. THE HOUSE. Nothing bat the required continuation of balloting for senator would have kept a quorum in St. Paul yesterday. As it was, the small amount of business before the house was quickly disposed of. Nothing out of the usual course happened. It has become the custom of this house to dispose of local bills very promptly and get them out of the way. Mr. Merriam's bill relating to the Ram sey county almshonse, seeks to keep the management of that institution out of the hands of politicians. There was perhaps more consultation among the members in the ante rooms and lobbies in relation to the senatorial question and the coming of Windoin, and the feeling that his advent at this time would be unfortunate for his cause was very general. It was looked upon as an indication of alarm and despair on the part of the Windom men—in fact a consultation in the case of a dying man. It was thought it would prove embarrasing to some, and do not the slightest good. ' ~ Routine Report. Mr. Collins occupied the chair. The regular introductory exercises opened the I session. The committee on engrossment was al {lowed the services of a clerk. | THE ST. PAFL SUNDAY GLOBE, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 21,1(583 The Bpeaker announced as the house committee on the subject of the taxation of railroad lands claimed to bo unfairly withheld from taxation, Messrs. Cole, Col lins, Merriam and Brown. Committee to investigate charges of bribery and corruption: Messrs. Boardman, Carson, J. E. Child, Gregory; Cullen, De meules, Bobleter, M. Johrson, Wells. BILLS INTBODTjOED. By Mr. Sadley—To revive the act grant ing certain public lands to aid in the con struction of the Princeton and Anoka rail road. By Mr.Hickß—To amend statutss of IS7B relating to the foreclosure|of mortgages. By Mr. Grimsbaw—To provide for the protection of life in hotels and public buildings, providing for water protection and lifej saving apparatus in hotels thea ters, etc. By Same—Relating to returns of de linquent taxes and proceedings. HOUSE BILLS PASSED. Memorial to congress asking that the harbor of Duluth be improved. To amend the act authori'/lDg Ramsey county and city of St. Paul to issue bonds to build an almshouse. The bill was in troduced by Mr. Merriam, and provides that the judges of the district court shall appoiiit three disinterested citizens of the coacty jis a boari of control and that no meiiber of the city council or board of county commissioners shall serve oa said bonrd of control. To amend special law of 1877 relating to public schools in Lake City. Memorializing congress and praying that means may be taken to drain Big Stone and Traverse lakes, making them part of the reservoir system now being construct ed. Introduced by Mr. Wells. 6ENATE BILLS PASSED. To authorize Houston county to isiue bonds in $30,000 to build a court house. COMMITTEE OF THE WH©LE. Mr. J. E. Child occupied the chair and one bill was considered. ADJOUBNEM2N' r. After the joint convention had dispersed, Mr. Collins moved that the house adjourn till 11 o'clock next Tuesday. Mr. Grimshaw desired to amend by making it Monday. Mr. J. Smith Jr. held that it was nec essary to meet on Monday and vote for senator. Mr. Collins claimed that it was only re quired that they Tote every day of the ses sion. Mr. Smith thought that Mr. Collins had not read the law right. If the Windom men wanted more time to fix matters, he proposed to have it go on record. Mr. Grimßhaw plainly stated his con viction that they wanted time to get tueir candidate here. Mr. Giimshaw's amend ment was carried by a large anti-Windom vote and the house stands adjourned to next Monday morning at 11 o'clock. ON THE HILL!! The Useful Encouraging Itself—What the People Have Long Wanted—Now They Have It, and Appreciate it. "This is what we have wanted, on the hill, for a long time," said a prominent whole sale merchant to a Globe reporter, as they alighted from a St. Anthony Hill car a few evenings since, at the corner of Western and Nelson avenues, just opposite St. Jo seph's Academy, and walked into the splen did establishment of C. B. Slevin, Etq. who has reoently opened a striotly first class staple and fancy grocery store at the point indicated. "We have had," said he, "for a number of years, grocery stores up here, where you could obtain the bare ne cessaries of life by paying hill prices, but a first-class establishment, where you can find all that thought or fancy could sug gest to tempt the pallet, which down town grocery stores afford, and at their prices, is something we have long needed. "Here," said he, "you will find St. Paid Prices Cur rent, and any article therein mentioned in this line you can get at quoted prices." Passing through the establishment the dis play was simply superb. Mr. Slevin, who has had long experience in his line of busi ness before coming to St. Paul, has taken especial pains in the selection and display of his stock, and has a corps of trained as sistants,who are attentive to the wants of his patrons. His magnificent stock includes all classes of f ruits.f rer-h dried and canned,both foreign and domestic, all kinds of bottled goods, Olive oils, domestic and foreign. Burnett's extracts, canned and deviled meats and fish, scrimps, sardines, jellies and prepared honey, the celebrated Oneida Community's full line of canned fruits and vegetables, California fruits, fresh and pre pared, fresh vegetables and all delicasies which can be found •in this or any other market. Mr. Slevin, in staple groceries has nothing but the best, and absolutely pure, and defies competition, both in qual ity and price. He makes a specialty of fine winter wheat flour, furnishing it to his customers at equal prices, with the same grade of Minnesota spring wheat flour. He assured the Globe representative that he came to St. Anthony Hill to do business, believing that a strictly first-class estab lishment where nothing but the best was kept, where everything in his line obtain able was to be found, and where the fir3t principle of business was a determination to give satisfaction, must eventually suc ceed, and from the outlook of his estab lishment and the determination expressed by the proprietor, the prospects of Buccess are extremly good, and the scribe feels sure that the result will justify his expecta tions. PERSONAL. Dr. C. Hard, Ottawa, 111., at the Metro politan. J. H. D. Munson, Winnepeg, at the Merchants. J. H. Garlock, Miles City, M. T., at the Merchants. L. P. White, Brainerd, and L. B. Sporty, Northfield, at the Merchants. Hon. Wm. Campbell, Litchfield, regis tered at the Merchants last evening. Wm. D. Rogers, Esq., leaves this evening for Philadelphia and other Eastern cities. Hon. J. C. McClure, Red Wing, was among yesterday's arrivals at the Mer chants. At the Metropolitan: John Walker, Can ada; C. B. Erause, Montreal; W. W. Ander son and family, Bozeman, M. T. Hon. L. H. Weller, of Nashua, lowa> member of congress elect, is visiting his brother, Mr. E. A. Weller, corner Pleasant avenue and Third street. M. C. Russell, Esq., the well known newspaper man, in St. Paul since the meeting of the legislature, left for Duluth yesterday in response to a telegram an nouncing the serious illness of his daugh ter Susie in that city. George W. Buswell, Winnebago City, put in an appearance in the city yesterday af ternoon, it is supposed as an avant courier in the interest of Hon. J. B. Wakefield as the dark horse in the squabble for the U. S. senate to succeed Windom. Free of Cost. All persona wishing to test the merits of a great remedy—one that will positively cure con sumption, coughs, colds, asthma, bronchitis, or nny affection of the throat and lungs—are re if.pstrdto call at limbie&Bethune Tsdrag store p. id get a tripl bottle of Dr. Kir>e?» New Dis covery for Consamptloa; free of cost, wliich will sho-w you what B regular dollar-gizo Bottle THE SOCIAL WORLD. In a social way the past week has been one of general jollity. The number of public gatherings has been large and in this respect it has been one of the most successful weeks of the season. There have been a couple of masquerade balls, the one at the Athon;euni by the German society on Monday night being particalarly brilliant and elegant. But somehow it did not eclipse the efforts of former years. Some of the older so ciety folks indeed, who have attended fates of the society, for 10, these many years, complain that it was not quite up to the standard of former years. At any rate the attendance was large and as usual the ap pointments were all that could have been desired. There have been, during the week, a great many balls, parties, dances and assemblies. Terpsichors is the only one of the graces which has been signally honored, her shrine having been the center of attractions for the gay and giddy throng throughout the week. Outside of one or two quiet private parties and a couple of notable weddings, there have been no es sontially home socials. It seems indeed, that Hymen is in a fi-.i? w*y to sink into outright disrespect and neglect. It is high time an end be put to this apathy; the matrimonial market baa none begging and the god of love, unless things change for the better soon, needs must shift his honey-ladeu darts and quivers for a suit of sable and engage in the un dertaking business. The indifference will not be tolerated by his lordship much longer or a war may be looked for that will rival the famous controversy that took place about Mrs. Venus. The events of the week, of any import ance, will be found recorded below: Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Mathews leave to night for a trip South. H. W. Donaldson and wife, of Kennedy, are at the Merchants hotel. The cathedral choir are practicing Gounod'sgrand mass for Easter. Mr. and Mrs. Van Etten, of Bismarck. are sojourning at ths Met* opolitan. Miss Morrison, a Southern belle, is the guest of Mrs. Knight, of Dayton avenue. Mrs. M. E. Englebonner, of Lake Park, bas taken apartments at the Metropolitan. Mr. and Mrs. C. Keller, of Emerson, Mon., were visiting in St. Paul last week. The Ladies' Vocal club concert, on Thursday night, was a fine artistic suc cess. Mrs. C. A. Morton and daughter, of Fargo, visited their St. Paul friends last week. Mrs. Van Hoesen, wife of Senator Van Hoesen, of Alexdandria, is at the Metro politan. Miss Alice Higgins, of Euclid, Minn., is spending a few days in the city. She is at the Windsor. The Standard club will open its 1883 series with a German on Thursday even ing, Jan. 25. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Purple have taken possession of their new residence, No. 600 Jackson street. Mrs. John Nichols and Miss Nichols, of Summit avenue, leave to-morrow for a visit to Florida. Jno. C. T. Tileston, U. S. A., Mrs. Tile ston and Miss Helen SwegeK, are so journing at the Merchants. The bal masque at Market hall on Tues day night was fairly attended and all present enjoyed a good time. Mr. W. D. Blachford and wife, of Winni peg, are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Dodge of the Merchants hotel. Mrs. W. H. Mead, of Pleasant avenue, entertained a large company of lady friends last Thursday afternoon. Mr. fieo. Lindsay, wife and nurse, ar rived Friday from Montreal. They have taken rooms at the Metropolitan. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Schurmeier have taken possession of their new residence. corner of Virginia and Dayton avenue 1?. Hod. J. P. Owens and dnnghler, of Tay lor Falls, are visiting friends in St. Paul. Their headquarters are at the Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Davenport returned last week from their bridal tour and are residing at No. 89 East Eleventh street. Miss Vinnie I. Bailey left last week for Rochester, New York, where she will spend the remainder of tho winter visiting rela tives. Mr. A. H. Foster, formerly with T. M. Metcalf, has takon the road in the interests of the Diebold Safe and Lock companyTof Canton, Ohio. G. W. Shuman, wife and friend, of Minneapolis, were among the visitors at the reunion of the gallant Minnesota Sec ond last Friday. H. R. Strong and sister, Mis 38. M. Strong, formerly of New York, are at the Windsor. They intend remaining in St. Paul' indefinitely. Miss Emma Yon Eisner, the talented young soprano singer, and sister of the prima donna, has been the guest last week of Mrs. Wm. D. Rogers, of Exchange •treet. Among the well known guests at the Metropolitan last week were Dr. J. R.Clem ente, wife and child, Dr. M. R. Todd and wife and Mrs. Julia F. Greenleaf, of Alex andria. The First M. E. Church lycenm met last Tuesday night, when a moßt attractive programme was given. Among the fine musical features was a violin solo by Mr. Fred. Will. The Misses Oliver entertained a few friends last Thursday evening. The young ladies did the honors in a charming man ner, and the affair proved very delightful throughout. The St. Paul lodge of Odd Fellows gave an enjoyable entertainment on Tuesday evening, on which occasion a fine musical programme was given. A supper and fes tivities followed. Mr. Patrick O'Brien, the right bower of the money order department of the post office, was presented last week, by his wife, a pocket edition of humanity. It was a boy cherub and he is a regular daisy. A merry party of sleigh riders called at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nettle ton, of Randolph street, last Thursday evening,. where they enjoyed a most charming evening of social recreation. Arrangements are in progress for the annual ball of the Clayonian club to be given on the evening of Feb. 1. Prof. Will's orchestra has been secured for the occasion and a good time is guaran teed. The Comet club gave a social hop last Friday evening at Armory hall. The pro gramme was well gotten up and the grand march excellent. The affair broke up at 1 o'clock with all parties well satis fied witli the evening's entertainment. The managers of the Y. M. C. A. gave a ne enter.ainnient at the rooms of the as- sociation on Thursday night. Musical se lections were given by Mrs. C. W. Toles, of St. Louis; a recitation by A. L. Bergfield and a reading by Mr. J. M. Lichtenberger. The first annual reunion and social by the Old Volunteer Fire Department asso ciation was held at Sherman hall .on Fri day evening. The veterans were there in goodly numbers and the appointments were simply faultless. Jollity reigned supreme and the affair will long suivive in the memories of the members. Judge Cardoza received a postal yester d ly from Mr. A. S. Elfelt, who is travel; abroad with his family. The postal is dated from Nassau, Bahama .Islands, January 12, and Mr. Elfelt speaks of . the weather as being eighty in the shade, while the flowers and fruit and foliage present a most delightful prospect. Mr. Edward George, now a partner in the law firm of S. L. Pierce, and who was admitted as an honorary member of the Second Minnesota volunteers last Friday, is the son of the gallant Gol. George, and he was present at the famous battle of Mills' Springs, being at that timo a child with his mother, who accompanied the regiment. Among the delightful entertainments announced for the ensuing week is the elo cutionary and musical entertainment to be given at Plymouth church on Tuesday evening the l';2d inst. Select readings will be given by Mrs. Bessie Strong, Worthing ton, the accomplished elocutionist, with musical selections by Misses Hubbell and Codding and Prof. Leib, accompanied by Prof. Titcomb. '/^'l A very pleasant event occurred at Mr. A. Nippolt's carriage works on Sixth street, yesterday evening,being that of presenting John A. Tierney, nis book • keeper, with a valuable office chair, he being obliged to sever his connections with Mr. Nippolt on account of Vie increase of business in his commission house, which claims in the fu ture his entire attention. Our best wishes to both firms. Mr. Thomas Lonergan and bride re turned from the East last Wednesday, and they were joyfully welcomed by a host* of friends and well wishers. The marriage of Mr. Lonergan and Miss. Christiana Grosshaus was celebrated at Lafayette, Ind., on the 27th of last December, the Revs. H. A. Buchetal and Dr. W. Graham officiating. They were united at the resi dence of the bride's parents,where a happy celebration took place. ... Among the charming events of last week was the marriage of Mr. C. Cross, of Min neapolis, and Miss Alice Leonard, a talent ed young lady of this city. It was cele brated at the residence of the bishop last Thursday morning. They were attended by Miss Agnes Leonard,sister of the bride, and Mr. Wilsey. It proved a most delight ful occasion. They were given a royal re ception by their friends in Minneapolis. In perfection of detail, elaborate ar rangements, and elegant appointments, the sixth annual ball of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen to be given at Market hall next Wednesday evening, will eclipse any similar event of the season. The arrangements are on a scale of un equaled magnificence and it is expected that the association will completely eclipse all former efforts. It will be a grand suc cess. ' . Joined in Wedlock. Following is a list of those to whom marriage licenses were issued last week: John Richardson and Mary Lynch, Ed ward Cunningham Katie Quinn, R. H. Danbar and Louisa A. Greenlee, John V. Creighton and Fannie J. Smith, Frank H. Sonden and Ida M. Diner, J. A. Carlson and I. M. Cammarstrand, Joseph Koalska and Johannah Ryan, John Schude and Lena Weidman, Peter Hem and Anna Mildred, Sylvester Kalian and Annie Jani, Chas. W. Cophy and Lucy J. Rmith. Cop Ify-Smith. The society circles of St. Paul were en livened last week by a notable event, being the marriage of Mr. Charles W. Copley, re ceiving teller at the Merchants' National bank, and Miss Lucy, the daughter of Aid. Robert A. Smith, vice president of the Bank of Minnesota. The ceremony was performed at St. Mary's church last Thurs day morning by Rev. Father Calliet, and although no cards had been issued a large number of friends were present. After congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Copley left on the noon train fora bridal tour South. A Double Wedding. One of the most notable events in social circles last week, was the double wedding of Mr. Thomas Berrisf ord, one of our lead ing wholesale men, and Miss Lizzie, the highly esteemed and talented daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. H.McManus of Wabashaw street, and Mr. J. Berrisford and Miss M. Degan, which took place Monday morning at 9 o'clock. Rev. Father Riley officiating. The cathedral was filled with the friends of the contracting parties, and at the time appointed the bridal party, assisted by Miss Sallie McManus and Mr. A. D. Mc- Leod, and Mr. J. Derlin and Miss Shay, en tered to the strains of Lohengrin's wed ding chorus, and departed to the music of Mendelssohn's wedding march. After the nuptial mass they repaired tothe residence of the bride's parents, where they were served with van elegant wedding breakfast. In the after noon, a reception, followed by a wedding dinner, took place at Mr. Berri3ford's resi dence on Pleasant avenue, A continual concourse of friends called upon the happy couples, offering their congratulations and well wishes. The bridesmaids were ele gantly attired in costumes of dark silk, trimmed with Spanish lace. Miss Lizzie McManus was attired in an elaborate costume of dregs of wine gros grain, trimmed with white Spanish lace; Miss Degan also wore a handsome suit of watered silk. The presents were many and costly, among which the following may be mentioned: To Mrs. Berrisford, a magnificent gold chain, from the father of the bride and a gold watch from the groom a pair of elegant ear drops from Miss Sallie McManus; pair of vases, from J. McLellan; two elegant oil paintings, from Messrs. McCarthy & Donnelly; silver cake basket, from Mrs. T. Preston; white shawl, from the Misses Ruddy; set of silver spoons, from Mr. and Mrs. Duncan; silver napkin rings, from Mr. and Mrs. John Duggan; silver fruit dish, from Mr. and Mrs. Emil Giest; silver pic kle dish, from Misses Mary and Maggie McManus; elegant silver butter dish, from Mr. M. J. McCann, of Minneapolis; $100 from Mr. E. Berrisford to bride ant! a magnificent gold watch to the groom ; a superb silver fruit stand from the em ployes; pair of rases, Mrs. J. Cunniff; sil ver jewel case, from A. D. McLeod; silver napkin rings, from Mr. and Mrs. John Donnelly; vase, Miss Maggie Cor coran; cake basket, Mr?.' J. Berrisford; counterpane, from Mrs. P. Gillon; Bible, from Mr. andjilrs. P. Butler; get of pictures from Mr. and Mrs. John Kerman; case of silver knives and fork* from Mr. John Berrisf ord; silver card re ceiver from Miss Katie McDonald; silver service from Mr. and Mrs. D&vid Koden of St. Louis; dressing case from Mr. M. J. Laughlin of Chicago: plush bound album from Charles Roden of St. Louis: diamond pin from Mr?. C. H. Carpenter of Si. Louis: lace fichu from Miss Rose MeManus. Mr. and Mrs. T. Berrisford left on tHe even ing train for an extended tour through Milwaukee, Chicago, St. Louis, and New Orleans. CLOTHIERS A. B C As simple as A. B. O, A line is drawn across the black figures, or original price, and the new price is in Red figures, showing a reduction of from 20 to 50 per cent. This is a great oppor tunity to buy really substantial Suits and Over coats at about half their value. Twenty-Third Semi-Annual Boston le PWloiii Honse, Comer Third and Robert Street 3, St Paul, Minn. RAILE,OAD_ NOTES. There was really but little change yes terday in the railroad situation, with ref erence to the severe storms, which, start ing on Wednesday last, swtpt over the whole Northwest and also embraced within its scope, Kansas, Nebraska, and lowa. We have had snow storms that have de layed trains and blocked up the roads for many weeks together but never have we had so severe a storm as the present. The intense oold which extends over broad belts of terri tory has driven the mercury down to 40 degress below zero. This extreme cold does not mark an isolated instance or lo cation, but spreads over a broad territory. At Brainerd, Crookston, Grand Forks and Larimore, the mercury dropped to 40 be below, and 35 below was the warmest spot that could be foand any where in the re gion referred to. Of course, with this de gree of cold to contend with, it is much more difficult to handle the trains and clear the tracks of snow. All the roads leading to the west and northwest were at work sending out supply and work trains, snow plows and all the usual materials for clearing the tracks and aiding in the work of putting the trains through. . The Albert Lsa route was in substan tially the same situation yesterday that it was on Thursday. The Minneapolis & St. Louis road is free from obstruction but on the Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern the same trouble exists that stopped travel on Thursday. There was a good deal of snow and the wind was blow ing furiously, carrying it upon the track pretty . nearly as fast as it could be re moved. The managers of the road think they will be able to bring the trains through on time after to-dty. The bulletin board at the union depot yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clack contained the following: The Northern Pacific train due here at 7:40 a. m. abandoned. The St. Paul & Manitoba train due here at 7:30 a. m. abandoned. The train due at 8:30 a. m. will be in about 6 o'clock. Chicago, St. Paul & Omaha—No. 2 train due here at 11:55 a. m. abandoned. No. 1 train due at 2:25, three hours late. Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul—No. 3 train three hours late. There will be no train on the lowa & Minnesota division to day. The Owatonna 4:30 train will proba bly leave on time. This is the record as stated to the public by the bulletin board. On the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road there was trou ble. The river division was not interrupt ed though the trains were somewhat de layed. The wheeling is reported to be un usually heavy aad the engir»e3 have very •bard work to pull the trains through. The lowa & Minnesota division is wholly block aded and no trains are running on it. The 8:10 train started out at 10:30 to make an effort to get down some distance, but it was not very successful. The Flying Dutchman has been wholly aband oned between La Crosse and Minneapolis. Passengers for Dubuque and down that way will have to take the 12:45 p. m. train, and lay over at La Crosse and take the Dutchman at that point. -■'*):'■ The Hastings & Dakota road is wholly closed and there is no telling when it will be opened again. A train was started out on it yesterday morning, but at noon yes terday it was not known how for she got. All the available force is at work to open the road, but the task is a heavy one. The St. Paul & Manitoba road has made a good fight and trains were all coming all right. Both Breckenridge and Winnipea trains left yesterday morning on time, and were making running time. Last night the trains started out on time. No part of the road is now ob obstructed and all freight as well as pas senger trains are running the same as usual. , The weather all along the road is vary cold but quiet and calm. The Chicago, St. Paul, & Omaha road experienced a good deal of interruption on its western division. At 7:10 a. m. the St. James train got in. The through train due at noon yesterday did not arrive till 2 o'clock this morning. A passenger train left in the morning, and one in the afternoon and ~at last • accounts they were going along through without serious difficulty. The weather along the western division of this road is quiet and still, but very cold, the mercury running from 10 to 25 below zero every where. The cold belt seems to be as wide on this road as it is in the northwest, though the degree of cold is not quite so intense. Generally speaking the track can be kept clear, though the winds pile the snow back upon the rails. The snow is from eighteen to twenty inches ' deep all along the line, through the woods and ev erywhere else. No one remembers seeing the snow so deep on a dead level as it now is. The snow has been coming in little quantities day by day, and up to Wednesday, had remained quiet on the ground. On Wednesday, however, the winds came and lifted the newly fallen snow onto the track in huge drifts. The managers of the road hope to have it open and ready for use in a regular way to-day. I The cold on the Northern Pacific is rep- 1 resented to be very severe. At Fargo the I mercury shows 40 below, Jamestown 40 I below, Dickinson 30 below, Forayth 8 I below, Glendive 28 below, Miles City 18 I below, and at Billings 14 below. , At For- I a great storm of wind was raging, I At Glendive and Miles City a light snow I was falling. The train that left St. Paul I Friday night reached Fargo yesterday sev eral hoars late, and the train that should lavo arrived here Friday morning did not get in till last evening. No train was started out yesterday morning, for the reason that the passengers had all gone away from the depot.. The Dakota divis ion opened to regular travel to-day unless the wind should rise a^ain and sweep the snow upon the track. It is expected that after to-day trains will ran regularly on this road. Messrs. Merrill, Meyers, Clarke and Bird, of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul road, arrived in St. Paul yesterday and' left for the East in the evening. • Mr. Barnes, the general passenger agent of the Northern Pacific road, returned yes terday from Fargo. Grieg's Glycerine Salve The best on earth can truly be said of Griggs' Glycerine Salve, which is a sure care for cuts, bruises, scalds, burns, wounds, and all other sores. Will positively cure piles, tetter and all ' skin eruptions. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Only twenty-fira cents. For sale by P. J. Dreis, corner Ninth and St. Peter-' treet9. ALFRED VJRENNE. He Died of Paralysis of the Heart -A Scion, of Nobility—Concealed Treasures. A post mortem examination was made by Drs. Markoe and Aucker yesterday on. the remains of Mr. Alfred Varenne, an ac count of whose sudden death appeared in yesterday's issue of the Globe. As a result of the examination the physicians found that the deceased had come to his death from paralysis of the heart. The remains are at McCarthy & Donnelly's undertaking establishment and the funeral will take place to-day, the arrangements being in. charge of Messrs. Sablgaard and Willius, two old friends of the deceased. From a conversation with several friends of the deceased yesterday,, the reporter learned that the deceased was a descendant of a noble family, and that informer years he had borne a ducal name. It is also stated on good authority, that bis sister is the present queen of Sweden. Yesterday the friends of the deceased, examined the contents of the room in Masonic or McQuillan's block, which he has occupied for years. In this room were a cot bedstead, two or three chairs, a ward robe and a couple of old trunks. The floor was uncarpeted and the apart ment presented a mean and vacant ap pearance. In one of the trunks, however, the investigators ran across a mine of wealth. The trunk was old and dilapida ted and when new, did not cost over $5 or $6- In this ancient receptacle was found a quantity of old papers begrimtned with mildew and the rust of yea; Concealed at the bottom of the trunk was discovered a common metal boy, and on opening this a rich hoard of wealth was revealed. There was discovered a large sum of mon ey, cjin, notes,bond3 and negotiable paper footing up in the neighborhood of $3,000 or (10,000. These were taken in charge by Messrs. Willing and Sahlgaard iinJ will be turned in with the effects of the estate. __^ THE LATH J. C. IiAJISEY. A Proposition to Appropriately Honor .« His Memory. T™ he Editor of ths Globe. « It is an old adage that "blood is thicker than water," and as a general rale, this adage is strongly exemplified by our wealthy fellow citizens in the distribution of their fortunes by their last wills. The exceptions to thi3 rule are indeed rare. And there has not been, perhaps in the Union, so rare an exception to this rule as in the case of our late fellow townsman Justus C. Ramsey who, having lived an unmarried life himself, yet made tho motherless and fatherless children of others — who indeed are, of all unfortunate | beings —the most in need of kind friends, equal heirs to hi* estate with his blood relations; by his munificent bequests, to the Cs ''.iolic and Protestant Orphan asylums of this city, each asylum sharing equally with the oth er heirs. * It has occurred to me that a life sized statue of the testator, surrounded by those of a group of little children with smiling faces, placed in Rice park,dedicat~ ed to "the beautiful and the good," would not be an inappropriate recognition by our citizens of this noble, disinterested ; and philanthropic act. And, at no distant day, that an organization, to exist perpetu ally, should be put in operation by the clergy of all denominations of our city, with the co-operation of such ladies as Mrs. Charlotte Van Cleve, Mrs. Emily Huntington Miller, Mrs. John S. Prince,. Mrs. Worthington, Mrs. P. H. Kelly, Mrs. Wm. P. Murray and Mrs. Edmund Rice, with others whose names are well known for their philanthropic and Chris tian work, that could be named, for the purpose of procuring such a statue as I have referred to, and providing for its. care, and to arrange for the annual com- • memoration of the birthday of the de ceased, the 13th day of June. It is the month of flowers, and the children of our city would readily understand the pur pose of the observance, and it would be an affectionate and joyful duty for them to participate in such memorial service annually, the memory of him who was the orphan's friend. Such a monument as I have referred to, appropriately designed, placed in our beautiful little park, would be dearly cher ished by all classes of our people, and though silent, would be potent in its influ ences for good. The writer has learned from good au thority that Mr. Ramsey conferred with Dr. David Day, at the time, in regard to making this bequest, and would it not be a suitable move for the doctcr to publicly intimate his willingness to meet the par ies above named and other?, say at the city council chamber, at an early day for the purpose of action in da matter? Ke spectfully, ' S:H. Woor>.