Newspaper Page Text
VOL.VL JkrJt d±sM bLbMs cMa cShitfSa • ■ . The Grim Spectse Sweeping in His Ghastly Work Over Land and Sea. LOSS OF THE STEAMER CIMBRIA. The Ship Goes Down With Nearly Four Hundred Souls on Board. FEW DETAILS OF THE CALAMITY. A Full List of Those Saved am! a Long Catalogue of the Lost. MOST OF THE LATTER EMIGRANTS. Further Particulars of the Frightful Leap of the Southern Pacific Train. TWENTY ONE PASSENGERS BURNED , ■'■■■' Eleven of the Number Charred Beyond Possible Recognition. EXPLOSION OF GIANT POWDER. Forty or Fifty Chinamen Blown to Atoms Near San Francisco. OTHER SEVERE CASUALTIES. Fires at Faribanlt, Minn.,l Nashville' 111., Fond till Lac, >Vis., and Elsewhere. London, Jan. 21., 4:30 p. m.—Details of the Cimbria disaster show that the loss of lifo must have been fearful; A dispatch from Hamburg sent by the Hamburg- Ac: a -loan steamship company says so far fifty-six persons from the Cimbria have been landed. A number of them are at Meser light house. The names of these are not yet ascertained. The Cimbria left Hamburg Thursday with oSO passengers and a crew number ing 110. She rau aground before leaving the Elbe, but got off with flood tide with the assistance of the Hansa without dam age, and she put to ssaat2:3o in the after noon. Friday morning she CAME INTO COLLISION during a thick fog • 3. Borkum, with the steamer Sultan. The Cimbria sank in a short time. When a boat with thirty-nine passengers arrived, the company sent out the steamer Hansa, and four of the largest available steamers at Coxhaven, to search for the other boats of the Cimbria. The West India steamer Bavaria also left dur ing the night, with a similar object. The steamer Sultan, which suffered heavily in the collision, has arrived in the Elbe. THE SAVED. A dispatch from Hamburg gives the fol lowing named passengers as among the saved: W. Torremann, P. Confolier, B. Lorfs, Gessom W. Allendorf, G. Hamel, W. Damelwig, R. Hanowitz, Fel Schoul, R. Penfenkopen and wife, L. Reicher, L. Schutt, —. Burgeuss, Colin Cohrts. The above names are sent as received from Hamburg. Several of them are not cle^r. The following named members of the crew are saved : Second officer -^ruth, third officer Hoyden, fourth officer Voss, second engineer Kopmann, assistant engi neers Saverby and Oberhoide, first stew ard Harchet, quartermasters Klath, Wule fken and Sanheizer, Engel, rank not sta ted, Frank, between deck stewards Thu ron and Anderson, seamen Vierse, Alexan derson, Johacsen, Moyrin, Jlenchow, Jent zen and a boy named Reen. HAMcuuG.Jan. 21.-The Cimbria sustained such severe injuries in the collision it at ■once- became apparent she must sink al most immediately. The officers, therefore, did all in their power to save lives without a moments time being lost. Life belts were distributed among the passenger?, and an order given to lower tho boats. This, however, in consequence of the vessel sheeting over on her side, was found to be very difficult on one side, and absolutely impossible on the other. As the second officer was still engaged in cutting the spars loose, so that there should be as much drift-wood as possible for the people to cling to, when the inevitable foundering should occur, the vessel WENT DOWN t;NDEE J||feET. He seized a spar, but, aKever* other persons clung to it, was obliged to let go, and he swam to a boat. This boat was subsequently picked up by the Thetta. The second officer steered the Thetta to Coxhaven. Seventeen other persons have been saved by the steamer Diamont from Meser light-house, making fifty-six thus far known to be rescued. } £. A SUBVIVOB j%j3 makes the following statement: The weather was clear up to 1:15 o'clock, but a fog then set in which continued and increased in density. The engines d¥ the Cimbria were kept at full speed until 1:30, then at half speed until 2, after which they were kept at slow speed. About 2:10 o'clock the whistle of another steamer was heard, and the en gines of the Cimbria were stopped in stantly. The Sultan's green light was, ow ing to the flag, not observed until she was only 150 feet off from the Cimbria. The latter was struck abaft the first bulkhead on Daily jf>*fffft^gi^ JhGr w&L £51 JSaL £rw - K -$L Km the port side, and she reeled over to the stnrbour J and speedily sank. Tho Thetta picked up one of the Cimbrirt's boats at 2 o'clock on Saturday afternoon, and arrived at Coxhaven about (>. A reporter boarded the Sultan, but both the captain and crew aosolutely BBFUSKD TO GIVE HIM AXY. DfFOBMATION. The captain 11ns made a statement before ho i'riirjsh consul, but this is inaccessible. The Sultan has a large hole in her bow, seven feet above the water-line. The fol lowing named passengers are saved: ! Alfred Veight, William Eunnerman, Peter Complocs, Buenaventura Lorenz, Albert Alleiidorf and sister, Joseph Curtis?, Gustav Hammel, Martin Namelin tchek, a girl named Jannovitz, Huld Scmidt, R. Pferfenkoff and wife, Leon Reiche, Robert Schutt and Collin Bourges. THE MISSING. The Hamburg-American compw.y gives the following list of the missing, prefac ing the list with the remarks that some of these will probably still be foand: M;iritz Strauss, Loo Hnbcrmann, Arthur Batchd, Paul Wegcrt, Rudolph Poll, Edward (irupin, Alfred Hoclilucnslen, Jean Licknitz, Franz Philipsborn, Leopold Heyn, Johanne Bchulberth, George Demmer, Anyusta Rummer, Cathinke liommer, Aarry Mendto, Oscar Edge, Otto Scharmer, August Briese, Wil helmine, Briese, Emielila Lallmann, Carl Stropscheim, Herman Hertz, Mary Wordmann, C'iiri.otine Wordinann, Johann Gaske, Paulir.e S.-huett, Albert Sclmett, Mathilde Schnett, Bartholomeas Maxheinsky, Mary Maxueinsky, Micliael Maxheinsky, Emil Hass, Carl Brier, Anna Kases, Jos. Kanes, Michael Kases, Stefan Kases, Hanna Kases, Augustin Kiensler, Carl IStrunk,Catherine Petronya, Petronya, Petronya, John Steinberg,Emma Steinberg, Anna Steinberg, Augusta Steinberg, Alma Bring, Eucharias Wooer, Caroline SU'iulen, Hermann Zinglemann, Fritz Luedemann, Mathilde Weisner, Carl Meis ner, Louise llainmin, Clara Rammiii, Mary Bee elbeck, Conrad Metzger, Ernst Horn, Wilhel liiina Morne, Johanna Ruidoth, Carl Kumoth, Anna Humoth, Helena Ru moth, Marianne iSclnimhate, Louise Christoller- i sen, Hans Chrifitofferseo, Jacob Thoma, Feerd Schuster, Rosalia^ (iachnska, Jac.ib (iadinska, Agnew (-fadmska, August Melzer, Mauo Sowen dousk, C Coamer, Christian Jimmcrnian, I.lata Meyer, Sophie Melzian, Gustav Mclzian, Itena Meiziaii, Fredorika Melzian, Bertlia Moizhtn, Martha Melzian, Henrietta Scharnitzkc, Albert Scharnitzke, Jos. Hanby, Cleiri Chanowita, Anna Rebka, Maria Bebka, Marie Onafrey, Christian Kurtf-, Hermann Ailameit, Heinrioh Jofaans, Aguste Schukenbocli< irnra, Carl Sarcander, ( lara Sarcandur, Anna Hennig, Ages Kobsien, Otto Robsien, Anna Robsien, Bernard Bemann, Mar cus Gross, Carl Kisschhaum, Josefa Krubi, Josefa Medisea, Josef Hurics, Josef Pance, Maria Pance, Franz I'ance, Josefa I'ance, Marie Placek, Josef Heyna, Abram Schmuls, Claje Schmuls, Marie Zeronan, Daria Kiumelsch, Adolf Schmidt, Louisa Schmidt, Uuinbold Heuckert, Wilhelm Kraut, Carl Bohencke, Aler and< r Bohraf, Clans Still, John Huckfoldt, Eer mine Welge, Hermann Eger, Johanna Sut-.voski, Martin Selglen, Amlreas Levinsky, Michael Schaeletski, Carl Lehin;ui, Michael -Hzilinsky, Marie Mazerezack, Julia Mazorezack, Johann Kleinowski, Mioharne Kleinowski, Fasica Klein owski, Chri6tia Tribiun, Marie Pforgzick, Fran cos Pforgzick Josef fios-.'nbuth, Christine Frieborg, Cheie Seinmann, John Zelig, Moses Jossel, Led Liebe, Sinenmann, Feige, Barteletein Reisel, Alsael Wolf, Sorra Bartal stein Salki Lang, Berliue Schmidt, Mitt el Gosterank, Feige Bastermak, Petor Dancik, Andrys Louris, Constantino Dclvi, Andreas Kinetony, Anna Janos Kinetony, Josef Lipos, Marie Lipk, Anna Oplot, Johann Lanitzk, Jo hanu Berktisi, Andreas Kinez, Joseph Waleaeik, Sophia Walencik, Junket Elemsk, Abram Jes enitzk, Augustus Krusse, Abel Selmoor, Ed ward Pougrrtz, Albert Pongratz, Johann Pongratz, Martha Pongratz, Bertha Pongratz, Hans Pongrantz, Johann Juendal, Clara Arl muth, Ida Michael, Ludwid Schumacher, Ernest Fieletz, Anna Rossow, Moritz Richter, Michael Jahnke, Rosalie Jahnke, Friedorich Leohne, Wilhelmiut Becker, Gustar Dulitz, Wilhelm Pfeiffer, Max Marquardt, Auguste Wordthe, Adolph Burke, August Ohm, Herman Schrieber, August Busse, Ernst Kamedski, Johannes Mueller, Robert Schwertfeger, Gustay Gostfsky, August Vogt, Paul Bartsch, Catharine Hoehl, Gaorge Diegel, Ludwig Deigel, George Ruhele, Lydia Schwinglmmmer, G. Mickel, Barbara Heid Salomea Heid, Oswald Nauman, Julia Walff, Gustav Martin, Johnnes Schaeffer, Julius Kalile, Robert Werber, Ernest Muenzer, Peter Eichardt, Olile Paulsen. Anne Johansen, Jurgen Johansen, Elizabeth Puckornik, Johann Puck ornik, Moria Janowitz, Carl Kruger, Aug. Wind land, Friederich Lemcke, Clara Brunn, Wilhelm Lehmann, Friederka Zethe, Anne Ruhtz, George Roots, Florentine Ruhtz, Bnna Ruhtz, Richard Ruhtz, Fritz Ruhtz, <!..;• Weege, Bertha Weege, Alfred Yv'eege, Mathilde Retmann, Stanislama Pieneroselia Ju lius Bergholz, August Sommerfield, Adolph Ldnde, Johann Neumann, Janos Stryook, Chnye Hulmie, Fedor Lukack, Petro Kurila, Gwitra Bnimann, Lukas Barasko, Jacob Pencak, Janos Walko, Janos Lanko, Joseph Waitko Janos Mino, Mitral Rodany, Janor Michalko, i..: Fatal, Alexander Neuwirth, Anna Zemanik, Jura Bemereka, Jcsof Kortkc, Mithael Todt, >. .!;>iio Saike, Nanos Todt, Fauos . Franz Sonnefeld, Franz Gosch. Franz Prinsba, Johanna Sziirack, Adel Bencik, Staislams Bencik, Hermann Schmidt, Heinrich Ruder George Wellhafer, Andreas HeLßohmann, Johann Hannsler, Johann . Carl Dorwager, Alois Apotsch, Wilhelm Bnrth, Carl Uurlh, Jacob Weetzel, Moritz . Jonas Anarzek, Andreas Mohnar, Husar Dyrkzy, Georg Wargar, Krowicli Gajosz, Tyrlik l)yra;, Janos Kosti, Baswoda Siman, Josef Bauianic-h. Maria Baulanich, Wilhelm Krum kark, Valentia Siltzer, Maria Mausalak, Jurpen Raven, Simon Bande, Theodore Krenza, Johanna Krenza, Ad_>lf Lubermann, Anna Lub erinann, Minna Luberman, Emma Lubermann, Bernhard Alberstein, Jens Peterson, Pauline Roatz, J. Pfitzner, Gustav Foesig, Albert Bring, Peter Walewiez, Helene Wale wiez, Sun Milewsky, Call Hagenbrasch, Edward Scheller, Marie Scheller,Martin Scheller, Ckristine Scheller, Karl Sohn, Leon Reicher, Froma Zacherski, Dynla Zaeherski, Janos Sobek, Dyrk Bocholz, Bastl Handowski, Janos Haslin* ki. Janos Dobasactzak, Melhma Miketama, Jonas Mocaka, Janos Radak, Kuzmier Ersza, Janos Wirtke, Dyrg Pop, Michael Anska, MDial Gudrowis, Janos .Kadancid, Pal Jacob, Mihal Wily, Jano Jacob, Andres Caklns, Mihal , Janic, Berlin Stopek, Carl Dittmar, Gustav Boeck, Franz Hugo, Nicoloue Katelsen, Withe lon Lange. Abram Koppel, Lewin Puzedicz, Her mann Lohiemar.n, Remold Schulz, Isoak Fried, Naknm Fried. Berel Fried, Red Jacket, Little Cheyenne, Crow Fant, Black Bird, Chippewa Sunshine. The last nasoed five are apparently American Indians. TEE FIBST CABIN PASSENGEBS are: Tunnermam, of Leipsic; Moritz j Strauss, Darmstadt; La Hobermam, Vienna: Arthur Batche, Schoningeledt; Peter Pormploser, Vienna; Alfred Voight, Hamburg. Second Cabin Passengers — Paul V»'igert, Logenau; Rudolpli Poll, i Brunswick; • Lorenz, Frankfort: Edward Greeping, Berlin; Alferd Hochhus ler, Polsnitz; Alpheudorf, London, Emilie Alphuedorf, London; Liebnitz, Berlin; Philipsbourn, Berlin; Heyna, Hamburg; Johanna Schubert. Hamburg: George Rom- j mer, Biberach;KatinkaSommer, Biberach; Joseph Curtis or Cwits, Flint, Mich; Mary Wendt, Hanover: Oscar Edde, New York. Bbe-mebhates, Jan. 21.—Sixteen be tween-deck passengers of the Cimbria landed here. Their names are as follows: Samliver, of Parjs: Beck, of Pottsdam; Eirskanm, of Nurnberg; Pabursky, of | Tibwalde; Fosing, of Barmen; Vigert, of Saginaw; Ganske, of Postumnowa; Schruber. of Bernau; Bruig, of Schaltdorf; Kurtha. of Szakal; Danzy Smoltzky, of j Saums; Lasum Kaitzel, of Oberammeigean; ST. PAUL, MONDAY MORJSTING, JANUARY 22, 1883. Nickel, of Ulm; Schmidt, of Altona; Bliska, of Tobavy; Joes Heuebbat, of Hizer. THE NUMBEU ON BOARD. New Yobk, Jan. 21. —Kunhardt & Co., general agents of the Hamburg-American company, received the following cable message from the office of the company at Hamburg: "Tho Cimbria had 2J passcn i gers, 3G2 steerage and U2 crew. So far '.'■'J persons have been landed at Coxhaven and 10 at Meser light house. The names of the latter are not yet ascertained. We are preparing a list of those saved and those missing, which we will cable to the ; associated press. Among the passengers positively saved are Alfred Voyt, William Tuunerman, Peter Comptears, Aventura Lorenzi, Albert Altendorp and sister, Jop. Curt?, Gustav Hamel, Maritz Ffeifenkopf and wife." London, Jan. 21. —The Hamburg-Amer ican company hnve been very prompt to afford information regarding the Cimbria disaster. Besides the thirty-nine survivors at Cuchaven, and the seventeen at Wezer light house, another vessel landed eleven, but the names of these are not yet ascer tained. The number of lives lost is es timated at fully 300 passengers, mostly emigrants from East Prussia. Among them were six American Indians, who have been on exhibition in Berlin some time. The fate of the remainder of the passen- j gers and crew of the Cimbria is not yet J ascertained. The Chippewa Indians would have left by the earlier steamer but for the illness of one of their party, which delayed their embarkation. ) NO NEWS. Hambubg, Jan. 21, 10:50 Evening—No reports are yet received from the six steamers sent in search of the missing boats of the Cimbria. fire at faribault. 1 Special Telegram to the Globe. ] Fabibault, Minn., Jan. 21. —A fire broke out in Mrs. W. H. Dike's millinery estab lishment at 10:15 o'clock last night and destroyed it and the building adjoining south, occupied by C. P. Pike, merchant tailor, and the building on the north, owned and occupied by Philip Johnson, druggist, who occupied the second story as his residence. The fire seems to have caught from a stove in the front room of Mrs. Dike's. She built a fire in the even ing and locked up, with the in tention of going to the Catholic fair in Killo's hall, when she met the major, just returned from St. Paul, and together they drove home. When the fire was discovered it was bursting out through the rear end of the building. The fire department was promptly on hand, and saved the restaurant on the south and the Ogden house on the east. Mrs. Dike's building caught fire from the stove pipe last Thursday afternoon, but was prompt ly extinguished. The total loss will not exceed §1,500. Johnson's loss on building and stock is about $8,000: insurance, §5,500; with AVeinmann. Mrs. Dike has §1,500 insurance in Weston & Jewett's agency, and Pike $1,000 in the game agency. The building occupied by Pike was owned by P. Lieb and M. Ma loney of Shieldeville the one occupied by Mrs. Dike. When the alarm was given the Catholic fair in Killo's hall was in active operation. Standing room was at a pre mium, and the galleries were nearly full. The front doors were burst open, and the cold air rushed in, conveying the impres sion that the hall was on fire. A stampede for the door commenced. Men from the gallery jumped down into the surging crowd, and but for the coolness and pres ence of mind cf a few gentlemen near the door and Father O'Gorman,another terrible catastro phe wouli have been added to the long list of narrow, insufficient stairway tragedies. The night was terribly cold, 84 below zero, and the firemen manfully held their posi tion tillthe flames were conquered,but many frozen ears, noses and fingers were counted this morning. The fair will continue Mon day on account of the fire. George Dick erson, of the Ogden house, kept open house and table for the fire laddies, and they won't forget him. The Southern Pacific Horror. San Fbancisco, Jan. 21. —A dispatch from Tehachahz confirms the death of Mrs. Downy, and says ex-Gov. Downy is badly hurt .but will recover. But few passengers left here on the train. A num ber got on at way stations, but as the list is not made up until JSojove is reached, a full list cannot be made except by personal in quiry. Los Angeles, Jan. 21.—1t is now ascer tained that at the time the train broke losse and ran down the grade, the air brakes had been taken off and the men who tended the hand brake 3 were away from their posts, one attending the switching engine, the other relighting his extinguished lamp. The train gathered headway quickly, and was soon dash ing down the grade at the rate of a mile a minute. At a sharp curve of the road the coach and smoker which were ahead broke the coupling, and separated from the rest of the train, making the turn safely. The sleepers, mail, express and baggage cars were dashed against the high bank, then thrown back and rolled down the enbankment. The lamps and stoves at once pet fire to the wreck, which was instantly in a blaze. Harry Connors, the news agent, sleeping in the baggage car. w.s awakened by the j movement of the cars, and aroused James Woodhull, baggage master, just as the cars made the jump. The roof of the cars split open, throwing both men out, severe ly bruised Connor?, while lying on the ground unable to render any assistance, ; saw the train enveloped in flames and heard the shrieks of the dying victims and saw teem vainly endeav oring to struggle from the burning ruins. Porter Ashe and wife occupied alone the j drawing room of one of the sleepers. | Awakened by the crash, they succeeded in gettiag out without injury, but of sixteen other occupants of the car. not one i 3 be lieved to have escaped. Meantime the oc cupants of the coaoh v.hich kept on the down grade succeeded in stop ping it, sav ing the live 3of some forty occupants of that and the smcking car. Thav immedi ately walked back to the. »cene of the accident, but found only the j smouldering remains of the train and a few who had escaped with their lives ly ing bruised and bleeding in the darkness, shivering in the piercing cold night air, or rendering assistance to each other. Relief soon arrived from Tehachapi, four miles distant, and ns soon as possible medical attendance was sent from Sum ner and Bakersfield, and subsequent ly from Los Angeles. The search for the dead soon showed that twenty-one persons had perished. (Eleven were beyond all recognition—only head less bodies and charred limbs wore found. Of the body of Mrs. Downey only the head and bust remained, and was recognized by the jewelry. All the bodies and the frag ments were gathered up and coffined, the wounded removed to the baggage car, and on the arrival of the relief train from Los Angelos were sent to that city. Of the dead colored porter Wright was crushed; express mes senger Charle3 Piersoa had his head shat r-'i-ed; five were burnt but recognizable, viz: Miss Mamie E. Squires, Mrs. H. H. Oliver, Mrs. Downey, M. Wethered and Mrs.^Jas. Casbell. Two men, unknown, but supposed to be discharged soldiers, were found dead but not burned. One body of a large man, badly charred, is sup posed to be the remains of Col onel Charles H. Larrabee, ex-congressman from Wisconsin. Gov. Downey says Larra- I bee was on the train, and he is missing since the accident. The remaining eleven are still unidentified. The list of wound j ed is not changed from previous reports. ! An inquest is in progress, but no news is ! yet received from it. No one bnt railroad and county officials are admitted. San Fbahcisoo, Jan. 21. —No news is yet received of the coroner's inquest into the cause of the railroad disaster. Rumors are afloat of finding more bodies, but nothing definite. The remains supposed to be Mrs. Downey, on examinaton to-day proved to be those of some other person. The bodies of Chas. K. Pierson, express messenger, Mrs. M. E. Squires and Law rence, sleeping car porter, were sent to Oakland, and that of C. H. Larrabee to San Francisco by express this evening. Jas. R. Dwyer, of Dwyer'a kaife, and Rob ertson, of San Francisco, supposed to be on the wrecked train, arrived here Friday safe. Porter exhibited a great deal of cool heroism at the burning of the cars. After drawing his wife and her maid through the window of the sleeper, he rescued ex- Gov. Downey from between bioken timbers, saving his life. Tee Call will to-morrow publish an in terview with Howard Tilton, of Yale, Brit ish Columbia, freight agent of the Cana dian Pacific Railroad company, who was on board the Southern Pacific train at the time of the disaster. He sayf: I was asleep in the lower berth when the acci dent occurred, and was awakened by the terrible speed and rocking of the car. I threw up the curtain and looked out of the window. The train was passing down grade with frighthful rapidity,at the rate, propably, of seventy miles an hour. I realized that a disaster was imninent,and laid down again to await the inevitable with a feeling a man must experience when he is standing on thalscaffold in expecta tion of the fall of the trap. It seemed but an instant, when! the crash came and I was hurled fromjvt)^ berth. I was sleeping on the left side of the car, which fell npon the right side, and I was covered to my waist with mattresses, wood-work and debris, but found no difficulty in free ing myself. Smoke passed through the car, giving timely token of impending peril. To the right and in my rear I saw Mr. and Mrs. Porter. She was perfectly free, but Miss Peterson, the maid, was buried under about six feet of debris, on top of which was the water cooler and wash basin, Mrs. Ashe endeav oring to extricate her, and I assisted in clearing away the rubbish. We soon suc ceeded in pulling her out. They were the only persons in sight. I pushed up the window on what was then the top of the car and found them to work perfectly, not a pane being crushed. I crawled through, drew Miss Peterson out and Mrs. Ashe followed. I asked Porter Ashe to throw out some blankets, which he did, and then crawled through himself. Mr. Asho, Miss Peterson and my self had only our underclothing on, but Mrs. Ashe wore a seal skin sack. The cold was intense, and we shiv ered even though wrapped in blankets. Deep stillness followed the crash, and we heard only one scream while we were in the car. As I emerged f ron the car I saw Mr. Hatch and his mother climbing out another window. I rau along and found we could reach the groiwd by means of the platform. I lowered Miss Peterson, Mr. and Mrs. Ashe leaping to the ground, ffhe upper part of the car was in flames by this time. Passing along by the sleeper I saw the legs of a man protruding from the car. Ho was piteously calling for help, but cool and thoroughly conscious of his position. I succeeded in partially extricating him, when a train man came to my assistance, and we saved him from a horrible death. He proved to be John F. Cassell, of San Francisco, and was the last person taken from the ruins alive. All human efforts were of no further avail, as the sleeper was in a sheet of flames. We left the spot and limped down to the bottom of the ravine, some fifty feet below, where had p#y collected ex-Gov. Downey, Mr. Cassell, Mr. and Mrs. . Ashe, Miss Peterson, Capt. Walterhouse and daugh ter, and a few persons scattered about us shivering in the blast. Among the rocks on the steep side of the^leeper lay Wright, the porter, wounded to death, and begging bitterly for help. At the time there were some big, strong men fully dressed parad ing up and down, who were appealed to for aid by the injured, but who took no notice whatever of the cries of the suffering. I attempted to assist Wright.who was dying, but being worn out couid do but little. A brakeman named McKenzie did all in his power for us. A locomotive from Tehacha hi soon came to our relief and conveyed U3 to the station, where we arrived two hours after the accident occurred. There we were kindly cared for by the railroad officials and others, medical help rendered and everything done to relieve our necessicies. The locomotive then returned to the scene and brought to the station the injured passengers. Miss Squires, who was killed, occupied a berth opposite mine. In front of the berth of Miss Squires, Mr. Oliver, county clerk of Lake county, was sleeeping. He was burned to death. His wife was not with him. The next berth contained Mr. and Mrs. Cassell. He escaped, but she was killed. A physician whose name is unknown occupied the next berth He was burned to death and the re mains could not be identified. All on my side of |the car, except Mrs. Downey were saved. Porter Ashe and maid oc cupied the drawing room car. In the din ing sleeping car were a lady and her daughter whom I believe were Mrs. and Miss Brown. Capt. Watterhouse, wife and (KlnbE. two children were al3o iv this car. Oniy n few persons in the dining car escaped, and they were more or less injured. One of the tramps who was killed jumped from the train while it was moving at iightning speed, and the other was crushed horribly in the wreck. J. W. Chase and Capt. T. H. Thatcher, who are reported among the injured, escaped un hurt. Both were on the coach which kept the track. Ido not know the cause of the accident, and can give no reason for it. The engineer and fireman of the Hill loco motive deserve great credit for their un tiring efforts in assisting the wounded. . Other Cd.sualtifs. GIANT POWDEIJ EXPLOSION. San Fkancisco, Jan. 21.—Shortly after 4 o'clock this afternoon the city was shaken by a heavy explosion ; four othera followed at intervals of four seconds, and a dense column of smoke rising across tho bay is sufficient evidence of another added to the numerous powder works ■ disasters that have occurred in the vicinity. A brief telegram S3ys the giant powder estab lishment near W rest Berkley station, four miles north of Oakland, is blown up and a number of persons killed. Bebkeley, Cal. Jan. 21.—The mixing house and six packing houses of the Giant Powder works at Point Clement, near West Berkeley, exploded at 4 o'clock this afternoon. The shocks of seven explosions were felt at this time. One white foreman named Conk, &nd be tween forty and fifty Chinese are known to have been pblown to atoms. Nearly the entire plant was destroyed by fire, which began immediately after the explosion. The superintendent was thrown a long distance, but not hurt. Physicians went down from Berkeley and West Berkeley. The fire is still raging. The large maga zine containing over 200 tons is still safe. About eight tons exploded. The loss can not be estimated. Dwelling houses on the east side of the hill are safe, but all the glass is shattered. FIBS AT NASHVILLE, ILL. St. Louis, Jan. 21. —A fire early this morning at Nashville, 111., about fifty miles from here on the St. Louis & Nashville railroad, destroyed nearly a block of busi ness buildings, involving a direct and inci dental los 3of about $100,000. The princi pal'losers are H. Holston, general mer chandise, loss §22,000, insured §10,000; John Martin, loss $G.OOO, insured $2,800; Judge Gordner, building, loss $(J,OOO, in sured $3,000; J. C. Brown, loss on building estimated $i), 000, insured $4,000; Meyer Bros., loss $."),000, no insurance; Mrs. Mar garet Sewell, loss on building $6,000, no insurance. Over twenty other small losers swell the aggregate to the amount named. The court house also burned, but most of the records and papers were saved. MACHINE SHOPS BUBNED. Leavenwosth, Kas., Jan. 21. —The machine shops of the Great Western Man ufacturing company were destroyed by fire this afternoon. Most of the patterns were saved, bat the building and machin ery are a total loss. The stove works ad joining the machine shops were damaged $5,000 by water. Loss on machine shops, building and machinery about $75,000; insurance $25,000. The opijn of the fire is unknown. Four hundred"* men are out of employment. The works have orders away ahead, and will rebuild at once. TBAINS IN COLLISION. Philadblphia? Jan. 21. —Two freight trains were in collision this morning near Pennypack station, on the Pennsylvania railroad. A score or more cars were thrown from the track, and the engine of one train was seriously injured. A PBBMATUBE BLAST. Habbisbubg, Pa., Jan. 21.—At the mines of the Harrisburg Copper Mining com pany in Adams county by a premature blast four men were injured, two it is thought fatally. FOUND DEAD. Pbovidenoe, R. 1., Jan. 21. —Early this morning the body of Mrs. Sarah Lake was found dead near the shore of the bay, the result bf intemperance and exposure. DEATH FBOM A LUNATIC'S BITE. i Special Telegram to the Globe. I New Yobk, Jan. 21. —The funeral of Po liceman Wm. Heaviside, of the Fourth precinct, took place to-day. Heaviside, who was one of the champion nthletes of the department, was bitten on the right hand by a lunatic, whom he arrested three months ago. He paid no attention to the matter, but a month after his hand began swelling, and his condition grew *vorse un til Thursday, when he died in awful agony, of blood poisoning. From a medical point of view the case was totally different from hydrophobia. There was no barking, spitting or frothing at the m<futh. SUNK AT S£A. Havbe, Jan. 21.—The General Transat lantic company steamer Labrador, Capt. Servan, which sailed from New York, Jan. 3, ha 3 arrived here. She brings the crew of the French Steamer Picardie, which sunk at sea last week. The Picardie, Capt. Fortier, sailed from New York Dec. 23. She was spoken Jan. 13 and 17 in dis tress, having lo?t hrr rudder. The Labra dor came up with her before the 13th and tried to bring her into port. After towing her a week she was compelled to abandon her, having previously taken oft all her passengers, officers and crew. The Picar die soon afterwards sunk. STEAMEB INJT7BED. London, Jan. 21. —The steamer Creigh ton, Capt. York, from Leith, Dec. 8, for New York, and which put back to Green ock with her cargo shifted, sailing again Jan. 11, has again returned to the Clyde. She had her decks swept, sheeriag gear demolished, and boat ladders smashed. Five feet of water was in her hold. Fifty Shetland ponies were washed overboard. THE NEWHALL HOUSE DTSASTEB. Milwaukee, January 21. —Experts ap pointed by the county authorities finished the examination of forty-eight charred re mains to-day*, ascertaining that the re mains answer for so many human bodies. This makes the loss of life by the Newhall house disaster not less than seventy-four. A FOND DU LAC FIBE. Milwaukee, Wis., Jan. 21. —The dam age done to Cooper & Sons' stock at Fond dv Lac, amounted to $4,000;. insurance $2,500. The building was damaged to the extent of $2,500. Other losses $200. A fire yesterday destroyed the Green Bay, Winona & St. Paul depot, at Grand Rapids, Wis., burning all the books and papers and a small amount of freight. Loss, $10,000. A fierce fire raging at Fond dv Lac this evening, broke out in Cooper & Sons' boets and shoes. The entire block will be destroyed. Particulars are not obtainable in time for the report on account of poor telegraph facilities. A pnABBAI. The Committee cf Eighteen Lock up and Go Home. WAITING FOR THE BOSS AND BAR'L His Arrival To-day not Likely to Affect the Result. Where was Windom when the boom went out? Yesterday was the dullest day since the Senatorial rumpus began. The Minneap i olis crowd, who have charge of the Windom boom had all gone home. The office holders having,been kicked out'of the camp were j minus. Dick Dunnington and Sim Childs gathered their grips arid left for home Saturday night. Poor Eickel, who wasted his wealth in swelling up the German members of the legislature at Groto's, was so crushed by being kicked to the rear that he was invisible. Dick Richards, Collector of the- Port, found the weather too cold to be out, and Postmaster Day did not enthuse below Wabashaw street. Mail contractor Blake ly preferred his home fireside. District Attorney Searles and Marshal Denny fled on Saturday. In fact there was Borne tall swearing, and a general clearing out of federal officials, when they learned from the Globe on Saturday morning the insult heaped upon them. Even Gen. Mc- Laren, j has so- recently been in office that he took the resolution to himself and lock ing up the Windom headquarters absquat ulated. ■ A Globe envoy called at room 13, Merchants hotel, last night, the supposed Windom headquarters, and found them locked, dark and deserted. That is the way the celebrated committee of eighteen, selected by the "friends of Windom," be gins the recuperating campaign. The denial which the chairman of the commit tee of eighteen made that he was booming for John S., might, perhaps, be extended to Windom also. At all events the Globe does not wish to raise another privileged question by accusing him of booming for Windom. The only evidence that could be discovered last night that there was a boom for Windom somewhere, was the numorous trips of the bell boys between some of the upper rooms and tho bar. The trays of whisky and cigars, egg nog, etc., which were flying upward, betokened a little an imation in the Windom camp. There was no other sign of life. There was no outward development of any change in the situation. Two more names were given as sure to leave Windom to-day, and it has been stated that that egregious ass, Pat. Child—smarting under the insult to his mail agent brother—would leave Windom and vote for Cole. This is probably untrue, as no such super-service : able genius would think of being wounded because his brother was kicked out of town. No one seems to know when the boss, with his ' bar'l, 'will arrive, except that it will be sometime to-day. If he has made close connections he will be here this morn ing, and if not, this afternoon. He has telegraphed for roome at the Merchants | and the bar'l will be on tap there this even ing. The "small potato fools," the "feeble minded creatures," and the "one or two dozen ineffably dirty creatures" may be ex pected to swarm about the great man as soon as he arrives. . The opposition are still in a scattered frame of mind and will probably vote to day about the same as Saturday. No cau cuses or conferences were held yesterday or last night, by any one, and the day was observed as circumspect as any Sab batarian could desire. There is a good deal of undercurrent setting toward Mr. Sabin, which is liable to swell into an irre sistable torrent if taken at its flood. In the current hotel talk he is frequently spoken of as a probability, while no one can be found with so little political sagacity as to assume that Windom has any chance what ever. ___^^__^— I Members Desiring the Position of "Dirty I \Creatures" Should Change to Windom. [Pioneer —Windom Organ—Jan. 18.] If Mr. Windom's friends have the firm ness and tenacity of purpose to hold to gether to the number of fifty, or even for ty-five votes, there is still a good fighting chance that they may win. •* . * * There are probably some one or two dozen of these ineffably dirty creatures in the leg islature who have been waiting to be bought. The Cold Snap. Milwaukee, Jan. 21. — snow storm prevailing all day yesterday changed to a regular blizzard to-day. This is the cold est day experienced for years. This morn ing the thermometer was 24 below zero, moderating to 11 below during the day, and standing at 19 to-night. Advices from the state are to the effect that terrible cold prevails all through the northern and west ern region, the thermometer being 39 below this evening at Wausau, 30 at Appleton, 38 at Stevens Point, 35 at Pewaukee, 24 at Portage, 22 at Stiles, 23 at Green Bay, 25 at Cedarburg. , The traffic on the Mil waukee, Lake Shore & Western railroad, Central and - the St. Paul's Northern and Western divisions is suspended on account jof snow drifts. The Lake Shore & North western work four snow plows with little avail. j) Local observations do not indicate an abatement of the storm. The Windom Compliment to the 21 en He Asks to Elect Rim. [Pioneer —Wisdom orc^n —Jan. 18. 1 The results of. Senatorial elections are largely determined by the , success of the artists on either Bide in playing upon the weaknesses, the foibles, the prejudices," the credulous imbecilities, or the mercenary littleness of this class of SMALL POTATO FOOLS and KNAVES. The Coming Prize Fight, .:, Chicago. Jan. 21. —Harry Hill, E. Hard ing and Richard EL Fox arrived thi3 even ing from New York, to meet John L. Sul livan, Jem Mace and Slade for the purpose of arrangingl a priz9 fight between Sulli- Tan and Slade. The others have not yet arrived., It is understood they have been delayed by the western snow blockade. Another contribution of 15,000 mark for the benefit of the sufferers by the floods in Germany has been sent to the president of the German, reichstag, from St. Louis More will follow. NO, 22 A Window. Yiexs of the. Votes II- Hope* to Secure [Pioneer Press—Windorc: Organ Jan. 18.] , • If Mr. Windom's friends have the firm ! ness and tenacity of purpose to hold to- I gether to the number of fifty, or even i forty votes, there is still a good light ing chance that they may win. * * * There are prohably some ONE OR TWO DOZEN OF THESE INEFFABLY DIRTY CREATURES IN THE LEGISLATURE WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING TO BE BOUGHT. PEXDLETON'S BILL. Curl Schurz's Belief that it Brines the Au thor Forward us a Possible Presidential Candidate. [Special Telegram to the Globe.] New Yokk, Jan. "Ohio Republi cans,"said a well known politician from that state to-night, "evidently knew ! what they •wera doing whe.n they counted on the Democrats overstepping themselves wken ever opportunity offered." \■■', '•;. "What do you refer to?" was asked. "Why, the [action of the Democratic members of the legislature in respect to Senator Pendleten's civil service bill. A few fellows in the South Carolina corner of the legislature, acting under pressure ' from [Cincinnati, protested against the bill, and they have gotten their con stituents about their ears at once. The re action that is setting in in favor of Senator Pendleton will be worth more to him than anything I can think of." , Speaking of the matter Carl Schurz says: "The Democrats of Ohio are mak ing the. most glorious fools of themselves. When the lower house of the legislature passed a resolution of thanks ito congress for the passage of the civil service reform bill, fathered by ' Mr. Pendle ton, the Democratic senator from Ohio, the Democratic members put in a protest against that resolution on the journal. It is said that ex-Senator Thurman and Mr. Hoadley countenance ' that protest. If they do it is very much to be regretted for their sake. The op ponents of Mr. Pendleton, wbo attack him on account of the civil service reform bill, are making a most egregious mistake, and it is astonishing that they do not see it. Do they not know that in 1884 the national convention of the Democratic party will have solemnly and emphatically to endorse in its platform the Pendleton bill and the principles upon which it is based, but more than that. It is not impossible at all, nor even very improbable, that in 1884 the Democratic party, after having in the meantime blundered on in its accustomed way, will have to look round for some means to disarm the distrust of the peo ple as to its sincerity in behalf of reform, and it may be glad to remember that it has a . Mr. , Pendleton, the sponsor of. the civil i service reform bill to fall back upon. It may then turn out that Mr. Pendleton has more valuable political capital in ois possession than all bis present assailants combined." Windom 48—Will the "Feeble Minded" Swell it to7G? [Pioneer —Windom organ—Jan. 18.1 The choice of a United States Senator is committed by law largely to the petty, FEEBLE MINDED creatures who usually constitute a large section, and sometimes a majority, of either party in the legis lature. i': ■■',!■' Mardl Gras at New Orleans. Bates from St. Paul or Minneapolis to New Orleans and return only 44.00 over the Royal Route, Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis & Omaha By. Tickets on sale Jan 20th to 31st, good to return until June Ist. For farther information call on J. Charbonnean, agent, No. 13 Nieollet House block Minneapolis, and Chas. H. Petsch, agent, No. 159 East Third, corner Jackson street, St. Paul. A. PTJGKH. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in __ Sole Shipper to the Northwest of Philadelphia and Beading Anthracite Coal, And Dealer in all Grades BITUMINOUS COAL Support the only competition to the DEL RING by sending me your orders and getting FULL WEIGHT, CLEAN COAL and PROMPT DELIVERY. ' OFFICE REMOVED—323 Jackson street, un der Dawson's bank. Retail Yard—Cor. Fourth and Broadway. AMUSEMENTS. . IIS OPERA HOUSB. . Seventh Street, Near Jackson, St. thai. COL. J. H. WOOD ......;.Manage* JANUARY 22d, AND DURING THE WEEK. Wednesday and Saturday Matinees, at 2 p. m. AH , EXTBA STKONG OLIO. Engagement of the German Comedian, Geo. W.Thompson, supported by Miss EfEe Johns and Wood's Popular Stock company, in the highly 83nsational drama entitled, Yacwp, or the Peddler' Story. Jan. 29th, engagement of the dashing sensa tional actress, Miss Fanny Herring, in Little Buckshot. j '. .v. ■ \ -■■■■■--. —t^mj —r^r*y LEVEE.