Newspaper Page Text
VOL. VI. THE BADHTBEAPER. Further Particulars of the Wreck of the Steamship Cimbria. NO MORE SURVIVORS FOUND. Pitiable Scenes Among the Hundreds of Doomed Passengers. STATEMENTS OF THE SAVED. Hie Captain of the Sultan Tells His Story, and is Lodged in Jail. THE SOUTHERN PACIFIC HORROR, 1 Coroner's Inquest Held Oror 'the Charred Bodies of the Dead. ENGINEER & BRAKEMAN CENSURED Further Details of the Frightful Leap Down the Precipice. THE GIANT POWDER EXPLOSION. About Thirty-Five Chinamen Blown to the Celestial World. RECORD OF OTHER CASUALTIES. Boilers Burst, Oil Tank Explosion, Fires, Etc. The dmbria. New Yobk, Jan. 22.The agents of the steamer Cimbria received the following dispatch this morning from the Hamburg agent: '"Oar steamer Hauser returned from a cruise. She saw the wreck of the Cimbria five miles northeast of Borknm light ship, head to northwest, topsail yards above water; saw no trace of survivors or bodies, although the weather was clear Inquired at Borkum light ship, where nothing was known about any books or persons saved. Agnes, Emma and Otto Itobeson, Carl Sarcander and daughter, and Miss Henning were on board, but not saved. THE Sr:...\\"- CHIEF OiFCEII'S STATEMENT. London,^ Jan. 22. — The captain of the steamer Sultan, which has arrived in Hum ber from Hamburg, makes the following statement : At the request of the captain of the steamer Sultan, the Sultan had made an unusually raid passage and sighted Bor kum light between land 2 o'clock Sat urday morning. The weather was hazy, and soon after became very foggy. The engines were eased to a dead slow and the steam whistle kept sounding every few seconds. The captain and chief officer were on the bridge, and twelve of the hands were looking out for ward. Suddenly the green and masthead lights of a steamer were seen two points on the starboard bow, and the captain of the Sultan thought theapproaching steamer would keep her course, and go clear. It was noticed, however, that SHE SUDDENLY PASTED, and came around rapidly. It was then too late to do anything but stop and reverse, ■which was done. By the time the engines revolved once, the captain noticed another steamer's port light coming rapidly towards the Sultan. ' The next instant, with the great headway she had on, she caught the Sultan's bowsprit in her port fore rigging, taking her right around. There was great consternation on board the Sultan, as it was feared a so much larger vessel would sink her. The Sultan's crew hailed THE CIMBISIA TO STAND BY. but no reply was received. The vessels parted in the fog and a few seconds later the mate of tho Sultan saw the Cimbria coming up tho other <* side. He called to the German master to go full speed astern. This was done and tho Cimbria again crossed the Sultan's bows and then disappeared. An examination of the Sultan's damage showed the upper part of the hawse pipe and everything forward had been driven through the collision bulkhead into the forecastle, where the crew had a narrow escape. The Sultan remained on the scene five hours and the captain heard no sound during the whole time and was severely blaming the German captain of the Cimbria for leaving without having ascertained the damage to the Sul tan. He had no idea that the OIMBBIA HAD FOUNDEBED until he arrived at Hamburg. Before the collision he heard no sound from the Cim bria's whistle. "When he first saw her the Cimbria was going full speed. He sup poses the Sultan's beams ripped open the Cinibria's plates. London, Jan. 22.—The Cimbria has sunk in 90 feet water. Three boats were launched before she sank. One of the boats which the crew succeeded in launching before the foundering of the steamer capsized im mediately- It is feared all perished. Hambubg, Jan. 22.The Diamant, one of the steamers sent in search of the missing passengers and crew of the Cim bria. arrived this afternoon with sixteen passengers and fireman of [the ill-fated vessel. The rescued passengers state that after they left the Cimbria sinking, theii boat capsized, and they sought refuge in some rigging on the Cimbria, still above water. They remained in this TO;ition ten hours, freezing from the cold, and expecting every minute to b( their last until they were rescued by a boa from the Diamant. Many of those in the boat when it left the Cimbria were drownet upon its capsizing, and many after reach ing the rigging were obliged to releas< their hold and were drowned. The survi vor-/describe the scenes as horrible am "heartrending. All of them praise in th< highest terms the condnct of the cap tain and crew of the Cimbria, who nevei moved from their posts, and did every thing in the power of man to save life tun til they themselves were engulfed in the waves. The rescued passengers affirm that while they were in the riegim the lights cf the Sultan were clearly visible and their cries for help must have been heard on board the Sultan, which, instead of coming to the rescue, steamed efway. Most of the surviyors present a miserable appearanoe, having lost everything. Since landing here everything possible has been done for them. Some have been sent back to their home*, and the remainder will continue their voyage on Wednesday. Hambtjbg, Jan. 22. —The steamer Cim bria stands upright, her top-yards jn ible at high tide. The survivors describe the moment of sinking as a terrible one. The air was tilled with the cries of the drowning hun . .v:-.o remained floating a short time benumbed 'by the icy water. In a few minute.- all was over. Fkaxkfokt. Jan. I'-'. -The Fron Furter Journal says the oiiicers of the steamer i Sultan have been placed in jail. London, Jan. 23. —A dispatch from Hum burg to the steamer Sultan has been seized by the police. Her captain assert that ho waited at the scene of the di- isier twelve hours after the collision. Of the women on board the Cimbria only three were saved. One was a young Polish girl who was on her way to join her parents in America, with her aunt, who was drowned before her eyes. Another girl saved herself by holding to the edge of the boa*. She could only be dragged into it after an hour and a halt's immersion. Up to the last moment the survivors endeavored to rescue all they could, but as £ silence came on they found no more alive, * but only met occasionally with the bodies I of the drowned. Of eight boats of the I Cimbria only four could be lowered. In ] answer to telegraphic inquiries at Borkum \ and Nordeny, the reply received is that no further rescues are known at those places. There has been some feeling expressed against the officers of the steamer Sultan. A reporter who went on board complains he could not extort any explanation from the officers or crew. The whole observed a rigid Bilence in reference to the ques tions he put. Christian Bohm and Joseph Gaots, Americans, are missing. A rising young German writer, Leo Habermann. of Vienna, well known for his excellent descriptions of Russian life, and the sisters of Komener, profes sional singers and well-known as the "Suabian nightingales," who had recently been performing in Berlin, perished. A subscription is opened for the'bene fit of the sufferers. A majority of the passengers, however, were poor Prus sian. Hungarian and Russian peasants. There were also on board fourteen French sailors who had only taken passage at Havre. One of the survivors insists the captain of the Sultan made o3 in the fog immediately after the collision, not waiting over a quarter ol an hour near the scene. The Southern Pacific Horror San Fk.vncisco, Jan. 22. —Tehachipai dispatch : The coroner's jury found a verdict on the train disaster case, that the victims came to their death by the neglect of Conductor Heed and Brakeman Fatten. The verdict has not yet been approved by the coroner. Two bodies were identified as those of Thos. Keegan and Ferdinand Gramfort, discharged soldiers of the Sixth cavalry. John F. Cassell, one of the sleeping car passengers, arrived in this city yesterday. He reports: "I think it must have been a few moments after the train started that I woke [up. I realized we were in danger, but how I could not tell. We were rushing along the |mountain side at frightful ve locity and in|a few seconds a crash came. Over we went and a thousand splinters and pieces of debris completely blinded us. As quickly as possible I was on my feet working to make an exit through the masses under which we were buried to save myself and the other oc cupants of the train, when I found myself hemmed in by masses of wreckage. My wife, I think, was killed by the first shock, as her hands were cold when I touched them, and my calls remained unanswered. I cleared a passageway along the log chains for some seventeen feet till; I reached a place near where Miss Squires was imprisoned. I heard her scream for succor; she told me she was un injnred, but merely unable to get out of the window. The flames began breaking through where I was working, and I was driven back to where I knew no hope for ipe existed, and retreated merely to avoid a fiery death. I went back to my wife for the fourth time, and now could only grasp her hair. Again and again I called to her for one sign of life, but all to no purpose. Gasse? and flames now drove me from her side, and as a last resort I buried myself in the debris when hope had left me. The men working from the outside suddenly accidentally came upon me and drew half of my body out, but there I became lodged, our combined efforts proving unavailing to free me from the debris. Finally I suc ceeded in dropping through the hole made for me by my rescuers. I was the only one who made the light of day from under that heap of ruins." Baxebsfield, Jan. 22.—The coroner who went up to the scene of the railroad dis aster Thursday forenoon returned to-day. He arrived on the ground at 2 p. m. A large crowd was there, and they had al ready pretty thoroughly investigated the ash heaps which represented the train. The human remains were disposed in seventeen heaps, each one of which was supposed to represent human beings. Some of them probably did, but most of them were bits of calcined bones that have represented several. He thinks the destruction of human life greater than supposed The leader of the two sleepers in the downward flight from which no one es caped is believed to have been pretty well filled, and it would have accommodated fifty-four persons. In it were placed way passengers, and many such always get on. Some coin and jewelry were turned over to ms keeping. San FBA^•clsco, Jan. 22. —Porter Ashe, on the train wreckedlat Tepachapi. telegraphs as follows: My wife, maid and myself were occupying the drawing room of the sleeper. iVe were awakened by the swaying of the cars going about seventy miles an hour. Had just braced ourselves when the crash came. The maid was buried in the debris, ad I falling on top of her. The car immediaeely took tire. xVas forced to take timber and burning" bonfus off the maid piece by piece. The car became en velopei in smoke by the'breaking of the wiudows at the top oithe car. I succeeded in rescuing my wife and maid, pushing them through the window. We were climbing off the car, nearly suffocated by smoke, when I heard the maid calling for help and besee:h'nj? ts not ta leave her. I reached down through the broken window and succeeded in getting hold of Gov. Downey's hand and pulled him out nearly 1 strangled. While helping tho maid to the ground wife stepp«d on £ window and fell through into the car again. The car by this time was burning rapidly Bailu It is impossible to tell how I got her out. I jnmped with her to the ground and un doubtedly ran down the hill to avoid the flames. Bo fore leaving the car I pushed through the window a seal skin cloak dolman, lined with fur, two blankets and one mattress; we had no other clothing except night shirts. The wind was blowing strong and was intensely cold. I was surrounded by the dead and dying. Gov. Downey, Mrs. Cassell, my wife, maid, Mr. Howard Tilton • (who rendered us great assis tance and acted splendidly). A child of Mr. Waterhouse and myself occupied the mattress and were only protected by a blanket till a. sheauoa came from Tepacha-; pi. The railroad company did everything* in their power to relieve the distressed,an&ji from the superintendent down to the | brakeman, acted with the utmost delicacy I and courtesy. "We were provided at Teha chapi with warm clothes and comfortably housed. The Giant Powder Explosion. San Fbancisco, Jan. —The total loss by reason .of the explosion will reach $100,000. The Giant Powder works sus tain damage of §60,000; the acid works of Judson & Co., §40,000. It is impossible to ascertain exact the loss of life, but it is estimated between thirty and forty. The first explosion occurred about 4o'clock in the packing house, in which about 200 pounds of powder was stored. It is not known whether any one was killed by the jfirst ex plosion or not. As soon as the packing house exploded a number of Chinamen em ployed in the other departments lied for their lives, and had reached an open space when the mixing house exploded, killing most of them in their tracks. It is thought Ferlinan Kompf, superintendent, was killed by this explosion. In about a min ute one of the smaller hou*ses exploded, followed by a fourth explosion which doubtless killed the surviving employes. A workman named August Forgof sky was very seriously injured. All the other white men have been accounted for, and the dead are all Chinamen. There are thirty or forty missing. On the point occu pied by the employes at the powder and acid works most of the windows are shattered, doors and sides in many instances dashed in by the force of the concussion. After each explosion the woodwork of the build ings caught fire and burned steadily for several hours. Efforts to prevent the flames reaching the main magazine con taining an immense quantity of powder were happily successful. The consequences would have been most fearful had the large magazine exploded, as one of the su perintendents stated there is enough pow der stored there to have destroyed every living thing on the peninsula. The cause of the first explosion remains a mystery. This evening eighteen bodies have been counted lying in the debris, and the coron er's investigation to-morrow will probably disclose more than double the number. A force of men is engaged to-night in ex tinguishing the fire and recovering the bodies. THE OAKLAND POWDEB MILL DISASTEB. Oakland, Cal., . Jan. —The scene at the giant powder works this morning is one of devastation and death. Jin the semi circular excavation where the packing houses were located the ground is covered with debris and timber. Huge rocks were thrown by the violence of a series of ex plosions upon all sides. Lying on the ground are mangled bodies of twenty-one Chinamen. One Chinaman died last night in the temporary hospital. So far as known at noon, one white man and twenty-two Chinamen were killed. The white man killed is Ferdinand Keompf, assistant superin tendent. He could have saved himself, but remained to try to save the works. When the first explosion occurred he ran to the nitro-glycerine house to turn on the water to extinguish the fire. He was killed by the explosion of the nitro-glycerine. It is thought eight or ten bodies are in the ruins. Oscar Ferjowsky, the only white man wounded, will probably recov er. Thirteen . wounded Chinamen are lying in the quarters "of the Chinese. The greater number of these will recover. The cause of the explosion still remains a mystery. Whether the pow der in every one of the packing houses ex ploded cannot be told. Tney are all caved in and filled with debris. The magazines are uninjured, and the danger of further explosions is deemed at an end. Other Casualties. EMBEZZLING AID TO NEWHALL SUFFEBEES. [Special Telegram to the Globe.] iIiLWAUKEEjJan. —A miserable scoun drel has been collecting subscriptions for the Xewhall sufferers and embezzling the donations of the generous. The particu lars of the heartless swindle were brought to light through a report made to the po lice by Wm. Flankinton, treasurer of the relief fund. Saturday afternoon a dapper fellow, apparently a Hebrew, visited all of the leading business houses in the city and solicited subscriptions for the fund to relieve the hotel sufferers. The better to effect his object, he had a long paper pur porting to be headed by. Wm. Plan kinton with a subscription for §100. The bait took well and money subscriptions vary ing in amount from £50 'to §10 fairiy poured into his pockets until dark, when he packed up his valise and departed with his plunder, after first mailing to Wm. Plankinton three or four checks which he could not convert, as they were made payable to Plankinton's order. He is supposed to have obtained anywhere from siOO to 3<ioo in cash by his clever but cruel swindle. The fellow is described as about five feet five or six inches high, with dark beard, dark brown hair, and to those who asked, he introduced himself a3 G. Lewis. THE IXQUEST on the Newhall house victims was to been commenced at 10 o'clock this inor niug, but the rush of other work made o postponement necessary, and the districi attorney then fixed 2 o'clock this afternoon as the time. But again the coroner coulc not find the time, and the official proceed ings wiil not be started until to-mor row forenoon at 10 o'clock. Judgt Mallory has under consideratior the drawing of a grand jury to try tht question of an indictment. The proceed ings will be conducted in the municipa court jury room, and the district attorney announces that reporters will be admitted It is stated that all who are acquainted witl a single fact will be called before the jurj and the matter will be rushed along. Ai effort will be made to accomplish the task ST. PAUL, TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 23, 18*3. in four days. The jury comprises three practical builders. The names of the jury are Robert Davids, J. C. Carrigan, John O'Conneil, T. J. Franey, J. 13. Thompson and Daniel Waite. The remains of the victims will be tnrncd over to the coroner an Wednesday. Milwaukee, Jan. 22.—-The action of Sen. Sharpe, governor of the \ Soldiers home, for not complying with the request [or aid at the Newhall house disaster in refusing to send the steamer, is to be mada a matter of official investigation. Congressman Deuster will take necessary steps and be assisted by Senator Logan. Mrs. Sylvester Bbeker, wife of tne mana ger of the Tom Thumb company, died 10-day from injuries received at the New hall house disaster. She had tried to escnpS;from a rope mads from bed clothing, but cst her hold, dislocating her left shoulder, breaking her left arm, dislo cating her left hip, fracturing her right log and sustaining numerous cuts all over the body. She was fifty-six years old and was married in 1842. Her remains will be taken to Brooklyn to-morrow. John Gilbert, the actor, improves slow ly, is able to sit up in bed, but his mind is not yet recovered, and he asks contin ually how he came to be bruised. Is under the impression that his wife is in Louisville visiting her sister. The coroner's investigation is again postponed, this time till to-morrow. It will then be pushed through without inter ruption. FAILED TO SUICIDE. {SpecialTeleeram to the Globe.] Baltimobe, Md., Jan. 22. —A young man named Michael Barron, a tailor, shot and seriously wounded himself to-night at the residence of Mrs. Mary Darman, on North Castle street. It is not known whether the shooting was accidental or not. Barron came to this city from Cleveland, 0., about six weeks ago, and since then haa been paying attention to Mis 3 Sophia Darman, a pretty young girl about eighteen years of age, residing with her mother as above.. He called this evening and was about leaving the house, when he said "Sophia, you are too sweet to live and lam gomg to shoot you." He thereupon drew a revolver and snapped it at her, but it failed to explode. Miss Darman np,i terribly alarmed and started to leave the room when Barron placed the pistol to his own brains and fired. The young girl called for help and several neighbors cam* upon the scena, when it was discovered that the wound was a serious one. The young lady's friends say the shooting was an accident, and that the injured man di( not know the pistol was loaded, having snapped it at a number of persons during the day. Barron has been unconscious since he shot himself. ANOTHER EXPLODED BOILE3. WheelinO, W. Va., Jan. 22.—The boiler in R. W. Hodgnes' Eagle flouring mill at Portland, Oregon, eight miles above this city on the Ohio river, exploded this morn ing, killing Herman Lewis, aged fifteen, and wounding Ellsworth Lewis seriously. The head of one of the boilers, weighing 3.000 pounds, was thrown 200 yards and the boiler i tself, weighing ton tons, was pitched through two heavy stone walls, wrecking a iime house beyond. Jasper Beebe, who w*s in one of the boilers, was thrown with it into the race and crawled out of the man hole almost unhurt. Hen ry Spence was thrown through and fell into the race a hundred yards away. The loss on the building is roughly estimated at $15,000. The body of the missing man, Garret, was found under a pile ©f straw fifty feet away. KILLED BY AN EXPLOSION New Yobk, Jan. 22.—Patrick Farley and Thomas Purcell were killed by an explo sion at Some & Fleinming's oil works, Newtown creek. Farley was literally cut in twain by i.he cap of one great still, and the two parts fell into a tank of boiling oil. The body of Purcell was not recov ered. Damage, $5,000. FISHING SCHOONEB LOSES HEB CBEW. Halifax, N. S., Jan. 22.—A Gloucester fishing schooner, the James A. Garfield lost six men in a storm which came up while the men were hauling trawls Their names are: William Morrison, John McKinnow, Eder Brophy. John Whitman. Reed Bunn and Charles Ray. BOILEB EXPLOSION. Elkton, Ind., Jrfn. 22.—This morning the boiler at the Ledger paper mills ex ploded with terrific force, wrecking half the immense building. Patrick McCor rnick was killed, John Garrett missing eight others injured, one of whom will probably die. DIED FBOII ESPOStJBE. Louisville, Ky., Jan. 22.—Mary Lewis a poor woman living alone in a room with out a fire, was found dead this forenoon She had been ill for some time. The coro ner's verdict was death from cald and ex posure. THE SUSANVILLE FIBE. San Fbancisco, JaD. 22.—The fire at Su sanville proves less disastrons than at firsl supposed. It started in a saloon, ac( j burned several wooden baildings occupie< I for business purposes. The losses wil nrnhahlv not acro-rao-ate over $20,000. OVEB NIAGABA. Niagaba Falls, N. V., Jan. 22.—Tho?. Hilson, of Philadelphia, :! expressed a trunk and valuables to Edwin Salwage, of New York, this morning, and then 1 jumped from the bridge and was carried over the falls. FIEES. : Cincinnati, Jan. —The residence of J. R. Smith, of the firm of Smith & Nixon, on Glenway Avenue, Clifton, burned early this morning. The inmates escaped. Loss $10,000 ; insured §6,000. SUNK AT SEA. Lisbon, Jan. —The ship Forwarts sunk off this place. Eight persons were drowned. TWO ST. LOUIS SUICIDES ; St. Louis, Jan. 22.—Patsey £arle, a lad nineteen years of age. who shot and killed Win. E. Landerman, son of an eminent cit izen near the La Clede hotel about a year and a half ago, and who has been in jail ever since, late this afternoon threw him self from the third teir of cells in]the jail to the stone pavement below and died al most instantly, his skull being horribly c rushed. Jesse Harding, a traveling salesman for W. S. Merrill & Co., druggists, of Cincin nati, died at the Linlell hotel this evening from the effects of laudanum, supposed to have been taken with suicidal intent. He leaves a wife and two children at Fit Wayne. DISTILLEBY BUBNED. ' Coal Cexteb, Pa., Jan. 22. —A fire broke (Elnbe. out early this morning in Boyle's distillery, located at Pike's Run, near Belle Vernon, Pa., and before the flames could La mas tered the distillery, warehouse and store room, together with (JG,OOO gallons of whisky, were destroyed. Loss, $7o,0Q0; building insured, $11,000. TEKILS OF DBIVING. Indianapolis, Lid., Jan. 22.—Fred Shakle, a dairyman,was driving a team to day, which ran away. In an effort to stop them he was thrown out and instantly killed. ANOTHER -STEAMEE Pr.OEABLT FOUNDEKED. San Feancisco, Jan. 22. —There are rumors on the street that the steamer Ore gon, which left here Saturday for Palland, has foundered. The report can be traced to no authentic source and is discredited at the Merchants exchange. The steamer should arrive at Portland this evening. FIEE AT WASHINGTON, AEK. Hope, Ark., Jan. 22.—A fire last nighti at Washington, Hempstead county, de stroyed property valued at §50,000. The fire is thought to have been the work of an incendiary. The Crime Record. JESSE JAMES' FBIENDS ON THEIB TEAVELS. San Feancisco, Jan. 22.—About 1 o'clock this morning, from eight to twelve mounted and masked men rode op to Mon tello station, on the Central Pacific rail road, 166 miles west of Ogden, seized two white and half a dozen Chinese section men, robbed them of what valuables they had on their persons, and locked them up in the tank house. They then awaited the arrival of the east bound express train, which came on soon after 2 o'clock. One of the highwaymen jumped on the engine, overawed the engineer, and fireman and side-tracked the engine. The remainder of the gang first seized the train men, robbed them of what valuables they possessed and confined them also in the tank house, and then attacked the ex press car. Here they were met by a rapid fusilade from D. T. Ross, express messen ger. Fire was returned briskly and some thirty shots were exchanged, when the rob bers, finding the resistance more spirited than they expected, and probably fearing a demonstration on the part of the mes sengers, decamped. Ko one is known to have been killed or wounded. The passen gers were not molested. BOBBEKIES BT MASKED MEN. San Feancisco, Jan. 22. —A dispatch to Wells, Fargo & Co., of Carson, says: The store at Gold Mountain was robbed Thurs day or Friday by mounted and masked men. Th 3 proprietor and two Creek^were killed. The road agents then went to the store at Silver Peak and robbed it, killing the proprietor and one clerk. Two of the robbers were also killed. Gold Mountain and Silver Peak are in southwestern Ne vada, distant from telegraphic communi cation. FATAL ASSAULT. New Obleans. Jan. 22.—Gns. Meyer3, mate of the steamer E. S. Richardson, was probably fatally assaulted by a colored deck hand. . VIGILANTS AT WOEK. Weeksville, M. T., Jan. 22.—0n Satur day night the vigilants proceeded to Thompson river and cleared the place of roughs. They then went forward to Sand Point, where they found two others, nick named "Dick the Barber" and "Ohio Dan." They brought the pair to within two miles of here and hnng them on separate trees. MABITAL TBOUBLES. Columbus, 0., Jan. 22. —Sam C. Bell, pon of Hon. Wm. Bell, ex-secjetary of state and now member of the general assembly, came here to kill his wife, who has applied for a divorce, and then kill himself. He gained admission to her bouse and fired two shots, but neither took effect. He was arrested. He had been drinking. SUCCESSFUL SATE BOBBEBY. Little Rock, Ark., Jan. 22.—Saturday night Mcßae & Co.'s store at Mt. Holly, Union county, was blown open and robbed of considerable money and $4,000 in gov ernment bonds. The robbers stole two horses, rode to Camden and took the train for Guerdon, eluding pursuit. polk's bond. Nashville, Term.. Jan. 22.—Judge Quarles, of the criminal court, has fixed ' <-Treasurer Polk's appearance-bond at -v 100,000. PACIFIC BANK OFFICEBS INDICIED. Boston, Jan. 22.—The grand jury to-day indicted George R. Agra, Edwin 31. Fowle and Abner J. Benson, ex-president*of the Pacific National bank, upon evidence ob tained from a written agreement which came into the possession of the receiver, for wilful misappropriation of bank funds. * ti3lvrcenary Littleness" Should Call en Windom at Once. I Pioneer Bross—Windom organ—Jan. 18.] The results of Senatorial elections are largely determined by the success of the artists on either side in playing upon the weaknesses, the foibles, the prejudices, the credulous imbecilities, or the mercenary I littleness of this class of SMALL POTATO FOOLS and KNAVES. THE DAIRYMEN. The Coining Meeting of the Dalrymecs Association. [Special Telegram to the Globe.} Mankato, Minn., Jan. 22. —The seven teenth annual meeting of the Northwestern Dairymens' association which is to be held at Mankato, Minnesota, Feb. 14-16, prom ises to be one of the largest and best con ventions of the kind held im the West this season. SecretaryMeGivey has arranged the following premiums for butter: The Ameri can Dairy Salt company offer 525 for but ter salted ■with Onondaga factory filtered salt: $15 for the best package, and flO for the second best. Thos. Higgins & Co. of fer a solid silver cup for the first package of butter salted with Higgins' Eureka salt. This cup is valued at §50, and is a very desirable prize. Some of the best known dairymen in the West will take part in the conven tion, among them Hon. Hiram Smith Geo. Lawrence, J. A. Smith, R. D. Torrey and S. Favelle, of Wisconsin; Robert Mc- Adam, J. H. Broomell, H. B. Guerler, C. F. Dexter and others, of Illinois: Col. Littler, C. A. Husten, L. C. Coffin and others, of Iowa; C. E. Marvin, W. B. Straight, Dr. Grange, Gen. Baker and others, of Minne sota. Dairying and stock growing in Min nesota will be the leading topics discussed, and the farmers of Minnesota are cordially invited to enjoy the day's feast. The rail roads entering Mankato will return dele gates at one-fifth fare. Arrangements are being made to entertain 1,000 delegates. WASHINGTON. I SECJSETAJIT new ox THE next JtE- I-1 JS LI CAN NATION. IL COX yjSXTIOX. He is not Satisfied with the Plan of Repre sentation—A Portion of the Civil Rights) Act Declared Unconstitutional— I'ro tests of Cigar Makers Against Lessening the Dnty on Foreign Tobacco. [Special Telegram to the Globe] , Washington, Jan. 22.Assistant Secre- I tary New, of the treasury department, a I member of the national Republican com mittee, said to-day that the question of district representation had been finally settled, as far as the convention of 1884 was* concerned, yet the plan decided upon was generally unsatisfactory. He said that at the next meeting of the committee in December, the subject would be again brought up, and a plan for a more equita ble representation in subsequent conven tions would be proposed. He favors a plan by which a Republican convention shall represent Re publicanism and not give as much power to states overwhelmingly Democratic as the present arrangement does. Wheu asked what he thought of the proposition t) take thetßepublican vote in 1880 as a basis for determining the number of dele gates each state shall have, Secretary New said : > "It would bring innumerable con tests in the convention, and do more harm than good, j especially where a district would fall but a few votes short of enough for fractional delegate. Had such a plan been followed in choosing delegates to the Chicago convention the result might have been far different from what it was. Blame might have been nominated. ■ I think it was a fortunate thing that he was not. There are some men in this country I would not vote for under any circum stances, and one of them is James G. Blame." ', A CLOUD ON THE CIVIL EIGHTS BILL. ' The supreme court of the United States rendered a decision this afternoon, declar ing unconstitutional section 5,519 of the revised statues and to that extent casting a cloud upon the . so-called civil rights . law. The opinion which was prepared by Mr. Justice Wood, holds that the section is an infringement of the reserved rights or the . statutes. The section provides that if two or more persons in any state or territory conspire for. the purpose of depriving any person or class of the equal, protection of the laws,or for the purpose of preventing the consti tuted authorities from securing to all per sons the exual protection of the laws, each of ' such ' persons ' ' so offending shall be punished by fine \ or imprisonment, or both. This section is by the supreme court declared to be unconstitutional for the reason above stated. - THE DUTY ON TOBACCO. An enormous number of petitions from workmen in tobacco factories, protesting against any reduction of the import duty on tobacco beyond that recommended by the tariff commission are being received by members of congress. Senator Cameron to-day filed eighteen such petitions, signed by thousands of workmen in Pennsyl vania. They fear a reduction of the duties will operate ';>to throw a great many laborers in American tobacco factories out of employment. A reduction of the import duty as well as a reduction of the revenue tax is one of the demands of the manufacturers, and the tobacco lobby nowhere are fearful the op position of the laboring classes will be come so pronounced that congress will not be as liberal toward the manufacturers as it otherwise would. ■ THE MEXICO BECIPBIOCITT TBEATT. The Republican will to-morrow contain an interview with General Grant on the subject of the reciprocity treaty between the United States and Mexico and the po litical and commercial relations of the two countries. The treaty proposes the free entry into Mexico of articles under seven ty-three different heads. He laid special stress on articles of machinery, agricul tural implements, railroad materials and vehicles, the manufacture of which in this country for use in Mexico would give em ployment to thousands of people and open up to enterprising Americans these mines of untold wealth and plantations of vast extent. ■ THE CIVIL EIGHTS BILL. ' : A decision was rendered by the supreme court of the United States to-day in the important constitutional case of the United States against R. G. Harris, et al., brought here upon certificate of a differ ence of opinion among the judges of the United States circuit court for the Western district of Tennessee. The particular question presented here is the constitu tionality of section 5,519, revised statutes. The section is as follows: "If two or more persons in any state ' or territory conspire or go in disguise on the highway or on the • premises of another, for the purpose of depriving, either direct ly or indirectly, any person ,or „ class of persons of the equal protection of the laws, or of equal privileges and immuni ties under laws, or for the purpose of prevailing ...0r,.. ( , hindering : the constituted \ authorities . :of . . any state '■ or 3 territory from. giving . or . se curing to all persons within such slate or territory the equal protection of the . laws, each of such persons shall be punished by a fine of not less than §500, nor more than §5,000, or be imprisonment with or with out hard labor, no* less than six months nor more than six years. or by both such fine and imprisonment.;'. The court holds, in an elaborate opinion by Justice Woods, that this section is not supported by au thority of the federal constitution, and that it is unconstitutional. AFTEB THE BAILBOADS. Mr. Holman's resolution in the house to day calls upon the secretary of the interi or to inform the house how much land ha? been patented to railroad companies un der the opinion ot the attorney general, in conflict with the decisions of the supreme court, concerning so-called indemnity grants. Also to inform the house whether it w is now.. acting under the decision of the supreme court or the ( de cisions of ghe attorney general. A GBIST OF PETITIONS.. ; I The agitation of the tariff question in congress is bringing in many petitions of manufacturers - and laborers protesting against any reduction of duties and asking an ir creased duty on specific articles. This NO, 23 forenoon Senator Cameron, of Pennsyl vania, presented to the senate eighteen memorials signed exclusively by laborers, skilled and common, in Pennsylvania iron and steel works. Mr. Pendleton presented the memorial of the Swift Iron ■works and seventeen other corporations and firms of Cincinnati, asking that a duty of two and one-half cents par pound be put upon tin plate. NEWS NOTES. In the case of the National Bank of the Republic against tho defaulting teller, Ben Bigeiov, judgment has been stricken out and the case goes on the calendar. nASD CASH. The coinage of subsidiary silver coin since 1853, and the amount outstanding Dec. 31,1882, is a follows: From 1853 to Nov. ISB2, coined $107,825,207; in the treas ury, $26,544,544; outstanding 280,753; since the passage of the coinage act of 1873—Coined, §47,808,727; in treasury, §20,544,544; outstanding, §21,204,183; since the passage of the resumption act of 1875 —Coined, 42,999,401; in the treasury $26., --544,544; outstanding, $16,454,857; since tfhe ! passage of joint resolution of —Coined* $27,030,521; in treasury, 20,544,544; out standing, §491,977. A irindom View of the Votes He Hopes to Secure [Pioneer Press—Windon: Organ—Jan. 18.] If Mr. Windom's friends have the firm ness and tenacity of purpose to hold to gether to the number of fifty, or even forty-five votes, there is still a good fight ing chance that they may win. * * * There are prohably some ONE OH TWO DOZEN OF THESE INEFFABLY DIRTY CREATURES IN THE LEGISLATURE WHO HAVE BEEN WAITING TO BE BOUGHT. A. PUGH. V Wholesale and Retail Dealer in i?A6VRuN^ Sole Shipper to the Northwest of i Philadelphia and Reading Anthracite Coal, And Dealer in all Grades BITUMINOUS COAL Support the only competition to the FUEL RING by sending me your orders and getting FULL WEIGHT, CLEAN COAL and PROMPT DELIVERY. OFFICE REMOVED—32B Jackson street, un der Dawson's bank. Retail Yard— Fourth and Broadway. AMUSEMENTS, OPERA HOUSE. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and Saturday Matinee, Jan. 25, 26 and 27. The Distinguished Emotional and Tragic; s Actress, Miss Ada Gray SUPPOBTED BY (to A. Watkis' stli Aye. Combination. An entirely new version of the famous story, in five acts, entitled EAST LYNNE; On THE ELOPEMENT. Prices Evening, 50c, 75c, and $1. Matinee, 50 and 75c. Reserved seat sale commences Wednesday, 9 a. m. . 24-27 CHICAGO MUSEUM. ' 12 East Third Street. ' HELD«OIERS! Tbe Transparent Hainan Head. The .Monsters of the Deep, The Zulu Warrioii. A Matchless Collection of the Rarest Objects •in . Creation. Unprecedented freaks of Nature. * Over Six Hundred in Number. THE FIRST, THE ONLY ONES, And the la? you will see in a life time. OPEN FROM 1 P. M. UNTIL 10 P. M. Admission 25 cents, Children 15 Cents. 23 j WOOD'S OPERA. HOUSF. ffUullD UrMa iluuot?. Seventh Street, Near Jackeon, tit. Paul. COL. J. H. WOOD K&nag«» JANUARY 22d, AND DURING THE WEEK. Wednesday' and Saturday Matinees, at 2 p. m. AN EXTRA STRONG OLIO. Engagement of the German Comedian, Geo. W. Thompson, supported by Miss Effio Johns and Wood's Popular Stock company, in the highly sensational drama entitled, Yacup, or the Peddler's Story. Jan. 29th ? engagement of the dashing Mnaa t'onal actress, Miss Fanny Herring, in Little Buckshot. '■; .••■. •''',:;■ | r Srp.NAV.C 0,- LEVEE.