Newspaper Page Text
THE SESSION'S WORK. ■ _.- . . l A Record of the Work or the Legislature for the Past Sixty Days. I I BILLS WHICH lIAYE BECOME LAWS s Appropriations, Amendments to the , Statutes, for Local Government. , ; . I Amending General Laws. ( To ammeud section 1, chapter 71, general stat utes 1878, as amended by chapter 45, general laws 1881. * i To amend sections 3, 4 and 5, chapter G3, gen eral statutes of 1878. • i Do amend section 15, chapter 17. general ] statutes 1878. To amend section 12, chapter 56, general stat- ( utes 1878, relating to the partition and distriba- ■ tion of estates. , I To amend the general laws of 1681, relating to the State Horticultural society. ( To amend section 24, chapter 95, general laws 1878. i To amend Bection 24, chapter 95, general statute - of IS7B. To __ the compensation of certain county offi cers of Hennepin county. i To amend section 2, chapter G, lend stat utes IS7S- To amend section 1 of chapter 00. geuaral stat utes 1878. To amend section 150, chapter 65, genera] i Etatutt-s 1878. To amend section 11, chapter 61, general stat utes 167 8. i To amend eection 175. chapter 8, general stat- i utes 1878,. and to repeal section i. cliajiter 119, general laws 18811 : To amend sections 75 and 79, chapter 30, .en end statutes of i 873. To amepd section li. chapter 67 of general statutes, m relation to costs. To amend section __, title 4, chapter 6 of the general statutes I&7S, as amended by chapter C of the general laws of 188!, as amended by chap- : tor SO oE the general laws of the extra session of the legislature 1881 approved Nov. 22, 1881, authorizing the state treasurer to borrow money for the state revenue fund. _■- To amend chap sof the general statutes 1878, relating to the priming and distribution of tire laws and documents. To amend section 2, 16 anil 22 of chapter 39 of the general statutes of 1878, in relation to chat tel mortgages. To amends Gl. title 3, chapter 64 of the general statutes of 1878,' in relation to tlie time of holding courts in Hart county. To amend sections 76, 81 and 83 of general statutes of 1878, relating to public highways. To amend subdivision 1 << section 6of chapter 81 of general statu) of 1878, in re^ationto the foreclosure of mortgage.-". To amend Bection hi of chapter 81, general statu-'- 1878, relating to foreclosure of mort gages by action. To amend chapter 76 of the general laws of 1879, entitled an aci to promote immigration. To amend section 888, chapter "4 of general statutes of 1878, as amended by chapter 20, of general laws of 1881, relating to town ranee companies. To amend section 2 of chapter 123 of the gen-" eral laws of 1881. relating to insurance. To amend section 90, title 1, chapter 84, gen eral statutes, relating to religious corporations. To amend section 297, title 6, chapter 34,|g«n eral statutes 1878, relating to insurance. To amend chapter 72 of the general laws of 1381, relating to the State Horticultural society. I Amending the statutes of 1881, relating to the repayment of money paid in at tax sales, where such Bales are void. Amending the statutes relating to the publica tion of statements of banks. Amending the statutes of 1878, relating to re turns of votes i'<>." members of the legislature. Amending the statutes of 1878, relating to the deposits of state funds. Amending the statutes of 1878, relating to the relief of the poor. Amending the general statutes relating to town ship insurance companies; To amend the statutes of 1878, relating to the incorporation of Masonic bodies. Amending the statutes of 1881, relating to tho inspection of steam pollers. Amending general laws, age 5. Amending the statutes of 1878, relating to the fraudulent sale of mortgaged property. Amending the statutes relating to insurance companies. Amending the general statutes of 1878, relat ing to tlie drawing of juries, Amending the statutes of 1873, prohibiting tha sale of Uquor within one mile of the stato university. Amending tho statates relating to charters of railroad corporations. Amending tlie statutes relating to savings banks. Amending the statutes of IS7S,relating to bur docks. Amending the statutes of 1878, relating to county surveyors. Amending the statutes of 1373,r.iating t<. pen alties for violation of road duties. Amending general laws of 1576, allowing the state to sell pine and tamarack stumps suitable for ties, etc. To amend section 2, cliapter 70, general stat utes 1878, relating to deputies and fees of clerks of courts. Amending the statutes relating to roads, cart ways and bridges. Amending tha statutes of 1878, relating to the appointment of court reporters. Amending the statutes of 1873, relating to the powers of county commissioners. Amending the statutes of . . le.ting to elec tions i-; villages. Amending the statutes of 1878, rehiring to tho collection of the one mill tar.. Miscellaneous <<'.»''.-'(»' Laics. To leg.dize certain acknowledgements of deeds and other instruments. Relating to counter claims and offsets. Relating to the discharge of attachment on real estate. To fix the salary of the military store keeper. To enable the owners of hinds to drain and re claim the same when sane can lot bo with out affecting the hmds of others, prescribing the powers and duties •>:' county commissioners and other officers in the premises, sad to provide for the repiir and enlargement of such drains, and repealing certain acts therein specified and de claring an emergency. For a township drainage act. To authorize ths incorporation of chambers of commerce and boards of trade. To repeal chap) 147, general laws 1881, cre ating the office of district attorney. Providing for assignment of estates of de ceased persons in certain c:tscs. To revive and continue an act entitled an act to appropriate the interest of the ate in certain lands to aid in the instruction of the Princeton <_ Anoka railroad, and to legllize tho organiza tion of said company. To provide f. r the examination and commitment of persons under guar dianship on account of excessive drinking to the department for inebriates in the second hospital for the insane of the state of Minnesota. To secure proper commitments bo the state reform school. .elating to the registration of voters in incor porated cities. Declaring the force and effect of .'.-ill's cer tificates of sale in mortgage foreclosure!. Relating to filing of official bonds of certain offioers. Fixing the salary of the clerk of the secretary of state at $1,200 instead of $1,000. Relating to the salaries of county treasurers. Relating to the recording of railroad mort gages. To provide for tv/o clerkships in the state auditor's office To authorize and empower the board of trus tees of the Minnesota hospitals for the insane to purchase land for the usa of hospitals. For the support of the several state institu ti- ji ■ therein named for the period ending July 31, 1884 and July 81, 1885. To provide for borrowing money to defray the extraordinary expenditures of the stato gov ernment. To repeal chapter 199 of special laws of extra session of 1681. To prevent setting fire to woods, prairies or other grounds, and to repeal chapter 36 of the general laws of Minnesota for 1377 in relation thereto. To provide for the organization of the a tional Guard of tlio state of Minnesota and the maintenance thereof aud entitled the military cod '. '» To repeal an act entitled an act for licensing of dogs and for the protection of sheep, lambs and other domestic animal. • To prevent tho injury or traction of bag gage. : ' vi't-'-'^p x-'x. To liunish ths wilful violation p_nd omissions 1.-..-.-""-.'. ■'-'■? if duty and gross negligence of duty on the part if railroad employes. .- •' ;■;' To change the rate of interest en sale of pub ic lands from 7to sper cent. Forbidding railroad companies to obstruct dull ways. Providing tor the levy of taxes for state pur wises for the years 1833 and 1884. Authorizing the organization of • trust com panies. To provide for the distribution of the general tatutesof 1878. Concerning the making of official reports. To equalize certain defective conveyances of •eal estate. Legalizing the record of certain certificates. Relating to the rights and liabilities of owners md lessees of buddings. Establishing a state board of corrections and :_arities. Relating to clerks of the district courts. Relat ng to the official bonds of certain coun ty officers. Enlarging tlie authority of the board of health D cases of diphtheria, scarlet fever and . mall iox. Relating to the infectious and epidemic dis use and for the preservation of public health. A biU for the preservation of life and for the protection of travelers. Establishing a recording clerkship in the office if the secretary of state. Providing for the sale of the experimental "arm, state university. Relating to the deposit of public funds. To prevent sporting within certain seasons. Prohibiting minors and habitual drunkards from obtaining liquor under false representa tions. Legalizing defective conveyances and tho record thereof. Authorizing clerks of courts to place on record the reason of jurors who are excused from serving. Authorizing the judge of any district court to appoint a commission to lay oat reads in tv.-o or more counties in his district. Fixing shares of capital stock of corporations at not less than $50 nor more than $100 each. Providing for the printing end binding of s'__ volumes of the opinions of the attorney general. Providing for the payment of bounties for the capture of horse thieves. Repealing the provisions of the act making hotel keepers responsible for the loss of moneys and jewelry by then guests. Repealing sections 12 and 19, chapter 11, gen eral law* of 1883, relating to corporations. Authorizing the governor to appoint a board of fuel commissioners. To authorize the bo ;rd of county commission ers to issue bonds. To provide for the laying out of temporary cart ways. R gulating the practice of medicine. Prescribing the death penalty for murder in the first degree. Relating to the admission of attorneys to prac tice. Authorizing the reissue of mutilated or de stroyed state bonds. Providing for the payment of'certain lost state railroad bonds. Authorizing the stato auditor to sell any island in any river or lake belonging to the state. Providing for the adjustment of certain state raii road bonds. Relating to acknowledgments affecting real estate. To legalize acknowledgments and the record thereof. Relating to practice inicivil actions. Declaring void commercial paper secured by fraudulent transactions. To legalize defective conveyances of real es tate in certain cases, Proscribing penalties for the crime of larceny. Providing for the sale on execution of goods pledged or mortgaged. To provide for the sale of lands which have been stricken from tax roles. Add to city and town charters. Changing the name of the Norwegian Danish church of Minneapolis to the Norwegian Metho dist Episcopal church of Minneapolis. Appropriating Money. To appropriate money for the legislative ex penses of the present session of the legislature of the state of Minnesota. To appropriate money for tho unpaid expenses of the impeachment trial of E. St. Julian Cox, judge of the district court of the Ninth judicial district. To appropriate money for erecting additional bridges for the use of the school for the blind and the school for idiots and imbeciles. To appropriate money for permanent improve* ments in the Minnesota state prison. To appropriate money for hospitals for insane and for the purposes there;.; named. To appropriate money for repairs of state nor mal school buildings ad for apparatus for the normal schools at St. Cloud. • To appropriate money to replace buildings de stroyed by lire at state reform school, and for re pairs. To appropriate money to meet the expenses of the board ot^health arising from epidemics occa sioned by small- a i 1 other contagious dis eases . To appropriate money to iiiush aud furnish tho state capitol building. To appropriate money for erecting additional buildings for the use oi. the school tor the blind and school for idiots. Appropriating ' 600 for the expenses of the lu nacy commission. Appropriating $300 for the relief of John Reese. Appropriating $170.01 to th< county of Meek er for tho care of non-resident small-pox ;.. tieuts. Appropriating money for indexing and tran scribing journals of the two house . Appropriating $500 for a state road in Carver county, Appropriating money for the state and county agricultural societies. To appropriate $3,0C0 for the encouragement of higher education. Appro;)- $5,000 for the state board of immigration. Appropriating (100 to Wm. EL Dunnigan far two month's service in the department of public instruction. Appropriating $5,000 fsr fruit culture. Appropriating $5,000 for tlie encouragement of timber culture. Appropriating $129 to J. M. Oreeman. APPROPRIATIONS Fell bridges. Money for a bridge in Wadena county. Seven thousand five hundred dollars for a bridge across the Mississippi river at Brainerd. Five hundred dollars for a bridge in Murray county. Five hundred dollars for a bridge in Kandiyo hi county. Two thousand dollars for a bridge in MUle Lacs county. Two thousand* five hundred dollars for a brjdge in Steams county. . Five hundred dollars for a bridge in Jackson county. _':.'•. en hundred dollars for a bridgo in Jack son county. Five thousand dollars across the Mississippi nt Anoka. Five hundred dollars across the south branch of Two rivers.- Sis. hundred dollars in Cottonwood county. Four hundred dollars for a bridge across Rum river, Isanti county. Fojr hundred dollar across the Chippewa river in Douglas county. Four hundred dollars across Shell Rack river, Freeborn county. Three hundred dollars across Mnskado river, Traverse county. Six hundred dollars, across Chippewa river. Grant county. Eight hundred dollars, across Beaver creek, Renville county. One thousand dollars, across Bed river, Wil kin county. Four hundred dollars, across Watonwan river, Watonwan county. Two thousand dollars, across Eik river, Sher burne county. Two hundred dollars, across Yellow Medicine river, Lincoln county. Seven hundred dollars, acro33 the narrow oi Chisago lake, Chisago county. Twelve hundred dollars, across Shakopee creek, Kandiyohi county. Five hundred dollars, across Shakopee creek, Swift county. Three hundred dollars, across the North Branch and Two rivers, in Kittscn county. Eight hundred dollars, across Red river, Ottei Tail county. Four hundred dollars, across Snake river. Marshall county. One thousand d din across tlie Bois d( Sioux river, Wilkin county. Pour hundred dollars, across tho outlet ol LakoElysian, Waseca county. Sixteen hundred dollars, across Watonwan river, at MadeUa, Walionwon county. Th:. huadred dollar', aero._ the outlet ot Grove lake, Lyon county. Five hundred dollars, across the .south branch of Two Rivers, Kittson county. ■ Four hundred doUars, across the Cedar river, Mower county. .Three thousand dollars, across the Minnesota . river bottoms. Swift conntr. THE St PAUL DAILY GLOBE, FRIDAY KQRN&&, M*RCH 2 1883. Eight hundred dollars, across the Yellow ' £ Medicine river, Lyon comity. £ One thousand dollars, across the Cannon river, Goodhue county. 1 Seveu hundred and fifty dollars, across the Le Sueur river, Bine Earth county. ". Five bundr_l dollars, for a bridge in Morrison c county. Two hundred and fifty dollars, for a bridge t across Elk creek, Martin county. Two hundred dollars, for a bridge in Winona r county. g To amend section 3, chapter 16G, special laws extra session 18S1, to appropriate money to aid i Isanti county in construction of a wagon bridge across Rum river. ._';.' < To amend section 2, chapter 302, special laws extra session 1881, relating to appropriating ! money to aid in building a bridge across Rum river in Isanti county. 1 Eight hundred dollars for a bridge in Chip pewa county. i □Two hundred and fifty dollars for a bridgo across Pelican river, Otter Tail coanty. I Three hundred dollars for a bridge in Douglas county. I Five hundred dollars for a bridgo across the Minneso'a river in Chippewa county. Three hundred and fifty dollars for abridge in Norman county. Three hundred and fifty dollors for a bridgo across the Wild Rico river, Norman county. Seven hundred and fifty dollars for a bridge across the Minnesota river in Lac gui Parle and Chippewa counties. >•'.--, Two hundred dollars for a bridge across the Minnetonka river in Traverse county. Four hundred dollars for a bridge in Murray. Four hundred dollars for a bridge in Murray county. Seven hundred dollars for a bridge in Becker county. Four hundred dollars for bridges in Otter : Tall county.. Three hundred dull for a bridge in Yellow Medici county. Three hundred dollars for a bridge in Wright couuty. Six hundred doUars sor a bridgo in Traverso couuty. Sis hundred and fifty dollars for a bridge in Becker county. Eighteen hundred dollars for a bridge in Kana bee county. , Twenty-five hundred dollars for a bridge be tween Redwood and Renville counties. Two hundred and fifty dollars for a brides in Nicollet county. Six hundred dollars for a bridge in McLeod county. Five hundred dollars for a bridge in Todd county. One thousand dollars for bridging Five Mile creek. Five hundred dollars for a bridge in Rice county. Two thousand dollars for a bridge in Rice county. Authorizing tJie Issue »/ lioml.s. To authorize the common council of the city of Austin, in Mower county, to issue bonds. To authorise Che commissioners of the comity of Nobles to issue bonds. To authorize the board of county commission ers of Todd c maty to issue bond. To authorise the commissioner of the county iof Houston to issue bonds. To authorise the city of St. Paul to issue bonds to extend and improve the water works of said city. To authorize the board of county commission ers of Polk county to issue bonds. To authorize the village of Olivia, in Renville county, to issue bonds. To authorize the board of commissioners of Todd county, Minnesota, to issue bonds. To authorize tho village of Bird Island to issuo bonds. < To authorize tho county commissioners of the county of Mills Lacs to issue bonds. To authorize .Mid empower the town of Canton in Fillmore county to issue bonds. To authorize the city of Mower county to is sue bonds. • To authorise the borough of Le Sueur to issue bonds. To authorize the county commissioners of Freeborn county to issue bonds for the purpose of building a court house and jail. Authorizing the village of Little tails to issue bonds. To authorize the city of Crookston to issue bonds. To authorize the city council of Orion . to issue bonds. To authorize the town of Rod Wing to is.-.ue bonds for the purpose of constructing water works and other local improvements. To authorize' the county commissioner of Scott county to issue bonds in a sum not ex ceeding the sum of (5,000. To authorise the board of county commis sioners of Stevens county to issue bonds to build a court bouse and jail. To authorize the city of Uankato to issue bonds to redeem and pay bonds heretofore issued by said city. To authorise tho board of county commission ers of Kanabec county to issue bonds to build a court house and jail. To authorize the village of St. Vincent, in Kittson county, to issue bonds to fund its float ing indebtedness, to erect a public building and otlif r improvements. To authorise th commissioners of the county of Sii.' Lacs to issue . md. for building a court housoand jail. To authorize the city of Minneapolis to issue bonds. To authorize tho village of Montevideo to issuo bonds. To authorize tho county commissioners of : Becker county to issue bonds. To authorize the city of St. Paul to issue bonds. To authorize the village of Wells, in Faribault county, to issue bonds. To authorize the city of St. Paul to issuo bonds to enlarge the work house of said city. ; J To authorise the city of St. Paul to issue bonds. To authorize the city of Stillwater to issue bonds. To authorize the town of Logan, G rant county, to issue boiids. To authorise the county commissioners of Kittson county to issue bonds to fond the Boat ing debt of said county. To authorize the city of Waseca to issue bonds. To authorize the village of Brown . Valley to issue bonds, , To authorize Crow Wing county to issue bonds. To authorize the county commissioners of Big Stone county to issue bonds to fund the floating indebtedness of said county. Authorizing the county commissioners of : Norman county to issue bonds to pay indebt edness of Polk county and for other purposes. To authorize the city of Rochester to issue . bonds to fund its bonded debt. To authorize the village of Montevideo, in Chippewa county, to issue bonds to aid in building bridges and maintenance of a system of water works and reservoirs in said village. : Authorizing Spring YaUey, Fillmore county, to issue $25,000 in bonds to refund maturing iud.bteJness. I Authorizing school district No. 55, Wright county, to issue .$1,200 in bonds. Authorizing the city of St. Cloud to issue * 15.000 in bonds for the purchase of depot grounds. Authorizing tho village of Anoka to issue bonds for a r.uboad bridge and depot. Authorizing Pine county to issue $4,000 in bonds to refund maturing bonds. ' Authorising Anoka to issue $30,0 oiu bonds for a wagon bridge across the Mississippi river. ' Authorising St. Louis county to issue bonds for court house purposes. Authorizing Anoka to issue $10,000 in bonds to build a bridge across the Mississippi river. Authorizing Glen wood. Pope county, to issue $4,000 in bonds for water work a. ' Authorizing the city of St. Paul to issue $28, -000 of certificates of indebtedness for tho Mis sissippi street bridge. , Authorising the county commissioners of Meeker county to issuo bonds for court house [ purposes. Authorizing the city of Crooks* to issue . bonds for a bridge. 1 ( llil and Village Charter.-*. t To amend the charter of the city of St. Cloud. To amend the charter of the city of Winona. : Amending parts of the city charter of the city of St. Paul and acts amendatory thereto. , To amend an act entitled an act to incorporate the city of Man'l. ? • T. amend the charter of the city of Banner. To amend the charter of tlie city of Minneap f olis. To amend tho charter of tho village of Delano. To amend chapter 19, special Inws of 1875, be ing an act to incorporate the village of Osseo. f T. repeal chapter 100, special laws 1831, being an _ct to. incorporate tho vUlaga of Wqrthing -1 ton. '".''•-■• To incorporate the village of Kilkenny, in L ■ j . Surr county.'V. "' t To amend tho charter of tho city of St. Paul ;i . re::. to tho fir. departm nt. ' To amend aa act entitled aa act to incorporate he city of iloorhead, providing for a munici . i court. _H_Bh94SßHhbP'' C( To amend an act incorporating the city of tochoster.'... ■". c< To amend the charter of the city of Anoka. ■To amend and consolidate the charter of the at :ity of Fergus Falls. _ Amending tlie charter of the village of North lold, Rice county. ci Amending the charter of the city of Anoka, o ■elating to the use of streets by railroad, tele jraph or street car companies. ti AmAiding the charter of tha village of War •en. Marshall county. a Amending the charter of St. Vincent, Kittson county. c Amending the charter of the village of Canby, iTeUow Medicine county. :'-. c Amending the incorporation of Rockford. Wright county- . . . v Amending the charter of Lake City, providing for a poll tax. 1 Repealing a section of the charter of Lake City. ( Amending section 1 of the cliarter of Lake City relating to clearing of sidewalks. \ Amending the charter of Winnebago City. To establish a municipal court in the city of Huntings. c Authorizing tba city of Winona to appoint w.iter commissioners. ( Repealing _ection 2, special laws 1878, relat- 1 ing to the department of tho city of Duluth. To define the boundaries of tho municipal government of Duhrth. t To establish a board of public works in the c city of Stwater. ."... i.,' . ;.; Authorizing the city of St. Cloud to grant charters to street railway. Authorizing LlinneapoUs to pay interest on certain bonds issued by the city. t To make an appropriation to improve Dakota avenue in tho city of St. Paul. t To confirm an ordinance re] itingtostreet rail way company in St. Paul.. < To amend section 11 of an act authorizing tli9 i city of St. Paul to constr .ct a permanent road way over Phalea's creek. i To authorthiza an increass of ii. sewerago fund in the city of St. Paul. i To amend an act entitled an act to incorporate tho tiro department of the district of Duluth. , To amend an act to establish a municipal ] court in the city of Minneapolis. In relation to the municipal court, city of , Minneapolis. To amend the municipal c«urt act of Minne apolis. . i Providing for the acquisition, laying out ard improvement of la;i(?s in Minneapolis for a pub lic park. To ceda to the Unnited Btate jurisdiction over certain territory in the city of St. Paul. To amend chapter 12, special laws of 1879, re lating to the city of Crookston. To authorize the city of Bed Wing to unite with th.9 Minnesota Central Railroad company m the construction of a combined railway and wagon bridge. To amend an act to authorize the establ sli ment and maintence of a work house in tho city of St. Paul. □ Memorial to congress relating to the im provem of the harbor at Dula* h. Authorizing the city of St. Paul to purchase the franchises anl property of the St. Paul Water company. Amending the charter of Watcrville, Lo Sueur county. Amending the charter of the city of New Dim. Incorporating the vUlage of Elyman, Lo Sueur county. Changing the name of a certain church in Minneapolis. Amending the charter of Marine Mills, Wash ington county. Amending tho charter of Wells, Faribault county. Ameuding tlio charter of tho city of Brainerd. Amending the charter of OrtoavUle, Big Stone county. Towns and Counties. To amend an act to incorporate the fire de partment of the district of Duluth. To legalize the organization of Cook county, and the official acts of tho officers thereof. To repeal chapter 330 of the special laws of 1879, in relation to salaries of cjunty officers of Meeker county, and chapter 128. special laws of 1881, amondatory thereof. To change the name of the village of Pills bury, in Swift county, to Kerkhoven. To authorise the city of Red Wing to estab lish a system of sewerage, and to construct sew ers, etc. To ike paupers a town charge in the county o* Douglas. To rep , chapter 200, special laws of 1881, far as the same relates to Morrison county. To legalize bonds issued fay the town of Lo gan,. Grant county. Authorizing the county commissioners of Scott county to reimburse the treasurer in car tarn cases. Relating to partition fences in McLeod coun ty. To authorize the county commissioners of RenviUe county to reimburse tha treasurer in certain coses. To authorize the county commissioners of Nicollet comity to reimburse the county treas urer in certoin cases. To regulate the fees of the clerk of the district court of Kandiyohi coanty for certain services. To legalise tlie Xa t of tiio townsito of Man dada. To changa the name of the town of Center in Murray county to that of Slnyton. To authorize tho clerk of the di2trict court of the couuty of Hennepin to transcribe certain records iv his office. To fix the comp?nsation of certain officers in Hennepin county. < To authorize the transfer of certain records from Rock county to Pipestone county, and de claring the effect thoreof. To amend an act, entitled an act to prescribe the . tons of the board of county commission ers of Steams coanty, bo ng chapter 851, special laws 1-81. To include certain portions of town 110, range IG, and the town of St. Peter, within tke incor porate limits .if the city of St. Peter. To amend section sof chapter 74 of special laws 1875, relating to support of poor in Freo born county. To change the town line between Minneapolis and liicbfieldin Hennepin county. Amending aa act to regulate the fees, salary and compensation of county officers of Winona coanty. To set apart certain territory in Murray coun ty to be incorporated. To authorize the board of county commission ers of Ramsey county to issue certificates of in debtedness. To allow and direct the county commissioners of Steams county to adjust certain claims against said maty. To establish the county of Hubbard and da fine its boundaries. To levy a tax in road district No. 2, town of West St. Paul, Dakota county* to tho fees of the abstract clerk of Ramsey coanty. Fixing the commas doner distriots of Winona county. No regulate the salary of the auditor and treasurer of Blue Earth county. To fix the time for holding court in Traverse county. To regulate the salaries and fees of officers in Ramsey county, Repealing the act regulating the salary of the auditor of Anoka county. Establishing the tenure in office of the auditor of Isanti county. Fixing the salaries of the auditor and treasurer of Washington county. Relating to deputy shsriffs in Hennepin county. " Amending the act defining the boundaries of the village of Duluth. Repealing the act to regulate the salaries of certain officers in Rice county. Amending the special laws of 1876, relating to the incorporation of Lyle, Mower county. relating to interest on bonds of Alden, Free born county. To provide for the levy of a tax to pay the bonded debt of Cass county. Authorizing tho auditor of Grant county to issue warrants for the payment of bonds. To amend chapter 84, special laws, 1878, re lating to the village of Rush City. To amend chapter 276, special laws, 1881, re lating to the roads in Ramsey county. To amead chapter 72, special laaws, 1831, re lating to the incorporation of the village of the Marshall. To amend chapter 361 of the special laws of 1881, relating to a ferry at St. Vincent. To authorize tho construction of a bridge across tho Mississippi river at Brainerd, Crow- Wing counly. T.) change tho name of the Red Wing furni ture factory. To fix the time for holding court in Traverse county. ,;.i:' To ciiar.g. the name of the Re Wing Wagon comparer, Ciianging the cameo of certain laid s in Wash ington coanty. Regulating the compensation of the coinmts sio-.ers of Pope county. Fixing tlio timo for holding court in Kittson, Polk aad other counties. Fixing tho time for holding court in Linco n a runty. • « Regulating the fees of the auditor of Ramsey mnty. ' Amending the act authorizing Ramsey county id the city of St. Paul to issue bonds to build i alms house. jE_f__p_£B3s! Authorizing tlie commissioners of Ramsey _ aunty to issue certificates for the improvement >■ f the Bald Eagle lake road. j Amending statutes to complete the organiza- ( ion of Wadena county. - Detaching certain townships in Cass county nd attach the same to Wadena county. f Extending the limits of Fairmont in Martin < ounty. :.. \ j Fixing the salaries of certain officers in Clay ' ounty. - ';;" •"• 1 To regulate the making up of jury lists in ' Washington county. Appointing officers for the town of Minneapo is, Hennepin count?. To change the boundaries of the counties of Jass, Crow Wing and Morrison. Authorizing and requiring the towns of Kandi- ] rohi county to support their own poor. i To fond the floating debt of Marshall county. Relating to the salary of the judge of probate if St. Louis county. Repealing the act allowing the village of ; jhaska to issuo bonds for a bridge acroos the itinn sota river. ■. ~ - ; _;,'"■ To legalize the organization of Lake county. Repeal of chapter 82, special laws of 1881 au ,horizing the commissirners of Yellow Medicine •aunty to issue bonds for court house. ■ __ Schools and School Districts. To legalize the action of certain independent school districts respecting the issuing of bonds. To change tho time of holding the annual school meeting in the city of StUlwator. To attach certain territory to independent school district No. 27, in the city of Austin, in Mower county. . .'"■ , 7 :; To create an independent school district in Errant county. To amend an act to create a new school dis trict in Sibley county. To amend section 5 of chapter 104 of special laws of 1877, entitled an act ia relation to public schools in the city of Lake City. Relating to the government oc schools in the city of Minneapolis. To amend chapter six of the special laws of Minnesota passed at the extra session of 1881, entitled "An act in relation to the public school of Brown Valley, Traverse county." To amend and consolidate the several acts relating to the board of education of St. Paul. To detach certain territory from school dis trict 32, in Le Sueur county, and attach to Union district No. 76, in said county, and to relocate tho school house thereon. Authorizing the establishment of common schools in unorganized counties. Organizing a school district in Cass county. To authorize independent school district No. 12, in the county of Houston and village of Hokali to settle with the treasurer of said dis trict for certain moneys belonging to the same. Appropriating $500 to build a school house in Jackson county. To amend the laws of 1881, relating to high schools. Amending the general statutes of 1577, relat ing to the distribution of school books. Providing for the establishment of a chair of Scandinavian language and literature at tho University of Minnesota. To provide for the holding of institutes under the direction of the state superintendent of pub lic instruction. Authorizing the superintendent of pubUc in structions to purchase for school districts a copy of Webster's Dictionary. Prescribing the manner of electing school officers in the Duluth school district. Creating the office of assistant superintendent of public instruction, at $I,sooper annum, and the employment of a oterkat $60J . Changing the boundaries of certain school districts in Polk county. • Relating to school districts in Polk county. For the sale of college la:ids and the invest ment of the proceeds in 4% per cent, bonds. DFixing the time for meetings of the normal school board. i Draining Lakes—Catching Fish—Cattle Rutin at Large. To authorize the lowering of the outlet of Dead lake, in Otter Tail county, To prohibit the catching of fish in Rice lake, in the town of Foster, in Faribault county. To prevent the running at large of cattle or other domestic animals in the town of Kingston, south of tho crow river, in Meeker coanty. To authorize the partial drainage of a certain lake in Douglas county. To authorise the lowering of the waters of a certain hike in Waseca. To prevent cattle, sheep and horses from run ning at large in the town of Camp Lake, in Swift county. To amend chapter G3 of the special laws of 18/3, entitled ah act to prevent the draining. of Clear LakOjsituated in the town of Wood vide, in Waseca county. To regulate the catching c." fish in Roberts and Canon lakes, in the county of Rice. To authorize tho lowering of p. certain lake in Kandiyohi county. For the protection of tho fish in Diamond lake, Kandiyohi county. To prevent tlio running at large of cattle, horses, sheep, swine, or other domestic animals in certain portions of Le Sueur county. Relating to the catching of fi.-h.inLe Sueur dbnnty. To restrain the running at largo of cattle in Clay county. To prevent cattle, sheep and other domestic animals from running at large in town of Camp Lake, in Swift county. To drain two sloughs or mud lakes in Meeker county. Regulating tho catching of fish in Rice lake Steams couuty. Regulating the catching of fish in Dakota county. Regulating the catching of fish in Douglas county. Restraining domestic animals in Pope county. Authorizing the drainage of shallow and grassy meandered lakes. Authorizing the lowering of the waters of cer tain lakes in Pope county. Restraining domestic animals in Hesnepin county. Regulating the catching of fish in Hennepin county. Retraining domestic animals in the town of Lakeland, Washington county. Miscellaneous and Special Lairs. Amending the act incorporating the Mount Zion Hebrew association. Amending the charter of the Cannon river im provement company. Incorporating the ancient order of Hibernians. To reimburse Mrs. Looaaas for the loss of a picture in the capitol fire, $75. Amending the charter of the Minnesota & Northwestern Railway company. To amend chapter 88, special laws of 1873. To amend sections 1 and 2, chapter 203, special laws, 1879. To amend chapter 72, special laws, 1881. To repeal chapter 248, special laws of 1873. To amend section 2 of chapter £01 of tho special laws of 1881. Amending special laws of 187G relating to the St. Croix Boom corporation. To amend section 1 of chapter 146 of special laws of 1872. To amend section 3 of chapter 5. special laws, 1876. Refunding $115 to Hans Guuwadson for mosey expended in the military service of the state. Regulating the tolls for logs going through Snake river dam. Fixing the amount of fees of the Mississippi Brer Room company for assorting ties and cedar poles. .Relating to the rate of boomago and number of directors of the St. Criox Boom company. Joint Resolutions mud Memorials. Joint resolution in regard to the improvement of the Mississippi river. Memorial to the house of representatives. Memorial to congress to create a port of entry at St. Vincent. ■-. : Joint resolution asking immediate adjustment of land grants to railroads. Joint resolution amending and construing joint resolution, number thirty-four of the leg islature of 1874, entitled joint resolution au thorizing the appointment of an agent to prose cute certain claims against the United State?. Joint resolution requesting congress to fix the head of navigation of the Minnesota river." Joint resolution forth" relief of John A. Mat thews, who lost a certain state railroad bond. Joint resolution to congress for the relief of John Fenske. Memorial to congre j3 asking permission; to build a bridge across tho Mississippi river at St. Paul. Joint resolution relating to the Chipjewi In dians. Joint resolution authorizing the late auditor to issue his warrant in favor of F. Miller for ii amount of money appropriated under a sp? :iallaw of 1881. Memorial to congress in reference to liens eal estate. ■ .::.-V;' ■ , . « . Executive Vetoes. An act to changa the rate of interest upon the ° public lands from seven (7) to five (5) per cent., being an amendment to section _-vcn \ 7) of chapter thir y-eight (38) of the general a statutes of 1878. Vetoed Feb. 23. An act to revive and continue an act entitled, in act to appropriate the interest of the state in r< _rtain lands to aid in the construction of the Princeton & Anoka Railroad company, and to legalize the organization of said company, ap proved March 7, A. D. 1878. Vetoed March 1, I 1883.. :-..:;;. tl RAILROAD NOTIiS. I Dry Goods Men After the Trunk Lines, , i New York, March I.—A deputation from leading dry goods houses appeared to-day * before the executive committee of the trunk lines to urge a reclassification on th. ■ west bound traffic. Assistant Commission- j ' er C. N. Guilford presided. There \t_-.i* j ' present Frank Harriott, freight agent of j the Baltimore & Ohio railroad; R. C.Vilas,' ef the Erie railroad; James S. Wilson, of '■ the Pennsylvania railroad. C. S. Smith - presented a paper signed by tho leading ' dry goods merchants of this city and prin cipal manufacturers in New England claim- : ing that the present classification is unjust ; and injurious to business.and that a higher '' relative charge is made on sheetings than on any other textile fabrics. Others also 1 spoke on the subject to the same i effect. Mr. Harriott requested a statement in writing showing the charges cix- Western and Southern roads to manufaetv i in those sections, and promised i he part of the freight agents ! that due cc S deration would be given the : matter. It i said here that the Western • and Sonth .. tern factors are superseding , the Eastern. Taxing Kentucky Railroads. Frankfort, Ky., March —This morn ing Judge Major delivered his opinion in the case of the Commonwealth against the Louisville & Nashville Railway company. ! This case involved the constitutionality of the act creating the railroad commission, and the right of that commission to assess ; railroads in the state. The commissioners i assessed their property too high an 1 gave thorn no notice, and from the assessment there was no appeal. The principal point in Judge: Major's decision is that the state has the right to tax all railroads in the slate in the manner assessed by the com- i mission. Sew Line front Cedar Rapids to Kansas City. Chicago, March I.— is said the Mil waukee it St. Paul road will build anew line through the rich country between Cedar Rapids, la., and Kansas City the coming season. Sowestern Emigrant Traffic. Chicago, March 1. —The Chicago & Northwestern railroad announces that all through trains will be running to Dakota points Saturday next. Over 700 car loads of emigrants and baggage are waiting trans portation to Dakota. The Chicago Lake Front. [Special Telegram to the Globe.] Chicago, March 1. —Attorney General McCartney to-day filed an application for an injunction against the Illinois Central railroad from using the lake front land except 200 feet cast of Michigan avenue granted them in the charter. He filed a voluminous argument, urging that the city or government has no claim to take the front, bat it is the property of the state, together with the made land and riparian rights. The land and buildings ara valued at $0,000,000. The Valentine scrip tried to locate on it, and the city claiming it ho attempted to transfer a portion to the railroad. The action of the state causes commotion. Depression in tho Glass mess. Pittsgurg, Pa., March The depres sion prevailing at present in nearly all branches of our industries has particularly affected tho glass trade. Manufacturers say they have never known business to be so dull, especially in the chimney business and unloss there is an improvement soon I it is thought there will be a general sus pension. One factory, the Excelsior Glass company, have given notice that, they will shut down for an indefinite period on Saturday, and it is thought others will soon follow suit. Prices have fallen 2 per cent, sine, the beginning of the season. David Davis' Marriage. [Special Telegram to the Globs. J Raleigh, N. C, March I.—Arrangements aro perfected for the marriage of Hon. David Davis to Miss Ida E. Burr, of Tokah, at the residence of Congressman Wharton J. Green, near Fayetteville, next week. Special trains have been chartered and a number of prominent friends invited. Senator Davis goes to Fayetteville on Tuesday. The bridal party goes to Bloom ington, thence to California. ' Wigwam Roller Skating Rink. A FIGHT WITH INDIANS. San Antonio, Tex., March I.—A party of ranchmen surprised an Indian camp in Chihuahua, Mexico, a few days ago, cap tured twenty-five squaws and killed ten bucks. murdered for money. . John Heigle, a small merchant in North Leavenworth, Kas., was found dead in his store very lata last night, with his throat cut, his head mashed and the money drawer carried off. , - V.: INCENDIARY FIR. . Cleveland, March 1. —A supposed in cendiary fire last night damaged Alonzo Williams' planing mill at Youngstown,and the adjacent lumber yard of Geo. Dingley on one side and M. Clemens' rag and paper warehouse on the other. Total loss esti mated at $30,000; insurance, $18,000. KILLED et THE cars. ."{.:. Houlton, Me., March 1. —Two men, Mc- Inelly and Brown, with their wives, at tempted to drive across the New Brunswick railway at Canterbury, N. 8., yesterday in front of an advancing train. The train struck the pung, killing both ladies almost instantly and severely injuring Mclnelly. .Vigwa m Roller Skating IfcinK. Naval cadets Chas E. Woodru£c,of Penn sylvania; Chas. J. Ross, of Maryland; Wm. A. Megrath, of Georgia, engaged in the demonstration of the 30th of January last, the only three of the class who failed to express regret for their conduct, have been dropped from the rolls of the naval academy by the navy department. Wigwam Roller Skating Rink. An insane woman created an excitement at a hotel in Ottawa, Canada, by her vio lence in demanding an interview with . the Marquis of Lome. She was pacified only when she was granted a telephonic conver sation with what she was told was the mar quis, but who in reality was a clerk in an other part of the hotel. The caption > was very soothing. G^OB .LIJTS. Spring, "ineffable mildua-:.," has;l gain, according to the almanac. ;'v "■*-'... The town of Vaughan, Mississippi;'. jV v.:, eon 'almost entirely destroyed by fire. _? ■ A "lightning train" is to*. be introduce" • ■: . lay 1 on the railroad between ; Vie. _n> nd Paris. V, '.:v'''-.::::'-';•?. \'- Tho Eaglish premier, Gladstone, waa! V ecently in Paris and had an:interviow\ rith President Grevy. :';.-"o.: ''-.-,\ Nine Americans have been arrested at.l 'anamgjCharged with stealing $50,000 sent;-! o pay the United State, fleet .in the A 'acific. ''■*_". It is announced that;. Prince Napoleon's two sons, Prince Victor Na-^i| >oleon and Loais Napoleon, will eater th'o^..' : tali in army. , '•/:'.-/ .^ !>■ i_s reported in Washington that Sen? v>i i'.-.>o'. is soon to lock hands in mati-.. 11 ■>;•/'ii a ' tr.ifal maiden of twenty-iK . ;hrce .•-.'.'.rrimor. . -'.-:: ;<■>•'-'-"-*',\ V pnpcr bomb was recently thrown into , :he piiJ.tce >_ tho Austrian ambassador,at/"i Some. No one was injured and no af/- I rests were made. • . ;■_ -.'.- '■"_ -_f/: v.* The ostrich feather trad* .has; re^^d". f immense proportions in South ' Afi'i&w^l f, is said that $6,000,000 worth of feeders \ are exported from there every year. '■ • The cathedral church, built iii Lubeek in ; il the years 1170-1314 has a curious : clod-;|| [ On the end of the hour hand is a little elect | which keeps exact timo with the large 'one .) A number of Stockton (Oregon)/boy•• • were arrested a few days ago '/ while.' en • v; gaged in playing poker and sinking dice c in the steeple of the Congregational churei \ '•}. which they had fitted up with tables,chsir? | etc. •■"',■■■ Kentucky still retains the provision tha ! "no person, while he continues to exeicis the functions of a. clergyman, priest cj£ teacher of any religious ps_3nasion,'v:>eiety ' or sect, shall be eligible to the general as- | sembly." ' A A New York man was so enrapture .with a'lady at a fancy ball that he offered heX $100 to unmask. She accepted the mont; >f saying: "Now your wife can pay: the serf vant girl's back wages." It was his motlvl er-in-law. > /-,,';■ .y'| ' Rhode Island's reform school for boy; has no locks on the doors and no bars long windows. There is very rarely an attempts :o e'seitp . though the 150 inmates includen inioy lads who have been considered .in/ corrigible. . -'/i'iV'f The Onia-jse aro to be very for- 1 horn* Ito ids, which has led an ent. j ing _«_;_ man to start a horned toad nery. He says all he wants is a little moi\ money and some good "toad slabbers'' _$ make a million. '■-'.'•!'.•'':•. J % Mrs. Myer, widow of General A. J. 'I ,yet s -} "Old Prob," as he was called,.is , building*! a costly mausoleum at Buffalo, in memory of her dead husband. The monument wiV I contain 400 tons of Mama granite?*-." 1,200 tons of bronze. j>" ' i; ; A person cognizant of the swelling |? powers of rice can form an idea of ' th. gastronomic abilities of a certain native ■ ' .' Corea, who have been known to eat'; much rice as results from the boiling oil quart of the raw material. : fi A very thoughtful lady is tho widow I the late Govornor Morgan. She not on' requested the pall bearers at her husband funeral to remain covarod, but she insistect that they should not expose themselves. to\ the inclemency of the weather. ""j V I The St. Gothard railway has s .imulatjed . many lines of Italian export trade, ; pat none of them more surprisingly . than Vhe , / egg trade. Last year Italy exported eggl? to the value of §7,000,300, whereas afttl years ago that tirade did not exist at al!. ? j A pretty girl out West told : her bean. that she was a:' mind reader. "Yon don't '• ; say so," he exclaimed. "Yes,", she said; "you have it in your mind to ask me to be your wife, but you are just a little .--'.red ' t at the idea." Their wedding cards aro 4' out. " I A bright little three-year-old like. : very j much to go to church, and ©.specially!\ en ! joys the -inking. One day the choir sang.] '•Rick of Ages, Cleft for Me," .and, .after she got home, the little one was heard sing! ing, very seriously, "Rock the babies, SceW for me." . -'. '! / In spite of British ; law in India a'cas'u of sattee or wife-burning occurred .resent- \ ly at j.Utarna, in Joypore, the victim being . \ the widow of the chief of tho village. The instigators of the sacrifice, who were the ;" sons and brothers of the chief, have been sentenced to imprisonment. : •/ Wiggins' prediction of a terrible storm from March 9 to 12 has deterred a number '_~ of captains and crews of Gloucester, Mass., from making the next trip to George's bank. It is feared the idleness of the men will become general, and that the opportu nity for a good catch will be lost. • . v< Over $115,000 have been trans- r. through a New York bank to Europe in /*■& . of the sufferers by the Rhine floods, 2>-Ifj ~ estimated that the amount sent forward . . through other channels to relieve distress in the same directions, added to the above, will aggregate at least $1,000,000. The report that druggists have talc. to I cheating in the weight of quinine is a bit ter revelation. If it were any other drug r the news would not be so hard to bear, but / quinine is such a delicious medicine to | swallow that one hates to believe that he is-. . being deprived of a full prescription. -\ A peculiar flavor in the drinking water at the board of trade rooms in Cincinnati Tuesday was recognized by many mem bers, who wondered if a distillery had bro ken loose and mado grog of the river wa- I ter. It was finally ascertained!that thei water had been placed in empty whisky. J barrels to allow the mud to settle. .* Boston culture sometimes takes a curi-! ous bent. Two females, designated as j "ladies," havo been detected in neatly fill- ! ing up the punched holes in "their commuta- < tion railway tickets, thereby making ono • ticket last as long as a half-dozen, honestly j used, would have done. Their respecta bility saved them from publicity and con sequent disgraoe. '•?, ,jj.' ,r! .'.''.!S A .'■ „ i ».-_-______.y Sale of Building,- Office of the Board of Public Works, / City of St. Paul, Minn. March Ist, 18S_. $'.;;' Notice is hereby given that the Board of Pub lic Works in and for the corporation of the city of St. Panl, Minnesota, will, on the 12th day of March, A. D. 1883, at 10 a. m., sell at : public auction, on the ground, to the highest bidder for cash, tho buildings and improvements; situated upon lots 4 and 5, of block; 2, of LatiijertV& Co.'s addition, in said city. Said brdldmgs and improvements are situated near the. intersection of Robert street, University and Auroraavenue.'- _ JOHN FARRI .GTON, President.** & Official: R. L.Goß_L._r, i (; k Clerk Board of Public Works. ;'.-.; • 61-65 [T-