Newspaper Page Text
s{ DAILY WEATHER BULLETIN. Office Chief Biuj»al Offices, Washington, D. C, June 12, 9:56 p. m. Observations taken at the same moment of ti 90 at all stations. UPPER MISSISSIPPI VALLEY. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Bt.Paal , *9.89 58 .. Clear. La Crosse 29.79 63 NW Cloudy. KOBTHWKST. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Bismarck 23.94 55 .. Fort Garry 29.89 '49 8E Clear. Moorhead*. 29.93 53 N . < tear. St. Vincent 29.89 47 SW Clear. ti'PF.U LAKES. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Daluth 29.89 52 NW Clear. DAILY LOCAL MKASS. Bar. Ther. Dew Point. Win.l. Weather. 29.455 60.5 47.2 NW Fair. Amount of rainfall, 0; maximum thermometer 86.0: minimum thermometer, 56.0; daily range, 10.0. BWtv. observed height, 8 feet, 3 inches; fall in twenty-four hours, '1 inches. P. F. Lyons, &>ri!6Aiit Signal Corps, U. S. A. to-day's weatheb. Washington. June 13, 1 a. m. — Indica tions for the upper Mississippi and Mis souri valleys: Clearing or fair weather, northerly to northwesterly winds, station ary or slight fall in temperature, rising, followed in the northern portion by falling barometer. CITY BULKS. Siinen Myers, Esq., of ISew York city, admitted to practice at the Minnesota bar, by the supreme court yestwrday, will open an oilice at Minneapolis. Alex. McKenzie, the sheriff of Burleigh couatr, Dakota, came down yesterday and took four prisoners from Ramsey county jail that belonged to Dakota and left with them for Sioux Falls. well-known case of Sheriff ( )'(Jor man vs. ex-Sheriff Richterwill be taken up at the ses-iou of the supreme court to-day on the appeal of Eichter from the decision or the district court in favor of O'Gor ms.r.. Several representatives of the morning 3 held an informal meeting last even ing, at which '"The St. Paul Press associa tion" was formally dedicated in a few glasses of ''Dry Mum," the usual thing on such occasions." The April term of the sap em court of the state, which holds its fiftieth session to-day, it is expected, w:il have its calen dar cases for argument all heard or dis posed of for the term, and when it adjourns that it will be sine die. L. Briu, of Stillwater, vho was sen tenced by the lower courts to the peniten tiary for stealing tickets from tho St. Paui, Minneapolis & Manitoba railroad offices, had his appeal argued and sub mitted before the supreme court yester day. Two artists were engaged yesterday in 'procuring inner photographic views of the halls, entrances and the different depart ment rooms of the state house. Oaeof them has been taking these views for the private use of Architect BulSngton, and the other for the preparation of stereosco pic views for general sale. To-day is the anniversary of the birth day of the late Justus C. Ramsey, and in memory of his generous gift to the orphans of our city would it not be appropriate for the orphans and others to take the pil grimage of love and gratitude to Oakland, and there decorate bis resting place with 'loral emblems of affectionate and grateful remembrance? James 11. Colvi ■: 11 arrested charged with others of making fraudulent entries of government land, and indict ite term of the U. S. ict court at Winona, upon three in dictments, yesterday gave bail before U. S. Commisjioiier Spencer in $1,000 upon indictment, for his appearance for trial at the October term of tho court in - city. Tho tax duplicates were turned over by the county treasurer to the county auditor Ist day of June. The law requires the auditor -:.:' : . within iiitctu days thereafter, make out a list of all delin quents and iile the c ileik of '-trict court. Theaudito] had t completed on Saturday last, tha9th. six days before the time required by the statutes, and ready for delivery, v, aich may be regarded as uuick work. Col, W. H. H. Taylor, state librarian, arranged the following new legal volumes in their cases yesterday: Ives' Treatise on Military Law, Brown's National Bank Cases, Burke on the Law of Public Schools, Hine & Nichols on the Law of Life Assur rance Assignments, Maine on Village Com munities and arrangements, Maine on Ancient Law, Bishop on Insolvency, Lesty on the Federal Constitution, and two volumes of New York Civil Procedure Reports. The First Circus. The famous Cole's circus flings its ban ner to the breeze in this morning's Globe. It will be in St. Paul July 3 and in Minne apolis July 4. Cole's circus is justly fam ous as an immense affair and it every where meets with immense patronage be cause it deserves it. Heal Esta'e Sale Yesterday. P. T. Kavanagh made another large sale of real estate yesterday. As usual at ■ Mr. Kavanagh's sales there was a large at tendance and spirited bidding. There were nineteen lots located on Summit ave nue, Leslie, Auburn and Division avenues and Milton street. Prices ranged from $1,000 on Summit to f 300 on Division avenue. The aggregate sale footed up $10,180. A number of our best posted citizens were among the purchasers. Charge of Incendiarism. The municipal court was largely occu pied yesterday in the preliminary exami nation of Frederick Pelof, charged with firing the building corner oC St. Peter and Ninth streets, owned by Jacob Stoltz and occupied by Louis Gross, burned Tuesday night the f>th inst. Hon. C. \V. Gregory, of Stillwater, appeared for the defense, but introduced no testimony. Seven witnesses were heard for the prose cution, at the conclusion of which Pelof was held to the grand jury, and the offense not being bailable in the municipal court, he was committed to the county jail. Wisconsin Masons. Milwaukee, June 12. — The Masonic Grand Lodge of Wisconsin convened to day in annual session with about 400 dele gates. A stormy convention is expected, owing to the alleged shortage in the ac counts of the grand secretary, Jno. W. Woodhull. , When the report was made on Wood hull's accounts it was learned that he is •short at present about $1,600, having bor rowed $1,700 in 1881 to made up the deficit which in all would be over $3,000. The funds taken are divided between the grand lodge, grand chapter and grand com mandery. It is proposed to break up this trinity of offices in one by allowing each grand body to elect its grand secretary. A resolution v ;:s passed to give nothing to the press, and t"-<?n the names of the dole gates are suj^.cbsed. The household furniture of C. S. Uline, Esq., 491 Mississippi 6treet, will be sold at auction naxt Friday, June 15, at 10 o'clock a. m. I PLKSONAL. Capt. A. H. Reed, Glencoe, it at the Merchants. Hon. It. L. Frazee, Frazee City, is at the Merchants. T. B. McMartin, banker and loan agent, Sioux Falls, is at the Merchants. W. S. Dickinson, town-site proprietor of Dickinson, D. T., is at the Merchants. Thomas Brennan, Owatonna, the well known railroad contractor, is in the city. Hon. W. M. Campbell, Litchtield, passed through St. Paul yesterday bound home ward. C. H. Whipple, Dr. A. C. Girard and T. F. Forbes, U. S. A., are registered at the Merchants. Hon. M. W. Scott, Grand Forks, mem ber of the Dakota capitol commission, is at tie merchants. Hon. E. W. Durant and Warden Reed, were among the representative men of Stillwater, visiting St. Paul yesterday. Capt. J. H. Todd, Eighteenth Infantry, U. S. A., Fort Assinniboine, is at the Mer chants, accompanied by his wife, bonnd East, on a sick leave. Col. W. E. Caton, Yankton, a good dem ocrat and thoroughbred on general prin ciplse, was among the arrivals at the Merchants yesterday. R. H. Draper, Bingham Lake, the pion eer miller of southwestern Minnesota, now about to change his location to some point in the northwest, is at the Merchants. J. L. Clouse, one of the original town site proprietors of the now flourishing city of Jamestown, D. T., from which he has reaped a moderate fortune, is at the Mer chants . George W. Yeunnme, one of the pioneer settlers of Jamestown. D. T., passed through St. Paul yesterday en route to Chicago on a business trip to return here Friday. Among the arrivals at the Merchants yesterday was Mr. E. McMahon, of Jeffer son, Wis., on his retuan from Bismarck, where he has purchased a corner lor for $25,000, and conluded the contract for the immediate construction of a fine bank buliding to be occupied by himself and associates for banking purposes as soon as completed. Hon. W. J. Ives, Hutchinson, is one of the lucky ones. About a year ago, months be fore the Dakota capital commission was thought of, he bought six lots on the out skirts of Bismarck for a mere song. The lots, very fortunately, are immediate ly adjoining the capitol grounds. Mr. Ives, who has been at the Merchants for two days past, left for Bismarck last even ing, in answer to a telegraphic request to put a price on the property. Hosts of old time friends will rejoice when they learn of his goood fortune. Kicc Park Concert, The Great Union band will give its ;;d concert at Rice park this evening with the following programme. 1. Amtcitia — March G. Wiegand 2. Grand ; Potpourri The Puritan's Daughter G. Wiegand 3. Jubel Overture C. Bach 4. Scotch Wedding — March W. Christeru 5. Grand Potpourri From Fra. Diavola. . .. * rranged by H. Hem 6. Anvil— Polka A. Barlow 7. Tornado — Galop— Comet Solo E. Beyer B. Booms Rollinson The household furniture of C. S. Ulrne, Esq., 491 Mississippi street, will be sold at auction ne?ct Friday, June 15, at 10 o'clock a. m. Rival Equestrians. « •. oof the most inspiring of th ' many ring spectacles in W. W. Cole's Groat Show is the rivu'ry between two agile, brilliant and dashing bareback riders on separate horses in the same ring, each .spurred by a spirit of generous pro fessional rivalry, and each straining himself to the verge of human possibility to outdo the other. It is indeed n siyht that sets the blood ■ ■ ing. "Wigwam Roller Skating Rink. To-morrow evening first grand polo contest between the Minneapolis and St. Paul polo club [Einiira Dally Advertiser.] Obituary. Monday at 1 o'clock, at the residence of his son-in-law, L. Northrup, 403 Walnut street, died Adam Everhart, in the ninety-third year of his age. He leaves to mourn his loss seven daugh ters: Mrs. Andrew Everhart, of Colorado City, Colorado; Mrs. Benoni Baker, Mrs". William G. Corbett, Mrs. J. T. Window, of St. Paul, Minn.; Mrs. O. P. Wilson, of Canton, Pa.; Mrs. N. M. Reynolds, of Bmithfield, Pa.; and Mrs. L. Northrup, of this city. Adam Everhart was born in Hamilton county, Pa., in the year 1791. He was married at the age of twenty to Char lotte Altemus, of the same place, with whom he lived sixty-five years, her demise occurring seven years ago last March, at the age of eighty-five. They were both members of the M. E. church for over sixty years. The funeral will take place at 409 Walnut street, this (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Concerning Imported Cigars. Competent judges upon all sides declare the Seal Skin Cigar to be equal if not superior to the best imported cigars. Warranted free from scent or flavor produced by drags. Beaupre, Keoh * Co . , 4-gents. DIED. • TERRY— In this city, at St. Joseph's hospital, 12:45 a. m., on June 12, 1883, John C, son of John C. Tern-, aged 32 years. Notice of funeral hereafter. MCCARTHY— In St. Paul, June 12, 1883, at the residence of his parents, 348 St. Anthony ave nue, T. J. McCarthy, age 25 years, 11 months, 4 days. Funeral Thursday, June 14, at 9a. m., from St. Joseph's church. Wmm if /®l M VnWv • - * i '•»-■! (■■<■« t's Absolutely Pure. This powder neror varies. A. marrel ef par ty, strength and wholesomeiieas. More econom cal than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be 63t in competition with the multitude of low and short weight, ilumor phosphate powders. Sold only n cans. Royal Baking Powdeb Co. 105,Wa11-vt. N. Y. <us mm. KENNEY & HUDNER, 103 ami 105 West Third Street, Opposite Metropolitan Hotel THE SAINT PAUL DAILY GLOBE, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, Ibß3 REAL ESTATE. lour Attention IS INVITED TO-DAY To the Improved Property opposite the St. Paul Roller Mill, on Upper Third street known as the ALLEY BLOCK, And consisting of the three stores, Nos. 43, 45 and 47 West Third street. The Building is Sixty by Nine ty, three stories high, and is in excellent condition. The Lot is 60 by 140 feet, less a piece 29 by 34 in the northeast rear corner. The entire block is leased at a good rental, and will be sold at a price which makes it worth the consideration of Capitalists. "We will be glad to show you the property and give you fig ures upon it. CoctanTlewiort 170 E. U St., Opposite Merchants Hotel. Real Estate. 354 Jackson Street, St. Paul. Houses, Lots. Blocks. Acres & Business Property JOHN M. LYNCH, Heal Estate 104 East Third Street, Presley Block, - - St. Paul. TEEPLE & HOSKEN, Real Estate and Loan Brokers No. 63 East Third Street ST. PAUL, - - - MINN. 520.000 to loan on St. Paul real estate. $650 buys a good lot on Rondo street. $550 for a lot on Ellen street. $1,100 buys a nice house, five rooms, on Rondo street. $1,600, corner of Division and Grotto. 161-64 S. LEE DAVIS, Real Estate and Marliap Leans. £80 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. Investments made and taxes paid for non residents. li^Oß SALE — Jackson street property, ppocial ' bargain, 100x150 feet, at the corner of Jack son and Twelfth streets, for sale by S. Lee Davis, 3(A) Jacksoa street. 1 CO* HEZEKIAH HALL. B. F. HALL. HALL BROTHERS, Real Estate Comer Third and Robert Streets, in the Savings Hunk. ST. PAUL. . '- - MINN. "" R. W.JOHNSON, Real Estate Agent, Mannheimer Block, Boom 11. ST. PAUL, - - - MINN. A. E. CLARK & CO., Real Estate & Loan Agents, 315 Jackson street,opposite Merchants hotel. PACKETS. ST. LOUIS & ST^_PAUL PACKET CO, Side-Wheel Steamers, Equipped with Elec tric Light. REFITTED MD^EFURXISfIED. For Winona, La Crosse, Dubuque, Clinton Rock Island, Davenport, Muscatine, Bur lington, Keokuk, Quincy, Hannibal, St. Louis, and all intermediate points. STMR. CENTENNIAL, THOS. L. DAVIDSON, Master. Leaves St. Paul, Tlrniay, ;Jnne lffl, at 12 o'cloct, M. Through ticket:- by r ver aud rail for sale to all points East :md South. A. DEL ANY, Agent, 164-65 Levee and Jackson Street. DRESS PARADE THIS EVENING, AT FOET SNELLING. THE LONGFELLOW Will leare foot of Jackson street, at 9 a.m. for Fort Snelling and Minnehaha Falls, returning at 1 p. m.QAt 4:30 "p. m. she will leave foot of Jackson street for Fort Snelling, to witness the "Cullard Trupes onjDrees Parade,"returniiig after the Band Concert, arriving in St. Paul at 9:80 p. m. 50c the round trip. No extra charge for the mocking bird. GEO. H. HAZZARD, Manager St . Paul Navigation Company, 170 E . Third street, SASH, BLINDB, ftc. OOELIES, CHAPMAN & DRAKE, (Incorporated), Manufacturers of Doors, M, Blinds, &c. : Han! Wood Finish a Specialty, Offices at corner Eighth and Jackson anda Seven Corners ar.i Eagle street. FIYEUESTSALTNE SITUATIONS WASTED. \\J ANTED— By a find young lady situation *V in a store. Address A. C., this office. 164-170 \\j ANTED — A situation to do dressmaking » » and plain sewing in private families. Address or call at 201 Pearl street. 104-170 SITUATION'S OFFKRKD. WANTED Fifty girls of every nationality. One housekeeper. 129 Eighth street, be tween Robert and Jackson. German Intelligence office. 164 WANTED AT Twenty-five girls to Few carpets. Auerbach, Finch & Van Slyck. 19 West Third street. 163-164 WANTED A good boy to work in jewelry t V store, must have reference. Also, a boy to learn the manufacturing jewelry trade. Myers & Finch, Bridge square. 163-169 \\^ ANTED- -A boy of 13 or 14 years of age »▼ to take care of a horse. Apply at 117 larrington avenue. 161-167 VX 7 ANTED— A young man posted on dry » » goods and general merchandise wishes a position in the country. Address Salesman, Globe office. 161-167 TTTANTED— Good cook at Half-way house. »t Good wages paid. Apply at Minnesota Transfer. R.J. Diamond. 160-66 ANTED— good second girl. St. Luke's Vf hospital, 105 East Eighth street. 160-66 \\ J ANTED— Nurse girl at 638 Jackson street. _»» 158-164 ANTED— first-class plumbers, at Kenny & Hudner's, 118 and 120, West Third street, St. Pau.. 122* WANTED — A good female cook to cook night orders. Highest wages paid. Apply at the Boston Restaurant, Minneapolis. 95* TO RENT FOR RENT— first-class locality, oppo site City Market house. Inquire H " Globe office. " 159* Boom*. f'Oli RENT — Furnished room, for one or two .17 gentlemen, in new block, third floor, cor ner Tenth and Robert streets. 163-164 FOR RENT— rooms suitable for light house keeping, at 165 Mcß.al street. £163-165 C*OR Desirable rooms, man and wife V preferred . Meals third door. 120 Igle hart street. 163-64 FOR RENT Furnished room in private j family. Apply 231 Spruce street. 161-IG4 j I^OR RENT — Furnished rooms, at the corner M of Pearl and Temperance, new house. 159* FOR RENT— Four unfurnished rooms 3«9 ! Marshall aye. near Western. 140* Houses I^OR RENT— No. 551 Wacouta -street, house ' in fine order. David Sunford, 34 Wab« shaw, or 602 Canada street. 163* HOUSE of four rooms and kitchen to rent. Apply to P. Dempsey, 174 McCarthy street, West St. Paul. J 159* Ip OR RENT — A splendid house to rent lor . residence or boarding house, on West side, on the hill, Odell's place, containing ten rooms. Splendid orchard, larce barn and spring water. Inquire of E. Langevin. 133* FOR SAI^K. FOR SALE— A good baby carriage. Price $8; Inquire up stairs, over 57 West Third street. 164-65 TT'OR SALE Shelving, tables and counters, * cheap. Inquire of C. Schmidt, 49 West Third street. 152* £^OR -ALL: OK RENT— IOS acres, one mile !_ from stoffice; best stone quarry in Rice county. 1 furnish all stone for state insti a tions, Shattnck schools, St. Mary's Hall and all public buildings, located here; patent lime Jdl . ion : dwell v -. one st ne, one frame barn, one st ne barn connected w th blacksmith shop, etc. Tweet -iive acres, containing th* quarry and i::> prov men'! , will be >■■ Hor rented separate! , if desired. ! cason for selling — old age and poor ho lth. Apply !•• Philip Cromer, Faribault, j MiJfn: 13OJJ| ; FOR SALE— brick house desirably located ■ <>;; St.* Anthony Hill. Inquire on premi ses, 117 Far rington avenue. 137-Go FOR SALE— Hotel for sale, within a ftw | blocks from Union depot. For particu lars inquire at Globe office. Address Hotel. 105* I^'OiJ SALE — Ses made Refrigerators, $10. A. Best Ice Chests. 57. Steei Brothers. 105* REAL ESTATE. V? OR SALE— Choice business corner on Fort t? Sb ■•••. 01 street car line, $GSO; lot on Marvin street, $450; lot on Fuller stra t $375; lot on Viola street convenient to street cars, $800. No payment down if you will build. Lot on Canton street near street cars, §125. worth $300; 60 feat by 129' feet on Golborne street with two new houses, one of 8 rooms, good barn, well, cistern and cellar, $2,000, with in one block of street cars. A large list of houses and lots and acre property, for sale by WM. HENDRICKS, 168-168 Cor. Third and Cedar Streets. AN AUCTION SALK IN ABSOLUTE GOOD faith of 14 Lots of 5 and 7% Acres, in Re serve Park Garden .lots, in liamsey county. These lots are just midway between the cities, three quarters of a mile southwest of Macalester College" grounds, \% miles northeast of Minne haha Fa Is, \% miles west of St. Paul city limits, 1% miles south of Merriam Park, 1% miles north of Fort Snelling, and three-quarters of a mile west of the Mississippi river. The land lies beauti'ully, and has a fine view of Minneapolis, Fort Snelling, Minnehaha and the surrounding district. It is in the heart of that district that is after awhile to be the "Court End" of both cities; a bridge over the Mississippi near it, and line of street railroad on its front, being an obvious ne cessity before many years. It is ground you can buy now at a fairly-conducted auction sale at your own price, and for a few years use for a dairy, market garden or fruit farm, with a large and rapidly growing city on each side for mar kets, with a certainty thai after awhile thi* entire central, beautiful, sightly ;u:'l accessible district is to be the home of the men of wealth in St. Paul and Minnerpolis, to be what Avondale is to Cincinnati, and worth almost as much per front foot as now p r aero. Knapheide, Peters, Otto i Schmidt and Theobold live opposite these lots. A drive down Snelling avenue to the first avenue north of the "Lookout," and then one half mil • west, brings you to the lots to be sold. It is in the Boutbwest quarter of section 9 of Reserve township, Ramsey county, at corner of Otto and Mississippi avenues. Terms of Sale — One-half cash, one-fourth in one year and one-fourth in two years, at 7 per cent . Sale at our office in St. Paul, corner Fourth and Jackson streets, at 3 p. m., Monday. June 18. 1883. H.S. FAIRCHILD SON, 164-169 Auctioneers. FOR SALE — Big bargrin . House, barn and four lots on Greenwood avenue. Apply to J. W. Wait, at Capital bank. 161-67 FOR SALE — Houses and lots on monthly JD payments. A. Gotzian, 423 East Seventh street. 160* — LIST your property for Bale and orders for purchases with Geo. H. Hazzard, Real Estate and Loan Agent, 170 East Third street, St. Paul. 80- FOR SALE — farming lands to trade for personal property or city property. E. S. Norton, 322 Jackson street. 59-162 LOTS and money to build on monthly pay- I J ments. Pioneer Building Society, 356 Jackson street. 126* DISSOLUTION "DISSOLVED! The firm of Dreis & Mitsch having been disnnrred P. J. DREIS •is established himself in business * :4hnMfiUl ST. PETER STRBER ■Vharo will be found the newt and best of "••i^n. Perfumery, Toilet Articles, Patent Medi boss, etc. Also all '-rinds of Gordon •*■ " "'. wnr sea-is. f PRESCRIPTIONS.! SPECIAXTV lilllllslill K A I AXA G II \N A TI OXS. OUSEHOLD FURNITURE AT AUCTION — I will sell at the residence of C. S. Uline, Esq., 491 Mississippi street, near the cor ner Pearl street, on Friday next, June 15, at 10 clock a. m., a large lot of household goods, viz: Bedroom sets, parlor furniture, stoves, carpe's, etc. P. T. KAVANAGH, 164-66 Auctioneer. PROTESTANT ORPHAN ASYLUM PROP 1-Postponement sale of 66 Lots by Auction, on account of the threatening weather on Monday, June 11. — I will sell at auction on the premises, on Monday June 19, commencing at 2 o'clock, all of Riverside addition to Bt. Paul, consisting of 66 Lots, and traversed by Stewart avenue, Hewitt and Bay streets. This property is located on the Bluff and commands one of the finest views of the Mississippi river, to be ob tained in the city, and is well adapted for fine residence sites, within a short distance of the Sioux City Shops, permanently employing a large number of men, within a few blocks of the Fort street Railway and immediately adjoining Clarke's addition. This is by far one of the best chances to ob tain a beautiful home in this portion of the city, at your own price, that has yet been offered and will amply repay a close attention. Terms liberal. P. T. KAVANAGH, 163-70 Auctioneer. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE BY AUCTION, XjL of the property known as the American House corner. One of the most valuable pieces of property in our city to be sold under the hammer. — I will sell at auction on the premises, on Wednesday, June 20, at 11 o'clock a. m., the well known property on the corner of Fourth and Wabashaw streets, on which the American House stands. This property 1- the most desira ble that has been offered in the past two years, having a 'frontage of 50faef on V, '.-,•• •■-' -iw by 100 feet on Fourth street. It lies within ■ •■■.>* block of the custom house, post office ftuVl bridge square, three blocks from the new market house and five blocks from the state capital. As busi ness property the location is unsurpassed. Terms and particulars of sale will be given here after. A. R. Kiefer, Administrator. P. T. KAVANAGH, j 163-71 Auctioneer. O/\LOTS in Jilson'a addition at auction. Owl will sell on the premises on Saturday, June 23, at 3 o'clock p. m., 30 lots in above ad dition, fronting 0:1 Rice street, Sycamore street and Park avenue. This property is in the im mediate vicinity of the work shops of the St. P., i M. &M. R. R.. and will afford an excellent op portunity of securing homes for mechanics and I laboring men. ; t a very low figure and on favor j able teruis. P. T. KAVANAGH, Auctioneer. rPHE ISRAEL G. LASH ESTATE.— Largo : i and important sale of real estate in upper j . and lower town, together with {suburban proper- I ty, by auction . I will sell at auction on Wed ! nesday, June 27, at 10 a. m., on the steps of the I old court house, St.i Paul, a large lot of property in upper and lower town, consisting of lots in j Rice& Irvine's addition, Robert & Randall's ad i dition, Bazille & Guerin's addition, Hoyt's addi ! tion, Fuller's addition, Dewey, Bass & Roher's ! addition, lots fronting Rice park, lots on West Third street, 123 acres of r eautiful suburban property having a frontage on Lake Fhalen of ' over a quarter of a mile, and tracts of land in ten ' different counties of the state. This sale will ! present many very valuable pieces of property, : all of which will be sold to close the estate of the j late Israel G. Lash. Esq., and made imperative Iby a decree of the Probate Court. Catalogues of I plats and descriptions of this property will be ' ready June 11. and will be furnished on applica- I tion after that date. The property will be told : according to catalogue. Terms cash. P. T. KAVANAGH, / Auctioneer, 49 East Third street. WATSON & Rice, Agents, Gilfillan Block, cor | ncr Fourth and Jackson streets . 163-67 MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING, GENT'S -LtJ_ Furnishing Goods, Hats, Caps, .'.-.. at • notion — I will sell at auction at the store of Dominic Barthel, No. 488 St. Peter street, a ■I stock of fine goods consisting of men's and boys 1 i clothing, gent's furnishing • oods, hats, <';:;>?, 1 &c., commencing on Saturday June '.'. at lii I o'clock a. m.. and continuing until all is Bold. i This stock was elected with great care by Mr. Barthel and is composed of the finest grades of j goods such as John B. Stetson j Stetson & Co., 1 j Dun'ap, Christy, and other notable manufactur- ! ' it's hats, fine neckwear, etc , etc., '•:•■. j P. T. KAVANAGH, i 159-160 Auctioneer. ; j .. lost> FOUXJO. • Tj GST — On West Third street or Summit ave j JIJ nue, i wo pictures of a baby, by Hester of Chicago. Their return to the* Daily Globe oliice, will be rewarded. 164 LOST— A small bay Indian pony. White face and white hind feet . Reward for bis return to J. LaFontise, West Kate street, Sixth ward, across from lumber office. 163-105 LOST — en Minneapolis and Si . Paul, on JLj Saturday, 9th, a lady's cloth jacket, brown silk lining. Return to 479 Pleasant avenue, St. Paul, and receive reward. 161-67 LOST — By a poor woman on the steps of the LJ Cathedral, on Sunday las% a pocket book, containing a §10 bill ami a silver dollar. Who ever will return the same to the Glove office counting room, will be rewarded and will do a charitable deed. 163-165 MISCELLAXEO US. WANTED — rent or buy a small show case for cigars. Address G, 12, Globe. 164-165 EF. CROCKER— Contra 3tor and builder » Sixth ward. St. Paul . 72 WANTED — Situation as book keeper or TT salesman, in the hardware business, four teen years experience. Reference given, address J. McDonald, Globe office, Minneapolis, Minn. 163-169. ROOM WITH BOARD— Nicely furnished room for gentleman aud wife, with board. References exchanged. 337 Maria avenue. 161* PAPER HANGING— If you want a good job of paper hanging, send card to John J. Wil liams, 178 Main street. 130* 4 SSIGNEE'S SALE— By ordyrof me List net ZjL Court of Ramsey county, Minn., I will sell at public auction, at the front door of the old courthouse, in St. Paul, at 10 a. m., on Thurs day, June 14. 1883, all {he book accounts, notes, bills and cbosea in action, now remaining in my hands, and which are part of the assets of the in solvent estate of Swain & O'Niel. Alfred Du frer.e, assignee oft! ebt^ite of Swain & O'Niel. 163 1--.3 TONiOSIAL. MRS. QOTJGEOISr, Scalp Surgeon, Room 1, Presley Bloct, St. Paul, Minn. Mrs. Gougeon has met with such wonderful success in St. Paul and Minneapolis, chat her treatment is the subject of general remark. Dandruff cured by one application. Hair pro duced on bald heads of years standing. Her skill is remarkable. Best of references and cer tificates produced. 131 H. C. BOTT, # ~ DEALET. IN Watches, Clots aoyeißlry. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. ' SSI Jackson Street, • • St. Pad, Mins. ■ -. - . NEWGOODS. * Styles it will Please Yen, Prices it will Attract Yon J AND l Garments tat ll Fii Too! . , The following Lots are unmistakably Bargains: Lot 4376 at $6.00; Lot 4350 at $6.00; Lot 4361 at $6.00. These are the remainder of the Six Dollar Suits that sold so rapidly a few weeks ago. They are all-wool dark and light-mixed goods. Lot 4326 at $9.00; Lot $3863 at $9.00. These are Scotch goods, in checks and stripes and fine mixtures, and are worth $12 a suit. Lot 4329 at $10.00. This is an elegant dark-mixed Cheviot, very handsome and stylish looking, Lot 1564 at $12.00; Lot 1963 at $12.00. The two lots above are equal to the usual $20 suit. They are fine dark Cassimeres, in olive and brown shades. They are of excellent quality and are decided bargains. If Yon flo Rot Get Tiiese Bargains it is Your On Fanlt ! Send your measure and we will send any one of these suits to any part of the country, C. O. D. SATTLER BROS., 91 East Third Street. - FIEE ESCAPES. THE PFEFFERLE PATENT FlmT ESCAPE! Is the losl Wonderful Life Saving Mention of the Age. r Made to fit any window, no matter what height the building may be. Ready for immediate use. i Can pass twenty to thirty persons in safety to the ground, in one minute, no muter how exc:tad or timid, or how great their numbers may be. Let them jump, fall, or be thrown into tho opin ing, and their lives can be saved without injury. W. C. GRAY, Piqna, Ohio, Manufacturer and Proprietor for tho Unite 1 States. Send for circular and testimonials to C. G. MUM, Agent for the Northwest, Tribune Office, 12 East Third Street, St. Paul, Minn. pt 2mo BUSINESS COLLEGES. AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE, Has long since established its claims to public faTor and has now entered upon its 18th year mid* the most favorable auspices. Send for catalogue giving full particulars. Cot. 8d and Jackson. , W. A. FADDIS Principal. MUSICAL INSTBUMENTB. ' WEBER PIANOS. MwliiiS by Mils Us Best ii 1 fft I know of none superior to the Weber and none that can com pete with them for durability.— Teresa Carreno. Tho tone of the "Weber Piano is so sweet, rich and sympathetic, , yet so full, that I shall always rank you as tho greatest manufac turer of the day. — Emma Thursby. "Weber Pianos excel all others in volume of tone and in power of expression. — S. Liebling. There are no Pianos in the world that sustain the voice like tho Weber. — Emma Abbott. R. O. MUNGER, Agent, St. Paul. Send for Catalogues. BOOT ASD HHOX DEA.L2MS. , SPRING- STYLES OF SHOEST \ MM & CO., - - 80 E. THIRD STREET. •. THE LEADING SHOE HOUSE OF ST. PAUL, The Only Complete Stock of Spring tjnd Summer Styles of Boots, Shoes and Slippers in the West. Solo Agency for BURT'S, Gray's, Reynold's, and many other leading rnakee. One price to all. I.IQUOK3 AND WINES. §17 ITU i o £%M WHOLBSALE . iiiil/iWLLlillfli /..;■*■ . (• We have the control in this market of the unrivalled O. F. C, the Hume and Crystal Spring Whiskies, and are handling the W. H. Hcßrayer's and Nelson Whiskies and Guckenheimer llye. 194 East Third Street, ------ St. Paul, Minn STANDARD SCALES. FAIRBANKS' J; ECLIPSE STANDARD : 3ELF.REGOLATING SCALES! WIND MILLS. FAIRBANKS, BOUSE & CO., • 371 & 373 SiHey Street - ETNE TAILOEING. WHOLE3ALE DEALERS. NOYES BROS. & CUTLER, IMBOItTEHS c£ WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 68 and 70 Sibley Street, Corner Fifth, - St. Paul, Minn WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. 4UEBBA€ H . FINCH & VAN SL Y K. Tie Only Leadiog Brv Goads Haass ii tas H ortltVest Competes with thr. Markets of New York and Chin ago ONLY KNOWN CURB FOR THE TRIUMPH TRUSS COMPANY, Of Philadelphia and New York, cure Rupture in 30 days, and will pay $1,000 for a Rupture they cane,* cure. Advice Free. Dr. Engelmann (the great Hernia Surgeon,) Medical and Surgical director, transient office to and including Saturday June 16, at Room 7, EXCHANGE HOTEL, 21 East Fifth street, St. Paul. Minn. Office open Day and Evening. Dr. C. W. BURNHAM, the Great Truss Expert, General Superintendent. This Company have on hand and make to order 300 styles of Trusses, female Supporters, etc. Free Trial of Trusses at office. Book od the cure of Rupture, 25c . fTin JTITTT! TATirnOI £r. ENGLEMANN, who has over 40 years experience in the treat- ' Inn IiAIIIPm mont of a M troublesome Female Diseases, can now be consulted ■*■ v iUJu ULLDIIJIJ i free of charge, at Room 7, Exchange Hotel, St. Paul, Miirn., for a _^ f »w flays only . Day and Evening. - FINANCIAL. WILL loan upon or bny Life Ins. Policies , Li. P. Van Norn: <«- ftßo Jackson. »9 & 1 AHA T0 LOAN on city property. Jas- ! fjpX\JU\J GUfillan, Capit 1. " 104* ] RUPTURE MUSICAL. "I f\ f\ f\ pieces Sheet Music at 5 cents each JLvJl> \J for sale by M. C . Thayer, 418\Vaba shaw street, St. Paul and 812 Nicollet avonue Minneapolis. Send postage stamps for enta logue. 150*