Newspaper Page Text
IV rir-.Y f'mv.v :'!•■ ■'■■■■ . vr»viisoTOS, i. •„., Nov. 81, &S&6 r- K. \ Obirv^t.ont taSeti'sr tho es.n« moment .of .tim'a ut all siatioas.'..'.' ,: 1... a '-. T5l «:,InSTOTI ' i unt, ' - '"-. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. f.«. Tar.;....... 23.77 36 S Cloudy. St.Louis 30.04 53 S Clear. La Crosse 29.00 41 S Cloudy. SWBST. Ear. Tlier. Wind. Weather. Bismarck 29.31 42 AY Fair. Battleford.. 23.91 , 20 NE Fair. Fort Garry....... 29.61 10 0 ' Fair. Minnedossa .'.... 29.65 16 NW Cl-udy. .Moorhead 29.67 SO W Fair. Qnappelle 28 74 28 W Cloudy. St. Vincent 2969 . 14 SW Clear. HOBTHEBS BOOK* MOUKTAIS SLOP?. IMr. Ther, Wind, Weather. Ft. Assicaboine..3o.6o 41 SW Lt. Rain. Ft. i J,uf..rd 29.87 88 SW Fair. Ff. Custer ..c0.04 51 E Fair. Helena, M. T.... 30.13 49 SW Clear. Huron, Dak 29.85 42 8 Cloudy. UPPER LAKES. Bar. Ther. Wind, Weather. -Prdnth 297.4 28 SW Cloudy. Chicago 35.02 40 SE Cloudy. MIDDLE EASTEEN cooky KOUNTAIS slope. Bar. Ther. Win-.?. Weather. Denver 30.27 49 S Cle?r. Dodge City 80.10 52 8 Clear. KISSotJEI VAT.T.EY. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Leavenworth.... 29.98 48 S Clear. Omaha 29.93 48 S Clear. DAU.X LOCAL ssOaSb. Bar. Thsr. Dew Point. Vfir.i. Weather. 29.934 31.8 • 24.5 S Cloudy. Amount of melted snow, .00, maximum thei momster, 40.5; aituimam ometer, 24.0; dsilv range, 16.5. River, frozen. '■- H'.ts —Barometer corrected tor temperature B P. F. Bsirs»kut Signal Corps, 17. h.'t. TO-BAT'3 V/EATHKE. Waskihotcn, lyr:. 1, i c. —Indica- tions for the upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, slightly warmer, fair weather, failing, followed by rising Ijrirom- CXSIf tJLOIJfILES. The pcho:-'- l^achsrs will be prid to-dny. During Noveiii^r there were twenty seven alarms ef fire. There wore 150 certificates of marriage issued by District Court Clerk Bell last month. Adjutant General Hawley .■ received a $1,500 back pension yesterday for a St. Paul veteran. Up to last night tho sale of seats for tho engagement of the Boston Ideals amounted to over 33,000. Judge McCrory will sit with Judge Nel son at the opening of the United States court on the 10th inst. "i .is salaries paid by the board of ednoa fi'.. for November amount to $12,100.89. i Tho employes number '9C. Col. W. H. H. Taylor received yesterday 'the twenty-ninth volume of the Kansas Reports as an addition to the state library. P. T. Kavanagh, the auctioneer, sold two lols at thd junction of Goodrich av enue and Leech street yesterday for $3,800. Judgo Brill will hold special term of court nt 10 o'clock this morning in the court room in which, the late jury trials woro hold. '1 ho first social assembly of the Irish Rifles was held .it Pfeifer hall last evening the * First 'regiment band fur nishing music. Reports were current in tho city yester day that there there was more wheat com ing into Duluth than the elevators there could care for. The sale of pouts for the engagement of the Boston Ideals next week continues large, but a few good seats remain which may bo had by applying early. Kelfl Olson was adjudged insane at an examination at the probate court yester day and taken to St. Peter by Deputy Sheriff Cluett late in tho afternoon. The Boston Ideal Opera company give eight performances ec the Opera house next week and produce seven operas. The only opera repealed is Girofle-Girofla. One of the police officers picked up last evening a dark brown hone with collar mark* on its breani and sides, and placed it in the stables at 848 Exchange street. Judge Wilkin, after passing sentence on several prisoner* yesterday, adjoarued his court to next Tuesday morning when others will probably como up lor sen tence. The dedication of the chapel of the Ascension, West St. Paul, will lako place on Sunday next, at 3:30 p. m., on which occasion Dr. Gilbert, of Christ church, will preach. Charles TautkorV saloon, corner St. Pe ter and Exchange streets, was broken into on Thursday night by the breaking in of a back door and $8 in small change ana a lot of cigars stolon. The St. Paul Weals had over 700 people at their concert at Dnluth on Thanksgiving night, and were accredited as having given th* best entertain occurring in that city the present season. Judges Wilkin am; Brill heard yesterday morning the motion argued for a new trial in the case of F. X Jenette, the muto. found guilty of larceny and took the mat ter under consideration. The vultures on 'he rotten twilight dip are never so happy as when they revel in filth. Vide the disgusting headlines over a two days' old item in last night's issue. And this is calk a enterprise. Mr. C. A. Garr kl., organist, leave* town this morning lot R. d Wing, to pass judg ment npon a two-manual organ recently built and placed th a by Steer & Turner, organ builders, Worcester, Moss. George Font, of Otter Tail county, indicted at the Juns term of the United States district court for selling liquor to Indians, was before Judge Nelson yester day on a bench warrant and Hmd $100. There was a Leavy quantity of hay ar.d straw brought into th* city yesterday and the regular mark' I oa Cedar street be tween Seventh and Fifth slopped over in every direction upon the street* adjoin ing. Three dead beats wore on the Bads in the German saloons on St. Peter and Fort streets, in search cf liquids and rights on Thanksgiving night, and for breaking windows in one of them papers ara to be issued for their aire it. Clara H. Richard-^ra. who was granted a decree of divorce .- tha district court on the 27th with the right to resume her mai den name, Clara H. Barber, was ore of the proposed contracting parties in a marri*.ge certificate taken out os the Uth, and ■ pro poses to try marital life again with Theron J. Dyke, who is a barber by profession. A young woman quite well dressed _ and apparently about twenty- five yean of ago •was found by an officer early last evening near the Merchants in so intoxicated . a . state that she could sot tell her aiae. On LbaSsg.taktnjtoU>ecjty,hallafuf» bottle of old Kentucky and a Stillwater railway f icket was found upon her . person. rfho was -^politely." conducted; by OlHaer O'Keefe to the drawing room cell, the best in the house, aad immediately dropped off into the land of drunken dreams. ■ The funeral services over the : remains of Hunk Claries, at McCarthy & Donnel ly's Thanksgiving day, were conducted by Rev. Dr. Marshall. The deceased; died at. the city hospital and he i was one of St. Paul's oldest citizens. The carpenters and wood workers of St. Panl, the number of whose assembly.- in the national organization of , which they are a component part is 2,822, hold their first annual ball at Turner hall on Christ mas eve, with music by the Groat Union band. ' Judge Simons granted a divorce yester day to Cora Kiefer from her husband R. M. Kiefer, on account of the habitual drunkenness of the latter. She is eigh teen and he twenty-five years of age, and they were married - April 26, 1882. The defendant is a son of a former clerk of the district court of St. Paul. The court also granted the plaintiff the right to re sume her maiden name. ; Charles Hunster, found guilty of man slaughter in the second degree for the shooting of Ella Patterson, was sentenced by Judge Wilkin yesterday to four years and six months at hard labor in the Still water penitentiary. James Shea and Cor nelius Ccshman, found guilty of larceny, were ttsA c< ]" to one year and nine months each at hard labor-in the same in stitution and Fred Rawley for assault, to one year and ten months. (y* The board of directors of the State Dairymen's association held a meeting at the Metropolitan yesterday to decide upon the time and place of holding their next annual meeting, and also to determine the premiums to be offered. As to both time and place of meeting {hat will depend upon circumstances. The probability is that it will be called together at such a point ?.e. will assure the association- the most members. Those present were: Wil liam Fowler, C. L. Vesconte, John E. Put nam and S. G. Bass. fv'£->-b; "~"— <.ffi£fs£j&. The Handsomest "Wind. >:? <;y - In the city is at Mathois', No. 17 I'lastThS^isf*"''' Ladies, please pause and look at the rich display of tho finest goods in the world. Too Faithful an Interpreter. Sam Francisco, Nov. 3.).— indicative of the contempt manifested by the Chinese to the country's laws. Fon Sing, who has been acting as interpreter between Port Surveyor Martin and the bogus traders from China, sent word to-day to the collector he wis afraid longer to act, at his interpretations were so faithful as to bring upon him the w-ath of his countrymen who want tho traders landed, aid have hired high benders to shadow him. He lives in mo mentary expectation of death. While Baking Powders largely advertised as being absolutely pure are found to be enlivened by tho presence of "Ammonia," and others be tray "Alum," as an item of composition, ' Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder is found to be free from every trace of improper or harmful ingredients. Dr. Price's Cream is the most per fect powder made. Allen's Cough Balsam never fails to give sat isfaction. All genuine bears the signature of J. P. Allen, druggist, fit. Paul, Minn. Oil Cloths. lings—all sizes, now designs, handsome goods, now bindings—best goods St Panl ever saw, at John llatheis', 17 East Ihird street. .DIED. FLANAGAN—At her residence, corner of Sixth and Minnesota streets, Thursday, Nov.'29th, at 11 p. m., Mrs. Julia Flanagan, wife of the late James Flanagan. Notice of funeral hereafter. la Salle, 111., papers pease copy. NUNN—In this c\ty, Thursday, Nov. 20th, 1883, nt 11 a. m., at the residence of her son-in-law, Peter Loskiel, Mrs. Scholostika Nunn, aged 54 years. Funeral, Saturday morning, at 'J o'clock, from Assumption church. Friends are invited to at tend. ™ _JMMA_j_»jßf__ '■'" I_fe^' !Slt&!Si\ «P i I -■■■'!"H irDER Absolutely Pure- This powder never varies. A marvel of'pur. ty, strength mil illiaiiuss . More economi cal than tVe ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. Rotal Buu.ia Fowdeb Co., 106 Wall street, New York. ,«^^^■*^la^^^^^^ffftfe Ift,~, best i^^W^'-'i' ''£? TEETH Teeth extracted without pain. All work guar anteed. Dr.Cullum, 41 East 3.1 St., Cor. Cedar. ■■ • ASH. BLINDS. *t. < Incur >>ratod.) Stem Sasit iii M WOOD MANTLES. BOOK CASES, Ac., msde to order. Salesroom—Eighth asd Jackson streets. Facto —Eagle street aad Serea corners. • cop^BfNeasnir. GOPAfiTSERSHIP NOTICE. JOHN J. CLEAR Jr.. and l SAiTCEL P. O'LEART, Have this day bees admitted .as partners in our . business. j ;-_ STYLE OF FIRM TO BE - | JOBS J. O'LMRI & SMS. J. J. CLEABT. S Sl.PauUDseemitsr 1,1883. ';-y"^%~3B>43>f THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, FRIDAY MORNING^ DECEMBER 1, 1883.' BLANKET DEPAETMI.NT! G-TJST A.YE HEIN"E]MA.]Snsr! N. W. Cor. Seventh and Jackson streets. -; 10-4, 11-4,124, 14-4,16-4 Blanket', at Anclioa Prices! We sell 10-4,11-4,12-4,14-4,16-4 White & Colored Blankets, CRIB BLANKETS, In Plain and Embroidered, at such low prices, that will surprise you, the fact that everybody is selling cheap notwithstanding. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. - G-UST^."V"Ii; TTTCnsrEMAqsn^, IST. "W". Corner Seven th. and Jackson streets. SEAL JfSTAJS. No one but a weather profit can tell how long the present favorable weather for inspecting property is going to continue, aad it therefore behooves those who intendto buy lots this Tallin / ■*'-$^__Wjk trip's Addition, lately known as Ramsey's, on Summit avenue, where the Milwaukee Short Line K.R.crosses make their selections while it is comfortable and before the ground is covered with snow. Besides, if you want to secure eligible corners you will have to speak quickly, as we are selling lets right along, and the time to get your pick is NOW. In the spring there will be many houses built there, and prices are euro to advance. 1 his is tho finest property, aid the cheapest now offered in St. Paul. It is on the line of improvements. 12 minutes by railroad from the Union depot. Five blocks west of the street cars. Special inducements to those who will build. Plats with prices and terms mailed to out-of town parties who want to invest in the capital city. Money to loan in sums of 8500 and over, on improved city property. earai I Emu 176 E. Third St. ~ DAVIS & BROWN. Seal Estate aid Morteap Lgsbe. . 860 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minr. Investments made and taxes paid for non residents. WILLIAM Q. ROBERTSON, REAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, (Successor to D. A. Robertson A Co., the oldest real estate agency in Minnesota.) Xo. 7 McQuillan Block, cor. U & Wabasliaw. W. H. H. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, REAL ESTATE BROKER, 356 Jackson Street. A. V. TEEPLE, Real Estate aud Loan Broker No. 63 East Third Street. BT. PAUL. - - - MIITN. BRISBIN & FARWELL, Law Office. - ROOM 0, Cor. of TTateshaw and Fourth sir- ft, Over "2-pr*3B oSfze. 27C- R. W. JOHNSON, r- Real Estate Agent, Xsanheiser Block, Boom 11. 3T. PAUIi, - - - SSUSti SUPERIOR Coal and Iron Co. Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Coal, woofl, asflPislf T. D. BABTOIf, AGEITT, galtebw Street; y; ;BtPanl FIVE -uiiifi IdA uuLi I'J KAVAJfAGWS AUCTION. KAVANAGH sells a large lot of clothing, dry. goods, etc.. etc., at 10 o'clock, this morn irg. ' ■ ' ■ '835 KAVANAGH will sella large lot of household furniture, hea'.iug aud cooking stoves, car pets, etc., etc., this morning, at his '•nlestand, corner of Third and Cedar streets, at 10 o'clock. HP HE ST. PAUL COFFEE HOUSE at a Bar- X gainl will offer for the next few days at private Hale tho well known Sr. Paul Coffee House fixtures, le^so ar.d id-wilL This popu lar dining hall was litted up about one year BgO at considerable expense and has done a nourish ing business until very recently. The proper man can take hold of this little enterprise and do well as it is yet doing a paying business, and from its central location (between Jackson and Robert streets), it ought, to be made the favorite lunch houso that it was during the winter of 1882 3. For particulars inquire of P. T. Kava nagh, 40 East Third street. 832-335 VALUABLE upper town residence property at aucton. I will sell at auction on lhe premises on Friday, November 80, at 2 o'clock p. m., lot 12, block 7, of Leech's addition to St. Paul. This lot fronts on Leech street (52x 173 feet) between Jlcßoal street and Goodrich avenue, also lot 13, block 9, of same addition, size 52x170 feet, fronting on Goodrich avenue near Forbes street. This property lies in one of the finest neighborhoods of tho city being near the residences of Hon. Alex. Ramsey, Hon. James Giliillan, Hon. Wm. Banning, Hon. Wil liam Crooks, Messrs. Forepaigh, Maxfield, etc. These elegant lota have been plate in my hands for sale by James Stinson, Esq. Terms, one third canh, balance one and two years at eight per cent. P. T. KAVANAGH, Auctioneer. Samuel G. Sloaxv agent, 126 East Third street. 329-335 A. n. NICOLAY—AUCTIONS. BY A. H. NICOLAY, AUCTION SALE OF very valuable St. Paul business and resi dence property, improved and unimproved, to be sold at auction, Wednesday, Dec. 5, at the Minnesota Real Estate Exchange, No. 70 East Third street, at 10:80 a. m. as follows: Corner East Fifth and Cedar streets, United States gov ernment stables, lots 5 and 6, block 19, St. Paul proper; East Fifth street, adjoining corner Rob ert street, lot 14, block 11, St, Paul proper; cor ner East Fifth and Willius streets, lots 5 and 6 and part of 7, block 89, Kittson's addition to St. Paul, with the buildings on same; present rental about $1,600 to $1,800 perannum; corner East Third and Kittson streets, lots 6, 7 and 8, block 67, Kittson's addition; East. Third, Fourth and Canal streets, lot 2, Dawson's rearrangement of block 29, Lyman Dayton's addition, three front suitable for manufacturing purposes; blocks 1 and 6, 28 lots each. Haldeman's addition; lots on University avenue, Nelson, Summit and Grand avenues, on lino of street cars; East Fourth street, lot 7, block 49, Kittson's addi tion; good lots in West St. Paul proper. Also, house and lot on Goodrich 6treet, opposite Douglas street; also Selby avenue, lot 23, block '!. Holtrmii.-e's addition; also, University ave nue, 5 acres very choice land, suitable for plat ting into lots, fronting on University avenue, j ist west of Syndicate to Saint Paul, in the Fourth ward. All to be sold as above on liberal terms. For full particulars, apply to A. H. Nicolay, auctioneer and Real Estate Agent, No. 70 East Third street. 388-835 FUEL DEALERS. Full Weight and Heasare Guaranteed by &ilg£S & Foster, 41 East Third street. Established in 1864. (ML&WOO0 At bottom prices. Grate and egg $9.75, stove $10; Nut $10, Briar Hill, $8.60. AU grade* of fresh mined bituminous coal at equally low prices. . Maple, $7; Birch and Oak, $6. $E3S LAURA W. HALL, TEACHEB OS FUIO ORSAB AID HAfiIQH Besidence, He. 182 Western Avenue, St. Anthony BiD, st. pavz, jrxary. : tSTIXso Agrot for BSAINABD'S MUSICAL WORLD, published at Cleveland, Ohio. It has been published over 20 years, ar.d is acknowl edged to be the ablest arid best, as well as the t oldest musical journal in the oouatry. Every j teacher, amateur and pupil should have it, J Price $1.60 a year. . Adareee as above. Noticed by postal carl, Miss H. will call at any residecct in tha city and receive subscri cti.-ina. ■ rurAx-ciAir. ~__J ILL loan upon or buy Life Ins. P > idee »» Is. V. Van Nonaaa ?«8 3nc\x*r.T. *9 MOM TO LOAN, On unproved city rsal estate. H. Caldwell, 194 X East Seventh street. 335 LOST AST* FOUNT). , £* 1 _\ Reward will be paid for . return of SPI." black hone, lost on the night of. the foe, Oct. 41. -, Said horse is about 16 hands high, weight about LO5O. .\ W. ; L. '■ Sichoia, corner Fourth sad St. peter streets, St. Pa=L y 504* jbIYIsuMISALI&& ' ' • ~ HITUATIONsIrVANTKIs. WANTED A situation as clerk in a' grocery store lor commission", house. I i Speaks flermsa and English," understands bookkeeping. Can give first-class references. Address A 10, Globe office.: ■-.-'.'■' ■-.-'- 885-841 '__[ ANTED— ', situation by a young Scotch % J ..-. Canadian, aged 19. , Has been a year at the hardware business. Is strictly honest, will ing and active. Any honest employment': will be taken. Address B, Globe office. 832* WANTED —Situation as coachman, by young Englishman, who has experience as a horseman and I served :as jockey in England.. Weß acquainted with the city. Best of refer ences. Address Coachman, Globe office. . ' 829-335 SITUATION WANTED by girl fifteen years of age as nurse for children. ' Good references. Inquire 132 lglehart street. 335-841 . SITU AT OFFERED. ','■ -Stales. . WANTED —Two good compositors immedi ately, at Cunningham's, 825 Wabanhaw street. . ". - 835 TTTANTED— honest boy to do chores. V T Apply 20 East Third street. £34-40 WANTED— boy about 18 years of age for V T porter at 156 East Third street. 332-38 WANTED— first-class plumbers, a Kenny A Hndner's, 118 and 120, Wes Third street, St. Pan.. 122* iyVVy' Females. £.7 ANTED—A girl for general housework. * V Apply at store 378 Dayton aye. 385* ANTED— for general housework, 405 ___ Ashland avenue. 334-36 TRy ANTEDGood girls to wash and iron. V 1 Apply at once at Hong Wah Laundry, Sixth and Market streets. 333-339 ANTED— middle-aged lady can find a y v good home in family of two by applying at No. 485 Virginia avenue near comer Univer sity. ■ S3l-44 \KT ANTED—at once, a girl for general VW housework, at 149 cast Seventh street. Must room out; also bring good reference. 329-335. TO SUNT HOttfM , A VBKY convenient and roomy house, on CX. Fourteenth street. Inquire at r»om 1, Mannheimer block. 835 FOB BENT—Good seven-room house, well, cistern, collar and barn, if 22. John M. Lynch, Pre»loy hioek. 885-836 FOB BENT— and $15 a month. . Houses it in North St. Paul. Frederick Alli3, Gilfil ; lan block. y 335-30 "'jC'OB BENT—A largo house, 542 Cedar stree U. ' Apply to old No. 119 Josef st. 332- FOB BENT, the first of December. A line dwelling house, 390 Dayton avenue, twc doors from Frost & Co's, grocery. Inquire at meat market, in the rear of Frost & Go's. 352-S6 FOB KENT — A fine house of nine roomß, five gciosets, cellnr, ciste-n and well, convenient to street cars, corner Marshall and Western ave nue. ■ Enquire of M. 0. Froelick. 332-38 RESIDENCE, 425 Martin street, seven rooms, cellar, cistern, well, $22 per month. Ap ply A. G. Long. 481 Marshall avenue. 331-37 rpo KENT—S2O a month. House of Sever A rooms; good order; 639 Dayton avenue, St. Anthony hill. Inquire at 179 East Third street, 3-9-334. NEW BBICK HOUSE, with six rooms, eel- I* lar, cistern and well. Inquire at 35' Bamsey street. 325 FOB BENT— partly or wholly furu ished. Well located. Bent $45 or $50 pel month. Address, Rent, Globe office. 807* FOB KENTA cottage with four rooms, pantry and closets, good water and over} convenience. Apply to J. C. McCarthy, Sixth ward. 270* FOB BENT—Three houses for rent. Uri L, Lamprey. __* TO KENT—House of six rooms on Ohit street. Inquire of P. B. McDonnell, grocer, corner George and Ohio streets, Sixth want 175* FOB BENT— Weber residence at Whit< Boar Lake, furnished or urniuhed. Ap ply at Bamaley's Pavilion, Cottage Park at ion, White Bear lake. 182* - Rooms. ÜBNISBED BOOMS for rent, with ure oi bath, 280 Pleasant avenue. 835 FOB Furnished rooms, $18, $12 ant $5 per month, at 96 West Third street. . 338-335 A SUIT of two (2) rooms for rent, elegantly furnished, suitable for two or three gen tlemen. Inquire Dncius' block Third, betweei Franklin and Exchange Streets, first floor. 818* BOOMS FOB BENT—Two furnished rooms. Address Lodging, Globe office. 307* MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos, in residence without re moral. E. &F. Peters, 283 Sibley street. 800* FUR HALE. FOB SALE— of dry goods. Good lo J- cation 00 East Third street. Rent of roon for 5 years, at lew figures. Address 103 Baal Third. . 335-339 FOB SALE — sleigh, suitable for either on< or two hordes. as good as new. A. X, Barnum. 34 East Third street. 334-66 IT'OB SALE— table, bar fixtures, every Jl thing complete and new. Cheap for cash Inquire at 228 Acker, or C. C. Miles, 835 Jack son street. 27 -V '5708 SALE. 11 furnished rooms. Central- JP ly located with extra low rent. Centrul ly located with extra low reut. Vnquin 441 Jackson street. 230* ESTATE. HOUSES AND LOTS on monthly oayroents A. B.Wilgus A Brt,. 2 520"335 HOUSES AND L TS Lear Manitoba shops A. B. Wilgus & Bro. 329-335 (_(_ LOTS only $150 each, on monthly pay- IJ \j meats of $5 each. Lawton Bros. 829-335 FOB SALE OB BENT—IOS acres, one mill from postoffice; beet stone quarry in Bio county. I furnish all stone for state insti'n tions, Shattuck schools, St. Mary's Hall and al public buildings, located here patent lime kiln four dwellings, one st ne, -me frame bam, or.: st r.e bam connected w th blacksmith shop, etc Twent.-five acres, aontaining the quarry aid im prov meets, wiß be sold or rented separately, i. desired. hesson for selling—old age and poo. health. Apply to Phißp Cromer, Faribault Minn. " 133* FOB SALE—The following desirable lots: lots comer Pleasant avenue and Sixth street 2 lots on Bice street, between lglehart and Ti! toR streets; 10 1 ts n Irvine's Second addition fonting on Seventh street, (end of bridge); 1! Los in Irvine's addition to West St. Pan', also a well established paying business. Apply b George W. TumbuU, 843 Exchange street, city 223* LOTS and money to build rm monthly pay ments. Pioneer Buildup Society, 854 Jackson street. 126 1 rIST your property for aalo and orders fo: __ purchases with Geo. H. Hsxzard, B°a Estate and Loon Want, 170 East Third street St. PaoL 30- XlftCV. XF.O ANTED —Toung men and la-li's to lean :V T shorthand, type-writing, and telegraphy Address T X. Jones, Minneapolis. 335 -&ILDING AT COST, hy C. Thomas, 43 Wes T Third street . _______ "VTOTICE is hereby given that W. H. Mil -131 ler is no longer in my employment, as< consequently is not authorized to collect or re oeipt bills for me. W. L. - Anderson, carps store, 122 East Third street. ;. ■'.'■ y. 236*. WANTED— A suit of three furnished or as .«famished rooms, within j fire 'I minntee walk of Bridge square, for am ily of three adult* sad rrx: -able for light j house-keeping. Addres "W. H.,' Slobooffise, with teems per month - CLOTHIERS. O-V-E-R-C-O- A-T-S V ! 7 1 i A -\ k. gm Jh_ rjmm /frit, I"- S --** -*■— El al^ #n VPS* II 1- R WIU *JU a £ _-^ ANY COLOR, El V A.ISTY SIZE. ii *? Battler Bros., B T 91 EAST THIRD STREET. R x. O bATTLERBRob - - . GENT'S FOBNISHINGS. CUT THIS QXJT. **- ITAMniIQ One-Price ®3- rMlflUUOGlQfliiPg Boyse, 420 "Wabasliaw Street, -■ - j??t. ir aaxL, ]VlirLi-.. This will be received for TWO DOLLAR-} in the cash purchase of an Overcoat or Suit selling for $10 or upwards until December Ist, commencing November 19th. ONE PRICE ONLYI All goods marked in pl*in figures. H. Is. BENEDICT. WHOLESALE DEALEB,?. ;NO YES BROS. &'cutler, IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE I>MUGGIXTB, / . 163 and 70 Sibley Street. Vomer Fifth, - -' «**- P*tul,Mftm 1 i WHOLESALE STATIONERY. __ - ~WJL-.x^T> t HILL & McOL'ELLAN, , IMPOBTEBS AND JOBBEBS OF : Stationery, Druggists' Sundries ajid Toys. . '407 SIBLEY STREET, ST. PAUL,. MINN. We also have the sole control of the merchandise constituting the stock of tho T. S. WHITE STATIONERY COMPANY, which must bo sold to close their bnsir.eas. Wo dovoto an entire floor - of our new storo 407 Sibley street, to its display and offer yon boi bifi bargains. Call and see us. y IM)l%ilhlialßiiiilsJlWHirowlH.^BV>flail*lWJW BBS / ; AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTEi ' Hrs long since estabUshed its claims to public favor and has no - entered upon St_ ■ lets 7041 r.i Gv the most favorable auspices.! Bond lor oataiojruo giving full r«rtiv.-.'jarj. Or. 5a rj.d Jack-en. i ."■,?-.;■'.-:.,:• 'W. A. VAUPIii jevlnoiyn!. ' ~~ - MUSICAL mZZHZ-VIF. 18. j WEBER PIANOS. ; AMiioi. liy Artists tie M is ii World. > I Know of none superior to tho Weber and none that can coin . pete with them for durability.—Teresa Carreno. The tone of tho Weber Piano is so sweet, rioh and sympathetic t yet ho full, that I shall always rank you as the greatest tnacufan hirer of the day.—Emma Thursby. j Weber Pianos excel all others in volume ci tone and 1 in power of expression.—S. Liebling. There are no Pianos in the world that tain tiie nee like the ; Weber.—Emma Abbott. R. 0. HUNGER, Agent, St. Paul. - Bend for Catalogues. _____________ BOOT AKPSHOi! DJCAI.X-'?, I r^m SCHLIEK & CO. ; fill so. 89 east mil mm, LEADING SHOE HOTJ S (\ V ST, PAUL j|M_£f__R__ : m |k Sew Fail Stock Jus! ft em«L i The Largest and onl. : .: i-toekintiie . ( Northwest.. Agencyi.forrßTTßT!3, "Gray? "*^*-i^^__|_____si and Beynold'e" fine phofe fc'JJMJbU TAXLC PUllljAll fMllii, Sl, M, aim. STANDABD BCA.LKS. : FAIRBANKS' j | EOLIPBE BTANDABD SKL? .Vi'JNG ; BC'ALESI [WHS?!) JVXIX.J-B -; FUBBABIS. MORSE & co., - 371 & 373 Siller Street B TiniXBTABK-t. I STEJES BEOSo. [Established 1850.] "Vfarrpfactarers of Fnrnitnre. Eire Geeee Festh i ers and Mattreesee. Funeral Directors. Sole Agents for Metallic ; ' Burial Ce_V->ta end Cases, Cloth and Wood ] 1 Caskets. ' Corner Third "and Minnesota Sts. . r. J.STCAtITHx. J. S. DONNEIsL. ; j f OABTEY .ft BOIBIXI * UNDERTAKERS. _ 54 Wifei.^ SITKt,," Wl§ FMI, sSiti i* .Calls answers, ,at all hoar*. Embeiclr. i, a -Tatty. > Best hearse in. tbe city., and Suet a earrisgee stlcrsreet rates.._ - F__te_-la ocmfceN^ j and eatirfootLra __K_z-*sd ; -.;,'•'■■- rAIZO-OCM. Mailoii, M-iffi wm STREET pftr^^ternPainiVV'o^g HoyeEfllfcoLOßs S *_J -VV~T:- -,; .." ?*T. PAUL Ready Mixed Paints. SATISFACTION OCAIIAHTEED. . Orders Solicited. A J. WAMPLER & 00. Mar. a factory, Office and Baleeroen — 189 and I*l Twelfth street, b«tvM_ Bobert and Jaeluna. . - . ■ y ••-' yyyyy: