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Daily globe. [volume] (St. Paul, Minn.) 1878-1884, January 09, 1884, Image 3

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VOL. Vll.
mmm mm
The Chicago Bulls aa.! Bear.* Choos;
Oilicftf s I'or the Ensuing Year.
Wheat Itath r Weak, and Succumbs to
Hear Hammering.
The New Y»rk Stock Marktfc UnseU'id
aud Rather Feverish.
[Special Telegram to the Globe. J
Chicago, Jan. B.—At the board of trade
election to-day Mr. E. Nason Blake, of
Blake, Shaw & Co.. was elected president
ana ,Mr. George T. Smith, late of Smith &
Gaylord. was c- ■ed vice president. Yes
terday, aa noted these dispatches, little
else bat tha elastic was thought of, but
to-day the electioneering was left to a few
while the remainder quietly deposited
their votes aud hnstened into the pits to
sell bey corn or oanvass the posi
tion of Armour in regard to provisions.
Tho whsat market opened very weak
under advices from Liverpool of a large
failure and reports from New YorK that
there would ba another large lot of wheat
posted as out of condition. Opening at
about $1.01% for May the market receded
to $1.01%, cold to $1.00% then to $1.00%,
advanced to ;?Lol%, went off, and after
fluctuating closed at $1.01% bid. Tbere
was only one sale reported at $1.01%. The
market was strengthened by the heavy
purohases of Jno. Lester, Charley Mair,
"Deacon" Hobbs and Roach, who took
nearly a million bushels each, Lester
bought during the day 1,500,000 bushels.
These parties have been the heaviest tellers
for the past week or teu days, and were
simply covering shorts, L iter the market
wat firmed by the report that the export
ers were taking the posted unconditioned
wheat in New York at $1,083^, being only
2c off. Jasfc why tho posting of wheat as
damaged should be a means of
depressing the market, and the fact
that it was "being bought in the place of
good wheat at a merely nominal reduction
should bo quoted as a bull feature, your
correspondent fail 9 to comprehend, yet
such was the case. On the call and on
the curb ttnra seemed to be a good deal of
strength underneath itie, market, but it was
purely local, and hence hot to be depended
upon far permanency, hammering
by the bears and the change of front by
their whilom companions before named
were about the only features in
the wheat pit. Crittenden &
Harvey ''are inclined to think that we shall
get a good rally in prices before seeing a
lower range of values." A large number
of telegrams from St. Louis were received
during the day, and nearly all of them
were bnllish on wheat and bearish on corn.
The foreign advices were all unfavorable
to-day, and the stock in store is 12,044,958
bushels against 11,800,415 bushels one
week ago. It goes without saying that
the parties who last night prophesied May
wheat $1 to-day were much disappointed
when $1.01% was bid on the curb to-night.
There wax considerable demand from
shippers to-day for corn of the lower
grades. The receipts were 324 cars, and
stocks were posted 3,161,211 bushels,
against 2,580,984 a week ago. The stock
of No. 2in store is now 2,452,683. The
speculative market opened weaker and
prices declined J_£@%o, rallied %@3__o,
but finally closed about lV£o lower for
seller January, %q lower for February,
and }4.g lower for May than on yesterday.
The slump iv January affected the
other options, and was occasioned
by the "let aloae" policy of th^ holders
of the January coru. On the call, however,
Schwartz & Dupeo vjere the purchasers of
all the January corn which wps offered,
and prices firmed up to s§3^o bid. It was
said't!' o a the curb ' at
this price. Some fictitious strength was
to corn by the rumor that Armour
was t iking a hand in tha May option. ?ir.
P. D. Armour said to the writer to-night:
1 .ye not had any interest in a bushel
of grain for over a year. Wo are simply
driving the yellcvv wagons. There is little
or no trade, and we sometimes are
sorry that we touched a hog
this season; there is vo money in them now.
We. however, irj keoping all our con
trr.cLs" and Phil further says he had rath
er be nothing but a driver of one of the
yellow wagons than to go baok on his con
tracts. Cudaby & Stevens bought consid
erable corn on the call.
There were about 25,000 hogs at tbe
yards to-day, and prices went down 5@
10c. On 'change provisions opened weak
sympathized largely all through with
grain. Still they possessed some
little independence of action, which
Wis caused by fie purchases
of brokers who wero supposed to be acting
for outside parties. Armour's men were
quite openly on the buying side, which
addtd strength with some parties, but the
"older ones" were desirous of betting that
brokers who were sailing largely would
fill their orders from Armour's warehouses.
The provision question depends almost
exclusively upon the stocks which the far
mer and commission men have no!; driven
to market. The stocks here are not rela
tively greater than usual at th s saason of
tbe year.
Tbe election which concluded to-day had
mai_y amusing features connected with its
progress. Mr. Wright's friends deemed
his election quite certain until this morn
ing, when some ticktta were circulated
with "yellow wagon candidate, for presi
dent, E. N. Blake," printed in black letters
on yellow paper. The wagons used by
Armour & Co., are all painted yellow;
Phillip Armoar is often termed "the old
yellow wagon." The Dake bakery wagons
are also painted yellow. Mr. Blake is
one of its proprietors. The tioket
was thns capable of two significations, and
both were correct. It waß evident all the
Armoar orowd, its brokers and "tailers," !
were bound to beat Mr. Wright, and they
did it by giving Blake 785 votes to A. M.
Wright A.ZZ. A prominent man on the
street remarked: This is a vindication
and endorsement of the course taken by
:•!:. B.'aks and his supporters on the board
in their action regarding the McGecch-
Fowler lard case. it is also
significant proof to members of
the board of trade who are not willing to
be bound by their contracts, and who stand
ready to appeal to the courts at any time
when they get equeezad. Mr. Wright
tried to stand on high moral ground as an
opponent of corners, but "the boys" char
acterize him as a "kicker." His aolion in
tho July, 1882 wheat deal, and his sympa
thy wilh Fowler Bros., as against Mr.
V;cG»och are the things which
beat him. The Globs correspondent
called at the office of Phil
Armocr & Co., to congratulate them on
having elected their candidate. King
Phillip and his cabinet were in session.
On his left in the place formerly occupied
by Geo. Brine, sat Harry P. Darlington,
who formerly represented Washington
Botchers son 3 in Chicago. He has not
been long enough in his position to have
caught the dislike for newspaper men
which his vis a vis, Mr. Webster, brought
with him from Ne*v York, as that Jesuiti
cal, clammy hand-clasp of Cal.
Favorite, who fronts the chief,
bnt be ia rapidly acquiring the
ready smile and open frank expression of
Phil himself. AU were in good humor. I
said: "Mr. Armour, 1 congratulate yon on
having elected your president, and upon
your increasing popularity. One of the
oldest Democrats on the street just re
marked that if the Republicans would
nominate you for president he would vote
for you." "Thanks," replied the enthroned
poik king, reaching over and handing
your o.rreßpondent one of the
yellow wagon tickets, "I never
spoke to Mr. Blake in my
life, but we learned he was not a kicker
and didn't go back on his contracts."
Mr. Favorite made some sarcastic allus
ions about "right or wrong," but Mr.
Webster only smiled his satisfaction that
the candidate who was said to have the
support of the Anglo-American Packing
company had been defeated. Mr. Blake
was warmly supported by the flour orowd,
who ran him at the head of the titckei of
their own. Frank Clifton, of Fowler
Bros. & Co., is said to have
excused his supporting tbe defeated
candidate by sayiug he thought he was
running "James AVright," referring to
"James Wright & C 0.," the Fowlers' pet
brand of lard. The board of trade have
elected a good Bet of officials all through.
They are men of honor and responsibility,
in whose hands the interests of the specu
lators aa well as the trading community
will be conserved.
The hog market was generally quiet, yet
a few early sales were made at yesterday's
closing prices but the great bulk of the
business transacted up to noon, when this
report closed, showed a decline of about
10c on all grades exoept choice Pniladel
phias. The run was only fair, but tho de
mand mainly from packers and shippers,
speculators not taking hold very frsely.
Some salesmen declared there wao a drop
of 15 to 20c, but this is hardly borne ont
by the rt turns. The quality was much
better than any day last week. A large
number of the best farmers of Illinois and
lowa are marketing their own breeding
and raising. Receipts were liberal and a
fair demand for fat and fully finished
cattle at about last week's prioes and
equally as high as yesterday. The best
grades of butchers' stock seemed to be
holding its own and making as good
prices as last week. Canners and com
mon rather easier, but not quotably lower.
The supply of Blockers and feeders was
light, prices very high and a fair demand.
Chicago Financial.
[Special Telegram to tne Globe.]
Chicago, Jan. 8. —The local money market
is unchanged. There was a good attendance ef
borrowers and a fair inquiry ex'sted for funds.
Rates remain steady at 6 per cent, on call and 7
per cent, on time. Eastern exchange between
city banks changed hands at 75 premium per
t',ooo. The bank clearings were $6,885,000
against $8,500,000 yesterday. The orders for
currency were > cry meagre.
i Special Telegram to tho Globe. 1
New Yobk, Jan. B.—Stocks were decid
edly fragile this morning. It Was report
ed early that Central & Hudson had re
duced local freight rates about 50 per
cone, and West Shore 5 per cent, bonds
were seeking buyers in con?.tqnence.
Northern Pacific inferred fell to 6i)4,while
Oregon Tronscontinentai and Oregon
Railway were not wanted, except by the
shorts. Union Paoifio was bolstered,
evidently for tho purpose of
marketing other stocks. There was
little life during the middle of the day, the
market looking quite tired at times. There
were whispers in the air that Chicago, Bur
lington <fe Qnincy and its .opponents were
having trouble. Inside of thirty days the
report wiil bo audible enough, for well in
formed parties seem to feel confident that
there will be a heap of mischief within that
time. Alton had a small boom. The stook
sold at 136, having closed laet evening at
13414. The earnings of the Illinois Centre 1
for the fourth week in December deoraased
$60,000. Many other lines will make even a
worse showing. It is generally conceded
by railroad men that earninss reached the
zenith some time since. Union Pacific was
offered *£}■£ below present .figures, seller
60; Wsat Shore made aoplioation to list
$5,000,000 bonds. A half million silk
failure did not effect matters mnch.
The Galf, Colorado & Santa Fe Railroad
company has mad 9 application to the
stock exchange f^r listing $334,000 first
mortgage bonds. Tha West Shore road
has aopded for listing the remainder of
its first mortgage bonds on fhe stock ex
change, amounting to $14,750,000.
The company states that it
has thus far expended $15,000,000
for equipment, etc., between Weehawken
and Buffilo. It is understood that the
Oregon <fc Transcontinental company has
practically completed an arrangement by
which the bulk of their holding on Oregon
Railway & Navigation and Northern Pa
cific stocks will be deposited with the
Farmers' Ljan and Trust company for
one year. The arrangement includes a
loan of $18,000,000 for one year on a
pledge of 91,500 shares of Oregon Rail
way and Navigation, 51,500 shares of
Northern Paoifio preferred, 91,500 shares
of Northern Paoific common stocks, to be
lodged with the Farmers' Loan and Trust
corny .ny. Of this amount $8,000,000 will
Bmlu A (BlnhE.
be nsed to take np an equal amount of the
company's bills payable, a commission to
be payable to the lenders at the end of the
yoar, but no stock bonns allowed.
The Sb»r Route Cases—Some Idea ot What
the Fiasco has Cost tbe Country—The
Items of the Bills- $102,688 Gone to
Uiits.-a, or the Pockets of Those engaged
in the Sham Prosecution.
Washington, Jan. B.—Secratary Fo'ger
to-day transmitted to the senate a trans
cript of the expenditures of the depart
ment of justice. Included in the mass of
vouchers are those for the payments of the
account of the services of the special at
torneys, detectives, etc., engaged in tbe
star route oases. The following ia a list
of the items: George Bliss, Nov. 8,1881,
unitemizsd, $2,500; Sept. 9, 1881,
services for two days at Long
Branch in coLsaltation with the attorney
general and oltiers. September 14, 1881;
services for two days -.i Long Branch in
consultation with the a-.toroey general and
others. September 15, 1881; the entire
day in the library ot tne law institute in
tiie examination of authorities as to "in
iorm-itious." September 30; eleven days
in Waohiegton in consultation with the at
torney general and counsel, in the prepar
ation of "iuiormationß" against Brady and
others. October 21, 1881; ihree days in
Philadelphia and Washington. Oc.obec
29, 1881; three days in Washington.
November 5, 1881; fonr days in Wash
ington in the argument of
the motive order, permitting information
to be hied. Nov. 7, 1881, drawing com
plaint against F. fi Lilley. Same date,
drawing complaint against Geo. F. Brott.
Nov. 16,1881; three days in Washington
preparing complaints and procuring war
rants against Pratt and Lilley, A. O. Buck,
Wm. S. Berringer and Albert E. Boon.
Nov. 24,1881; seven days in Washington.
Deo. 2, 1881; live days in Washington.
Deo. 12, 1881; four days in Washington.
Dec. 17, 1881; one day in Washington.
Dec. 24; two days in Washington. Dec.3l;
five days in Washington. Sept. 14
to December 25,1881, constant services in
New York between those days, other than
those occupied as above; total, $6,000.
Disbursements: September 9 to December
24, not itemiztd, $388. March 2, 1882:
George Bliss, for services as oonnsel in
Star route cases, including the prepara
tion for the grand jary of oases against
Dorseys, Bradly, Miner, Pack, Vaile, Rer
dell, Sanderson and Tamer, and the exam
ination of fifty-three witnesaee, arrest and
examination in the police court, and the
indictment of Albert E. Boone, S. G.
Cahill, James W. Donohue, Charles
H. Dickson, E. J. Sweet,
W. W. Jackson, Kate U. Armstrong, A. O.
Buck and others, with services in tne cases
of Lilley and Boone, there being in all
twenty-tbree indictments, with constant
consultations with the attorney general,
and advice in oases in Philadelphia. At
tending to correspondence, making eight
journeys from New York to Washington
and back, and forty-eight days* absence
from home, entirely devoted to these cases,
besides muoh labor and time bestowed
upon them iv New York, all since tho set
tlement of the former aooount and prior to
date, $5,200. Expense aooonnt. $418.
George Bliss, January 6 to March 6,
1883, $5,700, George BUsb, April 5, 1883,
$1,700. George Bliss, November 19,
$9,200. A. Cook, servioes United
States district attorney, $2,499 and $6,250
still due. W. W. Kerr, $31,877. B. T.
Merrick, $17,500. Benjamin H. Brewster,
on account of services in oases of the
United States against Brady and others,
known as the star route oases, $5,000.
Allen Pinkerton, $8,336. A. M. Gibson,
$5,000. Various detective*. $2.17 0.
The Kali way Giants Preparing for a Con
flict of Kates—A Nepspaper Boycotted
Becanse it Item?ed to Bttroy nn Infor
["Special Telegram to the Globe. ]
Chicago, Jan. B.—Eailroad circles are very
much stirred up. The fight with Commissioner
Pierson commences to-morrew. The Alton and
Rock Island have oidered a cut of §t between
Kansas City and How York. The Transconti
nental association will meet to-morrow, but it
is not bolieved the meeting will amount to
much. An endeavor will be made
to induce the Ceutral Pacific to loin
the Union Pacific in fight against
the Burlington. The tripartites will apply for
admission into the Transcontinental. Beth
plans will fail. Everything betokens a general
railroad war. Mho Chicago Timet? railroad re
porter got the true inwardness of the meeting of
ei'r.l p^s-in^cr r.gents at Commissioner
Moore's office on Monday. To-diy he was
upon to give his source of information
and refused. It is reported that the agents in
solemn conclavo obligated themselves to secrecy,
and passed a resolution that the Times was to be
refused any news until it named its traitorous
A Second Lot of Over a Quarter of a Million
Bushels of Wheat Discovered In a Brook
lyn Elevator.
| Special Telegram to the Globe. ]
New Yobk, Jan. 8. —An excitement was cre
ated in the produce exchange to-day \vh»n it was
known that a second lot of 254,857 bushels of
wheat had been sorted. The official announce
ment of Monday moaning that 250,001) bushels
had been found to have deteriorated -while in
store in a Brooklyn warehouse helpfed to cause a
depressed market, and when it was learned yes
terday that a sscond lot was out of c onaiiion ttaeie
was surprise and alarm. The wheat is all of
the speculative grade of No. 2 red,: but has be
come so damaged as to have fallen, below stan
dard . There are now in storage in this port
.about 7,'iDi,ouo bushels of wheat, as against
4,557,0.0 ten years ago. Tho outfcome of the
posting of cain*ged grain will be, it is said, to
stimulate higher prices when the entire amount
of decayed .rain is known, because it -will re
duce th 9 supply of speculative wheat. At
present tha posting causes a dec'ir.e by making
hulders v .easy.
Br. Price's Cream Baking iow. _rand Flavor
ing Extracts are the only kinds made by a prac
tical chemist and physician, with special regard
to their healthfulness. And tbey are rapidly
superseding all inferior and d»l terious com
poiuids for similar purposes. Buy Dr. Price's
Baking Powder only in cans with unbroken la
Panper Immigrants.
Boston, Jan. B.—The steamer Illyrian, from
Liverpool, brought ten emigraats, shipped as
seamen, who present a wretched appearance.
Four, it is said, came from a work heuse in
London. One is f.f unsound mind, ene parti
ally paralyzed and none are abe bodied. The
alien commissioners notified th. B.itish consul
not to allow the men to land.
The Massachusetts Democracy.
Boston, Jan. B.—The Democratic state
central committee elected Koah R. Plymp
ton chairman, Jonas U. French declining
to be a candidate. It war, voted to en
deavor to have the national convention
held in Boston.
More Body Snatchlu? in Illinois—Tlie
Oranga and Green Difficulties—Whole
sale Poisoning—Nearly Murdered—He
Hanged Himself.
Abilese, Kas., Jan. B.—Recently Frank
Collins, a member of the board of aldermen,
has been active in ..ttempting to suppress
gambling. In a saloon thi3 evening, Zeno
Hemphill, a gambler, struck Collins with his
fist. Collins immediately presented a pistol to
Hemphill's head, whereupon Deputy Marshal
Walter Collins rusjbed in becwoen the angry pair
and struck the pistol uDwards. In the
confusion incident to the interruption, Hem
phill drew a pistol and shot Walter Collins
throngh the breast. Then a deadly combat bs
«an between Hemphill and Frank Collins, both
emptying their revolvers. When the tiring
ctased, all throe men were found lyirg upon the
floor, weltering in blood. Hemphill with tix
ballet holes ia his body, one throngh his heart.
Frank Collins has four wounds, probably fatal,
and Walter Collins is dead.
Jackson, Miss., Jan. B.—Cornelius
Ryan was shot fatally this morning by
John Hsnsberry, a livery stable keeper.
Ryan fired twice at Hansberry without ef
fect. The difficulty grew out of a dispute
about yesterday's election.
New Yobk, Jan. B.—Frederiok G. Hart
man, who ehot at the watohman at Mrs. A.
T. Stewart's reeidence, hanged himself
this morning in his cell in the tombs.
Fbeehold, N. J., Jan. B.—Samuel
Brower, aged seventy, a well to do rarmer,
hanged himself in the log honse in whioh
ho was born.
Hudson, N. V. r Jan. B.—The hearing in
the case of Sherwin, arrested at Chicago,
and convicted of contempt of court at
Albany, set for to-day, has been postponed
until January 18.
New Yobk, Jain. 8. —Three Chinamen,
charged with the murder of Lee Sing,
were committed to the tombs, pending an
investigation by the police and coroner.
Stcamobe, 111, Jan. B.—Two cf the sup
posed grave robbers, Waterman and Shin
kle, were arraigned to-day, but waived ex
amination and were committed in default
of bond, although abundantly able to pro
cure bail. They considered it sp.fer to be
behind protecting walls and out of harm's
way. Another shocking robbery has been
discovered at Rosheiiu. The sheriff, while
searching the college at Chicago for the
corpse of old Mrs. Hoyt, discovered the
body of a young girl. Investigation of
tho graves at Roohelle proved the body to
be that of Miss Craft, an old schoolmate
friend of Shinkle. Hall and Coffey, the
parties first arrested, have been released,
it being proven that they were only team
sters who have given valuable information
St. Johns, N. F., Jan. B.—The following
arrests at Harbor Grace were made to-day
in connection with the recent riot: Head
Constable.Doyle,* Joseph Bray, Charles
Frenoh, Edward Ash, Ambrose Williams,
Thomos Courage and Edward Butt, who
are indicted for the murder of Callahan
and firing first shots at the Riverhead
men. Those are all Orange sympathizers.
Thirty persons are now arrested, and ad
ditional arrests of the Orangemen will be
made. The depositions upon which
the arrests were made to-day
state that before the procession
the Orangemen came ap to where the
Riverhead men had planted their standard,
and a delegation of five men from this
party went forward and asked head Con
stable Doyle to oompel the Orange proces
sion to turn down a lane in the vicinity,
otherwise, there promised to be bloody
work if the two parties met. Some of the
members from the procession then left
the ranks and went to a neighboring feace.
pulled outthe pickets, sayiug: "We go on "
Doyle is accused of encouraging the so
ciety to "come on," and oalling out "Fire,"
and further, that Doyle fired the first sho f.
Montbkal, Jan. B—A very large end ex
cited meeting of the shareholders of the
Montreal Lo3n & Mortgage company was
held to-day. The auditor's report shows
the books irregniar and the absconding
secretary t.nd treasurer, Geo. W. Craig, a
defaulter to at least $50,000. Some of the
directors are charged with getting 10iU:3
contrary to the charter. A resolution to
have a full investigation aud valuation of
assets is being discussed.
Bath, Me., Jan. 8.-- In the Richaiond
murder trial to-day, Elizabeth Denny, wife
of the murdered man, testified that Hop
kins and Turner came to the house, and
Turner ravished her. In answer to her cries
for help her husband came to the resoue.
Her husband was met by a tall man—Hop
kins, and knocked down and
kicked two or three times.
Witness said both men ravished her
Tbot, N. V., Jan. B.—The citizens com
mittee proposes to enjoin the payment of
the sheriffs and constables bill on the
ground of illegal charges. The cousty
treasurer respects the protest of the citi
New Yobk, Jan. B.— James E. TownEend
and wife, an sged couple, at Oyster Bay,
were found unconscious on tho kitchen
floor. Assaulted with a hammer, and the
house robbed. The lady is a sister of Gen
eral Vender, of th 6 confederate army, who
bad charge of the Libby prison during the
war. The recovery of the couple is doubt
ful. A negro has been arrested for the as
Governor Butler Gives His Ideas ef the
Character of Gen. Jackson Contrasting
How He Wonld Take a Snub With the
President Now in the White Honse—How
the Next Presidential Election Will <*o.
Boston, Mass., Jan. 8. —The annual "Jack
son" banquet, on the anniversary of the battle
of New Orleans, was held in the Parker house
this aftemeon by the ladies of the Democratic
party in Massachusetts. Over two hundred were
prese»t, inoluding Geaeral Butler and Governor
Abbett, of New Jersey. Letters of regret wore
received from Samuel J. Tilden, General Han
cook, Speaker Carlisle, Governor Hoadley of
Ohio, Senators Bayard and McDonald, and Con
gressman Morrison, of Illinois. Gen. Butler, in
speaking of Jackson's character, said
that when Jackson desired anything done by a
foreign nation it was done. No british minis
ter dared to shub him. Beferring to the pros-
Pests of the Democracy at the cominsr pr «i
-d»ntial election, he said the hope of tSapsxtj
was, that the fact was recognized by all good -non
that it would be a calamity to tho country if the
Democrats do not win in 1884, because, under
the government of the Republican party, which,
he said, allied itself with capital, the rich were
made richer antt ihe poor poorer, and the time
had come when that condition <*f things must
ceasa. Gov. Abbett, ex-Gov. Garcelon, of
Maine, and several others mads speeches.
The Deaths supposed to Number Thirty
ionr-Gw« Sufi' ring at Sea—Wholesale
Poisoning—A Bark Ashore, but the Crew
.Special Telegram to the Globe. |
Milwaukee, Jan. B.—At ten o'clock this
morning a frightful accident occurred at
the Conro building, in course of erection
on Broadway. Three men standing on a
scaffold in the story were precipitated to
the cellar a distant of forty or fifty feet,
one being almost instantly killed and the
others mortally woanded. Henry Hosey,
a fireman, and Charles Klop6rdick, a work
m.u, were standing on the scaffold when
John J. Dunn, the contractor, stepped on
it. A board broke and the three men went
crashing through to the basement. Dunn,
who was a well known builder and con
tractor, and was thirty-five years old, was
frightfully crushed. He waa pulled out
of the debris, but died in a few minutes.
He leaves a large family. Hosey was fa
tally injured, and may die at any mo
ment. He is forty years old and leaves a
family. Kloperdijk was crushed and
bruised, and cannot recover. He is forty
three and a man of family. No one is ap
parently to blame for the accident.
St. Louis, Jan. B.—Search in the ruins
of the convent at Belleville, 111., was re
sumed thi3 morning, and up to 1 o'clock
two moro bodies were found. The remains
of the sister superior, Mary Jerome, were
discovered at noon, and was identified by
the spectacles, with gold chain attached to
the cross and rosary. The remains re
ported yesterday as those of Sister
Angelina are now supposed to be those of
Sister Edwarina. Granting that eaoh lit
tle heap of charred bones and roasted flesh,
that so far has been taken from the ruins,
represents a separata body, and it is very
difficult to determine whether they do,
there nre still five persons missing. The
funerals of the victims to be buried have
been fixed for Thursday. All the priests
and fathers of the diocese of Alton are in
vited to attend. Father Abbeljn, of Mil
waukee, has arrived, and will look after
the interests of the society, and arrange
for the funeral and the future disposition
of the remaining sisters.
The latest report from Bolleville to
night is that no more bodies were found
'his afternoon and no more identifications
were made. The inquest has proceeded all
day and will be continued to-morrow. The
testimony has been of a somewhat con
flicting character, but shows pretty clearly
that the fire department was entirely inad
equate to cope with such a fire and sadly
deficient in the necessary appliances. Sis
ter Elentheria testified this afternoon that
ahe thought there were seventy-one persons
in the convent at the time of the fire,
thirty-seven of whom escaped,
thns leaving thirty.four as missing. This
cannot be verified, however, as all the
records were burned, but the sister will at
tempt to recall from memory the names of
these present, and by comparing the
names try and reach the actual number.
This testimony created considerable sen
sation, and every effort will be made tg
ascertain the facts in the case. The re
mains identified as Emma Stook are now
believed to be those of Miss Bailey, aad it
is doubttul whether Virginia Heintzelman
has been found. Search will be resumed
again to-morrow and will be prosecuted
Galveston, Jan. 8. —The Norwegian
bark, Norma, from Stettin, with a cargo
of earnest for Galveston, is ashore two
m;ls* west, and she will be a total loss.
She is valued at $25,000. The cargo will
probably be saved.
Vv'ilkesbabre, Pa., Jan. 8. —The acci
dent to the New Yo^k express oa th-j Ph:l
adelphia <fc Rr-.ding raiiroid I
was due to the breaking of a 3W 'eh frog,
which denude-} t- c tr . to run
on the ties and road bid nearly a q
of a mite, demolishing the pdot on the
engine .and smashing the b.ig-;ago car.
Toe passenger* were well shaken up bui
none injured.
Biddefoed, Me., Jan. B.—The steamor
Katadahyn, a coaster, is repo-ted drifting
at sea, having blown outlha cylinder head.
Six of her crew, it is said, landed in a boat
at Cape Porpoise, in an exhausted condi
Kansas dry, Mo., Jan. B—Frank8 —Frank James
is reported seriously ill at his home in
Independence, and is threatened with
pneumonia. His physician pronounces his
oase quite grave.
the wounded impbtving.
Louisville, Ky., Jan, B—Strong and
Crshore, members of ihe Y-ds College
Glee clnb, injured in the wreck at Charles
ton, Ind, ara doiag nicely. Thd G!se club
wants $1,200 from the Ohio & Mississippi
road for delays and losses by missing cn
gagemtn s hero and at Cincinnati. Ia di
vidual damage suits will bo filed in a short
East Saginaw, Mich., Jan. B.—A dwell
ing house at Paine's Junction, occupied by
a widow named Allmy, burned last Light.
A daughter of Mrs. Allmy perished in the
Milwaukee, Jan. 8. —The scaffolding at
the third story of Corras block fell thie
morning. John Dunn, contractor was
killed. Henry Hove and C&s&ouier Klop
otek, masons were fataily injured.
Work Brtgrhtening.
Beading, Pb., Jan. B.—Work is resumed
in all departments or the Beading iron
works. The works employ 1,000 men. The
sheet puddlers are reduced from $3.50 to
$3.25 a ton. A number of other manufac
tmrers are preparing to resume work, and
the oatlook in the iron trade is generally
| brighter.
Dr. Stilling, president of the synod of the
English Lutheran church, died at Omaha, Neb.,
aged 66, of congestion of the orain.
Conflagration at the Northwestern Car
Company Works at .*till>vater.
The Fire Under Control After a $300,
-000 Loss.
[Special Tolecram IO mo uiobe. 1
Stillwateb, Jan. 9, 3 a. m. —There was
great excitement in 'hia city last night
when it wae reported that the Northwest
ern Manufacturing company's works were
ou fire.
The fire was discovered about 10:30 p.
m. in the glazing room at the
north end of the bcilding.The baildiLg is of
stone, four stories high, and is owned by
the state, bnt oooapied by the Northwest
ern Manufacturing company, who suc
ceeded the well known firm of Seymour,
Sabin & Co.
At 2:15 a. m. the fire was nnder oontrol
bnt uot until it haa consumed the cabinet
shop, the pattern shop, the glazing room,
planing mill, blaokauiith shop and engine
erecting shop.
The fire is the most disastrous that has
ever taken place iv Stillwater. The loss is
estimated at $300,000 but the worst fea
ture is that 300 citizens are thrown out of
employment in addition to 3GO convict
The insurance is very light,not exceeding
$05,000. Ot thia $25,000 is on the build
ing, and the balance evenly divided on the
machinery and stock. All the machinery
and stock in the department named was
In the workshop was quite a large stock
of fixtures for the First National b*nk of
Ht. Paul, and these were valaed at $5,000.
They were about two-thirds finished. It is
estimated that the loss will fall tqnally on
the state and the Cur company.
Later information is to the effest that the loss
is one-half covered by insnrance.
During the lire tho beat of o.der was main
tained in the prison. Warden Re?d and Deputy
Hall removed 120 convicts from tho cc' Is near
est the fire. These were taken to another part
of the prison.
Tho blacksmith shop contained a number of
trip hammers and other valuable machinery.
Tho engiue shop contained a number of portable
engines in process of t-rection. Tho bolt shop
was also folly stocked. The engine room was
somewhat damage J, but not very seriously. Tin 1
shop containing ihe patterns and tiie car paint
Ehop and other buildings outsido the prison walls
were not damaged.
If iater reports are received they will be found
in a postscript oa the filth page.
In St. Raul.
About one o'clock this morning a telephone
message from Stillwater annonnoed that the
works of the Northwestorn Manufacturing com
pany were on fire and asking for aid. Chief
Black promptly responded, ad loading an en
gine at East Bt. Paul sped away
for the scene of the conflagration.
This company is the largest manufacturing
concern in the state, having Senacer D. M.
Sabin for the leading spirt and its stockhold
ers embracing many of the leading men of
the State, lt is engaged in the manufac
ture ot railroad cars, the Minnesota Chief
threshing machine and engines, cabinet werk,
weoden ware, etc. It has the contract for the
prison labor, but the convicts only supply a
fragment of the working force.
Rosa Bonheur has recovered from her recent
illness ia London.
The hotel kopeers of Ohio met on yesterday
and organized a Hotel Keepers' association.
A fire in Kansas City destroyed five frame
buildings at a loss $21,000; insurance $10,' 00.
A fire yesterday at Paducih, Ky., destroyed
property valued at $'.1,000; insurance, $9,0u0.
At Pittsburg wages are being reduce 1, some
©f the manufacturers cutting down pretty fine.
From Ds!lns, Texas, it is r°ported that last
night the town of Baird was almost swept: away
by lire.
Francis & Vaughan, shoe manufacturers, <>f St.
John, N. 8., havo suspended, with Labilities of
M ,0 0.
Nubar Pasha thinks the Soudan tribes are
nc cohesion, and may ho left to plunder one
Anjutfioertia] commrl »in*t>d
to g t subscriptions iv St. Louis for tr.eliartholdi
statue I
Frank Stylo, of Somerset, Team, whose oxe
csdiin waa fixed for \ respited .'or
is rapidly spreading- among the
working men pa Russia, and a number of arrests
bave been made.
At Frankf >rt, Ky., ths j >int Democratic cau
cus to nominate a senator met and adjourned till
next Monday night.
Dr. Sto.cker's organ in Berlin, contains an
insulting article t-> the memory of Dr. Laskcr,
on account o_ his Jewish creed.
J. W. Denr, a consin of Mrs. General Grant,
suicided at the Alvord mine, Daggett, Cal., on
aturday last. Poverty and sickness was the
Fletcher, Weisenberp & Co., the contractors
who built the L»ke I'ont bridge, have issued a
suit against the Northeastern Railroad company
for $261,260. •
In New York 'ast evening, Dr. H. P.Wakeley,
of San Francisco, aged 70,. fell on Broadway,
receiving a concu-sitvn of the brain. His injury
is considered fatal.
The' St. Joseph & Western railroad was tak'n
from the hands of the receiver on yesterday by
order of the court, the shareholders' differ
enoee having been -.ett'ed.
Miijor L. Uarrigan has bt*?.n appointed chief
of police by tti board at o <mraissiunera at St.
Louis. He was cliK-f s< me years ago, and was
considered an 'Xielient one.
It is contempiat-d to have a convention of the
ranchmen of the south and west, either in Chi
cago or St. Louis. Their interests are wide
and union is required among thorn so as to
make all the improvements possible.
Tha commercial Travelers association of New
York is in so sion. Their membership is 3,101,
and they have pud beneficiaries i !70,000, of
which $i ,') "i wis paid from the reserve fund.
In the state are 10,000 drnrnraers, and it is com
puted that there are in the United States 10 ',
General Druggist
Is settled in his elegant New Store
Cow Mil anil Samt Peter streets,
Where oan be found the finest and best of Drugs,
Perfumery. Todet Articles, Patent Medicines,
etc. Also, all kinds of Garden and Flower
Seeds in their season.
NT< i. I>.
p To Rent. Q
J For Sale. J>
A M Ot
]S^[" Repaired. /V
r\ Exchanged. AT
jg At Lowest Prices, g
EMM, aod
If yoa want to
For the next 10 dnys we will makejyou lower
prices than you ever heard of.
Solid Walnut Case 5-octavo OHfiINS. $25.
$35, $40, $50, $60.
FUI9MKS. $150. $170, $200.
51 West Third street, St. Paul,
Grand Opera House!
Matinee To-day at 2 p. m.
Last Performance To-night.
Romance of the Moonshiners, entitled
A Mountain Pink!
Introducing the great Dramatic Reader and
Frank E. Aiken, Harry Hawk, Joseph J. Hol
land, Washington Melvi.le, Fmiin R. Pierce,
T. J. Langdon, Harry Stoddard, Gene
vieve Rogers, Helen Sedgwick,
Marie Lear.
Play fully endorsed by entire press and re
commended in every city visited.
Beats now on sale
Reduoed Prices —Evening, $1.00, 73c, 50c and
25c. Matinee, 73c, 50c and 35c.
The extreme cold weather of
the past week has aided us con
siderably in our 25th SEMI-AN
large number of people realizing
the fact that we aro selling WIN
TER OVERCOAT 3 at Munuftc
turer's Cost, have wisely taken
advantage of this great Slaughter
Sale, the result boing that our
has been considerably reduced.
When one considers that from
January to December they can
buy from us full as cheap as they
can buy from any store in the
United States, and that during
this great Slaughter Sale we have
reduced our prices from twenty
five to forty per cent., the im
mense benefit derived from buy
ing an* Overcoat NOW, can be
easily understood.
Our great all-woot STORM
OVERCOAT for $10 is worth
looking after.
mm house,
Ccracr of Tniri ani E.Hsrt streets.
The annual meeting of the Stockholders of the
Sain- Paul Gas Light Company, will bo held at
their office, No. 180 hast Third street, on Wed
nesday, the 16th day of January, at 10 o'clock,
a. m., for the purpose of electing three Direc
tors for the ensuing year and to transact such
other business as may cim. before them.
A. J. GOODRICH, Secretary.
December 25,180 T. o-26ed_

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