Newspaper Page Text
8 DAIU WEATHER BULI-ETUI. Officb'.Chikf BraKAii Oftioib, Washington, D. C, Jan. 18, 9:56 p. m, Obierration? token at the eame moment ef ftma ,%t all stations. nrpza Mississrpri valmt. Bar. Ther. Wind.~WeaTaer. St Paul 30.37 9 N Clear. La Crosse 30.22 10 S Cloudy. KOUTEWEHT. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Battleford -7 N Cloudy. BiemarcK 80.70-13 N Ckiudy. Edmundton 10 0 Clear. Ft. Garry ™-™ ~26 NW ear- Jfiiimedosa 80.71 -23 NW Clear. Moorhead 80.61 -29 N Clear. Qoapelle 80.79 -18 W Clear. St. Vincent Line down. SOBTUKES BOCEI KOUHXAIW SLOP*. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weath<?r. Ft. Assinaboine..80.57 11 E Cloudy. ft. Buford 80.67 4 NW Cloudy. Ft Custer 80.67 9 N Hazy. Helena, M. T...30.52 16 N Clear. Huron, Dak 80.66 -10 N Clear. Medicine Hat....30.58 8 S Clear. UPPXB XiAEM. Bar. Then Wind. Weather. Dalath 80.46 -6 NW Clear. Chicago 29.90 83 N Lt. Snow. MIDDLE EASTEES BOCffS MOUNTAIN SIiOPB. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Denver 80.48 24 NW Lt. Snow. DodgaCity 30.40 24 NW Cloudy. MISSOURI VALLEY. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Lwfflworth.... 39.18 28 N Lt.Snow. Omaha 80.40 10 M Cloudj, DAILY LOOAL SIEiSr. B«r. Th*>. Dew Point. Wind. Weather. 30.132 19.5 13.0 N Fair. Amount of melted snow ..., maximum tnar moamer, 32.0; 'Jiinimum tl -rmometer, 9.0; dailv rtiuea, 23.0. River, froion. —Below zero. Ninu—Jiuxometer corrected for temperature and oleration. _ _ P. F. Lvofp, Bsreeant Si?oal Corps, O. S. A. to-day's weatheb. Washtnoton, Jan. 19.—1 a m.—Indications for tho upper Mississippi: Fair weather, pre ceded by light local rains, snow early in the morning, northerly winds, decidedly colder, rising barometer; for the Missouri: Generally fair weather, northerly winds, rising, followed in tho northern portions by a slight fall in barometer, colder. Romany Rye at the Grand to-day. CIX* GLOBULES. The Evening Star club held another of their enjoyable dances at Pieifer hall last evening. A horse with white feet wis picked up last night and plaoed in Alexander's stables on the corner of Eighth and Sibley streets. The D. M. Osborn Manufacturing oom pany commenced Buit in the United States circuit court against John T. Smith to col lect $592.18. The new court house commission was to have held a meeting yesterday afternoon, but in the absence of a quorum an at! journ int- ir. was taken until uext Wedcenday at 3 o'clock. Quite a good sized meteor, came to ground on Exchange street about 9 o'clock last evening. It had a body as larg the regulation base ball aad flew a dull blue rkmein its wnka. Last night a strapping yocDg fellow loaded to the guards on benzine went into the Manitoba house and attempted to in augurate a fr6e fi^ht. Officer Call sized him up and ho was landed :n the cooler. The favorite trir:k of a nebdy class of sinners just now is to steal valuable dogs and then lay for whateyer rewards may be offered for them. Yesterday Mr. V. J. Bow'un reported to the polioe that his spaniel dog "Trump," had been stolen. He offers a reward of ten dollarB for its re turn. Olancey Campbell, a lodger at the Waver ly house, reported to the police yesterday that his trunk h?d been broken open and the Bum of $17 taken therefrom. Dotec tives Walsh and Ki-neally arrested David Smith on suspicion of being the thief and he was brought before Judge Burr and the hearing continued until Tuesday. A movement is on foot among the mem bers of the Irish National league to invite P. J. Sheridan, of Ireland, the ex-secretary of the 3 jand league, to lecture in St. Paul Mr. Sheridan will be in Chicago shortly, and a meeting will be held in the hall, Third and Jaokson streets, at 3 o'olook to morrow afternoon, for the purpose of dis casskg the matter. About noon yesterday a lunch fiend named Strong went into Stein's saloon, Fifth and Rosabel streets, and made a play at the spread by cabbsging a loaf of bread end a butcher-knife. He tried to pry open a money drawer with the knife, bnt skipped out before an officer oould be called. He '^as afterwards waitzad to the tower by Officer Peltier. Col. W. H. H. Taylor, state librarian, made a careful computation yesterday of how many volumes had been addad to the Btate librarj the past year, and found the whole number to be 1,400. Of these 924 were added by purchase, 476 by donation and exchange, and of the iatter number aever.ty-eeven were reports of supreme court decisions of the different states. The Long Prairie, (Todd Co.) Leader, of the 16th has the following: The Sauk Centre Academy of Individual Instruction has now over eighty students, from all parts, including Prince Edward island which is also represented there. The gentlemanly behavior of the students on all oacasions speak volames tor Prof. Cogan and his institution. At 9:30 yesterday morning word was sent to the central fire hall that there was evidently from smoke observed, a fire smouldering in the ruins of the store of Matheney, H^ynie & Co.'s fur store, on east Third street, burned out last Wednes day mornin?. Hook and Ladder No. 2 was dispatched to the scene and found fire smouldering under a lot of old barrels over whioh a damaged buffilo robe had fallen at tbe fire, which was speedily squelched. Frank Chase and Lemuel Dyer, co-part ners in the Eistern Fish Packing company, 441 Jackson street, made an assignment in the district court yesterday to Oscar M. Metoalf in favor of their creditors. Their liabilities are about $4,000 and assets $3,000, and their action w^s hastened by an attachment on their stock and fixtures placed by Joseph McNabl, of Chicago. Another meeting wf the directors of the Northwestern Car oompany and the state authorities was pet to take plaoe at Still water yesterday af te.rvoon to try and oome to an arrangement to settle r.ff drs thrown into refusion by the recent burning of the i vorks in the prison yard. It is nnderstood that the Northwestern Oar company are endeavoring to have the state of Minnesota take the whole thmg off their hands and oontinue the business itself. There was a double dog runaway oh Wabashaw street late yesterday afternoon oansed by tbe appearance :f a big dog hitched to a sled and driven by a boy on whioh vehiole was an a<?ning advertise aent of musio and danoing in lower town for fifteen cents admittance. This dog becoming frantic at the barking of several canines who were at liberty, excited an other harnessed dog with a lantern, several roils of cotton batting, etc, for loading, who rushed against a lamp post and thus emancipated himself from disgraceful servitude. Next Tuesday the line of road built by the St. Paul & Duluth road from Rush City to Grantsburg is to be formally opened, and a considerable number of St. Paul people have been invited to participate. Edward Miller reported last night at the city hall that his horse and sleigh that was hitched in front of the Continental hotel, on the corner of Jackson and Sev enth streets had been taken away. The horse is a sorrel one and the owner would be pleased to have it returned. At tne St.Pail Athletic club gymnasium to-night, there is to be a five mile handi cap go-as-you-please race for a medal. The following are the names of the con testants: T. H. O'Connor, scratch; Paul A. Johnson, three and a half laps start; Thos. Fitzpatrick, eight laps start; W. S. Batty, eight laps start. □ The walls of the old conrt house are down, and that marvel of architectural beauty,with its fluted dorio columns aad its beautifully proportioned lines will no more be admired by man. Nothing is now left of that imposing structure ex cept that "wart," so grapioally described in the chamber of commerce by Dr. Day. Like the Parthenon on tbe Acre pel is at Athene, the court house is in ruins. Ladies' matinee 2p.m. to-day at Grand. PERSONAL. A W. Robinson, Fargo, is at the Mer chants. Hon. Z. B. Clark, of Benson, is at the Merchants. T. H. Pressnell, of Duluth, is at the Windsor. J. V. Goodrich, of Philadelphia, i3 at the Clarendon. P. B. Davy, of Blue Earth City, is at the Clarendon. W. M. Dodge, of Mitchell, is at, the Metropolitan. Theo. Meyer, Elkton, D. T., was in the oity yesterday. T. C. Arnold, of Brownstown, was at the Windsor yesterday. Hon. D. A. Mc rrison, of Rochester, was in the oity yesterday. Hon. L. (Jr. Nelson, of Casson, was in St. Paul yesterday. J. E. Woodwortb, Brandon, is on a busi ness trip to St. Paul. A. M. Crosby, wife and daughter, were at the Merchants yesterday. A. D. Southworth and family, of Waba shaw, are at the Merchants J. N. Hobbins, an insurance adjuster of Madison, is at the Metropolitan. Hon, Samuel Whitten, mayor of Roches ter, called at the stato house yesterday. T. S Bingham and family, Devil's L ke, were at the Merchants yesterday. A. J. Underwood, of the Daily Journal, Fergus Falls, is down on a visit to the city. State R iilroad Commissioner Gee, Jas. H. Biker, is on an official trip to Man kato. Hon. James Cotnpton, of Fergus Falls, called on Clerk Nichols of the supreme court yesterday. L. W. Lester of Glencofl, ex-'reaeurer of McL^od county, called en State Treuburer Kittelson yesterday. Mr. Alexander Barclay left yesterday evening for Alberquerque, Now Mexico, to bego-e two or three weeks. Gen. John T. Averill and Mrs. Averillleft for Appleton, Wis., last ni^ht. After a few days' halt at (hat point they will pro ceed to Florida. Judge McGiOrty, of the RamBey oounty probate conrt, preRit!<sd at the Hennepin probate court yesterday in a case in whioh Judge Celaiid of that coin was an inter ested party in a hearing. Mr. and J4rs. John Matheis, on yester day oelebrnted the twenty-fourth anniver sary of their marriage. The estimable couple reoeived the oongratalations of a large number of tweeds and the hope was expressed on all sides that they might live to pee very many returns of the happy oc casion. Ladies, dou't mis3 the matinee to-day. MIGRAH/ra P tVPERS. How Some People Make Long; Journeys on Their Cheek and tne Liberality of the St. Paul Coinuiuotty. The immense number of people outside those who come under the category of tramps who are traveling the country on their cheek or on the pauper shake polioy has lately attracted the attention of a gentleman of this oity who is in a position to titke note of their number and their mode of shoving themselves along from one distant railway point to another with out a cent of money, or being put over the course by charitable assistance or county or municipal fuuiis, by the expenditure of which authorities seek to free themselves from the liability of their sopport. Within the pa*t ten da}t a Detroit woman with two children put in an ap pearance in this oity having been sent hither by Detroit authorities at half fare rates. They were making the trip to Winnipeg, and though they were without funds, they did not go hungry, got off for th-it point in some manner, and were as unconcerned as any travelers. Another oase w.-ta that of an aged woman whogotupheie from Loui-iana, Mo., a Mississippi river town, in search of rela tives without a duoat iu the corner of her handkerchief, and who was supported by oh*rity during the unsucoessfol hunt for her friends, and who, being desirous to re turn to the place from whence she came, did so w.thout any evident trouble or in convenience. Still auother case is that of a penniless old blind m;m who alighted at the union depot hailing fiom »u inland to.7ii in Pennsylvania, vi honttiven a dog to lead him, and wi hou a penny o his name. He was looking for a relative who lived nomewhere w: •■< in ten miles of St., but exactly wh re he di.i not know. Oiiar itabie p*-rso s afttir a long hunt f u:.d than -here h.'.d bsen such a relative, but tha!; he had died, and that bis widow had moved to Mankato. He was forwarded to Mankato, having beea pla.ied tenderly upou the cars, and hap noi biai'a been heard of. Another moa-..: oase was that of an old printer being slid along by his easy and inexpensive me^n? of crossing the con ti went from tno far west to the state of Rhode Island, for which the printing craft of this city, with their usual generosity and the authorities grea>ed the track with the neoossary rhino to lard him in Chi cago. Thus goes on this sponging journeying over long distances from one year's end to another, making h^a^y drufts upon the passes of the liberal hearted, and keeping city and town authorities in a constant frtt, lest tin;, may be loaded dow_i with pauperism whion does not belong to them, and leading to contribute a smaller sum in eaoh individual case, making a heavy annual a^gr'-gate, to escape the poasibil ites of heavier bnrriens Romany Ry>. Mari ee anil evening. Hi. L«i» i-uwiu W»rne. The fui era! of the late Edwin Warne will take plaoa at 2 o'clock this afternoon, from the church of tbe Good Sheherd, the THE ST. PAUL DAILY GLOBE, SATURDAY MORNING, JJJTUAEY 19, L884, obeeques being under the auspices of the order of Odd Fellowa, The members of Patriarcheal Circle of whioh deceased was a member,will meet at Odd Fellows' ball at 1 o'clock, and proceed from thence to the church of the Good Shephard, after which the cortege will proceed to the cemetery, where the full burial service of the order will be said. The Patriarchal circle in full regalia, will act as escort. Mr. Warne, the deceased, was a prominent city contractor, having been before the public in this capacity for some years, tie waa a good oitizen and his early demise is lamented by a wide circle of friends. A TAWDRY ROBB. It Is the Cause of Getting Three Men Into Troable—Other Matters that Engaged tho Attention of the Police Comrt Tester day. Only a tawdry robe and yet it has tempt ed three men to steal this winter and if it is not incinerated or put in the arehives of the historical society, it may be the means yet of filling up the workhouse. Reference is made to a buffalo robe be longing to Hope's livery stable, whioh figured in the polioe court again yesterday in connection with the ease of Henry Brand. There seems to be eome evil charm or similar influence about the thing which induces men to oovet it. Already this winter, it has been stolen three times, and it has been the means of sending as many men to the workhouse. Thursday night Henry Brand eBpied it lying on the seat of a hack, and he proceeded at onoe to make a sneak on it. He had no sooner clutched it than ho was gobbled by a peeler, and yesterday he went up for thirty days. Annie Moss, a good looking young girl, was'before tho court on a charge of steal ing $6 from Sophia Johnson. The women worked together, and it was alledged that defendant took the money from Miss Johnson's drees pocket. The charge was not proven, and she was discharged. The case of David Goodman came up on a eontinuanoe, and on the statement that he had returned the bucksaw of the duped wood-Bawyer, it was dismissed. Philip Milner, the teamster who put a head on Carl Sohmary because the latter would not give him the right of way, was fined ten bills. He paid the scrip. Tony Peeler, a gay wag and practical joker, was charged with splitting the nose of Isadore Lynch. They were on a toot and they hauled up at a saloon where they got to exchanging epithets rather freely. Isadore made some unoanny remarks I about Tony when the latter went for his I nose. The circus cost him fi'teen dollars. fleeted Senator. Annapolis, Md., Jan. 18.—Judge E. R. Wilson was elected United States senator on tbe sixth ballot to succeed Groome, March 4, 1885. Earthquake. Wilmington, N. C, Jan. 18.—A shook of earthquake was felt about 8 this morn ing shaking orookory on tables. The shook was felt at Bf aufort a little earlier. There was a jar sufficient to shift stove pipe and unlatch doors. Please Notice! We beg to call tho attention of the public to the enormous reductions in prices for any and all of our goods, viz.: 25 per co.t. discount from lowest market prices Dry goods and notions wore never known to be «o!d as cheap as we do now. Improve the opportunity. GUSTAVB HEINEMANN, N. W. corner Seventh and Jackson streets. Cares of Life. As we come to them they are received, borne with and passed over with no more than a thought, if we are in the enjoyment of health, but if suffering with piles or skin diseases of asr kind they magnify a hundred fold. A. R. Wilkes, B. and E. Zimmerman, and E. Stierle, the druggists, have Dr. Bozanko'sPile Remedy an absolute cure. Sold at 60 cents. For Sale, At Delaney & O'Connor's Northwestern Stock Yards, choice fresh milch cows, springers aud pinery oxen. Turner Hall. Grand Masquerade of the St. PaulTurnverein, Thursday, January 24,188*. Admission to hall, one person, $1; to gallery, $1. Reserved seat* in the hall, $2. Only masques will be admitted to the floor. Romany Bye closes to-night. For Influenza take Allen's Cough Balsam. All genuine bears the signature of J. P. Allen, druggist, St. Paul,Minn. Surrounded as wo are by adulterators of fo id and living in the midst of their vile products, it ought to produce at least a refreshing sensation to be told where a real genuine article can be obtair ed. Such a species of gratification way be had by purchasing Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder. The biscuits made with it are really elegant. DIED WARN E—In 8t. Paul, Minn., January 17,18H, at his residence, No. 50 Aurora avenue, Edwin Warne, aged 85 years. Funeral services at the Chnich of the Good Shepherd, corner Twelfth and Cedar streets Saturday, 19th instant, at 2 p. m. Friends of the family are invited to attend. ECKLE*—In this city, January 18, 1884. Cathe rine, beloved wife of George W. Eckles, aged 28 years. Funeral services at the Cathedral, at 10 a. m. to-day. Friends of the family are invited to attend. Absolutely Pure, Tkie powder never varies. A marvel of pnri ";, strength and wholesomenese. More economi ,-id than tie ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitudes of low test, tliort. weight, alum or phosphate powders. Sold ■iily in cans. Royal Baking Powdxb Co., 106 Wall street. New York. Teeth extracted without pain. All work guar anteed. Dr. Cullum, 41 East 3d St., Owr. Cedar. DBT GOODS. Open To-Day! UNTIL 9 P. M. IN". "W- Cor. Seventh & Jackson Sts. Offers BARGAINS in Dry Goods and Notions! Not to be had Again when this Sale comes to a Olose. 25 Per Ct. Discount ON ANY AMD ALL GOODS. NO DISCBIMINATION. T(| niy See the Dolmans, Cloaks, Silks, Vel- I u Un 11 vets, Plushes and Kid Gloves. eUSTAVE HEMMAM, I. W. cwwr hmth & Mm Sis. £2AL XSTATB REMOVAL We have taken possession of our Office in the Rsr 8 Building, Southwest corner of Jackeon and Fifth streets. The carpentere are not out yet, but will be in a few days, when we shall be in shape to wel come our friends and clients. The weather lately has been unfavorable for Real Estate movements, and nobody expects to do much in January, bnt we are doing some thing all the while for clients who do* not care for times or seasons. There is a very firm and hopeful feeling among holders of Real Estate, and it looks now as if we aro going to have a repetition of last Spring's activity, somewhat intensified. There appear to be plenty of people with money, looking out for bargains. Whoever wishes to secure a beautif cl, wel1- lighted end ventilated FRONT OBFICE, will do well to look at the one we offer on our floor. MONEY TO LOAN on im proved city property. COOHHAI I NEWPORT, S. W. Cor. Jaeksoa sad Fifth streets, IM pie Mi Mm fes 860 Jackson Street, St. Paul, Minn. Investments made and taxes paid for aon caadants. WILLIAM Q. ROBERTSON, REAL ESTATE and FINANCIAL AGENT, (Suooeseor to D. A. Robertson A Co., the oldest real estate agenoy in Minnesota.) Ho. 7 jjjJBJjaj Slock ear. U & Wabashaw. ~~W. H. H. JOHNSTON, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND BEAZ ESTATE BROKER, 356 Jackson Street. R. W. JOHNSON, Eeal Estate Agent, Biaimheimer Block, Boom 11. Sis?. PAUL. - MUSTS FINB TAILOKENQ WHOLES ALE DEAIiErtB. NOYES BROS. & CUTLE IMPORTERS & WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, 68 atui 7(1 8ibl#y f&reet. Corner Fifth, St. Pnul MU WHOLESALE STATIONERY. WAKD/HILL & MoOIJbUL^lN IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS OF Stationary, Draggists' Bondries and Toyi* 407 SIBLEY STRFET, ST. PAUL, MINN. Wo also have the sole control of the merchandise constituting the stock of the T. S. WHI'Jr- STATIONERY COMPANY, which must be sold to close their business. We demote an etitiro Bo* of our new store 407 Sibley street, to its display end offer you some big bargains, Oall and ■**» a aresic&L ma'iEPKgftia ~ WEBER PIANfiS., MSMltiii h Mils i M li i li I know of none superior to the Weber and none that can oot pete with them for durability .—Teresa Carreno. Tho tone of the #Teber Piano is so sweet, rich and syinpatiitm yet so full, that I shall always rank you as the greatest manufi turer of the day.—Emma Thursby. Weber Pianos excel all others in volume of tone and in p«wi of expression.—S. Liebling* There are no Pianos in the world that sustain the voice lite* it- Weber.—Emma Abbott. R. O. HUNGER, Agent, 3t. Paul. Send for Catalogue*. TANNERS. James McMillan & Co., IProprietors of th.© MINNNEAP0LIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, AND DI VLEBS IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL?A.ND PURS, 10» First Aueaue SouMi, JULJOK kr-QLIS, Wl$S. Shipments eoli cited. Write for areolars, BEST TEETH $8. EEAL ESTATE. A. V. r&EPLS, tate and Loan Bro Ho. 63 Ba«t Third Street. BT. PAUL, - - HXK2. HEZEKIAH HALL, (Twelve years established in St. Pan] as) REAL E3IATE AND *0NfcY BROKER, Corner Third and Robert streets, in th■« Savings Bank block, ST. PAOL, MINN. N. B.—Special attention give«i to property and interests of non-resident clients. Ic ventments guaiantued to net 7 per cent. Capitalists will do w»U w> correspond. 864 BHliiBUS <5i I'aKWiLL, Xjaw Office. BOOM e, Cm*, if Wabi&haw ai)d3F«utfe staff, Over Expre»s OSioe S70 A GREAT BARGAIN i PROPERTY FOR S^ULULEXA\BtiiMI!« In Alexandria, cloeo by the Bailned nto ion Bnd about 142 miles from Bt. Panl, is fnr i-ale, thire lots, !50xfi0 feet each, two tine ha: are erected on said lots and now u?ed for hotel and saloon business A rushing business bai been doneevor since the opening of the .-iff ii and wor.ld ba a splendid chance for a q;iHi fi'- business man to double ihe amount of monej put in, in a very short tirn^'. Two larg" eleva tors are erected near tie station. Trw loc-ti--: «f thi9 property is m st !>e ui nil being Locate! close by a fine like. Cancer ing prioe and terms write to either to its prf-Hint owner, SI r. DANIEL ANDEKtfON, Alexandria, Minn., orti NTLSBON BUOd., 31? East Seventh street, St. Paul. Minn. !;;-<*«1- m CDPARTNLKSHIP HOTIC The undemrjned have associated thems-lvas together under the firm name of QUINBY & ABBOTT, For the purpese of conducting a general FU R NITORE BUSINES8. We aro pfotsed to Fay io the public, that we have purchased the, good will, etc., of the Messrs. Htfes r<ros, whone reputation as careful, cone ientit us bu»i n?ss men we hope to maintain and trust (hat b> MSBitino the patronage of the old hou e we oha 1 retain the same, and semre yet additional custom by strict devotion to busmen. J. O QDINBY. PHILIP ABBOTT, St. Paul, January 17, 1884. 19-21 OOflSMl THS .A. I RIC A.. I AND LUSPUBE EMPOllilli I il #e. Tfeiro LRU 31 PlCLL I respcctfuily invite the attention of ladiet aad gentlemen to my large, most complete ana 1 slefanx stock of new M»w..;tierad* noetumee, fo: balls, parties, theatrical performances, old folkt conpsrts, tableaux, Ac. Ma^ls at wholesale. Country parties, send for list and yrloan. LINEN. A1UJL SPECIAL SALE f WHITE GOODS AND LINENS! Our Special Sale Now in Progress is well worthy of the atten tion of all Hotel ii taMn Keepers AND Private Families as well ! 11TB & (REAM DAMASKS t NAPKINS TOWELS, Linen ill Cotton Etetiis asH Pillow Casings, TOGETHER WITH A Fflll Stock Of WI Ms! It h'ss been our custom for so many years to hold fit this i hue, such a sale as we now announce, that the mention of the fact to our old customers will suffice, without fur ther comment. We invite the Special Attention of all in terested. The Goods and Prices w ill speak for themsel res. CLOTHING. The Greatest Bargains VW R KNOWN" IJST CLOTHING-! ABE NOW BEING OFFERED At Satfier Brothers' Assignment Sale, AT BOTH STORES, 91 m TMnl simi and 153 East Third street. &#"< lothin**. is actually being sold at half value, in order to spee dily obta n Cash. 8. BKRG «AN, Assignee. PAWNBROKER. B. lytleT Pawnbroker& Jeweler, 41 Jackson St.,Opposite the Merchants Hotel. An Immense Stock of FORFKITR&bPL*DQK% for Half Their Fqfue, (■■■.,.- .>.. •inn ti p'lrt of th* following y>o<l : Gentlemrra's Gold Wntches, Ladi s' Gold Watches, Silver Watcher of aU makes, an immense stock of Jewelry, Ui monrls iu Bolita-re Eardrops, Kings, Wil Pins; eQaeve Buttons and Bracelets, Studs Col ar Buttons a' d Scarf Pins, Crosses and D;um nd Brooches, Go'd ''Imins, Bracelets and Han.-les, Music Box<>s, Musi r1 Instruments, Gold-HeadedCa e-t, Ht^licf; Silver Kriims, Forks aid Spoons, »pe ra Hlasses, Silverware, Clocks Braech and Muzzl--L.->a Hug Guns, Rifles and Ka voiven, and Novelties. Goods sent G. O D., with privilege of examination. Bend for Catalogue and Price List. Watch Repairing, I>iam>md Sitting and Engraving, MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL GOODS OF VALTTE. «« ' BAIJB5* BCHLIEK & CO.. 10, S9 UST WED T, BarosiaBoots&SliDes. BPhuI Agency for BURT'S, GBAY'S, ;Y -OLD'S, and Many Gthors. ' Mail orders pro : ptly filli d. - :■ RAPHIO INSTITUTE "Jas long since .jBtabilsned Its elaiitu: to paolic t&vot >»nd has now entered upon iu lath Tear una* ttie most favorable «usp'',«i r^ t r w v*.-r'<-y*^V> fiartioalarfl. Co> %C «id MMkaWa, X* V K.A to,is Principal. FAIRB VNt STANDARD 8 C jlDffiiiiU I0HBE&CO., - 371 & 373 Sibley Street ECLIx SE SEU-EEGULATING v*IND MILLS.