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VOI ;V Vll. IE mmm SHIRT, sexatoj: BWBRMAJT FLAUNTS it with VIGOR. He Tries to Secure the Passage of Hie Res olution Relative to the Danville and IJo piali KJots—Ho Plead for Kqnal Rights to Everybody. Enforced by the Strong Arm of the Government. The Senate. ' Washington,!^.2B.Senator Vest, from the committee en public lauds, reported favorably the bill repealing the timber culture laws. It was ordered to be placed on the calendar. Senator Cameron, Wisconsin, introduced a bill to establish the territory of north Dakota. Senator Platt of offered a resolution for •which he asked immediate considera tion, dirictiDg the oommittee on post of fices aD ! post roads, to inquire whether the Lei - -aphic charges have boen injari oasly <\i- -led by large stock dividends of the Waste, i Union Telegraph company, or the consolidations or contracts with competing or other companies, and whether through ' the Gould # stock or telegraph company, otherwise the* Western Union company bad prescribed rules or regulation* for the transmission of press news. The resolution authorizes to send for persons and papers. Objection was made by senator Sherman, and it • went over till to-morrow. Senator Sherman's isolation on the Virginia and Mississippi elections was takea up. f Senator Shsrman said at the beginning of tha preseii. passion he had felt that re cent events in the states of Virginia and Mississippi were of such importance as to demand a full and impartial investigation of the causes that led to them the real facts involved and the proper constitution al remedy to prevent their recurrence, and if necessary to farther secure all Amer ican citizen's freedom of speech in the open assertion of political opinions and the peaceful exercise of the right to vote. Now that suffi cient time had elapsed to allay to some extent the excitement caused by these events, he hoped the senate would make this investigation so that our citizens of every state mi^hl understand how far tha national government will protect them in the enjoyment of their rights, or if it was helpless or listless; that, no longer relying upon the barren declarations of the con stitution, each man for himself might appeal to the right of self defense or to boasted American right of migration to more friendly regions. Tbe allegations in this resolution as to the Danville riot or masaacre were, he said, founded upon statements in the public prints supported by oaths of witnesses, and their substantial truth also vorifie 1 by the published state ment of a member of this body, « senator of the state of Virginia. The allegations as to Mississippi were founded npon copious narratives in the public print?, the proceedings of public meetings, and the action, and failnre to act of officers of the state government inducting governors--, jadges of o*urts and juries. If thss9 staiumonta are true, then in both of those states there has been «r- ganized conspiracies to subvert the free dom of elections- accompanied by murder and violence in many forms. The crimes depicted are not ordinary crimes, bit those of the prevailing majority to eabvart by violence the highest constitutional privi* leges of citizens, and could not from their nature be inquired of or punished by or dinary tribunals. If they are true, then in those communities members of our party and our race have no rights which tho pre vailing majority are bound to respect. He had no desire to open up sectional questions or renew oldstreifs. Still, if thos allf-itions are true, it would be cowardly, a shrinking from the gravest public duty to allow such events to deepen into prece dents, which would subvert the foundation of Republican institutions and convert our eleotions into organized orimes. If the event at Danville were tbe result of a •chance outbreak, or not between opposing parties of a different race of men, they might properly be left to be dealt with by the local authorities, but if the riot and massacre were a part of the machinery devised by a party to deter an other party or race from the freedom of elections, or the free, open expression of political opinions, when they constituted a crime against the national government.and the highest duty of the government was to maintain at every hazard the canal rights and privileges of citizens. If the events in Bopiah county, Mississippi, were merely lawless invasion of individual rights. though they involved murder as well as ether crimes, they should be left to the local authority, and if jnstice could not bo administered by the courts and the citizen wa3 without a reme dy from lawless violence, then he must fail back upon his right of self defense, or failing in that mast seek a home where his rights will be respected or observed. But if these individual crimes involved the greater one of organized conspiracy of a party or race to deprive another party or race of citizens of the enjoy ment of unquestioned rights, accompanied ■ with overt acts with puysioal power sufficient to accom plish the purpose, then it becomes a national qoeetjon/whieh must be dealt with by theuatkm--i"£° <*'Irninent. The war emancipated and m to* citizens of 5,000, --000 people who had !»t,*n slaves. No court ever denied the power of the national gov ernment to protect citizens in the essen tial rights of freemen. No man should be allowed to hold a seat in either house of congress whose election was secured >by crimes such a- depicted here, nor was it sufficient to say the elections re ferred to were not national* election in the serse thai they did not involve the election of a president or a member of congress. While the power of congress over the election of senators, representatives and president ex tended to makiDg and altering laws and regulations passed by the respective states, and therefore was fuller than in respect to state elections, yet the constitution pro vided that the right of the people to be se cure in their persons, houses, papers and effects against unreasonable searches and seizures shall not be violated, that'all per sons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to tha jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States that no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or or immunities of citizens of the United States, nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty or property without due process of law, nor deny any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law, and that the rights of citizens to vote shall sot be denied or abridged by the United States or by any state on ac . count of race, color or previous condition of servitude. It also declares that congress shall have power to make all laws necessary and proper for carrying into execution the foregoing powers and all other powers vested by this constitution in the government of the United States or in any department or offi cer thereof. Power is also given to congress to enforce all the recent arnendmenls by appropriate legislation. If the essential rights of citizenship were overthrown by a state or by the people of a state, with the sanction of the local authorities within the limits of the etate, then congress as the legislative power of the United States is bound to provide additional safegaards, and ' should exhaust all the powers of the national government to maintain these essential rights of citi zenship, within the courts of all states, in as full and complete a manner aa it would gu^rd and protect, unquestioned the rights of citizens of the United States within the domains of tha most powerful nations of the world. He could appreciate the changes that bad coounad in the southern states, and that natural antagonisms would ari?a by emancipated slaves mingling ia tha same community with their former masters. He ooald pardon the prejudices of race, oasto. and even local ti63, Ameii:-an people, he thought, had waited v?ith forbearance for the time whta cocstitn tioral rights would be respected without regard to race, color, creed or party. If the time had come when members of the Rep;:olican party through whose agency largely the exist ence of the governmeni hid been main tained could not enjoy their constitutional rights, were murdered at the ballot box without fear on the part of their murder ers of puuishment, were driven from their homes by outrage and terror, and that black and white alike were subjected to os tracism and injustice, and bs a party dis franchised, then, indeed, was a patient inquiry demanded and a full," ;open manly assertion that rights aud equalities should be maintained and enforced at every hazard. If the Bopiah resolutions were the creed of the Democratic party south, then, indeed, was the war a failurej They seemed to him the very germ of despotism and barbarity. And yet he was assured by a gentleman friendly to them, that they were the creed of nine-tenths of the party in power in Mississippi. It was right that the ground work of opinions so utterly repugnant to republican institutions should be known." "In this inve3tigatien," he said, "I would seek every pallia tion or excuse for the conduct the people complained of, I would give to their motives and natural feelings, making in thsir situations the most charitable con struction; I would give to them all the political power they ever enjojed, and without unkiudneßs or pains or penalties, or evea reproaohes, I would extend to them every right, favor or facility enjoy ed by any citizen in any part of our country, but v/heu this concession is made, then I would demand that in the states under their control the freedom and equality of rights and privileges guaran teed by the constitution nnd laws to all citizens, white or black, native or natural ized, poor or rich, igncrant or learned, Repub lican or Democrat, 8!; all bo secured r>y the state government, or if not.that these rights and priv ileges shall be asserted and maintained by the • national government. Upon this issue I weuld appeal to every generous-minded man, to every lover of his country, to every one who wishes to enjoy his own rights by his own tireside, free from embarrassment, to s.and by those who, yielding to others the protection of laws in the enjoyment of equal rights, will dotnacd ihs same rights for themselves and theic asso ciates." Senator Mahone then addressed tha sen ate in favor of the resolution. On the conclusion of Senator Mahone's remarks calls for a vote were heard, and the chair announcing the question to be on agreeing to the resolution, a demand for the yeas and nays was made. Without remark from any Democratic senator, the matter was brought to a vote and the reso lution passed, 33 yeas, 29 nays. Senator Logan called up and had passed a joint resolution, appropriating $11,000 for the improvement of the pool above dam near Rock Island arsenal. Senator Voorhaes offered the following, which was agreed to. Jiesolved,Thn.t thecommitteeon po3toffioes and post roads be instructed to inquire into the propriety and expediency of ad mitting all newspapers, periodicals, and other printed reading matter to the mails free of postsge, the committee to report by bill or otherwise. The senate resolved to attend the funeral ceremonies of Representative Maokey in the hall of the house to-morrow afternoon. Ths senate then took np the house reso lution appropriating $50,000 for tha main teaaace of destitute Indians at Crow agen cy and elsewhere. An amendment in creasing the amount to $100,000 was agreed to. The joint resolution, thus anended, passed. The senate passed houss bills making an appropriation of $3,750,000 for rebate of the tax on tobaoco and §21,9G5 for ex penses of the legislature of New Mexico. Senator Bajard called up the bill made the special order for to-day, providing a method of settling incomplete titles to Mexican land grants. The lands affected are those derived by the United States from the Republic of Mexico and now embraced within the territory of New Mexico, Wyoming, Arizona and Utah, and the states of Nevada and Colorado. A long debate followed, but the matter went over without action. After an executive session. Adjourned. House of Representatives. Washington, Jan. 29.—Mr. Pettibone offered a resolution which was adopted unanimously, providing that the funeral ceremonies of the late E. W. M. Mac Key of South Carolina, be held in this hall to morrow at 1 o'clock, and directing the cierk to invite tha members of the senate to be present. Mr. Broi?head presented a petition of 2,835 citizens of St. Lonis, asking for the improvement of the Mississippi river. Referred. The speaker laid before the house a com munication from the secretary of war in response to the resolution calling for in formation as to the average number of commissioned officers in tho army between the 4th of March, 1857, and the 4th of March, 1861, and between the 4th of March, 1877, and the 4th of March, 1881. The secretary states that during the first peri od the average number of commissioned officers waß 1,066, of whom 67 were tried by court martial and 39 convicted. Dur ing the second period the average number was 2,474, of whom 150 were tried by oourt martial and 122 convicted. Instead of forty per cent, and thirty-five cents per pound, as at present, on blank ets, ilannels, hats of wool and knit goods, duty is to be reduced one-half, ane on »> men and children's wearing apparel from forty-five cents per pound, and forty cants ad valorem, to twenty-five cents per pound. Bills were introduced as follows: Mr. Washburn, for authorizing the con ST. PAUL, MITO., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 30, 1884. structio? of a bridge across the Mississippi at St. Paul. Mr. O'Neil, of Missouri, to prevent the adulteration of sugar and molasses. Mr. Hewitt, of New York, to authorize the title of a newspaper to be copyrighted. Mr. Bennett, to pervent the inter-mar riage of the white and negro races in the District of Columbia. Mr. Warner, of Ohio, the better to se cure the stability of paper, currency. It provides that the uncovered paper cur rency of the United States, consisting of national bank notes and United States notes, shall be limited to $100,000,000 ex oept as hereafter provided. All paper currency, in excess of $100,000,000 shall be in the form of gold and silver certificates. When any national tank shall surrender its circulation and the same shall not be taken up by the other national banks the secretary of the treasury shall cause to be issued the first day of each month the amount of United States notes, and the annual juyt redaction with banks cir culation in the preceding months, pro vided the banks ehall be entitled to a cir culation equal par the value of the bonds deposited a3 security for such circulation. The secretary of the treasury is author ized to add every year in the months of March and Sept. to the value of the increased paper currency (to be taken at $700,000,000) I on the Ist of January, 1884 Buch sum, and] no more, as according to the best attain! Abie data shall keep the proportion be tween the uncovered currency acd the population, at the ritta which existed between $100,000,000 and the popnlation of the Uni ted States on the Ist of January, 1884. and which volume shall be the limit from year to year of suoh nncovered currflnoy. It is farther provided, that a part of the uncovered currency oonsißtinjj of United States notes shall be redeemable iv ooin at the sub treasury in New York when presented in $100 or over. Mr. Ochiltree, for appropriating $22,000 for the purchase of additional ground on which to erect a public building at Galves ton. Mr. Brents, for making Seattle aud Ta conia ports of delivery. Washington, Jan. 2!).—At the meeting of the house committee on bankruptcy and currency the resolution of Represent ative Hunt, introduced last Tuesday, was discussed, and with an amendment offered by R»presentativa Wilkins, adopted nine to four. Those opposed were Buckner, Miller (Texas), Yuplo and Brumm. The resolution, as amended, declared that the public welfare demanded that the benefit of the national banking system ba «ut ■tantially preserved and continued for the time being, provided that this resolution can not be construed to be a declaration in favor of a perpetuation of the public debt. VANDERBILT SERENE. He Believes Stocks Bart Reached Bottom Figures and Must Advaiic*—N» Fours of Hog til* Legislation. New Yobk, Jan. 29.—William H. Van derbilt, Jn an interview with a Commercial Advertiser reporter, says: I think the good stocks are selling as low as they ought to sell, and they should advance. The ad vance so far is genuine and healthy. Borne stocks may advance with too much rapidity, and this may cause a reaction in some eases, but my opinion is that inside 0f*,..; thirty ' days '. t^Mrrb^j r - -spill be ... grabbing for stocks and by that time fall confidence will bo restored. I think the bottom bus been reached, and that from now on there will be a good steady rise. It may take a few .weeks yet ally to restore public confidence, bat I think that time is fast approaching. My roads are not only paying dividends but earning them, and I don't concern myself about new roads entering the field as com petitors." "Do yon anticipate any important legis lation at Albany or Washington bearing upon tho railroads?" "I cm only say the public are not going to expect transportation for nothing, but at fair, reasonable prices there is no rea son why a man who has money in roads should not get good returns for his invest ments, as much so as by tha ownership of an apple stand. We all have to live, and the man who owns railroad bonds or mer chandise or anything else depends upon the amount of his sales and the profit he derives. I therefore have no fears that any legislation that may be attempted will work to tho injury of the roads." L4SKER'3 FUNERAL. The Imposing: Ceremonies at the Burial of >■■.' * : the l>ecea»«d Statesman. Berlin, Jan. 29.—The funeral of Lasker was carried ontin accordance with, the programme. Twenty thousand people joined in the proces sion to the cemetery, and it is estimated that hundreds of thousands lined the streets along ■which the procession parsed, notwithstanding the snow storm. There was not the slightest attempt at anti-Semitic demonstration by the. secessionist party. Lasker'a family intend to offer thanks to the |congress of the United States for the honor paid the deceased. At the synagogue the casket was hidden under wreaths. Lasker's old constituency, Meiningen, Bent a solid silver wreath, add another magnificent wreath came from his birth place. The American minister, Sargent placed a wreath upon the cof fin. The assembly represented the whole intel lectual elite of Beilin, but no member of the ministry was present, which was considered significant. While all the Liberal papers de voted columns to this event the Nord Deutcher ZeiUmg dismissed it with a half dozen lines in tha obscurest corner. Harr Koapp in an address sai I, thai; Lasker was such a practical politi cian tbfit even Prince Bismarck was unable to dispense with his assistacce. When Lasker refused his co-opera tion, it was always from important grounds, without any trace of personal prejudice. As shovfijg his indefat.igability, Kapp recalled the remark of the American physician, who perform ed the post mortem elimination, that his fatal illness was probably traceable to the fact that Lasker bad resumed his parliamentary duties when he had scarcely recovered from a- severe typhoid fever. Kapp concluded, "Thy high deeds can never die, thy wreaths fade not." HORSE WHIPPING AT MOORHE4D. A. Young Woman Goes for Os»pt. JMnllet for' I an Alleged Scandal. v [SpscislTelseraoa/to the Globe.] There quite a sensation at Moor head to-day over,the horsewhipping of Capt. Mullet, of Glyndon, by Mrs. Jewatt, growing out of a scandal and alleged blackmail matter. The woman met him at the depot and followed him around tho train and into the car, where he fell and she continued to lash htm till the . train started, when the conductor told her to stop. She said that was . enough for the time, but she would be ready for jnore when he returned on Thursday. The Fargo Libel Suit. [Special Telegram to the Globe. 1 Faego, D. T., Jan. 29.—The libel case was given to the jury at 5 this evening and at midnight the jury is still out. STOCK GOSSIP. THE COURSE OF THE MARKETS ON WALL STREET. Active Bayios &nd a General Improve * ment in Prices ot t no leading Shares. • New Yobk, Jan. 29. Governments— Firm. 4' V.' ■■ Railways— was a firm tone to railroad bonds, with further improvement in prices. A good investment. demand prevails * for leading issues and disposition to bay is on the increase. There was a large basineas dune in West Shore first's and prices advanced on reports of negoti ations with ;Tanderbilt for the control of the property, bat-one of the storied put afloat eonld be verified. x: State Bonds—ln etata bonds Missouri 6's of IS9J sold at IG2; Alabama, : class A, at SI, and Arkansas, Piao Bluff issue, at 20. ' Stocks—Speculation- wa*i active and buoyant during the greater part of the day and a farther general advance in. prices -was established. Operators on the bull side manifested increased confidence ai/I bought freely throughout the day. Dealings we: .• unusually well distributed and the entire list participated in the improvement. This rise in prices reused some of the smaller shorts to cover, but it is believed leading bears have not yet taken ;in shorts. Tho only important reaction occurred at opening a::d again about 2, prices falling off 34 to 1^ per cent. The last decline was occasioned by reports that rates on Utah business had not yet been restored, the re ports having arisen from misconception of dis patches sent east by Commissioner Vining. After close of' business it became known - that Commissioner Vining's telegrams simply stated the companies use classifications ofTrunk lines instead of Union Pacific, as classificaton is different. It also announces that rates have been restored and matters were working harmoni ously. The change in the ten? per of speculation is steadily brirging in Joutaide orders to ' buy stocks. ■ Commission brokers to-day report j the largest business in ths line for a long time past. Tke removal of all embarrassments frem the Northern Pacific system has relieved the market of the incubus which has been hanging over it for some time past, and to this is due in no small degree" the improving tendency of affairs on the Stock Exchange, jj St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba was a feature of dealings," having sold up from 89^ to 95}£. Delaware, Lacka wanna & Western, Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul, Louisa .lie & Nashville and Union Pacific were also conspicuous for strength. In the afternoon Oregon Navigation fell off co S3, against 100 earlier in the day. St. Paul, ilinne apolis & Manitoba sold down to 90^ just previ ous to the close. Louisville & Nashville, Kansas & Texas, Texas Pacific and Pacific Mail r were Jin active demand at rapidly advancing quotations. This changed the market again ana speculations left off strong. As compired with the close of last night prices are &@2 percent, higher. Alton <£ Terre Hanta advanced 1 per cent, to 91, and Minneapolis & St. Louis preferred 1% per cent to 34%. Oregon Improvement fell off to 45, rallied to 48, and closed at 47. St. Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba was another instance to-day of stocks that had been •versold, without attracting much atten tion at the time, until 1- the shorts attempvjd to cover, which they did in this case to-day. Thursday it sold at 84^, and last night it closed at 88%, opening this morning at 893*?, advanced to 95}*}, and in the afternoon sold successively at 93, 93}£ and 90#, the greater part of 6,100 shares sold to-day, however, being above 98. ;. The Mail and Express says: The present bull . interest itv?be market is the strongest which has existed for over, two years; " The' : sailif) '.paper says it is known Gould had made it a condition in all new pools which he has gone into that stocks should be held for at least six months. There has been a rumor that the Western Union Telegraph company had secured control of the Baltimore & Ohio telegraph line. The officers of both the Western Union and . Baltimore & Ohio say there is no truth in the report, yet in soma cases hints have, been given of a traffic agreement under which rates can be well main tained, j Stocks held by the Oregon , Transcon tinental company, after deducting 70,000 sold on Saturday to the syndicate, are understood to be 142,027 shares of Oregon Railway & Navigation, 128,700 of Northern Pacific preferred, and 117,934 of Northern Pacific common. The value •f these at prices this afteyioon, say 98 for Oregon Railway & Navigation and 47 for North ern Pacific common, would be $23,446,861); add to this say $1,000,000 of other assets, and the ag gregate would be $24,466,860. The latest rumor intimates that a special - meeting of the directors of all companies of the Northern Pacific system will be held within ten das at which certain resignations will be accpeted, to be rc ptaced by the names of Sage, Gould, Field and two prominent raiiroad men, one of whom is ' connected with the Southwestern system and the ' other with the Union Pacific railroad. The transactions aggregated 506,000 shares: Central Pacific 5,000; Delaware, L&ckawanna & Western 85,000; Denver & Rio Grande 8,000; New York, Lake Erie & Western 12,000: Kansas & Texas 8,000; Lake Shore 18.OC0; Louisville & Nashville 18,000; Missouri Pacific 16,000;- New York Central 6,000; Northern Pacific *0,000; Pacific Mail 5,000; Philadelphia & Reading 8,000; Chicaro, Milwaukee & St. Paul 88,000; Texas Pacific 12,000; Union Pacific 54,000; Western Union Telegraph 18,000; Canadian Pacific 6,000; Oregon Transcontinental 50,000. MINING BTOOZB, There was a small volume of business in the mining market during the forenoon, and the active interest recently developed appears to ba gradually dying out. Prices were steady, Father DeSmet selling 800, Consolidated Virginia 27 @ 26, Consolidated Pacific $0, Mono 180, Bonoia 11 and Tioga 25. An odd lot of 47 shares of Northern Belle sold at 14. ACCIDENTAL HAPPENINGS. A. Merchant, His Wife And Two DaxtQhters Supposed to be Frozen on the Green Mountains, Vt.—A Fatal Railway Acci dent. MISSING. Boston, Jan. —J.M.Kifoids.merehant, of Mariah,Yt.,with his wife and two daugh ters, started for Warren, Vt, on January 11, to visit hia father. He had a good team of • horses. The party hare not since been: heard from, and it is feared they either broke through the ice on Lake Champlaic, or were frozen to death under the enow on the Green mountains. '■::-/ ■ FATAL EAILWAT ACCIDENT. -'■ . Chattanooga, Term., Jan. —The west bound passenger train on the [ Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Lcais railway from here at 5:00 this morning ran into a rook on the track about twenty miles from here, and a serious wreck was the conse quence. The engineer, Dick Suree, was ; I killed, and fireman Boaine was fatally in- ! jurad, and a brakeman was seriously in jured. r- BAD SMASHUP.;-v ■..•■■■ ; : Boston, Jan. 29.—A gravel train, switching on the Boston & Albany road, was struck by - a freight train. Twenty nine oars were derailed and more or less damaged, but no persons hurt. ■;■■•;•'■"■:■ KILLED BY A FALL. Pottsville, Pa., Jan. 29.—Thomas O. Richards, superintendent of Bull Bun col liery of the Leigh and Wiikesbarre coal company, fell to the bottom of a slope 200 yards, and was instantly killed. Paris is again enjoying Italian opera af ter an interval of several years. (KIDhE. CRIMES. Heavy Burglary at Chicago—A Railroad 3laa Short on Bis Accounts—Captare of Crooks >*ear Cleveland—Suicide. A BIG HACK. Pittsbueg, Pa., Jan. 2S.— While 8. Lavein, proprietor of the Sixth street jewelry store, was absent this mornirg and his wife was in a room in the rear of the store, a thief entered and carried off jawelry valued at from $12,000 to $15,000. .vlrs. Lavein discovered a mulatto at work on the safe, and was driven back into the room at the point of a pistol. The rob bers then escaped. ABEEBTED FOB CONTEKFT. Louisville,"Ky., Jan. 29. —Geo. C. Bu chanan, hr-ad of well known whisky firm of Newooiav, Buchanan & Co., was arrested to-day oa an at tachment from ths United States conn for contempt, in not appearing as re quested by the rule issued to him, as pnr chaser of the property in litigation. Ko pud $200 into court and was released. DELIDEBATK MUEDEE. Caqthage, Mo., Jan. 29.—Willis Hall yes terday deliberately 6hot and kilUd James Cherry, a farmer living at Jones Creek, C miles frGin Carthage. Cherry's son nnd daughter witnessed the shooting. Hall was arrested. THE DEATn WATCH SET. New Yobk, Jan. 29.—A death watch has been placed upon Wm. Conroy, whose execution is fixed for February Btb, for the murder of Peter Eeenan, whom he (Con roy) while a policeman, on duty, and drank, shot and clubbed ta death. ON HIS DOWNWAEC WAY. Watkbtown, Mas 3., Jan. 29.—The Union Market National bank, haa placed the case of the absconding cashier, Abbott, in the hauds of dateotives. A description of him has been telegraphed all over the o?untry. The facts coming to light show that Ab bott h»3 been going steadily downward. Last August he used $800 or $900 of tbe bank' 3 money for his own purposes, and learning the bank examiner was about to make an investigation drew v oheok, sign ing the name of Lnther, Beat & Co., a firm in the furniturt business. FATAL QUABBEL. Hawesyille, Ky., Jan, 29. —faring a difficulty over an account between R. S. Bruner, clerk in a dry goods store, and Charles Newman, tho latter was stabbed and soon died. Bruner fled to Indiana, bat was captured and brought back. SUICIDE. Kendallville, lud., Jan. 29. —Martin Sellers, of this place, was summoned to testify sgainet C. C. Cain, charged with murder, and being tried at Albion. He remarked that he would kill hioiaelf rather than testify. Shortly afterwards ho went went to his room and shot himself, dying instantly. LABGB LOOT OBTAINED. Chicago, Jan. 29. —Ths safe in the post oflice at Bine Island, one of too south western suberbsof this city,was blown open en last night,aiid in additioa to the stamps and money of ths postoffice, some town ship funds, stored in the safe, was also car ried off. The value of the plunder sees red by the thieves is placed at $15,000. Fourther investigation shows the robbers only .secured about $2,0U0 worth of plunder. * A OCfe'iLY iI6S. MoNTKEiL, Jan. 29.—Abbs Cbubert was fined $20 or two months imprisonment for kissing Mrs. Bezean, his landlady, while in bed. BHOBT IN HIS ACCOUNTS. Cincinnati, Jan. 29.—The morning papers state that Samuel A. Medory, for a number of years paymaster of tha Cincin nati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad has been relieved. His acoounts ar« said to be short. The officers of the Cincinnati, Hamilton & Dayton railroad refuse to say how muob shortage there is in his account. He was all right in September last when the books were examined. He claims to have paid out money without taking prop per vouchers and that when this is cor rected all wlil bo right. The offioers have D 3 fear of sustaining any loss on his ac count. CROOKS ABBESTED. Cleveland, Jan. 29.—The police of this city have been working for sometime to break up an organized gang of burglars, which has been operating here a:.a else where in northern Ohio and western Penn [ sylv*nia. An important arrest wa^ made Friday morning. Acting upou informa tion extraoted from the prisoner fifteen crooks were arrested this moruing find large quantities of stolen property racov ered. The offioers are scouring tbe sur rounding country for the rest of the gang. NO NEW LIGHT. Chicago,, Jan. 29.—The coroner's jury to-day began an investigation of the mystarious Amelia Oleson murder. No now light has thus f;ir been thrown on the case. The county physician tes tified she had not been outraged. ACROSS THE OCEAN. Interesting Items from the Soudan— Belief That Egypt is Sound Financial- y— The Funeral of Bloch--A Good Measure. ,{?■■ SOUDAN ITEMS. Khabtotjm, Jan. 29. —A refugee from Elobeid reports that he saw Major Van zeckendart stabbed to death while on a bed in t_e;hospital. Edmund O'Dunovan* correspondent of the daily News was killed near General Hicks. . The rest of the Eu ropeans belonging to the army he saw ly ing dead after the batfje. He says that EiJMahdi sold large quantities of waichep, rings and the like. , The Sheikh Obt de is summoned to Khartoum to sarrerrkr, to avoid bloodshed. The town is gui but the soldiers axe clamoring for their pay. The arrival of Gen. Gordon is anxiously awaited. Huszein Pasha is offering ob structions to every measure. THE FUNERAL OF THE DETECTIVE. Vienna, Jan. • 29. — funeral of the murdered detective, Bloeh, was attended by immense throngß of people. Wreaths in great numbers were placed upon the coffin. The murderer has shown such vio lence at times that it has been necessary to place him in irons. A GOOD MEABUEK. Beblin, Jan. 29.—Tho draft of a bill for proposed workingmen's life and limb as surance scheme is approved by the econo mic council. This is considered ■■ such a \ good omen that it will be accepted by the reichstag in March. EVADING THE POLICE. Dublin, Jan. 29.—1n spite of the pro clamation of the authorities the nation alists evaded the police and military and held a meeting at Castle Wallen, a small market town in Ulster. . Many Orange men were absent from the first levee of the season given by the lord lieutenant, owing to Lord Rosamore's recent suspen sion from magisterial functions. CIECUI.ATIOS FOKTDDEH. Pabis, Jan. 29.—The circulation is for bidden in France of a book, containing articles from Nouvelle Revue because it is grossly libeloua of the German imperial family. CONFIDENCE IN EGYPT. London, Jan. 29.—The Times in a lead ing article Bay?, the fact that Baron Roths child has len* the kheedive £1,000,000, im plies the confidence that the financiers of England hay« taken a heed end will see her safely through her troubles. England caanot retire no<v without exposing Fgypt to a looser condition of anarchy ; tha_ that which prevailed under Arab] Pasha. lciheb's msnnm London, Jan. 29.—Permission to erect a monument to Lather at Riga was re fused by th; Russian authorities. NIHILISTIC DOINGS. St. Petersburg, Jen. 29.— Sobieicff, an officer of the gen" d'armes. sent to Khai kofl by Col. Sudeikin to investigate nihil ism, was assassinated on the 26th. The police! discovered a plot for an uprising of peasants in little Russia, and also a fohwne for putting strychnine in the czar's bread. Many arrests have been made. Exchange Business Proceeding*. New Yobk, Jan. —The produce ex change grain trade has adopted a new j grade in corn "rejected." .It was agreed that the managers call for a ballot to de cide the question of extending the closing hour of the grain trade. In the meantime the exchange adopted a memorial to con gress recommending a less severe punish ment than death for the crime of wilfully casting away a vesßel,where only the prop erty id affected, as a conviction under the present law is almost impossible. An other memorial to congress prays for the removal of ten per cent, additional duty exacted on the withdrawal of goods from a warehouse after one year, extending the term that goods may remain- in a ware house from one year to three years, before being sold. Also providing . that duties be asked on the quantity withdrawn from warehouse. Elected Again. Dks Moines, Jan. 29.—The house elec tion for United States senator to day gave, Allison 50, Hall 45, Cook 1. Tbe final election will occur to-morrow at noou. The reason for this action wes the defect in the former eleotion law requiring the eleotion to occur on the eecoud Tuesday after organization. The permanent or ganization of the present legislature whs effected on Tuesday, the 15th, therefore the 22d was th« first Tuesday after organi zation. The election to-day is simply for the purpose of making a sure thing. The senate joint resolution favoring an appropriation for the Hennepin c.ihhl was passed by a vote of 44 to 10. The vote fo: United States senator resulted, Allison 35, Hall 7, Kinne 1. A Speculation. Roche3teb, N.Y., Jan. 29.— H. B. Claf lin & Co,, purchased the stook of Donald, who assigned, and which is contained in Rochester, Oawego, and the Mexico stores, and also the Rochester store, for $175,200, or $200 more than would be received at the lowest bids. ■ '. . _,<■ [\ The French Must Give In Now. . i ;t* Oew.'.,-sbujic», Pa., Jan: 29.— Last night twenty-3evba met and drtae«2 aeeoret oath-bound brotherhood, not to buy any ' French goods and to boycott all dealers i selling them, until the embargo on pork was taken off. Gives Special Bargains in tCitliaillSCHi PIANOS dough & Warren Organs. . 96 E Third Street, - i St. Pawl EDUCATIONAL. lit Sit Joseph's ACADEMY 1 For Die Eflucallon of Toons LaliesP DUBUQTJB, IOWA. Parents deeirons of placing thwr daughters in a first class school, will do well to investigate tho claims of tnis institution. To the present buildicg, which is both spacious and beautiful, a large addition is being erected, which will con tain music, exhibition and recreation halls. The course of studies in the different departments is thorough, nothing being omitted that is necae sary to impart a finished education. The musi cal department comprises a thorough course for graduation in Theory and Practice. Every ad vantage is afforded to thoae who wish to pursue a special course in painting; general instructions in drawing are given in cass-rooms. For par ticular apply to SISTER SUFERIOB. 8544 CLOTHIERS. And large reward offered for his recovery; but he never came back, as he was made into a pair of beautiful Dog-Skin Gloves, which wo are selling at One Dollar a Pair. They are worth nioro money. Our entire stock of Winter Furnishing Goods is being closed out at ruinously low prices. A line of fine all-wool, full regular-made Underwear, selling at $1 a garment, while the more expensive grades can now be bought at about sOj on the dollar. We are de termined to reduce our stock of Winter Furnishing Goods, and have made prices to tempt careful buyers. Every gentleman in St. Paul will find it to his advantage to patronize this great reduc tion sale. BOSTONoae-PriceCLOTHING HOUSE Cor. Third.andJßobert Streets,lSt-iPaul. NO. 30. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Largest Array OF FIRST GRADE PIANOS! Of any House in the We*t. Look at th-> list of Pianos for which we are Geooral Agents: BTEINWAY, VHICKEBIXG, , HAiy KRANICK c 0 BA Clf, A BLEU, Alii OX, Giving purchasers an ■ ultimata! field for choice. ) J 148 & 150 East Third St. pianos &Iga;is Taken in exchange for new goods daring ths Holiday Trado, all WarranN to be in Perfect. Order, an:l worth More than We Ask Tor Them ! [ 1 Williamo Cabinet Organ $80 1 Pr.nce A Co. (5 stops) Cabinet Organ.... 40 1 Smith (8 stops) Cabinet Organ 60 1 Bhoninger (8 stops) Cabinet Organ 60 1 Eatey (13 stops) Cabinet Organ 75 1 Mason A Hatnlin (6 stops) Organ 80 , 1 Smith Pedal Bass Church Organ, two banks keys 125 1 Christie Upright Piano 25 1 fironstee:i Sqoaro Piano 150 1 Kimball Upright, 1% octaves 175 Payments from $8 to $15 down, balance easy monthly payments. Sole Agents for Hallett & Davis, Emerson, Kim ball Pianos, Kirn ball Parlor and • Chapel Organs. W. W. KIMBALL CO., 51 West Third street, St. Paul. AMUSEMENT*. Grand Opera House! L. N. SCOTr, Manager. Enthusiastic Reception of Clara Morris, TO-NIGHT! TO-NIGHT i Dumas' Groat Creation, CAMILLE! To-Morrow Sight! To-Morrow Sight ! The New Magdalen! Support effoHed b> HB. (i OSTAYUB LEVIHK, and a powerful dramatic company under man agement of p. MR. FRANK L. GOODWIN, j jeri-es $1 50, $1.25, $1.00 and SOc. : .Railroplt will make special rat<*> to nil. iaitora. » Extra—Wednesday Vatinec: 'Th« Marble Heart* f by Gußtavuft. Levick and the F-"i>k U. Good" win > Dramatic j company. Souvenir photo graph* of * Clara Morris given to every lady in attendance. Seats now oa sale. Grand Opera House! L. N. SCOTT, Manager. EXTKA! A SEASON OF OPERA. THBSB NI'JHTS and MATINEE, commencing Jan. 81. 1840! (HMD'S 1884! EiotsEiglifipraOo, NEW YOBK. GRAND CHORUS ! GORGEOUS COSTUMES 1 BEPEKTOIUE : Thursday (for first time hero).HEAKT AM) Hand Friday.... : Bii.lkk Ta 1 m>k Saturday Matinee Heart ani> Hand Saturday Eve (by request) La Mascotte Seats now on sale. P. B.—This is the only fira'-class opera com pany over here that charged the usual scalo of prices: $1.00, 75c, 50c and 2:c. 27-28 | Notice to Contractors. Proposals will ba received for the several parts of the work to be done and the materials to be furnished in the erection of the SEW CHAMBER OF COMMENCE BUIL9UG, n accordance with plans and spo :iti'siiti'>a3 on exhibition at the office of Carpen tor & Teltz, Ar chitects, Mannheimer Block. Bids subject to usual conditions of acceptance and will be opened February 10th. By order of Building Committee, 26-35 J. B. BAHBOBN, President.