Newspaper Page Text
Q Dd.JJ.Y WVATUI.B IKJLUSTI2* Or?iCE[Cr.ixF Signal Offiotb, Washington, D.. C, Feb. 6, C 9 56 p. m. Obnerv*tiors taken at th» tame moment of tlmzjix. all stations. UPFZB MISSISSIPPI TALLET. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. it. Paul 30.31 11 NW Cloudy. St.Louis 30.17 30 N Cloudy. La Crosse 30.23 18 NW ClcurJy. HOBTHWEBJ. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Xii>wck 50.50 -14 Calm Clear. Ft. Garry 30.53 -27 8W Clear. Mia:;edosa 30.54 -22 NW Clear. Qrv>eUe 30.63 -I!) 8W Clear. Miorcead 20.50 -27 N Clear. MOB7H_BH.BOC£Z MOUHTAW SLOP*. »»r. Ther. Wind. Weather. Ft. Aesinaboine..3o.B9 -19 8 Clear. Ft, Buford 80.47 -24 N Clear. Ft Coster 30.84 -16 W Clear. Helena, M. T...80.18 -5 W Clear. Huron, Dak 80.49 -15 NW Clear. TJPPEE LAKES. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Dnluth 80.33 9 NW Clear. Cbh-ago 80.13 29 N Lt. Snow. KIDDLE EA3TKBi( BOOKT MOUNTAIN SLOPE. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. Denver 80.06 5 1 Lt. Snow. DidcoCity 80.21 14 N Lt. Know. MISSOURI VALLBT. Bar. Ther. Wind. Weather. L3av«_w0rth.... 30.27 19 N Lt. Scow. Oaishs.- 30.88 2 N Clear. DAIXT LOO/Ii KS&B8. Par. 7i"-z. D«v Point, WJt)is. Weather. 20.139 17.2 8.6 . NW Cloudy. Amount of melted snow 6.0, maximum ther -aster, 24.0; minimum toermoiroter, 10.0 daitv tenge, 14.0. Siver, frozen. - Helow zero. W-tnßarometer corrected for temperature *'. d Novation. P. F. LYOF3, Seri:orxt Bisjnal Corpf, O. S. A. TO-DAY'S WEATnUH. WA33ISGTOS, Fob. 7.—1 a. Indications for the upper Mississippi: clearing colder •weather, northwest to northeast winds, higher borometet followed inextreme northern portion by falling barometer; Variable winds; Missouri Valley, generally fair weather; north easterly winds shifting northeast and southeast; colder weather, rising barometer; followed in northern portion, falling barometer, slowly rising ter- j -• are. Oil If GX.OBULJS6. "Fools." The sleighiDg yesterday was the best of the season. The water board didn't have a quorum yesterday and there was no meeting. Offioer Wright picked tip a stray black hor.-e in haruesa laat evening, and lodged him in Moorehead's stable. The snow is of a pretty good depth ont on the praiiiee, and more heavily basked ap in drifts than at any time this winter. "Foola" to-night! Where ? At the First' Baptist church, of coarse. All the flyers were oat yesterday and the liutinbalations of the bells made sweet harmony to the whirl of hoofs and hoop-la of the fellow who had his girl oat. A3 en institution to make fan for the boys the tag-of-war rope at city hall lays over the deck. Bossie says that Mumm's extra comes high, but they will have it. The "Foole*' will catch it at the First Baptist church to-nigh t. A large donation of boys' clothing from J, H. Ames replenishes the boy's corner of the Belief society clothing room. Not so the girls. Worn dresses and underwear for .tjirlß are needed. The full board of public works held a committee meeting last evening to take measures to arrange the assessment for the extensive improvements to be made on Seventh street. The First Baptist ohnrch will be crowd ed tc-night to hear the sparkling lecture of P. S. Eenson, D. D., for we are all sensible people and want to hear what a funny man can say about "Fools." P. S. HensoD.D. D.,of Chicago, will deJiver his celebrated lecture on "Fools," at the First Baptist church, Ninth and Wa canta streets, this (Thursday) evening, commencing at P o'clock. Leander Andersrn, of Brainent,, was be fore United States commissioder Cardozo yesterday on the charge of selling fire wa ter to the Indians! He was held to the grand jury and committed. Very neat cards of invitation are out for the complimentary reception tendered by Minnehaha lodge, No. 61, Brotherhood of locomotive firemen, to take place at Pfeif er's hall on Friday, the 15th inst. An interesting leoture on books and how to read them, will be given by Rev. F. O. Holman, before the Y. M. 0. A. at their room?. 366 Wabashaw street, th. evening at S o'clock.' Everybody is invited. Secretary of State F. Yon Baumbach has selected A. F. KSrdin, of Wilmar, Kan-! diyohi county, of late connected with the ; intern revenue office in St. Paul, as his assistant,vice Oscar Malros, resigned. M. B. Dougherty was admitted to prac tice in the courts of Minnesota on the pre sentation of certificates from the supreme court of lowa, and on notion of Chaa. E. Otis, Esq., in Judge Wiliin's court yester day. He wore his pants inhi3 boot 3, wa3 a3 tall acd limp as a weeping willow, and it took two men to get him to the hall, so thor oughly budged was he on tanglefoot. His name, he said, was Dennis, and two nickels and a dozen beer chips were found in his trousers pcoket. The District Telegraph company of St. Paul couoluded arrangements yesterday to plant a similar company in Stillwater. Arrangements were abo concluded with the city officials of Sti;lwater to put in a complete lira alsrm system in connection with the telegraph line. l> /"; At tne annual meeting of stockholders of the Swedish paper Seneuska Folkets Tidning, Tuesday night, Messrs. \A. N. Clouse, A. F.Nordin and Victor Bergnen, of St. Paul, and Cans Biumquist, Robert Bar^land, and Chas Johnson, of Minneap olis, were elected directors. John J. Palmer, - tho contractor who paved Seventh street, last summer and fall, and who ootild not get his curbing done as contracted for of Breen & Tooney, to keep pace with the work, which caused him much delay and expense, sued the lat ter parties for §5,000 damage.?, which case is iioi; on trial before a jury in the district cojrt. ,- W. F. Zaickey, sheriff of Polk county, passed through the city yesterday en route for Stiliwater penitentiary where he de livered Alexander McGaire, sentenced to two years and six months to tnat institu- \ tion for assault with a dangerous weapon with intent to do great bodily harm, to War Reed. ■ Andrew Nelson, of Pelican, Otter Tail county while digging a well recently at the depth of fifteen feet found quite a quantity of drift coal, evidently the pro duel of some partially covered forest which in course of time became imbedded in the coil. This coal burns with great heat like oharooal, ■leaves no ash, and when found in quantities is very market able. John, Graham yesterday commenced suit against D. B. Vermilys for $1135. The complaint alleges that in September. 1882, thn defendant drew two drafts on Ihe r econd National bank of St. Paul, in favor rTW. J. Knight, for the above amount Knight sold the drafts to the plaintiff, but when they wore presented, payment waß refn?ofl. it having been stopped by the pl&iiitiff. Jamet Hoilester and Pitland kicked op a little rumpus at the corner of Seventh and Jaokson streets about mid night and they passed the remainder of tbe night at the police station. President Jerome Allen, of the Normal school at St. Cloud, will be present at the general teachers' meeting to be held in the High school building next Saturday at 10 a. m., and deliver an address on "The Old and the New i_ Education." At the same gathering Principal Baker, of the Jefferson Bchool, will read a paper on tbe subject of "The Use and the Abuse of the Text book." Col. W. H, H. Taylor, state librarian, received yesterday the general and public statutes of the United States from 1789 to 1827 inclnsinl, published under the auspi ces of Joseph Story, one of the associate justioes of the United States supreme court. He was also in the receipt of a volume containing the Trial of the Direc tors of the Bank of the City of Glasgow be lore the high court of justiciary at Ed inbugh oommenoing January 20,1879, and continuing the following fosr days. To-day is the grand opening of the Bankrupt Sale of the Dry Goods Stock of H. E. Mann, 422 Wabashaw street. PERSONAL. A. I. Wilson, of Helena, is at the Mer chants. A. H. Truax, of Hastings, is at the Mer ohante. Bishop Ireland is absent on a visit to De Graff. H. F. Douglas, of Ft. Yates, i 3 at the Merchant*. Col. Allen wa3 slightly under tbe weath er yesterday. C. W. Potter, of Milwaukee,ia at the Metropolitan. N. Bennett and family, Montana, are at the Merchants. Capt. J. W. Bean, of Fort Randall,;■; at the Metropolitan. Senator Campbell, of Lichtneld, was in the city yesterpay. Hon. T. B. Clement, of Faribault, was in the city yesterday. A. Newburg, of New York, was at the Metropolitan yesterday. Lieut. J. A. Manoy, of Fort Buford, was at the Merchants yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. L.Frescott, of Browns Valley, are at the Merchants. Hon. A. E. Rice, the worthy senator of Kendiyohi county is in the city. Hon. Soren Listoe, of Fergus Falls, visited friends at the state capital yester day. Lester Pinney, Esq., c prominent miller of Granite Falls, is stopping at the Mer chants. Gen. A. C. Hawley will return from his month's visit to Washington next Sunday morning. Francis Baasen, of New Ulm, Minnesota, first secretary o: state, visited the capital yesterday. Lieut. Col. Jobn J. Coppinger, 18th infantry, will, in obedience to orders from department headquarter-, proceed to and take station at Fort Assintiiboiae, 51. T. Hod. Wm. Hickel, of the internal rev enue office, and wife, left yesterday for St. Peter, to attend the funeral of Mrs. Mary A. Dryer, wife of Dr. Dryer, of the hospital for the insane. Gov. L. F. Hubbard took train east last evening for an absenoe of several weeks, and will first visit Chester, Vt, where he has relatives, thenca proofed to Troy, N. V., his birth place, and wind up his vaca tion in New York and Washington, D. C. The Magdblen Society. At the regular monthly meeting of th& board of managers of the Minnesota Mag dalen society, Feb. Ist, 1884, the following resolutions with reference to the death of Miss McClure were adopted: Resolved, That in the death of Miss Janet Mc- Ciure this sooiety recognizes the hand of Him who doelh all things well, yet feels that each member has lost a personal friend and honored associate. We shall miss her gentle eamestnees and patient continuance in well-doing. Resolved, That the Woman's Christian Home has lost a faithful and zealous advocate, and the inmates one ever ready to sympathize with them and direct them in the right way. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to the family of the deceased, and to the city papers for publication, and also spread up onthe recods of the society. To-day is the grand opening of the Bankrupt Sale of the Dry Goods Stock of H. E. Mann, 422 Wabashaw street. Absolutely Pure.- This powder never varies. A marvel of pari ty, strength and wliolß»onieue6B. More economi cal tawi t!?3 ordinary kinds, and be sold in competition with the multitudes of low teat, short weight, ainm or phosphate powders. Sold c7Uy'• n cans. Eoxali Basimq Powdtb Ca., 106 Wail rcat, Wow York. Teeth extracted without pain. All work guar anteed. Dr.Cullum, 41 East, 3d St., Cor. Cedar. \{ DON'T FORGET THE . SECOND ANNUAL NHEIIII BALI, AT THE ATHEN^IUM, Os Saturday, February Mi. Masked person, I Oc; Gallery, 25c, : 38-49 . ■• ■ ... i -•;.-■■■■ : '■■.-■, . '■-••■■■*:.. ; ':■'. .■-.,.;.. THE ST. j?AUL DAILY GLOBE, THUESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 7, 1884. EMBROIDERIES. OUR OFFER TO ALLOW i 2jj Per Cent. ? v Discount From Lowost -Harkot Price. Holds Good for the Present and until the discontinuance snail have been an ,nounced. HGUSTAVE Tft"!" lEMIi NORTHWEST CORNER SE7EJSTH AND JACK-SON STREETS. HAMBURG tinstave HeinemaDD 1 N. W. % I CORNER 1 Seventh and Jackson streets. HEW! • NEW! HAMBURG OTJR EMBKOIDERIE3 HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG JiIJH 1 IJtvJ-l EMBROIDERIES IMPORTATION OF < Hamburg Embroideries From 5 cents to $3 per yard, Just Arrived, AND HAMBURG RPnjP EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG iLALbi) EMBROIDERIES ON SALE TO-DAY! HAMBURG IMBROIDERIES HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES HAM3URG!- EMBROIDERIES HAMBURG EMBROIDERIES Wi Included io Our Offer, ;VIZ.: From Lowest Market Price! ■»-, ■■ , ■■ -.. Have Heinemano NORTHWEST CORNER ! Seventh and Jackson streets. BEST TEETH $8. _£_L IBTATK. A YOUNG II had dome money ■in a Savings Bank. It was safe, It was increasing slowly. But hewanted;;t to be safe, and to increase faster. He is a clerk. He is ambitious. He don't intend to hew and draw for other people, always. Likewise, he has visions. Of somebody's sister. Of a home. Of an honorable competence. He is thiuking how to make that money grow. Nights and Sundays. Safely. But faster than in a Savings Bank. Real Estate? It will grow. It will be there when he reaches for it. He makes a tour. Of the Real Estate Offices. Of the various Ad ditions. He looks. And listens. To-day, he bought a lot. Only one. He bites off no more than he can chew. There is no speculation in his eye. The lot is in Wright's Addition. It used to be called Anna E. Ramsey's. It is on Summit Aye. Out by the Short Line Bridge. 12 minutes by rail from the Union Depot. The locality is attractive. The tide is running that way. He is a wise young man. He is satisfied. He thinks his lot cast in that neighborhood is better than a Savings Bank. It is. A fable is an invention . This is not an invention. This is a true story. There are more good lots out there. There are mora young men like this one. Many of them live in St. Paul. They will come into the office S. W. Cor. Jackson & Fiftli St. Not in the basement. But up the stairs. Through the carved oak vestibule. They will buy lots in Wright's addition. • GQGHSAN I if POST. DAVIS & BROWN. • Real Estate aid Mortgage Loans £60 Jaokaon Street, St. Paul, Minn. Investments made and i taxes paid tot non ceaidenta. WILLIAM G. ROBERTSON, HEAL ESTATE AND FINANCIAL AGENT, (Successor to D. A. Robertson & Co., the oldest real estate agency in Minnesota.) So. 7 McQuillan Block' cor. M & Wabashaw. B. W. JOHNSON, Eeal Estate Agent, MannheimrT Block, Room 11. St. Paul, » - - Mursr A. V. TESPLE, Real Estate dull Loan Broker No. 68 East Third Street ST. PAUL. - - - MINN. HEZEKIAH HALL, (Twelve years established in St. Paul as) EEAI ESTATE AND MONEY BROKER, Corner Third and Robert streets, in the Savings Bank block, ST i PAUL, MINN N. B.—Special attention given to property and . interests of non-resident clients. Investments guaranteed to net 7 per cent. Capitalists will do well to correspond. ! 864 BRISBIN & FARWELL, Law Office. • Eoojofijie, Cor, of Wakshaw ao^Foortli street, Over Express Office 270 Notice to Builders! llUlßuu 111 yifiliUuly i Office ov the Bo^rd of Education, ) ; St. JLaul, Feb. 6, 1885. ) . Sealed proposal? v.ill bo received up to Mon day, February llth, 1884, at 6 p. m., for the following School Buildings, separately, viz.: Neill School, addition to Adams school, addition to HumboMtschool,'Rice school and,Harrison sokooL ; %!?,■<%s Plans for the above buildings can be seen at the offices of D. W. Millard and A : F. Ganger, Architects. . All bids must be accompanied by a hond of at least 20 per cent, of the bid. The Board re serves the right to reject any and all bide. Bids to be addressed and left with the Secre tary of the Board, on or before the above date. ! By order of the Board of Education, J. G. DONNELLY, 88-42 Sscretary. to THE PUBLIC. We, the undersigned liverymen of St. Paul, having the finest carrsagesand hearses in tho city, do hereby agree to furnish carriages and hearses for funerals at the following prices, viz: Morning's carriages, $2.00 each. " hearses, 3.00 " Afternoon's carriages, 3.00 " '• hearses, 4.00 " KIMBLE P. CULLEN, 28 & 25 West Fort St. W. L. NIOHOL. 1*J i 4 West Fourth St. v J. F. ALEXANDER, cor. Eighth and Siblov Sts. E. W. SHIRK, Overpeck's old stand. GEO. W. TURNBULL, £45 Exchange St. HEW3ON C. SEMPLE, cor. of Tenth and Pine. -■-■■■■■ 82 , . - NOTICE TO CilraeUliiers AIIiPW APQat Hill nOPQ Luil 11 dU lul o\x Diiiiuul o Independent School District of New Ulm, ) .V Minn, January 28th, 1884. ) Sealed proposals •will be received by the Board of Education of said school district for the [ fur nishing of all materials, erection and completion of a Public School Building, until 12 o'clock, noon, Saturday, February 23, 1884, at which rime they will be opened in the presence of bid ders. , Plans and specifications for the above can be I seen at the otSce of the undersigned, and at ! Messrs. Millard, ■ Ulrici/ & Eltzner, Architects, ! Fire & Marine Building, St. Paul. i The successful bidder will be required to give 1 adproved security. ; The right is expressly re served :to ) reject any :or all bids. Proposals should be plainly marked on the outside, "Pro posals for Sohool-house" and addressed to • E. G. KOCH, Clerk Board of Education, 33-47 - v ; New Ulm, Minn.- EIYE CENTS A LINE HIT VAT TO WTBD. : ; Males. . . W "ANTED—A situation in a barber shop. Thirty years experience. Adddress 383 Walnut street. 86-42 T ANTED—A situation as coachman, by a V ¥ man who thoroughly understands the business, has had long experience. Best of refer ences. • Address M. Dempsey, Globe office. ■ 1339* WANTED— situation by a young Scotch Canadian, aged 19. Has been a year at the hardware business: Is strictly honest, will ing and active. Any honest employment will be taken. Address B, Globe office. 832* BITVATIOXB itFFRREI). \\J ANTED—Two good girls. Apply 49, vT West Fourth street. 37-48 ANTED— Scandinavian to drive carriage m and take care of cow. None but expe rienced sober men need apply. References re quired R. W. Johnson, 11 Mannheimer b!ock. ' 88-39 ANTED—Office boy. Call at 11 Mann y V heimer block, between 11 and 12 o'clock on Friday and at no other time. R. W. John son. 38 TO BJSJTT J] use it T?OR RENT—Two new houses, eight rooms n. and bath-hot and cold water. Inquire J. J. Lemon, corner Eighth and Maria aye. 32-44 FOR RENT— boarding house of sixteen rooms. Will rent from now until the first of May tor No 222 Acker street. 345* FOR RENT—Dwelling 284 Rice, corner of Summit avenue; $35. Also, furnished dwelling, 282 Rice street, near Summit avenue; $55. Reference required Apply at premises or to A. R. Kiefer, 190 East Seventh street. 17* {U AOR RENT—A cottage with four rooms, J» pantry and closets, good water and every convenience. Apply to J. C. McCarthy, Sixth warr* '370* TT\O RENT—House of six rooms on Ohio X street. Inquire of P. B. McDonnell, grocer, corner Georga and Ohio streets, Sixth ward. 175* Room*. "U*OR RENT—The four rooms up stairs at No. Jl 97 West Tenth street, occupied during past year by C. H. Slocum's family. Will rent cheap to family without noisy boys. Phaien water in kitchen. G. W. Anderson, Grocer, 848 University avenue. 38 FOR RENToix rooms on each of second and X* third floors, either separately or together, Inquire at Jos. Haag 309 West Seventh street. __* EOK RENT, Nicely furnished room in Steele block, 424 Wabashaw corner Seventh street. '•':{/ V/P 86-3b FOR RATjB. HOUSES and lots. Easy payments. A. B. Wilgus & Bro. FOR SALENew Dental engine and Bracket, also gas heaters and stoves, etc,, at Chas. Stierle's, No. 356 Jackson street, second floor. 84-88 FOR SALE at a reduced price, the fiist 15 JB? volumes of the Encyclopedias Britannica, entirely complete and new, last edition. W. H. H. Baylor, at State Library. 83-39 A ING General Retail Stock, in a good • locality, at a great bargain. Trade $40,000 per annum. For terms and particulars, inquire of P.T. Kavanagh, 49 East Third street, St. Panl, Minn. ______________ 30-59 FOR SALE— furnished rooms, centrally located, with extra low rent. Inquire 145 East Seventh street. 4* USSAI. £!BTATJB. EAST and West Seventh street property. A. B. Wilgus & Bro 854 Jackson. FOR SALE—The following desirable lots: lots corner Pleasant avenue and Sixth street 2 lots on Bice street, between Iglehart and Til torn streets; 10 lots in Irvine's Second addition, fonting on Seventh street, (end of bridge); IS los in Irvine's addition to West St. Paul; also, a well established paying business. Apply to George W. Tarnbull, 843 Exchange street, city: 22S* WEST St. Paul property below other price 3. VV A. B. Wijjus& Rro. )WT youi properly for salo and orders tor _* purohupf.e with Goo. H. Hsozard, Baal Efitate and Loan Aeont, 170 Eaat Third etreot, St. PauL CO* KAWToy XROS. $L *) £T C\ will buy you a dwelling lot on CjpwOv' monthly payments. Lawton Bros., 175 Dakota avenue, 3MO WE have the largest list of West side prop erty in the city. Handle West side prop erty exclusively, and therefore can do you the best of service. List your property with us. Come and see what we sell. 31-40 IHNAXOY.JI.X,. MONEY LOANED on furniture, pianos, it» residence without re moval. E. &F. Peters, 283 Sibley street, oppi> site Unica depot. SOP MACKEY'S LOAN OFFICE— bought j_7jL money loaned on furniture, pianos, horses, wagons and personal property at low rates, with out removal. Offices, Room 7, Fire and Marine building, oorver Third and Jackson street, St. Paul, and Room 7, Mackoy & Le?g block, corner of Fourth and Nicollet, Minneapolis. 23-207 LOANS on Life 1 ."Policies. L. P. Van 8 j Norman, No. 245, Ist Are S. Minneapolis. lost Aim FOUND, TT —Wednesday, between Sherman street JLj and Glenny & Oilman's 6tore, a small, black hand satchel. Return to Glenny & Gil man and receive reward. 88 BUSINESS CHAXCES. "COLOUR MILL, roller process, choice loca tion. All complete and for sale cheap. Must be part cash. Address Lock Box 14, Ano ka, Minn. 24-51 . WILL pay 12 per cent, for $200 for six months. Best of sesurity. Address A. 8. , Globe office, St. Paul. 88-44 JUISCJBZT^ANBOUS, >V 1« /"ANTED TO BUY— good horse ior light '*' buggy driving, on monthly payments. Good security given, or chattel mortgage securi ty given if wanted Address to L. 5. G., care of at. Paul Daily Globe. 38 \Af ANTED— or four unfnrniebed V V rooms, central.. Address Globe office. 37-38 ALL persons having bills against Stees Bros . and those indebted to them will please call for settlement at their office, No. "70 East Third street. ; . . 27-57 \\! ANTEDWe want men and women every ? ¥ where, to sell our Diamonds, ho previous experience necessary. For particulars address WdAKLEY & BUBNETT, 237 Vine street, Cin cinnati. 15-45 /MULLEN'S LIVERY, Nos. 23 and 25 West V.' Fourth street—The finest vehicles of all kinds in the Northwest. Coachmen with or without livery; a competent agent to attend car riages at parties, opera, weddings, etc.; - a first class colored man, Bruce Bryant, to attend door at parties and receptions. Invitations delivered with promptnaes and patch. K. P. Cullen. -. 8-98 ' ICIEST CLASS daj board at International 5.' Hotel, corner Seventh and Jackson streets. $4.50 per week. - 854-94 -. MM I'll I ilE® * . KENNEY. & HUBJSEB lHa4!«Vat'RinlSinßU OppcsiU afcawpuiltvi fiotai _^ ■■' . CLOTHING. The Greatest Bargains JETVnKJR KNOWN IN CLOTHHSTG- S ARE NOW BEING OFFERED At Sattler Brothers' Assignment Sale, AT BOTH STORES, ill East Third street, and 153 East Third street. Clothing is actually being sold at half value, in order to spee dily obtain Cash. S. BERGMAN, Assignee. PAWNBROKER. GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES, DIAMONDS AND RICH JEWELRY OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. An Immense Stock of FORFEITED PLEDGES for Half Their Origi nal Cost, Consisting of Gold Watches of all stylos, Silver Watches of all makes, Diamonds in Solitaire and Clustor Rings, Solitaire and Cluster Veil Pins and Brooches, Diamond Studs; several very nr.o pain Dia mond Cuff Buttons Diamond Collar Buttons; an unu3ual large assortment of Diamond Eardrop*. Solid Gold Rings, plnin and set; Go!d Chains, Gold Bracelets Plated Chains of nil styles; Gold- Headed, Sterling Silver Knives, Forks and Spoons, Music Boxes, Musical Instruments, Opera Glasses, Clocks and Bilvorware,; Guns, Rifles and Revolvers, &c, &c. Bead for Catalogue and List of Prices. Goods sont C. O. D., with privilege of examination. Watch Repairing, Dia mond Setting and Engraving. MONEY TO LOAN ON ALL GOODS OF VALUE. E. LYTLB,, Pawnbroker & Jeweler, 41 Jackson St .Opposite the Merchants Hotel. BOOT AND BHOM DIALKCB. SCHLIEK & CO.. tO, 89 EAST THIRD STREET, ariains in Boots & Slioes. St. Paul Agency for BURT'S, GRAY'S, REYNOLD'S, and Many Others. H I^* Mail orders promptly filled. BUBIHKSB C01.L2 AND TELEGRAPHIC INSTITUTE Has Sou? einoa established Its claims to public favor nnd h« now entered upon i_i It'th ywu c/.*« th« most faroruble Auspices, Head for catalogue Hiring fall particulars. Cor. Rd and Jacks ra, W. A. FAIU>IS Prlselsrah STANDARD HOALXfc'. FAIKBA.NI: BTASDABD 9 CALEB: FAIBBAHKS. MORSS k CO.. • 371 & 373 lie? m FTTSTE TAILOEING. IliITM"/f1 i 1 jfr 8' ¥1 \J 39 fell T!i!*i Stree* Pljlll/M & PilllftI» Si, Pan), la WHOLESALE DEALERS. NO YES BROS, & CUTLER, IMPOUTEHB & WHOLESALE DBTJGGISTh 88and70SfhteyStreet Verve-.-? Fifth. • St TPaul.Minn WHOLESALE BTATIOHEEY. , " .WAED, HIX.X, <& MoOLELLAN IMPOBTEBS AND JOBBERS OF StatiQiiery, Druggists' Sundries and Toys, 407 SIBLEY STREET, ST. PAUL, MINN.' Wo also have th sole control of the merchandise x;onstitutiEg the stock of the T. 8. Y/HITB STATIONERY COMPANY, which must be sold to close their business. We devote an entire floo of our new store 407 Bi<>iey street, to its display and offer you some big bargains. Call and wo us . CUBICAL HTSTBTTHSHTS. fcHh'R Pi A TV ( r ■ V y J:L.**t %*~l? JL~d i'j. %. M~ .iL JL -»..4- ■**_*'' 'K.J «j IpVunw^dfiPJl $r' fiflivt? She Scot i^a tho Wn^hi bMyliuiipii hi Mmlb M Dub! m Ills FfOlliiv I know of noso superior to the Weber and nono that can com pete with them for durability.—Toresa Carzeno. The tone of tho Weber Piano is bo sweet, rich and eympakthetid yet so full, that I shall always rank you as tli9 greatest mamzfao- Surer of the day.—Emma Thursby. WcboT Pianos ozcel all others in volume of tone ant?, in po-jr&? of exprossion.—S. Liebling. r. There aro no Pianos in the world that sustain th'<? voice Ilka «;Ji6 Wsb6r.—Emms Abbott. • B. O. MUNG-EB, Agent, St. Paul. &9nd for Catalogaas. TANNERS. James McMillan & Co., Proprietors of the MINNHEAPOLIS SHEEPSKIN TANNERY, A>*D DE.\LEBB IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL AND PUBS, 109 First Avenue South, aCUTMBAPOUS. MINX. Shipments' Bolif»it«d. Wri<<» for oirpnlaro. DUKE F. SMITH INSTRUCTOR OF PIANO-FORTE. Pupil of the eminent pianist, and teacher, 8. B. Mills, of New York, and for several years a teacher in well known | educational institutions, and of private classes, most respectfully tenders his services to those desiring a thoroughly com petent, experienced ' and conscientious toaohsr. . - 1 TERMS: Twenty leescna (one h0ur)...71 ". 40 oto Twenty lessons (half h0ur)............. 25 000 Orders may be left at' my studio, over B. C. Manger's Mu&ic Store, 107 E Third street. 206 ECLIPSE BELF-REGULATING HND MILLB. TAILORING. HiiiQ flPoi" ntnnnr 146 EAST THIRD STREET.