OCR Interpretation

The Montana post. [volume] (Virginia City, Montana Territory [i.e. Mont.]) 1864-1869, September 03, 1864, Image 1

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025293/1864-09-03/ed-1/seq-1/

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J -, UCHANAN, Editor & Proprietor. ' My Countr, May she Always be right, Bst My Ooautry, Bight or . onigr "'- T. :,, in
tie]it ntan: - TOO
04 rrflL)Sfl EVVRY" fAXVfltAtty, AT
JoItI JCCtfýlltN.
SrttM:-*j p'r ytear, invirriahly in advance.
Rate. of AdvertisitflI.
(Ins~~~~~ sqa." ~ r1- thr)te lnoothl 10 flO
tl.: squ1Urlix otlt m? ..................... is 00·
1 hp z gt nrP r r.... Iu` 1 )t
Iýr" C't1iY' r 1T: ( t t n?'iP h 4tut ............ ~ 1
~~r~~.r '0·~~
oil 0
h1alf C11 U1: throe .. .1. t§' on
six tii tttts .· ~i llt~ l~................ ·
,. .. r ... (,lSt ..·. ·
OrPi 1L ............t1 . )..
On;ll lr! 1 t om.;, t. ..ºa. .r .. ....... ýý I:
·· · · " f '3; .: ..;···, loQ I'll
, card-, u 1' 1iH " 3'. ".
. r ;P 11h o41UI to chan
rt ! riy ýi itýý"u a diti.4nal
S ML " t TIA ] - - W. . LOV ILL.]
Attcr. r4g ~at Law. \Viiftýia (City. lt. T1?., will promp
t':.1tte1 i tioall prohwiiutaai bu ttl.N3 etltrutell tu
th.:r car,. 1-3
IV. J.N1 ~4toIt i !.1 " 4IIAtRa BURNS
Mº c4~fl ICK : $1IiRNS,
yri c.3 at Jo.L v, Vire .&. Cu'V! Montana Trrito
1( at 11a11 5 tuart'-s. 1-4;m
ýý. Y. -TAFPII!m), R. B. !)l;:11Vrr, S. W. B~l(T IoN.
..l.(t. loL. (ol
Atlrt ý at lr1W. Of on Idaho stra pt opp(.. t,
t` . a>urt huA"g \4rgini:L ( itv. MotntaI Te ritorn-.
2 .1
IBifte~rs. c rrnr ,)f uuv·r anil JaCk kn 'trPAt,
\ ntit ia City, Mert.ntr a T !iritnry. - 1-mr
(IIALIJ: 1iA IA ii "l E , ,ý
I 1 .ii~, ~rj~a N~du City M n'lana
Ta-it .ry. al· a1_ at all hours. 'rh t hi" upliedl
t'h th? bt tLe nmarktt aff'nrh' at cheap rite.
P first eiaiit ialion in eohnrl'iin with the
Ix> IriL & L11H1'1O ,I
1ltkr rtht 'iogbi.*( 4 M. T. All ki rriý er
w ,rk don· ai mr flint' tn holirt notice .jidtlow wat*
I r k-mep none but that best itrkn:evuaY are bupns
t') give Atirfatieion. $ a- ur
l''.aieiatn Kiwi Sure~on, forrn~rlv nsFiit ott in the
11~ ,.ttoi l n intii i;Yr lr'. anl yt: t~ to se -ýew
York J1ouitalr.New; Yt r{. , rt'ent.P1 l frog 1O
1,,1x1. IOiceivi Nit }ct'iuy Viror c, .rte © ha-
ic.:.i ,'viintiil stre t. S-th
S2c in ir l iug g .r iti City 11-i7
FashiQA!cM" Talitr, V -riCinfi City, >Mcumtan. Tfe
ritory. 'AL wurk execut'*I- witlh nr:ltnee3 apd at
chr' ~rtea.16t
it atitrrnt, Vrirgiýin City, Montana Territory.
Mea'! rex'v at rdll ounr Al- qthehect of liquor*
Winllaee Mptrret. `' rgitia Ctvt, M. T. J. M. C"'ner'
Irr;,iriPtor. The Tpoprietor announces to bil old
fri;-":'ý.l avd the public gewi'rnlly, tha& he is now
prl"1-rw"l to iceoinmoli l)"ooardler by the meal, (lay
k? weP:i at low raLta-. li.ittabl1 furpi-hed with the
t'P-t .!Ts mark"'t ftforli:. 3 y
T. B. JLI.XIE , " q ·
S'ot r mtaker. \.rginia.City. Montlaual'r
rit. rv. 'I'h h,"-t of ctvu~tot work sit +eve onhaijl.
(*1 a.f trial. "
fQEPII CRUWIT, . .a.r ..
Frt·nc` 1; ke=; _* -er·a C cF, 1ý tit 'la }toryl
W-.11 r t ilirO ur cnstexfler tdja e is, at
wfaor, t;: 0cmo stuff tii hse b if' tb' altd' o l
GI -., hi in ,a rfn. rlihR tn · +
\1":, Icce atr~et, 4irgilliaý Gttý, 9J'h3Pf ·Lje P .P
Rrttiri lcfJý'? ·trg 4:r a uiq, to ,ý1 ý, Glut:Lýi6
11::rcirrare. T,1 r-, c . · C Le C 11l 'R.iCTrt`s.ºC
Tliiur, n'td rcrn· Ir^"J, frlr sal, be thP.T rTi11 !' of !
T l Mlli'I'.-T:1Bp
1 1'vJ =trsett \ Jir r 'i' M T . T(Ne C _
kiol~ !r the best huil' r, wt ich Hill be cold at low
rat: i
MInafacrorer' of Jewelry. Jackcon street, L ir
g iia City. M1. ý. Strict attention given to re
p~i i. all cA e y ot-xtc~bep, :yut1_ T t(ctlt t
iý a att-inct!1ý Ke ýq tautly O< lýý i In~
aesortue1nt of Iwer .l v r ýhi- 1ain
made1 to nrlPr at low ratK. ''I-3rn
Cieg anmobg,491reaW~l~~e treet trei
cia C:LJlion twajet 4ýre Vy Ahia ptreef cboirr
£ifrsfaind tobacc6a BE`~tefpree.
]\1 "1 N&A DIL.3jýl ý.LILt, r
Virginia City, M.abuia Territory. ýfcltrihd "ý
Faluolskie_ Proprietors. l-6m
SEC4I X L 1 ) r? si di 3it
('over etreeN, Virginia KSity, M. T. Pallmand k
Eiend:alp pr Ptorse rsn {6eK
hri··r~~l~~.djrL~n jWe. Fhbjprgo0a
lrke. m
T R Bt t - · 2; `
Nevnds City. M. T. Peter Ryan, proprietor.
All pereuns wjehin od bread are re-&uertd to
call.(,1K. i '8e~r .6a:LL6[dm
det' of dinks. Here is the place t.) get an honest
loaf, a cake or pie, and "eon~tluing to- wa.h It
PracticM''' tchma1er aau JePel1V tPa~tirftlar
2tctftiof pcid to repairiwl all claius 01 OV ttchel.
An ri ahlt*i t~dg'vjk*- ~9t bttiiý
tahli hrn.nt, mid. warr.': cd to give solti. f rt .,u.
Cell aind ýx t'nl1'e al+ Cncn u f Jewel,, uia,;. ron I
the . M s * ¶4flg(* e !gj
T t, . t·)r4ýMn 7EJ. w:"·u
Mout ,n. Post
'iro M1 So . -
Tbho l:rtxD looke, those eyee of blue,
J3ri.'it :r thy mother's in their hne;
Tho.ia e-y ,ip .wbos. dimples play
Ahd -uil. to eteal tie heart Away,
Rlecall p .cnf of fortmer joy,
'And touch thy father's-heart, my boy!
Andbhoun carat lisp a4fthrr's nam
Alh, Willi-in, were thine own the saiue,
No.f-, eproach---byt, let me cease-
31 y c1ar, for thee shallpurchese peace;
Thy motb.],r fhawlde sh~all sndiie in joy,
And pardon all the'pabt, my boy. .
roi.t, ie trwst knop4..StraTp rs breost:
I' r: i ýu :c s y{)pogn'.haybirth",
4 Ard -id - tse rcance a iame -n earth;
't tqI1 h')t thmi f adb hb4deet any- -
S A'fatlier' heart is'hibnef my. boy.u
'- Why, 1"t it wgrldp nfeeling fown,
SI.-t f mol nature e claim disown?
AL3, io-t0 ough'mnortl1 t replrove,
I lhfi! tl: , dare.t child of lowe;
Pair ehern>, pied e of youth and joy
* A father gua~is thy birth, lmy boy.
hI. 't ifl be sweet in thee to trace
Ere a ,· has wrinkled o'er my face,
Ere half my glna,- of life-i run,
'AtC uce a brotheb and %.seo
Andtalj msy a.rm of yeaar employ
.In justice done to thee, my boy.
Although so youna thy baedle,-. sire,
Yonuh villl not darfp parental fire;
And, wert thou still I*a;d4r to me,
While l].Pln'e fofm rewive.in thee,
Thce breast which beat to former joy,
Will ne'er dteert it. pledge, any boy. t.
AN ACT t,, ,,r dcl a temprrary goers- t
nient f- . jerritory of Montana C
'Be it en(ur".~ the Senate ,4d Ihotve q[
xep e'be;;(,K x of the 'United Slats of t
Anzc,'l i~t ('ongrcss ursmbled d:
That all tlit part of the territory o the t
United Statc?4 included within.the limis, to t
'wit : Cw)imnn :i:ng at a point~fonmdJhby r
the intcreect vr-!,f the twenty"yevenb de- A
gree of lotgitu... west frorn IWas Dton I
with, the fpiry-ffthdegree of nortlati
title;. IhriV: iduo .went on said fvrt-fifth
dvgriee of latitude to a point formed 1y its
intert:ci n." with the thistt -fourth egr0:
of h(oagititidc est from. Washington f hcnc~
dqe~? sooih ug sic. tji irty-fourth egrec
of lougitudki? to its jntrncction wvih the *0
fuIk* f iprtl degree, and thiry mtniptes of
north latitudeo; thiene dja west a]log said
. th-o degico and thirty mt'tttes pf
iorti *li tic ( to4p paint foriied b ite in- 1
ter9 ctiz \Din " the ere-t of the ko'ky i
itv!sstattinj ti encc follo ing thb9:rest of
t!1 ri,)>i v . two'utaii n.rs1i'ward tiitsA jir
trrs'4tJo%6 \iili the littgr Root mntitiini;
tih*t c 'IAtr wrd.,along the crepof said
Btittr Ioot uLtunnCuup ) tQ its " CnraG tion *
wih -:he tchirtv-Dinth. dcgea of )ngitude
wes±t frj "iu`.hingyik n ; thsc c ný,aaid
tjrty-ninth g'egce of lotptutle prtbwrard
to tl& bteundary linhe otf .tho.jti Posses
sions: then~' castward uloig40 bound-j
ativ line to: the tyros ycven t t h egote of
lenCitude " w st·Arom 1 ashjngtq.* thn;c
aoulbward. along; siu d tEaid -e
gree o6 longitude 14 the glacg of º,ingfirg,
be, xn(the sanro in. heuiy, crea1 into a
to njora~ry f>;n ti by thenw of'.~i
.ertitoc. y ftl;gntansº pi rPe,"de4;,'t nosh- '
in in this iu1,coutuaind t#LJ1 bodDitr'u,&
to inhlibit thle ggver i )Jgt of tW Lnitec
Statttti fzow, "divisiip gsati - Tqrtory, or
hzrrting, ird Aoundories in sup manner
and at ~ub tinr rim nsi Congesb.4tl deem
onvcný nt. axd propIryo ofIroz'ttachliinj I
any purtionn of .ai4. Territory to n otter
46(te or Tttritryq.oef .the I niR $tates;
prevrided, furt her, t hat aothing j this act
eontaiui' -sha,ll-. bc ,.comu4 t ftQ 3air, the
ruihLts of icrso orproperty now -rtainiog
the 1xadians in seuid Tarrittoryo long as
rucl tights shall remain uneztiqiihtl yy
t ;eatv betwen.the- Unitedi SttatcnBn Rsuch
ltltli;ai or toi include cinr t~rut*y which,
S treaty' with. asy Ipdian tii s, is not,
ithiut tho a nrsent of .ud trio tp l in
d.' ed c'J cithin the tdllcijWq n liP, r uiris'
cto' 4f wAny"Seiae, qr 12ermir J .bat all
k MOO Qa tErirgeshl .bae.xcoptguLt of the
1, i 1O te ikCL B a44 rtf thih
' # r tc,", f t n st rib. shal
lb~t'ýv their ae er t Jtuic nt of the
&i±tti Stz~t±I.'tQ J)Ot bIwud(i4L.ithik said
(,1-riitrjg ,icºa the, a. utbity pf ,the
o0' trnueikt 1if the United. Stan to make
aný rcygurtions .eqpchvg+. Indian
ir lands., prqppiy, oftaright,:by
tr;,. hsb w -;9rvo1sie, " it would
; ij-e lh, n 9eAgpp k(Jtr:the ,rnmete
mbae if this act-ha never pa
Sec.;. iAWl hitiiLA-,A kh tr4Jtbnd
i In a if this "act-ka never pa f.
the exeentive pOwr. au4d-aji y in and
over said 'euitery' of, h shall he
;t ýf*Ith f . i i,. QfDV xiroj4,wf~o bvld Idly
offide for faur yeats, andi until Uhooqvr
Sh;ll le, appeint*A aii4. qilal~I uuk s
sooner roiloved .by the, Ireq t of." the
United States. "Ths* Qovern -sIraiige
wiithin 4Er rtoe .uli. s14 beabd d k.
j mnnJ&-in-ohlef_. q t e lmilitia.J Supbr
in;}buJex,- of tiLnidalAfrs t of. lio
avgnt prordop ifd srepite oafenee
Ji~a-li~zf1f ·of .oaid Terri , and re
ýie;ý+~, fi !ogwpwo gaily tL of.the
IUnjwd "Mes . $1tII h se .dam o toh -
Prci idtut be uit4ýEt *&tes be made
n4iwn Aurb,; . . stlel 00 *eim a
offiqeiý.4wwM~sw~j bwa pppi "to isoe
u dqv -e a lJew iiJ t nd e ball
c Wee At tthe tIwas rbe f u l ' es
-' Seq4 . n Cfr te4 *hak
See ib . f.Seeu4tary oSa ,tito
_ whoPF lace e+'1q$r 4 rh l~ir toeb5s
for wOtre,.yeFfn!qeO 000 eoo d J
St ýaiptI i: tw! 4tgt!er
yd ý ýndr uy wash ~ ii,
ei a hntlto t e Sies er mask of
Representatives, for the use of Congress. .
And oin cade of the death, remo vl, resig
nation or absence of the Governor from the
Territory, the Secretary shall be and he is c
hereby authorised and required to execute
antd perform all the powers and duties of
the Governor during such vacancy or ab
sence, or until another Governor shall be
duly appointed and qualified to fill such
Sec- 4. And be it further enacted, that
the legislative power and authority of said
Territory shall hbe vested in the Governor
.and a Legislative Assembly. The Legis
lative Assembly shall consist of a Council I
a.d House of Rlepresentatives. The'Coun
cil shkll consist of' seven ~embers; having
the qualifications of voters, as hereafter
prescribed, whose term of service shall con
tinue two years. The House of Repre
sentatives shall, at its first session, consist
of thierSen members, possessing the same
qualifications as prescribed for the mem
bres of tJhe Council, and whose term of
service shall continue one year. The num
ber of Representatives may he increased by
the Legislative Assembly from time to time
to twenty-six, in proportion to the increase
of qualified voters; 'and the Council, in
like manner, to thirteen. An apportion- 1
ment shall be made, as nearly equal as
practieable, among the several counties or
distriets, for the election of the Council
anyl Representatives, giving to-each section
of the Torritorv representation in the ratio
of ifs qualified voters a% nearly as may be.
And. the members of the Council and of the ,
House of Representatives shall reside in,
and be inhabitants of the district or connty
or counties for which they be elected re
spectively. Previous to the first election
the Gorernor shall ejose a census or enum
eration of the inhabitants and qualified vo
ters of th.several counties and districts of
the Territory to be taken by such persons
and in sach mtnode as the governor ,~hll de
signate and appoint, and the persons so ap
pointed shall receive a reastonable conmpen
sation therefor. And the first e!ectin
shall be held at such timen and placess, and
be conducted in such -manner, beth s to
the.persons who shall superintend such 1
election arid the returns thereof, as tie.
governor's, '¶l afpoint fd direct ; and de
ahall at the same'time declare the'number I
of'membersof the council and house of
r ,presentatitc to whicl each of the coun
ties or'tistricts shall be entitled under this (
act. The persons having the highest nut- .
bar df legal votes in each of said council I
ditricts, rtspectively, for membersotf the º
council, shalr ile declared by the governor
th be duly elected to the council; and the :
peraons having the highest number of legal
vote#for the house of r, r..-,entati[es in
eactih of Raid ryre. -rni ; -:cts, reCs
qnUIII vi 'U!i r irr - r i . %c , rex D
peceitveli,ý! " g , J o ver- t:
nor to. f'l '" %tL ,~.s of said
houn ., P'3-.','; , J. ''h: t rz'. •" ,otes,ngd
in ctas., a:lcanty vs othern! - occur two m
or more ;,*rr;n vo'ý,l for shall have an e
'e uil nltr'ier in tithe-r branch of the legis- (
lkfive s.einhtvv" the i'overndr shall.order at
naw election. And the peisons thus a h- t
ed to tfilegisilutive asenmbly s "i " t
t'seich plPhie and on sbch dfy a. : ,o -
lmor shall appoint; but thereafter the timan,
place,'atld manner of holding and conduct
ing'dl blertions by the people, ant the adB 1
portioning the repredentation in the several '
countie4 or distriets'to the council and i
house o. represeritatives, according to the
number of quilifi,:d voters, shall be pte
seribed by law, as well as the day of. t
commen..nent of the regular sessions 1'
legislativeo assembly: -Provided, That tto
session in any one year shall exoee4 the
term of forty day&, except the first session,
which may oontinue sixty days.
SEc.'5. Ad be it further enacted, That t
every free white male inhabitant above the
age of twenty-one years,. who shall have
been an actual resident of said Teiritory 1
for thirty days prior to the first ciectien,
shall be e~titled to vote at said election,
and shall be eligible to.any officewithin the
said Territory; but the qualifications of vo
tetrs, and bf holding'offce, at all subsequent
elections, shall be such. as shall be pre- ]
s'rked by the'legislathve assemnbly.
' Sc. 0. And be it further enacted, That ,
le lgislative power of the Territor.hadll
Etqnd to all rightful subjects of legisfation
onsistent with the Constitution of the Uni
;ed States and the provisions of this act; t
but no law shall be passed interfering with r
the jumary disposal of the soil; no tax
?haflbe imposed upon the properti*of the t
t~ited Slates, nor shall the lands or other
property of nol-residenta be taxed higher i
than the lands or other property '6f rpsi
teats'. Every bill which shall h~ve tase'd a
the ccuieil ai~& house'of reprvsentatlreiof I
thb s oid Territory 'halH, befote it becomes i
a law, bh presented to the governor"of the
Territory.; IF he approve, he shill sigh it; i
but if n6t, he shall returi it, ith his" ob- 1
jeoiohsi tothe lMdte ih wrhich it origitated, <
who #hall etrtb r objeetlonA'at large p- i
on their joamnal a4d proceed to reconsider
it. If,'tafter '8ul ecoaitMeratio, twd- 1
thirds of that ht6biesh aM ree to pas the
bikl, i4 shall be r t, e togehea with the ob- I
eotions, to the other hodtse, 'Ty which it 1
shall likewibelbe reetnsidtred; 'n"d if ap.
poved:by tw6-thirds ot thatt.d4i6 , it alal1
ceepme a law. But in all s .sesb tlt i
tes 'ofb. lth'liedis shall 'be determined
by yeas ahd hBy* to be :eitered on thp
jornal of ,each' house, respTctiely. 'If
any bill shlltiot be' returned -by the gtv
teurltwithithree days (Sunday "ex'epted)
te fititshtl have beeh'r resepted to hitr
the esse-bin shall be A faw, in lite 'iant
.B aeo if he ad signed it, unless: t-f 'as
sem~tl ty by!ademiment, prerent iter re
,War!n tiehw casedt 'seall finA be ia :law.
PrdtWd , That Whereas blavery is prohtb
ited ina- i Ttri a otf*by lvy t of Cori4res 6f
June nineteenth, eighteen hundred and
idtty-two, nothia'~heeei contained shal
"dssr«L«iAt authorize or pesit.its e1
S ekl e .d - s 4tfrthfer .* cmet That
;al Wi*ch ip distribit aid '-Maty eoers,
iot ihrpjn otherwise-.povided for, shai. be
,lt teiA (meoated, as thl .as ae r p abd
la *sch manner as shall be previded byrte
geonor and* legislative :.senbb!y 'of thel
Teritory of Montana. The gav, rior shill
noainate and, by and with the advice and
colsent of the legislative counil, appo.ini
allomcers not herein otr _i e provide
fo; and in the firms inst,. t"Ie governor
al.ae may appoint n1; s; : ... who
shlhold their office unti! tt. •.' 4f the
fri session ol the legidlat!~ - :Iblvy
anu shall lay off the necessary ,ý't4 , ts far
mnobers of the council and iouse of rep
reentatives and all other officers.
zEC. 8. nad be it further .enacted, That
nopiember-of the legislative assenbly shall
hodt r be appoiMted to any e(te "w'li ti
shdl have been creat4 orv the -salary otr
ue1naheiats of whiek shatiitave been ih
oased while he was a member, during the
t.m for which he was elected, and for one
y4.r after the experation of such term; but
this restriction shall not be applicable, to
members of the first legislative assembly.
And no person holding a commission or
appointment under the United States. v-x
cept postmasters pha~ll be a member of the
letslative assembly, or shall hold any offiee
unger the government of slid Territory.
- Sec. 9. A.d be it further ensated, That
. JYIbwer r iUCieua, L B.F
the judicial power of said Territory shall -Jt
be ,ested in a espreme court, district Ui
couats, pro e "corts, and in justices of tic
thepeace. The supreme court shall eon- th
sis of a chief justice and two associate jus. to
tide, any two of whom shae constitite a at
qurum, and who shall hold a term at the At
sel of government of said Territory an- su
nually i and they shall hold their. offices W
drying the period of four years, and 'until tb
tbhir successors are appginted and qdill- ed
fiel. The saed Territory -hal be divided w'
into three Judicial Distrcts, and a Distri4t pi
Court shall be held in each of said districts ri
by one of the Jtustices of- the Supremnfe t
rourt at such tinies and places as may be Ji
prscribed by law; and the said judges Si
shil, after their appettments, respective- n
v reside in the districts which shall be as- d&
signcd them. The jurisdiotion of the sec- ni
ersl courts herein provided for, both ap- as
pellate and original, and that of the Pro- fr
,ate Courts and justices of'the peace, shall m
be limited by law : Provided, That justices Ii
of the pcce sha'i not have jurisdiction of of
aivy matter in controtersy when the title of ol
.ind may be in dispute, or where the debt ni
or Rum claimed shall exceed one hdudree t
dollars; and the said Suprems and District ¶
Courts, respectively, shall possess chancery tl
as well as'eommon law jurisdiction. Each ti
District Cour% or the Judge thereof, shall ir
appoint its clerk, who shall also be the re- t(
ister in chancety, and shall keep his ofce a
at the place where the Court may be held. d
Writs of error, bills of exceptions, and ap- <
peals, shrll be allowed in all cases from to s
pnal decisions of said District Courts to c
the Supreme Court, under such regulations 8
'as may be-preos ibed by law. The Sh- I
preme Court, or the Justices thereof, shahl 'd
Appoin t'its own Clerk ; and every Cierk a
e [rll hold his office at the pleasre .of, thd Il
Court fr which the shall have been ap- ii
pointed. Write of error and appeals frni +1
the final decision, of said Supreme Court r
Whall Re allowed, and may be taken to the '
Supreme Court of the-United States, in'the o
4sme manner and-under the ~rtme reqta-' s
tions as from the C(ireuit Courts tf the s
United States,vwheto the yval, of tfi Iip.
'rty, owethe amountt din- ohtroveray," ti' b'e
ascertaiand by the Oath Or afrjnatior bf
either part , -othe;- competent ritnesses,
shall edce en s thousaed dollhri, eoeer .
that a-witef eero 0or rappeal shall be al
Iowed to the Supreme Cogrt .of the UCit'eI
States fawm th decisidn. of the's id Su
premb Court created by this. at, of6bt an`
Judge thereof,' fp.an: ,'l *rit'of b.hbeiA
corpud ianvolving '1 as tior of pets6dr t
f@edo m. And « ,,' ' J", Distrtict'di i tli
shall have and, ex, r, :F ( Br, ,me ruiti dic
tion, in a3l cases arising ur d.- the Consfi
tution and la'1s of the Uonhid S.tates, as is
vested in the Circuit and District Cdhrts of
the United Stated; and tie firg t itdiyd'of
--vgry term of Said Cdnrt, obr ad tqha
thereof asshell be needisary; ahfl bo a4.
tipriated to the frial of eausls atis ' nn
der the said Constitutlonu and lawsf and
rlits of error and appeal in all Auec~ caes
sh rl be made to the Supreme eourt of the
sard Territory, the same as in other cases.
The said clerks. shall 'receive, in all stch
'oes, the same fees which the Clerks of
the District Contts of W.~hingtor T ito
ine LYuiewm luuuT' Uw i. onumvUH I CIto1
rr now receive for similar services.
See. 10. And be it further enacted, That
there 1hall'be ippoiited ana Att6rney for
said Territory, who shall cortinue in olee
td9r year; Ond antil his bsn oc.or aidrlbci
s. oomtd tnd qualiled, '"aless sooner ae
ived. by the Presideat of .thes Uited
St&t, and who shall receive the same fees;
ana.a a -&s. thbe*A'ttea orf . 'th ffiitedi
SStgts 1%oprt dsn er tbir ofbcWafh
ineon. berte sahklB'bSe *Marisha tot
the Terri y a*oittw, wh SBod hjltyh
1oe -far yene ft 4r t e. -this swuce bri
siH a be appointed and .aL kwi, u ok
sooner Veeaotd lby the 1=lI'a t.ý
UritM State«, Sa *he idhal *Uott s i''
pHbceieft irtit ha f tke t-d'.m.irt
eCrelinat their juriftii.. Cfke; ~
rii» W U C if the United St L i
lfUl p Wteeu th d&tiies andl be;
tie am reatelatoi B enaltits, Ra "
tttited to th lab «een de th) Md)totf, of
he Diaiot; Cort of the Uji" « foi
theTwrritoy of W%&hiVWtok, 1 ,a49b iu,
t.ddition, be paid twd haut*hr4d dll## IX
nually -a a noapesastion tor eiit r6e" 1 '
There shall also be ajpoiated by the^e*'
dfht-» thd Unit( d It.tee, 4b and with the
adyrio d SaW "ee, of the Senase, a Sf._
veyor General for said Tqrr"ery,whd'6 tis
Icdate hiooe $t weh place 4-as **ea e -
tahy Of tih Iaterfor shall Afro tial6 ibt"ofh
direet,' and whose -dtiei, pwers,'oblt
tions, 'respouaibilitiee4 somBWeation r.
allowafcsC for elerk hire; ,ome YIet, fue,
and iocidqaIl espeinIee,'dhall be tho-tals
tbwot o( the staneyor oeiacal of N1e.
1Nexico 4oder tbe4dtreeth of "h0 BBee
rte of tl bteritz inda . tadb hrudioai
ash. may fpa time time= ' i 1 eW eo*4i1i
advisable to irie, '- 2 4 *"
Sd tWth Ate ar,'e6"Mtet 1
1tm f Ano htr 6 ft Mrwt r f wi! . mgliit¥
1Associate Justice Atto;ner ain
shall be aptioired 1* thiA V'rbsi '", on? :i
Uhnited States,;bv artdbwith the advrieo ald
conseut of the S:cnate. The Aci ,rnsor .and
Secret.r. tir : - Fppol cd as af;orteid 4hzal
before-'t!e act n.. such, r.spectiveldv fake
an' oath-b--aflirmation b)fore ihfe tstrict
Sudge, or before some justice of, tho.peace
ifri the limits of said Territory, duly author
ited td administer oaths and af1rmations
by the lais now in force therein, or before
the Chief Justice or sot e Asiociate Jus
tieoof the Suprenae Court of the -Unitd
States, to support the Constitution of the
United States, and faithfully to discharge
the duties of their respective offceis ? which
-tid oaths,kwhen so ta.len, shall te' certifled
bt the person by whom the same shall have
been taken; and such certificates shall be
received and recorded by the said Secre
tary among the executive procedingd ; and
the Chief Justice and Associate Justices,
and all civil officers in said Territory, b1
fose they act as such, shall take a like oath
or affirmation nafore thf s:id iGoi rnor or
Secretary, or sorac judge or ju'stic'of the
peace of the Territory who may be com
flssIioned and qualified, qr befomr the.Chief
Uaitbd States, which said oath or affirma
tion shall be certified and transmitted by
the porson taking the same to 'týe'Secre
tary, to 1. by him recorded -s afor, said ;
-ud afterwards the like oath or afrmnation
ih'atl be taken, cerftied and recorded in
such manner and form as may be prescrili
b. by law.. Abd .atn permwn who has heiei
tbfore been.appointyd Chief Justice os As-"
efciate Justice of the Territory of Idaho,
who hhs not yet taken the oath of office, as
prestribed by the act organizingi 'iid Tert
rifory., Liay take Baid eath or a"frmation
before the Chief Justice or seone Associate
Jirstioe of the Supreme court of thd United'
Sttte~s. The Governor shall receive an an
nnsl salary of two thow'aud. five. hundred"
dollars - the Secretar bhall- receirv an ia
nuld gaiar( of two thpusand dollarsr,. Thk
said galareie shall be, paid quarter yearlv
from the daf:es of the resp -tive- nppant
ments at the~treasury of the UnitedStites;
Bat no paytent ~ihall be mader until said
oficers shal' have entered upon the dities
f their rýýppeot~c appointmo:utý, Thrt jI
nnmbers of thi c 1i +:t. .e daselr¾iiv 0h1i:
ie entit!ýd to rc irve four dou1rcr each p,"
[iV during tbir attondance it th,.. c ,R::i IMi
hereof, aini four' Ioa1ire ci~ch f )r LY. rv~
*enty miles' triv. l n goiri tKo and returt'..
ng from saal l spginn, 6.iti nlat,,I Iaerdir:'
o the nqartet uu Luit tr.rtjkd r ; arn;
tn additional allwances of four dollhrs per
lay shalt be. p aid to the presidinT officer of
ýach ho'xg ror each day he Fhall so pre,
iide. Xnd a chief clerk; one aesistant
clerk, oh engroa. iuj and one entoiling
a srk, tasergeant,-at.arme and door-k "eper
cu~yhP closici for each huuse; and the
bief elrk, shall receive four dollmi per
by, and £heesaid other offices three dbl
ltire per day during the session of th Itg
Ua?.tttVQlf&8 riti 0 b tt'no hth r'Ofitd
` ll b paid by the ienite4 Statts t Pro
ri ed, That there; sha W% be one 8C P1iTt .4f
the .1legislattve -asembnthly bnually; uuleR$
onp an extrordjnaury occtjson, the (so;erorr
shpd1 thinkrkE6per. to eaU lthe legislattive 4-'
se Wget :.. T pr`shall be Eip'1rpori
*1* l allp u4Ead Snm, t6 >te, exrpnd
ed by tbýrem-d f to' tle itii-.
te eplh~ o~'T for C g~
aO iOoay, ipClwdig
th sbalafy o the. li f jhe; elutucvh de
iartyLeat.'. "odA re'd sr ao -fie.
*attdananallyy-.a g4c ent en.toPTcex
e dbd heS 8cc'r~tr'yef .they zgJ;. 1rr,
and ti t4ý'ýsft i ho .avi. by. t a
setre l4Oµzt o ry of :the b. S
w dtefmy 1beoS A'poneeof the Itgtealtive as
# b1 -,-the printing #f fhe 4Wt* attd uithof
ih'idental' tii~ev;' *.dt t , ie: Governor
*in.d gCeretar'bof jahoeci toey ehall, in the.
disbursement' of all Money. intrusted- to
th~em. be governod soely ba the intestrue
tidns of the &cretea of tbe'Tieasu'ry of
the United Staole and shadl ie i-annually
accodnt to the said Secrettair f, the maa
tier i"i ý*hich the ;fLrw.i d modfeys' shall
haeben aexpended;. and no eipen4ettir
e'6tll be made by said legislative- asesdc51
for objets not a j'inlly autho~rhedly-trie
acts of Congress sinaking the appropriui6
nor beyond the sums thus appropriated~for
such objects.
fir. 12. And he It firthpr i'nan+An q'L,.
Sec. 12. And be It further cnacted, That
the legislative assembl, of thb Territojy of
Montana shall hold its firat semimon at "ad
time and plae in said Territorv itsa te
Governr tiercof hIbalg aoint4) irFt
L'and at said r8'atdsaoni or as 'oo -
ftr, as they -shll doem expedieus the
Governor and leiivtlaie aReMbl7 shall
patceed to locatelan eptablish the seat of
Gvretitehtef {t I Te&reto s $atatt, h Ac
*:t'y ftiay deeim eTrgTle TPr'WovdedTu
'ttAr ;t 9" ,4ovxr.Jsn4 Axed, > 4th&0IT V..
«ror and legi aative aMeeuMnjy dvBa
00 ID et.
ft cAast oAr ji"
olshailu n t
**S« ai3.r And be Ii f.dww4»tý ThW
& delgboer thebs idb^'e ^Afl^
ofthernit& SstarWi E « t
of two yeaw, who ?alLi ute o= te
lte electtm'mbers t h« lawls
ebibeiRwhedUkil be ectdto te
fhe panf
eg a 4wi BOW ed lk hold pisesabs
hte held' thiuch *aalie »{ rBA .
docte4d in '*nceh B pr, a< 4swo (1 .ruer
hmall sppoint sad diroeo; iPd ., .*t lnbe.*
quent e ectioad the tiia 'sad- prI e', mse
itfnmi.oer hcting tthe electioen, shll b
e+.- iby. law. 'T'h' perfon half i l_
tS be-iodb6MhPWtl«', oro M.'bso ," i
b inely. That he gontia~toBio law
I fe.t i . ii+w tFhiianh rau mab tblmH
its Il..where with.; the 1iitel 8t
when the i:ndsI it.f Fetfr #,rf. r
shlrveyed und,.r the direction -ý ,
ennmwnt of the United Statet. -r .. :'
Ito bringing the saind into me'i im.e ,:t
numbelred sixteen and thirt, :, ...
township in said Territolry t.iu.& 4 ,.
the s~ne *r hereby, reserved for
pose of being appiued to sohools In' -
Teritory, and in the States aird Territ
hereafter to be erected oat of th;; e-u:..
SEC. 15> Andbe it fMurther enart',d. "
tiptif othetrisb provided by law, Ith..
ernor of aid Territory, and asrigun
iudgt~ who may be appoint.vd for said :
ritorv to the several districts, and
uppo.int the times and p.K;ces for hol':u.,
courts in the several counties or 'rubdi ,.
ions in each of tu'd junicial districts. .
proclaraation to be issued by him; but '~e
legislative assembly, at their first
a;iy subsl aj' .nt s ,imon, mar rrganiz, -
it&, r. mr!,PT such judicini disrlctr.t.
nusicg tug jug ;i", r.nd aft r the tim,: .
place of hol,,;_ .,e courtsh , a to t .
shall seem pro:p'r snd coinvenlient.
SEC. 16. And be if firrther enacted, that
all officers to be appointed by the President
of the United ttates, by and witlih the iLd
vice and consent of the Senate, fvr the
Territorv of Montana, who, by virtu t of
the protvhions of any law now etietitg,
or *hich'may be enacted by Congress;, ar.
-required to give security for moneps that
nday bi intrusted with them-fat -'disburro
wments. shall give such seentity at 'such
time and in such manneral the Secretary
of the 'reasury may pr ctrbe.
.`gn 17 " I3.a k. e.t .t .,..,, :...... t,.L " ' T
SEC. J7. And be*tfrither enade!t , T. -t
alU trc*Ltti~s, laws, and other cn'".t;n . -
niadcehy the Cwernmeitt of- tl e 1niti.
Statcs with thc-Indian tvib', inhabiting thN'
territory embraced witi% the ýrotitilieaof
thi4 act, Nhall be f4.tbfuitr and rid'z iv
olwrlrved. an~¶1iftgcoataiyiu in tfti9 Act to
the .ontrary notwithatanding; and that tho
existingi ~tonuiew and bu erintendeneivs of
iuid Irtdfnrn he continued *th ' the setn'_
,powcrt and duk;ies which ale now preir11't.
Ad bt-iWN iremit thiht. tue Prbitteht bf rth
United tat-is max, nt' hiiq diicrctilln.
ih'ingý the locetion of the 'c ' f ` 1 *i
;ig.'niciO or "'up_"rint-tidc-nte.
,:'_:,. 18. Anrrd be it Furth'· ?n-c r/ed, Thy,
ant;! ("vgr *h:iIl otherwii s direct. a.i
"hat .ti ,f thc 'T.-ritor'- of Idaho inriul%
ii wii thini tho follywirnn honoldar:.
wit: (':iiatl:>cine at a poiht f ';º.R" l.'
thur in rs5'eneln of. the- ti rt -t!irtt dert.'
of In itud^ wcqt from Waahii tron witla
the iort,-first 4' ree oh -": "
l:niuo' h we ain, to its latet'+sfejon writhl t!t"' fc.
fourth doei -and thirty minilt.'. "- f .it ;t
latilndio; teci'e egustward aftng said t-rtr
fnurth )O'nF ~igitude ' v et -fro
Wahingtona tbemite h*utih** iin *Iid
hirtr-fourth drgree oflongitude it r in
tersetiqr with tfhb f1!fl- tb decree t+,-rth
1a61tndoi tkeaca eastward along 96irif,,rty
Id'gvee of north Iatitude to -ita intcr-oc
1nwith tbo-t wenty-evetith degree of locf
Gitutel west fron 'Vashin toi; thence 'oatn '
along-ssnid twelnty-seventh 4.Pgr*'ci - "1..
t 1n+- w4.,* f4 ifuro \-h4ntf !Qs te' t-h -, *:i t -
'cut dtI'g' 0, nouit Ii. *-'riQ: h m
$10i1ý ý t!'o 1-h,' ,1.ý. - l h ` FN
.-$'atse t thba UIa se of Ktepres1tsts .rtvcs'
1,t4 amt- ADWMU)1 MePRI W RWSfl "lCtrk?
iaBt: w ARn McPX l 1 SO J) Clerk"
.Uw. L4 gGJIum eil.Ah Am.*.ire Stnryc
" JudgC BaId.rlu, oan c+1 ",-u - r+
sppotabksn,-a&..sod: geistl6m4'M - s .
feW days sfnce onGenvi l1 l-n:
upru lil nof a familiar Ac~ I·: i
u nc likmni a few years -sincesu.
prss-outuide ofeuptliaea't4~rlej~hr ;p - 1k
mjrgini*, n6t thinking that byr %C'C t ':a
wqt with a refusal, as u his broth n
wtim wes good Union men.
ý 114 We harebo.n deenived too often. -*Ai I
'General' -alleek, "sad I rogrea I .Dn(4
grant it."'
Judg B. thon wont to Staantngw.an'1 was
very bripif disposed of with the solbs- re
snit. Viually he obtained ao it rviist
with- Lincoln, and stated his caie: - 7
"c Have ou rwplie4'to "la. fla l-ted'
inquired t 2 President.
s: dadaitIG.'i· slat reIsal," r(
cc yo st Fainrcn
the paisideat
,,I hae, $nd wia thg msm14asoa t,x -
thre .;
i6 a iid Old`M swintthw
a~ .Lahit~ 1m, "1 can 'ita·r -iCl~t0~
Itmast ~now that .1 kmh. .jy IdWle jwi
uwnot wlk Ihi. dmipisuiei Iew+-W .
Sýt!3Me ýDM.'- Erýa 7 " *
Ali ý}} My'+didý d rM ý11yf· t ix ý l +º
*r't .*Wm a -. the k a
). eM VUiW3Id I·S
J? JQ Ito r.: .a- "' 7·J~ur
y.Ita~qAIb kaJ*4
a trplfa 1°A1 o the ,,ir d iP`!R ac icp
its4 a little beyonb#mmse of our cpaus
redtbh Stars w i "w", fLl
b Ncghi lbodMAaw,
~+i34v. ~ULL~~~~

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