Newspaper Page Text
.' - --:, i' , r,. .r ,; ni.-. L"1t , - . ".. " s ~ "1I - - -. OL. . exIR I • L O C , ir "." b.. ; .. . . : • .W rong. - -: r t- en ........G I OCTY... AERRITORY, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 31 1864 ' 0 I 9. i. . .tL --.... 41441 'loot D. W. Tilton, & Co.,. p. FP. TILTON. -B R A. . DT` s. ?t'ILTI3RIX AIM PROPRIXgyola. eFie, at the City Hook Store, COEr., of Wallace and -Jackga Sitit..ts. (Ate Cop crnn year. - - - $7.50 crIy. Fit months. - - - 4.00 Os* cony. thre months, - -- 2.50 - -- - ___________ ------~ ------ Hate. of Advertislng. 3t15nosr cards. (flve lines-6or 1..) one yer. $20 CO I sit months, 15 00;1 three months 1000 (, .qnara one year, (ten l.ines or lop) 40 00 Cr.: eclTrei i months ` " i 25 06 or;, rcuu r! t'ureh monthls altih 15 00 tisv''.ýr c-)' umn. one year, 00 00 1. f six moniqlj 45 00 ti::e 4.30 00 Sny Pe yeir. 80 00 six n-.onths, 60 00 three months 45600 O*, colun'r, ore yeat. 15 Q i X? :.u fltL~S' 100 CO SLro3 Tlonthi. 75 00 ~~r:, < 1 nIil hb allowed to c',iange ea. tw~ wiLLOtt cJ~ition tl charge. c^!trIunicit ons should be addressed tc ;:i, si I C (X., Vir~t~iia ('It'7, M. T. 1','n:in 'cf crery description csacuted in a !-". it .;:i .er ::Id at reasonable rate. CF tL' A DIRECTOVRY Tcrritarinl Officers. ;.,z~r. 'i T:Y EDGEaTON, Bannack City; ,- .'a [1. P.F1L:Y ;:.:Y:.. ýzýt` . i. L. iIOSMIER. 4 · TS .1 s-r·cz. ANEMI 'TDDTN(r, I.. R. WILLTSTm(., A--, \ " . '.. U. M. NEALY, Viriinia Cily; ci LIK. r i.r -, :.i:AAL. ,M. hY1)D. Tlc IT, t, JOIIN S. LOTT. :-s'v-ia JOHIN J. UltL. IT' iL'. ,'lIN S. ATCHISON. T. C. EVERTS. C:nt" (lffficers of ]Madison County. C"."u ('cn-iýrL eMer. J W. S rEReLI. `" "` FLe:-. K. ,CiLSyT. Fe . .T~;:r','. Tr'e. C. Jk-z:sr. L9', lae :T' N. HILL. I ' a:ci&'. 1:. 1i. AGe '. UAN. .:aint AA.%,_ur It 1)i~trlct.Jup~ty COOn. ~iiaicy pal Officer e of Virgialia City. Pea-v Jud3e .*n'1 Et-fjP :jo M-iayor, 6 . B1LSELL. L'Ce: era of Cronc]1, U. K. W no-PsCPR ý" ,' AxI. ScewAB, JAMES o ..farN. Fc " . ?dar: I1 Jmer' 'i-. IA'. - - a snic. Th, ro-iwftr c trunicatione of Virginia City Lodge. U. U., A. F. k A. M., rue e on tLe 2d :n1 4tL 1ateidav2 In aseek month. P. 3. FFOLjTS, W. M. ALx. PAYv., Sect'!. Church. Fr·.tchir ePrr P Faihth by :;r. A H. ToREET, of ' A. M. 2t the Court House. Sa bath School L: 2 ?. MJ. All are iivjlid to atter.d 3B SINE5'-.S CARl DS . F.r Jrry Cook. SANDERS k CO K. YTOPN.YS at Law, Virginia C ty, Montana ;. L. ,c: r.T,.1, [W. T. LoraLL. 3zc¶ATH & LOVEL , )t,,7rn..s -: Law, Virginia City, M. ., willpromp -' -r -:d to all ,rofesaional b:usine entrusted to tl :- c r-. 1--2m m:'. 3 : c W. Y. Pnmberto . II. Burns ;cC-rmic,:, Pemberton d Burns. .::c: :vs ,t Law, Virnini. City, Mo tana Territo : . . in Co'rtent'i Corner up-eta rs. 1-6m W. {. EIrFronr,. IR. B. PAariorr. L. W. BonTro'. .:i. Tows. Col. T.TAFrFO D, PAR IrOTT & ORTON, Ai'rrr, at Liw. Oince on Idrho t re.t. opposit: Lt cult .-cu e, Virgi',ia City, Mort a Territory. ?- in rPoc A . oe maker. Vi'rti.ia City, onrtana Ter '.e-. Tle best o. custom work ali eve on hand. ive m' a trrii. 1- i _O'PI CTUWhIT, c , !,k r. ' vsr ad City, Monty a Territory, v'; to his nomarou, customers that he is at ."- an han". to stuff the mouths of he hungry. r@ :l ." -Gm . i. N. CI1EPI , S.. -.,· .-m .x,1' 'r -, former!v a i ttnt in the Sd m; i i an lri, arlttach.i to the New " ; - . Nw ivYork--rrceutly f om flbuau.-. la . Vjirginia City, opp Vsite toi hay ,I. E 1I.': . L' Ti P.ctiarsl at } mr. tr rond J.wele . Partioclar 't.r:~,ti: nid to rep.iring all clarse of watchos. Y r t ,.f cry wirtch can be made new at this es I'- : .lt. ', wa r,,,te to give s tisfactron. €.;I e.smine specimens of Jewel y made from a -t, v ld. I1-1 I.-(' A.,INA 1IOTEL, ?-eveda Citfy, fMlontaa errilory. i " _.I; LANGfE, - - - . - .Porstrrao 'i ,i bt1! is situnted on Main stro t, and in the of .';- City. The t.l sclp lied with the t t, m:,rket affords, and the s loon furmia ed d" .:.e !b "L liquors. R.,an u :d b:- can be had at rea onahi. prices. • A-'" for board mod erata. 2 C. 'RTIFICATE OF TEN SHA ES OF TIlE ,'c, n:::il:dtrd S:lver Ftar Compae . The owner S' Pi, and paying for tbisadvertise !' c.,, Lart the se me at the City Book Store, jIt, 66 '-i "ýns+ý Street, opposite ecerder'S .''il rise B-,s:d azt- Lodging at $14 00 pa week. T ni@ who wanI warm. confcrL'4 bia .rd 410&0 hak. ný l" ýr#{ 3.ri.ýrw. lot themn el MaW d CA RI '3RNr . IDAHO HOTEL, Wallace street, Virginia City, M. T. J. M' Cane proprietor. The proprietor announees to his old friends and the public genually, that he is now preparad to accommodate boarders by the meal, day or Week at low rates. "ia table frimihed witth th but the market aords. - - SEWIS sA HALE, Mannfactrrs of JewtIry, Jackson stieet, Vir ginia lty, M. T. Strict attention given to re pairing all clases of watches, and warranted to give sat.sfaction. Keep constantly onhnialarge assortment of Jewelry. Every thing in om lino Srade to order at low rates, 1-3m HAIR DREiSSING ROOM. Hair Dyeing and Cutting Done in GOOD STYLE. TOM. WHITE, Proplietor. , ~Wim. DECKER. Surgeon Dentcist. OTFFCE IN PO.r OFFICE BUILDING. l-. tients visited at their residence when defired. tf-3 IOATH & CO., A MERPCAN WATC'ES JUST RECEIVED DI A1 rectfrom the manfaetorie,. Every d'scription ofJewelry manufactured from the Native Gold. Call, Examine Specir.en~, and then judge. Sign of the MAMMOTH WATCH NEVAIDA CITY, Montana Territory. Virginia City, Sept. 10, 1361. 3--.m Wm. DECKER. 'INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. Real Estate aatn Inlng Agency. All 'bvsine~ promptly attendod to. O·.e in Posf Ofice Building 4--tr J. T. HENDERSON, PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER. Office on C3vertreet, Vir gins City. 5--6m LIME AND BRICK. HENRY BAIER. Also Flue Building, and all kinds of brick work one to ordar. 6--3m Win. CHUMASERO. 4 TTORNEY AT LAW, VIRGINIA CITY, MON. L tans Territory. Offic-. corner of Wallace and Jackson street, at J. A. King's Store. 4-:r 1 Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon MUSTACHE AND HAIR COLORING. i loth ·ld of Wallace Street, Va. Clt_ LYONS WIWHITE, Proprietors. 1 $--Ty JOHN S. ATCHISON, NOTARY PUBILC. REVENUE STAMPS AND BLANK: FOR SALE AT ALLEN & MILLARD'S BANK. VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA TERRITORY. 4-ttf PEOPLE'S MARKET. Wallace St., Next Door to Weary'i New Bank. MEATS, VEGETABLES, GAME, SEc., C., A c. STEWART k BALL. __4 , jLU T UMBER YARD. Idabo strist, Virginia City, M. T. James Gen nall, proprietor. Keeps constantly on bhand all kinds of the best lumber, which will be sold at low rates. _ 1-1y STAR BAKERY AND SALOON, Nevada City, M. T. Patrick Ryan, proprietor. All persou: wishing good bread are requestel to call. Pices low. Also, beer furnished with tls. hest of drink!. Here is the place to get no honest loaf, a cake or pie, and "something to wash it wto . "' 1-0m PLANTER'S IHOUSE Corner of Idaho and Jackson Sts., Vir ginia City, Montana Territory. WM. & JOHN A. SHOOT (Formerly of the Planter's House, Hannibal Mo.) PROPRIETOIS. T E AI;OVE NAMED HOUSE, FORMERLY I conducted by Win. Sloan, Esq., having been enlarg d and re-fitted is now open with every facil ity for he accommodation of Guests and Boarders. Comfortable rooms andt beds are provided and the atble is carefully furnished with the boet tih mor ket and seasons afford. Sl'assei.ers for the early Stage Coaches can obtain good lodgings here aid be wakened at the proper huur. The patronage of the public is respectfully solicit d. Wx. J. J.o. A. SHOOT, 4-- " Paoeruoons. F. C. CoRSELL, 31. D. S. L. F. WARD, M. D. Drs. CORNELL & WVARD. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. (:uccassors to) Drc. UBROORE & GLISg. on Jackson Street, below Wallace, Virginia City. Montana Tor itory. . ly-12 JUST''s COOKE. GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Particular attention given to the sale of Live Stock and Real Estate, sales of Stocks of Goods in htors. Oifice at the Elephant Corral, Virginia City, M. T. 3m-18S Virgntai City ConileIl, No.2, V. L. A. T s IL. meetrr Tueday evine at 7 'clock. ]V H oe ir Of.e, 0. . BcS, .LIc ie T. H. 5ir.XIxllT, Roc. se'.'. r Fdsdtd-c Weof iSi;nate4 a nd House o Ri p,'ettag:est AgaJ the blessieg# of health and abun .dt1 hsarvest acn .otar profoundest grati tund. to 'Almighty God. .The o.nditio t of our foreign affairs is reasonably satisfactory. .Mexico continues to be a theatre of civil.war, and while our political relations with that country have Sundergone no change, we have at the same time strictly maintained neutrality between the beligerents at the request of the states of Costa Rica and Nicaragua. A competent ,ng/ineer.. ~as iea a..haeLisdw. to.'make a survey of the river San Juan and the port of San Juan., It is a source of much sat isfaction that. the difficulties which for a moment excited s9me political apprehension and caused a losing of the inter-oceanic transit route, have been amicably adjusted, and that there is a good prospect that the route will soon be re-opened with an in crease of capacity and adaptation. We could not exaggerate either the commercial or the political importance of the great im provement. It would be doing injustice to ait important South American State not to acknowledge the directness, frankness and cordiality with which.the United States of Columbia have entered into intimate rela I tions with this Government. A Claims Convention has been constituted to coin plete the unfinished one which closed its session in 1861. The new liberal constitu ~tn of Venezuela having gone into effect with the universal acquiescence of thce peo ple, the g2vernment under it has been rec ognized, and diplomatic intercourse has been openedl in a cordial and friendly spirit The long deferred Avis Island claim has been satisfactorily paid and discharged. Mutual pq~ments have been made of the claims awarded by the late joint commis sion for the settlement of claims between the United States and Peru. An earnest and cordial friendship continues to ('ist between the two countries, and such efforts as were in my power have been used i.t re move misunderstanding and avert a threat ened war between Peru and Spain. Our relations are of the most friendly naturo with Chili, the Argentine Republic, Bolivin, C ,,ta Rica, Paraguay, San Salvador and Iayti; during tile past yeer no diua'itrno, of any kind have arisen with any of ;rs. Republics, and on the other hand their k sympathies with the United States, arc constantly expressed. The claim arising from the seizure of the brig Macedonian in 1821, has been paid in full by the govern m nt of Thili. Civil war continues in the Spanish port of St. Domingo apparentiy without a Wroe pect of an early close. Official correspon dence has bean freely opened with Li:iria, and it gives us a pleasing view of social and political progress in that Republic. It may be expected to derive new vigor from Amer r ican influence, improved by the rapid dis apearance of slavery in the United Stater. I solicit your authority to furnish the re public a gunboat at a moderate cost, to be reimbursed to the United States by install ments. Such a vessel is neede~l for t:: esfety of that Statesagainst the native Af rican race, and in the Liberian hands it would be more effective in arresting the ; African slave trade than a squadron in car own hands. The possession of the least organized naval force would stimulate a generous ambition in the republic, and the ,onfidnce which we should manifest by furnishing it, would win forbtrancrc and favor towards the colonies from all civiliz ed nations. The proposed overland telegraph between S America and Europe, by the way of Behr ing's Straits and Artic Russia, which was s:nctioned by Congress at the last session, has been undertaken under very favcraLic circumstances, by an association of Amtur icar citizens, with the cordial good-wtii and support, as well of this Go:ernwment as of those of Great Britain and lCRnia. As surances have been received from the mast I of the South American States of their high N appreciation of the enterprise, and their - readiness to co-operate in constructing lines to that world-enciroling communica tion. I learn with much satisfaction that - the noble design of a telegraphic cuommuni cation the eastern coast of America and Great Britain has been renewed, with full t expectation of early accomplishment ; thus it is hoped that with the return of domestic peace, the country will be able to resume with energy and advantage, her former high career of commerce and civilization. 0 ur very popular and estimable representa tive in Egypt, died in April last, and an unpleasant-altercation which arose between the temporary incumbent of the office and the government of the Pasha, resulted in a suspension of intercourse. This was promptly corrected on the arrival of the n successor of the consulate. Our relations with Egypt, as well as our relations with the Barbary Powers, are entirely satisfac line reCoUiiiuu wauuu uaa ev ivuu uouL tI progress in China, has at last been sup pressed, with the co-operating good offices of this Government, and of the other for eign commercial States.- The Judicial Con sular establishment has at last become very difficult and onerous, and it will need leg islative regulation to advert it to the ex tension of our commerce and to the more intimate intercourse which has been insti tuted with the government and people of that vast empire.' China seems to be ac cepting with 'earty good will the conven tiol allaws which regulate commerce and social intercourse ahiong the western na tions. Owing to the pedulianrsituation of Japan and the anomalous forti of its government, antd the.actioh of that etmpire in perform p ing treaty stipulations is inconsistent and capricious, neverthetiss, good progress has been effected by the westtn powers snor ing with etalghtened concert. Our own pe·luntir clainims-ate been allowed, or put in course of settlement, and the Inland Sea reason also to believe'that these proeed migs have inoreaser rather than diminished the friendship of Japan towards the United States. The porta of Norfolk, Fernandina and Pensacola have been opened by przclanma tion, and it is hoped that foreign merchants . will now consider whether it is not more safe or profitable to themselves, as well as just to the United States, to resort to those r and other open ports, than it is to pursuti, through many hazards and ata mrst cost, a contraband trade with other ports which are closed, if not by actual military occu t pation, at least by a, lawful and effective blockade. For moyeif.L have no doubt of the povel`aiid Kuty of the Executive under the law of nations, to exclude the enemies of the human race from an asylum in the UniteJ1 States, if Congress should think that procde:lings in such cases lack the au thority of law, or uug't to be further repu diated by ii. I recommend that provision be made for effectually preventing foreign slave traders from acquiring domicil and facilities for their criminal traffic in our country. It is possible, that if it were a new and open question, the maratime pow ers with the right they now enjoy, would not concede the privileges of a naval bel f ligerent to the insurgents of te United States, destitute as they are and always have Sbeen, equally of ships, ports and harbors. Disloyal emmisarics have neither been less assi'ious nor more successful during the last year than they were before that time, in their efforts, under favor of that privi !ego to embroil cur country in foreign wars. Nevertheless, nnforse.n politicil difficulties h:ave arisen, especially in British and Bra zillian ports, and on the northorn boundary of the Uuitud States, which have required, andl are likel to require, the practice of constant vigilance and a just and concilia tory spirit on the part of the United btates, as vell as of the nations concerned, atd governm.nts. Co nminsiiners have been appointed. un der the treaty with Great Britain on the ladjustmcnt of ojaims of thie Hudson B;v and Puget Sound A.gri'ultural Companies, in Oregon, and are now proceeding to the cxecut on of the trust nasigned them. In vi=w of tie insceurity of life in tuh region adjaeont to the Canadian border by Srecent a s:.t;,ts al, deprdlatins corimmtte' -i Inimical and desperate persons who are harbured tua.:, it is thouxht proper to give notice, than after the ca; :r'.tion of six months-the period .c2:litionally stipuatt i ed in the existing arrangements with ';i-zt Britain-the United States must hold them selves at lil:.2rty to increase their naval ar :nmanr.nt upon the lakes, if they shall "nd that p:'oceii g noe.essarv. The condition of'ih"t hirder will nec.esarily come into censidcration, in connection wiih the oins tion of con:inuing or moiifying tbg rights of traunit from Canada through the United States, as well as the regulation of exports, which were temporari!v established by the recinrocity treaty of the 5thl of June, 184. I dcsi, iho'wever. to be understood while making this statement, that the Colonial authoritict are not deemed to b,- intention ally unjust or unfriendly towards the IUit ed States. but, on the contrary, there is every reason to expect that with the ap proval of the imperial government, they will t:ke necrsary measures to prevent n,"w incursions across the border. The :ac passed at the last session for the eucourvemient of emigration, has, as far a s ,posib.le, been put inito operatio.. It 's eci s to need amendment which will ena ble the olacers of the Government to pre " vent the practice of frauds against the em igrants while on their way, and on their arrival in ports, so as to secure them here a fair choie2 of vocations and place of set I tciuent. A liberal disposition towards this great national policy is manifested by most o of the European states, and ought to be reci;rocated on our part, by givinz the em Sigants efficient national protection. I re S gard our emigrants as one of the principal I - replenishing streams which are appointed tl y Providence to repair the ravages by in I t:ernal w-ar and its wactes of nat'ional r: st-enth and wealth. All that is necessary is to secure the fow of that stream in its - present fullness, and to that end the Gov Snment must in every way make it manifest - that it neither needs nor desigrs to impose I involuntary military service uplon those who L'L come from other lands to cast their lot in our country. a The financial affairs of the Government s have been successfully administered dur- g ing the last year. The requisition of the c last session of Congress has beneficially i affected the revenue, although sufficient a time has not yet elapsed to experience the n full effect of several of the provisions of a the acts of Congress imposing increased 1 taxation. The receipts during the year iJ from all sources upon the basis of warrants b signed by the Secr,,tarv of the Treasury, i: including loans and balance in treasury on g the ist day of July, 1e3, were $1,394.796, c Ou7 62, andt the aggregate disbursements e upon the same basis wore $1:,288058,101 89, a leav:ng a bal:a:e in .he the treasury, as j' shown by warrants, of $96,739,905 73. t Deduct from these the amount of the prin- e cipal and public debt redeemed, and amount of issue in substitution therefor, and the e actual cash operatior. of the treasury were: I receipts, $894.076,646 77; disbursements, $865,234,087 86-which leaves a balance in r the treasury of $18,842,558 71. Of the d receipts there were derived from customs F $102,316,152 99 ; from lands, $538,333 29; a from direct taxes, $175,648 96; from in- a ternal revenue, $109,742,134 10; from mis- r cellaneoas sources, $4,757,141 310; and r from -loans applied to actual expenditures, a including the former balance, $623,443,929- t 12. There were disbursed for civil service, $27,505.599 46; for pensions and Indians, $7,517,930 97; for war debt, $60,791,842 97; c for navy department ý$5 73329 79; for t interest of public debt 675,421 09- -i making an aggregate o $8,234,097 86; and leaving a balance in the trp..sry of $19,942,559 71, as befoie stated. 'or theif actual receipts and disbursements for the . and disbursemnets f~r-the three remaining lp I quarterb of- the current fiscal year,' and.the general operatigns of the.treasury in detail, I refer otu- to the report of the Secretary of th Treasury.- I- con. b cur with him in the opinion that the b, .proportion of the .anies reqkfred to moet s the expenses consequent upon the war, de Srived from taxatiob, should be still further = increased, and I earthestly invite your at- "m tention to this subject, to the end that there A may be such additional legiilation as shall & be required to meet the jit expectations ci of the secretary. The public debt on the first day of July s last, as appears by the be*h.-of the Tree' p sury, amounted to $1,749,689,499 49; and o, probably should thl war continue another o0 yealr, that amount may be increased by not ns far from $500,000,000. Held, as it is, for g the most part, by our own people, it has be- w come a substantial branch of national, ei tItnugu pr ate property. For obvious rea- iu sons, the more nearly this property can be v distributed among all the people, the better w to favor such a general distribution, greater fir inducements to become .oners, might, per- o haps, with good, and without injury, 'uv presented to persons of limited means. w With this view, I suggest whether it p I might not be both expedient and competent e for Congress to provide that a limited amount of some future issues of public se curities might be held by any bona ide a p;:rehaser, excmpt from taxation and from seizure for debt, under such restrictions o and limitations as might be necessary to . guard against the abuse of so important a d privilege ; this would enable prudent per- n sons to set aside a small annuity against a possible day of want. Privileges like these, a would render the possession of such secur- o i ities to the amount limited, most desirable to every person of small means who might be able to save enough for the purpose.- v The great advantage of citizens being cred itors as well as debtors, with relation to the d - public debt, is obvious. Men will readily e perceive that they cannot be much oppress ed by a debt which they owe themselves. Ther public d'bt ou the first day of Janu- e ary last, although somewhat exceeeding the estimate of thle Secretary of the Trea , . ' 'o tCon,-ress at last sc..:;:,n, falls short of the estimate of that officer made i in the pr"ocdin, D.ecer'mdr as to its proba e ble amount at tho beginning.of this -ear, I e by the sum of $3,9b5, 079 33. This fact exhibi:'ts a satisfactory condition and con duct of the operations of the Treasury. r t' 1b National banking sy teno is proving to be acceptable to capitalists and to the - peopl. On tho 25th of November, 584 c national banks had been organized, a con a ciderable number of which were conver o (ions from State banks. Changes from the SState system to the National system are s rapidly taking place, and very soon, it is t b hopod, there will be in the United States no bank of issue not authorized by Congress, e and no note in circulation not secured by sur iUVI unmUL, LutI zue puopie wiit aerive general benefit from this change in the ! banking system of the country, can hardly be questioned. The national system will! create a reliable and permanent influence in support of the national credit, and pro tect the people against loss in the use of paper money. Whether or not any further I legislation is advisable, for the suppression 1 of the State bank issues, it will be for Con gross to determine. It seems quite clear that the Treasury cannot be successfully conducted, unless the Government can ex crcise a restrain'ng power over the bank note circulation of the country. The report of the Secretary of War, and the accompanying documents, wili detail the campaigns of the armies in the field since the date of the last annual message, and also the operations of the several ad ministrative bureaus of the War Depart imcnt during the last year. It will also specify the measures deemed essential for the national defense, and to keep up and supply the requisite military force. The report of the Secretary of the Navy rresents a comprehensive and satisfactory I exhihit of the affairs of that Department, and of the naval service. It is a subject of congratulation and laudable pride to our countrymen, that a navy of such vast pro portions has been organized in so brief a. period, and conducted with so much effi ciencv and success. The gfneral exhibit of the Navy, including vessels under con struction on the first of December 1864, shows a total of 671 vessels, carrying 4,G10 crease during the year, over and above all lopses by shipwreck or in battle, of 83 ves sels, 100 guns and 42,427 tons. The total number of men at this time in the naval 1 service, including officers, is about 51,000. There have been captured by the navy dur ing the year, 324 'essels; the whole num ber of captures since hostilities commenced is 1,300, of which 207 are steamers. The gross proceeds arising from the same, of condemned prize property thus far report ed, amounts to .$14,3'96,250 51. A large amount of such proceeds is still under ad- 1 judication and yet to be reported. The to tal expenditures of the Navy Department, of every description, including the cost of 1 the immense squadrons that bare been call ed into existence from the 4th of March 1861 to the slet of November 1864, are $23,667,262 35. Your favorable conside ration isjnvited to the various recommen dations of the Secretary of the Navy, es pecially in regard to a navy yard and a suitable establishment for the construction and repair of iron vessels, and the machine ry and armature for our ships, to which reference was made in my last annual mes sage. Your attention is also invited to the views expressed in relation to the leg isli4ion at the last session of Congress in respect to prises in our inland waters. I cednlially coancur in the recommendation of the Seoretary as to the propriety of creat i•ing the new asak of Vice Admiral in oar Naval service. - . to o SYour attenteih inritbd to thberi? the Poetmaster General for a detailed so count of operations and the finntsial con= uzuoD oU ag sO 05 b Tgeut The ipostal erun $or the year endin Jin 30th, 1884, ocnted to *12.438,8 J 78 itheexess . - qrea.ove, receipt beini g$2O, Th view presented by the Po G-e, . le oa sbe- ot of ! Pecialganb . the poyernment in.aid oft the establM ute ot'new lines of ooean mail steam ships, bd the policy h recom Saends for the deielopment of .Oa4se4m commercial intereose wi sj . ad neighboring countriae should receiva the careful consideration o.f Coagress. It is of aoteworthy interest, tha-t5 stsady e~p oaim oea -of mMaA..i prosement 15 igovernmental inriatiems I over the new and unoccupied portons f our country have scarcely been checked, much less impeded or destroyed by our great civil war, which, at the frst glaac. would seem to have absorbed almost the entire energies of the nation. The organ isation and admission of the State of N. vada has been completed in conformity with the laws, and our excellent system is firmly established in the moujitaine which once seemed a barren and uninhabitable w tte between the Atlantic States and those which have grown up on the coast of the Pacific ocean. Tht Territories of the Unit ed States are, generally, in a condition of pprosperity and rapid growth. Idaho atid Montana, by reason of their great distance and the interruption of communication with them by Indian hostilities, have been only partially organired, but it is under stood that those difficulties are about to disappear, which will permit their govern ments, like those of others, to go into speedy and full operation, as intimately connected with and promotive of the material growth of the nation. I ask the attention of Congress to the valuable information and important recom mendations relating to the public lands, In dian affairs, the Pacific railroad, and min eral discoveries, contained in the Report of the Secretary of the Interior, which is here with transmitted; and which report also embraces the subjects of patents, pensions, and other topics of public interest pertain ing to this Department The quantity of pulnie land disposed of during the five quarters ending on the 30th of September last, was 4,221,342 acres, of which 1,538, 614 acres were entered under the home stead law. The remainder was lested wit.h militarv warrs!.t;h agricultural script, certified to States for railroads and so'd for cash. The cash receipt from sales and location fees were $1,019,4J6. The in come from sales during the fiscal year end ing June 30, 1864, was $578,007 21, against $t36,077 95 receipts during the preceding year. The aggregate of aeres surveyed during the year has been equal to the quan tity disposed of, and there is open to pet tiemont about 133,000,000 acres of surveyed land. The great enterprise of connecting the Atlantic with the Pacific by railroad and telegraph lines had been entered upon with a vigor that gives assurance of success.- Notwithstanding the embarassments arising from the prevailing high prices of materials and labor, the route of the main line of the road has been definitely located for one hundred miles westward from the initial point at Omaha City, Nebraska, and a pre liminary location of the Pacific railroad of Califoruia has been made from Sacramento eastward to the great bend of the Truckee river in Nevada. Numerous discoveries of cold, salver and nany heretofore known, and the country ,ounded by the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Jountains and subordiLate ranges, new eems with enterprising labor whieh is ichly remunerative. It is believed that he products of the mines in that region uas, during the year, reached, if not ex eeded $W10)..000;L3 in value. it was recommrndcd in my last annual nessage that our Indian system be remed led. Congress at its last session, acting in the recommendation, did provide for re organizing the system in California, and it a believed that under the present or-aniza ion, the management of the Indians there rill be attended with reasonable success. duch yet remains to hbe done, to provide or the proper government of the Indians n other parts of the country, and to ren or it secure for the advancing settler, and .o provide for the welfare of the indian. Ihe Secretary reiterates his reeomnmenda :ions, and to them the attention of Con ;ress is invited. The liberal provisions to the invalid sol liers and saitors of the republic,and to the widows, orphans and dependent mothers >f those who have fallen in battle. or died >f disease contracted, erof wounds receir Ad in the service of their country, have been iilligently administered. There have been admitted to the pension rolls during the year ending the 30th day of June last, the names of 16,770 invalid soldiers, and 27I lisabled seamen, making the present num ber of army invalid pension '22,767, and of navy invalid pensions, 712. Of widows, orphans and mothers, 22,198 have been placed on the army pension rolls, sad 248 on the navy rolls. The preseni ans ber of army pensions of this clase is 24, 133,- and of navy pensions, 793. At the beginning of the year, the number of rev olutionary pensions was 1,43(--only 13 of them were soldiers, of whom 8 bave slate died. The remainder are theed w^h,' n. der the law, receive pensions because o relationship torevolutonarg soldier,. Dur ing the year ending the 30th of Jane 8148, $4,504.616 92 have been paid to Lpenson erg af all classes. I cheerfully comusaea tojoa)r So Pui4 patronge, the benevoleat 'ti g ltioms of the District of Columbia, whikAke Jtiil. erto been established or b S!y Cm gres, and , tefer tion coneeming them igp Washting~to agaed er matters o the Secretary. teomm *. ~43s aklt.) *.