Newspaper Page Text
••:,VOL. 1. VIRGNIA CITY, ONTANA RRITORY SATURDAY,JAUARY zi : ir t l L~ I ftau. c?2f NA$f 1 2U A '. Ca,- n led1 or in - C- - ---------- D. W. Tii~on, &o Co., ý. W. TIirta,. ift. It. DIrru. trLtlTXRXV AYD rROrxIzToRs. otri.. at tbe City- Book Steve, C NWUCI of Wa12atct ang Jackson Sw..'*. s TERMS: lLe ee, one Thar, - - (n* eayi. tix rths. - -' - i On. vpv. threoinontls _ - - 2 .50 flats: ; [.drtertisln;. Ruaiueu carde, (live lines or It,) one yeas 20 00o I 9 i mfOnitr, 15 cf "t " " "trse W"tUe 10 0as egn r ws ý' x Oat tna.three m t E' EN M Quartar column, one year, 60 six mo:)tbJ 4 if thmr, w 00o Eal! eolumn, onr year, to CO six months, 90 cO ttrf " oah CO CO One oclzmn, one past j. six munth.' 'so CO Ire .0 t rtr months, 1f5 C0, 5COErlar erdvrtis.-s wi~l be allowed to eLzn e e qasrterly without additionai charg.. A:! Iýiwinea c()'nlu!! .ication. sbolol'i be sddrgae 3 to 1). W. TILTOf £ Co, \'ir tri i pity, M. . T. I Job Printing of every trciiption ureeuted in a Cnpsric~r rar.sinr an 1 at rsa onablq rate~. OFFICIAL 3DIRECTORY. Terri CeriaI Officers. *Qrmnort, STD'FNT FW1R RTON, Buaaaur City; ýtCP.ic7AtY II. F. FORSFY: A'.oCIATr JcsrIJe. AM BI a IThIº\I IS, " " L. Ii. WrlLT;-T~f' ATIT. GKrK1.Ay., F. R. NfALY, Vi'ginia Mily; )As~tgwAL, C. J. RICK, ErRYET01t CYOR;juAf M. B)OYD. .4 crr.. JOHN S. LOTr. TuEIvs taX JOhIN J. HULL. NVrir.y PuRuu, JOHN S. ATCHISON. Asa'ssng, T. C. E VFP'TS. womnty Offlecwg of Madison County. Oeunty Comniiioaars, J.usa Fa>sars, AYnLeL VK. S'rArZ, FRED. K. b~o:. Probatt .Tud~r Tu~os. C. Jozai. Treuurr, I:flo0: N. hhiu. Recorder. R.K . ITAgAMAW. Ajsiibo1t Aueesor lbt litAijct,Jsai4Cool. Mnies!uij Cfficerg of Virginia Cit-. Paliir J1iZte mid I T E-Qrcjo M-ror, G. C. Thiurt.. MHrneneaot Council, L. K. Con--fat F, .t rrS (Uji o;t "" " N. Foam. 4wiv-FtPa,JrRVT nor..uc. ,rmSronIc. ¶te r.rular eornir. ricsrions of Virinria City Ledre. U. D., A. F.: A. M., are .hld on Lt. 2d ainl itit Satzrdays in eugh month. P. S. PFOUTS, W. U. Atex. Drv:e, Sae*'y. 1 r eRChicy cmvrv S rLbth by Rer. A. f. Tw.3wr, at !1 A. M. at the Court Ilcos.. Shbbath Dcbeooi at P2 . U. Al lre i-rvlted to attmad. C3115INES1 CAJID:. W. Z. r,-,ie,.,. Jerry Cook. S AKI D 3 ; COOK. ,TifNEY3 at Law, Virgioai City Montda F"-i W. L. WMCiirrr] [W. T. LoVsuL. !Kc A T1& sC 1VELL, Afro-S m rtt lam, i-;,I'ia City., M. T., will promp t;. attrnd to 311 pr aio aL i,'tineju entrusted to LiCsrc. l-tm W. J. 3; 14 Y Fibron I. 'r eC3rr. crý, P 'erbartzcn & Burn". Atto .a(`CF st Law, : i'-gi-ia City, Montana Tortito ir. (.e;c' in Ccr~tert'# ('ornerup-striv. l--lm' ''. 'I. i :evrsr, r.. B:. II·arorT, L. W. D~r.TONi. C" I. I ru . 'ol 'IAmt3 rD , PAfIIROTT & MORTON, A'tCrnq, a; Lrw, Ot1!ec on Idao !tet. oprnos:t Scoct cu, V'irginia City, Montsrna Territory. J B. JUxi, No,. & `shoe maker, Vir inia City. Montara Tor g'1t.'y. *ih. bmat of custom work always on Land. GIVE v, a t'al. ]-era rench rk",I N vada City, Montana Tarrit'T:', would nsf t lt:ir n1u¶sm : citornr tha.t be is al. warJ sn Band to eruff the moutli oi ho n7. f)I13 N. CLEPU, t P r 'ici an and 5 n r !oii, fo rm er l y rta Mi t n t i n t 5 ± ='1ni: F nmidi in Pnris, and atta&he4 to the NCew Yo' 1 I;mrital, Nev 1 ork--rrpctntly f~om ,·SUuque Towa" CO'cqiri Virginia City, opposite tle hey D1`. wLTLr11 IPrecical Watctnrkgr and Jawelrr. Partienlsr It!t1lioo paid to repai;ing all clauaes of watchee. Any wait of ar.y watch can be mace new at this .6 kbb int, end warrainted to give iatiefactaon. a.ii a d exaar°ne Spccimens of Jewelry arao. from ti*ltlative col-. ____ CCtLl ;I,:N.A 11iiC L, Nevada City, Mopniana Territory. V,\U .BELANGEr, . ... - - Pauraron. This hotel is eituated on Main street, and in the ost pal t of the City. Thb table supplied with the 'st tl.. manket affords, and the saloon furaished wIth tl.s beet liquors. Roo ms ar.d beds can be bad at reasonabl prices. Car4 board moderate. 2 TIFICATE OF TEN SHARSS OF Trq S onsolidated Silvear StarCompany. The owner bLy prbvirin- property and payvig for this advertise ment tan have th team it the City Book Stor, irginin City. 4-"f eH',SCOy* 0 1A. I S J&E. Itahb" Street. Oppelte I3ecerf o Offico " Wl Siva Board taIgil a$ 1400 M *inR b. Any one who waeq as ao Vien, ls usej l ar, le S them: kbt·Lwll~ I~l~ ( GREAT FIGT BETWEEN OWON R. O!BM & HG O'REIL. FOR $1,000 d Side, tt Gold, and the RiAn .laoey. t 6ý 5 A* ? . Loney Tie nl `%%chhiQý conflict between these two tbn ha.' for some tume prp been the rent tol;ic o, th, day in Virgini city.. 1i001 mill is dan'u Staunch friends su4 entered- the P: R. toi Cunt,% the palm of riCtorr. I Tl ' Jo zr CoDnLK O't'x o , as pan rai I~- t~rnixI, Con Orrn., nwe born in J835, 'v C. r;ol county, Ohio, and brought tip at F Extklýnl v, in tha a;un .tLate, until he bh t nttain~d to m to e:t.t'. 11is fatror,"wbo waa a bh~etr't'il osh t '.rnit., brought ,p, his son to to mi o~cup'tion, and tsught h in bow f to u~eom~ a Peiznt ie wrestlur, he being ore of tha very first artiitg in gi Own natjice `Stte of M1..rrlnd. ii serred his tint' t(b t!.., t.. t .., nu. t1 eting aerred his tiro~ to tash. u b t1e:1 , h. Ij-'4 ac th:iiredI such prowcds. in thi WO ariu t, ahrt h: start..d on 1 tour throughout the We .t, engagii^ in matches c-rvwn-hzre lhe went, for frotu $20 to $3'J n sid:·, 8-ner*lI !y coummin o08' sun "mFful tip to this time, and ever since, the chbehapon of ( !orasdo rimale it his doctrineY to touh, tas:', or bhad!e not, cith!r spirituous or waltiquor!, or u~e toba:teeo in any forme. Fur thraý eprtint oo j anc .storm have, with alight upd t~hi, COure of 1ift. * ; uvc Veit", he fetched up in I)nrer City, Caorah]o T-'rrjtorv, where he state 1 in the busin0ey of a biack rnith, 4nd go: aio., go wAyII, tha;l in a sirjrt time he K.3 enabeiad to employ quite a numhar of joure,~ nd earntd mu~nev rery fast. Iea spent molt of his leisure zame iu the Rocky Msunta4ins buflMlo hunting and bhooting ;tnm. living pretty much like a w.kgtern pioneer, campino and roughit,.t it gmenrally. In this wiv ho beame +r v l ie becamem quite an ezrn'rt withi tie ri3 and hbwie knife, and his had in-my a hand to hand cocount . r with Old Bruin, Con's first regularring Sght wna in thu spring of ];31, when hie ;n't a mgu Calihd "Tcxi5," and whippecd biut e;l:' in two rounds. PreTOon to this in thr Wnint'ýr of 860 be had a slight brush with Jack O'\ei_ Rh, da with Jack O'Neil, who was count.d some thing of a fight;r, and soon after this street fuss, a match was arraoned, hut it w.s hrken o'f by the death of O'Neij whD v;N shot. Con'. next aparance is ti'e P.: R. w.a in his match, lith Ro ,ch Enoch Dt ries, neor D)enver, August 24th, le !. T.h' 6aht.! ted 1:40, and *t the O19th round, tended to his busi.ius after this fight untii the spring of 1863, when b'in~ on a vis;t to the e.strn Stte, he m a:, It ntch fo:' S5 isiewith º ~ ?* ow' -~~o. Z11 p 'rtiea º'nt at Cheese C(;'k, N. J. Aft·: tinhtin 1`J 'ounJd, iin 23 ri nut'a!, the mno broke up the fht on pretcn^ of a foal, thL· v~rd'ee, with a rcvolv,ýr lookin- into bi. ear, cj :,ddi;a Rt~iinit Oreio. Con n,.,. Phtr'' nrad E li':t. th e vonnh gianut and a w~Lc'a wva~ atrrnu:-d for e2,(ij) ech and th, cht-mroionsh p of tho midd!? weights. T ia . hlowever. c irn to naught, L;iliott pay ino fu!f.jt. tindinr it ha~trdj to mnake a match, Con hetailanlJ c erieitfor $1,00. Tth r a·xt naY0lic act in 's'tn's life was his t;"Il wits Ri M " Mrig It ws.q9 thº°ow., 1e' it, fin tfut o!:`' tkR, j, t z:!tj t feLe'j Fse rv fO. This wasq fuA!owt1d by a glove ghilt with ti'6ramqmln. Con was the Victov, after r. liv+"iy atrrg'ie in the S:nv vF·:ant Iugtitulte, S-N Yuri;. Since his a4- ix:nt in V iruini, Ctv, Orrin list ke';t the l'ii::mp;on s: loo'n, pcIching the spnanulick3 w th scat rapid:piditr . Tne noie~lss telnor ~,f his wRT ~as temprrrarilv hrokc.n in upon 1" i.. b!ack gioTo fight w;th Jo, Bryn, in wzicrhe wa3 scCcessful., bhating Bean b. ,,n9 Ins!·E. HUG U Xc:, 2 .htlLcn1ýer in th2 prrs ent c¶6'.w4s born in tli· pyrish of Liu hpee wau: nr of Ant' al, in thl North of Ireland. 011: eni g"t d to this uour'trv at a vcry a:·l:age. Tie f.i. boon for a~v'ral vcars a u n:nnr, std although by lrap mnte than '^": atttied t'e p)retensions of s, :ounrh coqtmrn'r9 iii tb-C ouktsido world in a Etvie wh'cca hJcd no 9 '11 easy tiuncg for snar future opnozent, vet he fo~ifht onl once in thei- P. I:., vriz: near Sonora, Tati lumtn, eountr. Cilifornia. Ilis age is 34. n tins eontaet be whipped Torn 'acev, atlsas I. Yh+ " ini 21 rounmds, and by his squaars delivery aand unainching bravery. cv-rn~d bims'lf a character ftr courage and gkil, wb'ch, £j-coming known. b - waqurgd to giv: tbe chxlIenge wiciL!h led to the present eov'uater, whiich it ic is our duty now to record. Tvlt LISTS. The nn; was p!tchel at tile lower.'end of thb Le ,iath.n Hall. a building on the north side o£ Jack son street, Virginia City, erected with a special view to the developenent of muzcllar talent by Mr. J. A Nelson. The structure as 85 feet long, by 2S broad; Two galleries are built around the lower end and the ridas for about half the lentb. of thr building, and a range of graded se:ti, neauly the wiltth of the hall, run fromr the ring to the southern end. There was a densr crow4 cl:-d in a~ mo~"}y styleas ever the sun shone upon, but pover ty was not on the ground. In the aesembly though the male element greatly predominated, yet the fair s x was not unrereeented. Additional accern wdat4onus was afforded by erecting a lean-to around thse of the baildijg in $h neeghborlhood of Sthe ring and there seaWs were proridedand thronged with occupaats. The ring was leveled vry fair and covered with fine gravelly send.. iaugh ' Brass Band was in attendance, and we Jt will be where we go on su occasions, the music lad by J. Heidlingar in alikecreditabl It *h*easi cons and eolivesayn to the aedience. h*eiselystl6 atinatae peat one t teu f tlt robfain inte arre fbllowi It l of sg .o& e *w sinew sr we hav* leok -isy . htor over tb tq and in - .l' tom &. ° 4 :"" ,-, ,", "'l[. tMftp. °+r ril yr Liti i º "rý ýº rYý ' 1swr + "11° D6 £ hrs.11 (Iaers b w a it boiert. adth the wa. Wed ~trie the etaj I £theps t" m*u t.i . 11 As, the tto"may yhe tdntk,. of J Oh. to diat, at bean trained by Mchie ýl. orgr wan : had' etted"Abyl" hs trainer Lan MWm Tod Thomaow. ofiaciatj. a umpire forct l ey... Mbe~yll ya cttd i f ore1e. 1i.. n. A. t ononu pize Onlr bb~ig if~r rh 'd~Ofthe Lorijbn Ptriz ltiaCI ks~ read from the trlbrl and at;, miaatm to 2 the larshooka baý,. i Ca, Onra steads 5 f- :~c" II a ~ +1I OUi-&o rgabQUtl~ S1 ('N.eil bad tbas. arantaý of 52 po Jfi a Wk orjlu bi:s ride am-d £owtwo inc!,ei of beift, br.g al I tot;her thi. .largr an+ moeeg hPowerful roan ILickjset, coQL unflinching , lerve >u , balmy strenrgth. T1+. bodi~(ng was altoyetherr i fiai Lvor. as it aenei.J iwpi.ioj n to h op t a man of Orem' ruze c,;,;: coutn~t the d ,ph at "iI bucc~uuJy. IIzh ran nct so firm a flhet as iOrarnL. If lookeu evidentIy rofter. iii clear bIi'i g.Y eye Randl firn liouth, howwer, tOu plin ly oi bar,* times ezpc.cI~d SW 4 nis5 re ady. Ar R. . ,LsAti. . -' .,v 'uL1I - li D :T v cli)V l UIU I M CN~l ; ant quicz:y eac.'\ Dim toId tBh I .·steh nn E TI:.% BATTLE. Round the fgt.-:YNabshort and liTeIy. Con hot in his right on thi ribi reo3ivinjl a f'c aimnle fromii I1uNji T. inO . closed for th,. ;:z1 ar. I mnEtort, s,'U4o stra3?gis 1,o'h fell 'n cn:·mot . er7 lIite avow, but i:n^'i '.sbcd (L Vito his corn'r--sharp erI rgrs or ttu: tills, (t'S;"il >!' t~irnin * ri+"ht ;;;indcr 01 tsi r'UYP f roi' )r'~n. then a but!, tlurn, t)retl itnnie!r. The t.ppi3'trant of lid ~·::· cn Ir,:rl t che -!'-.k tinlaun~e:I th ' t rrt `iood for (OiC.,. In rnnulin to I !R'_, 1 Joi Il; ftrrek Ilh iLin t~i ear wlith tits tile cf Gi:s I, 2e'cj~jfn a:. i krLc-.xl..t; r;e~nt ar: n ein thL (f:OCtt from lick-º ''s J' t. .' a litt:e r ptrr;n; Con ,L a r ij haen ;.L's8 ais t 9honit !r ht:n!yily into UUgW lowle L th urn pi:- - sbort. in r. ce6 lCepondin lo,;:iion. Cn sli pipd to his kr~e( it but p !.'' t~v hi.; left on IIIaZh's knorr'.";;f., %:. 1 tIrrreF(he ocompliiLvrIt heavvil-h with his left below the £houiider, knocrin. Con w'io was retiring, off his feet. First knock daten for Htegb. Laud cheers fra n O)'Nil's friend,, :tnd ot'3rc of three to one, in h:un dreds arainst Orca. A 4. C trecfl.uptrring, Con makin-' all the plv; JHughi cirtiniuU on tho watch, merely turning to face his *ntagnnigl wiithoet ojl" r ;rourd. A tremen ou4 mnk fr^;: 'Uon r, ht went h ;e o.1 I!urh's riBe; the ý·n1 c1u. 3d and Cotis fea unfr1rni. 5. lies·rr exe:lt!rze . r;L~ g ll n o " npi 1ý". ot: the 3oy ' ffh forced Con back to tho ropesand hued hrr a :t:r. tL3 postu.:, +ep rletel by ais rfthers; . tý·" to ·"r) a ro ý` r~' an: s oth !fl31. Cp ii aent ;n h.s Je't on ;4e r-anr· S')ot inli4J ;h r.sw gyred Fi~e sall w Lh hz. on the b: jt. The'eo'co' jOUtiL'A nn l Lbjt!i nf& ndernxc t. 7. CGm r; ' irte-d r riia nr. tL br' IL~k1 wK h bis 1ft, but ,.t atWhV; bc then pit in an :opoarantr mth h= w i', , ;c nv ul r on IlIInb'R ktmnoI~we box ; i'II rusit1 in~hut after rtahooi st. ;:sie they dr n ,Irat~d; Hugh furciný Con to tht rop's, `t '9van awful lefr.h":id' at Conw riJght eve which he r~rideJd by the i -i of ,t1 inca, and Hugh's hand ru~nning open it! n the rop, cain ft3a~aL the post with great forc', sprinirn. Lis hind and learing it W.)rli litl;e far' the rcet of the, -ht. !n tbe fIall Cott was un: ermuost. lune (;f his right on th3 sh..t ribs, r' criring a counter on the chest san:ing tenam. A c!oe, and Con slipped down; IHugh'a left swe:ling, before putting up 'hit huals he Lad to dose !th left with the right. 0. I!earv exchan;es on the body. Cen aulfferin two heasy .solcks near the seat of wickecdes frer i ugh's ri;ht, and a viditution on the mq, getting the worst of the round alto;:ther, being Lthree time. short in his delivery; he fell backwar&., asl llu;h on him. 10. A roun!ing rap from Con's ri;!zt, just over the dividing line and no more; a clinch, Con down, a.l Huinh heavily on him. 11. Sparring; Con as nnal msaking t~ phsy, Hugh standing his gronud,and merely tunid.a round to wmet his untagonilt. A finale was put to this by a quick shot from Con's right on Haluh'e cle.k, flulh forcdl CCn back to the ropes, sendirg in Lis right ofl the che.t, when Con viitedl Mother Earth it ropes.U 12. Att,5 a snort fu the men went roxin-afgt in" ; Con put 1,. four blows on the che-t with his right. and recm-ved two fronlt lugh's ri;1t. The nmen grlpplxl and Hug . it! undrnethb. 13. llu;h sent humrn his ri;mt heavilyv: Cenmmrt ing it with a counter under the a'ma-pit--Con alip pad. andlugh fell on him. 14. A oun'ding rap from Con's rihit on Iqh'i's short-ribs; hlavy counters from hIugh's right ;botb rushed in. and Con, lstting ly with his rig.t, as Hugh made a pace to the rear, krocked his oppo nent square down with a rap on the site of . s. head 15. Con brisk and lively, Ilush puin; t 7cod dadl. Some h.ght eschange on the ribs at# Cop slipped down. I~.. llear. right-handa* counters ;n the ri:as left and right from both. Hugh's dIft too d.amaC d to do misachidi. 17. Heavy %auling from the wonl "time.' Can pepped in bi, right on ln.h's olfactoryde4p9 mnt, which brought the ruby in a shower; Jiugh trlisd with a heasy lao on Con's left shoulder. phich, taking effect as he was retreating .oorud bh and Il gh fell heavily on him. IS. This wcs nearly a sepetition of the rmer, Con making his left on the aosa'a quick , and C;~w underneath at the finish. 19. lHuh scored a "nog quite " with lis t-t at Con's cheek, clcad. and Con slippmd dcwi. 2.. A regular home goer from Con' eft on -Hugh's jaw, returned b a messge from gh's right, which started the claret on Con' , sad his left dayhlight began to look dak. . 21, $, 23, 24. These were all alike, led.o. iag oE on the ribs;'Hfag closidg, Cot and Hug falling Lat q~ his.. 33. After soan t e st the play, Hugh on wt toapd Cue down uniwmid sid lWtv. n.rraumbuari u e m*. bat eeU *. ý ,g: ir: sýh:: ;' , .=/1t<)..ý 27. , le bes l a4 a< t. krtand iv Lev the bread aIid; i rie tis ief% o. tbh othae 28. CoanaL n brute O n Potrer, 28. birsteg. iia frerr'klet,' ditto from HO 'p tat boath * of ;'i~ ;Con, let By like r Let, with 00 4ueh.4n.,o, cire a'rd. L n ag a uhdar the eia ee C a right; boib CwW and Cool slipped dog. 2e. aifter With thet me nm 'ftchaud on the aibr wits the r Batt 96-- lively iitti n took pJaea without moth! .berm as either f and Yogb aurnarg forcedl Con deem is his ew° arser 30. earring, Hugph-o th drfens y'got and druppMºI a renaiaI~aep" PniWni, o with era . ºih , t#L 3 .. k 31. Owi plaint3 thrp rpz "- "'" ;" riý,ý t, left: OR left w a eh ýeh~ L ~d ~ i rd ith >~ r~IPp~t r ýlt ý` ý sod tnal' bealul barkt; ,Con down and ýepps arr a 8Yl. Sparrta~; II, ..ncb on u.toct a~ ; miseeg on bcth aid~s a laegqj,, t~r.. Both down, nu-b, ,ikiin, Crrauacl rt; lluRh'rbsllews optrr&1 owit ordr". J3. wwh want at Cow ri;ht and !,qt from the start ;'tgg ig hutme wit&~-4 ri;b: on Coa'a bspui and haIbl with left on ribs Con meelet .aJ scipped down ; tftala Etanund; "'"ppteI. his eecujnd, a nd win ik d to bir ornmr. Io. con p: tut his efft on Iru;: s rice; C~'u D'DUth blo aajnr: Ahi h~t!,at tclose qizaracrs; l.a;Lgt i r L;r ticLom" on -14s 011Fon«1t' mosuth Mnt4 offred i his eLet At h. - s"vie plate: Con 5lippsljown on LIhi kaisec rt the !niuI. 35. Cort put in Lr Ieft 3n the ri'lt .rcaa anrt away; botb grappled, rapping r1a7 as iheribi.. Con down. 3 U. 'Con put ire two with his rig1t under FIn h'j 1 optic; lu~b rushed in Anrd tricd the crass hbu:Ltuk, but rpthigh ersotiih. t+,,-r'ing Cu:t e*rr ivi, i"i over hirr* IVI.. Sat r,.c., e oa'e farce an'l brorr~t. 37. A uc.j. rapping nzitiea ~orn tti' sCOre ; hlugh broeý't s I rt nti with Con's ribs; {;on 1hdu -the C!, li»%r, oming dowru hea'ill on him. I::liui toL a pull) zt th3 bottle wdit renoratino edu\ce 30. Sp arr;nfl :iuzT 'i':cked .co avoid a left-ht-ndc; if' tiro wicks,-last d-aoription, instantly rusihed in, and both fell, Cnn un dei:; I1a-h fe! slowly on him. Cries of foul and co on. 39. C;n's lekt paid a visit to Uug 2s rgibt listvueo ; both rnppino aw at t he ribs at tat, clo9t; Con down. 40. A sbourdindn, ra si fronm Con's r;;ht uWder tb, left ann-pit; .1u;h uaade fo: Li. rn,.n, end as Co€ w its alipp ng crown, as sisctd the oparsrsion by a nazty rap or. :he back of Coat'. bead. 41. Con :a±1 off on the riLa aat; -ot away; cIoqvo, mill Con down. 42. s' tngcs wi'~th r~;:;, t on rib. ; :o .rc t harm .o oither; bot; dow-n :.t ones ,iue .v side. :3. Sp~rr n Coi led cf' .i`1. left on rih g ; Hugh ' sa o a'- id ri ' l ,horeJ Con back ant; tl--w !ii r.; tbe mop 44. €I.. ' o,€ f ONvaitt the ri;;l om tt:.e 5!1culterr.rd c or coun`"'gj' t:::hao ti ato. " -iL;· t:iejI o*' f r 1be-:° i on theo c*a e::r r 4, i.t i ' - SLon rp Hugh s:Pd ' o twie, uut f!rrL" up nod rene\bI; he'j li\:' i taZY'Ci;" ni:;.iruc any har'n. L.ud cr:tc of fcul frO:Im Con's backc.j ar.t] t';n. pirce ; n- or. frpu1 Ilul1i'a; referce deci.e* 1.f: on." it;. lIg:lt hav7 with thoe right on Co C.,Cst; ;.on slipl)·d down. 4t. C(31 -pt in ilis left banvily on !I:Igh'a chce*.. ezcliiangen on rih3 ; Con ra reating end slipping down at thz roos. 42. 'Ii";' quiet and on the defensive, gI, i- no grcuntd; Con popped in the left on t; L reast. ~nd guCt "wsv nently; some mere sarr' C;ll Conunged out on hugrh's Hu.l -is t on vt.*aln .nni :ent in two, r;ght: a l !arZi , COn (Ofl's Pnouth. 4ei;cd him, toga thei; Luim backwa-rds. J~tlgxi had the beet ct this runnd a'toi,.pthcr. 4.ý. iiugh'J rig t hearnt na Con's cheek (:Us eloiv the eye; locsed and Con slip ped dow n. 5,. Con put in his left on the ri'o, ani following his stroke, staggered IIugh witi a left-hnnder on the powtto mill, followec by the rih:t on the cheek. 1;y way oj laen, Con hlipped down. 51. 52, 5;. 511-h'seconk disti.Iing tho vermilion ; Con generally get in with his right on the rils iuagh jumped in, and Con down at the finish. 54. Con's I.ft eye and cheek swe:ing: lo:,g spir and separation; Con put in left and right on the nmur; bored Di, arrikinz llu h heavily on thle ribs with hisrightr, and forcing IIugh back to the eastern ropes, andI at the grapple slipped down. 55. Very similar at the end, but Ilugh got i a right-hiuder on Con's cheok too ahqrt to do much btym : close, and Con down. 56. Sparring; Coa's left on IIuah's jaw. answered by Ilughs right on Con's month; heavy exchanges with the right on the face. Con slipp;d down at the enai. 57. O'Neil missed twice with the right, and went in to finish; Orem stopped him with a left-hander in the ribs; another close. O'Neil gptting homre, as he rushed in with his right, on thq ribe. Oretn down. 2S. Careful sparring; Orem let drive with the loudest sounding and heaviest lick of his right on the cheek yet given. It sound ed all over the building above the noise of the crowd. iuagh never winced, but got in his right with force on Orma's breast; Con slipped down. 59. Gren put in a heart lick with hia right on the mouth; O'Neil scored a return mite with bis left, but got home ob the rihi with the right. Urem slipped down, 60. Oreun th6o so macb orermatchce and overweighted, fall of ak surd spirit, dropped in o.e on the oheek a"d retired do tdot er earth fer the iishk. .61. Uhmr I Z)t 4*it m t1 didI Se e tscoed s miss with ý e94, eIosdand )remsetpped a. o. Co fie foits odaefrý'sr l wok fae m ii*' R; d r.t j l retwoam ezotl, tat ; rIe tIb. ,f nossof. Bwgk':caouer;p 64. Aoae round: oti boredhc ^v , he left t 1100 . teiE with £ rightinde# nOa'0 1rn'rtit' wtshich BCn t C on sq sa are ly to m other earth' s 6 n 6L ajCo. eta w,4'heuaEej, fv~t on ehaoptic and a.~ n Ike etiochptic; i·oh closed ana l Cap fcl ba devout st itud&I SC A :ý _1 __ r. 0o. Urem .barreo for a hhit ard pot biaz left om -flisth * fas; Ihgb ýchruand-be1,, UOrmoHow~ing.J -JIG fell to' ýttttyX rV'YUar 1R at ti e -ropes, - ; of n i~r~d and. Otem rosught the eyrh. qo q s, al a `: Rhw+ºw n i k. Mid.o y ýi 1RR-hr'the eye *rineff ri~~i~t b the crlsr, Orem alrppeddnbn; filth ataad" ing and h nkin~g daggers. lus. * otriding of importance; Orem Selip.d* dw ..own. _J. Orem got in his ric't, but without efet on the mouth and slipped' down; lugb caugh't him around the neck lifted three timasiand. latly-fell with him, )rem under. Lod cries of foul and ap ,ea~is; referee decided to "go on." 7 i . Ca4mpo-tant;,U O.%m slipped down. 7Z. Orem twion got in the left on Uughk's rvibe thn oparrad for another bit and drone iggb b:iaok, but the latter recovering charrged iO1to a and Orem ngain slipped his c..e, 1Iunh catching him as befbre .n ! lfiiip hin three timri.e, and they inillyi were Sri zra-Oo by the'r'rferee. Loud cigr of foul ar.d fair, and appeals each way. 1i. 74 1. No notahl, seutd. 7d. STarring; r*n raahwl to;sther clenched and 'truln-J-d withbo,L blowsw; Cn e.-adlId in hir own CO. no".. 77, 75. K hzzges wi1"o tai to .itmwr 72O. ;.'gh streak hisPo ne!t with hie hbd an the cbe., ;at uniteatUom6ly we tbought, while .ituc'd0 to arobd O1.1'r rinht minler; Orem slip. Vc.'. *o'ere ighting; Oreurshot in rIit and lfth on 'l'Ncj, :ac4, endorl;! struck Olecl iiarvjly on the cock ics -with th.'nri'rt; both down. 81, 8., 3J. heavy ezchangs without Lay appar. sot 1evol9; Orsm dgwa at Iaiuih. 8t. Orrin resuue] .rith a streigbt shoulder hit in the cheek. O'aciI rstnted ri~i:t nd 1.11 and then put bki whole strentgt to a blow with his rijhi as tbh shoul'aer, which LkruieJ Orem lat. 85. Unlimportalrt. nfu the mug; Orm made a heavy reLid wii hi, loIt :n O'Nei's throat and another from .ir r 1!,t on the li'f ear. At the close Orem r e iv.i ntis it4 nt in the rile f-ord O'NeiI's right. ýi. 'n t ell e the pin, ; severely pan hie: !.b: oth determined and full of 5ght; O'Neil co. ')!d .*n' t. Ormua t.ptiing arogndhj imore bulky azM u v4 nkikr; the play. I id. ý ':Iin a7 ' SYI a i 'ý *1. No arim; Orem fell with hi- opponent', h"i-I bs sro: law;Lsug and sticking out hia '. n,'* m r retene!ed to withdrw. changing front ! L 4,' -sr Lthen sudenoy wbheeled to meet his op psrt)e.. tiskjrF ont his :rntsgueanSwrjgbing. 91. N0 bl wgo: 51te; clinich;' ' (Xn down. 1C. Orm attacked O'NAeI and £rllow.i him tc I- )rwn put ;ih:&r;ight hiav:jy on CJI" Cprflent h i hrort; thl, la~se countered with his rx! on ilok ibs. mia'ed a eteond sht with hie Or-.n 'eI1, OI eil straddled him, gross and nn'ked o i ()Or:,:l hore.d i"; aft Pr L esaiy (-xc1ianges O'YeiI ci-bh; O(r'- a h? 14I, liftcd him up by the neck and struck him in the lace. Lond calls of fcel, foul, anll Aplpeal'. "i. O N · l gat 9111, ks or thisr, ;ctting ;a a rI35t h:r.'l on ('r:'m' cli&f-; the forinrer stood elmaking Fi. f.t nt the latter 'n tai7 ground. 97, 9?, 19, ICO. All of the er.-e Sort, ivthount ? parent .:iRstage, Orein tlippinv dawn. 101. rich harder fi onl O'Neil on Opren:' check; l'reo~t ;eacred, reeled and fell. 112. Con put in hie !lit on O'Neil's rib, the lnt.-r ciiu-bt him by the neck, and dra»,red himI a1"n'~ cue,, andf el banckw,.., :In~in;; at himn, r.d i;':U:ýJ, .; Li hnIia d or. Lis " 'J'!0111 h:4. N.thi n relnrkabl.; Oren:m iivp ,Ldowi. 105. 'on pnt in right and 1n: on tie ribe; MllNIu elipp-d and fell on his knees; Orenm turndl, and on his opponent offering to rie ma:de at him, when they were d.parat-l. i, 166. O'Neil got in his right on Orem's face; the latt.r attacked hrim and drove him to the rspe., were he fpll backwards. 107. Notbing of note; Orem elipped down. 104. Orem beautifuiiy parried a I.n~,efrom his op. ponent's ri;ht, and at tae close he fel lull weight uj.un O'Neil. ic. Orerm got in hi; right on hi. opponent's chaek, as alo his left on his sotoirkbr; he th.n slip ped down; O'N.eil standing. shook hist ist t him. S10. Excthange; no grcet linr doos: OrsQrm lip et1 own, his opponent standing, hak~ing hi. ist at * Ill, 12. 113, 111. Exchmages without ary mate rial result; Orern lippi.: down. 115. Olrem;ut in his light on his antagonist's left side ; Iu ,h clinched and held him up, but tot thrown lndlermnoet. IW. ;17. Light bitting, rater wrestling than fighting. .. 1 iS. .enm lively on hi feet; struck his antagon a tra on his mouth, got away, and rtousing with I n rar;e, put in a smasbher on O'NeiI' 'cutI, Snccking hut dlow and fsllir4 on hil.. 119. Heavy blow; Orea's left on O'Noii' mouth ; both fell aide by side. 1.J. Orem, lively as ever. let drive rigX:t and left on nose and cheek. O'Neil loll backwards aginust the ropes. 12l. Ore m got in his right on C'Nei.' ribs. iiu~. oifered a short left, Otem slip ped down, and sat up with i armrs crols ed, uoiling. 122. Nothing rcmatork.. 123. Ore's rusd- to it sloe, pattiag in his right on O'NeiPs *-,and faling ap5 124. llaggizs g froz t he. or.e without darn are. 1$o. he same. 12r.,,. O':Keil34 Idtffcat 'a ioarC 1otbiag but misses regastere4 ; Ore, elipped down. 129. Oreai fy.cdd the Agltiag, but with sdall effct; O'Nei. dawn' o hi "tof honor. 128 and 129. P 130. Ditto; ('XNei asdpr. l3 Ii4ObIIbw~b, Eºr#t tj*r s; Orgashii,. cl *dmid Yid; 0w '. .13;4k ;W bed5. s d 70 :1 t k r~ts "3iC~~plda~j~dl g and pp FJ , 136.-Stor ro~ad; NotMZRtd . C; down. Bt oe o -ýI aivi., wetathn, o . won aet t Wat"O r!r~reeeust 9" lit hink. oia nft *jib. h b 138. Orem h et f Iufk.,-Oir. figbting Wthout a gOl andqJw. 1-- h . hno lrd; Ore m d.oe . . k• id, hm and struck lugh with ,it let; '...P-la nd fell; "Ifu. tell with hi eoa .ut 'till lifted ofod cries o!f ou and appeal: "go on. " . 14i, 146.l'obarm done; Orem down. 'I.. In this numr Orem e1kad gs] fo.l on him saddle fashion, strik. a. .H. mime tim1 Orem in tho fec'; grea .oH' him out.;" o°,,,,.-.,j • "'a--" i 4, 148. Oren enraged rushed at Hhugsh, w avoided him and tried a hit at the ropes with his righi, but struck Orem's ar. 149. .Oru" failing, out of detas a. fell. 150. Orem rushed in and delijred. stinger under the right arm; 151. Orem rushed in right and lefta'j. tie short on the face; Iughi. dowm in ow:t cornea. 152. Hugh struck Orem, touch anid g whether up or down ; loud eries of "foul," nd appe'al; "Go on." (Thibl.. unintentional.) 7,,,enjsy 153. Ore'm put i, his left heavily'on the w, an awful whack, he then slippg4 4U, ol. 154. Nothing of importanee. 15.5. Both clinched ; lHugh klding up Orem and pounding him. th bead wi on one knee, till he slipped down. o156, 157, 158. No blows worth reordt. In 1.56, both men down onbthir biuttoc,: 15t. Orenm poni.hing lagh on his ri., side and head'; at the colo Oereim.ppu 160), 161. Nothing dome; Cox sippe 16-. A close. Con struk Hugh wire big right in face and slipped down; flo, standing.. . A W. iutme rowud aftera aofeut p. i men went into cicse bolds; therm w hu and knee; O)'Nil strikiag hits o a e faaa; cries of f..i, and SPpe4a ans, o." 181, 165. k.,,, dela , aM Cesio ajt lime, bet do~m thnereoad. 155. C an putt. 1.1. left e~aer !be ..u O'W O' ei! struzck Orem, 'eadeisa; ti{adM f foul, sacdaPeaL- "Unhitetjoweaj.""t, 16311090. Ores, railr Zp faint; O' d~i' Lioim down, standing Lyt. 170. U'ejail oot in light on Ozema'.t dabouldP the latter d-wn azd wil. d1n. Wild eldaangs, use harm, Oren iESpau I . uretu running is, D'2. p lanhd a rattler o .ii8 I ib. Oren downa. 173, 174. 3lisao, cliachs sad c 17s. t crlnethi wjiLhot a O'Niil oeg.( fipped and slapped his head wits ha open h)Aid. bi 176. (t'ei dowtn at Oram's stb liw WklaoGS~ beIinK 3ducied, a slip. i77. Oreo' ,o gng in, esiesing right an hiw, O'feil ciupt him, held Lsm had tried sisk..g Much efTct to pnnish hetd. 178. O'Neti diwknd to Orena's rob -d thppý down, no bhrwr, c'ivf of fn.l. M;3. O1·n niching in wildly, OZ'Nrl hutpd Me and ra pped heiy iieI. 13;. Tl is was all for O'X., who struck Osr .. right ard left, knooi~ hum down witi. ab 4C tao'. hii left.. U .Iiez xnoS.j Ori down with his r~r4 IY2313. Con rushed in wildly- O'Nla him dlown easily with b e ri;sb oq the .heujwr 12. trem got in ri(ght and Taft ea thUeta h~li ro stezin nlo; he rlippid aod t pin. Cwa severely punbhed lay r- Ak(· .-- a pir~igcown. O~~ ·~cr~ nei rClbhR1U1 At this junctnre, a autddcu ~feoliag .em-s ('l to animate tho baptera of both man (pot the uen) and tbe referee was called on by. bosh ;parties to get the matter arranged, This was seordidsgly effected tb the joyous atijt*otiojl of every true blue. peaef. Ba, o--ring Imoar dirul,4 uMARI5. A gamer, barde 4'bLf war aeer eomtegt. ed in the P. R. America oad reland T;=: shakle-bantj. As for Cot. Orta, r othImg., but temperance, akll, seliit f.Ad s muahns in~n erciaz enabled him t* hold ot agizwt, Jr pounds eztra welg1, bkiacking l Wa3 asi bIi as a lion. Cowardic of tbia:g really upnmasnly cannot ba -s .ed 41 onneetion villa this ight j n. R arder ap more tryingeCtteette 'i Oyer, re test ; say, bq. ,.as ai~wa etr elshe, ..We ~ . ceroly hope that uuohreb mot soo, t.i, aEgaii. Of pqgiiitoa ,,, have had enomib The rferee bad a -mat t~ynIg day's work. Whatever may be thought of hi deeitereM the result pletsed every one. No refereee ever pleased both aides. W e anr r that no man of Orem' size, or any thing Uik. is can be.fQand in Aa.erioa, who ean e#t him fairly and whip him in 4J ftdot lig, Ilis gllatnt uatgoaist ok. las Iihest' terms of him, us-the best . nwr' aw. 18365 aduI 15 mutt*i iigSt wiast t87 * MS*UIs ei.ilt , - C c +-, W,, 0 " ' *- ' ,