Newspaper Page Text
ktjontanz ! ott us ONLY PN-PER INTIIH TERRITORY OLUR AGENTS. Hcca CLEi'(v, of Virginia City, i our authorised Atant to receive subscriprtions, aud moneys for saint,. lil recipt will ba good. 3L.u VW5.,N ofk Fort Bejiton, is our authorized *;slt a: Frt i't t!on ,ti'd vicinity. ltwL1OýY r Co~., at Edver Cr.'k $A* . T. J. MEPRILL, it Piickly Pear: AL~o the Carrier, going fBorn thi-i city to Fort lb.e lost M.,ster. it Baouock City; Ab ~ the l'o't. Mster Pt Salt Lakt; UP. JAC. STcUAR it Deer Lodge. 3?It, sic k Vo \rox. et 1.ll (Gate I a. (iI RviAy, at Summit. '. N. 1.. was, of Suiin Valley Dietrit, Deer All 1.: r ta nlb've namwed getet!emnr n are authior. rc. tSA r°:-:viie rutjsc'iptione for the paper. a1,i ri~irL or joib work. and receipt i... the same. LOCAL AND OTHIERI ITEMIS. e- - Noi1 llowi't has been appointed U. S. Mnr ,Y.l fur the First Juici:il listrict, pro tetn., nild J. II. } eu'ierrtone, deputy. ro Ar.avca:.-In vnrner to the que tion eo tf~en \pnt to L1, WtACe;j'll Tilt bU back?" nre wdulI div Litat he'll L' in tawn coon, if nu iaoner' ru--rr tlir I WA an lsry-ý: t ae,-ttllent of Di:& 7 ,,.~r l-t;2~ go tio 1). W. 2;RilthA CUo.'&, corn(: of Vai`:iae ::ad Joa'n-o n stye -,4. Vir6;r.ia. --- L e l tiJt r. J. C. O'Nit;.l 1,9 effectedi ec,-zr l 1r a.eeoC niiaaia,; p op'rtv in 1'ojurudo. 4 lA h~ar it. I4uc w~as a ga'ntlr .:14 aial u goodi f:'lo't np to &1i,* lat aai..ute heiyr -#ai in IoutaUq,. q. h' C. ri jr uf hIw i'osr ti. i I i~ auric.t c t; : k oi; pa-it s. who w,--iIr.1 his bucikikj to .in UtU'Usi'1 :u*vý1Aft:: Ii 3!, %Gi * ~tu~ona nl New YeUr'1 dr. . - iCac t hr, t&- a weak of P{,iuog-like hio ri.h11 ani1 balna L reez a, C;tar-,ra &~i: jieo ou t;\ ei.s.rIoa~t orenirdi j and a nr: r tr f n.. )u nia ^;,! rt l·r vi- it+.' t '' ulrc ', ci,1 rr:eiizade L a that xi. t ar - , jJl:t-ý A Z vet. :1.a IA:i~i 4c):cit CO~IfnUj up in:; St :1<ia, ,ttirt4 t us,:;;4,'lir t by the cic~rul i an'flidtg t the t x. ye, itrelu, but rot 4 -:ors one of tu. I,:..ecse +:rll autt a" cu;nuelx~. Lii ark]-. - -- ft ix witi,4Jl scafe tihaLt reroI '1 r. i 01' o tt~io± 9l: t~ c+p . Y!"i4:{Ic~ l: l t.ýI".1 tn t'lw Adeipliiin c.:3, .the 21 of J.I:iuary-. 'No -Iýt~tr wan t' :oy 1 i:t' a.::rc- br rya ba 'Kd iar. 'j aorý Staid ni a iv t a:-ttoll Li 1311t" r.,!,T-l~u',i n . r : "t·.eu htrer .e L l Iii who itten 'eL 'fnc:i.T TO 1Iaa.rM;.-iah fti8jii:J of "i 'Im - iv art " jave datit i±ri'I1 to 1-ii IL nuAi~t for C :r. lJre:n jr.'! Iuis O'Ž'eiI. 'Ihe 1'roc .' ar i to be 6-.4ul11P dst i'ltid betweti &hree aitl:tnt men. gzid it ix IlrttIe'IIa tO jiri'3tlt a I-ur'!c ri" noiay at tie : au ti .a. T;i1 av is to jr nuiici d ) t: to suit tmnir . ---Ttt" * SV':! istr. tO.Ctk 'rA .II ui r"C. ,a'1 a 5)pplyl of oodl water is to h- hal. wvitht: tt ,.±t:iig 'V hnl,' the l(c. pri( )t+ id Vi li0 .. til1 eI.1 -The: tnit of tit" P. it. 5it*'Iii to have Punt:r *t"? " r I wuti iu tow,. inc. ti·' lati enc runtert in th hi l. wne : ev"r wv r i t for tit' !tid1t weak, thit r' T-rii, in 'r'i, c or- o1 tlte OttI'. -4f to.P ciimlo: Irt WIt- t*, topic Vt ct:'!V Tr 1.,o01--"oz111t1iUOt in L."n, :Iz~ !ptot Clt iown th.'n itnIti C:t. The flet.nd - In fr-out of our off rii'_:t have been eesn £ r ;recd 4a " dd Ipat. the boil sf aiPefunct annial f tl:n =-'n'm purr."' who caine t) his urtihn'ly ;: r! `"I _ rin over br the lIeigh th;4t took Con ':r"""i f. vu! th fi 'Id ctf hjtltI. Iirv all th,4 reIt of tc..' p'. -!l, J, " "l. e tiro :i.WP Way, Lut in &a ,'t -r pri'. ',f town. t'W,,( ( ·t l svvirI. .-:'reparatins on ia ]rr-e sca.le eI. le ir.r irnate for the Chur-h Fe-tival ,,-, Fri-lcy toe !3t:. init., in tlis new I~uion Ciurch, ! jit:n itre:t. 2l;: L' anueem~nlnad c-cmfort of the p;rct I) i- i l i;s irarly i puvi.led for, and urrge a i" t'," iaildi:t;. we feell nr its cnpn,:ty will be tr.iod ?., ft u tinoit. 'I:,e cau-r ttie cumplinyJ thet pro Lr~uim - will entsure t i" guc` _ ., whic tall veil wish ' of eci'ýty routt de iL.· tir'vsnr~ l7E`:1N. Fro·m faft3 of LhC Dii·· 1: a?9 I ;vye {trcrii1?, we lenrn t' i-c a Lesi v ruw * v.dii: tchat rgiou cn the 12th alt. A ^:,rty took 1 !.ic' seve mil· from Austin. S':i' a'Of tzwdfr: d J ohar at d on e Ifl irk. on tha Over I~r,.i Prtn. Pistol daout: wer-e t ;n rd. IBarke WI a '"-i('ku ii not rianarro1V A wo'.nded; the (ti,." r.'r v- *zrvc b:a l taairu'h the a,:I:. A heavy '1ta'rn " way pdbets uon wile 'lie J. Be"dford bvr a oi'ry. nri:tir t1' ' tniratlitiit-. lie f ii~k ii .aU. IL.L'ieir he.Vr tv'u ut it ta j: on 'J `"4.1X+ T1Ir.Arhia.-lj0 preQorm::UceU at thii Ti gitr clave Lev) ver"y coda:ak±ndflah. On Tnhure uAyr 'ai'`c-i3!iv. Cathpxine and rt~uc::io was 11a5 e (#;"a asl-iy .,J. T:1P IrpC'linli tdifficutlt. bur li's le'oruchio was a stuff ereditable conceptiaon ,r:· houueKlal) pr1ey. KttheiuoinaertyI that so 111', au i b olan Ptteiu-. 'ri), i 1 fer Sat L."'nhy Ili !lt lilcillilLY til.' fille pl'c''' £h J::COhite,'" .,". t i f-t, of tit" biirri ke." Give tdiemn J" Xcod haorse fur tut. bill of the season. SWxn ITrNc; ArFarO---*)n J.hkuary 4th, at ?.mmit,' list k flay was woundad Lo a man narmd Wilkinson '.Lth a shot gun. It CPIt. r that some difficulty l a'iY~ aarisea LI',tween the men, Ray drew a pistol rrj ST :Ippe4 twice at Wilkinson, ewe'ring that be Fu M-1, L, the death of him before Inuruiug. WI1-' l~sn :ar rmi into a c:.Lin, and reising a gun, sihot Rty. Wilkinson garva :imself up, aany in axa exaaali !Lkwtn Leiore Jud; t Culver, pIeauled a jumtiliCatioua, each watr adaittad by the court and uvndoj. ed by ;he Propha. 1wsk h.ay ams Iiviag 1u t uiaut. ----The ILeuier \ :we of 1 L'nber 8, gires full p#Jtictilars pf a great bttls b~twfeiu the lat aald 8d 'o1. Vols., aud about 1,000 In: inn warriors on Bi ~"'~Y. uaier comamand of Col. Chlivington, killing;f *on.. Iii; c~i 'ra~ bflwreo four an~d irv hundzed ,mall fry, nn4 captnua ju a greut au:ubar of ponaes rUA KOUI,,. It alig coutsius the following : INjMjj FLOUT AT PLEX Cnguas.-¶a following it no Gruct from0 a4 lettr writtao to partiaes a&3U ce Maack, au4 published in yeuterd y'c Jourul : FLUx Cmah: &rATIU2, SOy. 27, 1864. " II3Aa Faig3j* hi KIM. :--aur cwapapYr "rei bore tbhi uoua, aa d Sb.iOL ads.h eis bwSie th* dead ean were killed by tize Indiana 10 iaeghs. About foot o'clock,* .swqreteckad ekeddby 4lt *45 Iadieas , mid t*e Imid ýdtm e bpt f thaI Lktt. Ma>a. i sbi aid :Ildbke;rr hej sal &1sY.r1wa' "loueldib l t , tisaa C. asirst~tt~fr. '. ,muication from Mtr. H.N. Eliott, of Bitene OIu!ch, informing as of the organisation of a debat ing society in that place, on Dec. 20th, James Duck ] worth, Chairman, II. iX. RUiott, Seretar;: The rocie.y re..lved "Thut Lov o! Woman hai more inf ence on the mind of man than the love of gold." If it were made to read " ought to have," we would venture our laet linen envelope on the Jrument. It was not the love of woman that built Virginia 2Cty, peopled Montana, etarted the rebellion, cd cmmercr, or general!y ruled the world; Solo mon, Mark AAntony, & Co,. to the contrary notwith. atanding. We wihb our frienlds CucceiE. The O'Nett and .Oreu Fight. V IauIMA, January 5, 1865. MR. Et;:Tron-SmR:-I have been called upon by Mr. O'Neii, to give publicity to my reaion for iakjing a draw of the fight bhetween himuelf and Con Orem. Now, Mr. Editor, it is not my aim to tr::ct anyvting fLom the merits of either of those b:uve manei but i !int state here, a sI tated it tbhe ri:nc to O'Ni]l, that' if th fight continued it w-s I li:Lb!' $o result fatally, although Cou's seconds Say he was hbln to conrtiiua the fight. Both men were f,ightfuuy puishel aout the head aul boty. Al together. it wae the brit and gamest f;hit I ever witonessed. Yours repeccfulIly, J. A. NEtso . FATAL AccIrbuT.- About half a mile abovo Vir ginia, in Fairweather district, on a claim-we did not learn the number of it-two men were killed on Januuny 2d, 1565. The two men, James Dick, a Scotchman, aiid C. W. McBride, from Illinrot,. were at work, on the div named, in a dift. The rest of the workmen had" been to re- tbh prize li.;ht, and got Iomw to supper.' The others not conmin- to their evening meal, were- looked after. and the drift thv thd he .n at work in found caved in. One of was hek: to gcamun when the accident wee firt di-covered. A.i.tance was procured aed both ex humr1d--lead. It app:'re tit tha drift the, were w,,rciuv in was twelvue fe.t wide and badly timbered. i Synopelis of Mr. Bogroa' Commnnl cation. Mr. Ro) re, having reli~n.d hie seat, dame it lik sthny to ef.r his expI uir tiozie to his cunbtitu Mr. fiogeri found the Ie;i2lature temporarily or ganiv.,d oii his arrmy::l at Jltintiack, and that ,;icl. In';.ihb rl::d, on reqne-t, taken, the oath known u:, toe "" ir.ii clad." UF bsought an int'rvievw with th.· Go.-rnor R:! htuld hinm that, ns an honest inat, ii" civld l.ot tyke the oath. The tiGjveijcr rreplied tint w wFio'it se doing he couli not take his seat. t ~t M3r. Rogers d'.claiing thdt he could nut lo-z\;,:er hinselt fi~r office or ewuuluwneut. At the Ift .t '9s-ie., Mr. iOjC;E;b Irlpparrti Lefuire the hi lature arid tendered tie c_,rtifcn:te. and ofierJJ to o:L.a. ii, :.n oath to the .ffPct that be would `e uip viort the c'14tit ution O: the United tate-, t. he Us asiic Act of this territoty, and detw:-n lhnifsulf fI.ithtu l.' w*'i'i in iffic.; "giving, tt tie b iite (i1i i. .i: ex' uui;:titIOs t'. the uu'xnbere. Motbon rs.abs to &pelta i(A tii"' i.on cL.d.'" atcl ndintit Mr. eu -Prs oi taking the oath abote recited; Imiotioni ciri 11A With batre' (mij.tit 'Ltd oalf. Coii 101. Ld, 'tor' ifiiv re;u-.d to c ulaunice'te with the at~el ly, whit. it contained is menlLerwho railtu, to till:t t'l. orthi sibry;iieu by the other:. S1r. 14v~!- a arks wiiiy Lie iuuerour gave him big i rtin Carr, ii h' world not admit hini, !is poiiucu belng i;noao ? aln then goer on to t;trtt th't, fir. ho; hitt 'iLf u --.v tiri t baock to leailiitinn, cinujJ.itrin L ;wumi '.e, :. w: a.' tso us aoue, and. tLot it wouol! lee amlsuet to the people to bave their property and t,·1~-- j partlir . i'r 12 nmonths fit uth wLP M; ~ o E L:v:.t t4' protect thcuit, he tiierlIorp re.&igned, vI) `IY.c")YLid'r·zno the intor.r t- of th* pe'p!n ii nso duin;. Mr. love,; tru.u that hi. i uj- x l wi it date, ctu,ýr to tJI pu;,li.. SLc Ling. W_'"E;L v_. Y. it. It rau4 ha. prravauaied Li ttacsid:r, thatr meit could not figtet hard or . rare o evere pui";~imrnr fer~ RO lOng a t in~.' No onei uIf r n bW:t ti 5 i t t wlLt o p i *i '. 't i. \ o t h ' u " h u t biroiti of tlr r fllt7fl ft ! to;,i L . I:. id tinv ot tzemI. 'iii ;left Fide of ii tnoarp.`d tttuelh h armt oui~ll- I :", ';~l t.'l I so tj:u1d or. top of L~ill, a4 a n:itt en, t. rn:nu tA- In eal~ (if - pan iah t it'.: wrhith it s.t't~it 1i i i :rde'~ti:Z4 th it a tie ln of I i wijart i;!t conuld ba'r for uvev three. hiotrs. lla~lzh O'Nc l.s ?'., t1' Civc his full share of credit on th~k scr. Can vi~it..d his gib i ii nearly t he raslt~ with h;q right sorne fortv times. uid the orui-ed condition of the tijan "hosgcd its deetvrm!ind tiatur. his IrO, also ;'am txil contused~, ssill n and c. At the trii uitriontll of dli- tight ti 1w rmitetnic '.couuld ipnuirerntiv leie Ilift hont bulin'. aud Li, a:, t; on isr r :,a cxurct rnelv t 'aust'd. lie n 3er winced, but toook the hard *st blocs as if lift seer. in ado of stone. Conea f.t il tz was a p trt of Iis tactics, in whicb he imitatce Su!liivn niad S;iyers. It is inip ssibe for a "T lii. *44 1n 'o t -nil with a ;arse otIC, n inv (tier \t A~ li th"ou'h it was als irhut u~u:.i ad t:. u mhly :eu hairda 1 _1t atc e'lr wats c estevd in thL ringl Ijth the in"n arc stinging blitters, arn it ! WASI Srp nIngiP to s! ,e ari . hear ti-t 1Vowlv d',;ivercd and to lint] the ooru)at:ants at tau al i of Iuie, as reads aq ever. It is our de Dit rate opi)in ion tha; neither would gia up o as loth as hi eartl] stniJ (o his fret. Botb refa.,eud to idraw, until repeatedl' prescd bIv the refmiee. THE LITTLE GO. Matsh for $2t8O a.ide, in gold duet, and thl ring money, between Joe Beau and Joe il,'. Tlhis al:tir, which canme ff if the s:,mi ring which was the scene of the en .ounter h:-twe;n O'Neil and Orenm, reseum-, hi d tht: cnt:s` ia no;hin but the pre l.n-toarirs. Tht whole th.;ig reminding one of the gallop of a jtcknts--it was "' short and sweet." Titme, 2 1-2 minates. 'The teruination was the r.'sult of an aeci d ,lit: and ,ilery mutually bringing th"ir bhads in contact, after a very galis rouid in which both give and take was the ordor of the d&ay. Bean drew first blood on the cheek, and both let drive at the :tame tire, knocking each other aptrt. They a•aiu met, ant both lM'ging out furiously, thB force of their blows threw them forward, rand their wig blocks coming in bontact, Ri 1 ý', brain-pin asserted its superior thick i 'as and hardness, Bnn instantly falling like a stuak, and adding the " organ " of "f:iV- townativen.ess"to the backor his head. Riley w.: somewhat stunned.,but shakren together by his second, came to the scr.tch all right. Sternnecessity, and the help of a second brought up BýBan all abroad. One, two, from Juey, and BJan, a migat he expetdted, went down. The third time Bean quite "'non compos." staggered awey with op. hands leaning back over the rop-es. [he sponge went up to such a height that i; was a matter of spec%&ation whether' it ever .would g::t down. It got down and the hopes of Bean's ba,_kers went up. An aooident V.;ll happa-in a ighbt. The d:uy before it wits Uugh's hand, now it was B-sau's hdad. If he wants another trial Maser Joey will sypa before him, we have ne doubt. bean is a pretty sparrer, and iperha bis unet atfair will meztd ,his a was i d deno 4 th. by l Lor d ,a44ie • ma'was stdotdt by l'bF I; Lor.led ,:T fom Foster, from ,annaci-; Riley by Grit and Lou McCarthy. Uft pires; Georgo Williams, for Riley; Bob Harris, for Bean. Tbbmas McNalley, time keeper; George Bancrnft, referee. Freom Dew Lodg4 Coeaftut BBrrs Cart. EDIToR PosT :--I have at last determined to drop the pick and shovel a few momannts while I scratch you some items concerning Deer Lodge c.untV. Your efforts in aiding, throunh the me dium of your paper, the development of the wealth that lies buried beneath us, is well known and appreciated in this conm munity. The PosT is one of the indispen sable institutions of Montan--so t ink the miners here, as a glanrc at your sub scription list will sbow. Butte city is teeautifu.y located on an eminence near the junction of the left and right branches of Silver Bow creek, and close to a stately grove of pine trees, beneath whose shelter has suddenly come into existence it town, comiparativeiy.small ai yet, but destined ere long to be one of the most iouriy.hing and prosperous in the Territory of ,lnt,,n:i. Our lodes.num, . from two to threehun dred, most of them are well defined, with from two to seven feet crevices. The gen- t cml quality of our quartz is better andr richer and the facilities for working it, are more convenienzt and abundant than any where else. Thiesu are facts admitted by all Coloradans, W:ashoo. men, and Cali fornian,. The partiality of the latter for everything Californian is well knowrn. and heretofore has been rather it hard ob. tacti to overcome. lHere, however, it has been dispelled by stubborn facts. When the first lodes were discovered Fin thi.i section, pro'pectors were s:tisfied that they were very rich, but oven then the most sa.ig-uine were not prepared for the start :iug dvehlopmnn.nts of thelns:t few Inoat'l, duril:n which trnie many s afts h:va beenl suns arrd tunnels run, t apprlrg the lodes at a water le vel. From th :1 has been e tracts"d pieces of lin, grained quartz, with the. -itterring matal strewed n'.l ov,'r th,'m. In fat, this is now a d,i!v occurrence. Silo 'r predominiate in urLut Vile half o: the iones anld go l it th outhcr. On the 4rigin , s even lhafts have 1)fia sunk from tvrett- tou fifty ite, at'l of thiim (on the cr2aice--and a beautiful on', it is. A co: r.ect as ay hat., r...contlv been r.ead f the rosi at this depth. it ii n1!'+,. v.eil AIit ie 'lc`:,rl COt:iCi) wi hin t in I21'.rv i i1u , ut l.', i.. (rI l V to 1}. 31 1 tJ) d:. 1 :t nii douL; . s f'ht r; are mantiv ofr h-r' t;14 I go,-d :a tt" 4rigjiu:LI. but I h:tv.'nut tiuIŽI to gi 1 . Cie'r ttlaL:SJ I1UWi. ` i'i pr;).sptcta of Ite mintt 5 of thisa cuuoutrv irt tright tor t"1, fltr" Sabir aiud tinkiber arc in 11 ''i'i e-t :L imudiI e :ai.I cCuvetiiClt to the l1, 18. I he 1::.N unIe vale 3 areŽ cov'ered with thie b a t' r, `ari, ?i. ;tuck of u:º kindls brn-wc t tiu'nu, rCttjfl: fat Rfnd ILt~U to,). A g ertl ( i rn. t l t'"ili that thii will bit a wlill ] LUc. to winter. '('here is not IUnchr·! snow herC 'et. aiil went hope it will ke-,p aI ro'pvr f, i : t..ucs tur .JU b~L~tncu of thy \t:inter. I Zuig lt rita l1 more rabout our lodes h'vrc, takd tx,:1a!h: will, if you widh, in an uther ctm n uihiottion. At preacnL I f1Žar l auiuiv of ,our re,tdCrs Viould thlink I wus1 rmnreiv intjaZtinr in the ux-it ?eration iriei uet to 1nring vmttnps ge1r aily. Irssure theta, vluwarcr. this iy but a t;"uthful .te 'outtt o; 0;r ittines here. In falt. I darn not tell tl,, wiviuloe truth, di. crae I knotiw the ItirvwII Iwutle read ania re'gard- as thl;! euttiiatX'tn 2f L hiytct'd br;uin. The d'~v ei. SOna.:tt of )nir 1ohts is goil:T Ft:eaiti on watrd, and your reodere will ple t, 1:1;ie the mselie-s to listr nom:; astounditg dis cloures itiningr the winter. Th. piUC r i.grgizgui here aire utidoubte~d 1y good, aut d v:ry cxtenhir ·. I muight say More about them? but fe;aring this hctter is alr eda tuo iong. I miiIst cloe it. JOE Bo rIniim. "M urIl1-mbCmrl MrI· I 1.75 000 Founds BALED HIAY WHOLESALE and RETAIL, AT ]-3 AND 4 CE;NTS PER POUND, At Fxpr"'. l o m'l, East W':.hikce Strit. Virgiuia. i- -jr.t. 3. Mc^KINAIXY. .i'01iC. ( E of thi :?l et Quartz Minin" intbrestr in fMo' t·in: for soLi at a grN.t sicri~:c`. ;ýci feet, prine:palih intcre-ts in di.-cov'rv claimn. (in th' Iiiýt er. i :ic on the ihas It::;in irid Bo1en:ijn ini JlIilciion coni~rty. : ·iod the wal~l known Cou!.tri ht, Ojhihir. b ount-fla ::xIi' Pril inn Lodi. in .Teft-iarm .18h1ata2v 01 t('2='th . For particu:isa re pecti.g asaayc, aIcice. term! of s*1e, eugnir. of 1ý+ rf JOHN C. TT K. In the Probate Coinrt of lta4Igon Jame! Mrhnn pl:linti!. ~c t JaDreu H. Harper and (eorgr M. (1pynznn, a lQfsnlta ýOTICEi is hereby given to all whom it may cm: .1 CMn. tint cconhin; t,) the provisions of thte Act of the :;:atd d of January. A. D. iSG4. pro vidinr for th'e fijinj of AlI ch::nic Limy, .1 Ihav fileul a lien opt th- bIidinin tOf the ::bore d.'mIdisuta, I in Virriniia (its-. anui ti!~C all persw.e holidiuc or I claiwiii; lins u'3der the pro'. icions of this .ct, on the eaj premnise;, salsl appear at the next tmTn o f the ProI jee Court, to be held on fire -fourth Mou dauy of Janu;ary. A. I).. an, und then and therr exzibit the proof of thu~ir enir1 i'-ns. JAM it., MIAXAN, PLiintif. Virginia, Dec mbar 24th, 1864. - Stray Cattl.:. .ri'jlAIEN VP by Wni. Connor, hor&3inan for KRe Tj chevljOKbeney Co.. it tbeir ranehe on the Madison, 10 Ililm belowr the croepiiug on the Galla tin IRont., four reed etleer, oue Hlintndt on 141ft Lit, fl;ure '., blb-tail five Teary old: one pale red, no oraamds. 0 yearn ol0. oe henry rail. no brends, live y na old ; one deep redl iuout 7 verrn al;l. Owner cin have the mame by proliu; property and p.aying cdnrgee. D.'e:+,nber 19th. 1%i, 13-3m R) EIUlVAR L.'~ttng night of the Nevada Circle I o ef ýIaazP rtu eherIbood, eve y Thucd y *yve Ii JOHN fl. M CGRATH, Se'y. ~iOR SALE 101000 ikds OATS, 3,000 iba. dIARLEr, i0,0O05lb.i ONIols, 8,000 lbe. DRIED AN'PPLIS 100 litgami WwrppIng ?w~per. 10 X90e 3ellchew'. 40e34i Syrup. gQ tiallooi Soreghum Mo#u a, 1p &ia 1. ReI~J and~I Whiekey. 12 Cneas bbati sa .t 20 tsa& Plantation and Uoshttew B Dom VIwklIn City W* x :es. coanuacts waWtug lat "ia M s at PoSr." ROCKgSRLOW & D]INEE. Non-rlidst retermU pmlasee bear in siut at our qutatioam ad busdeupon acteal *otations, and are (o.n prices for goods by the original pack ages. The retail prices aro age about ten percent. abve qetatlons There is very little change to note in the market since last week's report.. The demand for flour was very light, and the mar ket dull and unchanged. Bncon-.irm and edheaged--there is little do ing in a speea.atie way. - The demand is confoied to preient wants. lard-Firm at quotations. ' In Groceries there is no change to note. The market is steady. Coflee and Sugers are held Arm at quotations. We quote to-wSy as follows: " o --ar tt. Loui, .pc... "8 "b. ick 26 00 " -Salt Lake... 25 00 Corn Mea :........................... Bacon ... ................ ...... 55 ( 60 Lard ... .. . .. . 60(® 65 hIams c............. ........ ....... 57".6 Beef, corned. Cin.,...................... 16 Pork Prime f'es.. ...... ... , ,... . Sugar N. O. ............. 65 0 A refifed y ................ ..... 07 70 " Powdered......................... 75 " Crushed.......................,. 70 S II per 10 gal keg ............. 60 00 Belche're Golden Syrup, per 10 gal keg... 65 00 Tea Imperial.......................... 2 40 • Younfg IIyson................... ..2 25 "' California Natural Leaf ........... 3 00 Coffee Rio ..... ....................... 65@ 70 " a Jva... 75 Sie Apples......... ................. 37J Dried Peaches Stats....... . . 65 " Ntew Salt Lake..-........ 0y iDridi Currants. Chelrri lack Derriea, and Rasp L'arrtie.................... 70 Cheese llamburg........................... 70 " Western Reave........ ...... 65 " Engli-h Diary............ .. . 70 DBatter States .. ...... 120 SSt. Louis packed.............., 150 " Salt Lake1.... 25.(1i40 ,, .......................... 1". I l150(175 I :i uL . navy.... ....................... 30 " Chill........ .................... 35 Potatoet .IsyQ oi atoe, ................................. 15...0. .itrl, ....... ........ .. .. .. .. .. i Sni oo .. ........... ....... . . ...... nion. ............ T-:ts .... . . .. ........ ....... . a trn dle,.. t-r. ..-I.... SulaertuP, ..lai ua.. -5 Fo3.p i'.ls al. Loui]. Ni,. per keu ... ... .. . .4: . . rl. 73 Ca'd fut. .....................24 00 ;2 00 Cain'd p er Q . ...................... :; 00(43 7 00 Cal O -il, !,r g al......................9 01i1I0 ,0 Linused Oi .................... ....... 10 0 Crackei. ,u,S as ........................ . '" .'t:u:;,r............ ...... .... . ,0, Lewis A BUro. natu:al ler.,...... 1 75 N" . I, I 'd..... 1 50 I ow~r rrades rat's from .......... 6tC. l :;5 I! per rain ........................... 90I gI rou d ...... ..................... u R ict....... . ....... ........ .... ... 0 Io(,'KFE!,LOW- & lV1NNEE, .o. 5, Jackeaon street, Vi:'i.ia: City. no ir:Tili'v firCT.;:D LT ALA`( I!., L) )IL!_F.D. BA.SKEKS.S VIT.GrJK rb 17.-, DeUc. 17, AN1C . I:x-Tx~l; on ti. V., exiling for T. N. at 3 per cent. prc.i F~vclinrn:on X. Y., selling for coin at 5 jper Trury Not"., Lovirng at SO'Ft=., for dubt. acilil: ft I'0 c:'.. for (!1it. Giotb )uA. turin; at ;(:1( Ci nor uuncc in '1. N. Giold~iit but, iL &g t lI4 CQ to Cis00 for c6 n. Coin Lorin~ at I0t er e t. pr'micinirn idu t. llush Glenn. J. (I. Raidiin. TO O'G AMEIRICA EATING H OUSE.1 Wrallace Street, Virginia Cily. Menls at all bourr. Oy:t 'rs and r ev7 luxury tb. ntrne1ct rff.ii. Tihe bar i .uFrll~id with ;i. b@: of liyuo:. and ciCkri. 1 2--tf AITONTANA iILLIARD HALL, I' *gi;jin Cit, ioantaaa Tnrritory. Sai belkij & P.?rnnreski. heprieton.I I-!ae For Sade. T IE BOWLING SALOON, -ititted on Walince Strn r. will it roldI CHAA P for caish. Buiiing 00 f.'et l !.';th, .uitahli for atbu-iujut room. Ally--,- 2nrl fl.ture: iwill b sold etpnre.te if dt irod. 1'o0i; i43ticulars at the premLes, one door nbove !IIE CO-PARTNE ISIIIP heretofore existing be. tween Preed & Stone. 1I:.e this v been ti.olvl ed by m'itnul crw..mnt. All debht rlue tie ltrm m ust be paid to L. M. Stone, eo I all persons liolikg claims ngr~iirt the firm will ]leatse present their aC couute to L. M. Stem; for! -~nt. C. B. REED, L. M. STONE. Summit City, Dec. 5. 18t4. 4t-7li SCHOOL. PROF. DIM-DALE. B.EGS TO INFORM TIL. public that he Las op~ ~I a SCIIC.OL on Idaho ;treet. Lbehi. Mr. Lomax's torral. lHaving been long and successfuily engaged in tuition, he feels pure that the f:i:nds of Edunction will support him in lie attempt to a ttblish a really g.ood school in Virginia. City. All the:brarch-~ inclnd, in the c.:ric.larn of the be:t Seminaries ill Le taught in the mort approved marner. TE I M S :-$1.50 pe.; week. A night school will be opeunc next Monday for those whose vocations prvent their attendance during the dcr. Tho~ tricti*t attention will be paid to the moral nod eleortment of tCie pnpil4. Young beginlerb $1.25. 4--tf TREMONT HOUSE. Wallace Street, Vlrglia liity, Three doors above Allen & Mllard.'. Bank. ItHE UNDERSIGNED has now eomy.leted hir 1 ar a and commodious building. Ilnt floor 96 x 1S, seco.:d floor 18 x 32, and is now prepared to cc comluiu.lte all who will give him a call. The table will be fauished with as good as the markt eaffrds, and the prices to suit the tiues. Meals Served up at allRours. II. C. CROWELL, Proprieb r. 12--:f PLA NL rTEW'S 110 U-SE Corner of Idaho and Jacktson Sts., Vir ginia City,, 3ontana Territory. WM-A. & JOHN A. SHOOT, if &fri c the I'lanter's 116use, Uauzlrzj SO I'ILFUMETORS. T laRABOTY. NAMPA)IHOUSER, *(JRMERLT maoduted ky lniu-Slo~n, &q., having beau larfd anI roY-at- is no* op^u vit*i eve.7 facil ity for tbe awcowmaodatiom of tb i mad DWA&Mrs. Couifatble eoma and be%6 are provided and, a aLbli is careslaly furunimwd witb ht. bos the mar ket and seavofix affie~. *~ t3 lti Pnes egm for thb ew.y Ste Coachrl yaý ol~taia goo4 lodgaings hwpd ie Mxad at. bakeL. T" latV'0i aAN D. w. TtUa.. -. U. UrIYI. D. W. TILTON & CO., CITY BOOK STOlE. WallU S treet, and P. O. NEWS DEPOT, Jackso ISe.. - Tirgtaml, X. T. Keep sontantly es bad the best asetet of STATIONEIR, pcaooL tooKs, WALL PAPEU, FrACY aooDs, Ei Et., Etc., Et.. Alse, retivT per Mail anad ixprem, the least Eastern amd Waters PAPERS, MAGAZINES, AND ALL NEW PUBLICATIONS. -:o: They have aluoe, in conneetion with the lb,.o, a AND Job Printing Establishment Where all kinds of Job Work, nch as Posters, Cards, iil lihads, Mining Ce ritl cauls, and all kinds ofj' hlank =Work, 0 will be executd with ¶ITATEIIS AND DISPATCH. GIVE THEM A CALL. 11-ti DANCE & STUART WVllace Street, V irluta Clty, X1, T. Dealers in SADDLES, BRIDLES, BOOTS, SHIOES, HARDWARE, SIIO FINDINGS GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, NOTIONS ant General Merchandizo. 5--t f A. J. OLIVER & Co's., Lsxpress Line, To I;nnack, continuae to iun tri-w*ekly, be tween Virgi-ia a-nd B;annackcities. With f,-t stoc'k, comfortable coaches and careful drivers, we solicit a continnance of the public patronage. V\gini.*, Nov. 26, 15G4. A. J. OLIVEIt.t CO. BRASS AND QUAD1ILLE BAND. Are now prepared to fundi:h Music for PROCESSIONS, PAI.TIE., DANCBS, CONCERTS, SERENADES, or in fec: for any occ-"ion when aGood ]raa Barnd or Orchstra may be employed. Headquarters on Cover, below Jackson Street. DAVYrr SuIrn, D. W. C. WAUG!~, Prompter. 1.a etor. 6--4m FOR RENT t NE-IIALF OF ONE OF TI[E B'ST BUSr ne houses is town. Equir-e at the Cit Book Store. _ . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L U. BER 1'41D. WIITE HAVE IN OUR LUMBER YARDON TIHE "V corner of Idado and lroadway streets, Vir ginia City a complete assortment of WIlITE PINE, and other lumber, and can supply ctutomerJ on the shortest notice. Oiders may be icrt at the Lnm ber Yard abd will be promptly fillld. We have the only mill in the Territory which rase winter and summer, and can fill orders at all .'emons. 4--tf O1IOM.iON I CO. L UIJIBIR. _BRUNDY'S MILL, on dinkwatmr Is prepared U now to mw bills of *.nnber of any size at abort notic-. Their lumber yand in Virginia City, is in the Warsaw CorraL on Idabo st eet, where they can stant.lykeep the bhat articls of all kinds of lumber at; reuouabla r..rt. AIo a good aeortment of sash and lath conisantly kept on bad. E1 it known that at the Decimby Tei. I164, of . the Diktrict Court of aid Coatay, It was ordered that plblisation be made for one month i -the Montage Post, of the following smrnom: Territory of Montana, Ma4son Co.( ty, a. John A. Pollock, P is.}Villifam Hourmd 3Ja., 1 oust, defendant JIn Di rict Court. To t! Iktondant : : -Yos are hereby saw requirmlt darl amdmrwwrw corn Stbrpla i the above emtiU aetica, +bwho al i a, as'cl-rk of said coart, on the ~ath day of NovuaItr, 1864, at eaY ooe it ti jir . tW iuePsd Yuntitp. ýli rad if dr fail eoa .lrrs .' obwspbi·t,,. yrli amJl~*w~r de~~P N MIe timedu gjsi doa4.* STOILE. STLL, ANiOTJiR ARRIVAL of qoops it AY! Jt'p auCrvb Tm LAksmy S6awl .g4 asoralta.t of our Cntos Mad. Roots and Sir.., eva ba'oght S. tsis, ?adrwy, compiriing our w.U ka.*a xi~Em~S' fl0OTS, WNW, ROOT~ Db ENGLISH C~A? 001l; Atn k6& of . LIGHT end IIKAVY IttP hOOr NAILED and UNNAILEDCAVALTL 30015, SCOTCH 30101"M 3OTW, MEWEl sad ?t2CIKD CALF 3001 bi;gle sad DoNul, Sole, OPEDA BOOTS,. (CALYX OES of eat sy varis.o EIP 31OES, *A GENTS FINE SEWED CIA)S £ CAlJGArrUS. Also a sar, s ortntlt of LA~DIESENGLISH LASTING, KID, CALF, and FRENCH G LOVE GA11114, SUOWS, and BALNIORALS. Tosetbwr wit XTSMS' BOTS' and CUILDBEi's DQJ1'S, SITES :and fl4JaMORALI W also laoLa a lam aaoe .1 D LLJL O O PZRSJNOLS& And a full Supply qff IIAYWARI)':S DOT LE AND 'SIN G LE SOLE RUB'BER BOOTS. MfnkinT the Rent mur S!ie orrinow bots iii tlv Mirnufr'crnrr andi &mle our entito e"4 ld tliuat, ne patice . we eve eo'fdeat of still tiring tha fullest satisfaction to cor cumerous cmtomsus. N. B.-Wti WARRANT all out work. {Itorcs at Virginia and YOvat Cities. Virrinia City, M. T; Nov. 20, 164. 1L--ly ..'lrB R. jKd 1O USE. Jackion Street, above Pf. Offie, Vlirini City. Montana Territory. II. P. DOWNS, Paoemtrrea, BOARD $12 PER WEEK. The Tail? upplied with the best the markt at fords. The S.lonnii furni.,ed with tie best of Liquors and beturs. The Attention of the Puablie sm we quested to the following letsAee* ElRSONO engaged in any trade, busine, eccep. tion or prof .sion as required hy the provionm of the Internal Revenue Act o( 18i4.toregtter with tIh Ai-tant Aeessoe of the Dietrict in whicc they reside. " let, his or hb-ir uwiae or, style, a: .cap. of a firm or company, the names of the serpIl per sons con.t.itutin;g 'uch firm or Cuopapy. ad their p:,ce.- of re.ildec 2r:d. the bu:inest or pro. f-ri.u for which a lic 'nse i drlired ; 3d, the place wh- ... such tradT, hninps or profexion it to hl carried on ;" in orlder thst they may obtain licanse to prosecute the aame. P ircl failiar; to c:'eptly with the proriidba of this Act mkkr them lvee -u'bjtt aheravy pealty. Lic- nse will bhe *r tee to t itbha lat day cf the month in whic notice is ci JERRY CXOOK, Aseistant Aeeeaor ntetrnal Revenue, 1tDir.,M. T. November 23d, 1864. 1-f JERRY COOK, ,SActTANT Assessor of Intarnal Itevmu. lot iL. Diviejcj,, Isi'trict of MoDnana. Place of ,rb inets at tha offlo' of Thompson * C/ji LAmbic Yardn Idaho Strcet, Virginia CitJ. tier: Sad, l5vý, 14011 EGNE L L'S Virgania City, Prickly Pear a.4 SILVER CRI4EK EXPRESS M1kak Weeklr tzipf betwemn the above umed rfac'', wita TfltoCtfl.Iiity end dispatch. Fart stock sod grOd rprwg wa-olla. ()QOcyat Kiag £ Gilleus Store. Stone Well Curur, V irini* Vie;, Noutaug [eriitory. Sm-Il DIB4LEII HJii! WHOLBSALE and R.TLIL AT QUELL & RIADDING'S 11ev Yard, on Northuioe Wallace Street, o dt. I rinia lfreww,. Notling but thee fist o riaa six-no mwsl brcas or weael*. 3;-I Estrag .Yrolicc. TpAKIN- up tv the Subucriru. ono r i Ox, a rt-tilnr fer.c-breekor, no other ntk. Ap il at Lhe ElFepant Corml. rov* propftfi. pay cu~rge! ani take the c-sawa3. aw-190 OCCIDENTAL BILIAZD ILaLL 1t0CýFELLOW k D& YME.M S ZTJZ1~Q. Jackson ltreet, Tireanui City, Thi Enet tahl. I town. The, Iftu pi1A4 Wfth the b-At of iUquors av4 Cipi. tr-i~lJOTII M.IN1G. Fov~nd I A RED3fOR M*ARY for ro~ty. vrA pfivtg 1ý* '1101ý o to rom it as lobiv idol.':'4~?~(1. a CHAMFIONý WO Ja.kaii p mm% v CON" P to" 001,orw n