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THE MONTANA POST. D. W. TILTON, & CO., Editors & Proprietors. " y Coulnty, ltay she Always be right, But y Country, Right or Wrong." TXE B:-17,50 Ia Bell ?r Tesar ia £Avae VOL. 1. CITY OF VIRGINIA, MONTANA TERRITORY, SATURDAY, MARCH 11, 1865. NO. 29 rL. f{ ,\ BUSINESS CARD.S. T. The r ' ' .. - I hea oatana sox D; W. Tilton, & Co., D. W. Tu.row. BUx. R. Dr'ms. rPUsLIStUsa AND PXIor0PIIrg. uttico at the City Hook Store, Corner of Wallace and Jackson Streets. TERMS, IN GOLD: One copy, one year, - - - - $7.50 'One copy, six months, - . - 4.00 One copy, threemonths, - - - 2.50 rates * Advertlising. Busines cards, (five lines or la.,) one year $20 00 - , " " ", six months, 15 00 " " " " t " three months 10 00 One square one year, (ten lines or lees) 40 00 One square six months . o , " 25 00 One square, three months " , " 15 00 Quarter column, one year, 60 00 " " six months 45 00 " " three ," 30 00 Halg column, one year, 90 00 " " six months, 60 00 " " three months 45 00 One column, one year, 150 00 " " six months' 100 00 " " three months, 75 00 Regular advertisers will be allowed to change quarterly without additional charge. All business communications should be addressed to D. W. TILTON A Co., Virgtnia City, M. T. Job Printing of every description executed in a Superior manner and at reas.nable rates. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. Territorial Officers. GovmzxoR, SIDNEY EDGERTON, Bannack City; SaCRnTAR, H. P. TORSEY; Caizr JUSTICE, H. L. HOSMER, Assoc~iTE JUSTICE, AMMI GIDDINGS, " " L. B. WILLISTON, ATTY. GENF.RAL, E. B. NEALLEY, Virginia; MARSHAL, C. J. BUCK, SURVEYOR GENERAL, M. BOYD. Aurnon, JOHN S. LOTT. TREASURER, JOHN J. HULL. SCHOOL SUPERINTENDENT, T. J. DIMSDALE, ASSEssoR, T. C. EVERTS. COL'R INTERNAL REVENUE, N. P. LANGFORD. County Officers of Madison County. County Commissionerq, JAMEs FERGUS, " " , J. E. MCCLL'tG. " " FRED. K. ROOT. Probate Judge, Taos. C. JONES. Sheriff, NEIL HowIE. Treasurer, R. M. HAGAMAN. Recorder, ROBERT N. HILL. Assistant Assessor 1st District, JERRY COOK. aunicipal Officers of Virginia City. Mayor-P. 8. ProUrs. Police Magistrate-T. W. Taut.aArnso. Marshal-Wm. DAscaY. Clrk--C. J. D. Cuaria. Attorney-Jonx C. TURK. Treasurer-JOHN S. ROCKrELLOW. Aeessor-'HoMAS PARnson. StrestComamisioner-H. J. JJoaso.. I~~~~~~~ JOHN l• I lb Il mIasLon].. The regular communications of Virginia City Lodge, A. F. & A. M., are held on the 2d and 4th Saturdays in each month. P. S. PFOUTS, W. M. Alex. DAVIS, Sect'y. Church. Preaching every Sabbath by Rev. A. M. TORnET, at 11 A. M. at the Union Church. Sabbath School t 2 P. M. All are invited to attend. BUSINESS CARDS. W. F. Sanders. Jerry Cook. SANDERS & COOK. A TTORNEYS at Law, Virginia City, Montana S Territory. W. L. MCMArT.] [W. Y. LovEu.. Mcl.IATH & LOVELL, Attorneys at Law, VirginiaCity, M. T., will promp tly attend to all professional business entrusted to their care. 1-3m W. J. McCormick. W. Y. Pemberton. H. Burns. McCormick, Pemberton & Burns. • Attorneys at Law, Virginia City, Montana Territo try. Office in Content's Corner up-stairs. 1-6m W. M. STArroRD, R. B. PARROTT, L. W. Boarox, Cal. Iowa. Col. STAFFORD, PARROTT & MORTON, Attorneys at Law, Office on Idahe street, opposite the court house, Virginia City, Montana Territory. 2-3m J B. JUDGE, Boot & Shoe maker, Virginia City, Montana Ter ritory. The best of custom work always on hand. Give me a trial. 1-6m JOSEPH CRUWIT, French Baker, Nevada City, Montana Territory, would say to his numerous customers that he is al ways on hand to stuff the mouths of the hungry. Give him a call. 1-6m DR. H. N. CREPIN, Physician and Surgeon, formerly assistant in the Hospital du midi in Paris, and attached to the New York Hoepital, New York-recently from Dubuque, Iowa. Ofice in Virginia City, opposite the hay scales, main street. 1-6m S. T. BUTLER, Practical Watchmaker and Jeweler. Particular attention paid to repairing all clamus of watches. Any part of any watch can be made new at this ee tablishment, and warranted to give satisfacton.. Cell and examine specimens of Jewelry made from the native cold. 1-1. CALIFORNIA HO(TEL, Nevada City, Montana Territory. LOUIS BELANGEI, - - - - - Paor n. This hotel is situated on Main street, aad in the es part of the City. The table supplied*e but the market adord, and the saloon furniaeld with the beet liquors. Rooms and beds can be had at reasonable prices. Charges for board moderae. 2 FO U.JYD. A CERTIFICATE OF1 Ti SHARES OF THE consolidat Silver Str Company. The owner b provia sad paying for thisladerae Scan , the eames at the City Book Stbre, Viriia . 4-de ýsý1[ and Imeter ceaihsthy l ** 1* egula c vy tY cloe, . ý-tt I x. plans. Captaia. 3OYINnES CARDS. IDAHO HOTEL, Wallace street, VirginiaCity, M. T. J. M. Castner propretor. The oprietor announces to his old friends and the public generally, that he is sow prepared to accommodate boards; by the meal, day or week at low rates. His table furnished with the best the market affords. 1-ly COrLORED HAIR DRE.SSING ROOM. Hi Dyeiag ta4 Crtting Done in TOM. WHITE, Proplietor. S--ly Wm. DECKER. Surgeon Dentist. OFFICE ONE DOOR WEST OF POST OFFICE Building. Patients visited at their residence when desired. tf-3 ROATH & CO., AMERICAN WATCHES JUST RECEIVED DI rectfrom the manufactories. Every description ofJewelry manufactured from the Native Gold. Call, Examine Specimens, and then judge. Sign of the MAMMOTH WATCH, VIRGINIA CITY, Montana Territory. Virginia City, Sept. 10, 1864. 3m-18* J. T. HENDERSON, PAINTER AND SIGN WRITER. Office on Cover Street, Viginsa City. --6m LIME AND BRICK. BY HENRY BAIER. Also Flue Building, and all kinds of brick work one to order. 5-3m Wm. CHUIASERO. ATTORNEY AT LAW, VIRGINIA CITY, MON tana Territory. Office, corner of Wallace and Jackson streets, at J. A. Ming's Store. 4-ir Shaving and Hair Dressing Saloon MUSTACHE AND HAIR COLORING. South Side of Wallace Street, Va. City LYONS &WHITE, Proprietors. 3-- y JOHN S. ATCHISON, NOTARY PUBLIC. REVENUE STAMPS AND BLANKS FOR SALE AT ALLEN & MILLARD'S BANK. VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA TERRITORY. 4---tf LUMBER YARD. Idaho street, Virginia City, M. T. James Glen nall, proprietor. Keeps constantly on hand all kinds of the best lumber, which will be sold at low rates. 1-ly STAR BAKERY AND SALOON, Nevada City, M. T. Patrick Ryan, proprietor. All persons wishing good bread are requested to call. Prices low. Also, beer furnished with the best of drinks. Here is the place to get an honest loaf, a cake or pie, and "something to wash it down." 1-6m F. C. Coiu4eLL, M. D. S. L. F. WARD, M. D Drs. CORNELL & WARD. PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS. (Successors to) Drs. BROOKE & GLICK. Office on Jackson Street, below Wallace, Virginia City, Montana Territory. ly-12 WI S C O ." S I. H0 USNE. Idaho Street, Opposite Recorder, s Office. Will give Board and Lodging at $14 00 per week. Any one who wants warm, comfortable and clean beds, meals and liquors, let them call and see CARPENTER. 12--6te Virginia City Council, No. 8, U. L. A. W ILL meet every Tuesday evening, at 7 o'clock. TB order of A. M. TORBET, Pres't. H. J. PALLISON, Secy. 18--t PLANTER'S HOUSE Corner of Idaho and Jackson 8ts., Vir ginia City, Montana Territory. Wm. & JOHN A'. SHOOT (Formerly of the Planter's House, Hannibal Mo.) PROPRIETORS. T IE ABOVE NAMED HOUSE, IORMERLY conducted by Wm. Sloan, EBq., having been enlarged and re-fitted is now open with every facil ity for the accommodation of Guests sad Bosalers. Comfortable rooms and beds are provided and the atble is carefully furnished with the best the mar ket and seasons afford. Passengers for the early Stage Coaches can obtain ood lodgings here and be wakened at the proper hour. The patronage of the public is rcfuy solicyted. Wi. A Jro. A. Ski(T P-tf .e JIDbTUS COOKE. GENERAL AUCTIONEER. Particular attention given to the mal of Live Stock nad Real Estate, sales of Stoeks of Goods in Store. Office at th epba , Vr City, M. T. m-- j sECOo D i PAtI11SfITTS SADDLERS & HARNEBO MAKERS, SIORNSTANTLYah Wel as fro Single ad .1eo ebslm ad first hels , lsr diop. T'*e Big Itaia BRattle eam the stigkimawator, 1 J" byMr. . U. .ilhr on tahe ocadon of his benet at theMontana'heatre, March 1, lg, Ama-" Johnany Comes Maching Home." Quite lately in the preset year, noway| Hoopy The wild alarum reached us lere, Hooray. Saewbe Theboy.i That where the Stink-ngw am fs, The Indians would in battle close; And we all went down there To see the savage fray. inrst trotted out the Brigadier Hormy! Hoeay I Brtave Cert-cad in warlike gear, Hooramy! Sayswho? Theboys! His jacket red, aad boie-bl.e, His rank and mettle high, displayed. And we all went, Ac. And next in blodming, martial pride, Hooray I Hooray ! Came gallant Hill, our jovilguide. Hooray Says who ? The boys ? He rode elate, and smiling bowed To cheers from the admiring crowd. And we all went, Ac. Then Stonewall George, and Billings fine, Hooray ! Hooray ! With Major Biedler, wheeled in line; Hooray! Says who? The boys ! And Parrett, Brown, and Rock(a)fellow Who never thinks of getting mellow. And we all went, Ac. A host of heroes, great and small, Hooray ! Hooray ! Rushed in, resolved to stand or fall, Hooray ! Says who? The boys! And Creighton, Fowler, Ben sad Ming, Enlarged the grand, imposing string. And we all went, Ac. Nor lacked the troop a Doctor Glick, Hooray! Hooray! To physic those who might get sick Hooray ! Says who? The boys ! And Surgeon Crepin, aid to yield To maimed and mangled on the field. And we all went, kc. You should have seen the cavalcade, Hooray ! Hooray! And heard the noe and fuss they made, Hooray ! Says who? The boys! As down the gulch they galloped hot, To reach, in time, the fghting spot. And we all went, &c. When Stinkingwater's banks they gained, Hooray ! Hooray ! In vain their flashing eyes they strained. Hooray! Says who ? The boys ! They could no sign of Indians isee, Nor scent them in the nipping breese. And we all went, Ac. This made them rally round, and think Hooray ! Hooray ! Some several times, 'twas time to drink ; Hoomy ! Says who ? The boys! And drinks revived their ardor so They soon again were on the go. And we all went, Ac. At length they neared a lone wigwam, Hooray ! Hooray ! Where sat an old chief upon a stone. Hooray ! Says who ? The boys ! His squaw sad young papooses briht, Had xoxn, screamming with aright, As we all went, Ac. Then boldly spake the Brigadier: Hooray ooray ! "My noble friend what brings as here ? " Hooray Says who? The boys 1 " It is to see the Indian fight, To which we got a kind invite, And we all came down here To see the savage fray." The Indian answered, chuckling deep: Hooray ! Hooray ! "Me guess you white man sold uam heap :" Hooray ! Says who? The boys 1 "Good Injun, me-white man-big sly : Unsartin mighty-me no lie ! " And we all went, Ac. Then all the troopers in a trice, Hooray ! Hooray ! Commenced to smell a thundering mice ! Hooray ! Says who? The boys ! And back in bungling order fell, Except a few, wjo couldn't well, And we all came back here To hide ourselves away. The news was swiftly noised abroad, Hooray ! Hooray ! And people, young and old, haw-hawed Hooray ! Hooray ! To hear how nicely may be sold The unsophisticated bold, Who all went down there To see the savage fray. ENCORE VERSES. Of course excuses soon were born, Hooray ! Hooray ! For no one wants to own the corn. Hooray ! Says who ? The boys! The Brigadier alone confessed: Hill went of exercise in quest And they all went down there On errands by the way . Says Dr. Glick : "I wasn't beat; I had to visit Daily Pete," And Creighton rode with Crepin staunch, On " bis " of his, to Lorrain s ranche. And they all went, Ac. While as for Parrott, Brown and Rock, To give our graphic sketch a shock They tell us: '~Stopyour silly Jest. We went to Dempsey's by request." And they all went, Ac. An thus the clashing stories run : Ws give the matter pro and com. You take whichever horn you chooes We stand prepared to back our muse, That they all went down there To s u wa asaGn mA. PIoDIGra. -J4oh Billings thundiseourses on " bosses : "Pedigree is not important for a fast trotting boss; if he can trot fast never mind the pedigree; there is a'great nany fast men, even, who ain't got no ped igree. There aint much art in drivin' a trottin' hoes; jist hold him back hard, and holler him ahead hard, that's awl. A hoss will trot the fastest down hill, espeshla if the breechin' brakes. Kuller is no criteri on. I have seen awful mean bosses of awl kallers exoept green; I never see a mean one of this keller. Hoeses live tow an ho_ -rabil old age, and I have oftin seen them that appeared fully prepared for deth. He thins are always kind to hosses; it is only among Christian people that a hose has tsw trot three-mile beets in a hot da, for *25,000 kenaterit munny. That's so." It is upwards of twenty-seven yeam sise the tele wau int put to pratisaI t ml-B~ hrw tsbie eem r Ledge imnes. Snvnu Bow, M. T., Feb. 29, 1865. Enrroe Poert --I cannot hear of anything very startling to communicate. There are so murders, no hangings, or aught else to ereate a wonder, unless people wonder how we can survive after the-publication in the Pour of that letter over the signature of "C. H. 8.," which, to say the least, was written under a wrong impression, or in tentionally falsified. I uuat take upon myself to eareot the genmaan in several J am * wan Ahim~tatememts Ut dene, great afstise weould be done. In speaking of our quarts lodes, he refers to only two lodes out of the three hundred that are on record, neither of which are rated as high as he would lead people to believe. They are, it is true, as far as proved, both good leads; but the Mollie Greyf Ophir No. 2, Grey Eagle, Chicago, Overland Tuscarora, Sherman, Butte, Pe dee, Wild Pat, Tarpeian Rock, and scores of others, are considered equally as good, the Mollie Grey bearing off the palm. In speaking of the gulch, he again is in error in almost every particular. He makes the gulch so fiat that it is a wonder the water manages to escape in the direction it does, running contrary to the laws of na ture. There is an average fall of six inches until the canon is reached, where the fall is very considerable. "C. H. S." has it, too, that the bed-rock is supposed to be about twelve feet. Perhaps he is unaware that "supposes" "guess so," &c., are all left on the Missouri river, as not being necessa ry in the mountains. The truth of the mat ter is, that the bed-rock can be found al most anywhere in the gulch at a depth of eight feet, and in some places it is not over five-nowhere over nine. The expense of opening claims will not be so large as it is in Alder gulch, by at least one-half. The gulch has been pretty well prospected, notwithstahding the assertion of "C. H. S." that "two or three shafts have been sunk." There has been as high as $1 25 obtained to the pan, and out of the guler, too. Last fall, some work was done, and as high as two ounces per day to the hand was en out. There were several claims worked on in different portions of the gulch, and none paid less than $12 per day to the hand. Mr. "C. H. S.," I fear, will be "greatly disappointed " in our mines, for we have both rich and extensive diggings. There has been some work done with rock ers, and in no instance has less than five dollars per day been taken out. Respecting business matters, it is true that our place, like every mountain town at this season is very dull, not even the "whisky shops" doing much, for we of Silver Bow, unlike our Virginia friends, are not very partial to institutions of this order. I do nbt think, however, that there is a house in Virginia whose sales are larger than those of Mr. Graves', who is winning the good-will of the community by his very liberal and fair dealings, and accommodat ing and gentlemanly manner. The "few sanguine ones" who were so "' perseveringly at work on the drains," had "C . H. S." counted correctly, he would have numbered over one hundred and ffty, and men with as much energy, herhaps, as the "Summit miners of a year ago." In concluding my remarks concerning "C. H. S.'s" statements, I would say, that if his ideas were not as slow as his ox-team, and his mind not quite so prejudiced, or if, perhaps he had not a charter for a toll road, or bridge, or ferry, or something of the sort on the Last Chance road, he would hardly advise people not to come here. There has been considerable excitement concerning a charter for this place, granted to certain parties by our Territorial Legis lature. A meeting of the citizens was held on Saturday last, to take measures in oppo sition thereto, and resolutions of protest were passed and a committee appointed to wait upon the Governor to lay the matter before him. Great indignation is manifest ed by a few, because they have been out witted, and they are using every endeavor to break the charter, if possible, which I think will hardly be the case. German gulch yet commands a good deal of attention, and claimholders are very sanguine of its proving immensely rich. I hope they will not be disappointed. Our whole town is on the qui oive in ex pectation of a stampede to some new gulch, of which extravagant stories are afloat. As soon as possible, I will give you the par ticulars. Yours, LEAD PaxciL. SILvar Bow CTY, Feb. 25,j1865. EDrrOR PosT :-In this land of snow and wintry weather, where little is done but de molishing provisions, one can hardly real ise how gloomy everything appears until the ordeal has really been paesed. Feeling somewhat in such a frame of mind, I have concluded to ask admittance into your sanctum, and only hope that my humble effort may not fal to meet your own ap probation and that of the public. I make this, my rut attemptat letter writing, sim ply for the purpose of giving some unvar nished truth about the prospects of this g.leh, and the quarta lodes in this vicinity. This gulch has been creating considerable excitement, yet no one ean possibly tell the extent of the hiddeQ wealth contained be ueath the level depths of this ereek. Al most ever lam, owner is sangue of reap ng a qh harvest of the precious mota, when dlaimi are once pened up. How ever, there is nothing eertai as yet, but from the small amount of p ye don,the gulsh bids fair saar east1 t oo Theie is, in my opion , bet one and that is frem the little fall. !as hope Oa. 1 tospearneo rntiecrl d lodes. Same tqlo na m eses ae a le ats, that **Ia was the grood d.4 i ` 4d WWI d i held native, and in sulphuret. The Origi nal lode is good in cepper, with gold and silver held, in small quantity, in aloy with the first namedmetal. The hamreek, dis covered by Mr. MeArthur, is a good lode, :ontaining silver. Sherman Butte, o. I, is a lode, bearinggold, and gives indication of a dirt crevice and it was discoveredby Graham & Co. The Pedee lode, from an assay made by E. C. Muessigbrodt, yeilded the precious metal to the amount of two hundred and fifty dollars to the ton. It contains silver held in antimony and iron. The lode was discovered by Mr. MYArthur. The Twin lister, Coluania No. 2, OphIr No. 1, Parrott, Grey Eagle No. 2, Amerian Flag, Lulu, Bueler, and quite a number of others that I could name, assay well in gold and silver respectively. In fact there is every indication that the mining vicinity will eventually prove one of the richest sources from which wealth may be acquired. As yet nothing has been proven, and our hepes are only excited by assays made from shafts on the different leads, varying from five to twenty-fivefeetin depth. Some persons here, with fine imaginations, who are somewhat troubled with a disease called "Quartz on the brain" maintain the idea that our new district must be highly praised, not caring for the plain points of truth, but coloring the story to meet their ownwishes. The object is to toll capital into the country. In my opinion, the speculation is but alot tery, and I believe that some may draw prizes, still truth unvarnished should be given to the public, and speculation urged only by facts. By this course our district will the sooner be tested, and its riches proven. The country is not thoroughly prospected, and there is room for a great many rich things to be found yet. There is but little doing here at present, on ac count of cold weather and deep snow. The last excitements were, I believe, the German gulch stampede, and a meeting of some dis. affected citizens, called for the purpose of repealing the act of our legislature relating to the Silver Bow town incorportion. The meeting was but a gathering of rabble, who coming to the conclusion that the legisla ture would not recognize their act of repeal adjourned sine die. The weather still holds its own, and that own is cold and cutting. Some persons here endeavored to get up an Indian scare, but failed entirely. The morals of our town are good. Fights do not occur ofterner than one per day, and, as yet, no one has been shot or killed, which fact speaks well for the camp. I must new close. Should this letter meet with your approval, you can publish it,Iand if you wish it, I will write again. Respectfully, your obedient servant, SAND HLL.. From Last chance Gulch. I.ELsA, Feb. 18, 1865. EDITOR PosT :-The trip from Virginia to Prickly Pear has been well described by a former correspondent, so that I shall not enter into a detailed account of the trip. We left Virginia city at 10 a. m., on Mon day, February 13th, with a four mule team, with thirteen passengers and luggage. The roads were in excellent condition and the snow not very deep. We arrived at the crossing of the Jefferson at noon on Thurs day, and were treated to a capital dinner at Mr. Rohrbacher's. He is at present building a good, substantial bridge near the old crossing,and expects to have it inished in the course of a month and ready for travel. This is a much needed improvment. There was no snow in the valley of the Jef ferson, and stock, of which there was plen ty, was in good condition. Ranches line the road on all the streams from the Jefer son to the Prickly Pear, with plenty of con veniences for travellers, and plenty of good hay for teams. The Boulder valley which is some five miles wide and ten miles long, is one of the most beautiful in the Territo ry. Ranelies are all taken up. Some splendid leads have been discovered at the head of the valley, and good diggings on Boulder and Elkhorn creeks. Jefferson, the county seat of Jefferson county, is a place of some eighty houses, and is a thriving settlement. Near Jefferson, on Prickly Pear, there are two saw mills, in process of construction. But lit tle is known in regard to the richness of this creek as no one has been able to reach the bed rock on aecount of the water. But companies are forming, and during the coming season it will be thoroughly tested. Montana, ien miles below Jefferson, is laid out in good style, and consists of eighty or one hundred buildings. It is at present dull, on account of the stampede to Last Chance. T . r. "1 " Last Chance gulch is seven miles from Moptana on thb Fart Benten road. The town, (Helena), is at the month of the gulch, and is already ahead cf any other town this side of Virginia. Over one hbr dred houses already up, and over one hunm dred in process of construction. Buildings rent as high as $200 per month and town lots are held at *200 apleee. T;his galh is some eight miles in length and I veturem to say, is the best lookijsulh in theTir tory. Pine timbdr is abudnt it the alch and on both sides. Thegalearis m three to ten rods in widthi,and wag sn- drive the whole lgtof it as thet-be tom. But few elaIss .p1 openem madhesr dtp... W Ore mare l oow. for wiadass any ·voer so theit car , this Is s woratk "tn ee sis s.dCha mI s P11,000 fto 00 faet Otbqis bvd to sll tfem ,000.t witk in the h, l fIst Ifseeed ae th. taps f thehsbirta i a sorto ewatot fd ap i l rlemsmk0 wit l qport% so theby 0o0" to *sb..m "sw* There has beso a himer t of ate struck within a few weebs, at the Saratoga is about the beet. From this nugets have been found as high as Thia is also deep and is taken out b drift. ing, and * e dirIts hailed to Ah water a d alaiced. Thb ea . ten lead is m. The dirt is ha td faog r to fur ails. m also eemsmidieda * It is some tweuty miles h! i and has an abeadamee at wats, me nearly every dsy lemw cTew ar beingf miners think,* tht m~~b wbith region in Territory. If this proves of ay any interest to yo, I will write agi as some future time. Scul maLg 1rm sa eslaaeam. IDrroe Post :-I do not make any piteon sion to be a member of the fraternity the quill. My vocation lies rather with the tough and the spade; but every man to is trade, and as many are intered about mine, I send you some items that I have up in my journey to and from the l atin, oand also during my sty they where hold one stake and have dr severa to mark its locality. The valley is about thirty miles long and from twelve to to fifteen miles in breadth, containing the East and West Gallatin rivers, and hextend ing from the Three Forks of the Jiseourit to the base of the mountains, or divide be tween the Gallatin and the Yellowstone. The son never shone upon a richer or more beautiful valley in all these mountains but only ear ago it was untenanted by any livmg being, except the beeasts of the chase or the wandering Indian. Now, it may be said, all the lands suseete of ir rigation are taken upn and this over one hundred farms will be cultivated, aveer aging, in tilled land, over 25 are; some are from 50 to 100 acres. Wheat and bar ley are the vegetables, and roots of many kinds will also be raised in large quaiti. ties. There is now running, at the head of the Valley, a saw mill; a grist mill will be ready to grnd this season I grae is everywhere and everywhere good. Har is to be had for the eutting, and, in faot, nothing has prevented the i of the entire valley but the want of ee I two years, I expect that we shall grow enough to keep Lou Virginia folks eating the year round. It the Bozeman end of the valley there is snow ten to fifteen inches in depth; but the middle and lower end have only about three incher-there was none till the last storm. Gallatin needs only a few more men of the same sort as the present oau pants, to enable her to compete with the old settlements in produce and appearance. Through the valley lies the meet direet line to Fort Benton, croesing the divide between the Gallatin range and the Mae* souri. Neither is the locality deleient in minerals, for in the Crow Creek country, at the foot of the valley, and in Confeder ate Gulch, gold has been discovered, and the prospects are as rich as in other and better known localities. Quartz, also is to be found in the neighborhood, and many leads have been struck, but as I am a farmer, I have more to do with "plough in the hand," than " Quarts on the Brain." At another time I may have some infor mation of a precise kind, as to the extent of crops, amounat of stock, Ae., whieh I shall be glad to make publie throegh the medium of your paper. Till then, good bye. Yours, &e., PLu.coasEatLs To Incorporate the Historieal Sooiety of Montana. Be it enacted by the Legislative Aasssmly qf the Territory of M otaa" , a f/-eu-s , ¢ 1.-That in order to collet and sa range facts in regard to the earl hist.7r of this Territory, the diseoery ofits in, incidents of the fur trade, de., I e. L Hoemer,'C. P. HiSi Joihn Oweus.n. Saart, W. F. Sanders, Maleol Clark, ? M. Thomp, o, William Graiham. (tralle Strt, W. W. DelAey Q. L Irvina acd Charles I. B , their as lates ad successors are herl madesadeasti.te-d a body politie under the name and style of the Historical Society of Montana. S2.--Said corporation msy hee and u a common seal, and alter the same astpl sure; shall have power in it serpe.rn name to sue and be sued, to contret ad be contracted with, phed end be aplmda ln any of the courts of law and equity i this erritory, and own eeh rea esate a C r be necessar for the traassetisa Mbusiness. 4 3.-The h. . erein named, or majority of sall ame at sase tia ad p aes as mybe designated by a il signe by at leat three i the --sas named In this eat, to be published b some uesp in this Teritory, sad dshoesa and nBos of iii 'whlsk miss.. shall continue i v en ye ee ,or amIl Othes are eoben i their pies. S4.-The bard t odrdeas sr a queum tberea, shall have pwetr tafrmaseek be laws sad rmammess shall, h tias t tnls mea - s than nes iM sad ssad to altver *as "d *tsame` sure In eem~ae with theri. ofat 4 tthed ast send the ini d'. s astehall ental Sl hIm"UtNVU Em-Tb.eM Mdb b eriem boos*. ocumm gw - I qui. oLme. Uk yeq iy bdIf in lIs mttofo id ~ p an wak a R SCQQq4~-bi~ · g ~ Cpq'~ '~