Newspaper Page Text
THE MONTANA POST. D. W. TILTON co., publishers a. d Proprietor .. ....................... My Country, may she always be right; but my Country, right or wro."........................ ..o r ., a ai VOL. 1. CITY OF VIRGINIA, MONTANA TERRITORY, SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1865. * 10. N ,46. AI L II I II -. + ' D. W. TIITON & Co., D. W. TnLTO, BIx. R. DTrTs, PUBLISHERS & PROPRIETORS. os st t ft Boy ok Store, cor of Wduce Jtche.s Strets, Vrjdfais C4j, on. Ter. TERMS'= 0se y, oY yr... .... ...s? 50o do. ai months ............................ 00 4. three months .......................... 2 50 ]ates of Advertising. eusi s Cards, fie line or les, 3 months,...... $ 10 00 do do. do. 6 months,...... 15 00 do do. do. year,........ 2000 Ssquare, ten lines or lees, Insertion,.......... 4 00 do. do. do. 2 do.......... 6 00 do do. do. 1 month,.......... 10 00 do. do. do. 2 do. ........... 1300 do. do. do. 3 do............ 15 00 do. do. do. 6 do. .......... 2500 do. do. do. 1 yar........... . 3500 Two squats, 1 insertion,...................... 6 00 do. 2 do. ....................... 800 do. 1 month,......................... 12 00 do. 2 do ........................ 1800 do. 3 do. .......................... 9100 do 6 do .......................... 4000 do. 1 year,............................ 6500 Osedlghth column, 1 insertion,................. 8 00 do. do. 2 do. .................. 1200 do. do. 1 month,.................... 18 00 do. do. 2 do. ................. 2500 do. do. 3 do. .................. 3000 do. do. 6 do. ................... 5000 do. do. 1 year...................... 70 00 Oe.sixth column, 1 insertion,................... 10 00 do. do. 2 do. ................. 15 00 do. do. 1 mouth,..................... 2000 do. do. 2 do ..................... 3000 do. do. 3 do ...................... 3600 do. do. 6 do ..................... 5500 do- do. 1 year .................... 80 00 COe.fonrth column, 1 insertion,................ 12 00 do. do. 2 do. .................. 1800 do. do. 1 month..................... 24 00 do. do. 2 do. ..................... 36 00 do. do. 3 do ......... ........ 45 00 do. do. 6 do. .................... 6500 do. do. 1 year,....................... 90 00 One-half column, 1 insertion, .................... 20 00 do. do. 2 do. .................... 2500 do do. 1 month,...................... 3500 do. do. 2 do. ...................... 4500 do. do. 3 o ...................... 5500 do. do. 6 do. ......................8000 do. do. 1 year,...................... 115 00 one column, 1 insertion,......................... 30 00 do. 2 do . ......................... 4000 do. 1 month,........................... 55 00 do. 2 do. 75 00 do. 3 do. ........................... 9000 do. 6 do ........................ 14000 do. 1 year,............................. 20000 LOCAL NOTICB.--One dollar per line for three lines or WI"; 75 cents per line for ten lines or lees ; 50 cents per lne for eleven lines or more. OFFICIAIL DIIZECTPORY. Territorial Officers. Governor--SIDNEY EDGERTON, Bannack City. .Srcrtary-H. P. TORsEY. (Chie Jlstict-H. L. HOSMER. Associate Justice-L. B. WILLISTON. -L. E. Mar,'soN. ,ttorncy-Gewnrul-E. B. NEALLEY, Virginia. MArshal-C. J. BUCK. ,urveyor-(Geeral-M. BOYD. Auditor-JOHN 8. LOTrr. Treasurer-JOHN J. HULL. superintendent of Public l.struction-T. J. DIXBDALa. Assessor-T. C. EVERT8. Collector Internal Rerenue-N: P. LANrOMRD. Clerk of the U. S. District Court-A. M. TORBET. Municipal Officers of Virginl a City. Manor--P. 8. PFOL'8. Police Ma istrate-T. W. Talliaferro. Marshal-William Deasoey. Clerk--Chas. J. D. Curtis. Attorney-John C. Turk. Treasurer-John 8. Rockfellow. Assessor-Thomas Pearson. Assistant City MaashaM-Jerry Lewis. County Officers of Madison Coeuty. County C.nmissioners-John Potter, Chairman; J. E. McClurg, Fred. K. Root. Probate Judge--O. F. Strickland. Skeri--Neil Howie. Acting Sherif--G. G. Bissell. Depuy Sheriffs-J. J. Reilly, H. L. Crawford, James Williams, J. B. Caveu. Treasurcr-Theo. Muflly. Recorder-R. N. Hill. County Assessor-J. Armitage. BUMINES CAUItD, W. F. SANDERS. JERRY COOK Sanders & Cook, ATTORNEYS AT LAW and Solicitors in Chancery, Virgiaca City, Montana Territory. 3-ly1 W. M. STAFFORD, R. B. PARROTT, L. W. BORTON, Cal. Iowa. CoL Stafford, Parrott & Borton, A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Qdice on Idaho street, op posite the court house, Virginia City, Montana Terri. ntory. 2.3m Wmn. Chumasero, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Virginia City, Montana Ter ritury. Ofce in Post Office Building, on Wallace Street. 4-44* John S. Atchison. NTOTARY PUBLIC. Revenue Stamps and Blanks for I sale at Allen & Millard's Bank, Virginia City, Mon tna Territory. 43-55 P. C. CORNELL, M. D. 8. L. F. WARD,%f. D. Drs. Cornell & Ward. nHYBICIANS & SURGEONS. Successors to Drs. SBrooke & Gliek. Office on Jackson street, below Wallace, Virginia City, Montana Territory. 12-52 Win. Decker, SURGEON DENTIST. Offce two doors west of Now Ian's Bank Building. Patients visited at their residence when desired. 30-42* John 8. Lewis, N. B. Hale, D. 3L Gillett. Lewis, Hale & Co., tEWELRY MANUFACTURERS. Every description Sof Jewery made to order from the Native Gold, and warranted. aticular attention paid to repairing Fine Watches. Also, Engraving done to order. 8.a of the Gold Wateh, Jackson Street, Virginia City, M. T. rarnary 2Sr 585- 40.52" Roath and Co. A MERICAN WATCHES Just received direct from the lManufactories. Every description of Jewelry manu aetured from the Native Gold. Call, examine specimens, IaR then g Sign of the MAMMOTH WATCH, Vir La City, C noteaa Territory. Corner of Jackson and W sallace set, in the City Book Store. 31-33* To Watckmakers and Jewelers. HAVING establinhed myself in Salt Lahe Cli, U. T., I can supply the trade with all knds of Tools ad aterials, at ranable proes. A large stook at Wasohes Chains, Dismonds, and Jewelry o every deerliptioQ o Sotlyn band. Everything warranted - ,¶eid, whokl d retn JOHN ME 8, Formerly Agent of Isaao 8. Josepi & Co., San Francisco, Cal. H. Jqpeson. OFFICE four does east of Jaalsa and Wallei steete. v Hoen ad Reel Estate Ajt. Buildins, anted, "e paid, Abs~ets of Title oT obtealed, Q4arl peei 'ess'and the . peeeuarv ; to ld C forward~d to Now Yor ." r attetion (he to te .l md knng of money. Refenc -. XIs. adden, D.W. o Co.,, Pfon a &Rsemll, Jobs A. Wle & Co. 41"t Hosmer and Hauser, (.LADt AhAeD18, have eeiaWblabed rp ag.m.Ie s 'puearee and sale of Gold sad Sflvetum r ts parent of saýer toýr. Onof 'the stneil5~ aIwed in pasem, to the lntroade p sad of @ JMes is NeI Ybore nmar d ther th'tim, fdre' ..U.rr t us. sor .a msslr ad Pir-uiT~ei ID.*O HOTEL, Wallace Street, Virginia City, M.. T., J, M. VCAsTNUR, PrWprie;tr. THIS Popular Hotel, which br P t of Casaer' Butldtng, ha been enlrgd and retted in a style to meet the demands of the Pullck Its larder is well sup affords. plied, and its tables frnished with the best the market The Idaho Billiard Hall, ) carded os by HULL & CASTNE, coatalas iqbtr Fst Class Billiard Tables, where the lovers of the game can always be accommodated. The old friends of J. J. Hall and J. . Castner, can alway dAnd them at the Idaho. Those haring Territorial funds to deposit, should call at the Idaho, where the omce of the Treasurer is situated. Nebraska House, In the Bildings forerly knos as Haotch's ad on, ad the Sold Post Oice, Jackson &., Virginis City, M. T., Col. H. iP. DOWNS, Proew r. )HE proprietor begs respectfully to inform his flends 1 and the public generally, that Board and Lodging in good style can be obtained at his establishment. No pains will be pared to present a well spread table to his guests. The comfort and aooomodation of his patrons will be sedu. loesly attended to. Breakfast on tableom 6:30 to 9 o'clock a. a.; Dinner, 12 m., to p. .; Supper, 6 to 7 p. is. A good Feed Stable aa Coral attased to th psesises, and aso a Grazing Ranche, where cattle will be watched day and night. The pastm. i. excellent and water abun dant. 45-tf Secord & Fancette, S ADDLERS & HARNESS MAKERS. Constantly on h hand and manuaeturIn from the best material, all styles of Saddles. Bridles, Single and Double Harness, or anything else made in a first class saddler shop. lm-14 Dodge & Thexton, ENERAL BLACKSMITH8 and Plough Manufactur era, Cover street, Virginia City, Ploughs of the best description, suitable for Ranchmen in this country, made to order in the best possible manner. Horses, Mules and Cattle shod in the most approved manner. 39-54* Johnson & Schuyler, .AVE RE-FITTED and opened the Mountain Bowling II Saloon, one door east of Allen & Millard's Bank, and invite all those wishing good exercise, choice Liquors and Cigars, to call and see them. They have also reduced the price of rolling to FIFTY CENTS. April 1st, 1565. 32-45* Helena House, U ELENA CITY, Montana Territory. The above L1 named House is now opened for guests and boarders Good beds, and the best the market afords, for the table, at reasonable prices. B. B. Burchett, 3m-42 Proprietor. E. M. Dunphy. W HOLESALE and Retail Grocer, Storage and Com mission Merchant, west side Main street, Helena, Montana Territory. A large and complete assortment of Fancy and Staple Groceries on hand, at figures to suit the times. Give us a all. 39-51* Occidental Billiard Hall. R OCKFELLOW & DENNEE'S BUILDING, Jackson Street, Virginia City. The finest tables in town. The bar supplied with the best of Liquors and Cigar. 42 JOHN H. MING. Shaving and lair Dressing Saloon. M USTACHE AND HAIR COLORING, South side of Wallace street, Virginia City. 42-54 TURLEY & LYONS.: Idaho Hotel. HTALLACE STREET, Virginia City, M. T., J. M. * Castner, Proprietor- The proprietor announces to his old friends and the public generally, that he is now prepared to accommodate boarders by the meal, day or week at low rates. His table is furnished with the best the market affords. c26-52 Assay Omece. W ALLACE STREET, one door below Nolan & Co.'s Bank. Gold and Silver, and Ores or every descrip tion Assayed. I guarantee my assays, and will pay any difference which may arise between them and the U: S. Mint. 38 D. GILBERT. Lumber. BRUNDY'S MILL, on the Stinkingwater is now pre pared to saw bills of Lumber of any size at shot notice. Their Lumber Yard in Virginia City, is in the Warsaw Corral, on Idaho Street, where they constantly keep the best article of all kinds of lumber, at reasonable rates. Also, a good assortment of all kinds of Sash and Lath kept constantly on hand. 44 John R. Gilbert, A ASSISTANT ASSESSOR U. S. INTERNAL RE VENUE, for the First Division of the Collection Dis trict of Montana, embracing Madison County. Ofice, first door east of City Drug Store. Virginia City, April 27, 1865. 36-88" Joseph Marion, HAY SCALES STORE, Wallace Street, Virginia City. Commission Merchant. Cash advanced on consign ments. A general assortment of Miners' Outftting Goods. Provisions, Vegetables, etc., etc. 42M6m Eggers and Ludlow. LUMBER YARD, Successorsto Gamble, Walker& Co., corner of Idaho and Broadway streets, Virginia City, M. T. All kinds of Sluice and Building Lumber. Lum ber bills filled on short notice. Also yards at Centreville and Nevada. 22-44 John H. Ming, CORNER of Wallace and Jackson streets, Virginia City, Montana Territory. Books and Stationery. Whole sale and RetaiL Groceries, Boots and Shoes. 43.55 Garden Seeds. ALL you that want CHOICE GARDEN SEEDS of . Every Description, direct from the Agricultural De partment, at Washington, call at 35-47* DANCE & STUART'8. Assay Office. mIHE UNDERSIGNED are now prepared to assay cor . rectly in small or large quantities the ores of Montana. Silver, Gold, Copper, Lead, Antimony, or Bismuth. Oflice No. 2. of Content's Block, corner of Wallace and Jackson Streets, Virginia. W. Y. LOVELL, & CO. 18-tf Lumber Yard. TIITE have in our Lumber Yard on the corner of Idaho VV and Broadway streets, Virginia City, a complete as sortment of White Pine and other Lumber, and can supply customers on the shortest notice. Orders may be left at the Lumber Yard and will be promptly filled. We have the only mill in the Territory which runs Winter and Bammer, sad can All orders at all seasons. 4-tf THOMPSON & CO. J. T. Henderson. )AINTER AND SIGN WRITER. Office on Cover Street, Virginia City, Montana Territory. , 5-ly* Henry Baeir, LIME AND BRICK. Also line building, sad all kinds of brick work done to order. 5-43* James N. Williams, FASIIONABLE Hair Dressing and Shaving Saloon, Bridge Street, Helena, Montana Territory. 45-tf ... ctie. ALL those indebted to the firm of Baume Angevine & Merry, are hereby notified for the LAST TIMEt to call at once, pay up, and save cost. Mr. G. W. Staple ton having resigned the Receivership in favor of Mr. Jtlius Busch, al accounts will be settled by the latter at the store of Erfort, Busch & Co. 27tf aWxter'a agency. T. D. BROWN & SON, of Great Salt Lake City intend Sto add to their business that of "Stock and Shae Brokers," and to this end T. D. Brown will start in April for New York, to form a connexion with a reqponibleboqae there Mr the ale e "Feet" aad "Clainm" on Quart I Lodes, in Montana, Nevada sat Uth. Speaimens of I Quartz, and authorit, left with A. J. OUver & Co., will beforwarded tous. .e alJooffer to parase n emaame i sion, machinerr, or any .,srt ofgoet r Mbtanat , adsbip by the Missoos River, or reifbt a.o tke palus, o fe oeipt of the money and the o!em. ReermMe by pemnis ioa to Gov. Sid5ney EdUertm F. X TmpMeO, EaftMekt Na 8ehin, en., A. J.O9&ter &CO, fbUtoi. Februrwy 1W6N. &6 tf zw tasew Mxinte, and tray YAwS, d LesI Bilank of ev.ry descriptiem, fr Mrle at the City Biok store. Jefersonj House, Tue d""r. dae. the Pfraavs &ome, Made. wr W x Poss, bags t isoerm a pas that be bas Sopeed this ouse fr barrsn al wm furnish meals to treast estomersm His tabl win be suppled with the best that the market eds.. Speal an. e sUe a will be paid to the oeidmrt of his guests d Iron and Steel Turning. a MACHINERY Repaired, Billiard Bas turned, u e - t Every destription of Gun work performed, in good < style. Ammuntion of all kinds kept atasta o n bd. Powder Lead, Caps, Navy and Draoon el ot, sad CartMge. ALEA NDER KEMP, 45.3m* Gun shop, Wallae St., Virgiua City. Ic arthsky's Ejpress. V0R PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT, will leave SVirginia City every Thursday, r Geruan Guleh, via Silver eow. Offio, ateockkilow & Desaet's, in Virginla City. 45.3m* C. F. MCCARTHY. Jno. C. Turk. W. L. Brown. Turk & Brown, ATTONEYS AD COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Will pratie all the courts of the Territory. Ocse, over Geo. Banns & Co.'s store, Wallace street, Virgiias City, . T. 454t dLLE.7 a* .~WILL.RBD, VIRGINIA CITY, M. T. DEALERS IN Ceoi, GBld Duest, Treasury Notes, and Forelgu asnd Doemestl Exchanlge B. F. ALLEN, , J. H. MILLARD, Des Moines, Iowa. Virginia City, M. T. 43 BULL'S HEAD WlaWice Street. Two Doers Below Pleout & Russell. lEORGE GOHN, begs to inform the public that he has Sperfected his arrangements for a constant supply of all articles in his line, of the finest quality. 25ee4 79utton, QTeal, &%3=0e, XPiah, Maummagies a..c Fovrwls. No Meat of inferior quality sold in this establishment. Orders punctually and arefully illed. 43-55 Denver .leat *Market, Nevada City, -- - - 1I. T. ALEXANDER METZEL, TAKES pleasure to announce to the publio, that he keeps the best stocked Meat Market in Nevada City, where there will always be found the best cuts of FRESH PORK, BEEF, VEAL, MUTTON, LAMB, 8AUGAGE MEAT, and SAUSAGES OF ALL KINDS. He also, receives constantly Game, Fish and Fowl of the season. Try him. 34 P DJECE 5 STU.IRT, Wallace Street, Virginia City, M. T. Dealers in SADDLES, BRIDLES, BOOTS, SHOES, Hardware, Shoeflmdinge, GRtOCERIES, PIOVISIONS, NOTIOIS, AND GKENERAL MERHIANDISE. j Revenue Stamps for sale by the quantity to suit purchasers. EMIGRANTS AND FREIGHTErS TJKgE .NOTICE: KING, CURTIS & CO., General Auctioneers and Coemileua Merchants. Jackson Street, Virginia City, M. T., ARE prepared to sell merchandise of all descriptioms, either rom wagons, or take goods in store, as outos era may prefer. of horses, males, cattle, wagons, notions, produce, and every other description of property, either at auction or private sale. Advances made on consignments. 39-51 L~ST CHMIJICE ON AND AFTER THIS DAY, we will run a semi. weekly Line of Coaches between Virginia City and Helena. Leave Virginia City on Monday and Friday. Leave Helena on same days. ~f' OFFICE-At Kine & Gillett's Store, in Virginia, and at Peoples' Store in Nevada. A. EGNELL, & CO. May 11th. 1864. 38-tf Academy of the Holy Family, FOR YOUNC LADIES, St. Ignatinm Usslemo, O * - . T. THII8 Academy is under the direction of the stemrs of 1Clharity. They will tesach to read and write, Gram na and Bnghb Compositiien, Arithmed,ý ao , lnd anhe uae, I required. and whatever is understood under the ezteaive weet of Housewifery. Ohildte. must be povided with bed-oth ing, two *essew r week days and ens for 8uEdays, bhals dam pocket aierchieh, three towels, oPnube and basin, spoon, it and fS. They will buy their shool books in the Adea.y. Forth sake of dafity d goad or der, al the pupil will s at the religiems acneels of theb wb letters eithetar sent or reusived, thei epIv stoe t.lto theb oi the 8 - Sc.a . It in ad.•ee Eahnued Fe ;i soardansdttL, edbpermoath; WashFg and ro sg, $Ope year. The amual sedeo will eomaotce on the fstor ,sad ead a the iait ctJame: Par thrther abddbew BRev. MOTHER MARY, (d the Ja0 ens,) Sawd., se, or Rev. U. GRAIS 8. J.Ip't It. Isgasts Mina, eiless North doreilgaes MePs Terbdery. 4 rr k aLlg .gs, *.A he.4 b hae.t ohywtpto ap ý rgad eerr k Fest Wel lweiee IIn iJ eerkeveq `r The.rese WQmF tued une good hoss eoamrrals sad other a.eoWya*o-e. 4W JPta*9 sad irMýtiir~t ~i~ur rwilk (hem a~ Idaho ilasemn.) *h, 3e net the Vtwrt (The setiment of the following lin s o j sad sable-so appopriate to the time we live n, sad seweathy of remmbasace by all the ses anad daughtes of Eve, that we cannot resist giving them our readers, with a hope that t may provoke theta t to the exercise of that charity which "thinketh no evil."] Oh be not the first to dbeoew A blot on the fame of a friend, A flaw in the faith of a lover, Whose heart may prove true to th end. We none of as know one another, And oft into error we fall; Then let us speak well of our brother, Or speak not about him at all. A mile or a sigh may awaken uspiion most false or untrue; And thus our belief may be shaken In hearts that are haeset and true. How oft the light smile of gladness Is worn by the $u that we meet, To cover a soul fe of saaie, Too proud to acknowledge defeat. How often the sigh of dejection Is heaved from the hpocrite's breast, To parody truth aend aefction, Or lull a suspicion to rest ? How often the fends we hold dearest Their noblest estotions conceal; And bosoms the purest, sincerest, Have secrets they cannot reveal? Leave base minds to harbor suspicion, And small ones to trace out defects; Let ours be a noble ambition, For base is the mind that suspects. We none of us know one another, And oft into error we fall; Theq let us speak well of a brother, Or speak not of him at all. The Sta.r amd slrijee. Unfurl our standard to the breae, High let it wave in air, The Stars and Stripes each Freeman sees, And greets with hearty cheer. Fly out old Sag, the foeman's dread, The freeman's hope and trust, Flaunt o'er the traitor's drooping head, Thou ne'er shalt trail the dust. The panting slave no more looks back With terror at thy folds, Nor hears the bloodhound on his track, Nor groans in dungeon holds. High honor to the gallant men, Who died, our land to save; They'rescattered uas the Autumn leaves, In many a Southern grave. But long the patriot's voice shall swell The burden of the soag, To those who.faced the shot and shell, Yon awamps and pines among. The mother to the listening child " The story proud shall tell, Of men who died, yet dying smiled, To know the day went well. Their gallant soals had ne'er known fear, Unconquered, there they fell. And heard with joy their comrades' cheer Above the foemena' yell. Then laid them happy down to die, Then drew their parting breath ; Without a groan, without asigh, They met awarrior's death. Can.we, for whom they fought and bled, Their gallant deeds pass o'er, Their names shall live, though they are dead, And sound from shore to shore. And as the glorious Fourth comes round, By mountain. stream and plain, We'll still their grateful praises sound, And chaunt our loud refrain. Victorious lag ! our heart's delight, The banner of the free, Wave thou tri umpant when we mnite The foes of Liberty. T. J. D. Requalem. WIErrrN o0 Tai DuATE of ASA1AM UsCOLS. Rest, noble martyr, rest in peace! Rest with the true and brave, Who, like thee, fell in Freedom's cause, The nation's life to save. Thy name shall live while time endures, And men shall say of thee, He saved his country from its foes, And bade the slave be free. These deeds shall be thy monument, 'Better than brass or stone; They leave thy fame in glory's light, Unrivaled sand alone. This consecrated spot shall be To freedom ever deer, And freedom's sens of every race Shall weep and worship here. Oh God, before whom we in tears Our fallen chief deplore, Grant that the cause for which he died May live forevermore. TnI following extract from a private letter. dated Fort Laramie, May 27th, appears in the Denver Gazette: 'I see tlere is quite a feeling regarding the manner the Territory has treated the militia. I am very sorry that anything has arisen to dull the spiritof patriotism exhib- tc ited by the militialast winter. The Territory o0 can never fully repay the gallantry and promptitude displayed by the regiment at i, a time when the was hemmed in from all n support, and being ravaged on all sides; at is a time when none but the gallant and daring would forsake their homes and firesides to battle with the elementse-s-ide from the many other hardships and privations they had to endure. I have eaptured and lirought in, one way or other, since I came here, 200 lodges ef ioux---making about 1,090 men, women and'ehildren. 1 hung, yesterday,on my own rtsponsibility, th two Sioux ehiedfs "Two-F "M and "B~ o t. They have *I a white womazi prisoner, and quite a number of governmen animals in their posseion. bi " " T. Moosuonr." 1, By h above it will be setm that General U Moonlight has hir heat with the boys of the e miiia. Sit aP t.Ud i dealing with Muassm. "two-h -i-the former of whi m i . ~wi be reemebesed, " r e .4qre4 .e seiafe gmsta to ea tteops eI a SMd ti arfmfag sad qi ppi u tie i mlitia, bet he hs get -ww ver the c oasmqd.: leveomes wls el 7ueq . k m with m es tai Dt uira ib h m ItQi a[ The PeopIo vs. t. ý. lec.dman. Leetor Nre Mr. Duke. We publish the following letter, because we are always willing to hear both sides, and to give everybody exact justice and fair play. The reason we made the state ment complained of was, that the Court, Judge Ohumasero and Meeers. Sanders and Thoroughman unequivocally stated that they had refused permission to the witness to go, and that he had went on his own responsi bility; wbhich fact evidently created an un favorable impression on the minds of the Jury, against Mr. Duke. We feel bound, however, to say that so far as direct, delib erate and unequivocal testimony was con cerned, no better witness ever answered a lawyer; but the faeet is as we gave it, nev ertheless. HUxmma, Jul 2d, 1865. ED. PoST:-I noticed in your issue of June 24th, in referring to the McCausland trial, you state that I"sought permissi n of the Court and the attorneys to leave town, which was refused"-thatl finally started in the face of express prohibition; which fact had the effect of greatly weakening my tes timony. So far as the testimony is concerned I do not doubt but that it was considered weak, as I think evidence in the prosecution in such cases is always considered weak. As for my leaving Virginia without permis sion, I must say it is as false as h-I I. do not think you are to blame for the mistake, as I have no doubt that you were misin formed. I did seek permission to leave from the Court, and from the attorneys on both sides, which I considered granted; but to make the case more clear I will state how I got that permission. I first went to Mr. Sanders, and told him that I wished to go home, as I did not think I was needed any longer. He replied to me that he did not know that they needed me any longer; that it was Thoroughman who contended that I must stay; that if Thoroughman was willing for me to go, that he was. I then went to Judge Chumasero. He said that he was through with me; that he had nothing to do with me; but he did not give me leave to go. I then went to Judge Hosmer and asked him by what right they kept me there. He answered that he did not keep me; that I was at liberty to go; but that I was liable to be attached and brought back. 1 told him I was aware of that fact; but was sat isfied that there would be no attachment sent after me, as I thought that there was no need of me there any longer. He told me that I had better see Mr. Thoroughman; so I went to him, and he informed me that if Sanders was willing for me to go, he was; and the last word he said to me was to go. These are facts which I think these parties will not deny. It was not my wish to have said any thing about this unfortunate affair, but when I see such falsehoods published, on top of all the abuse that I have had. I think it my duty to say a few words i, my own defense. 1 It was my misfortune to be mn the store of Geo. Howe when the fatal occurrence took place; for which it seems, if I am rightfully informed, that I am accused by a great many of being connected with Kinna in a plot to 1 murder McCausland and rob the store. These aceusations are as base and false as the black hearts from which they emanated; but those whom the story suits can believe it, if it suits them. After the shooting took place, and McCausland and Kinna had both left the store, if I had been on the rob, I had a splendid opportunity, as the house was left in my possession, and was locked up by me, and the key given to Mr. Johnson by me, about one hour afterwards. I was told by a gentleman, while in Virginia, that I had a great many enemies there. Be that as it may, it matters not to me; I have never wronged any man there, and if I have ene mies there, I cannot help it; nor do I pro pose to try to help it. One word about the two gentlemen, principals in this sad affair, and I have done. I had known Kinna, the deceased for nearly four years; had never known anything bad of him; had had deal ings with him; had always been treated as a gentleman by him, and consequently had no fault to find with him. I had known McCansland three or four months; was introduced to him by Kinna; was always treated well by him, and always regarded him as a gentleman, and do yet. I did think on the night of the shooting that McCausland was wrong; but after I learned the particu lars of the case, I changed my opinion. When I was called to the stand to testify against him, I could only tell the truth, as I had no interest in the matter, and could only have told the truth if I had been inter ested. By giving this a place in your val uable paper you will confer a favor on L. B. DUKE. The Mexican Emigration has almost come , to a stand still. Government is notdeirous d of war. i Every redskin to be obliterated at sight, a is the watchword of Gen. Sibley's com, I mand in the campaign against the Indians E in northwestern Minnesota. r It seems they have discovered Petroleum e in the historic ground of the Alma and I Sebastopol. It is of tne quali, equal to that of Canada, but inferior to genuine t ,' Pennsylvania." They, have imported a "pile driver" at 1 Denver, and are going to build a bridg seven hundred feet.long, at the foot of Ig street. They have a pleasaut way of raising onqe in Idaho. They ske aman pay an eantrane fee in the chape .o taoxe, and thea, by 1 mistake, force him to pay it over again in , every county in which they can catch him. Articles on g .nettoa are getiagtherate. 8iteeners ag it was .rd . oild in the British slea forblsting, for veh ii i eotinentlysdblpteb , theligrntioa beiuagt ,00ie.: Wu -pieehe I t e 4 is , itlnd, tkm.,.lqm.kL isthsa a lf itwmew I. is fthe o i ri` arna, the W.Uo is a sharpg dtI dhip that it urib1o*P out* the *** Hadtid kes shoteg soutter widely. We have tre t re P b4 n s. .um flace hmou mdIame ea o t ao si CalM. P. 0. DeIaliag, who azveOd *a last week, infors as that the tIhaJ j s. very troublesome aleog the Mseem. eeae up in the 8t. Johns, and bfege t~ah. ing the dsageros parts aof the rivet, ~ the instinct of a military man, he got the crew together and drilled them for the see vice antilped. As there were abdst forty men, the Colnel thought hektelbhe able to handle the redskins aatnlfaeoU, especially as be had a bowitser on beem Breustworks of bags, ere., were made ie deck. The boat when lyigup forthe.u sparred edf into deep water, so that thoeev ages would have a swim before they could reich the boat. At Fort RIoe, tea muskets, with amm.aitlon feo small has and the owituer, were dramw, and thing made snug. By some mistake the bo at spherical case shot which was ia the saejI sition, was omitted, and eaniate set instead. -a6d the sphseuel saewi ia aboard, the Aborigines would have had a good deal to do in the funeral line, a they were often seen at too great range for the canister. They $red into the boat, but did no harm. The howitzer was lewed round to bear upon them; bu. as they were aste, and the river was crooked, the range weal have included the guards of the i-at, and so the piece was not discharged. Col. Deimling is of. opinion that the pavages will most certainly attack the returm ing boats, as they know well that there will be none on board but the crew. He reoe mends the utmost caution in wooding.. The attempt to gather fuel in a grove mightpreve fatal, for the Indians will be in waitatevery point where there will be a chaneo of attacking at advantage, and no spot is s favorable for that purpose as a wooding station. The Indians have a wholeseno dread of artillery. They soon get sared when the whites begin to fre te wenne at Lthesm. rmatts eGram Te+sal We believe no military heroin the world's history has won such important suaoueaey unclouded by defeat, as oar unassuming Lieut.-General They utsy be summed up as follows : At Fort Donelson, February 18th, 18, he captured Maj.-Gen. S. B. Bukner, with 13,000 prisoners, 8,000 horses, about S,0X0 stand of arms, 48 fieldpieces, 17 heavy guns, and other military stores. At Vicksburg, July 4th, 1863, he captured Lieut.-Gen. Pemberton, with 20 general eB cers, 4,000 commissioned officers and 19,000 men--total about 24,000. He also captured 128 pieces of feld artillery, and 90 siep guns, besides 83 pieces previously taken total 301. Of small arms,45,000, with arm and munitions of war for 60,000 men, with a vast quantity of steamboats, looomotives, cotton, etc., and more important then all, the Mississippi. As Vicksburg involvedthe surre0der of Port Hudson, we have to credit to Grant the fruits there gatbed-6,8Q0 prisoners, 61 guns, 44,800 pounds of o r, 15,000 rounds of ammunition, 5,000 ste of arms, two steamers and other stores. Arksas Post, eaptured by a detachment from his command, adds 5,000 prisoners and 40 guns. At Chattanooga, besides the brilliant fea of rescuing ourbeleaguered sad endangered army and driving the enemy from a vastly superior position, he captured 6,000 priso ners and 40 guns. A detashment of his immediate command, under Weitsel, esp tured 3,000 prisoners and 180 guns at FPot Fisher and Wilmington. In the crowing campaign against Richmond, he destroyed a rebel army of 60,000 men, all of whom were either killed or wounded, dispersed er captured. In the final surrender atpp mattox C. H., April 9th, 1865, 26,000 peo ners, 16,000 stand of arms 160 cannon, TO ag, 1,000 wagons, and 4,00 hore were all that remained; but at Rishmoad Wedmel had previously reported the epptare of 800 guns, and a considerable number must hew. been captured at Petersburg. This surrender involved the subequeaM surrender of Johnson with 25.000 prisoers and 90 guns, and was followed by the ser render of the armies of Dick Taj]or, preob bly 12,000, and Kirby Smith and Magder. estimated at 25,000. It would be safe to say that, including the captured not above enumerated, 20,000)g. and 2,000 guns have been captured by Gen. Grant? and as the immediate results of his victories. His grand total of captnres is at least twice as great as the forces ander his command at any one time. When we add to these figures the rebel killed sad wounded at Donalson, at the battles befoe Vicksburg, at Chattanooga and at the Wilderness, the last of which is estimated to have amounted to 60,000, and it will appear that General Grant has put hers do combat not less than 350.000 rebels in sap. tured, killed, wounded and dispersed. Treo some of thee succoesses were obtained b desperaste ghting and severe les s, b' impartial histor7 will declare that we eoeld not have had Vicksburg without kbl i_, io Richmond without the terrible b ttlts .e I Spottylvana. In the light of the whaM record, now complete, every one of Gtab' campaigns is demonstrated to. have bol n success. The temporary laurels won •e, Johnaon and other rebel chiefs, but add thi tribate to Grant. enduring fame, wib, like Moses's divinely consecrated ro e . lowed up all the othere,-Cblee 7 , AppAAcsu or FoT Suxrr.-A earres. pondent of the Boston Journal says: "No portion of the original face of the wall is to be seen, except on the side towards Charlb to, and a portion of that facing Moelrie. From the harbor and from Wagner it appear only a tumult-the debris of an old ruin. All thecasemates, arhes, pillars and para. pets are torn up. rent asunder and utterly demolished. The great gune which two years ago kept the monitors atbay, sad whie lamed d t hundered awhile upon Wagner, are dismounted, brok. eorvertared, sad iio buried beneath the aotain of Wk, *dus conerete, and ad mortr. AfteDWupoet' attak ia April, 1 a86P , raeianfWsrts Palmeto to was *me e- the beAt 4~ and aainthalf ato the wa lfacuimiji« The lower &er of eaeatee wias with sad btu whea Gea.medl obtalmed pesseeonle ot Wagm* ame G began toerabl the O twe 4t r psi day