Newspaper Page Text
THE MONTANA POST. A Newspaper, Devoted to the Mineral, Agricultural and Commercial Interests of Montana Territory. D . V"'rIL'I'ON S. CO., M U MRYS G ..11.1ihel and preto .......... MY COUNTRY, MAY SHE ALWAYS BE RIGHT; BUT, MY COUNTRY, RIGHT OR WRONG." .. ......... .................... 8 year, in adance OL. , NO. 12. VIRGINIA CITY, MONTANA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1866. WHOLE NO. 116. THE )NTANBA POST. I). -V. "'l7l'ON ,& CO., BI ,. Ti ro',. 13iE R. DITT'ES, 9ti. Pli!11-IIEIRM & PRIOPIIETORS. - , ii tc City Book Sato,e, corner of Wallace and Jac.;son Streets, Virginia City. Terms of Subscription: she Sv ,T one year ................... ....$ 00 ral ,ix mouths ...................... 5 00 mE three montths ................... 3 50 t Rates of Advertising: (',ls. 5 lins or !"st, 3 months.. $S 00 . ,o. dt. 6fi months,.. 10 00 ,I,. d. do. 1 year,.... 13 00 Ct r, :. ten lines or less, 1 insertion... 4 00 do. . 2 do. .. 00 do. do. ) m,,nut,..... 10 00 , . o. do. .... 13 00 .lo. do. 3 do. .... 15 00 d o. do. 6 ...... 25 00 . o. 1 year....... 35 00 S I insertion. ................ 6 00 dot - 00 imonth.................... 12 00 . " I .. ................... 18 00 .. 1, 4 0 1b,. "400 Sd. ................... 40 00' 'ear ................... .. (. 3 00 ..... ., i, . u nn. 1 in rt:n . ....... 1.... t 00 12 00 .I. . I m utnith ... ........ ... 1 00 It I. . , 2 ,, . .. ....... 5 O00 . 1, . 3 1 o, . ...... ..... 0 00 d, . d, . ...... . ... 0 00 Id . I year ......... .... . 70 00 n,. . ,,lm ,lm . I insertion, .......... 10 00 2 do. ...... ..... 15 00 ( 1I,. I month ............... '0 00 d., . ......... ....r 3.0 00 i o ............... 36 00 t d,) ............... 55 00 do. 1 ylear.................. 80 00 f': . ,,.1 i.i .",,!un n,. 1 insertion .......... 12 00 do. ........... 18 00 1,. I mnth. .............. 24 (H) i ,. " . ... ............. 36 00 . do1 . .. ........... 45 001 1. '; do. ... .. ..... 65 00 . I 1 ear................. 9 0 00 1., i, , I in ,ertion... ........ i 0(0 ,,. d) ,I. ...0........ 45 0 i1 month, . . ............... 55 )00 o. , . . do. .... .... ... . ... 00 0 . . 1 year. ................ 115 00 ..,·i ,.. i r,. r i' n..... ........... 30 00 . . ....... .......... 4 0(10 75 (11 d . . .... ......... 90 00 ; . ................. 140 00 1 year........ ..... ........ 200 00 iocal NotiCe9s- ),U dollar per line for three , r les; 7: ctents per line for ten lines or less; .,,",t per line t',r elven lines or rmore. I)lt'l.'I('IA L. DI{EC'f'ORX. Territorial Oicers. ,,,r;: .o-;lREqEN CLAY SMITH. 4 ",,,' (t;or rnor-'l'iOMAti FRl NCIs MEAGHER. , f ~ý .L,,st:rr- ll. L. 1losMElt. sri,' .,,st.i e-L. B. W'ILI.ISTON. L.. E,. MUN. N. ; 1"',t-Gr nrral-L. B. NE ALIEY. 4. :. iputy " --\\'. M. STAFFOID, Virginia. ', , tted Stat,.s farshal-G Eo. M. PINNEY. Acting Ur '. M. Morshal--(EO. WV. IRWIN. !.,si;s't i. S. larshaldJ. X. BEIDL.ER. .urrcyor-Grt.ral-M. BOY '. .i ditor --JOIN I. MIl.i. I' ras retr-cJliN SC . RO('KFELI.OW. N'pt. qf 1'ublic Instruction-A. II. BARRET. IssEssor--T. C. EVERTS.. 'ollector Internal Rerenur--N. P. LANGCFORD. 'hlerk L S. Iistrict Court-.. A. IIOSMER. Clhrk 2d Judicial District-C. E. IRVINE, Silver Clerl. :Jl .Iudicial District-IE. W. CARPENTER, Helena. - County Recorders. Madiuon..Ge.o. W. Hill Edgerton. ,R. C. Ewing Beaverhead B.Peabody Gallatin.... Thos. Cover PDer Lodge Jas. Brown Jefferson..Frank WellsM Mleagher County......v. T. Richardson. Municipal Omuers of Virginia City. anyor-J. M. CASTNER. Attorney and Acrt' Clerk--W--min. H. Chiles. Trta.surer-Thos. R. Edwards. Assessor-R. N. Farley. I'olice Ma'gistrate-L. MCCUI.I.OC'UGH. l\arshal-Buzz. Caven. thief of Police--Wm. Deasy. County Omcers of Madison County. County Commissioners-A. Stanley, Chairman, ,e'n. Ezekiel, W. HI. Rodlgers. Probate Judge-W. Y. Lovell. .Sheriff-Andrew J. Snyder. lDeputy-Sheriff-N. Beer)'. Treasurer-Andy Leach. Recorder-G. W. Hill. County Assessor-Isaac Rogers. BUIS1NESS CARDS. DR. O. B. VIIITFORD. FFICE on Main street, next door to barber shop, Nevada City, M. T. 114t THOMAS V. RUSSELL, Attrneys and Counsellors at Law, Virginia City, Montana. i9! -tt ASSAY OFFICE 1O J. N. Dunbar, Banuack, M1. T. hile assays, $10. Three for $25. Reference. Prof. A. K. EATON. E. T. Y AGER, M. D. )IIYSICIAN ANID S1RGEON, OFFICE, Val Sfa'e street, one door east of Clayton & Hale's I)rui Store. Residence, Jackson street, two dors the Missouri House. Syam.ord. Jas. G. Spratt. WORD & SPRATT, 1'TTORNEYS AT LAW, VirginiaCity, Mon . taua 'l',err iory. Will practice in all the Courts f said Territory. Special attention given to :li Collection of C.Ilaims. _ _ -_ -_~__-------- - - -------- I Montana Billiard Saloon, I L" Lrpietor. Billiard Tables furnished with i," a,,st appllroved apparatus required for the enjoy n, ,nt , the ....ue. Purs liquors and choice cigars e: ties V soi hand. Open fronm 7 A. M., to 12P. M. 123'` .ASS A OFFICE, WV ALL.CE STREET, one door below Nolan & Co.'Bank. Gold and Silver, and Ores or Cevry .lesriptiou A sayed. Iguaranteemv assas, and will pay any difference which may arise he :ween them and the U: S. Mint. 1"t* D. GILBERT. .,. F. COCHRAN, OUSE AND SIGN PAINTER--Three doorsbe 1 low the Postoflsice, Wallace street, Virginia (ty, M. T. Houseaud Sign Painting, Paper Hang ing and Glazing done with neatness and dispatch, at low rates for cash. Errors of Youth. GENTLEMAN who suffered for years fro 1 Nervous Debilt y, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion will, for the take of suffering humani y, send free to all who need it, the receipt and- diotlo for nmain he simple remedy by which he was c'red. agar Wishing to profit by the adverter's .zlpeMre.e, can do so by addressing, in perfect Bcondece JOHN 42 Cedar st., DN, u 3w&w.-3m No. 42 Cedar at., New Yor. Cosmopolitan Bath House. L AAIN STREET, BLACKFOOT CITY,. .....MONTANA. 9i-10 li. PLUMMER, Proprietor. W. WV. DE LACY, c1 CNOUNTY SURVEYOR--Office at the foot of Wal- ta 1 lace street, next door to Mr. Simpson's tailor shop. He will be ready at all times to survey ranches, ditches. towns etc., and make accurate maps of the same. Particular attention paid to Pl the survey and mapping of quartz lodes and dis trints. 101"* WhVite Pine Lumber Yard. Corner of Jackson & Corer St. Virginia City, I. T. A. M. IHOLTER............ Proprietor. I LL descriptions of white pine lumber constant A , ly on hand for sale. It. M. RENSHAW, e 94-106* Agent. o EL SOIL BILLIARD SALOON, Stonewall building, Wallace street. C Virginia City, ...............Montana. J. J. HULL, Proprietor. FTIRST CLASS BILLIARD TABLES, Prime ' Liiquors, and No. 1 Cigars, obtainabie at this fashionable place of public resort. 107t 0 LEA. F. MARSTON, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER 0 Cor. of Jacksont 4 Wallace Sts.. Virginia City, M. T. 1 ONSTANTLY keeps on hand, and matts to or C der, from Native Gold, all the latest styles of Jewc!lry. ).O .Particular attention paid to repairing Watches. ) 63-tf X) M. CAR.tOLi, GEO STEEIL. CARROLL & STEEL. Storage Forwarding and Dealers in (;en b, eral Merchandise. noI BENTON CITY, MONTANA TElR. 00 , 88-100, tx l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . II. S.Gilbert, Clristian Richter. VIRGINIA BREWERY, 1TE HAVE CON STANTI, O(N 1ANI) A SLAI.RGE supply of MAT ,AGER BEER,! BREWERY FIXTURES, BEER KE SEi, ETC. All orders in our line of hu.inen wil hle promptly attended to. 116I CALIFORNIA BAKERiY, Deer Lo. d ge City, MI. 'T. BILLY WILSON, - - - - Proprietor, A fine saloon is attached to the Bakery, and a 1 Club-Room. both of which are fitted up with all the modern imnprovements. The purest liquors and the best brands of cigars are, served cut to cus tomers. I arm always glad to see my old friends. who live upon the other side of the mountains, as well as those upon this side. 120-* THmOS. 3M. ISEcr, (late of Isett & Brewster, Mus, catine, Iowa); W. B. FAnn, (late of Scott Kerr & Co., Salt Lake City); JOHN KER'R, (of Scott, Kerr &. Co., Leavenworth, Kansas). ISETT, KERR &CO. -i IANKERS, No. 4, Wall Street, New York. W B. FARR, of the above firm, being . " thoroughly acquainted with the business of the mining regions, will give it his special attention I -will attend to the carriage of gold dust; make advances on the same; hold orsell as desired. 139* JNO. S. SLATER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, and NOTARY PUBLIC. Will attend promptly to all business of a legal nature, take depositions, administer oaths, etc., etc. 'lmmediate attention given to the collection of all claims against the United States, especially such as may arise under the recent act of Congress equalizing bounties. Office over the store of Geo. L. Shoup. corner Wallace and Jackson streets, Virginia city, M. T. oc6-111 J. H .MING, Corner of Jackson and Wallace St. holsale al Retal Grocer, And dealer ill TOBACCO, C(IGARS AND STATIONERY. ALSO, A FINE SELECTION OF 1FA,'°PC'Y "OOD8 LAND TOYS. Suitable for Holiday present,. I'Toilette articles of the best french Manufac s ur'.99 BULL'S HEAD MEAT MARKET, WALLACE STREET, Two Doors below P.outs & Russell. G EORGE GOHN begs to inform the public that She has perfected his arrangements for a con stant supply of all articlesin hm. line, of the finest quality. BEEF, MUTTON, VEAL, GAME, FISH, SAUSAGES AND FOWLS. No meat of inferior quality iold in this establih ment. Orders promptly and aretelly filled. 1.0* J. B. JNI-GIT, I ALIJACE STBEETI, ens door below the SPost odioe, Virginia 7Staple o sad Fany Wholesle and ReJa l.m eu itans . GILOCURIIS,. PROVISIONS, WINS, . LIQUORS, etc. LEOISLATURE---THIRD SESSION. House of Representatives. e VIRGINiA CiTY, Nov. 5th-12 M. iI Gen. Meagher, Secretary of the Territory, called the House to order, and read the pro- ri clamation of Gov. Smith, declaring that cer tain persons had been duly elected members P thereof. On motion of Mr. Mayhew of Deer .odge, Mr. Smith of Beaverhead was elected Speaker t. pro tem. On motion of Mr. Mimms of Edgerton, A. c H. Barret was elected Clerk pro tem. On motion of Mr. Mayhew, Rocky Thomas r was elected Sergeant-at-Arms pro tem. On motion of Mr. McCullough of Madison, Wm. Deascey was elected Doorkeeper pro tem. A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. C Mayhew, McCullough and Buck, was appoint ed to examine and report upon the credentials of the members. The House then adjourned to meet at 2 o'clock p. m. AFTERNOON SESSION. The House met pursuant to vote, Mr. Smith of Beaverhead in the chair. Mr. Mayhew, chairman of the Committee on Credentials, submitted a report, which was adopted on motion of Mr. Johnson of Mis soula. The oath of office was then administered to the members by Judge Stafford of Virginia. The roll was called by the clerk, and a quorum answered to their names. The House then proceeded to vote viva voce for a Speaker, with the following result : 1st ballot-A. E. Mayhew, 10; J. H. Rogers, 7; )r R. W. Mimms, 4. f There being no choice, the House proceeded to a second ballot : Mayhew, 13; Rogers, 4; . Mimmi,. 4. Mr. Mayhew having received a majority of the votes cast, was elected. " The following members voted for Mr. May hew : Messrs. Blakely, Buck, Clanton, Esler, Gorham, Johnson, Jordan, McMannus, Mc i Murtey, Roach, Rogers, Smith and Wylie. Messrs. Donegan, Mayhew, McCullough and Minims, voted for Rodgers. Messrs. Andrews. Gallagher, Rhodes and Van I Iann_ vntw.[l For Miimms. Mr. Mayhew was conducted to the chair by11I Messrs. Rogers and 31imms, and accepted the position in an appropriate speech, in which he declared his intention to perform his duties e, impartially. 9 The House then elected A. H. Barret, Clerk; V J. K. Duke, Assistant Clerk; Robert Hedges, Engrossing Clerk; Jesse McCailen, Enrolling Clerk ; Rocky Thomas Sergeant-at-Arms; W. Deascey, Doorkeeper: E. Wood, Fireman; D. F Andrews and Albert Crow, Pages. On motion of Mr. Smith the rules of the House of the previous Legislature were adop- A ted, until others are enacted. The House voted to elect a Chaplhin, and F Hugh Duncan was chosen. On motion of Mr. McCullough the thanks of the House, the Council concurring, were tendered to Secretary Meagher for the com modious and neatly fitted rooms that have been provided for the use of the House and Council. A committee of three, consisting of Messrs. Smith, Buck and Gallaher, was appointed to wait upon the Council and request that body to meet with the House to-morrow at 10 . o'clock A. x. to hear the Governor's message. On motion of Mr. McCullough of Madison, is it was voted that any member who styIll re ceive a fee for performing any of hidauties, shall be subject to expulsion from the House. On motion of Mr. Smith, it was voted that the reporters of the press of the Territory be allowed seats in the House. On motion of Mr. McCullough, a commit tee of three was appointed to wait upon the Governor and notify him that the House had organized. The House then adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock A. M. to-morrow. COUNCIL. At 12 u. Secretary Meagher called the Coun ol cil to order, after reading Governor Smith's an proclamation convening the same. The mem e ers were sworn into ofice by Judge William Y. Lovell, and took their seats. On motion of Mr. Waterbury, Mr. Wilkin son was elected President pro tem, and Judge Lovell as Clerk pro tem. On motion of Mr. Chiles, J. B. Caven was elected Sergeant-at-Arms pro tem. E. S. Calhoun was elected Assistant Clerk pro tem. Proceeding to business, on motion of J. M. Waterbury, Hon. Charles S. Bagg wa elected by acclamation as President of the Council, and conducted to the chair by a committee ral composed of Messrs. Chiles, WaterLry and :t. rown. The Council was then organised by reecting from a host of candidates the following per manent.officers: Chief Clerk, William Y. Lov- 1 ell; Assistant Clerk, Charles E. V. Lovejoy; Engrossing Clerk, C. C. Menaugh; unrolling Clerk, F. W. A. Cunningham; Sergeant-at Arms, J. Buzz Caven; Doorkeeper, Henry Catlet; Fireman, Sylvester Chamberlain; Page, Master Johnny Daley. On motion the President appointed Messrs. Williamson, Moora and Orr a committee to inform the House of the permanent organiz ation of the Council. On motion Messrs. Chiles, Phelps and Water bury were appointed a committee to report rules for the government of the Council. On motion of Mr. Waterbury, the Council adjourned until to-morrow at 10 o'clock . x. House of Representativew. SECOND DAY-Nov. 4 1866. The House was called to ordipr at 10 o'clock A. M. Speaker Mayhew In the chair, and a quorum answered to their names. On motion of Mr. Mimms a cummittee of three, consisting of Messrs. Mimms, Smith and Johnson, was appointed to prepare rules for the House. Mr. McMurtry of Deer Lodge, present ed the remonstrance of Joseph A. Brown of Beaverhead, against the right of Mr. Essler to hold his seat, and claimed that he was duly elected to the same. Messrs. Andrews, Smith and McMur try were appointed a committee to re port upon the matter, with power to send for persons and papers. Messrs. Smith, Wylie and Van Hagan were appointed to wait upon the Coun cil and inform them that the House was organized. A communication was received from Secretary Meagher, informing the House that he had appointed John P. Bruce to execute the printing that would be re quired by the Legislature. Mr. Mimms gave notice that he would introduce a bill for regulating the sale of mules and other animals, and one for creating the office of District Attorney in each county. On motion of Mr. Andrews, the House reconsidered the vote by which Mr. Mc SCuallongh's resolution relating to the bri bery ofmembers was sdopted., Ayes 13, noes 8. The resolution wa then laid upon the table; ayes 16, noes and sp. sequently taken therefrom sai rejected. A committee from the Council, of which Mr. Chiles was Chairman, report- t ed that that body would meet the House in joint convention at 2 o'clock r- . . Mr. McCullough introduced a bill to repeal the law relating to trout fishing, passed by the Banaack Legislature. A communication was received from Secretary Meagher, notifying the House that each member would be furnished with six copies of the Gazette and six copies of the Democrat per week. After considerable discussion upon a resolution relating to the printing of the Clerk's record, it was withdrawn because Secretary Meagher desired to communi cate his views. The House then adjourned. 4 AFTERNOO. SESSION. The House met at 1½ o'clock r. M. Speaker Mayhew in the chair. The Speaker announced the following Committees: c Ways and Means-Buck, Blakely and fi JGorham. Judiciary-McMurtry, McCullough and b Smith. Internal Improvements-Rogers,Owen I and Van Hagan. Finance-Gorharn, McMurtry andC Blakely. Public Lands--Owen, Gallaher andI Jordan. Federal Relations-Rogers, McMurtry I and McCullough. Education-Mimms, Roach and John son. Roads and Bridges-Andrews, Jordan and Van Hagan. Towns and Counties-VanHagan,Buck and McManus. Military Affairs-Donegan, Essler and Van Hlagan. Incorporations-McCullough, Wylie and Smith. Agriculture and Manufactures-Wy lie, Clanton and Rhodes. Elections-Andrews, Blakely and Don s egan. Indian Affairs-Johnson, Owen and Wylie. * ines and Minerals-Rhodes, Donegan and Essler. Engrossment and Enrolinlent-Smith, Rogers and Clanton. Enrollment-Donegan, Johnson and - Wvlie. Printing-Andrews, McManus and c Blakelyv On motion of Mr. Buck of Jefferson, C one hundred copies of the list of the s committees was ordered to the printed for the use of members. On motion of Mr. - of - , Mr, Brown of Beaverhead was allowed to have a seat in the House while he is con testing the right of Mr. Essler to the same. At 2 o'clock the Council entered the House, and President Bagg assumed the chair of the joint convention. On motion of Speaker Mayhew, Messrs. Mayhew, Rogers and Waterbury were appointed a committee to wait upon the Governor, and inform him that the two houses were assembled in joint session. They returned with Governor Smith,who deliv, red his message, which may be found in the POST. On motion of Mr. Waterbury of Ed gerton, two thousand copies of the Gov ernor's message was ordered to be print ed. Yeas 21, nays 12. Speaker Mayhew having suggested that this vote was ille gal, because each branch should act upon the question, the matter was laid upon the table. At 3 o'clock P. m., on motion of Speaker Mayhew, the convention dis solved. On motion of Mr. Smith of Beaverhead, two thousand copies of the Governor's k message were ordered to be printed for the use of the House. On motion of Mr. Mimms, the Gover dnor's message was specially assigned for ' consideration at 2 o'clock p. x. on the d 7th. Conelnl. o The Council met pursuant to adjourn ment, at 10 o'clock p. m. Roll called and N all present. Record of the previous day P read and approved. The President announced the Stand- a ing Committees as follows: Ways and Means-Waterbury, Brown fi and Wilson. Judiciary--Spratt, Wilkinson and I Phelps. Internal Improvements-Tuttle,Moore o and Orr. Public Lands-Moore, Brown and Chiles. Federal Relations-Orr, Lowry and Spratt. Education-Chiles, Lowry and Gal loway Towns and Counties-Wilson, Gallo way and Tuttle. Military Affairs-Lowry, Moore and Chiles. Incorporations-Brown, Phelps and Waterbury. Agriculture-Moore, Tuttle and Orr. Elections - Galloway, Lowry and Chiles. Indian Affairs-Lowry, Brown and Moore. Mines and Minerals-Galloway,Phelps and Spratt. Engrossment - Phelps, Chiles and Wilson. Enrollment-C4hiles, Waterbury and Wilkinson. Printing- Wilkinson, Wilson and Brown. Adopted. Mr. Chiles gave notice that on to-mor Srow, or some subsequent day, he would introduce a bill entitled " An Act to reg ulate and license foreign miiels." On motion of Mr. Waterbury, the Council took a recess until 11 p. m. ArrERNOO)N BlasON. r The Council met pursuant to adjourn a ment. Roll called and all present. On motion of Mr. Chiles, the ladies of e this city were invited to attend the de * liberations of the Council and be allow SI ed a seat within the bar. . Mr. Spratt gave notice of the intro d duction of an act entitled, " An Ak In : relation to contracts, bonds, bills of ei i. change, and promissory notes." Mr. Waterbury gave notice of the in troduction of an act concerning corpor ations, commonly known as a general incoporation act. The Council then adjourned to meet in the hall of the House at 2 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of a joint convention C to receive the message of the Governor. Upon the adjournment of the joint c convention, the Council assembled in their Hall and was again called to order by the President. Roll called and all present. On motion of Mr. Moore, a committee of three was appointed to confer with a committee of the House, to prepare and recommend a series of joint rules for the government of the convention. The President appointed Moore, Phelps and Brown such committee. Mr. Spratt offered the following reso lution: Resolved, by the Council, the House concurring, That a committee of two I from the Council and three from the House, be appointed, whose duty it shall I be to consider the propriety of adopting a civil practice act for this Territory. i Adopted. Mr. Spratt moved a reconsideration. Carried. Mr. Chiles moved a suspension of the , rules. Carried. The resolution was then read and t passed to the second reading by its title, 1 and the third reading being had the same 1 was passed by a vote of twelve yeas to one nay. On motion of Mr. Waterbury the Council declared in favor of another Page. On motion of Mr.Waterbury, Marshall Orr was unanimously elected second ipage to the Council. On motion the, Council adjourned to 10 a. m. to-morrow. THIRD DAY-NOV. 7. The House convened at 10 o'clock a. m., speaker Mayhew in the chair. The journal was read and approved. Mr. Mimms, from the Committee on Rules, reported in favor of the adoption of those used by the second Legislature, with a few amendments. 'The House then went into Committee of the Whole on the report, Mr. McCul lough in the chair. After making some changes, the report was adopted and the committee rose, on motion of Mr. John ' son of Missoula. e The House then adjourned at 12 m. AFTERNOON SESSION. lik The House met at 2 o'clock p. m., ed speaker Mayhew in the chair. Mr. Mimms introduced a bill regula- of ting the sale of mules, horses and other vi animals, and requiring autioneers to ti keep a registry of the same. It wis re ferred to the Connmittee on the .Jndi ciary. Mr. Mimms also introduced a bill de fining the duties of attorneys for each county, and providing for their election. S Referred to the Committee on the Judi ciary. tl On motion of Mr. Donegan, it was voted that the Secretary of the Terri tory, be required to furnish a list of the i' titles of bills passed by the Bannack Legislabure. On motion of Mr. Johnson, the Secre tary was directed to furnish a copy of the votes cast at the late election. On motion of Mr. McCullough, the House appointed the Committee on Ju diciary to act with the Committee of the Council in framing a civil practice act. The report of A. H. Banet, Superin- a tendent of Public Instruction, was re ceived and read, and referred to the Committee on Education. The reports of John S. Rockfellow, Territorial Treasurer, and John H. Ming, e Auditor, were received, read and referred to the Committee on Finance, and 100 copies of each were ordered printed. . On motion of Mr. Mimms, Messrs. d Mimms, Smith and Rogers, were ap y pointed a committee to act with that of the Council, and prepare rules for the dI action of joint committees. ,fr. Donegan presented a petition in n favor of a general incorporation act, which was referred to the Committee on Ld Incorporations. The House adjourned to meet at 7 re o'clock p. m. Ce.ncl. Council met at the usual hour. Jour nal read and approved. Reports were made by several committees. The following notices of the introduc tion of bills were given: By Mr. Williamson. An Act to au thorize County Collectors not to receive Territorial scrip for county taxes. An Act authorising the Territorial Treas urer to reodive from the Treasurer of Edgerton coMnty the amount of Territo rial scrip received from his predecessor in payment of county taxes, etc. An Act to repeal that part of the jury law which requires the County Commission ers to pay jurors in civil cases. By Mr. Chiles. An Act concerning landlords and tenants. By Mr. Phelps. An Act concerning fences and fence viewers. By Mr. Orr. An Act defining judicial districts, etc. Mr. Chiles introduced C. B. No. 1, an Act to regulate and license foreign min ers. Read fiit and second times, ordered printed and referred to the committee on mines and minerals. A resolution introduced by Mr. Orr, was passed, allowing each member such papers as he might designate to the Sec retary. On motion of Mr. Chiles, the Gover nor's message was made the special or der for the afternoon. AFTERNOON SESION. f Council in committee of the whole upon the Governor's message, with Mr. Chiles is the chair.. Committee arose and reporte4 through - its chairman, which report was adopted, i recommending the several parts of it to - the proper comisnttees. council -4*rned. EVENIKG SESSION. Wednesday, Nov. 7. The House met at 7 o'clock P. M. Speaker Mayhew in the chair. On motion of Mr. McMurtry the re ports of the Treasurer and Auditor were ordered to be returned by the Committee on Printing, and the same on motion of Johnson, were laid on the table. At 7+ o'clock the House resolved itself into a committee o!f the whole, Mimms in the chair. The Clerk then read the Governor's message, sections of which were assigned to appropriate committees. Speaker Mayhew made an elaborate argument, in which he criticised the Governor's remarks regarding Choteau county. The committee rose at 9 o'clock, and the House adjourned. FOURTH DAY-NOV. 8. The House met at 10 o'clock A. IM. Speaker Mayhew in the chair. On motion of Mimms the rules of last session governing joint committees were adopted, and fifty copies ordered to be printed. Notice was given of the introduction of the following bills: By Johnson, a bill to change the coun I ty seat of Missoula to Missoula Mills, and to legalize the action of the County Com missioners in relation thereto; also an Act to amend the license law. By McMurtry, a bill to repeal an Act prohibiting the pasturing of stock on r winter grass land in Deer Lodge county. By McCullough, a bill relating to As 1 sessors. I By Esler, a bill relating to roads and road taxes. o By Mimms, a bill to suppress gamning. and another to protect possessory right upon the public domain of Montana. By Smith, a bill to locate a road from Helena to the Salt Lake road. By Blakely, a bill to change the coun ty seat of Gallatin, and one to authorize n the construction of a ferry on Sun river, a at the old Mullan crossing. e Mr. Buck introduced a bill to author ize H. W. Anderson to construct a ferry ,e across the Missouri river. Ref'rred to 1- Committee on Incorporations. e Mr. McMurtry gave notice of a bill to( ie provide for the collection of n Mr. Van Hagan gave notice of a bill to change the name of Muscleshell coun tv to Vivion, and the county seat t( Smithton. On motion of Mr. Wylie, Messrs. Wy lie, Mimms and McManus, were appoint n., ed to draft a license act. The Council bill No. 4, relating to th, la- officers of County Commissioners any ver vacancies in tae Board was read a thin to time and passed. re- The House adjourned at 12 M. AFTERNOON SESSION-NOV. 8. The House met at 2 o'clock p. m. Speaker May hew in the chair. House bill No. 1, relating to trout fishing was considered in Committee of the Whole and passed to a third reading. Most of the afternoon was occupied in debates upon parliamentary rules. An animated discussion took place re garding a communication from Secretary Meagher, which was addressed to the clerk instead of the speaker. The House adjourned at 4 o'clock. Conlcil. FOURTH DAY-NOV. 8. President called the Council to order at 10 o'clock A. M. Moore, chairman of the committe on joint rules for the House and Council re ported. Galloway gave notice that on to-mor row, or at an early day, he would intro duce a bill changing the time of apprais ing the value of real or personal property. Lowry gave notice of the introduction of a bill prohibiting certain games. ,Ž Brown gave notice of the introduction of a bill concerning the institutions of suits in District and Justice's Courts. Phelps gave notice of a bill to incorpo rate the Beaverhead county gold and sil ver mining and manufacturing company. Chiles gave notice that he would in troduce a bill authorizing George Hum phrey and William Alison to construct a ditch and take water therefor from the waters of the Deer Lodge. Phelps introduced C. B. No. 4, read first and second time by its title. There upon Chiles moved that the roles be sus' pended, which was done, and the bill passed to its third reading. Lowry offered the following resolution: That the Secretary of the Territory, mem bers of the House of Representatives and all ministers of the gospel, be admitted within the bar of the Council. Adopted. The Council adjournei.. AF"'EENOON SESSION. President called the Council to order at 2 P. M. Chiles offered the following resolution: Resolved by the Council, the House con curring, That the Public Printer be and is hereby requested hereafter, to print daily proceedings of both houses on the same slip of paper. Waterbury moved that the Committee on Printing be instructed to request the Public Printer to exclude all advertise ments and foreign matter from the pub lished proceedings of the Council. The motion was adopted. Moore gave notice that he would in troduce a bill concerning jurors in civil actions. Wilkinson gave notice that he would introduce a bill entitled an Act defining the duties'of the County Trasurmr. Galloway ofbered the following resolu tion: That our delegate in Congrese be requested to use his nflueance to procure the establishment of a seumi-e mail route, starting from the triw Deer Lodge, theo couat seae of Deer Idg county, via Gol4 Cr ee,, thek Missoula river No Beartb*nd the a blshment of : apot dSI dLodge Tbhe oPl adjos , ' , , M