Newspaper Page Text
/ tiang of tWe AoIl an Stagtute S scnRTrarY'e Orc.CE , M. T., VmGRoDA rrC , Nov. 9, 18... To Edward B. Nealley, Esq., Asalatant U. S. Attorney, etc. : DEAR Sir: Since the middle of June last I have been absent from here, hav ine had to visit different, and remote parts, of the Territory principally on fi cial business. I returned here about a fortnight ago. On my return, was hand ed your several letters, respecting the printing of the laws, &c. Had these laws been sent by Steam Boat from St Louis, they would have reached their destination long ago, and there would have been no delay in their delivery on account of Storage, &c. As it is, they are still in Denvir city, Colo rado Territory, and I have no means to extricate them. I considered the cheque, for $3,000, which I sent you long ago, ample for all the expenses incidental to the printing and forwarding of the Laws in question. You ask me, in your letter of the 7th ,f September, to make a requisition on the Comptroller of the Treasury at Wash ington for $6,000 on the above account. I de not feel myself justified in doing so. I consider $3,000 fully sufficient for all .uch expenses, including your own, for superintending and indexing the publi cation. It is not necessary, of course, to remind you, that long before I gave these jaws into your charge, and that you un d(ertook to see them properly arranged and printed, you had made your arrange ments to go to the States, and that you would have left the Territory, whether you had received any commission from mne or not. Consequently, I do not consider you t ,.ntitled to any compensation, beyond that for the time and care you bestowed apon the supervision &c of the work. As for the printing &c I hold that x3,000 is an ample amount. Ample ,nough indeed to have placed our Laws here, in this very office, in the best order and with reasonable promptitude, early in the sumitmer. Such being my conviction, and not having as yet received from you a single line setting forth expenses either estima ted or incurred, I respectfully decline to forward to the Comptroller of the Treas nry a requisition for more than the :31,000--a cheque for which, as I have already said, has been in your possess ion several months, and which, a letter from you in March last, informed me would be cashed by the Treasury the moment my Bonds were filed in that De partment. These Bonds having been tiled there the latter end of that month, I do not see what prevented your cheque for $3,000 being cashed long before this. I enclose, however, a requisition to the ('omptroller for the payment of the $3,000 cheque-and upon your render ing nim a statement of expenses for the printing, supervision, indexing &c of the Laws referred to, I shall favorably con sider the propriety of my sending you an additional sum, but not till then. As for my getting the printed Laws, now blockaded in Denvir city up here, I don't see how I can possibly contrive their release, until the Government pla res some funds or other at my disposal. I am very respectfully yours, THOMAs FPARctS MEAITTER, Secretary Territory of Montana. BATrH, Me., Oct. 13, 1866. EDITOR POST: Will you allow me ah few words in reply to the severe stric- w tures in your paper of Sept. 15th. In reply to the -charge of "absence a, from my post of duty,,' etc., it is suffi- ti ('ient to say that many months' since, , upon the exUiration of my leave of ab- t4 sence, finding that I should be unable c; to return to Montana this season, I sent s in my resignation to the President, (ad- fi vising Marshal Pinney of the tact) and h have since then received no compensa- v tion from the office. The "glowing de- h scription of Montana in the Atlantic d Monthly," are only an attempt to give the t public through a magazine of large cir culation a reliable account of the growth of our Territory, and its vast mineral 1 and agricultural resources. The con- a stant misrepresentation of interested l parties from other points as to the a wealth of Montana, make such accounts < from its friends of great value in the f East, and I hardly expected to be repri manded in a Montana journal for my labors. At to the item charging delay in the publication of the laws, I can only say that only a portion of them was ready on my departure from Virginia, and that I was compelled to await the greater 4 part until the 13th of March last. At once upon their receipt, they were put in the hands of the State Printer of Maine, and their publication hastened to the utmost with the whole force of a first class establishment. The volume consists of 770 pages, and it was simply impossible to have it completed at an earlier date, or in time for any steamer to Ft. Benton. Not one cent has ever been paid to the printer or any one else upon them, and great loss has resulted in consequence. This, however, is not the fault of Gov. Meagher, who prompt Iv forwarded me his draft; but by rea son of some informality or lack of funds it has never been paid. Express bills upon the copies for publication to this point, and freight bills upon the printed statutes as far as Atchison, Kansas, have been paid from my own pocket. Under these circumstances, I cannot believe that the people of Montana, whose good opinion I should be very loth to lose, will hold me censurable. I have hur ried the publication of the laws with the utmost dispatch, and immediately upon their completion, partly at my own personal expense, shipped th b Ue only train which I could find at Atchi son going in the direction of Montana, directed to Gov. Meagher, in care of W. S. Godbe, Salt Lake, and at once ad vised Gov. Meagher accordingly I am, very respectfully, our obedient servant, ' EDW. B- taLLUT, Late U. S. 1lstrlat Attorney. -in San Franciseco, on the it inst., in the case of Charles P. 1)uaf, rhgsd with murder, the juary retu4* "e t diet of " not gallty." A Med. eu was entered in the 'eas 1e his "bioih John Duane, charger -with-a : sory. You will pmd h the abstract of the Audit ' , tammtted her with, that the eemitest. Meagher and Beaverhead have alas led to make their returns to that ofioe.--Go,. 8usit' wsewage. We hope that the citisens of theabove named counties will remember this een surable remark when their clerks are candidates for re-election. There can be no excuse for the negligence that has been so justly pointed out by the Exec utive. We are informed that the Treas urer of Beaverhead has not performed his duty, and as this is a matter in which not only the people of that local ity, but all tax payers in the Territory, are interested, the fact is published for the general good. In Meagher county, which was created by the last Legisla ture, the old officers of Gallatin caused considerable trouble by their interfer ence in the assessment of taxes. All matters are moving along harmoniously at this time, and the Treasurer has made a return of $800 to John S. Rock:" llow, Esq., Territorial Treasurer, since the message of the Governor appeared in the POST, making a total of $1,300. This sum, taking into consideration all the circumstances, is a result which is highly creditable to that official. In this connection we will add that Mr. Rea, of Edgerton, has collected nearly double the amount of revenue in one month (since his shortcomings were exposed by the POST,) that he previously gathered in two months. THE MINNEAPOLIS SUICIDE - SOME THING ABOUT THE PARTIES TO THE TRAGEDY.-Mrs. Erwin had arrived at N the Nicollet House in January, in com pany with a Mr. Blizzard and his wife, passing as the sister of the latter. This lady is at present living in Chicago, and her husband is in Indiana. She was there joined by Louis Cohen, and with him she departed for St. Paul, where they lived together up to about two W weeks since. And trouble arose in con sequence, as well it might. Mr. Cohen was employed as a traveling salesman for the firm of Rothchild & Alder, whole sale tobacconists, 69 South Water street. 0 He had a wife and daughter living on Fourth Avenue, whom he had left almost destitute. His wife, who is considerably his senior in years, he being about 34, T and she at least ten years older, was pos sessed, when he married her, of consid erable property. No sooner did he man age to control this, than he entered on a course of reckless dissipation, by which it was rapidly squandered. One liason followed another, and at last his own family was about altogether forsaken. He had only been in this city a short time when he became acquainted with Mrs. J. G. Erwin, and he deliberately set himself to accomplish her ruin. He suc ceeded in persuading her to leave her home and her friends, and accompany him. He soon tired of his too confiding victim, and without the slightest com punction, he determined to cast her aside. Perhaps, for the first time after leaving a her home, she realized her true position when she returned from St. Paul to Minneapolis and was refused admittance at the Nicollet House. He had ascer tained that the friends of his injured wife were upon his track, and resolved - to punish him for the misery he had caused her. He had consequently re it solved to betake himself to another 1 field of operations, and scrawled her a d hurried note, telling her that "there - was trouble," and that he meant to see her no more. This note was the last ic drop necessary to cause the cup of bit 1e terness and anguish to overflow. The r- unhappy woman could see no solitary h gleam of hope around all her darkened al horizon. She had been deceived, ruined n- and betrayed, and now she saw herself Xd heartlessly deserted and cast away like 1e a worthless toy. One way only was ta open for her. She could fly for refuge le from the world to the quietness of the ri- grave. She left letters to her father, y sisters and brother, and one to the vil lain who had driven her to her death. )e A brief, tragic note it was; three short y passionate sentences, the last dictates ly of a broken heart. at Perhaps Cohen may read these with er coldness and indifference, but there may At come a day when they will be as burn ut ing fire, even to a conscience so seared of as his is known to be.-Chicago Post. a .. . .- NOW READY : An Impartial and Correct History of -T~i-- Vigilates of MoItma! Comprising a fall aeesoat of the Cha ptre. Trial and Exeoatli of PLU]MMEW'S GREAT BAND -..oW R.cud .E~m. " O W#&6LUSL ea bC l .a3 e~rea of , , D. W7. TIN14O ' CO., I Mar -w THR MONUTAN 1OU BOOK AND JOB PRINTING IFFICE, Coer lh Waie. and Jaekie. srbco, Virgini City.................. Montana. ALL KINDS OF Fancy and Ornamental 'PRINTING EXECUTED WITH DISPATCH. We have the latest improved 1 POWER PRESSES, Together with a large susortment *1 3 NEW STYLES OF JOB Z YPE Which enables us to do work t BETTER STLET AND WITH MORE EXPEDITION Than any office in the Territory. d .B___ WE HAVE ON HAND A LARGE STOCK F0 Business Cards, Of every Style, Size, and Variety, To which we invi% the attention of Business Mea. [ All orders promptly attended to, and sats faction guaranteed. t CITY BOOK STORE. 1 D. W. Tilton & Co., Booksellers and Stationers Uorner of Wallace and Jackson ftU., VIRGINIA CITY - - MONTANA, f HAVE JUST RECEIVED A LARGE AND sI WELL SELECTED STOCK 7 OF Books and Stationery, Consisting, in part, of, LEDGERS, DAY-BOOKS, i BLANK BOOKS, sand=OURNALS, On he best quaity o paper, agd NEATLY BOUND IN CALF. Ale. A Large Lot Pocket Tuck -Memorandum NOTE, FLAT-CAP FOlO-POST, , Lw:b.si5I . # . 82YGBDRA ABn EONXlB&iO* MERRGHANS G-RQCE~S, FIREPBOOF STONE WAREHOUSE (Formerly oeoupisd by Cr+iRhton & Co.,) commerr orfWalaee Van ures s., VIRGINIA CITY, M. T. S Prompt attention gives to the prohase, sale and storage of PRO VISIONS AND PBODUCE, -AND - MERCHANDISE GENERALLY, Liberal Oash Advanoemente made on Oonaignments. RBFER TO: Mesrs. Holladay a Halsey, Bankers, Salt Lake, Kimball & Lawrence, Merchants, " " Gilbert & Sons, Mr. William Sloan, Messrs. Hawke & Bro., Nebraska City. Warren Hussey & Co., Bankers, Denver. " Daniels & Brown, J. J. Roe & Co., Virginia City. " Geo. H. Hanna & Co., Captain William Parkinson, Helena. J. G. Baker, Fort Benton. 110* KING & GILLETTE,, I HELENA, - - - M. T. -:0: Wholesale DE1 AL.ELLERTS IN Groceries, Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, Farming Implements, Liquors and Cigars. Money advanced on merchandise, and goods stored in a fire-proof warehouse. w112 KING & GILLETT. Board and Reot AT THE DEER LODGE HOTEL, DEER LODGE CITY. Joe Clark, - - Prop'r. s at EXCELLENT accommodation for guests and boarders. FIRST CLA8SS FARE PROVIDED. GOD1 BEDS. A s:arge and commodious FEED STABLE, Under the care of an experienced and attentive hostleo T.IREE STAGES (Oliver's Line) leave this .otel EVERY OTHER MORNING far Helena, Virginia CIty, And all the P MINING CAMPS OF THE TERRITORY. a.aele.r wilnl ve MANT INCOONVENIENCES Dy soppin a this House. aISw J. B. LE BEAU, C: JEWELRYW Of every dAss. and sa ty*, t of ths ww. S NATIVE GOLD. FINN WAT DMN3 Cp -,m% dh and jip V4FAR PTUT T I ,,ý s i · ; ,eliei :·?, : ·.· 1 3 Week iJ ss. E1 ;' w I WHOMEAW AND ]BTA 80%8888 & mPtfVBYOB8 WAL~AOB BT., YVIPGI. & (017. AT TEN Metropolitan Meat Market I p i Mak will ibe ad, at all easm e of the SJyar, eed s tk maa ARTISTIC STPLB, 11 And d the best quality obtaIable r mnoey. BEEF, MUTTON. PORK, VEAL, LAMB, Came, Large & Small, POULTRY, FISH, SAUSAGES, -And AVERY ARTIOCE IN THEIR LINE. W The large stock neeessitated by their exten she business enables purchasers to make a selection exactly switing their taste. i Customers waited upon sad their orders promptly executed. Yong persons sent to this establishment will be especially attended to. A BRANCH wARKET At the old Stad of H. M. Bea:regard, near the POSTOFFICE, ON WALLACE STREET. 120' J. J. ROE & Co,,e ii WALLACE STREET, B( VIRGINIA CITY, - M. T. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN RE:C General Merchandise! Mi SubJi tw '1LDTfh7ISl-I-ih ttti-o of Merchants and the receipt of a general asortme t of M con sisting in part of St. LOUIS DOUBLE EXTRA FLOUR, , Em Oarn eal, Bacon, Hans, n LardI, Sugar, Oofee, s.c OaAllles, Soap, utu, Lon £lJ- , rquU ei, . AND DRIED FRUITS, And all artuler puertalng t tle o g ery liae. A LARGE AUORYMEWIT O0 Liquers and Cigars, 01 ALL DiESCRIPTIONS. CHAMPAGN OE, BITTERS, WHISKEY. . 1. A G BAL AsO TK=TOQ Faruukciners' ,,F , 1R~1~~!iP·I n~C~: j C ~ ~ ·i 0. L. . M . m.eoe.m r to A. 3. Rem a&cOQ* Wholesale Grocers STORAGE AnD UoENIUO Curssr wafs" a Jeasm str1, AVUY ON HAND 5 racks of Flour; 80,00 pounds of Bacon; 35,000 pounds of ugar; 7,000 pounds of Salt; 16,000 pounds of Cofaie; 90 chests of Tea; 6,000 pounds N.Y. State dried apples 1,000 " " .. Peaches ; 6,000 pounds Tobacco, best brands; M0 kegs Golden & Amber Syrup; 5,000 pounds Nails; 600 gall's Bourbon & Rye Whisky ; 50 cases of Fields' Oysters; Together with a geoneal eortmemat ef Case Liquors AND CANNED FRUITS Of every deseription. RIFLE AID BLASlIG POWDER, FUIS, f., WRAPPING PAPER, TWINE, CANDLE WICKING SOAP, WERKS' CANDLES, SODA, MUSTARD, CREAM TARTAR, MATCHES, CONCENTRATED LYE, PICKLES, YEAST POWDERS. All of which we offer at wholesale or retail, at the lowest market rates. gP Goods received on Storage or Commilssia SLiberal cash advances made on cosiga meats. 11 ASSAY OF"FICE OF BOHM & MOLITOR, SALT LAKE CITY. RECEIVE GOLD & SILVER BULLION For Melting and Ausaying, Subject to order for reshipment Gold extetd from black sand. Particular attetien p~ to Minermal Asm.ys. Beturm made from six to twelve hours after receving. OurAssays we .arate SWe Refer, with Permission, to emurmadn a.s, ,, 3nk Ues,., ,C,. " Jon W. Kerr & Co. " "' " Walkerres., m.r _t_, "' SConsten Ta. City, N. T. lank of Callbna, San lwaaebu, C. " Sathes & Co. ," ,, London A San a Fnees lanka " Nwm. Isma us, 1.17 &C . 'C " J.r w. sii elgmkan .,hw Terk. WUmies M'ffh g#iE Agwey 91 rbust, 9L Lowe. No. MAUAIUACrUUZWS' D30T, Ha 88 Iueth 5th St, Oom 8I (kk, err. LoIm, no B. wID be od away vy.1 AMEIRCAN CLOCKS AN5D IF. 3. Nook hG - C.t Wh~~arýýýº Wkol-a#~#e C~C ~*4 ]~lll~ FI npd#~ IwLr~rr~i