The Only Paper In The State of Montana That Dares to Print The News.
The Butte Inter Mount on.
VOL. XXI. NO. 42
Fair Tonight
Warmer Tomorrow
Spictaculr.r Scoop in Revenge for the
Morgan Hill Interference in Union
Pacific Affairs—Corner $80,
000,000 Worth of Stock in
the Open Market—Price
Almost Doubled.
(By Associated Press.)
New York, May 8.—The stock market
kas utterly demoralized at the opening
to-day by the development in Northern
Pacific. JVhat were rumors yesterday
became assertions of fact to-day, that
the Harriman interests in retaliation for
the recent attempt to secure control of
Union Pacific had turned upon the Mor
gan-IIlll interests and wrested from them
the control of Northern Pacific. The com
petitive buying which resulted, caused
a virtual corner in the stock to the dis
comfiture and panic of a very large short
The collateral consequences, of the open
war thus disclosed between the most
powerful financial interests in the coun
try caused acute alarm among the large
operators long of the market. The Har
riman syndicate, supposedly hacked by
the Goulds and Standard Oil interests
in bitter warfare with the Vanderbilt
Morgan-Hill combine, offered alarming
suggestions to the heated Imagination
of speculators. While shorts were bid
ding any prices for Northern Pacific,
speculators were unloading other stocks
all through the list. By some means
Northern Pacific had been forced 10%
points under last night's closed here in
the London market this morning.
The opening sales were of 2,000 shares
at 155, a rise of 11% over last night's
close here, and 22% over the morning's
London price. On subsequent pur
chases of blocks noted In 2,000 shares
the prices jumped five points, at a time
to ISO and then fell back to 155. The
price fluctuated violently afterward be
tween 155 and 145. The preferred stock
broke 9 points; Canadian Pacific broke
4% and then rallied 6%. Union Pacific
rose a fraction, broke 3 and then came
back 3. Some of the most urgent buy
ing of Northern Pacific came from arbi
trage houses, showing that foreigners
were largely represented in the short in
terest. The disorder on the stock ex
change was extreme during the first
hour, but strong rallies In the general
market and the relapse in Northern Pa
cific reassured holders and the market
became quieter.
After a brief rally in the market with
heavy selling prices stumped at such a
rate during the last hour that panic con
ditions developed. Holdings were thrown
Over without regard to price and declines
of half to a point between sales were the
rule in the active stocks. There were oc
casional feverish pauses in the down
ward course due to desperate attempts to
check the liquidations but their duration
was only momentary.
The drop in St. Paul reached 19 3-4, in
Union Pacific 16 l-2c. In Rock Island 14,
in Brooklyn Transit 1 1-2, in New York
Central 8 3-8, in Missouri Pacific 9, in
Loulisville and Nashville 8, in Pennsyl
vania 7, in People's Gas S, in Texas and
Pacific 8 1-2, in Southern Pacific 8, in
Canadian Pacific 1 and the general run of
active stocks 1 to 5. United States Steel
Etocks suddenly collapsed the common
falling 6 3-4 and the preferred 11 by rap
id stages. As the declines reached great
er proportions and wiped out the more
strongly margined accounts, the weight
of the confusion aided by nervousness
seemed to deprive the operators of their
power of judgment.
When United States Steel preferred had
reached a decline of 12 points apparent
ly unlimited buying orders appeared in
the stock which rallied it to 8 points.
There were other rallies in sympathy,
Brooklyn Transit recovering six points
and other prominent stocks from two to
three and a half points. Other
stocks, however, continued to break to
still lower levels. Missouri Pacific touch
ed 99%, Amalgamated Copper lost 12%,
Illinois Central 11, Western Union 10,
American Tobacco 9, Erie 8%, Manhat
tan 7 and Union Pacific extending Its
lass to 17 points. In the closing dealings
the market continued its wild, erratic
character, sudden rebounds in some
points being ofTset by renewed decline
In others.
Proclaims the Everlasting Blood Fel
lowship of England and America
in a Pekin Temple.
(By Associated Press.)
New York, May 8.—A dispatch to the
Herald from Pekin says:
Gen. Gaselt gave a smoking concert
In the Temple of Heaven in honor of
Gen. Chaffee and his officers. Gen. Chaf
fee made a poetical speech which caused
comment outside the British compound.
The following version was published in
the official organ of the British legation
and was accepted on all sides as correst:
"Let kings, ministers and politicians
lay what they may,'' said Gen. Chaffee,
"but I can tell you this, thfct never will
you see Americans and British facing
each other on the field- Our national
policy may be a steer clear of interna
tional complications, but should circum
stances arise in which we must make a
choice, oui- inclinationn will be with
British Transport a Total Wreck.
(By Associated Press.)
Capetown, May 8.—The mails, pas
senger and baggage have been landed
Trom the steamer Tantallon Castle,
which went ashore on Robbin Island dur
ing a fog as she was about to anchor.
It Is feared the steamer will become a
wreck as she is hard and fast on the
rocks and is bumping and leaking. AH
attempt to tow her oft have failed. The
Tantallon Castle was bound from
Southampton for Table Bay.
Reciprocity Treaties the Only Hope for
Amicable Relations, Says an Em
inent Frenchman—They Fear Our
Great Resources and Industrial Ac
tivity and Unite for Protection.
(By Associated Press.)
.Chicago, May 8.—"If the great trusts
In this country encroach on European
markets to the detriment of European
manufacturers, I predict a combination
of the commercial countries of Europe
to raise tariffs on American goods to
aldost prohibitive figures."
So spoke Jules Siegfried, France's
minister of industry, commerce and the
colonies, in the cabinet of Ribot In 1892
and 1893, who is at present In this city.
"There is but one logical solution of
the present situation," continued Mr.
Sigfried, "and that is the signing of a
fair and equitable reciprocity treaty be
tween the different nations. I always
have been in favor of such treaLles, be
cause they foster trade and increase the
friendliness of political relations be
tween countries party to them. It really
is the only log cal solution of the ap
proaching troubles.
Combine Against America.
"Do I believe a combination of Euro
pean powers is probable in the near
future? Well, it will follow after several
of the countries have put up their
tariffs to protect their own manufactur
ers. You are a wonderful people and
your country Is marvelous in Its re
sources and when your competition be
comes so great as to be alarming, the
combination of governments will be a
very natural result.
"Under reciprocity this situation would
be almost impossible. Take my own
country, France, for example. We buy
our steel, Iron and machinery from Eng
land, but we could buy it from your
mills just as well. Under a reciprocity
agreement between the two govern
ments we would come to you for our
steel, our iron, our coal, our machinery,
and, in fact, nearly all of the material
used in our manufactures and indus
tries. On the other hand, we would
send you our gloves, our fine linen and
lace and cotton goods, and the commer
cial relations established would bring
the two countries into closer and more
cordial political relations. It would be
of benefit to both."
No Particular System Advocated, But
Entire Belief in the Marvelous New
Method of Signaling—Only Short
Time Needed to Demonstrate Its
Great Usefulness on Ship Board.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, May 8.—The board of
naval officers, headed by Capt. Chad
wick, appointed to make a full investi
gation and report on wireless telegraphy,
has completed its work and submitted
its report to Admiral Bradford chief of
the naval bureau of equipment, having
charge of this subject.
It had been expected that the inquiry
would last through the summer, and the
navy department has been somewhat
surprised at the promptness with which
the board has been able to reach its
Give Up Carrier Pigeons.
Although the findings are not made
public It is known that the board re
ports on the entire feasibility of the
system and recommends that It be
adopted and that the present system of
using carrier pigeons for messages be
tween naval points be abandoned.
Wit'h the report the hoard submits the
results of an extended conference with
Senor Marconi, the Italian Inventor,
concerning the general subject of wire
less telegraphy. It Is understood that
Marconi made no proposition regarding
his own system, and that the board se
cured his views as an expert on the
general subject. There is no finding in
favor of any particular system, but a
general treatment of all systems. The
board has no doubt that wireless tel
egraphy will prove a valuable adjunct
of the navy.
Iron I akers Get a Raise.
(By Associated Press.)
Harriflburg, Pa.. May 8.—A notice has
been posted at the Pennsylvania Steel
Works that beginning June 1 the wages
at the steel works will be restored to
the rates in force previous to Jan. 1, 1901
This is equivalent to an advance of tea
per cent. The company employa ^a -I y
7,000 persons.
The Presidential Party Now Within
Borders of the Sunset State—A
Galaxy of Flowers—Reception
In the Land of Gold
and Oranges.
Governor Henry T. Gage, the First California Executive to Receive a
Redlands, Cal., May 8.—The train bear.*
ing the presidential party entered ffie
land of fruit and. flowers shortly after
midnight when the Colorado river was
crossed at Yuma.
The first glimpse of California this
morning was not prepossessing, but it
was a novel sight.
The train was running through the bed
of an ancient salt sea, south of the Mo*
jave desert. It Is 200 feet below sea '
level, and is a white sheet of inerusted,
salt, which is ployew up as, eastern far-1
mers plow their fields. This was passed.:
very early in the morning. ; '
The train was mounting San Gorgore
ous pass between snoy capped mountain
peaks when the president first looked
from his ear window. The mountains
were covered with verdure to the show
line and to the foothills on either side
stretched waving fields of wheat. Soon
after the train entered San Bernardino
county, famed for its wonderful fruits
and hurried along through green en
chanting orange groves, orchards, of cit
rue fruits and gardens of beautiful flow*
ers. In the distance towered the snow
mantled summits of San Jacinto and San
Bernardino, each over 10,000 feet high.
At every little station were groups of
smiling, happy people. The women and
children held roses In their arms and
pelted the president's car with them as
the train rushed by. It was a charming
welcome to the state of California. Red
lands, the .first stop in the state, was
reached at 9 o'clock. Here great prep
arations had been made to welcome the
president and his party.
Governor Gage and the senators and
representatives in congress, had gath
ered here to welcome the chief executive
British Coal Miners Will Observe the
New Coal Tax Before Going on a
General Strike.
(By Associated Press.)
New York, May 8.—It Is asserted,
says the London correspondent of the
Tribune, that a consultation of the Brit
ish miners with the large mine owners
will occur today and that the miners
will not be called out on strike against
the coal tax.. Unless all signs fail it will
be a politica demonstration against the
tax with the sober second thought that
it is premature to order a strike and to
paralyze manufacturing industires when
it is not yet clear how the export duty
will operate and what effect it will have
on the foreign markets. The firmnesi
of the coal stocks seems to preclude the
idea that a great industrial crisis *s
Treasurer of the Island Needed Only a
Small Force to Deal Out the
Many Millions.
(By Associated Press.)
New Yok, May 8.—Major E. F. Laid,
ex-treasurer of Cuba, who has Just ar
rived from Havana, said last night that
he had turned over $1,800,000 to Gen.
Roloff who had qualified as treasurer
of the Island. Gen. Roloff was secre
tary of war for the Cuban republic.
Maj. Ladd said that while he was In
to Calllfornia; The city was beautifully
decorated, Venetian masts with stream
ers formed an arcade of color on Orange
street under which the party drove to
(the Loina hotel where the exercises tok
c place.
The board street was literally carpet
ed with roses, purple lupins and red pop
pies and the wealth of flowers every
where filled the air with, fragrance. A
company of local militia and the high
school cadets escorted the party to the
hotel through lines of cheering people.
Oranges were profusely used in the dec
orations and the marshals of the parade
wore orange ribbons across their should
The exercises took place on the flower
bedecked balcony of the hotel in plain
view of thousands. An Indian band
from the school at Perris played patriot
ic airs below while the president ex
changed greetings with Governor Gage
and the distinguished assembly on the
balcony. The mayor of Redlands intro
duced Governor Gage, who in eloquent
language which aroused an enthusiastic
eoho in the crowd below welcomed the
periident and .extended to him the free
dorn of the state.
The president's response, delivered in
graceful style, drew repeated cheers
from the vast throng below him. The
exercises were followed by a drive of
about an hour and a half through the
orange growing section.
Mrs. McKinley and the ladies of the
party met Mrs, Gage and the ladies of
Redlands in the parlors of the hotel dur
ing the exercises and were taken for a
drive through the beautiful valley of San
< aba he had handled in all $40,000.000 of
Cuban funds, and that his staff con
sisted of but ten men. He also said
t nit the affairs of Cuba are at present
controlled by the revolutionary party,
and that the commercial interests of the
country would like to have American
occupation of the country continue and
believe the Platt amendment will keep
the new republic from getting into snarls
with foreign nations.
May Graze There Only by Sufferance
of National Executive Power—
Have No Real Rights.
(By Associated Press.)
Fresno, Calif., May 8.—Judge Olin Wei
bern, sitting in the northern division of
the United States district court for
Southern California, in overruling a de
murer made by sheep owners to com
plaints against them for trespassing on
forest reserves, gave an important opin
ion regarding the jurisdiction of the Unlt
t d States executive authority over the
f.eest reserves.
He held, first, that the state law would
uphold the entre jurisdiction of federal
executives over the forest reserves, Just
as that of any private owner;: second,
that even if this were not the case, it
e uld not be questioned that the United
states had entire authority over its pub
lic lands; third, that the right enjoyed
by grazers of running their Mock on
public domain Is derived from the suf
f once of the executive power of the na
tional government and not from any au
New York May Rest Secure Under
Its Yawning Black Muzzle—Other
Cities May Also Be Defended by
Similar Destroyers—What It Would
Do to an Enemy at Sea.
(By Associated Tress.)
Washington, May 8.—Capt. Wheeler of
the ordnance bureau has been ordered
to Watervleit, N. Y., to make final in
spection of the 16-inch gun now nearing
completion at thnt place. It is expected
that this gun will be capable of throw
ing a ball weighing 2230 pounds a dis
tance of 21 miles. The gun weighs 130
tons and its total length is 49 feet 2.9
inches. The length of the bore is 37
feet 4 inches, with a rear diameter of
60 inches.
An army officer at Washington says
that should this weapon be mounted at
Sandy Hook, it would be capable of pro
tecting a territory of almost incalculable
wealth. New Rochelle on the north,
Tuckaho on the south, Hemnstead and
Long Beach on Long Island, Perth Am
boy and Patterson an New Jersey, not
to mention New York, Brooklyn and
Jersey City, would all be within the
zone of its protection. Its shells could
pass far above Staten Island and fall
half a mile beyond Atlantic Highlands.
The gun is to be sent to Buffalo, and
will be one of the Interesting features
of the war department exhibit. If the
weapon proves a success it is possible
that others will be constructed to be
located at New York, Boston, San Fran
cisco and possibly Hampton Roads.
Negro Music Teacher Will Hold His
Position Because He Is Quali
fied for the Place.
(By Associated Press.)
New York, May 8.—John Jasper, sup
erintendent of the school board of Man
hattan and the Bronx, said that Richard
M. Robinson, colored, against whom it
is said eighteen school principals have
raised objections, was regularly ap
pointed assistant supervisor of music
for the eighteen schools bcause f his
qualifications for the position, and that
under no circumstances will the color
line be drawn in the department.
Supt. Jasper says that he proposes to
uphold Robinson in every way its long
as he deserves it.
Historic Case That Originated in the
Building of the Union Pacific—
Secretary Gage Asked to Pay Vast
Sum to the Claimants, But Re
fuses to Hear Them.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington, May 8.—The treasury de
partment Is preparing a letter to the
postofflee department asking that a fraud
order he issued against parties repre
senting themselves as interested in the
Durkee claim. This claim is an old one,
dating back to Pacific railroad days,
Durkee at one time being governor of
Utah territory. The original amount
was $64,000,000. The ease has been in the
court of claims and more recently in
the supreme court of the District of Co
lumbia and rejected.
Yesterday a lawyer called on Secretary
Gage with two witnesses and made a
demand for $79.000.000.
"1 refuse to pay it,'' asserted Secretary
Gage, "for the reason that I would oe
subject to impeachment and imprison
"Very well," retorted the lawyer, "I
have witnesses to your refusal."
It is stated at the treasury department
that many persons have been induced
to buy stock iu this "Durkee claim'' and
for that reason it is proposed to ask for
the issue of a fraud oi der.
(By Associated Press.)
San Francisco, May 8—Mariano Abril,
editor and proprietor of La Democruta,
published at Carguas, Porto Rica, hits
just returned from an inspection of the
Hawaiian plantations and the new homes
of the six thousand Porto Ricans who are
He says that his countrymen and their
families are well established, pleased
with their condition and In a way to
make more money than they ever could
have earned at home. In his opinion
from 25,000 to 30,000 Porto Ricans will
be taken to the Hawaiian islands during
the next few years.
Pope Leo bends His Greetings to Mgr,
Martinelli, Who Takes the Second
Step in His Elevation to the
Cardinalate—Historic Bal
timore Church Crowd
ed With People.
Baltimore, May 8—Sebastian Martinelli
titular archbishop of Ephesus and Co.'»
dinal elect of the church of Rome, today
received at the hands of Cardinal Gibbons
the red berretta and donned the robes
which will hereafter mark his rank. The
ceremony, which is the second step in hÎ3
elevation to his new position, was mark*
ed by all the pomp and brilliance usual
ly attendant upon such occasions. It
was held in the venerable cathedral, the
first edifice of its kind erected upon
American soil and in which the first
American priest and the first American
bishop were ordained. Among those who
witnessed it were men and women, prom
inent in every walk of life—diplomat»,
legislators, educators, journalists and ec
elesiasts, the latter including half a score
of archbishops, half a hundred bishops,
priests, monks and seminarians.
The initial step in the ceremony took
place in the palace of the cardinal and
consisted of the transmission of the
berretta to Cardinal Gibbons by Mgr.
Marchetti, the papal ablegate. Brief ad
dresses were made by both participants
in the affair. While this was in progress
a procession was formed in front of Cal
vert hall, a block away, in which were
arranged in the order named the semin
arians, priests, Franciscan and Augus*
tinan monks, the members of the faculty
in the Catholic university in Washing
ton. abbots, bishops and Anally the arch
bishops, the purple and gold of their rich
vestments adding brilliancy to the scene.
At (0 o'clock they moved through the
cathedral to Charles street, passing the
palace of the cardinal, where they were
Joined by his eminence in full offlciqj
paraphernalia, who took his place la=:t
in the line. Thence the procession
moved to the main entrance of tlie ca
thedral. The cardinal elect meanwhile
had entered the building through a rear
door and advanced to meet the prooes
I sion at the altar rail. The cardinal and
the cardinal elect saluted each other pro
the cardinal elect saluted each other
profoundly and each sought the throne
provided for him. That for Cardinal
Gibbons occupied the gospel side of hte
altar, while that of the cardinal-elect
was placed upon the epls'lj side. When
they had seated themselves the p:\p.i 1
brief to Cardinal Martinelli was read as
Papal Br.ef to Mgr Martinelli.
"Our beloved son, health and aposto
lic l ened'ctl'Ut.
"Although unworthy, being consti
tuted iby Divine mercy in the sublimity
of the aposto'ic see, and by virtue of oui'
office having care of the welfare of tue
Catholic church, among our first solici
tudes is that the college of our veer
able brothers, the Cardinals of the
Holy Roman church should be kept
brilliant by most distinguished men as
the dignity of that most spied id order
demands. For this reason we have de
termined to ascribe you in their num
ber of your piety your learning, your
zeal for the Catholic faith and your
other qualities and gifts of mind which
lead us to hope that your ministry will
be of great use and benefit to the church
of God.
"We resolved to commit the honorable
duty of apostolic delegate to Fran
cis Marchetti, auditor of the apostolic
delegation in the United States of Nortn
America, who will present to you created
by us a cardinal of the Holy Roman
church one of the insignia of this su
blime dignity, the red berretta, so that
when it shall have been conferred on
you, having been raised to the cardl
nalitial dignity, must ever stand fear
less and invincible against all dangers
to the church of God, eves to the
shedding of your blood, precious in the
: sight of the Lord. We wish, however,
I that when you receive the berretta you
I will by all means take the oath to be
given you by the said Francis Marchetti
and that signed by you, you send it us
either through him or through some
other person.
"Given at St. Peters, Rome, under the
seal of the Fisherman's Seal on the 15th
day of April, 1901, in the twenty-fourth
; year of our pontificate.
Mysterious Disappearance of the Draw
ings for the Warship St. Louis
White in the Mails.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington. May 8.—A mystery sur
i 'umls the disappearance of the contract
I plans for the protected cruiser St. Louis.
Whi'ih r they have been lost or stolen
will probably be determined by an offl
, ciul inquiry. Rear Admiral Bowles,
chief constructor, has advised the ap
pointment of a board to investigate.
The contract for the St. Louis was
recently awarded to the Neafle & Le. y
Sh and Engine Building Co., of Phila
delphia. In order that there might be
no delay on the ship, Admiral Bowles
! hitd tracings made of the plans and for*
I warded them to the firm through the
superintending naval constructor. The
company now asserts that it never re
ceived the plans.
Our Warships Abroad.
(By Associated Press.)
Washington. May S.— Admiral Roger»
has informel the naval department of
his departure on the New York from
! Colombo for Singapore. The Iowa 1 ■%
1 Bremertuu Monday for Sun Francisco.