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SHIP HEN GLAD TO SELL DDT Got Their Price and Bid Not Care Who Paid It— English Tress Lamenting. (By Associated Press.) New York, May 8.—Commenting upon S. Pierpont Morgan's trans-Atlantic shipping operations, the London corres pondent of the Tribune says of the pub lished agreement for the purchase of the controlling interest in the Leyland line: The general meeting of stockholders which approved it was a good humored assemblage, and it was evident that whatever might be the lamentations of the press on the subject, those pres ent appreciated the excellent bargain they had made. Mr. Morgan is in a fair way to revo lutionize the English science of politi cal economy, even if he not yet demon strated how English built and manned fleets can be admitted to American reg Istt y and.subsidized as the London press asserts will be done. ALL FREIGHTJRATES GOING UP Eastern and Southern Railroads Agree to Mulct the People for a Littla More Money. (By Ass eiated Press.) New York, May S.—Kail rates from New York to Mississippi valley points will ie advanced on and after May 13 The roads inte ested have established a bas s for all rail and rail and water rates .from New York to these points and a tar iff has already tern issued by the Balti more & Ohio railway, which will be used by oth-r lines and which shows a differ ential over the water lines of 10, S and 4 cents for the first to sixth class, respec tively. The ne v rates will apply, to all .common and -1-icil l oints, in the south eastern Mississippi valley association ter ritory. A circular has tern issued calling at tention to the advance in rates to all prints east of the Mississippi-south of the Ohio and west of a line drawn tiom Knoxville to Cliattan >oga and Birming ham through Selma and Montgomer) to Pensacola. A meeting of the roads oper ating that territory will be held on May 13 to make a further adjustment of rates. GREAT FAL L'S SHO PS CLOSED Machinists Take Part in the National Movement for Shorter Day and Better Pay. (Special to the Inter Mountain.) Great Falls, May 8.—The Great North ern repair shops have been ordeied closed on account of the strike of forty men for better wages. The company re fused to grant their demands. All the machinists of the Montana Central at this point went out on a strike • a 10 o'clock yesteday morning. A num ber of blacksmiths and earepnters also went out. Sixteen machinists were laid oft' Monday night, which was just half the force employed here, and there are probably 50 men out. The strikers maintain that every ma chinist on the line between Havre an l Butte is out and that the number amounts to about 4U0, but from what i could be learned, 1UU would be nearer. j The cause of the trouble is the demand | of the men for shorter hours and more pay than at present. The machinists who struck were getting $3 per day for .10 hours' work and walked out for nine hours and $3.50. CRILL IS NOT THE MURDERER Case of Mistaken Identity in California —Have the Wrong Man in Custody. (By Associated Press.) Pueblo, Colorado, May 8.—Walter E. Dickson, a pharmacist here, was raised from boyhood at San Jose, California, ■and one of his associates was James C. "Dunham, the alleged murderer now wanted at that place. Mr. Dickson was also connected with the Baldwin Drug (company during the time that the sus pect. Charles F. C'rill, now at San Jose, lived in Pueblo. At that time Mr. Crill had a running account at the drug store. Mr. Dickson has been watching the caje carefully and has sent a tele gram to William Gussfelt, a merchant of San Jose, California, and a personal friend, saying: "Know Dunham and Crill personally. Not the man." Mr. Dickson says the reseniblnace be tween Dunham and Crill is striking, but that having known both men intimately lie will unhesitatingly take oath that Crill is an altog- ther different individual from the alleged murderer Dunham. ARE ALL MA D AS MA RCH HARES Foreigners Taking a Hand in the Wild Speculation in American Stock Market. (By Associated Press.) Berlin, May S—The Frankfurter Zei tung, an organ friendly to the United States and an authority in the financial affuirs discussing Wall street affairs re outsiders are now speculating on credit, outsiders are now sptculating on credit. The paper expresses fear that all earn est warnings will have no effect so long as the speculative craze is whetted by ail sorts of fusion an l combination projects. It admits that tht business situation is excellent except as regards textiles, but finds no justification for the present madness. Dr. Gilbert Is a Heretic. (By Associated Press.) Chicago, May 8.—Dr. George H. Gilbtrt, professor of New Testament literature and interpretation in the Chicago Theolo gical Semiinary has betn removed from bis position by the directors, who today found 4hat Dr. Gilbert's published teacn Ings are heretical. , Great Flood in India. (By Associated Press.) Simla, India, May 8.—Heavy rains have caused a great rise -in the river Indus, and Dera Ghazee Kahn, capital of the district of the same name, is In Imminent danger of destruction by flood. The banks of the river are held with great difficulty. I Yellow Boys for Germany. (By Associated Press.) 1 NçW York, May 8.— Heidelbach, Iekel Ï etmer and company will ship $500,00 In old on the steamer sailing for Germany tomortax* Mayor Davey Giving His Ear to Office Seekers. JU U «*■ w*. ■/ They were an impatient and disap pointed lot—those office seekers about the city hall this afternoon. They were looking for Mayor Davey, but he came not. There was a reason for it. too. Mayor Davey was, nursing his rheuma tism. He neglected it yesterday for a short while simply for the sake of his ONE ON CHIEF REYNOLDS. A Newsboy Thinks the Pictures of the New Police Official Plat ter Him. Chief of Police James M. Reynolds re ceived a verbal plexus polt Monday even ing, from the effects of which he has not vet entirely recovered. His assailant was i not a person w ith large biceps, but there j was sufficient force behind the blow to | cause jt to hurt. Moreover it landed on a tender spot. Reynolds was standing in front of the Chequamegon about 7 o'clock Monday evening chewing the end of a cigar and wondering where to put in his time until the first meeting of the new council- A passing newsboy glanced at Reynolds and then paused to survey him critically. He saw something that interested him and excitedly called to another, small newspaper vender on the other side of the street. "Hey, Chimrny, come here quick," he yell d, "I got something to tell you." "Chimrny," rushed across the street at once. The toy who had surveyed Rey nolds so critically now pointed to him and in a sibilant whisper, that could be heard forty feet distant, said: "See that guy standing there? He's going to be the next chief of police." "Huh, grunted the other lad, "how do you know that?" "How do I know it? Well say: here's his inug in the Inter Mountain. Ain t that a cinch?" The little skeptic took the paper and looked closely at the picture of Reynolds, was was amusedly listening, without ap pearing to do so. Then the boy chang ed his position and got a good look at Reynolds. "Well," he finally admitted, "that picture does look some like the guy, "Fatty," but I think you're a dead loser. That fellow ain't near as good looking as this here picture in the Inter Mountain.' Reynolds immediately had business to attend to. The humorous side of the sit uation appeared to him later. Now he tells the story on himself with evident relish. In Charged With Bobbery. A complaint charging Hugh Downey, orrin Boyce and Louis Goslin with rob bery was issued from the county attor ney's office to-day and filed in Justice Olsen's court. The two latter are not under arrest, but the former Is in jail. It is alleged that on April 29 the de fendants held up James S. Wilcox in West Galena street in broad day light, and while one of the party held and hammered him the others put in the time searching his pockets. BOTH CHAN GED TH EIR MINDS A Centerville Couple Looking for a Divorce Beturn to Their Home Thoroughly Beconciled. "Now. you stop chewing the rag and come right along and get your divorce if you want it. I'll sign it for you." The speaker was a little Centerville woman and she addressed her remarks to her husband, who had hesitated at the foot of the stairway leading to the second story of the county court house. They had come all the way from the hill town to be divorced, on five minutes' notice and talked back and forth at each other en route, but they did not seem to be very mad. When the woman said "come along." the man started and then slowly climbed the stairway of the big building. When they reached the landing above they in dulged in more talk and then proceeded along the corridor to the count)* attor ney'^ office. The man stepped In first and inquired for Mr. Breen. The woman followed and shyly stepped over towards one corner. "He Is not in just now," said Mr. Fits official duties. He suffered as a conse quence and therefore was unable to get down town even with the assistance of his cane. - 11 One office seeker remarked this after noon, "I wish his 'rheumatics' would soon get fixed because I need a job, sure. Hur ry up. Davey." gerald, to whom the question was put "Can I do anything for you?" .. .. "Yes; he wants a divorce and. I am willing he should have it,", exclaimed the woman. "He thinks if he did not have a wife he would have more liberty and if he wants to chase around I will give him a chance." Just then Mr. Breen entered the room and escorted the couple into his private office. Once the door flew partly open, from some unknown cause and there came through the opening a woman's voice that sounded like this: "Clear out of my sight and never let me see you again! I never want to see you! Go your way and I'll go-" Just then someone shut the door.Ten minutes later the curtain fell and the ac tors in the drama walked out of the place as happy as if they had just been mar ried. The county attorney had patched up the trouble between them. Funeral Notices. Thomas, Drew, aged 39 years, died Monday. The funeral will take place to morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from, the family residence, No. 237 East Gr*nit$ street. T ., Samuel Marttila, aged 30 years, .died this morning. The funeral will take p|acc Friday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock from the family residence, McQueen addition, Meaderville, the Rev. Mr. Hudtloff offlr ciating. GREAT FIRE LOSS AT SEATTLE Two Hundred Dollars Damage Dont i:i a Blaze This Afternoon—No , Lives Lost. (By Associated Press.) ^ Seattle, May 8.—The Marshal lilock and the Walker block, were this after nun gutted by fire which started' in Mitchell, Lewis & Stayers implement store. The cause is unkown. The dam age will amount to about $200,000, prob ably three fifth of which is covered by insurance. The Nigliayacci Wine çom pany's store was badly damaged. No lives were lost. Prosecute Illicit Ducking. (Special to Inter Mountain.) Helena, May 8.—Helena, May 8.—L. A. Walker, manager of the Helena hotel, was arrested to-day on a charge of buy ing wild duck out of season, preferred by State Game Warden Scott. Beducing the Surplus. (By Associated Press.) Washington, May 8.—The secretary of helmer and company will ship $500,000 in term four per cent bonds at $113.61. f CANS. 1 - ! SLEEPER SERVICE TO KA CITY VIA "THE MIL WAI/KEE" UNE. First-class Pullman steeper from Twin Cities every day via the Chicago, Mil waukee & St. Paul railway to K&nMji City. '/ E Leaves Minneapolis at 7:50 a. jn/f $t Paul at 8:00 a. m., arrives at Kana*» City at 7 o'clock next morning. Direct and most comfortable route to Kansas City and the southwest.. and California. Pullman tourist sleeper also from Cities every Tuesday, running to Los Angeles, Cal. Apply to ticket agents, or write Conley, assistant passenger ageir Paul, for lowesf one-way and rcund-trip rat*« to all points ooutb and w izt * win ugh St. BOULDER BOSr SPRINGS. The Great Northern railway will A>H round trip tickets, Butte to Boulder an! return. Including one week's board anl bathing privileges at Hot Springs hot*!, at a rate of $18.10 each. J. B. REYNOLD*. A GREAT FIRE AT AUGUSTA. Vast Stores of Cotton Within the Beach of the Flames—Fighting a Fierce Gale. Augusta. Ga„ May 8.—A fire that broke out here at 1:30 this afternoon has done considerable damage and is spread ing. The warehouse of the Union Com press company has been destroyed and the warehouse of Phinlysy and company and S. M. Whitney are burning furiously It is believed that 10,000 bales of cot ton have burned. There are 20.000 bales within one hundred yards of the fire. The fire department and many citizens are fighting the flames, but at 2:10 they are beyond control. The terminals of the Charleston and Western Carolina with its new freight depot are ■ in close proximity to the fire. The loss is already about $250,000. A : brisk wind is blowing, making the fire a diffivult one to overcome. As far as known no lives have been lost. The fire is under control but is still ■ burning fiercely. It is estimated the I Union Compress company will lose $100. 000 on buildings and $320.000 on cotton. Phinysy and company lost $50,000 on building and $80.000 on cotton. Whitney and company lose $50,000 on building and $120.000 on cotton. ■ A NORTHE D PACIF IC CORNER Great Financial Scoop for Tears—Wall Street Amazed at the Magnitude of the Baal. (By Associated Press.) New York, May 8.—Wall street > was simply amazed when the fact was finally driven home to the brokers that the common stock of the Northern Paci fic railway was closely cornered. That there had been a heavy short interest in the property all the street knew on Mon day night, but that an actual close corner could be worked on a property with $80,000,000 of securities outstanding seemed incredible and would not have been believed but for the demonstration in the loan crown late in the day-. At the Waldorf last evening it was re ported that five hundred shares of the stock had beenn bought by a affrighted speculator at 160. or 16 1-2 points above the closing on the exchange. Meetings were held all day yesterday and late last night by the most important men identified with the different factions in terested in Northern Pacific, but so far as could be ascertained no definite con clusions were reached. Prof. Eastman, the Harvard Instructor Held For Murder. M 1 I « m (By Associated Press.) Cambridge, Mass., May 8.—Prof. East man was again on the stand today to testify in his own behalf on the charge of murdering his brother-in-law, Grogan. There was not, however, much more than he gave yesterday, being mostly cross-examination as to the story of the death of Grogan. The whole case will hinge on the iden tity- of the bullet which was found in Grogan's body, and which caused his death. Eastman had a rim fire revolver in the fatal target shooting, and Grogan a center-fire weapon. The bullet was again presented in corut, and a strong fight will be made by both sides to es tablish its identity. Professor Charles R. Eastman, a pro fessor of zoology in Harvard university, is on trial for shooting and killing his brother-in-law, Richard Grogan, Jr., on July 4 last. The two men had married 6isters. daughters of the late Alvin Clark, the great lensmaker, whose work Is known all over the country. They -had been In the yard back of the Clark house on the morning in question engaged in target practice. When Gro gan fell he accused Eastman of murder ing him, and latter told a professional nurse, whose testimony to that effect has been offered in court, "It was not an accident; he murdered me." Women and jealousy play their part In this strange tale. The family com plications must be understood before any light is east on the strange affair. Alvin G. Clark was a wealthy optical instrument maker of Boston, who devel oped such expertness in grinding lenses that his talents were in demand in all parts of the world. Hns crowning work was the manufacture of the great lense for the Lick telescope, placed at the fa mous observatory in California. Clark Amassed a large fortune and died In July 1897, He had three daughters, highly edu cated and refined girls. They moved In COAL MINERS WORK AGAIN. Carbon County Will Continue to Fur nish Fuel for the State—Threat ened Labor Troubles Over. (Special to Inter Mountain.) Red Lodge, Mont., May 8.—All the coal mines at this place started up with full force this morning. There is so trouble with the labor unions, and u quiet sea son is anticipated by ail. The settlement of the difficulties Is very good news to Carbon county, for any long continued closing of the mines would mean business disaster to the merchants as well as to the miners themselves. The present trouble was not brought about so much by the operators or workers as by outside interference which has, for tunately- failed of its aims. COPPER M INING QU OTATIONS. (Special to Inter Mountain ) Boston, Mass., May 8.—The copper mining shares closed today as follows: Amalgamated - $114.50 45.00 52.00 - 434.00 - 104.00 - 830.00 - 330.00 - 86.50 30.25 Anaconda - - - - Parrot - - - - - Boston & Montana - Butte & Boston Calumet & Hecla Tamarack - Osceola - - - Utah Con - - - COUNTY SU ES FOR THE B0N0 Security for Treasurer French of Hel ena Asked to Fay Up His Obligations. (Special to Ipter Mountain.) Helena, May 8.—As a result of the financial crash caused by the failure of the Merchants' National bank, Leroy Beveridge finds himself along liable to be required to satisfy the bond given to in demnify the late county treasurer. Eu gene S. French, for the county funds lost in the bank. A bond for $100,000 was given by L. H. Hershfield, Aaron Hersjhfleld, I. L. Israel, A. J. Davidson, T. P. Bowman and Bev eridge: but Hershfield, Israel and David son have lost all. Bowman Is dead and Beveridge alone has been making money, having been in Alaska, and inherited a fortune from his wife. The county has sued the bondsmen for $11,566.66 balance due, and Beveridge has filed a demurrer alleging that the bond was not given to the county, but to French individually. the best society in Cambridge and Bos ton. The eldest girl Caroline, nine years ago married Eastman, a western man about whose history- little, if anything. Is known in the east. He was well educated and became a tutor at Harvard. The match was bitterly opposed by Mr. Clark, though he afterward became reconciled to his son-in-law. The second daughter, Elizabeth, elop ed with Richard H. Grogan, Jr., son* of a wealthy Boston speculator, who mov ed in the young "Back Bay" set. "Dick" Grogan was a Harvard man, universally popular, and the marriage was confident ly asserted to be a love match. The youngest daughter, Mary Theo dora, became the wife of Sumner Ros3 Hollander, son of one of Boston's mer chant princes. Although this man was a millionaire in his own right, he didn't suit the father of Mary Theodora, and they had been married some months be fore anyone knew it. The legal features of the case have been almost as remarkable aB the "heart intent." When Eastman was held for the preliminary examination before the local court, the evidence was practically the same that has been offered at the trial. But the judge found that there was not sufficient reason to hold East man and he was discharged to the aston ishment of the legal fraternity and the laity. This would have been the end of the case had not the grand jury itself taken a hand. They disregarded the findings of the lower court, something almost unprecendented In the legal annals of Massachusetts, found an indictment, and the case has recently come to trial. It is the curious custom in the Middle sex county court to keep criminal de fendants against murder charges in a quaint steel cage, and there Professor Eastman sits day after day, listening to the evidence, and matntainii«? a cod, undisturbed demeanor. Easy to Reach Denver •••• You are going to Denver and you want to know the best way to get there. That's easy—taka the Burling ton route by way of Billings, Mont. You can leaave Butte at 2:20 p. m., today and be in Denver at 11:M p. .b. tomorrow only one night on the way. Tickets and berths at this this office. PHIL. DANIELA, Agent AS East Are» ii wav, Butts. MUM. Six Million Dollars Spent BY THE Union Pacific R. R. Co. In Improving what was originally the flnast track in thn West. RESULT A comparatively straight and lsvel rofid bed ballasted with dustleas Sherman Granite rendering possible the highest rate of speed together with the greatest degree of safety. The magnitude of the work muet be seen to be appreciated. WHAT DOES IT HEAN? Solid comfort, security and pleasure Is our patrons. ARE YOU GOINQ EAST? It so you cannot afford to go via any •ther than this ROYAL HIGHWAY. Further Information on application per sonally or by letter to F. B. Cheat*, General Agent, Salt Lake City, or, H. O. WILSON, O. 8. U. _____________ Butta Mont. Gem Concert Hall Missoula. Frank J. Pierce Prop, end Manager. FirsKlass Vaudeville Every Night. Florence Steam Laundry 0-G e> v œ <9 FIT FOR A KING when we have put the finishing touch on your shirt, collar and cuff. Jurt like new, without s.ny varia tion In color or fine finish. Is yotr linen when It Is laundered at the Florence Steam Laundry. Telephone 115. Missoula. BISHOP & KERN MISSOULA If you have any trouble with your cemented tires creeping on rim, get a Good year clincher. They are made to fit any rim ana guaran teed not to creep. We have all the best makes of tires. GEORGE F RINGLE Manufacturer and 1 : Dealer in AMERICAN AND ITALIAN MARBLE Scotch, Swedish and American Granites. Monuments, Tab lets and Head stones. A large atock of the above always on Wand or manufactured to order. Designs Sent on Application. My facilities for producing and fur nishing the finest finished work In the state are unexcelled. nissoula. Mont