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MISS LUCY EPPERSON TAKEN FROM ASYLUM ON ORDER OF GOVERNOR The county commissioners today re ceived a reply to tlje let:er sent by them two days ago * the managers of the asylum for the lhsane at Warm Springs asking for enlightenment as to how Miss j Lucy Epperson, insane, came to be re . leased from the asylum and turned over 1 to David Monyhart of this city. With • the reply came a copy of the order on I which the womart was released. It , shows that the managers of the asylum we e not to blame in the matter, as they let the patient go in accordance with an . order from Governor Toole and George j M. Hays, the latter being the secretary \ of state and both being members of the beard of commissioners for the insane. The order made by the governor and secretary is as follows: "Office Board of Commissioners for the Insane, Helena, July 1, 1901. "At a meeting of the board of com missioners for the ins .ne, held at the of fice of the said board this date, were present as members Joseph K. Toole, HAS A LEASE OF FIVE YEARS f - . ■ * Fostofflce Need Not Move Into New Federal Building for Many , » D «y • Postmaster George Irvin was highly * pleased over the prospects of the speedy beginning of the Butte federal building i j when he mentioned that J. Knox Taylor, ' the supervising architect of the treasury department, is expected in Butte tomor ; row, for the purpose of approving the 1 plans and site of the proposed building, and ft is reasonably certain that the work will be begun as soon as the bids I can be called for and approved. "Butte will have one of the finest post offices in the whole west," said Mr. Ir • vin, enthusiastically. "However, it will not be a matter of a few days to finish a $225,000 building, even after the masons I actually get to work. The government now has in process of construction, sixty buildings in all parts of the coun try, and file department is taxed to its ' utmost capacity. It will probably be two or even three years before the new ■building Is finished ready for occupancy. "The government has a regular set of j plans, for public buildings, arranged in / classes according to the needs of the i cities where they are to be built, and the amount of money to be appropriated, j. With usually unimportant variations, , these plans are followed closely. But I Butte is to have something new and , novel in the way of construction. While ■»the principal need of this city is better post office quarters, there will be other ' offices to be provided for—IT. S. marshal, f am mission er, revenue collector, district j. Attorney, and a few others. These, how ; ever, are subordinate to the office at j Helena, and the quarters will be more i limited and less ornate. Helena has an ' an appropriation of 3$7o,000, while ours v is 150,000 less. But we are to have a ! ( third more post office space. Our build j, ing is to be plain, but roomy, airy and comfortable. As Helena has the main government offices for the state, they will be more showy and ornate However, We got what is better adapted to the ! needs of the city than the other would be. , "As the post office has a lease on the {present quarters for five years to come, 'It is possible that there wfll not be so ' great a rush to finish the Butte build ' ing as would otherwise be the ease. But ,*th work is to be commenced very shortly •'and that is what the city wants to see." iWIANY YEAR S IN T HE SERVICE -ïostoffice Inspector King, Formerly of This City, Talks About Days !■ Gone By. } John D. King, late of Washington, now of Spokane, is in the city today, visiting j^hc family of Mr. and Mrs, H. O. Wil son, Mrs. Wilson being his sister. Mr. ■ King is postofflee inspector for the dis trict comprising Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana—enqugb territory to make half a dozen European empires. Previous to his being trans ferred to this district, Mr. King was chief inspector of the district of the state of New York, covering far less territory, though exceeding this in the amount of business. If Oom Paul was here he'd be glad to pay two bits for two HtMW nviNfe # HABANA 5KAR and get a guess for that elegant Westside building lot that ■will be given away Aug. 1st. Christie & (Leys', 12 N. Main. Reduced Prices on Dental Work Gold Fillings.............. £1.00 up Amalgam or silver fillings____ £1.00 Cement or bone fillings 50 c to £1.00 Gold Crowns and Bridge Work, or teeth without p to* es, very best, per tooth................... £5.00 Full sets of teeth............ £10.00 Extracting free where we do your work Have your children's teeth attend ed to during vacation. Perma nent fillings................. £i OO Examinations free. Office open evenings. DR. LEWIS, Dentist, Room 32 , Columbia Block, 26 West Broadway. r \ Chandeliers Cheap. For One more week we will give 25 per cent discount on all chan deliers for gas and electric lights. Now is the time to buy. We want to make room for fall stock; come early and pick out the best ones. MONTANA ELECTRIC CO. 53 East Broadway i president, and George M. Hays, secre tary. "An application having been duly made by Dave Monyhan of 121 South Montana street, Butte, who sustains the relation of friend (having been engaged to be married to Miss Lucy Epperson) to to the said Lucy Epperson, now an In mate of the state asylum, for the re lease upon parole of said Miss Lucy Ep person from said insane asylum to be taken care of by Dave Monyhan, the removal of said Miss Lucy Epperson of Butte to be made at his own expense. . "This, therefore, is to order and direct that the said Miss Lucy Epperson be giv en into the custody of her friend, Dave Monyhan, upon request made by him for her release." The asylum authorities state that the demented woman was returned to their c-are July 9. Monyhan and Leonard, who were ar rested Thursday on a charge of crim inal ass »ult on the woman, are still In the county jail.. "I have been in the postoffice business for over 40 years," said Mr. King- "For 21 years I was in the one office at Janes ville, Wis„ before being made inspectot. 1 have at various times been in charge of five districts, in all parts s' the coun try. this one being the largest in extent. "Eighteen years ago I Was in Butte, looking after some star route matters that called for investigation. I put up on West Granite street, across from where the court house now stands. That was then the chief business center or the city. The growth of Butte has been phenomenal in every way. It is a reve lation to any one coming back here after so many years. "Thomas J. Flavin, late of Butte, who was made assistant postal inspector. Is in my district, and is making a most effi cient officer. He is now- at Seattle and doing well in his new work. "I shall probably go up to Alaska this year or next, to look after mail matters there. Two assistant inspectors are al ready in that part of the country, there being twelve in all in this district. The headquarters of the district were at Hel ena until three years ago, when it seemed advisable to move to Spokan», as a more central point." Mr. King will leave tomorrow night or Monday for his home in Spokane. He came west two months ago on being ap pointed to this district, but returned east for a visit to Washington and New York. Installation of Officers. On Thursday evening, July 11, the fol lowing officers were installed at Enter prise lodge. No. 40, I. O. O. F., South Butte by D. D. G. M., J S Nixon. P G,, G. W. Forgey; N. G., A. L. Ryan; V. G. J. F. Charles; Rec. Sec. R. J. Harrison; F. Sec., W. O. Logan; treas., C. H. Bow man; warden, A. H. Gillett; Con., J. M. Adams; F. S. N. G., G. B. Dorsey; L. S. N. G., Jno. B. Culbertson; R. S. S., J. Desjardlne; L. S. S., J. H. Kelly; I. G., J. C. Whlteley; O. G., Byron Matthews; R. S. V. G., S P. Johnson; L. S. V. G., Jno. Reid; trustees for term are D. J. Charles, S P. Johnson and G. B. Dorsey; delegates to general relief board, S. P. Johnson, A. L. Ryan and G. W. Forgey. Ball Game Tomorrow. A game of ball will be played tomor row between the Butte team and a team from the Braund House. The game will be called at 3:00 at the athletic grounds. The line up of the teams is as follows: Braund House—Sam Freerman, c; Brennan, p.; JJoe Smith, lb; G. Tarvilly, 2b; J. Lloyd, ss; Morrison 3b; Dallis cf; Slawga, If; W. N. Smith rf; Kelley and McKinley. Butte team— Tom Lloyd, cf; Schills 3b; Knox, ss; Murphy, lb; Kelley If; H. Lloyd, rf; Donahue, 2b; Austin c; King, p; Hope and Clayborn, pitcher and out field. COPPER MI NING Q UOTATIONS Boston, Mass., July 13.—The copper mining shares closed toady as follows: Amalgamated .... §113.37 Anaconda ------ 44.00 Parrot ------- 52.00 Boston & Montana - 492.00 Butte & Boston ... - 124.00 Calumet & Hecla - - - 785.00 Tamarack ------ 334.00 Osceola ------ 90.00 Utah Con......29.50 Note—It is probable that the »Amal gamated quotation above is an error, as yesterday's quotation was §122, and a slump of 9 is not likely. | PUSHING WORK ON ST UBB'S FERRY DAM % ss % (Special to Inter Mountain.) SS X Helena, July 13.—Work on the X X construction of the new Missouri X X river dam at Stubb's Ferry will X X be begun by October, Immediately X X after the completion of the im- X X provements, which are being made X X at Canyon Ferry and after the X X power has been transmitted to X X Butte. The new dam will cost* X X 16,000,000. :l - X X This was decided at a meeting! X X of the board of directors of the X X Missouri River Power company X X yesterday. X X Instead of a light cable, which X X It was formerly determined to X X string poles from the Canyon Fer- X X ry dam to Butte, a heavy copper X X cable wil be put on. capable of' X X carrying power to both plants. Thai X I X additional cost will be $75.000. It X will be ordered at once. •> X X The ' pole line between Helena X X and Butte will be completed In a X X short time, and it Is expected to X X have the power in Butte by Oct. X X 1. The option on the dam site at X X Stubb's Ferry ran out July 1, but X X a new one was secured Thursday. X X X XXXjsXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX MRS. CAMERON IS A HEROINE Her Bravery Under Trying Circum stances Was One of the Incidents of the Fire. One of the most remarkable incidents of the Butte hotel fire was the experi ence of Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Cameron. While the thrilling scenes at the fire were being enacted Mrs. Cameron pre served her presence of mind and her coolness doubtless saved her son's live and her own. "At the first noise," said Duncan Cameron, "I awoke and soon took in the situation. My first thought was the stairs and elevator as offering the only means of escape. I concluded to inves tigate first and had reached the eleva tor shaft when a blast of hot air struck me with the force of club for I fell like a log helpless and almost choked. In.a few moments I managed, on my hands and knees, to get back to our rooms. My wife, with wonderful coolness had picked up t'h boy and had managed to get down stairs supposing I would fol low and not knowing I was helpless. When she reached the street I had man aged to get to the window and she heard the crowd below shouting to me not to jump. I was still dazed, but I heard the call and did not jump. "My wife's rescue of the boy under the circumstances and her own presence of mind, In danger are wonderful," said Mr. Cameron, proudly. "Ordinarily she could not carry that boy twenty feet for he is a husky youngster, but he was perfectly quiet and made no trouble. Nevertheless carrying such a boy down three flights of stairs was a marvelous achievement for a woman." "The worst moment experienced," added Mrs. Cameron, who showed nq trace of the terrible ordeal of the early morning, "was when I reached the street and saw my husband at the win dow. I did not know he had been over come by heat at the shaft and supposed he was with me all the time. I heard the shouts, 'Don't jump," 'Stop where you are,' and exepected every moment to see him make the leap. Never In my life did I experience such a sensation. I don't know how I ever got down stairs, but my boy is a brave little fellow and did just as I told him. Hereafter we will live near the ground floor whenever stopping at a hotel." • A FAMOUS LADY SPECIALIST. The eye is the most delicate organ of the human body and the cause of more diseases than anything else, and yet U Is the most abused and neglected. Mrs. Dr. Frank, the renowned lady eye spec ialist, room 11 new P. O. block, has re turned after several years' of research and study among the leading special ists in Germany and France, perfecting herself In all the new discoveries In science. She makes It an absolute rule to thoroughly examine all eyes without charge and to honestly and truthfully tell exactly what is the trouble, and If your eyes do not need glasses or treat ment she will frankly say so. Don't delay, but call on her tomorrow. • COUNCIL BILL NO. 4. A bill for an ordinance providing for the payment of licenses to the City of Butte, and repealing Ordinances Nos. 471, 492, 520 and 570. ORDINANCE NO. 617. An ordinance providing for the pay ment of licenses to the City oï Butte, and repealing ordinances Nos. 471, 492, 520 and 570. Be it ordained by the City Council of the Oity of Butte: Section 1. Hereafter It shall be un lawful for any person or persons, com pany, corporation or association to do, transact, exercise, engage in or carry on,, either directly or Indirectly, within the limits of the City of Butte, any trade, business, occupation, vocation or em ployment for which a license is here after required to be paid, without first procuring said license. Section 2. Hereafter the following li censes shall be due and collected by the City of Butte for the following named kinds of business, occupations, voca tions or employments, transacted, exer cised, engaged in or carried on, either directly or Indirectly, by any person o*r persons, company, corporation or asso ciation within said city: m, Section 3. Auctioneers are divided in? to nine classes, and must procure front, the dit y treasurer licenses as follows; . 1. Those whose monthly sales amouqt to $100,000 and upwards constitute the first-class, and must pay a license of $20# per quarter. 2. Those whose average monthly sale? amount to $75,000 and less than $100,00# constitute the second class, and must pay a license of $130 per quarter. „ 3. Those whose monthly sales amount to $50,000 and less than $75,000 const!,-, tute the third class, and must pay a li cense of $100 per quarter. 4. Those whose average monthly sales amount to $30,000 and less than *50,000 constitute the fourth class and must pay a license of $62.50 per quarte. $65 per quarter. 5. Those whose average monthly sales amount to $20,000 and less than $30,000 constitute the fifth class and must pay a license of $50 per quarter. 6. Those whose average monthly sales amount to $10,000 and less than $20,000 constitute the sixth class and must pay a license of *30 per quarter. 7. Those whose average monthly sales amount to *2,500 and less than *10,000 constitute the seventh class and must pay a license of *25 per quarter. 8. Those whose average monthly sales amount to *500 and less than *2,500 con stitute the eighth class and must pay a license of $15 per quarter. 9. Those whose average monthly sales amount to leas than *500 constitute the ninth class and must pay a licence of *5 per quarter. Section 4. Persons engaged In bank ing, loaning money at Interest, or buy ing or selling notes, bonds or other evi dences of Indebtedness of private per sons; or buying or selling state, county or city stocks, or other evidences of state, county or city Indebtedness or stocks or notes, bonds or other evi dences of indebtedness of Incorporated companies; or buying or selling gold dust, gold or silver bullion, or gold or silver coin, are divided InTo six classes and must pay licenses as follows: 1. Those doing busines in the agrre gate to the amount of *250,000 per quar ter and over constitutes the first class and must pay a license of *50 per quar ter. 2. Those doing business to the amount of *200,000 and less than *250, 000 constitute the second class and must pay a license of *40 per quarter. 3. Those doing business to the amount of $100,000 and less than *200,000 per quar ter constitute the third class and must pay a license of *30 per quarter. 4. Thosye doing business to the amount of $50,000 and less than $100,000 per quar ter constitute the fourth class and must pay a license of $25 per quarter. 5. Those doing business in any amount under $50,000 and over $5,000 per quarter constitute the fifth das* and must pay a license of $15 per quarter. 6. —'Those doing business in any amount under $5,000 per quarter constitute the sixth class anj must pay a license of $10 per quarter. Section 5. Licenses must be obtained for the purposes hereinafter named for which the city treasurer must require payment as follows; 1. For each proprietor of a billiard, pool or bagatelle table, not kept ex clusively for family use, for each ta ble $3.75 per quarter, and for a bowl ing alley, $10 per quarter for each al ley; "but no license must be granted for a. term less than three months. 2. The manager or lessee of every theater, not a variety or concert theater) must pay $3 for each day upon which a performance or performances are held, or in lieu thereof, a monthly license of $15; for each variety or concert the ater, whether an admittance fee Is charged or not, a license of $40 per month, and for each single exhibition of opera or concert singer (not exhibit ed in any theater where a monthly li cense is paid), a license of $3; for min strels, legerdemain or other shows not herein provided for, a license of $5 for each single performance (when not in a theater where a monthly license is taken out); for every circus or menag erie, including side shows, $125 per day; but no license must be collected for any amateur exhibition or concert for school or charitable or religious purposes. 3. For each pawnbroker a license of $40 per quarter. 4. For eacdi keeper of an intelligence office a license of $10 per quarter. 5. —For each keeper of a shooting gal lery, for gain, a license of $10 per quar ter. 6. For each keeper of a doll rack or cane rack, a license of $5 per quarter. Sec. 6. Every person who at a fixed place of business sells any goods, wares or merchandise, drugs or medicines, jewelry or wares of precioua metals, whether on commission or otherwise, and all butchers, must obtain from the city treasurer of the city of Butte, in which the business is transacted, and for each branch of such busines,s, license, and pay quarterly therefor an amount of money to be determined by the class in which such person Is placed by the city treasurer of the city of Butte; such bus iness to be classified and regulated by the amount of the monthly average sales made, or hiring done, and at the rate following: Those who are estimated to make av erage monthly sales to the amount— 1. Of one hundred thousand dollars or more, constitute the first class, and must pay seventy-five dollars per month. 2. Of seventy-five thousand dollars and less than one hundred thousand dollars, constitute the second class, and must pay sixty dollars per month. 3. Of fifty thousand dollars and less than seventy-five thousand dollars, con stitute the third class, and must pay ferty dollars per month. 4. Of forty thousand dollars and less than fifty thousand dollars, constitute the fourth class, and must pay twenty five dollars per month. 5. Of thirty thousand dollars and less than forty thousand dollars, constitute the fifth class, and must pay twenty dollars per month. 6. Of tweny thousand dollars and less than thirty thousand dollars, constitute the sixth class, and must pay fifteen dollars per month. 7. Of ten thousand dollars, and less than twenty thousand dolars, constitute the seventh class, and must pay twelve dollars per month. 8. Of five thousand dollars and less than ten thousand dollars, constitute the eighth class, and must pay eight dollars per month. 9. Of two thousand five hundred dol lars and less than five thousand dollars, constitute the ninth class, and must pay five dollars per month. 10. Of all amounts over twelve hun dred and fifty dollars and under two thousand five hundred dollars per month, constitute the tenth class, and must pay four dollars per month. 11. Of all amounts over four 'hundred dollars and less than twelve hundred and fii;ty dollars per month, constitute the eleventh class, and must pay three .dollars per month. 12. Of all amounts less than four hun dred dollars per month, shall constitute the twelfth class, and pay a license of one dollar per month. 13. Every person, company or cor poration selling oleomargerine, butterlne, or! imitation cheese shall pay a license of ope cent per pound for all these articles «old. 14. Every person who keeps a public weighing or platform scales for hire shall pay a license of ten dollars per year. 15. Every person or persons who is en gaged in the business of selling cigar ettes, cigarette paper, or materials used in the making of cigarettes, except tobacco, shall pay a license of ten dollars per month. In addition to any other license herein provided for. 16. Each railroad company acting in the capacity of warehouseman, in the city of Butte, for thé purpose of storing and distributing goods, except in their capacity of common carriers, shall pay a license of ten dollars per quarter to the city of Butte. Sec 7. Every traveling merchant, hawker or peddler who carries a pack and vends goods, wares or merchandise must pay a license of *6.25 per quarter; and every traveling merchant, hawker or poddlei who uses a wagon and one ani mal must pay a license of *10 per quar ter, or if he uses two or more animals for vending such goods, wares or mer chandise of any kind, he must pay a license of *15 pUr quarter; and every merchant who travels from place to place and Is not included In the above provision, and vends goods, wares or merchandise at temporary quarters, shall lay a license of fifteen dollars per quar ter; but the peddler, hawker or travel ing merchant who carries for sale and sells only agricultural products raised by himself, or articles manufactured by himself is not included In the provisions of this section. Sec. 8. Any person, corporation or association of persons selling pools on horse races, whether run in this city or state, or elsewhere, shall obtaine a license so to do, and pay therefor the sum of *150 per month. Sec. 9. Every brewer or manufacturer of malt liquors, who sells malt liquors in quantities of more than four gallons, and whose sales amount to *3,000 pet month, or more, must pa ya license of *25 per month; whose sales amount to less than *3,000 and more than *1,000 per month, must pay a license of *15 per month; whose sales amount to less than *1,000 and more than *500 per month, must pay a license of *7.50 per month; whose sale samount to less than *500 per month, must pay a license of *5 per month. Every manufacturer of pop, soda water and other light drinks, put up in bottles, must pay a license of *7.50 per month. Sec. 10. Every person who sells, or offers for sale, directly or indirectly, any spirituous, malt, vinous, distilled or fer mented liquors or wines, in the city of Butte, must obtain a license therefor from the city treasurer of the city of Butte, and must pay therefor the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars for each six months, semi-annually, in advance. Sec. 11. Every distiller, manufacturer or rectifier or spirituous liquors, must pay a license of *75 per quarter, quarter ly, in advance. Sec. 12. Every person, corporation, or association doing business in the city of Butte as a telephone, telegraph, water, gas ,or electric company, shall pay a. license therefor as follows: Each gas and electric company shall pay a license of *50 per quarter, quarter ly, in advance. Each water company shall pay a license of $75 per quarter, quarterly, in advance. Each telephone coompany shall pay a license of seventy-five cents per year for each instrument in use; provided, that no license shall be required for any in strument used exclusively for the trans mission of messages and communications to and from points without the State of Montana. Each telegraph company shall pay a license of five dollars per quarter, quar terly, in advance, for each instrument in use; provided, that no license shall be required for any instrument used exclu sively for the transmission of messages and communications to and from points without the State of Montana, nor for instrument used exclusively in the trans action of the business of the United States government. Sec. 13. Every person practicing a pro fession as a lawyer, dentist, physician and surgeon, physician, photographer or any other profession, and each insurance, loan or real estate agent must pay a li cense of *2.50 per quarter, and every person who draws any legal instrument or paper for which a fee is charged or money is paid is practicing a profession under this section. Sec. 14. Every keeper of a feed or liv ery stable must pay a license of *10 per quarter, and every keeper of a hay yard or corral for feeding or selling stock or selling hay, must pay a license of *5 per quarter. Stfe. 15. Every person keeping or run ning an omlnbus or carriage or hack for hire or profit, drawn by one horse, shall pay a license of *1.50 therefor, and for each additional horse used therefor *2.50 per quarter. Sec. 16. Every keeper of a restaurant, eating stand or hotel must pay a license as follows: Those doing business in the aggregate of less than *2,000 per quarter must pay a license therefor In the sum of *5, and for each aditional *2,000 per quarter or fractional part thereof, must pay a further sum of *5 per quarter therefor. Section 17. Every keeper of a lodging house must pay a license as follows: Twenty-five cents per room per quarter; provided, however, that no license shall be required for lodging houses wherein the number of rooms is less than six. Section 18. Every assayer who does a business of *200 per month and not more than *500 per month must pay a li cense of *5 per quarter, and all assayers doing a business of more than *500 per month must pay a license of *10 per quarter; all assayers doing a business of less than *200 per month must pay a li cense of *3 per quarter. Section 19. Every keeper of a roller or Ice skating rink or merry-go-round must procure from the city treasurer a license and pay therefor the sum of *25 per quarter. Section 20. Every person engaged In the laundry busllness other than the steam laundry business shall pay a li cense of *10 per quarter. Section 21. Every person who carries on a steam laundry must pay a license of *15 per quarter. Section 22. Every person, corporation or association carrying on within the Oity of Butte, a street railway business, whether using horse, steam, motor or electric power, must pay a license of *50 per quarter. Section 23. Every architect, builder, contractor or manufacturer doing e business of more than *13,000 per year, must pay a license of *10 per quarter, and doing a business of more than *10,000 and less than *15,000 per year must pay a license of *7.50 per quar ter, and doing a business of over *5,000 and less than *10,000 per year must pay a license of $5 per quarter, and doing a business of not over *5.000 must pay a license of *2.50 per quarter. Sec. 24. Every manufacturer of malt not engaged in the manufacture of malt liquor must pay a license of *25 per quar ter. Sec. 25.—Every wholesale dealer in malt liquors exclusively, where the same are sold in quantities of more than four gal lons, shall pay a license of *75 per an num. Sec. 26. The city treasurer may require a statement of any person or persona, as sociation, co-partnership or corporation, or their agent, which statement shall bo upon oath of such person or persons or •gent, showing the total amount of the receipts of thq business In which said person or persona, corporation, asso tion or co-partnership is en gaged or was for the last quar ter, but said city treasurer shall not have a right to demand such statement oftener than quarterly; and In case said person or persons association, co-part nership or corporation or his or their or Its agent refuse or neglect to furnish said statement, said city treasurer shall collect by law or otherwise the amount that he may deem due from said com pany to the best of his knowledge, which amount shall not be questioned by such party or those whom he or they repre sent. Sec. 27. Every traveling merchant, sell ing or offering for sale or disposing of any gold, silver or plate ware or Jewelry of any description shall, beforç carrying on such business, pay a license of *25 Per annum. Sec. 28.—The money for all licenses shall be paid to the city treasurer, who shall issue his receipt therefor, and such money shall be deposited in the funds of the city. Sec. 29. The Mayor at any time may forbid the issuance of a license, or if one has been issued may revoke the same when in his judgment the business, oc cupation, exhibition or calling sought to be licensed' wïll be detrimental to public morals or health or liable to provoke a ) reach of the peace; provided, that suefc denial or revocation of any license or 1U censes be reported at tlïe first meeting of the City Council thereafter for ratifi cation or rejection of such action by the council. Section 30. Licenses may be granted under the provisions of this ordinance for one year at the option of the appli cants; provided, that no license shall be granted for a less time than for one quarter, except as hereinbefore provided in Section five (5) and Section eight (8) of this ordinance. Section 31. All licenses required by this ordinance shall be payable in ad vance. Section 32. Any person or person^ company, co-partnership or corpora tion who shall transact any business, trade, occupation or profession for which a license is required by this ordinance without procuring such license, shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this or dinance, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined In a sum not . less than *5.00 nor more than *300.00. Section 33. Any person conducting any business, trade or occupation, either in whol eor In part os a manager, clerk, servant or employe of any person, asso ciation or co-partnership, for which business, trade or occupation a license is required by this ordinance and for the conducting or carrying on of which business, trade or occupation no license has been obtained by the party for whom said business, trade or occupa tion is conducted, shall be deemed guil ty of a violation of this ordinance In conducting the business, trade or occu pation without having a city license therefor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined In any sum not less than *5 nor more than *300.00. Section 34. Every person owning op conducting a barber shop shall pay io the city treasurer a license of $1.00 per quarter for each barber chair used in his business; and every barber shop or bath house shall pay a license of $1.00 per quarter for each bath tub used. Section 35. In case of parties con ducting or doing a business for which a license Is required by this ordinance and such parties not having such license, the act of conducting such business for each day shall be considered a separata offense at the option of the prosecution. Section 36. Ordinances Nos. 471, 492, 520 and 570 and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances In conflict with thi3 ordinances are hereby repealed. Passed the 10th day of July, A. D., 1901. Approved the 11th day of July, A. D., 1901. W. H. DAVEY, Attest: Mayor. W. K. QUARLES, City Clerk. Office of the City Clerk, of the City of Butte, County of Silver Bow, State of Montana.—ss. I hereby certify that the above and foregoing ordinance was regularly put upon its final passage and duly passed by the City Council, at a regular meet ing held on the 10th day of July, A. D., 1901, and approved by the Mayor of the City on the 11th day of July, A. D., 1901. In witness whereof I have set my hand and affixed the corporate seal of the city, this Uth day of July, A. D„ 1901. W. K. QUARLES. [SEAL.] City Clerk. Owing To The inclement weather for the last six weeks my sales havè been very light, therefore, hav ing a large stock on hand,which must be sold, I will therefore give 25 Per Cent off my entire line for July. T- H. GRADY Standard Carriage Works 233.235, 237, S. Main C. A Tuttle Thcs. Sullivan National Undertakers IK-IKE Broadway. Tel. 3 é 3 FUNERAL DIRECTORS and EMBALMERS J . D. McGREGOR VETERINARY SURGEON. Honorary graduate of the Ontario Vet erinary college, Toronto, Canada. Treats all diseases of domesticated animals ac cording to scientific principles. Office at Marlow's stables. 104 South Main street. Telephono 293. All cases promptly at« tended 0,