Montana's Larest Or$cryoJne 14 Hood River Strawberries 15c Per Box Open Until 10 o'Clock Tonight L OTMEBY GOOD GROCERIES CHEAP 47 W. Park. Phone 68 OZOTONIIC S (Malt Extract.) Has not that sickening sweet taste, but has tart wine flavor. * tromberg-MullIns Co.. Distributers, Butte. Mont. NEW JEWELRY FOR OLD We'll exchange new Jewelry for your old, at full bullion value. Or we'll remake your jewelry at fac tory prices and factory quality. ~ hy not come in and talk it over with us. Bring all your old jeury along. Watch Repairs Missing parts furnished; watches put in perfect repair and guaranteed to run accurately. As good repair work as the factory can do. JEWELER LEYS OPTICIAN Owsley Blo ck, Butte. Hight & Fairfield Company Manufacturing Opticians. Duplicate any broken lens and fill all prescriptions given by other opticians. All orders filled same day as received. Graduate optician of large ex perience in charge. Examinations free. Grady's Standard Carriage ....Works.... High Grade Goods at Low Grade Prices eor. Main and Silver Streets BUTTE, MONT. OVERLAND BOYS TAKE THE TRAIL FOR HELENA There was music in the very toot of the engine that pulled the special containing the Overland minstrels out of the B., A. & P. yards this afternoon. At z :3o Montana's greatest aggregation of black-faced comedians shouted adieu to the crowd who came to see them off. The GROUP AT THE B., A. & P. DEPOT. Gay Misses Who Take Part in the "Sun flower Dance" Were Delighted to Go. (Picture by Ward, Inter Mountain Staff Photographer.) conductor shouted "All aboard I" and the Overlands were off overland for Helena. Tonight Ming's opera house will be crowded with the beauty and chivalry of Montana's capital, who will assemble to see Charley Lane and his darkies do their stunt. Tomorrow afternoon the troupe will re SECRETARY SMITH HOME FROM DENVER. MEF.TING Returns as Officer of Enlarged Organiza tion Prepared for Hard Work of National Character. Clarence Smith, secretary and treasurer for the American Labor Union, has just returned from the convention, where he has been engaged during the last three weeks in the general meeting and the special meetings of the executive commit tee. "\We went away from Butte as the West ern Labor Union," said Mr. Smith, "but we come back as the American l.abor Union. Our jurisdiction now extends over the entire continent of North America, which will, of course, mean an enormous increase in our membership. Already I have received applications front Eastern labor unions, some from Massachusetts and some from Illinois. "We had a busy session I assure you," he continued, "and I am glad to get back to Butte again. Mr. McDonald is still in Denver, where the executive committee is in session making arrangements for the change and outlining the policy for the increase of organiz;ation." Secreiary Smith is deluged with corre spondence and the work of the organiza tion which accumulated while he was away at the convention and will be one of the businest men in Butte for a week or two. lie is pleased at the action of the con vention in retaining the headquarters in tButte, and naturally complimented at the re-election of himself and 'resident Mc Donald. both of whom have worked ardu ously and faithfully in the interests of the organization. LOCAL BRIEFS. Miss Alice l)insmore will leave this evening for the Yellowstone pars. Miss Mildred G. Neal of Deer l.odge is visiting friends in the city today. Phil Carr, a well-known traveling man of St. Paul, is in Butte today on business. Miss Retta M. Brisco left today for Boston, where she will remain during the summner. Max Hebgen, manager of the Butte Electric company's business, left today for Chicago. George J. Young of Reno, Nevada, ar rived in the city last night to visit old friends in Butte. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Reynolds alnd wife, well-known residents of Helena, are visit ing in Butte today. Ilenry N. Blake, formerly judge of the supreme court. is a visitor fromt the capi tal in helena today. F. II. Whitcomb and wife of l.aurin are in the city today. Mr. Whitcomb is a well-known mining man. George A. Cook of Missoula, one of the old residents of the Bitter Root valley, is making a business visit in Butte. R. ). Nagle and wife of Anaconda, who came over to Butte for Miners' Union day, are registered at the Thornton. Fred Stone and L. Bates of Spokane were among the visitors who watched Butte administer a drubbing to Portland yes terday. Miss Laura Simmons of Philiplshurg, who has been taking a course in the D)illon Normal school, is in the city on her way home. Miss Grace Quick of Great Falls is in the city en route from Dillon, where she has been taking a course in the Normal school. Miss Mary E. Keenan, one of tIt teach ers in the Grant school, left today for New York, where she will spend the sum mer with relatives. L. A. Parkhurst, manager of the Butte board of insurance underwriters, left to day for Salt Lake, where he has business requiring his attention. Miss Esther Meiklejohn, stenographer in the deputy United States marshal's office in this city, returned yesterday from Los Angeles, where she spent two months. Miss Ella Warner of Pony, Miss Grace Davidson of Thompson, Miss Gertie Fell of Big Timber, Miss Wright of Bozeman and Miss Sinclair of Kalispell, returning students from the State Normal school at Dillon, are staying at the Finlen. turn with their garlands of victory around them and another notch in their gun handles to mark the conquest of the gay capital. The little girls trained by Mrs. Harry Symons for the Sunflower dance went along with the minstrels in a special car' they have all to themnselves. The children were overjoyed at the prospect of a trip to the capital. C. W. Clark pays all expenses of the trip which are not met by the receipts of the engagement at Ming's. Mr. Clark is proud of the Overland mninstrels and en thusiastic over the trip that began today. FATAL MEETING AVERTED, ELOPEMENT POSTPONED Fred Roberts and His Possible Father in-Law Are Kept Apart by Fearful Friends. What promised to develop into a tragedy at No. So3 East Park street did not "pan out," this afternoon. Minnie Davidson, the pretty 17-year-old daughter of C. II. Davidson planned to run away with and lmarry Fred Robert,. a young miner who works at the Mitnie Ilealy mine. For some time past the two young people have beenl devoted lover.; ;urd4 it is understood Minnie told her friend Eva Donahoo that she intended to run away this afternoon and lmarry Roberts. In somle way the news reached the ears of Minnie's father, C. I. ID)avidson. 1'h. latter swore dire vengeance if the youngi man attempted to run away with his d.itrvh ter. lie secured a shot gun anld for a1vhil things looked blue for Roberts who, up to 2 o'clock had not put in his aipp ;,:. ., Lewis llHarrington, the next door .eivl; Ior of tlie Davidson famiily telept.honed to Oflicer larney MvG(;illic at tile p.;lice sita tion that trouble was brewing lni the lat ter went to thle scene. Rober's frenlh; warned him not to face the angry fath.r and trouile was averted. Minnlie declares that sihe and F:-e.1 will yet findl a tway to take upl the ;arl;ial bur WHEN MINERS' UNION DAY IS CELEBRATED PROPERLY Comments on Common Mistake Regard ing Celebration of Anniversary Day. "There lseems to lie considerable misun-i derstuniling regarding thie numlber of tile alnniversary which we celebratted yester day," haid a member of the Mliners' union today. "Our union was organized tile rJth day of June, 1878. That is 24 years ago. Now some of the papers and some of tile speak ers got mixed up, some calling yesterday the twenty-third anniversary, some the twenty-fourth and some the twenty-fifth. "If the organization is 24 years old, there is no question about yesterday's le ing the twenty-fourth anniversary. That seems plainl enough. Of course the day of organization was not an anniversary. We had our first anniversary at the end of tile first year, our second at the end of the second year; so it shouldn't take much of a mathematician to determine that we had our twenty-fourth yesterday at the end of the twenty-fourth year of our existence. "Nothing could give you a better idea of the length of tune the unlioll has been inl existence than the fact that there were several young fellows in the parade yester day who were not born when the union was founded. "A father andl son walked side by side in the parade yesterday. The father had Ibeen a mellmber of the union before tle soni was born." A. O. 11. picnic at Mountain View park, Anaconda, Sunday, June vsth. 80 cents round trip from Blutte. TOO LATE TO CLA.SSIFY. FOR RENT'-FURNISHEl) SI TE OF rooms; modern. 43 East G(ranite. FOR RI-ENT-IIAZEI DIINING ROOM, newly cleaned; ready to serve meals; boarders waiting. KAVNA(;H.-Rose, the z months and 7 days old daughter of :lr. anti Mrs. Peter Kavnagh, died this afternoon. The funeral will take place tomorrow after noon at 2 o'clock from the family resi dence, No. 41 Anaconda road, Special Palace Pullman Car. Through to Chicago without change will leave Oregon Short Line depot 4:30 p. m., Monday, June 16th, via the Denver & Rio Grande (Scenic Line), Car will stop from morning until even ing in Salt Lake in order to give excur sionists the benefit of Colorado scenery by daylight. Sleeping car accommodations can he se curedt at Oregon Short Line City Ticket office, los North Main street, Butte. BILL YUTZ ALIVE, GUN MISSED FIRE POLICEMAN TELLS OF DARK NIGHT WHEN HIGHWAYMEN PUT MUZ ZLE TO HIS BOSOM. WEARS THE CARTRIDGE AS VALUED WATCH CHARM Robbers Were Holding Up Man in Pleas ant Alley When Patrolman Discovered Then and Attempted Their Capture-". Blinded by Electric Light He Stumbles and Narrowly Escapes Murder. "My pistol duel with the negro Irvin All.en, whet ie n apped his gtll at me, rctIitinl(s l 1 of all e'ncoli nler I ihad illh a lti'srate lall two years igo'" said I'il li in iln lill L'ttz this afternoon. Si pottli ina;ll liingeredl ; six lho t'r cartlidgil which hie wire ol his watchli ch.iin. A loser exaiiinatiion of thei' cal ridge shlowe. d tha;t the hiiManer ofii ith re vhi r ihad falhlen on the ullp. making a dint, hilt had failed to fire it. I alw.ays rize this cartrid'ce as a fricnll,"' continued the prate goaudiam, "fir a y othelr enltridgi wouIo l h:ve t* hlhhIl to, the Il p 'lsasion of the sharp'l b.anuin r . dl in th.t case I sholi I ni t no iw lie her to tell thei story. lTwo years ago I w.las on the iast ( n;.ll, n street halt. which is of 'colurs, iii' ha ,i'st heali ini the city tl prstirv.e order on. It was aboutit 'i iclock at nighl whien s1 i11' ally Camtle rlnllllnlg o Ill ( ltm out of ''leasan:it allhe'y and told un thait three men' standing in the darkness of the ailley and that 'something wly doing.' Caught in the Act. "I hnrried ii t he Spoti iinlieat'd anld lip loilng to withlini a few feelt of tile groupi I saw that onlll' ima hl;ad ailiother' (oV'i'rreld ish ti rlarge gati while a third iman was ridling the victimi's lplac'kets. "'Wh\'t are you doillng there ?' I crill, anild at the samelll ti' t I eosi'irdI the fol t pias with miy revoilver. At that ilinstant theI rohllier with the revolver ainied his gun in mty diree timn, aill wt itholiii further adoii I firetl. Ilut just ais I iiul so thle mntIirtiy ilh.ltiic light suhldenly Iickereid up .iiiailnd blindled nim. "'liefore I coil l shoot again I stmi l,,d and, fell forward iiiI ily kilnee. The idbler lidetermii h.e l Iii k ill ii .. 11I pl. ..t d i h Ithe uii - zle of his gull, a large .14 ialihte' ( 'alt's at illy bruast auul ipulled the tri'ggi i'r. 'Thi're a;is a deadl cli'cking sounilldl ild I knew thaln lily life was saveil. The Cliii hadl mliss'edl fire. Barney Was There. "'ly this time' I haul regaiiud miy fnoiliing ill the hiilghivayman;i hadi tir ,d toI ri ll. I puitrsuiled hii iip Ialiiii stelt:a which i a' croi''hled at iih tui'e. I y'elled for e'viry I,~1ly to get ilt o ,f the Way as I ws Iabluut to iholnt. 'IThere ¢W r 'a seiltellilli huilt before' I couild bringi Ihi' thl'eiing man -W (c took the gunil frolln hlill :oIdI ltnllii ,i, r:lrLrildg.s ilnc(lllding the e(' Ilthalt had;I li, sn inappl d at o n . I k r pt it as a s si(ull rllI' i. 'iIuli 1 I i'f . I I ,, I ,iI hii , iS S llllitl;i fi :is I said before I t . ' have ta ri'l i i pldl, II. Ih, hil waynilalln's iia e' was \ Vi illiali and hi is it'sw i'rviiin a 15 year sentl it l it I)(..r I. Lodge fir tlell a illrtoptd hli w:I' w v\ roilhury ini whirh I (iaught himi . 'I'Th'e other h'. l ir 'eisaped ait the tim, but w:I s r pil t oI, d I "ter an d lie, ta i, is iaw serv ini , " I hLal wias ih(- clo'h ',.t ic;ll I ever hud; ;aIlI l.,\ver w LIant an:Llth r Iike it." WITH HIS LAST $2. He Won $800 After Losing $1,100 on One Hand. (lindianapolis ('or. New 'ork Ileral,.) .\ party of rollmmelllcriln Ir raelers iwere dining at the (Columbinia lul a few even ils, :'Ip, nlld after the meal ione of lthim sug..esttd that they while a:way an hour or two with a gamue of poker. '1 he suilggestion was favoredl by all but one man, who said he hail not playedi a gamei for 1o years, and tlat lie lever 'pei'ted to totih another eard. Ills earnoChtll'es Was so maIlrked that tie was asked to explain. lie said that he haId learnel the ganle wlheu a toy on a farti, anid hie tfinally scceteded in playing a better gaie than any of his asisuciates, iandt so got the idiea that he was a star player. His wiiniilig4 w re n ver large, but hte was so imiprsse'l by their uniformiity that he believed lie was a borlln gamitbler. "\heni I reached lily miajority," lie clln tin'd, "I determined to, go Wetst .iland row up with my comitry, and when I landed ait O)mahta I had $, i12 in my pocket. I sttruek out from there across the counltry on foot, and late ill tie eveniing I tstrolled into a public hlouse in what was the be. gitlnlihig of a town. "There was no one in but tie propt ietor, who was host anid saloonkeeper, too, and after lounging around for a tilme we en tercl into conversation. IHe inllquired as to tmy busiless, and I sutipposed my reticence excitled his suspicion for ihe ilillediately asked if I were looking for a galle. "ltalih ving I was all expert, I replied in tihe allirnmative, and we welnt into ai side room aid began to play. It took just oiie Ihi l I gct ol lt co neit of Olile. I dealt tile cards myself, aill, stayed in on ;a pair of kings, drawinllg three cards alt getting tile other two kings. My host drew two c;arlds, and I assiiued that he had threes, aniid all the chances, of cours'e, aguainst his gettiing fours. "We began with small bets, but kept inl creasing this till I had $i,ooo oni the table and called hiim, I believed he had been blueing, and threw down four kings with an ',ir of triuiiph, but he hadl four aces atlI took the stake. I remlained that night and my hIist refused to take anything for lly imeals and lodgilng and the next dlay I started back for Omaha. "My $2 gradually dwindled away till I had but $z left. A guileless looking fel low entered the hotel and took a seat near ime. lie finally asked men if I played. I slhook my head sorrowfully, and then he asked if I would not like to learn the game. I thought I might as well risk my last $a, anll we went to a roomn andti began at a Cent ante. "1 was lucky, and at my friend's sug gestion tile ante was increased, and whent we quit that evening I had $75 of his money, The next morning we went at it GRA ND Butte's Finest Theatre Howe & Marks, Mgrs Phone 356 Another week commencing Sunday, of the select Manhattan Company Sunday, 1Mond.ay, 'Tuesday, \VWclnsday Mouth of the Cannron 'T'hursday, FI riday, S~:it lurday ." .. BargEain Matinee .o v ...Peaceful Valley... Sol Smith RItuvell's (;rc:itest I'lay. Popular Prices 25c. 50c. 75c. flor Swlilte :IlglifUt litir l illimig.ll ti I ., I '.l0 l I ' Ih , n t' s , rl it "ll ,lll $,..lou ,$: it t II f ,-,n ia ,tete r for Il l -. ' W hen I g t I. St. . I. nis I p.i.l,, .I U .p i papler a;nds, Law thall mily friet tI h.I .lone jti .l wlint I W ,n -ithllnpl tlig iii , i r eli :accostsh l IiA il thll' t hrho cl l; w i' ' ll.lll i Ilbefl ;lt (IhUi: l1:1 i \'l 11 ; hIli Illiili , wtlh a r.volvir. IIONID CA I.. Itnitte, M. lliia.. . May a2,. 1004. To \Vholtt It May ('iclctil: Nftie in herl,hy tgiven that I)tllant to tIut , rlr oif the Ilnars( ol Unn')llllins"i lln.l I of Silver liww wio'lty, il the Mlate oil Mn tauit, imde ol the 2Ilt, day of May, ti'lt , and entelredt il liok of the proceingsllll of said Bliard, at Page 34.", the sbiI Silver linw rtcounlty, inlldll by sani! l* lullty On liuly 1, Ithr , land niu erlllll)'ti l coti-ii i tively front t ine ( ) to Slventy (7i I, both ntlinthertl. inliuttiv , bearing date li ly I is, lM9., ill denll llllll i tolll ns of $1,is. ni icaih, bearing itllec l at the rate (of liv, Ir c ntltll f (5 per l t 11 lllllll, .ll countlly at ally lins' aftelr telll 1 (i) yelll, ainll n t l Ionger than tw llnty (.I) lp s ,i froA the date of their issN ; which ld bionds ar' hereby called iittdy t i e l ok. rs thireof i arey heriy notifid Iend lrell ilin d to prletingt said bniisy, filr pir ylliviol t to thei treasurel r Iof said Silvl er Iow I unityll .l :,t the curthouse oi f .;ilu i iily, Iiii h (ily lof l utte, Mt i nti l ut; , i ll iiill ilt day oit Juily, t12i ati whit'h tiiilme ii bo.l ianld tach theri of will lc ' i a Ito h lar i lntcr , ' l et. WII.L.IAM 1). C'I.tRK, Chuirnimn of ,r tiey lltuiin d of t"conu , issionr.llt o(f Silveir Ni.w Solutlyll N. Miontlniil.a Attest : JUlI N io .STO N, (',tinty Clerk. MINING AI'L'I.ItA' J ION No.( 45.6. United Stlllaters I.and Office, l honiea, Montan, May o.l qv , nos, Notice is hereby given thtat Ihl Iti., Mining & Milling coimpany, a corporation exilisin nder tihe laws of illhte sll il Mot ilulna. iy Allird It, It tnmbuutr, itlll i agnt, wlt e lpost.. iulll t idtll tes6 i lihlte, lh .::ninlt, hi it thit i day blrd its appihcaliol (fr a ,h.itl lth ,...- hlter Iul, httitn ut 30 I ell wt'iit sitiuly uai u 9 frt 'ast. r tly tonl dl veiy hlilul of the M.uitd (C. t I.Lv a Musliig claini , uliln thith a I ntte I, of in tnt. tion to apply rit i l palenlt Io lt Ipt ed I theNil I.Ih day of May, A. It. Iull, inutd In artlln uaind vniel biy ,inng dietrl Jrll rsoi mlunty, Slite of ltititanii de uign ihl uts Surveyl Nil. I ,, in l wnsliit 3, i noli th it luiage 7 wetail, ilu intg ore particularly dr8 ciiloed as follows:o to wit: ltuiinning at it i t northeast tirner, wh rich is also I Oimer No. 3 of Survey No. 330., and a point in the west eld line of Survey Ni. Iit u, t graith stoile sel in Ihr Irr lnd, by Lt'allng trees, Iandl iarkled I).-I(6 i l or erc No. I Prulm which the s tl,eaut ('lnir ute Stction 34, TownShip 4 ilium h, iRange 7 west, bears n otIIh I16 legic 37 ""'illtc wet' , 57.17' ( Pfeet, and rtning themeouthi7 llr westginnin, l f Moday; h Junene north .I lr l. itWes r't, solicit youi/eer trade 87 degrees went, 331 fect; thence soiltli I d'grer ,o mnin. e wetele, fephonet; phone north 7.8 dcrrs 47 tnuln eh cast, 1.,56 felm; th" ne: north I degree 39 mlinutes ' ust, 300 feet It) the al:re of hginl ing, ce anid Yardi , Iron Street res. of whicoh .rres arl iz conflict wrli Si'rey No. --6p, claimeid by IhI"( above narilrd lpplicni~ . rlhe location of this claim is of record it the Montana, in liSok I of lode Locations, on , he adjjoining cl;limn to tlrhee premises are Survey No, steo, Monitor lode, lIt 368 and Survey No. t367, Syndicate lode on Ih, north, and Survey No. Ibn, Silver Kiig Jlde, lut .2, on the cost. GE.)l((;l: 1). ftlEENl., SAMUEL liA14iEll, JR., Attorney fr Applicant. (First Poblicat ,u, Mtay 14. I9o.) " 0RDON & PERiLSON JUNK AND HIDES Establishcd It19a, 'Phone 639, 222 E. Platinum St., Butte Lumber Yard AND Planing Mill Will be in Operation be ginning Monday June 14. We solicit your trade. of Arizonr St., Butte. iiastman Ko dak Agen 'y Amateur Photographer's Supplies (;0,,.1 It liblelh .º,un,,s at the prices ith 1 ,. W i' lll ;lllll ilt ll... . Ittt iihaik t . havi\it nut whI. $ oui II w i 'ntl IIIt I €+,II rI Yull ylll K III llt ' inl il v.'. . nII1,iI+ s +'y.I+ Ii l1 l itH I {':iica i't- No. ....... $ , n Ih'x,4 Is .lak ........ ...... 5. 411 Jlnll'. Iayl E v Nn. .......... No. I J'hlinl;. I l'P ki.t K .lak (. .10 I N i,. 1 1' (11 lim I' KoI lak nt. .i, N ... l,'ilin. i l',ckit Kndak 17.50j N0, I t;u'i' llyi Klila;k..... 1si.11, No.. . (.rit (iL.. .. .1111 N..1 I ,arlidi : l. a.....k ..... "..0,o N0. I at ' thihlpv KG,,lak . .. . 5.011 N',i .y li'hiu t N l, . ..... .......... nr. u I' tln I'it.o Ni. . 5.......... r7.... i l'o y I'rih o N n. ..... ...... ii.*, t Cyclhu . Mlagahint. Ni., 5.... H.o I'AXNNON & Rot'KIEII,.I.Ilt RI d tlI s',. I)rtug Store, -.1 W ,," Park. Mrs. Niedenhofen's Removal Sale. My present store having been leased to another, I shall have to move in a few weeks. Pending removal My Entire Stock Is Offered at Great Reduction Including Fine China, Cut Glass, Bric-a-Brac and Toys. The best goods at the lowest prices ever known in Butte. My soda fo',ntain and ice cream parlors are now open. The best fruit syrups at the fountain and the finest ice cream that can be made. Mrs. Niedenhofen 39 W. Park St., Butte' There Are Always Some Busy Ones. Those who have occasion to write the detective agerlcy or call at their offices for itifotrm.ation of any kind always receive the best of advice that can be given by their knowledge and long experience. Why is it that some people will stand to lose jewelry or valuables of ditTerent kintds and say nothing about it? Why they do this wlhen they are in a position to get their valuable experience, we do not kitow. * Souvenirs with eacth dollar and over spent, Mayer, 65 West Park,