Make Selections Now Most complete stock this year to select from in our history. Only three weeks until Christmas. We advise our patrons to call now, before the rush is on. Make select. ions at your leisut e, The more customers we have the better we can do for all. For that reason we 'do our best to serve all classes, whether they are blessed with big purses or modest ones. Make a small deposit and have them laid aside. Towle & Winterhalter 28 West Park St., - Butte Niedenhofen's Orand Toy Opening Saturday-all day and evening-the people of Butte may see the finest col lection of Imported Toys and Dolls Ever displayed in BIutte at Mrs. Niedenhofen's. Among the collection of dolls are a number of real beauties, that must be seen to be appreciated. These dolls are costumed beyond de scription. Opening Continues Day and Evening Mrs. Niedenhofen, 41 West Park. COAL. Of the best quality And honest weight ].asts longer and absolutely guaranteed WOOD Qf the same grade and Of honest measure. Dry as a bone. S. J. MONROE Office.. 47 E. Broadway, Phone 276 Wilson's Bee Hive 33 West Park Street Bring your pictures here to be framed. We guarantee o u r prices to be 25 per cent less than any other house in Butte. CUT THIS OUT WILSON'S BEE HIVE COUPON 33 West Park For voting contest for most popu lar boy or girl under zJ years of age. Name........., a.*....* (rn-. Address..................,,,,,, " GAlES LONG UPON FESTIVE HIGHBBALL THEN DR. FOGELSON STARTS FOR HOME AND IS RELIEVED OF VALUABLES BY STRANGER. At the instance of Dr. Charles Fogelson the' police are looking for a suave stranger, who stole the doctor's vest con taining a certificate of deposit on the First National bank of Baker City, Ore., a go!d watch, $8 in money and a pair of gold spectacles. Dr. Fogelson states that he was robbed in his room at the Hazel block on East Granite street. It appears that the doctor made a professional call early in the even ing and then went to Jerry Mullins' saloon for a few drinks. After gazing for some little time on festive highballs, he started for home. lie was accosted by a gentle stranger who stated that he felt deeply grieved to see an old man go unassisted after spending the evening with convivial friends. Dr. Fogelson accepted the prof fered help and went to his room on East Granite street. When he awoke the next morning his vest and valuables were miss ing. He could not understand at first why anyone should desire his breast covering, but came to the conclusion that the thief did not have time to take the valuables, so took the garment to rifle at his leisure. The bank at Baker City was notified to refuse payment of the certificate. Tl'he other articles taken will aggregate $ioo in value. Massive ink stands., letter trays and pa per weights at Calkins'. TO INSTALL MISSION CROSS WITH CERFMONY Souvenir of A. L. C. Mission, Just Closed, Has Been Received by St. Pat rick's Church. Impressive and unique ceremonies will mark the installation of a beautiful mission cross at St. Patrick's church tomorrow night. The cross was received yesterday morning. It is intended as a souvenir of the A. L. C. mission just held at the church. Sixteen men will bear the cross from the schoolyard into the church. About those bearing the religious emblem will be members of the congregation, many of them bearing lighted tapers. Inside the church will be erected a beau tifully decorated canopy. In this the cross will be exposed and blessed. This cere mony will be impressive and interesting because of its rarity. Following the bless ing of the cross there will be a special sermon by one of the missionary fathers. EASTERN STAR FORMS WHIST CLUB FOR SEASON For the promotion of sociability in the order and among the Masonic bodies the members of Ruth chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, have formed a whist club. The second and fourth Wednesday even ings of the month will be given over to the game, tables being arranged in the banquet room of the new Masonic temple. The following are the officers of the club: President, E. G. Davenport; vice presi dent, Mrs. Ella Knowles Haskell; secre tary, Mrs. Arthur H. WVhitcher; treasurer, O. N. Perry. President Davenport has ap pointed as reception committee for next Wednesday: J. R. Bordeaux, chairman; Mrs. O. Bishop and Mrs. Louis Shodair. PIANOS AND ORGANS. BARGAINS. HOLIDAY PRICES. Brand New Pianos. Knahe ......................$450.00 Weber .................... 400.00 Haddorff ... . ................. 350.00 Decker & Son ................ 375.00 Hallet & Davis ................ 325.00 Kimball .. ........ ..... 288.00 Brinkerhoff ................... 275.00 Whitney ....... ....... ....... 275.00 Hinze . . ................. a35.00 A beautiful Baby Grand........ . 500.0o Slightly Used Instruments. One second-hand very fine Bech stein Grand Piano, good as new, original price, $r,roo.......... $250.oo One slightly used $400 Kimball piano ...... .............250.00 One slightly used llinze piano.... 185.oo One slightly used Smith & Barnes piano ........ ..... .... 185.oo One second-hand Packard organ.. r5.oo One second-hand Crown organ.... 25.00 One second-hand Mason & Hamlin organ ........ ............. 35.00 One second-hand Chicago Cottage organ ........ ............. 40.00 One second-hand Sterling (six octaves) .... ................. 45.00 One nearly new Kimball organ.... V55.00 Brand new organs, very best grade, $65 and upward. EASY PAYMENTS. ORTON BROS., 219 North Main Street. Holiday Showing A big stock of all the latest and most desirable gifts now on exhibition. Come early and see them. In this display you will find Kodaks Kodak Albums Purses, Fancy Goods Pocket Books Atomizers Chatelaine Bags Traveling Cases Toilet Cases, Perfumes Huylers' Candy Finest Brushes Cigars Smoking Sets Begin now to buy your gifts. You will be better satisfied; will get choicer selection; will find it easier than if you put if off 'till near Christmas. We shall be pleased to show you any or all of these goods, whether you are ready to buy or not. Looking at them does not necessi tate buying. We want you to see the goods first; then you will know better what you will wish to buy later. PAXSON & ROIKEFELLER Red @ross Drug Store 24 W. Park. Telephone 74 DEMURRER IS FILED ACAINSI ST, CLAI ARGUED THIS MORNING BEFORE JUDGE M'QLEFRNAN WHO WILL GIVE * ISIOf'f MONDAY." The demurrer to the information recent ly filed agaitqt 4t. Clair was argued th morning befe.. Judle McClernan by tA torney Kremer for the defense and Yancey for the stateltC . The defense asked that the information be quashed on the ground that it was wrongly drawn, and the motion was gratA ed several days ago, but the prosecution was given to days in which to draw-up another information. The new infornma tion was duly filed, and it was on thp demurrer to this that the arguments were heard this morning. Judge McClernan stated that he would withhold his decision utltil Monday tatortn ing. IN ORGAN RECITAL TOMOB'ROW Prof. Vernon Edward Matlack to Be Heard at St. John's Church. Following the evening prayer services at St. John's Episcopal church tomorrow,. Prof. Vernon Edward Matlack, the organ ist, will give the second of his winter re. citals, assisted by one of his pupils, Mrs. Coup, The program follows: Fantasia ................... ..... Tours OIlertoire ................... Lemaigre Pastorale .................... ilntantt Chorus, "1 Am Alpha".............. Choir Offertoire ...................... Batiste Festival prelude ...............Janlsen Four hands and double pedal - Mrs. Coup, assistant. Pilgrim Chorus................. Duboi Andante and Finale first sonato....... .................... . tlMendelssohn Offertoire, "Give Unto the l.ord"....Choir Magnificat ................. Cruikshank Nunc Dimittis .............Cruikshlank HOTEL ARRIVALS. At the Southern. B. L. Bowman and wife, Sheridan ; A. L. Clark, Salt Lake City: E. S. Copen harve, Bozeman; \V. S. Elliott, New York city; J. W. Copenharve, Bozeman; J. W. Gustat, New York city; D. Porter, Ilelena; Ed. Costeth, Anaconda; George W. John son, Augusta; Henry Tlherrioult, Polson. Mont.; Thomas Morgan, Charles Mason, Deer Lodge; Angus McLean, llelgrade: I.. L. Pierstoff, Bozeman; J. I). l'ritchett, Boulder; Harry Anderson, Spokane; J. N. Halver, Seattle; Frank Conlin. Dillon; i). W. Kenler, Anaconda; William Kearl, Denver; II. C. Eddliman, Whitchall. At the Thornton I-. E. Decker, New York; Willla O'Sullivan, elena; J. F. Hoffman, lI) ver; Andrew Robson, R. G. Hlerndon, New York; W. B. Rodgers, N. II. Griffin, Ana conda; Sol Loon, New .York; H. M. Ilirsch, Des Moines; G. IIavehland, lHel ena; Jose Smith, Virginia City;- H.- J. Judan, San Francisco; Mrs. L. M. Hollis ter, Detroit, Mich.; P. C. ,'hilds, Seattle; F. A Gibson, New Poytn iile; Mr. . Mrs. E. W. Ward, New York; C. ti Monishers, Pony; F. M. Mason, F. T. Itar low, New York; James C. Cunningham, Spokane. ABOUT BUTTE. Orton Bros. Pianos and organs. If you bought it at Sherman's it's good. Lippencott & Darrow. 266 Pennsylvania block. J. G. Bates, tuner, Montana Music Co., Ig9 N. Main street. Tel. 5o4. The congregation of Shaffer's chapel A. M. IE. church, has decided to give the chil dren a Jacob's ladder entertainment this year in place of the customary Christmas tree. The children are now being drilled for the occasion. The church literary society of Shaffer s c'hapel, A. M. E. church, will give a spell ing bee next Thursday night. The Christmas Puck, Harper's, .ceslics, Munsey, McClure, Strand, Metropolitan, Cosmopolitan, Ainslees, Suc cess, IHonte Journal and Companion on sale now at P. O. News Stand. Another Mexican Jail Break. Phoenix, Ariz., Dec. 6.-It is report.:d that another jail break occurred in Catna nea, Mexico, a few days ago, in which 40 prisoners escaped. They were followed by a posse, overtaken in the hilPs an il two of them wounded and recapt 'rcd. ) NOTICE Tachell, the Under. taker, Has Moved to 129 South Main Street Pithian eastle. Tel, 311, Res. Phone 6848 LIVESIOCK AlTES MAY BE ADVANCED PROPOSITION TO MAKE THEM HIGH ER FROM MISSOURI T.dQICAGO SUBMITTED IN C - GO. " *- VY .i iiOL IAl tl lR 1sa. i 'hicago, D)ec. 6. A proposiition was subl to the e\\'tern roads yesterday Iiy the Atclhisoln, Iopeka & Santa Fe to ndl Wllnce livestock rates Irom the Missouril iver to Chicago rimt 12 cenlts a hundredl o1ndls to 18' cents. \II the roads,. it is rumnred, have signi hcd their willingness to accept this ralte as 1as it appiles tlo shmitlients west fit Knit -.i (Pity, ht tihey decline to il;ke ia It ss ia tle thit ' cents ftmlit( kansas ('ity to .ll.i,.m. I he' N.aintai it e, iihowever, will .liply the C 1 cent rate ' o nl mi tIiy on l hip ,lit'lls frLom points wort iof Kansas P it'y, 11 11r frot that poinit. Last A.\ugust, when the (lli(agn lIreat \\ ('tern litde its contract with Kniansa ( ty r;packers :a read muied the packing )hm lse product ratle i antli 2. to l 3.f yenah, the Atchisonm remduced the livesoinck , lmt bitmh irmil sioais s tily tnrtl t Iroll t po tll west thereof to 1. i'llIs ;i hundred pounds. lih' otier Imnes did int meet thie , (enilt ,,ate tromin Kainsas ( its, bit did apply it limm1 trtritiory West if xlliansas ( IIty. I his li-c ialitia mtio. ('a;t.s the recmnlt h ritylg 1blfolr the lt trstalte commerce comm1ss.io1 i this city andti which case the commission nw ivhas itnder consideration, CBIoNET CRISIS IN OLD MADRID STILL REDHOT King Has an Interview With Senor Sagasta, the ex-Premier-What They Said Is Not Known, However. lY AIS.,O IAl i11 I RIi 3 ,., Mi; ridI. I.e. 6. I te cabll't (ci seis mmml tIlill . 'I he king has given nll e;111 xhallt ve hc-rinug to the uien.s mi all pililical leaders, shtingr himself ;aI t:llmnled .fill the deI ,tails ,of the sltl; tinm a)l nd ,I pp;art'llly inx 3fis tmo avoid 4 mdistlmimioll mi the chamlttier which, owintg to the dlivilded stmite ill the ibera; l plarty, i r legardell d iIn soNIe qllallter as inevitablel . \\'itl hi tIs idea the king Iasi c\v ningllu n siiii ium )lled i l liitr S llti; sl;i it 1 'otnerttlle. il Ieavillg the Ipalace the ex prtmiller raid that the. king declared thi;t ht e wo lt ; i mlnounce his i 'ecisiIii tIloday. ORTON BROS. ARE NOW AGENTS FOR THE KNABE PIANO. The entlrprising pi:ao irlr of Ortonli I:lrios. have aldded the renowned lnd pop11 Inabe piano to their ahlrad) ime line of high grade ilnstirtllumenlts. The Knuie' . oi al'ccounl t of the anltiqtlily iof 14 inake, is perhaps the hu.l kinown phimo ni the worhi today. 'tlhere are very wery pianoi hmouses in the trade today thiat hiaie as sitrling ii line as the folloh wini g: Niin ll, Kinae, eller, Decker & Son, liallet & D)avis, Iladdorfl', Briukerhofl,. Whitney andi tinze. The fact that t his house sells ;the best miakes of pianos, on the lowest possile iimrgill, o I easiest terms, and carries the largest stock, makes it the leading pian hoiuse in thile state. licautliful inew piat.os ican ie ipurchased rout this house for from $I85 upward, u terztlp of $7 to $3o per monumth; in fact, eritts can hi e mait de to lsuit the c Istom 'er. hiall anud examine the elegant stock 1now pni hand. ORTON tIT S., .'-r) North Main .St. ADVERTISED LETTERS Letters advertised at Butte, Mont., for week ending November -,, rsa. A \V. C. Atherden, Mrs. S. F. Acklin, Jen nic Allen, J. Andrews, Iliramn Allen, 1). Nf. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Abbott, Apie Ranch & Cattle Co., Sam Altman. B If. C. IBrubaker, Miss Maud Bean, Piete Boutin, Ed Illewett, W. lirakensline, Mr,'. F:. liiggerstalff, Win. (;. Ilailhy, Miss Annie lBarns, A. II. BIallard, Agnes Irowning, C. W.. Ilurns, C(arlo lionetti, Miss Eva Blar ton, (. M. Brown, Mrs. Katie litrnes, John inodeliherg, II. iowden, John Blrady, Jas. Bryce, Jos. J. linaer, L. 11. ileason, .Maud itarne, Michael s, Michael li:rn, Mrs. M. Burns, Normin lroung, Mrs. Maggie lBon tan, Peter loutin, 'T'hos J. Harry, V. II. BIurns, W. M. Black, l'utte lIipt. Age:',. WV. Beckman. C M\o. Connll, Andlrew ('oinolly, Mrs. ('onnolly, Antoiniette Cazoge, ('has. (lif ford, Ed Casey, F. C. ('amp, Arthur J. Clark, John Collins. Jas. Cane, Mawnlie Carpenter, O. 11. (Clements, I'. J. Costello, T. (. 'ardou, Ignazio Cadliolo. D louise 1)oisneau, Armcdas I)elaurier, Antonio l)ezzduly, (. A. lJ)lgcr, Earl LDunn, Edith )aizicl, '.mma l)umison, Miss I'lora I)eKay, ,Geo. Diowll, (co. I)oney-- 2, Ilar ry Dunleavy, Joseph D)orsey, Maurice D)owneuy, Rhinchart I)eshly, RKank I)elancy, Miss Virginia l)esJardine, Miss V. I arell -, KW. I I)avis, Irank 11. l)avis. S. E;rwin, Alter Ehrlion, Annie Ely, C, II. I'.aton, 1'.. i'scalet, .M rs. Jas. II. '.l.s, Hudolph Elckert. Miss Annie fisher, II. 1). IF urnier, I. N. F'ournier, Ilnmer Ferguson, Frank IFlynn, John Forbes, Jacob I'yen, James FI:yer. Jack Flick, W. II. F'letcher, M. J. Faley, Jas. A. Fleming. La;wreince (rn,llilx, Miss D)ell (,rave, Miss lDella (,oodwui, Mrs. lattie GIrigg, Mrs. lillian (,reen, Stephen (,lasson, Miss 'l her sce (Grillin, ~in. (Coggin, W. II. Green wood. H Mr. and Mrs. T. Ilammond, T. B. Hen derson, Alnon S. Ilostop, Mrs. Annie llohnan, Arnold Hugo, A. W. Ilann, B. Dan Holland, Belle B. Holmnan, C. J. llosett, C. M. Hardinge, Ernest Hamilton, Mrs. Edith E. Howard, Ed. Ilogeland, Fred Ilaidwick, Miss Fannie Hill, F. S. Hayes, Joe Hanson, Mrs. J. J. H. , Miss Mine Hiellstrom, Mrs. P. L. Holland, Pat Ilhint, Sam Hoskins, Sani Hutchinson, William A. Hester, W. L. Hamon, William Harris, W. A. Hlann, Mrs. Patrick HIol land,. Fifty Years the Standard Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair. Highest Tests U. 8. Gov't Ohemists Mircll Josep,Ih, Mliss Illnnah Johnlson, ,Mrs. Clara S. Jennings, Henry Jackmain, Ca('rl . Ihnson.,ll K ,John Kiely, Frank Knlohla, Johnt Klilng Icr, Charles Kntz, E. S. Kellig, C. A. Kicne, Frank Kun, II. C. Kirth, Josephi Kane, Miss l.ois King, lhlwrt Keatey, Mliss Salome Kleini (.), W\Villiani Kelly, \Villiamu Knuth. L Joseph I.lnchcesi, Miss .es.her, A. M. I.ohlie, Chrislia:n larsen. Mrs. I',nu:a A. Leach, Evan F. Let is, 1 eorge W. l.ewis, Miss Ida I..nechesi, Mrs. John I.argent, Mis. J. It. lytle, Jach Ii.und, Otto son, Sillll illl r. M ;ieorge MIerlill, Mrs. I). T. ,1llphy, Alex Morrison, Miss Miller, Anhrey A. Mel;se, Mrs. ('oral Mitchell, Charles Mecr ring, E. Martin, lehnry Maillahd, lhelen Merrick, henry M. Melon., Isa; Nicih elo,,n, Joihn Mctz, John A. Marjensoin, Ihn J. Mailen, Mrs. I.. .. MoNa, Miss Mlyrlile Mathte.s, MIrs. .l ,.ic F. Miiler, I). Mcikle. Mc Mrs. E. II. ,McCrskey, Miss lina Mc('hlllaind, Mrs. W. McConneIll, Frank MhlJhcelon. W. C. NMcE:vcilly, IPat rick I.. lhctii.irr, Mrs. II. McGovern, Mrs. IlcG;,ivc.rn, A. Mcliintyre, J. (,. Mre Inltosh, R. I.. Mclenle, John A. Macken zie, ('laue McLennan, Alex McMillan, Jas. I). Mel', Joseph Mcl)Donald. N. O. Nelson, Mrs. Mn:y Nord, I',Icer Norton, Arthur Newlmanli, Mr. and Mr.s. Fred Noyll, J. Nu i;inen. O Mrs. ('Keefe, Miss (lara c)lson, Jamt.e O'Neal, Jamces (Con)nell, Jhn I('. O)ws Icy, Miss 'atlheriie ()'Neill, NIiss Kate Olson, Miss Nora O'('oIuIor, I'aIis IV. Oyler, 'i'lihonas Oshorne, WV. O'louike, Mrs. W. Ii. Otte, Eric O)ina.kaineni. P Allen Pierce, Mrs. C'ora I'lrdv, Mrs. Belle Parker, G. Y. i'atters,io, Mrs. Ju lia I'ayant, WVill tenny. Q R. II. Quirk. Mr. Riggs, Mrs. Clara Rerce, I:d IRed iniond, (; . . Rainie, Mrs. Minnie Russa, Odin Rasnnussen, W. R. Iichlley, W. F. Rogers. Fred Schmidt, N. Siione, IlHarry Sta;rk Johnii W. Shryock, James Sweenry, John FIremont Stewart, Joseph Schiiiltz, Mrs. I,. Strowridlge, Mrs. Iillie Sclhrader, Miss Laura Shinard, I'. C. Storcy, Miss 'ilde Swanlsonl, C('harle's FK. Siiitlt, iGeorge It. Sm itth, M . I'. Sm iith, M1. G . Siitllh, Jasper F. Smith, Senator Gold Mining loiimpliaiy. Eflie 'Tihonipson, Mrs. irank S. Taylor, George Tutitle, Warren N. 'Taylor, \ iI liai (G. Trevarthen, Joihn Tuohy. U '1 I). I 'la ld, Alralani Lstl ih.ino, Mar ket P tah. V Seba:stiallo Vist tti. W liertha Waiitmier, John W'ooloughan, Miss I'.Inia Welsh, I- red \\ tlhatuis, Miss Ida W ood, Dr. Kinbell W\aleistein, J. i. We.-l iher, J. E. Watson, Mrs. J. It. Warren, Mrs. Meta Wills, Weslcy J. Walker, Mr. aindt Mrs. WVIii. White. '11 11(1) & i.OUI, 1('1i :I. SS MA I I I.I(. John Kelly, Miss I'.. Mcl)onald, Mrs. WVii. Ohld, Mrs. James Hyan. GEO. W, IRVIN, Postmaster. Suttoon's Broadway Theater Three iNlhts, Comnnencing T'uesday, )e cember 9. The Event of theSeason John P. Slocum presents the itRKI'. I.A SlIEI.E COMIC OPERA CO., in the magnificent $25,000 production THE PRINCESS CHIC With the beautiful talented artiste CHRISTINE HUDSON JOSEItPl C. MIRON, the famous and the greatest comic opera cast now tourinlg. 6o--People-- n Prices--25c o $I.50o. AMUSEMENTS The Broadway Lcait. Phone 5S. DICK P. SU'I'I'ON, Man'gr Friday and Saturday Dec. S, 6 Matinee Saturday. ANDREW ROBSON In a t'omnhple l Scenic Prd.luctin of RICHARD CARVEL I)allnati,'l fl1 \'WiV ton ('11hur1 h l' l',i,.,tes . 5c, . 5, t, 7 ,, $ I ,m l . ,'t S1.o.0 Two Nights" (ommencing Sunday December 7. " 11 t l st o lttlion hre of" JspIlh .\ thlur's Ie';altll l. 11odrali,1, Lost River lilction of Jolh', ,Murry. A p; ttoral love story diit h(ol iits, phinoumna.l I n1 ni New Yolk. ItI is Inul dul,:tnati , Iuisi'Ial, I atllnu:it.l l, whole!h iln'. 50O-People-O50 Ala t scenetl ry. I l.u)IIli'te. horsies. , bicy jlih race, Id toll ralc, IIIntl'y on lu"stla, shelpherds, c ett, I',it't ' - 5', So'. 75c, $1.0.. GRAND ""utte'" Finest Theater Howe & Marks, Mgrs. Plhoile .;56 j Nightl4 :nil Sailt rllday I.,lIill, , co ln Thursday, Dec. 4. "Rinlg gill" and letlre scats flow for KVrkrr & .loile''. New YVlk I ,,io nIC The Telephone Girl I)irettion of Max I'lmh . 'I I, IEver lasting flit, ireplete withll ,sh ihia s, 40 pretty girls. Joe, Kane as t liiL s Nix. Usuiial popuilar prices. Sunday December 7 Fiist I lne in this pity, the 1)istiin.uisheil Actress, FLORENCE ROBERTS And excellent compaliny. Sunday, Mon day, 'uesday, "Zaza" (lew) ; Wi'. nlllday, 'T'hursday, "Lady Ursula" (new); Friday, "'('a ille'"; Saturday iatinill andI v lnillug, "Spillo." P'rices- $S.00, 75c, 5~c and .ci'. Seats onl isale Saturday for entire engigli e ili ntii. L[ PETIT THEATER ", muiiirly Suittoni''. Family 'I'h ait, r." W eel k coli nclll.iilng with Iilaliil r' I,1-(n*l hl' 7, at :12 5 p ln T'he Country Girl A high cl;iss conmedy. Vaudeville Specialties Sei MAJOR MAG1( ;I ;R, I, chalmpiion lur,oadswordlsln;ill, every evciing ait R :15. Matinees Wednlesduay, Saturda;y, adll Sun day, at 2 :15 P. It, Ajiltissiotn----i c, -,,c, .jle. !ntlirc change of bill weekly. SP Thee tor 57 E. Park St. NEW PROGRAMME. PHILIPPINE BATTLES The wOiudcertul Craig tauilly, llliacrobats, (:hirlse iiagicia ns, ditnlll'r undIIII r riihcul ties, savilng WOlllln and children. lnll a dozen others interestingl suljleclt«. .lennio Alton, dramliatic soulranlo, ii her illastrated anild other songsi. I.. Jay IlBrownII. the expert hone ani.d bottle zelcllhoniie.. Irol. Iailey and his troup of intellectlu;ll clownl digs, and see lReublen lPali Sand his or iginil of nonsense, and other spec'i:lties. Con tinuous performance alterioonill alI evel'n. ing, 2 to 5 anlld 7 to 0. Il\dllission. 15c; children loc. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES BUSINESS OI''()'ORTUNI'I'IES-- $.6, prof its mnade in one week bIy my Ellai, The )Only Way" nlmethod of slieculation, on each $1o00 invested. 300 clients will vriy this assertion. Illvesrtigte lnd 'satisfy 'our.i elf. $25 andl uipwird alcciltedl .Iy clienllts my references. George i'. Stone, ut 11al4r Urooklyn, N. Y. .=; L'~' ' ~