OCR Interpretation

The Butte inter mountain. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1901-1912, December 20, 1902, Evening, Image 7

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025294/1902-12-20/ed-1/seq-7/

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Portion of Granite May Become Part of Deer Lodge-..Thought That
Expense Could Be Maintained as Division Now Stands-.-Number
of Smaller Counties Had Not to iave Been Created.
Anaconda, Dec. 2o.-One of the county
division schemes that will surely be pushed
this winter contemplates the elimination
of Granite county. It is saidby those
who pretend to know that Granite county
is unable to support a county government
and that it is now in debt in excess of
the limit allowed by law for counties of
that class.
The new scheme proposes to extend the
lines of Deer Lodge county to the neigh
borhood of Stone station, at the mouth of
Henderson gulch. The Powell county
line would also be extended up Flint creek
to take in the rest of Granite county, and
the indebtedness of the county would be
equitably divided between the two.
Those who are talking up this plan live
in the northern part of Powell county
and if they are successful they will then
proceed to move the county seat of Powell
county to Drummond. At present the peo
ple of the Nevada creek valley in Powell
county are compelled to pass through
Drummond to reach the county seat at
Deer Lodge.
Drummond would be about the center
of the county if the proposed changes
are mnade and is a very prosperous anti
flourishing place. It is the junction of
the Drummond & l'hilipsburg branch of
the Northern Pacific railroad and is sur
rounded by a good agricultural section.
When Granite county was created it
was at first proposed to include the Ne
vada creek valley, but the opposition was
too strong and it was cut off. Since then
tlhere has been a change of public opinion
and all of the people living in that section
are now said to favor the new scheme.
While a number of new counties would
make the map of Montana look some bet
ter than it does at present, it is the opin
ion of some of the members-elect from this
county that there are now quite as many
geographical divisions as can be supported.
Dick P. Sutton, Manager. 'Phone as
The Pugilistic Wonders,
Champion Heavyweight of the World.
Champion Middleweight of the World.
Three great local contests.
Admission $5, $3, $2 and $1
G RAND Butte's Finste
Howe & Marks, managers. 'Phone 356.
One Week, Starting
Arthur F. \\arde Presents the Distin
guisited Actor,
In Scenic Productions.
Sunday, Monday and Christmas mati
nce, "The Lion's Mouth."
Tuesday and Wednesday, "Othello."
Thursday, Saturday matinee, "Romeo
and Juliet."
Prices, 25c, 500, 75. Boxes $1.oo. Scats
now on sale.
Tiny Items of News of the World Boiled
Down for Busy Readers.
For Safety Appliances.
W'aslahington, Dec. 20o.-The house comn
mittee on commerce has reported favor
ably the bill requiring safety appliances
for coupling cars.
To Open Indian Lands.
Washington, Dec. 20.--Representative
Stevens of Texas has introduced a bill to
open for settlement 505,000 acres of land
int the Kiowa, Comanche and Apache In
dian reservations in Oklahoma.
Henry M. Stanley Dead.
Mexico City, Dec. 2o.-IIenry M. Stan
Icy, a well-known mining engineer, is
dead here, aged 48 years.
Carlos Will Hold On.
Venica, Dec. 2o.-The report that I)on
Carlos proposes to abdicate his claim to
CIG R By the
Smokers' Articles, Cigar Ilolders
Lowney's Candies...
SMail nrders GILLIS J CO.
Attention. 4 North Main Street
C O ýDl i ýl, ' " "', /-. .. . - ,--/
In fact, they say that it would be much
better if counlties like Rosebud and several
others that have beenl created iin recent
years had Iever been permtitted to set up
separate govertments.
From what can be learned as to the
temper of the Deer ILodge Inembers. it is
probable that the new plan for the di
vision of Missoula county will not meet
with favor. They say that there should
be no more couttties created until it is
known positively that a county govern
mentlt can he supported without excessive
There are Inow too mtally cotlunties in
Montana that are nearly to their limit of
Circumstances Make It imperative That
the Edifice Be Put in Shape Very
Soon-Board Meets.
1' " 1i , 10 lilE I IF.t l.i|{ \II'NT.I'.I .
Anaconda, IDec. ,.--At the meeting of
the school trustees last evetning, the prinl
cipal subject of discussion was the cout
pletion of the new high schtooil hilhlig.
The architect, I. 1). Kern, who is both
designer anld suplervisor of the strutc
ture, was to have been present at last
night's meeting, but he missed the train
that was to have carried hint froIt Iutte
to Anaconda, and therefore could not at
Mr. .. Prouix, the supervisor for the
board, was present and stated most ellt
iihatically that it would he a long time
before the building coull possibly be flit
ished, tunless more carpenters were put to
work on it. There still is quite a lot
of woodwork to be done int the interior.
I)olan & IIanmmil, who were awarded the
I V'I ' PeerleVs
57 E. Park St.
Special holidlay program--po.itively the
best of the kind in America. little Red
Riding llood; Jack and the lceani Stalk;
Bllue Beard and Xmas Dream, and many
others colored and true to life have been
procured at a large expense for this special
occasion well worth a dollar to see.
lie l.aid Away a Suit of (ray to Wear tthe
'Union tIlue, will be illustrated and sung
by Anita, the lyne soprano and the Man
sion of Aching Ilearts will he sting by the
popular dramatic soprano, Jennie Alton
from the Orphuml ot f 'Frisco, to conclude
with high class vaudeville splccialtics. (.In
tiitnuotis performanceC s , to 5 andt 7 to i.
Admission, 15c; ehildren. hoc.
"Formerly Sutton's Family Theater."
One week, starting with matinee, Sutdal:y,
Deceitmbler 21st,
The People's Favorite Play, hy HA.\RRIhLET
Uncle Tom's Cabin
A big production at little prices. Iligh
class specialties inltroduced during action
of play. Evenings at 8:15. Matinees
Christmas and Saturday at 2:15 p. im.
Prices-Evenings, toe, "oc, 3oc, 5oc;
matinees, toe, 2oc, Soc. Secure seats in
the Spanish throne in favor of his son
Don Jamie is untrue.
Two Million Feet.
Everett, Wash., Dec. 2o.-E. A. Nick
erson and others of this city have pur
chased 2oo,ooo,ooo feet of standing tim
ber in Eastern Washington.
Little Blaze in the Windy.
(hicago, Dec. 2o.-Fire early this miorn
ing partially destroyed lFultition market,
Cautsilng a loss of $1oo,ooo.
Lord Currie Has Resigned.
Rome, Dec. 2o.-l.ord Currie of Hlaw
ley, Ilritiush amblassador to Italy, has re
Trees 'I'rees! ITrees l
Not the awkward, limbless tree. brat the
elegant, sylnlettrical ('hiristU as tree.
(Carpenters I Carpenters I Carpenters
Not the lazy, indolent kind, rbut the
active, energetic mlechanttie.
If yout want either, or lulth, telctphone
No. 732-1M, Sltackletun & \Whiteway's job
ling d.ep)artment, No. 5t6 S. Main street.
An Idle Rumor.
M~lissoutla, Dec. 2o.---It was rnluorcd in
the city today that a wreck had occurred
on the Coeur d'Alne lbranchll and Conduc
tor Joseph 'Martin was killed. Upon in
vestigation the story proved to be entirely
Appoints Tom Shaw.
le]wistuown, )Dec. 2o.---'lhe shcritl-elect
h.as signified his intention of appointing
'Thomas Shaw, the present sherit, as his
utinder sheril,.
contract for puttilng i the woodwork, have
ubl.Jet it to allother contractor.
Soon after Christmna ithere will he pro
motiotis made that will nece.ssitate the
shifting of classes from onle building to
another. It would cause ia great deal of
trouble to have to move a second tlnle.
OtIne of the disadvantages at present is the
overcrowdilng of the school-rooms.
()nte of the contractors appeared and
stated that he understood that more Car
prenters had been employed and would he
put to work without delay.
The payroll for the teachers was audited
Ii tore adjourtnmett.
Warranted the Use of Abusive Language
and the Picture Enlarger Is Re
quested to Pay Over Ten.
Sl'I'4 1 1i. Il lII I tNI' Mtllt 1' i ',AI\ .
.\naconlda. I)ec. a. -- The 'Police1ir I
and the I'icture was the nami e of i"
tlrantma that ;sas enacted ihn Jtustice Ken
nledy's court yesterday. lThe p-art o;
p1olictemaii was a;ly represenlted byv !itticer
Theordore Ilartz., while (i;. A. tthildress
was the persolnal lrpresentaltive i)f the
I'hililre , it seIemsli. is the agent for a
c.topanyl that tlakes your likeness and en
larges it ulttil you twoutl n.itr recogtlze
yourself. Probablylllv that i as the primary
cause of the dli-agreetmelnt.
Ila;rtz said that with IIo, e\,n whatever
the manI who reproducestt Iie .caine to
hi llartz's) hotiuse Ind didl tillfully. ma
liciously. alnd wii thout provocation of any
kind wllhatsloever, rtdely andl abusiveily
speak to the occupants thereonf.
iTo izhich the defendanlt replited that it
was no sucl tling. A.ccording to l iis
story. a short tite ago a relative of I'n
licentan Ilartz approached hint and re
'ltmi.sted thait lie make aII enlargement of
a photograph. Ihe. did so, anlld owhet the
work s as fintished tmook it around to
Ifartza' huc to turn it over to the manI
iwho had ordered the work of art.
ItLnt the iman was inot there, and ino one
elseu ias willing ito st;itnd for the cost of
the portralit. IIe was tuhl that the mani
whti put iln the order had lift the city
and the rest of the family not only knew
northing ahoutt the aftfair, but didl not care
to be enlighteled.
A\t this time the artistic ittl of the de
fenidant had risenl in revolt and the lan
lnage conplainuld of etlnsed.
The judge didin't seem to thihnk that the
(irumstllllh;Ltces ere such as wosuld extcuse
a breach of the rules governiting polite
slocity. and to imipress this on thie pris
oter. lhe Sias requteltrd to hand over tell,
thicht he didl.
County Attorney Duffy Decides That Ev;
dence Is Insufficient to Convict
the Accused.
1 t. . i\1. ll t 1 t I: I tll .I( . 1 ,N t .\IN.
cnanicolnda, Dcc. 20.- 'lThe lcharge of
gracld larceny Io longer stands against
DIavid ;(,rdont. Ily the action of
the couty attornicy, Justice of lice
JP'ace Kennedlly yesterday ilformcllCled I;or
do-n that all priCoeclinggs weret oil' and his
R5,, b'ald would he returned to hiit.
The cOtlllty attcrlnley took tli is action
after a careful ilncestigation of the case.
(;ordon wals accused of stealing ca horse
from Patrick )ua;ine-, a rcsilent of the
)c-cr I,cidge valley. (;ordon pleaded not
guilty, and was to have had a Iprecliminary
hearilg lncxt 'Tuesday.
Duatne alleged that Iordon had stilent
a hor-c from hinti and wouil not give it
tip. 'lThce defendalc nt iaintaicled tihat ice
had been w'orking for iDuane aid the horse
was duce hiint as wages.
On looking into the c;se Countc y Attor
lney l)itffy decided that there was noti
sutlicicnt evidence ion which to ia;i.e aniy
E. Jacobson Files a Petition for Letters
of Administration.
Anaconda:, Ic. cc . o.- - . Jacoh.sn yes
terday filed a petition for letters of adci(clln
istration in the estate of (nlllder JohIn
son, who died recentlly of typhoid fever.
Aci order was cmade settiiing a date for
the hearing of the petition. According to
the palpers filed with the clerk, Johnlson
left a deplosit check for $3,i. with the
Daly lHanik and T"rlst company, also $5o
said to ibe due hhn for work donell for the
\\'ashoe Copper colmpany
A. L). , messcengers-prompt. rei hie.
Geo(rge \\'ollcr wais at 1he St. Aimi csc
pill;t for the lpurplose of hicving a foreign
body removed fromii chis ci-.
it. Jacob Mills is to preach at the lFirst
Methodist church tomlnorroW morninig anid
evenlcing. iTheI second qcuarterly coi ferencee
will imeet this evening ait 8 o'clock in the
lcture-roo c ocf tchi chutrch.
(Chairles .0 tz of Ncw Yc 'nk is in the
T. J. M'aniingc of Spokanile registerecid at
thi Monltacni c stcerliav.
Miss Mary Kelly is hoimle iriiom the
Normal school: she will remain unt il alf
ter the holidays.
Chief of Piolice Taylor was at his ofllice
sevceral hocurs yestcrl;dy.
The cPresiyterian church ill hiave alc
excilenit imusicail plro.rliln it both .cr
vicces tomorrow.
lied- -At the r~hsiidenc- of heir lmother,
L2t5 \Wachclillgton street, Mrs. May Jocse
phine ]cairchild, aged 2, years, daughter
of Mr. andl Mrs. Michael Mlarolly.
John Tw\ohy of Spokane is in the citly,
I). J. Ilennessy wits over froic Jilutte
yc lecrday.
C. A. Davidlson was registered at Iihe
Montlana yesterdaiy.
S. II. (reenwood of [uite c.i s a s isitor
to Anaconlda for several hoicrs.
Chclarles A. Davidlson, the lUtitt railroad
cman, was in townc yesterday.
l'nier Sheriff Sherlock of Jefferson
cclnl:ty is attecndiicg to solllme business titct
ters in \Anacondll.
John Twohy of Splokcane 5 ill visit in
this city with rclatives dturcing the holi
Mrs. AA.II. Pogion of Butte is a guest
at the Mlontaina.
Miss Mary Kelley, whio has bicen attlend
ing the State Normal school at Dillon, hals
re turned hiome for the holidays.
Attoriney W. II. Triplpet went to I:;ittt
t dacly to attend to legal busine ss.
Shierift° Jack Conle y went to hlttie to
City A:ttornecy Sawyer returned' on the
I.te train last nigaht front Bulittie. -where he
has betr for the past couple of days.
At the Montana.
MI. Metx. C'harles Meta, New York; 11.
I. I.oewen and wife, I.o AngelesR : .. N.
\ltlii, St. Paul; II. Greenwood. D. J.
Ilennessy., Butt': John Twonhy, F. 1. Man
ning. Spokane: ('. A. Davidson. iMrs. A.
11. I'oaon. Ittte; WV. !. turtis., Soon;
T. P. Sherlock, Boulder: A. D. Frlten
stein, Chicago; (;eorre . T'Iowert, Butte.
If you would like one of the highest
priced and most celehrated pianos at a
low price and on easy terms, are the
Knabe piantos at Orion BIros., 219 North
,Ma;in street. What would lie a nicer
<'hristmas present ?
Preparing Special Programs-Sales in
the Stores Are Good.
.1'1.41 1 II ! II I N I MiH 5 i1 At |.
: itr s lla ill . l'r | I lr; ltlitr Iir tire tIt. ll
tai ntakitig prepanatiiis tor the usual
'l'istlllan i srr\lters ;and the S.l('unday schools
ih t' e :lrr ly ptiept ited itr a v sit trot
lhere are somie spl ,teldtd stock. (t L hrist
'is ,,,,ds, atnd the sales Ior tIlse paIst Iew
days are said to he enormots. Merchant.
w .t I ave abeen iil husins tfrt t" li r ny
~lnars rleport that thle hiold y tr-:de t li.
hItern r otter th nl l eve, r ido?, t- ll the his
ttry lof the city.
it is claimt'd thiat i no a"lty in t.1' ai t
it there a tmore upti to-daite lint of I (hrlit
nOS g ools (';itieid |t the dealers th'inh iIn
this city antd illt peopnle appreciatinn this
I.ct are buyitng their gonuis ait hihnt i
sta1 o"f goinig ,.Iay, ;as t muinh tltrtl li1'
t talit,.
,'ttl ?ltlll,
A. L. Stone in Baltimore.
l'.4 Ilt. ii L li ' 11 111i MIot NI'i1 1N.
tlton llattimtore toda:y ihait A. I.. Shtole,
thie well-ktnown newspaper Illmtla foi Mis
-ula. arrived at thait place in giood shap.
Mir. Stonte haI s biven i lI ite ill for IsnIte
moniths. anid it was th.ighit host to sliit
himl to a tntedi specialist in Ilaitimor for
Ilandkerthtet, glove and vwork hixes at
I alklilts'.
Court Holds That a Woman Has the
Right to Jaw.
( 'New \ork Stn )
Another right of itartrild wo\n\l,. has
live "vindi'cated." .\ Niew.rk tintan grew
weary of the cnoversatlnittl powlrs of his
wife ;mllti asked a Im;tgis.tlara to r(str;lin
her. 'Th.- tmagistrate rebtuiehld himt and
h ihl that M rs. attd, c ' 1, i(.i' ti r, l ft ri
w ith il her iow'n htunltu. ThI.ri i, h r v.s.
tie. 'I heelr she can hbnial, 1 1il and .chl
to her liver's cOintu nt aiil uiio.ily ;Il
'stlop hr. Thus is : unilih.r h1,k h uh t iltoh
the jaws of g'overn ntii by injlinl'tiol , ;al
frl doml l i" s n l , 'ch is aifl at it, on ill
W\AN ' IE-lioys, A. D. 1'. Company.
\\ A\N I I'I)-- \. .xl,(ri, i t I ; l ;, l h
advivrtisin, g ma, l to -,lic it busitin(.,s in
nIn tl., for ;lan ,t: li.hl i milii miI, ll
Iof high lstandin . :\,h ..d(. . lufll 1 o.. p
p, r lJl;trlhbook," Ifoupl hton. \li, h.
WANTED-A partner in a good paying
restaurant. Apply at Foriiil's, oou Weat
Porphyry, or 322 South Main.
$1j I'Il.R thousani l cup ing ll ttcrl It
holnli; tither sex ; send two sol;itp, fir
pI rtici lars. Blackney & Ci ., 5"57 111
strel, Chicago.
I l· ie 'i
WiANTEI)-Six hotel wailtress(, t onc
out of toiwnl work; lady cook for o i1un,
out of town ; girls for geil(ral h.utsiwork,
in and out of town. Iniuiri: Fr(e i.mpiiiloy..
niii It )OfLfce, Blltte.
\\.i \T l.ll --Slituation l ;a houskleper by
l, r M t. aIl1in t .
.\.\NTHI'I) -'o,,ition h by a blight yong,.
ull ;is [ r. nrly soli, It "r or" .u on
,livc. r; well i,eluiiintid w ilh il'; it : a(';rs
oI expelrie c'('; .r,' refer(. ncg',s. Adlrb. -s
\.lans, care Intllr Mouinitain.
'i .'ilTia'>i- li'siifon by a young . m, in ;,
ei Hlb.y or la1iley ,liver or elevatIor
,lk. Ai hdrei s i. S., ca-e of lo r
I;I \\ lle L\r A.\ ) (r RN $rioi., ii
vested in grain or stocks by our "'Saf tly
. ii Plani"i shoubll result itn a proIt
,I f ,o to $1,,o, witlhhi ";., ,Iays. \\rtia e
for p:itifl r l;t iti s'e d for ,our l(e, looki ,
' lodern 5.Iatihi s for 'ilt I vis'- i i tijAA
Ri, hard ()liver & Co.. hankers :,. ul hrokcrs,
i.jic;.o Stock ':x, hli ge' ,Itl . I hie': .
'I:I..VI 1'R1< 1"I'I IS $:s ;am l ull,ward5
arnl'd ilsos i ly on , V'y r~I' inv".,tid;
vrite' for booklet. .)ivide'u s w{ekly;
m aon y can be w ti.,hav.w i ;ti any tiln'.
lli-he-t refr-m ces. "IhG ,. t it & ',o.,
,o lBr;ldway, N. Y., ity.
\:11' ('¢0;LC iI IS, $s tu. New ranges. t
(exhantig for old stoves and frllturtr;
-for;!'. .chsli. No. .{ _ \\. ,st ltroalway.
Goilberg block, uitte. We treat , suc
cessfully diseases of womcr., c atarrh, stotm
ach and bowel troubles, Vapor baths aind
maage treat ,cent in connrectioln.
FUR all stoves and ranges. Scott. az6
1':ast Park. Tel'phonie 685 M.
iog Co., 30o W. Bdwa,. Tel. 867 A.
A $..,oon stock of Pitkin & i roks. Ilelworth. Garlanl, (Gladis, Venice
and Star cuttings, of crystal clearnles and gli.tening beauty, to be closed
out il four days, in order that we may realize at once on a line of goods
that we have decided to discontinue .elling. As there is but a limited nmin
Iher of the itemls ncnttioned in rstock. thot, who would profit hy theie most
remarkable rcductio s~ thould he at tih sto,rr as soon after rending the list
as possiblc.
Sugar and Creams Ice Cream Tray
3 on1ly-reduct d frott $.,", to 4 only: Ilutott cut, rehduced from
$7.15 a Set $.so o.
S.nly--retucrd fro, t $r.,, .o ... $16.70
Tumblers I only 8 inch napy; reduced from
and Wine Glasses se$1
3 set i chanlpagi e 4 . la.t. . rtdu.o. 4 ,nly 'h'll h4nh4n1 b4otl rrduced
from ........ .. . 1. . i,,m YI.o t. . . ... ... nm
$2.21 $3.40
I set 6 shctlry glas rt h= 4 .t 1 thtl4 fr 4 11 1. 4 o1(41t1 n h I; r4 d4 1 ced front
$5.50 to ................... . $.. n to . .. .. .. .. .
$3.32 $6.22
2 sets; 6 each. cl.u i tri . r- : o ly . F 3 n 4 it 4 , re1 iied from
duccd from $,75 to . ........ . $4 .t , .....
$3.80 $7.28
. setg.: 1 act : , .a ter th i t( . t t.ly , i.nch I ot 1 n.; fi r cutting:
(11t' d from $4 ' to ... ...... I tlnth l itrom $ts.,o tn ..... .....
$2.50 $8.37
1 set h, \whi".kly ~i .3 . .. rctl,4 l4t. I .t ' l lll II ont ut:; ,t , itnch plate;
11m11 $8 ; t5 ....... .. . ...... r , 1t.I (11 1 11 . .1 , ($ 1n t ........
$5.25 $10.40
G 1 mdv I. Iloot 1c.fer iely: lhhtunt ut'H ic tith; re
$. PINGEIR (OWLS $9.35
Decanters ,4t... ti t ... .n4 . 1 .11.. font
S ': t- " t l .,I t r, ; t hIn ' .I 3 to .... .. ..... ........
(tnl $,sn . t. . .... ..... . . $4.65,
W ater .lug' s , , "Ii,, 11 ,i' $ r.0n
(',ly:1 I llnu nt rit : ,, . . . 1.. .1 $. .90
$,, f, , to . ......... . e.....V TRRY S
$ 10 .4 0 . i1ll, 4i 14 it\ h t11' Ir(4l4 o
an ; t , 1 .. t.., . ..1 6.3. .
Pedestal Punch Bowl
h la n I 3 . , '* i I It. i tlln t it r, Lan b
I4 in . ..e . 4. h . 4pht .14 .' 44 .. li . . .11 , 1. 4 . 4 t 4 .11 h 4. 4 . . .1 1 for1
Ilo lo. .11. 11 14.4 4 1 no 114 atill44 int I t. . 44i4 4 1 1i. n4.4 .11. 411 it 3 heI .ntl
O41i1 1 ot es'. I \..I. 11 1. I. I i 4..4 11I4 . 444444 11'11.41 .. i ,
Mail Us Your Orders. We Pay Ihe Freight.
BrownfieldhCanty Carpet co.
48 to 54 W. Park, 41 to 43 W. Galena St.,
i $ qrro
I.OANS----Any kind of tecurity. Ihi,
I)avenlllort LO., suci.s : , rs to hlavell, nl
& Kimball, II:.milto, rtrect, opposite
\V;atir coilpaliny's oflic.
LOANS--Money to loan at 8 t,tr cen-t;
no delays. Ilall Brothers, 48 Eat
TlIoad.iay, 'title, Moulana.
LOANS -n u tIniture; low rates. IR o.int
2, 77 West ltroalway.
M(NI:EY '1 I LOAN- .Jackman & Aznlt
age Co., Iliib,our bleok, N. i. coriet
Main and I'ruadway.
II(.'s. \VA'IH~ N-Midic- . To,! I.)kuta
st reet.
e(' ll ranet to kill ll mil ( l.utl II'y. 1A l
rih l'"% n ls, er i I k ll |"te .'1 ]',r ll li. l
FIU1R bAI.: --A cuy io, ro1, l.o'giig
holose; re It only $35 per mouth. Apply
at Flormtl's, Too W, st l'urphysy ntrct, or
32z South Main.
-blI.(,Il'.l.'S LOAN O(I'FiCI';---8 E. I'ark
site t. ,lio ey lo;t - ii oil u very ai t1ile
of value.
MI,.I\V1 All No i's , l'Palors -- ml o rtrs lice
tV as, un l ' , s. C han , Si,, `.I la .th .o: .,
i l , coi n er M. rc, ry, th t alley.
IALJ.'Mli 'S I'AiISIAN li- h1I(otUSI.--.
A ll , o lk gu: ,ra t,:,d. 6( \V '-,t (ial na
Street. 'I'houe 747A. I" iech dyeing ail
JOHN H. lhAP'TY- Assayer, t17 Ilaiaul
ton street, l;ut, M,i ontana.
FITZI'AI' RILK & I.-:W IS--A sayer,
Successors to A. !i. '.omb' uer, 1,,8 N.
Wyo. St. 'I'honie 61i. I9- . I). . ox 114.
Io, R l<il'.:N -1 .\l,,, ., ;r. , fi at 4: t . ,
I 'O R I) I' T n I , -; -. ., I I r :I ,r
I\ 4 '(' ii I /ll.I I.: i I.
- ()l l RIN -- 1- o,, room , t h,,1 ,in,, L.t,
rrvnt re:,-o ,abl . A pply 741 \ V. ,luar ,z.
)"(l1 RI'NT l---Mu lii, I rlmi brick fl.-,.
Inquire Or. Nl.h:'evin, lcnnes:, Blhg.
II 0l.T'.1 OXFUU) -RoItis $ t up. First
cliass; Im l-rni coivcV nii(i ,cs. So, laiin.
TIRANSII.NT- Special, York block. 66
W. I'ark.
FOR RENT-F-irst-class furnished rooms
at Gohlcn Ilouse, 431 South Main, cor.
ncr of Gold. Free bath.
Collects bad bills; try it, IT5 N. M-ln.
I. II. IIAN.OIN, M. 1). -,Oc ts al opera.
ticv sill 'l l , U. )h 2ce 5, . i6, 27 .lver
1i, hi I,.. t i , pho e q40r .
I'IH( .AI 1. ;1 .at barl g,,ns ill '!real cs
tale thlis weIk. Apply at Flt mil's, toQ
W. I'orplhyly or 1Ja S. Main.
,1.:,5 I l!R1NII-,Y , S( IIULI. -All graides
laught. 4.1a .,.ht Mercuty. Unly p.i
vale ht.booul.
\11 il . 11,V J:--Y'uiir iousuchul gouods a.ti
olher valu.lbles ill an open wagon whenl
you canii love I i much cleaner, qli('kcr
aid clhel:pcr il our tnew van ('all up
te'lliphn,: 21. Molitania Truck & Transfier
Co., oi. e . VWest lli .1w'y.
1)1 S AIJ & ' I )\ i 1 .llliN I'IllIp ii
(11. I'rst Ila,,, work g ali nlll(d. 217
,lo l;, t l';alk trift,
A[.1. kind, of Ilwing nhir,C:.:ls repaireld at
llutte ".xchange Furnlliture Co. , first
c ol,. 20 Vest Ilroaliiway.
11 1< J. A. , ,,1 11 y , ..I , 1 e, tIhoat
wl Inll sg . , i +" . rlatr'le . T' ras'
,, .,u, ,I lHihlour huildiig. 'l'honi
i,( i.' NIVI.,I.'I Y WuicNKS. 17 Noth
AirI:n stOl:t. %V. F. Steward, plrop.
1 (k c ,\I.I. l.atl< hathi r rockers,
h afho.r dlinin)X -,(I, piunt and other
]lnot 3h1,1l fill nih< ing . Ca;ll from .I to 5
, hl, at lHome 1.,, .\l. & II. block, No,. 1
\\ I-t i rIir'; lwl ay.
I L(l( SA.-lt-es.;lual1 antld confection
ery slure; thealp. Apply at Fornnel',
cllo WNest I'orplhyy street, or 322 South
The Southern Hotel
25c DINNER 25C
The SOUTHERN HOTEL gives yod
food for a5 CENTS of anly place In the
city. You get as much of any and every
dish offered on the bill of fare as yot
wish. OUR CUISINE Is unexcelled,
Don't forget the place and you will not
forget the dinner. Co:ne tomorrow and
try one of our dinners.
fPROPRI Il: t'

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