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IARIFF WILL SAVE BRITISH WORKMEN CHAMSOERLAIN'S AGENT REPORTS ON HIS OBSERVATIONS IN THIS COUNTRY. AMERICA WILL BE SUFFERER Should England Adopt a High Protective Tariff, This Republic Will Feel the Effects of Change. SY ASSOCIATE,)n rESR. Chicago, Oct. at.-lThe Tribune today Aays: As representative of Joseph Chanmber lain, for whom he is investigating the results of the protective tariff in the United States, Ernest A. Hlamlyn of the Honorable Artillery company of London reached Chicago last night. The results of Mr. Hamlyn's investigation thus far are embodied in a preliminary report. which he forwarded to London. In It he declares the commercial great ness of this country is due to the tariff. adding that it would he "the salvation of England," Mr. Haminlyn summarized his report to Mr. Chamberlain as follows: "Your protective policy will he the sal vation of England. The manufactucrers and tradesmen I have seen lduring 6,,(0,o miles of traveling, while visiting the trade centers in this country, frankly admit that the English tariff will be a detriment to the continued industrial prosperity of America. They admit that it will lie best for Englnnd." The report concludes with the report of an oiter made by Mr. llamlyn to con tribute to a fund to bring to America roo English workmen from anmllcng ~o manu facturing cities to study the' effects of a tariff on the wages and living expenlses of the working classes. PUTS A SISTER OUT DOWIE HAS MRS. CARRIE NATION EJECTED FROM HIS NEW YORK MEETING. .Y AsnO('IATII) I'It FS. New York, Oct. ar,--Mr. l)owie, ar tayed in evening clothe. talked for two hours last nighlt efore a great throcng ill Maclison Square G;arden. the Ihcrdcn of his talk being denunciation ot the clergy and the press. The speaker was repeatedly interrulpted with hisses and shouts of disaplproval At one point. D)owie ordered the iplice to ar rest two men in different parts of the building who had interrupted him. Carrie Nation. who occuliecd a seat nc:ar the froti asked "Elijall" to answer S)cII questions. lie refused and ordered hc.r to sit down. Dowle then praised the spirit In which Mrs. Nation had warred on the saloon, bunt said she used wrong methods. Mrs. Na tion again demanded the privilege of ask ing questions. At once the Zion guartdh surrounded her, and with the help of sev eral policemen ejected her. OVERCOME BY GAS FUMES WHICH KILLED MASTER Servant of Boston House Finds Head of Establishment Dead and Shortly Follows Him Hence. RY ASSOCIATPED PRESS. Poston, Oct. .I.---After 'harles A. Rol iliis, 63 years of age, a retired merchant of this city. had been found dead in a room in his house in :Massachusetts ave nite, with a tube from a gas jet lingg by his side, the caretaker of his house, Thomas A. Ryan, aged 28, notified one of his friends by telegraph and then fol lowed his master to death. The cause of the first death, the medical examiner believes, was suicide; the second, accident. Ryan evidently had gone back to the room after telegraphing and was overcome by the fumes. Columbia in Bad Way. BY ASOC'IAT'D PraFsh. Panama, Oct. 21.-The -ministry of the treasury at Bogota has announced at a sleret session of the house of representa tives that the national revcnues are 30, o00,ooo0 pesos, in paper currency, less the expenses. The revenues of Colombia for spot and 1902 were estimated at .5,983, 340 pesos and the expenditures 40,4J7,75 pesos, leaving a deficit of 11,443,935 pesos. Sternberg to Germany. DY AIOCIATII, PRil.SH. Washington, D. C., Oct. a..-Baron Sternberg, German ambassador, left Washington this morning for New York, whence he will sail the latter part of the week for Germany. lie will carry with bim personal messages of friendship and good will from the president to the Em peror and Prince Henry of Prussia. Strike in Spanish Mines. BY ASSOCIATED PRite'S. Dilboa, Spain, Oct. at.--A strike broke out yesterday in the Bilboa mining dis trict and spread rapidly. L.ast night 19, coo workers were idle. The railway serv ice has been ilterrupted. Reinforcements of troops are arriving here, George Gould's Job. lY ASSOLCIVTED PRESS. New York, Oct. ar,-George J. Gould has been elected chairman of the board of directors of the Wabash railroad. The Wabash is a distinctly Gould propetty. Mr. Gould tip to the present time has held no position other than director. Are You Constipated? It causes more than half the sickness in the world, especially of women. It can be prevented if Beecham's Pills are taken whenever nature calls for assist. ance. Comfort and happiness follow the use of Beecham's Pills &sld Everywhere. In boxes 10c. and 2is, POPE PIUS WOULD RESUME AUTHORITY GREAT HEAD OF ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH HOPES TO EFFECT A MODUS VIVENDI. IS WILLING TO COMPROMISE Thought Some Agreement With Italy by Which He Will Not Be Prisoner in the Vatican May Be ,Made. 1y AS.SOCIATED PRESS. Rome, Oct. at.--Angelo Sarto, brother of the pope, and Signor Angelo l'arolin, blrother-in-law, have had several long con versations with the pontiff. They declare they untlderstand his feeling borth as an Italian and as head of the church and assert that Pope Pius X is anxious to leave his name in history by stopping the long conflict between church and state, by means oif a inmdlus vivendi which, with out renounlcing the claims of the papacy for temporal powers, would render pos sil,le a certain understanding between the vatican and Italy, which would enable the pope to he no longer the prisoner of the V:aticHll. lefore taking any steps thie pope wishes to know what compensattions Italy will be willing to grant the church. FIRE FROM AMBUSH STRIKERS THOUGHT TO HAVE SHOT NON-UNION MEN IN WACO, TEX., TROUBLE. 11V ASN.iII'IA'I.I PIEISS. Waco, 'T'exas, (t. t.- -A nattle oc curred last night between nIon-tunioln Ilmenl employed on a street car and friends of the striking mIntornen. Ilenry Ilays of Ilridgepl'ort, Coo'n., one of the non union motormlen, was fatally shot. The valley was fired froml ambush aln was returned hy the guarlds. The illicers have arrested two men, suspected of shooting the mnotor Y. M. C. A. THRIVES IN COLLEGES OF CHINA Shanghai Association Has Over 1,000 Members-American Secretaries En Route to Orient.. N w York, Oit,. -. -Ilobrt FI. Lewis of It,.1t,, oIne ,f tnh foreignl swecretaries of the ilteraltlinll cmnl ittee of the Y. 11. (. A.. will soil tI'lly fur Shanghai. I hing. lie will hre joini l in S. snghai by 1W'. W. I.,rekw:od, assistant serretary of the V. M1. C. A. of Omaha, who sailed fromi Sinl FrPancisco Orctoer a .. :lland by Arthur Rugh, traveling secretary of the North American student volunteer move mulit for foreign miistious, who sails for Shalnhai next mon.ith. 'rThere three will tie secretaries of the Y.. M1. L. A of Shanghai, which alreadly has over i,,im anllemllbers. I.i addition there are 4i Young Menl' ('hristian associations in the modern col leges of China. Enter as maid of honor from your county some dleserving young lady for mermber.iip in the excursion given by the Itutle Inter Moun lain to the W\orld's Fair at St. louis. FAMOUS "CHERRY JUICE" CASE IS NOW RECALLED Government Decides to Fight a Similar Case, and Will Appeal From a Recent Decision. IIV ASSO('IA'rTE PRSS. New York, Oct. ar.--('ounsel for tile governlllent has announced that in order to definitely settle the question, tihe treasury department will appeal a decision handed down by General Appraiser Somer ville against the decision of the collector of the port to include in the dutiable value of ccrtain classes of goods imported from France, the amounlt of municipal taxes exacted by French cities. The satme question was fought out some time ago, before the United States circuit court in Cincinnati, itn the Rheinstromn case, and decided adversely to the governtmept, but tihe ruling was unsatisfactory to both ap praisers and the department, so it has been decided to make a new case. LEGISLATION FOR PURE FOOD Manufacturers Decide to Appeal to Con gross in Matter. BY ASSG('IArID PRPaF, New York, Oct. al.-At a meeting here of the manufacturers and distributors of food products of the United States it has been decided to urge upon congress the en actment of pure food legislation and to work for a bill providing free Interstate comnlerce in products which conform to a certain standard of purity, TO START ON WINTER CRUISE BY ..ASOCII.TED PRESS. New York, Oct. at.--lt is expected the vessels of the North Atlantic squadron now undergoing repairs at the navy yard will be able to start on their winter cruise December r. Rear Admiral Barker, com mandant of the navy yard, has just re turned from Washinlgton where plans were completed for the cruise. ANOTHER PARKS INDICTMENT BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, New York, Oct. at.-Another indictment was returned yesterday against Sam Parks, the walking delegate. This time Parks is indicted for perjury, it being alleged that he committed the crime during his own trial. He Bears an Ultimatum. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. San Domingo, Oct. ar.-Charles Renos, the Belgian charge d'affalres, has arrived here with final instructions regarding the claims of the Belgian bondlh,,'ders against San Domingo. Generals to Exchange. BY ASMOCIATED PRESS. Washington, D. C., Oct. ar.-Major Gen eral Chaffee, commanding the department of the East, and General Corbin will ex eharge stations and duties next Monday. CHARGED HE TOOK A BRIBE OF $200 DEPUTY TAX COMMISSIONER O'SUL. LIVAN OF NIEW YORK 18 TAKEN INTO CUSTODY. ARRESTED ON AN AFFIDAVIT Motorman Tells Authorities He Was 'to Put Up $400 for a Civil Rating and Policeman's Place. lY ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York, Oct. at.-Deputy Tax Com. missioner O'Sullivan has been arrested at the door of his home in St. Luke's place od his return from a democratic political meeting and locked up in a police station. Hie is accused of having taken a bribe on the pretext of getting a man appointed td the police. The warrant was issued Justice Wyatt. Eric Erickson, a motorman, gave the in formation to District Attorney Jerome, upon which the arrest was made. He showed a receipt purporting to have been signed by O'Sullivan for $aoo. It was, he said, half the amount he had promised to pay for a civil service rating and a po sition on the police force. This was more than a year ago, he al leges., and the job had no,t been given him. lie was given a $So bill and instructed to offer It to O'Sullivan, while detectives stood near by. The offer was made in a saloon, where the motorman met O'Sullivan and berated him. As the latter refused to take the bill, the plan to arrest him on the street failed and anll affidavit by Erickson was placed before Judge Wyatt. O'Sullivan was formerly a pollceman and secured his present position under the administration of Mayor Van Wyck. NOBLES IN A PUDOLE SIR FRANCES AND LADY WINNIGTON THROWN OUT OF AUTOMOBILE, INTO SWIFT ,MILLRACE. I'sY SSOt A1 .D PRESS. I ondon, Oct. .a.--Sir Francis and Lady \Vinnington, the latter a cousin of the Duke of Marlborough. met with a serious accident while automobiling at Strington Hlouse. The chauffeur mistook the road in the darkness and Slit tile car down a steep hill and into a millrace, where it overturnedl. Lady Winnitlgton was pin ioned underneath and was rescued only after great difficulty. The chauffeur was also seriously hurt. Sir Francis was only slightly injurud. Enter as maid of honor from your county nsomt ds('ery'ing y)tttig lady for membership in the excurslio given by the tutte itter 'Mounll tamin to the \Vorld's Fair at St. .Louis. JEROME CANNOT GET THE WITNESSES WANTED IlY A.sO('ItATlhD PIESS. New York, Oct. al.--In a court of ap-' peals' decision sustaining the appellate divisiont of the supreme court isn its re versal of the dlecisiott of Justice Scott. which in effect said that witntesses such as Jesse Lewisohn mustit testify in tile trial of Richard Canlield andl David ltucklin, on charges of maintaining a gambling Ihouse, it will now he next to im possible for l)istri't Attorney Jerome to have any except willing wittnesses appear against Canfield and Hucklin at the trial Ilext Illoth. Reginall C. \'anderbilt and others for whom subpoenas were issued, but which e, cre nlever served, lmay now treat the existence of the subtpoenlas indifferently. Mr. Vanderbilt has not been in the state of New York for ita considerable period. INTERNATIONAL FIRE ENGINE COMPANY MEETS II' ASSOtIAT;ED t'tESS. New York, Oct. a2.-At a special nteet Ing in Jersey City, the International Fire Engine company has amended its by-laws and reduced the number of directors from 25 to II. While the plan of reorganiza tion is designed to become effective Oc toher a8, President Clark said this period might be extended to give some delin quents an oplportunity to agree. WITNESSES TO SUE ATTORNEY End of Cruzen Smuggling Scandal in San Juan Is Not Yet. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, San Juan, 1'. R., Oct. ta.-The wit nesses who testified before the federal grand jury when it found an indictment against Collector of Customs Cruzen for having received a share of smuggled goods, and who were accused of perjury in the indorsement with which United States District Attorney Pettilgill an nulled the indictment, are today furiously angry with Mr. Pettingill and are threat ening to sue him for slander. Allen & Sitington, reliable chimney sweeps. World Messenger ontice. Tel. aoo. NOTICE TO ORE PRODUCERS Ore purchase circulars of the Pitts burgh and Montana Copper company are' now ready for distribution among ore ptdJ ducers and others in the districts tributaty to Butte. Such circulars will be furnlshed to applicants by letter or in person. Address all communications to the Com pany, P. O. Box top8, Butte, Montana, The company's office at present is No. ass Goldberg block, corner of West Park and Academy streets, Butte, Montana, CHEAP RATES TO KANSAS CITY. For the Amercan Royal Live Stock show, at Kansas City, the Northern Pacific will seal round trip tickets from Butte and Anaconda for $40o.oo. On sale October i7 to as, inclusive; return limit October a8, with privilege of ex tension to November to, if desired. For 4til. particulars call on or write W. H. Msrrlmanl,1 general agent, A DELIGHTFUL SUMMER TRIP. If you are going East this summer why not see Salt Lake City and Denver and the elegant scenery through Colorado along the lines o the Rio Grande system? You can't beat it for excellent service and good accommodations Only one change of cars between Butte and Chicago and St. Louis. Write for rates and a sopy of "With Nature In Colorado." O. W, Fltsgerald, general agent, Butte, Montana. TO REOPEN ESTATE OF PATRICK KELLY H4AROLD KELLY HAS MADE APPLI CATION IN THE DISTRICT COURT IN HELENA. PAT KELLY DIED INTESTATE Left an Estate in Lewis and Clarke County Appraised at 55,900-Kelly Claims One-Fifth. Harold Kelly of San Francisco, through his attorneys, Cullen, Day & Cullen of Helena, has instituted proceedings before Judge Clements of the district court of I.cwis and Clarke county seeking to have reopened the estate of Patrick Kelly. Kelly died intestate in Butte October 3, r)oa, and left an estate in Lewis and Clarke county appraised at $5,9oo, as well as mining property. October aS Frank Cruse of Helena was appointed administrator of the estate. In April, r9o3, the administrator petitioned the court to be discharged and for an order for the final distribution of the es tate. The heirs named by the administra tor were Edward J. Kelly of Philadel phia, Mrs. Honora Roberts of Fort Jones, Cal., Eugene J. Kelly and H. J. Kelly of San Francisco; John W. and Mary Ella Kelly, Alport and W. F. Ingold. April 7m the order of distribution was made and lMay iS the administrator was dis charged. Harold Kelly claims that he is a grand son of Patrick Kelly, and that he was en titled to one-fifth of the estate. He claims he had no notice of the proceedings in the court or of the death of his grand father and did not learn of it until July 1, 9o.1. He alle~re at one year had not elapsed between time the letters of administration ,", filed and the order of final distrP", ion. He also ' 'there had not been en tered in Oe court a decree determining the heirship of the parties entitled to the ,distribution of said estate, and that the 'representations as to the heirship so made were untrue, im that the petitioner was omitted from tae list. Judge Clements made an order that the administrator and the heirs named in the order show cause October a6 why the re lief prayed for by the petitioner should not be granted. It is not possible for the proprietors to publish more than a very few of the nu merous letters received in praise of Cham berlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and telling of its remarkable cures. They come from people in every walk of life and from every state in the Union. The following from Mr. T. W. Greathouse of Prattsburg, Ga., speaks for itself: "I would have been dead now but for the use of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. It cured me of chronic diarrhoea after seven years of suf fering. I can never say too much in praise of the remedy." For sale by Paxson & Rockefeller, Newbro Drug Co., Christie & Leys and Newton Bros. To Defend Cuban Coasts. BY ASSOr0fR4'IT PRI'5. Havana, Oct. 2I.-Hlavana coast bat teries here evacuated by American troops and delivered to Cuba are to be occupied by Cuban artillery. Backed y Seven Years of Success 25 25 Ots. Ots The Osse ac e'rr. for lalrrh. At si Drnuiss. 0. H. KEITH, (Mntr.) CLEVRLAND, OHIO. W. A. Clark. . Roes Cladr. W. A. CLARK & BRO. BANKERS Transacts General Banking Business. Buy gold dust, gold bars, silver bul. lion and local securities. Boxes for rent in safe deposit vault. Sell eclrange available in all of the principal cities of the Unites. State and Europe. Special attention given to colle. dlea. ALEX 1. JOHNSTON, Cashier. DALY BANK AND TRUST COMPANY OF BVTTE Established :s88. Incorporated e9os. Capital... $100000.00 General Ba.nklng Business O N D. RYAN......... Presden HN R. TOOL."P t C. IWINBORNE..........Cashier A. KUNKEL....Assllstant Cashier Butte. Mont. Cespital......... ioson.s vier eate superviien. ViWe pea em a nteres peblo quaorerin )ld ona dewosi Money to Loan sa Real Estate Wei 1.1 IW tt The First National Bank Of Buute tlrtablished s8y9.) Capital * * $200,000.90 GBNBRAL BANKING Drafts drawn on aln l principal eittee the world and letters of credit issued ANDRRW J. DAVIS.......Presient JAMES A. TALBOTT.... Vice-Pre. 3. B. WEIRICK ..........Cash bie J. S. DUT N .....Assistant Cashier STATE SAVINGS BANK John A. Crelrhton.........President 0. W. Stapleton........Vioe-President T. IM. Hodgene....., ....... Casbier 1. O. Hodens.......Assistant Cubashi .L 3. Nuckols.......Assistant Cashik. Under tate euperilsion and Jurisdle Slon. Interest paid on deposits Sells exchange available in jl the prinipal cites of the United ates and Euyope. Collections promptly at. tended to. Transact a geneal bkin business. Directore r 7. A. Creightona, Omabs; C. W. StaTeton. A. H Bar' t. D. JA~ttS. V. Kempert. T. N Hodgens J . odgenO. Corner Main and Park Streets Butte C. 3. Leonard, Pres. T. R. Rinds, V. Pres ayestte Harringtoa, Cashier. Silver Bow NlationaI Bank CAPITAL 10000.00.00 .bis bank solicits aceounts, offers prompt cad careful attention to business of customer.. Collections promptly attended to and remitted for on day of collections. Sell foreign and domutlo exchange, trans. sots a general banking business, pap i. tesa t on the deposits. Directors-Charles . Leonard, P. Au Belnse, archesseanu A. Bamo . Lout ,C. Newton, T. R. Hida ola MacGlnnis, Payette Harrinston. NORTH COAST LIMITED Observation Cars Electric Lighted Steam Heated BUTTE SCHEDULE WESTBOUND. ___ _ _I Trains ARRIVE. i DEPART. No. s-N, rth Cooast Limited ...... Iao p.m. I f p.m. No. S-B u r linatoni Express...... soo p.m. acte p.m. No. 13-Twln C i tr Express ....... I 11l0 n.m. ........ EASTBOUND. Trains ARRIVE. DEPART. o. -orth Coast Limited...... st4 Lm. s . Sleeper for this train open at p:ao for re ceptionof pas. aseers....... No. 6- u r I ington No press....... T sw" p p.m. s mo p.m. Express....... ....... a p.m. No. I -North Coast Limited, from St. Paul and Eastern points, to the Pacific coast. No. 2--North Coast Limited, from the Pa. ciic coast to St. Paul, Duluth and princlpal Eastern points. No. S-Burlington Express, from Kansas City and all B. & M. R. R. points and all N. P. points west of BDllings to Seattle and Tacoma. No. 6-Burlington Express, from Tacoma and Seattle to Billings and all B. & M. .& R. points. No. I1 -Loeal connection from Twin City Express from St. Paul and all Eastern points. No. 14-Local connection with Twin City Express for St. Paul and all points East. Passengers for Twin Bridges, Sheriaso, Alder, Pony and Norris branches leave Butte on No. r4, and arrive in Butte from these points on No. aS. Trains on these branches do not run on Sundays. W. H. Mlerriman, gea. eral agent, corner Main and Park streets. PREP[RRED BY UNCLE SAM In going East, your letters travel by a mcit direct route. From St. Paul to Chicago via the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Why not travel the same way yourself? No extra charge for riding on the Pioneer Limited. P. H. SCANLAN, C. A. Helena, Mont. W. B. DIXON, N. W. P. A., St. Paul. lix Million Dollars Spent by the U. P. R. R.Co. In Improving what was originaily the Inst track In the West. RBSULT A comparatively straight and lve roadbed, bellasted with dustless,. man granite, rcndrling possible the highest rate of speed, togsth r with the greatest degree of safety. The magl. tude of the work must be isee to be eppreelated. WHAT DOES IT MEANt Solid comfort, ewurity and pleasure to our patrons. ARE YOU GOING EAST? ether a this RYAL HIHWAY Further inlormation on application per. sonally or b letter to M. O. WILSON, O. :. L, Bautte Montaga. "TANDAIb SILICP|Ne , The latest, products of the Pullman shops are now run ning every night between Chicago, St. Paul and Mnne apoils on the new electric lighted "Greet Westefrn Limited." These cars are extra large and easy riding, the Interior furnishings are of a simple elegance which appeals to all. Al! berths are supplied with electric lamps for reading. The dressing rooms are large and commo dious. For further In formation apply to J. P. Elmer, General Passen ger Agent, Chl. Scogo, III.l The Best Friend The Northwest Ever Had "The Road That Made the Northwest Famous." LEAVE BUTYE. FsL Paul, East and Weat, For~ A ... W8trs"', dam St. Paul, East and w dall . .. .... iss 4gs. ,Tieke¢ Obate No0 41 North Mate Sb.e atts. W.R. MEECH. C. P. and T. A. ullman, Dining and Library Car Route to SALT LAKE DNENVER KANSAS CITY OMAHA CHICAGO ST. LOUIS And All Bastern Points Short Line To Colorado, Arizona and Mexico San francisco, Los Angeles (Ocesa or .aiiL. PORTLAND And All Pacific 0oass Positts ARRIVE DEPART. Neo. ....6 4o p. m. .No. .S....44s ý. ua No. a. m. No. so....0:os 2. us, Ticket Office 105 N. Main Street Butte, Montana. H. 0. WILSON, GENERAL AGT, Denver & Rio Grande and the Rio Grande Western Travel During Pall and Winter Season.s The journey to the East via Salt Lake City and along the shores of the Great Salt Lake through beautiful Glenwood, Colorado Sp:lons and Denver Is one of uninterrupted delight n1 winter as weU as in summer. In toot, te fall and wintes seasons add but a new grandeur and charm to the travel suenes and infuse an element of variety and beauty to the unsurp.asable wonders along the Rio Grande Westers and Denveo & Rio Grando lines. Throusg sleeping and dining car service. Person. ally*o**.ta ed weekly excursions. Fs te or is ormsuoa aP1 y tO h.! JI :fITZ GERALD, General Agent. |icet Ofie.l-4y IL Broadway, Butter Atchison,Topeka & Santa Fe Ry. Co. SA" i:. ROUTS 3 Trains Daily From Denver to Kana City and Chi. cael. Also the direct line to Galve ton, El iPeo, City of Mexioo and the mining easmp of New Mexico and Ar.. For particulars about ut Ir tic tD) RATES EAST' this s!. mw" a, a :a S C. F. WA.Et.LN, a Dooly block. vial