Newspaper Page Text
NEW YORK QUOTATIONS (Reported by Coer Commission Co.) New York. Oct. t.-The openlng and clot. Ing lquotations on the stock exchange today were as follows: Open. Close. American Ice....................... sI S4 do. preferred ..................... 2o ao74 Amalgamated Copper .............. 37~ 38 Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe.... 66 66 do. preferred............ ....... 8867 89' Baltimore & Ohio............ . 74 74) Brooklyn Rapid Transit........... 33' 334 Canadian Pacific .................. tg4 st49. Chesapeake & Ohio.................. o Chicago & Alton................... rt'/ sI Colorado Southern................. satoi ai Colorado Feel & Iron............. .sp. sg Chicago Great Western........... s4. s . Consolldated Gas..............t..... 4 t75 Delaware & Hudson...........154 1s541/ ide(................................. 17 a7 do. first preferred............ 66'4 6611 do. second preferred ............. 48 49 General Electric Company.........s.48V4 i4/`4 Illinols Central.....................toM I3s!s Louisville & Nashville............ too% sooy Leather............ . .. 7! 7 Manhattan Consolidated.. 33... ....)33 s11 M., St. 1'. & S. Ste. Marie........ S41' 541 Metropolitan Traction.............tos!4 so6 Mexican Central................... o'/, os Missouri, Kansas & Texas........ s t17 do. preferred ..................... 3s 3 lMissouri Pa'cifc .................... 89 90o New York Central..............1.7 ss8i4 Norfolk & Western ............... S6t 57S Northwestern..................... ,8 6o01. North American .................... 76 76 Ontario & Western................ so1 so4 Pennsylvania Railway.............us8t s4sl People's Gas........................ 9 93 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Omaha Livestock. BY ASSOCIATED PlREi. South Omaha, Oct, at.-Cattle-Receipts, so,Soo head. Market steady to lower. Native steers, $375@5.o50; cows and heifers, $3.o0o14aS; western steers, 9425t4.S; 1Texas steers, $,.7SW 3.65; cows and heifers, $2.25s3,4o; canners, $; stockers and feeders,; calves. $S.ootis.s bulls, stags, etc., $a.7S3a.7S. Hogs-Receipts, 3,8oo head. Market a shade stronger. Heavy, $s.soOsttS; mixed, $s.os5Q; light, $S.aS@SQ3o; pigs, ,4sks.fs; bulk of sales. $ Sheep-Receipts, t6,ooo head. Market steady. Fed muttons, $3.So@3.85; wethers, $3ja,q3.6s; ewes, Sz.75@3.25; common and stockers, $z.'S@ 3So; lambs, $ Kansas City Livestock. Kansas City, Oct. s.--Cattle-Reeipts, s:,ooo head. Market steady. Native steers, $4.oooS.3o; Texas and Indian steers, $a.oo03.oo; Texas cows, $; native cows and heilt. era, $1.90go4.o; stockers and feeders, $ 4.go; bulls, $S.75@a.65; calves, $2So@(.as; west. ern steers, $.oo0o4.4o; western cows, 1.40o@.go. Hogs-Receipts, 7,ooo head. Market strong. IN THE STREET TODAY BY ASSOCIATED TRESS. .• ew York, Oct. at.--The stock market was confronted this morning with the announce ntent of the suspension of the Federal Na tional bank of. Pittsburg. Prices ran off in consequence under heavy offerings in some of the prominent stocks. United States Steel preferred showed the greatest decline of ts on sales of t,6oo shares. There was a subsequent rally of Y. Blocks of toon to 5,ooo shares came upon the market of Pennsylvania, Baltimore & Ohio, Union l'a. cifc, Atchison and United States Steel. ,There were losses of a point in Union Pa. cific, Missouri Pacific and Sugar. Rallies on secondary questions showed the effect of sup porting orders. Some stocks advanced mate. rially. Soutilern Pacific was bought freely and there was also a large demand for United States Steel preferred and Amalgamated Cop. per. Smae!ing rose -4. The market became animated in the second hour and prices moved upwards pretty conm prehensively. Pennsylvania, IBaltimore & Ohio, New York Central, St. Paul, Kansas & 'Tleal preferred, Delaware & lHudson, St. Louis Southwestern preferred, Chicago & Great Western and Rock Island preferred were prominent railroad stocks that rose a point. Among the specialties North America rose 3tS and Smelting preferred 3. The United INDIAN OF TODAY IS VERY WEALTHY WARDS OF GOVERNMENT REALLY rHE RICHEST PEOPLE IN ENTIRE WORLD. MUST DO LESS FOR RED MEN ~issionary Tells American Society His Views on the Indian Problem at Cleveland Convention. DY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Cleveland, Oct, t.--The chief feature of today's session of the American Mis sionary society was the report on Indian and Alaskan missions presented by Rev. Robert W. McLaughlin of Grand Rapids, M1ichigan. He emphasized the fact that Indians are relatively few in number. The negro ques tion numerically is 40 tites as great as the Indian question. The Indian reservations today, tihe speaker continued, cover an area equal to all the New England states, INew York, New Jersey and half of Pennsylvania, The Indian has in the vaults of the United States government $24o,ooo,ooo. If this money should be divided equally namopg them and the a5o,ooo receiving it should go upon their separate reserves as a nation, they would constitute per capita the wealthiest people upon the face of the" earth. The Indian possesses the most elaborate and extensive school system ever estab lished by a nation for its dependent chil dren. He has more school houses than he knows what to do with, Viewed from the standpoint 'of governmental adminis tration, the problem today is really how wisely to do leas for hint and how to give hint an appreciation of his possessions based upon character. It is here, declared Mr. McLaughlin, that the United States government has failed. It has never found the real Indian. The Christian can do for the Indian that which the civil government cannot do. The financial report commended the entire financial administration of the so ciety. Dr, Charles F. Twing, professor of the Western Reserve university of Cleveland, reid a paper on "Educational Work in the South." The secretarial papers were presented by Secretary A, F. Beard of New York., Oren. Close. Reading...... ..................... 45' 45 Rock llanrd.............. ....... *4 *4% do. preferred .................. 5q'4 S!% Southern Railway .................. s t5! do, preferred ...................... 74 74 Southern Pacific.................... 4^' 41t Smelter .............................. 4 43 Sugar Refinery ............ ...... t4'l $1S5i St. Paul ........................... . 1317 t !4 Tennessee Coal & Iron........... o 9' r9p Texas Pacitic.................... 2s*% a.s· Twin City Rapid Transit Co....... 844 84a4 Union Pacific....................... 74 7* United Statea Steel................ t.34 ,53 do. preferred.................... B 88 4 Wabash................... ......... t8 s774 do. preferred ...................... o o Western Uni'on................... tSi 814 Wisconsin Central.................. 16 6 do. preferred.................... 35i 33,' Money at aper cent. Total sales, 645.5oo, Boston Copper Stooks. (Reported by Coe Commtn sion Co.) Boston, Oct. at.-Today's mining shares on the stock exchange were listed as follows: Amalgaunated.............................. $38.50 O(sceola .................................... 4.2 Parrot...................................... 7.2 Mohawk.................................. 36.75 l)aly.\est........................ . 38.75 Tamarack.................................. 87.50 Utah Consolidated......................... .87 Shannon.................................. 9.on Centennial.......................... 15.87 Copper Range........................... 44.5 United States.................................. 7. Trinity................................. 5.6 Bulk of sales, $5.o(o5.:0; heavy. $4.8535.5.lS packers, $5.o.r45.S7 medium, $S.1ow5s..o: Illght, f5.·loS5.s5: yorkers, $ pig.. $4.73095.25. Sheep-Receipts, S,ooo head. Market firm. Mluttons. $..6o(3.p95; lambs, $.poQl'5.S5; range wctlers, $J.1auO,.as; ewes, $2.2S501345. Chicago Livestock. aY ASSOCIATED) PRESS. Chicago, Oct. 2r.-Cattle-Receipts, head ineluding 4.soo Westerns. Mlarket nomi. nnl. Good to prime steers, $5to4s.7o; poor to medium, $3.6o@4.6o; stockers and feeders, $2.25 (; cows, $,.35(94.40; heifers, $J.oot4.8; crnners, $s.35sa.So; bulls, $2.ooaf4.9o; calves, $2S.oo.."s5; Texas fed steers, $..7Sr93.5o; west* ern steers, $.1.50@4.6o. IfogA--Receipts today, st,ooo head; tomor. row, t6.ooa head. Market 5s-soc higher. Mixed and butchers, $5.35Sp5.65; good to choice heavy, $.go9 $.5a; light, $5.25@S.6s; bulk of sales, $5..25 S.40o. Sheep--Receipts, 32,aoo head. Sheep and 3.75; fair to choice mixed, $a.oo@2.75; western sheep, $2.±s54.oo; native lambs, $3.2s@5.64 ; western lambs, $3.75NS.25. States Steel stocks held slightly above last night's level and Colorado Fuel lost a point. The advance halted and the market became dull. Ilonds were strong at noon. The Rock Island new bonds were conspicuous. A few of the inactive stocks made large gains Including Pullman, which figured for 41. Itlis. scuri Pacific crossed gr, but the other standard stocks were not essentially changed. The market drifted downwards on realizing by traders, who let go their stocks when the buyigng lovemenlt showed signs of exhaustion. T.arge Trartioncs ere clipped off the day's rise and the selling was pretty general. The'market's early advance was pretty gener. ally extinguished in the course of the move ment to take profits, the selling was not brlow last night's level of prices aod the market closed rather dull and easy. Silver and Lead. VY AISOCIATED PRISS. New Ynrk, Oct. at.-Copper and lead quiet; unchanged. St. Louis Wool. BY ASSOCIAT.T. PI'RSS. St. Louis, Mo., Oct. zº.--Wool, steady: tertl. trry and western mediums. 18t Sic; fine me. dium, 15or :17 fine, I s.,t6c. ODD SENSATION Following the Bite of a Copperhead Snake Described by Victim. Harry Davies, who was so badly bitten by a deadly copperhead snake, which he had in his bosoom, September I, has en tirely recovered. The scar shows a had gash, some swelling and much discolora tion. but it has almost ceased paining en tirely. Speaking of his narrow escape last week he said: "I wouldn't take $Soo for the experience, but it nearly cost me mny life that time. It all camtte from such a simple thing-a little quick pull I gave my shirt as I started to unfastett it. My little copperhead, a pretty fellow about 16 inches long, was curled up inside my shirt and made a dart and took inc right in the third finger of the left hand. I took him out and caught my knife, tied a piece of twine right around the finger below the bite, then cut it open. I drew out the poison, then pressed out the blood. It was black as ink and kept coming black. It pained fearfully-much more so than a rattler's bite, which I've had about six ti.les in the ao years I've handled them. "I kept walking to make my blood circu late, but things looked pretty serious for a time. "That little fellow has seemed ashamed ever since. He crawls away from mne whenever I go near the cage, I only had him two months. His species is commion to Louisiana, where I got him. There are none in Colorado at all. "I've beent o years handling and petting venemous reptiles, but I never before was bitten as dangerously as this. They love to crawl inside my vest and keep warm., The only danger is in a sudden move. It is the signal for defense, and, thinking an enemy near, they use their only weapon. "It was a narrow escape, but I wouldn't give it for $moo."-Denver News. Working Both. "Dr. Sharp is quite wealthy, isn't lie? Did he make all his money from his prac tice ?" "Not all of it. He's the principal owner of a very large oil well up the state, and-" "And he m~akes money from the sick and the well, too."-Philadelphia Press. Minor Details. "Father," said the little boy, "what is a tnathematician ?" "A mathematician, my son, is a man who can calculate the distance between the most remote stars and who is liable to be flim-flamnsed in changing a two-dollar bill."--\Vashington Star. Mary-But why do you think they are so certain to fall in love? Ann-In the first place the parents hate each other; and, Ie the second, neither of theim has a penny in the world-Smart Set. CLASSIFIED WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD EVERY WANT LISTED HERE SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE WANTE-Woman who has two small c1i dren wants employment where she can go home nights. Address Mrs. M., Inter Mouon tain. WANTED-Good stenographer and ollice girl desires position in or out of town. Address Office Girl, Inter Mountain. WANTED-Reliable nurse girl wants place. Address Nurse Girl, Inter Mountain. "v:fr1'fI.:-ies` petaie woman wents ,ouse. keping where there is no mistress. Address llousekeeper. Inter Mountain. WANTEI)-Strong woman wants day work. Address Day Worker, Inter Mountain. WKANIsis LoftThtionr cerk c wants clr k ship. Address Confectionery Clerk, Inter Mountain. .WNTil --Wioman wants laundry work. Ad dress L.aundry Worker, Inter Mountain. WA,'JTE'D--. ýtenogrsap.ber o ad - rk c-erpe wants situation.' Address Stenographer, Inter Mountain. tion; will accept clerical work of any kind. Address Bookkceper, Inter Mountain. WRT1Eý-ife-perienccd timnekeper or office man wants situation. Address Oflice Man, Inter Mountain. TINTE'- l--Good cook wants work. Address Cook, Inter Mountain. W-Alt.l)tIT "er(Teiw s ~ cle lTerksip ii or out of Butte. Address Clerk. Inter Mountain. I?-Ji tubtTr iTires pojitiouiun er stands hot air or steam heat. Address Jani tor, Inter Mountain. WKKYRff Hifonest, relfbil coiorct3-w y wants office clcaning. Address C. Boy, Inter Mountain. HELP WANTED-MALE SGOOD general blacksmith and horseshoer can have a well equipped blacksmith shop, rent free for six months; good location and plenty of work for a steady man. Address, W. J. Ennis, Ennis, Mont. FQJOR RNTRO0MS .. FOR RENT--Two rooms furnished for light hotisekeeping. Upton block, 4stai S. Main. FOR RENT-Large front room with gas range. Gold block, 32Js North Main. MOTEL OXF()RD-Rooms e ps t p at-cl.tss modern convenienese. South Mai. FOR RENT-Two furnlshed and two unfur nished rooms. as8 South Idaho. FOR RENT--Furnished rooms for trained tntrses. 8mo \We't Quartz.. _ CHOICE furnished rooms. York block, 66 West Park. FOR RENT-Transient rooms. sto Colorado. '...., FOR SALE-HOUSES FOR SALE-A lirot-class rooming house over the postoffice. Dluing good business; must sell on account of ill health. Address Mrs. S. A. Olsen, Great Falls, Mont. FOR SALE-Five--room dwelling, East Side. $as per month takes it. Butte Land and In. vestment Co., to West Granite street. FOR RENT-FLAT Ft:()l RENT -Fourroomn fiat and barn to ac. cotumodate six horses; $ga.oo; also four-room flats from $sa.oo to 0i8.oo. Inqutire a2- South Jo.cksoln. HIEADQUARTERS for masquerade costumes. Mme. Robinsen, sos West Granite street. OCULIST AND AURIST DR. T. A. GRIGUG-Eye, car, nose, throat and lunags prices moderatel termk cash. Na 43 Hirbour building. 'i'hbon gt"A. e'1 home cook ng. rasonasrlert s. S. Ross, tg West Galena street. LAND IS WITHDRAWN FIVE TOWNSHIPS IN LEWIS AND CLARKE AND TETON MIAY NOT BE ENTERED. Hlelena, Oct. ar.-The register and re ceiver of the Helena land office today re ceived instructions from the department to withdraw from entry live townships of land located in the extreme northern part of Lewis and Clarke county and the southern part of Teton county. The land is in the vicinity of the Sun river and the withdrawal has probably been ordered at the suggestion of Director Wolcott of the geological survey, who recently looked over the land with a view of building irrigating ditches. The instructions from the department simply said the land was withdrawn on "account of irrigation work." OLSON DENIED THE PAPERS Cannot Prove That He Has Been in United States Five Years. Otto A. Olson was denied naturaliza iion ,papers by Judge McClerpan this morning because he could not prove' that lie had been in the United States five years. Olson gave his age as 3I years and stated that 'he came to this country in 1893, and had been a resident of Butte for two years. In support of the latter statement he had two witnesses to certify to the fact. He spoke good English and appeared to good advantage, but the court told him to come again with evidence to prove that ihe had been in America five years. HIS FATHER IS SINKING J. V. Flaherty Hears of Serious Illness of Parent in Iowa. Joseph V. Flaherty, the official stenog rapher of the county attorney's office, to day received a telegram from Jay Flaherty, his brother, at Lourdes, Iowa, telling hint that his father, James V. Flaherty, who has been ill for some time, is in a criti cal condition. The telegram said that iMr. Flaherty's father cannot live long, and so lie will leave for Iowa this evening. His many friends will regret to hear the bad news. FLYING DRAGONS Weird-Winged Reptiles Discovered in the Island of Samar. Those who in their wisdom would tell you that dragone--real, sure cnough, fly)ing dragons--exist only in the realm of kairy BUTTE BUSINESS DIRECTORY H for Benefit of Busy People a6l Peuesylvaia bulding. e ront , g 4 5 to , 4.t OBe cldosed Sundays. FIRE INSURANCE kl' NI1LD.S & McUOW1E.I,, leading fire ilturance companies. Currect rates and prompt adjustments. 46 East itroadway. SCAVEOERS kEElt NESK. No. M East Merourp niLght work. Orders promptly Oiled. UR MED I sad wlppled Let our pecialtyl epert repairing work guaranteed. Chart Sack, No. s84 North Academy. :.. URGtCAL K. It. HANSON. N. D-teneral uperauve surgeon., OSess Noe. g, 4 .. Sire8 Sow block. Telephone 4os. ..z V I ..LEAIRiJi B SCUTT. the stcve matt, his removed to NS s1 East Park. 'Phone number, sp. dotin. No. 483 West Granite. 'Phone l-A-M. IiiSS SKEL.Y-Pl'ano. ss5 WeVst Granite B) XPEKIENtKED hotuemover, Edgar Dayton, '48 South Ohio. Tel. say. Ofice 6r IL. 'ark. AWNINGS, TENTS AND COVEqRS ALl KLNDS made to order. Alexandt Mattalay, No. tse South Mal. ' O6 Barre, Mont. STOVES FOR SALE TiN'T MISS iT-'-.reat reduced price hcater sale. Stove repairs. Highest price paid lotr second-hand furniture. Quick sales, small coin. mission . The South Malan Second-Hand store. No. szi. 'Phone 8I7-M. ASSAYEIS MElEE & WVYILNICII, sueoseor, to Jobs I. Baptys astayers and shemists; bllion melted and aseayed or purehased. Ie. lla Mamiltos street, Butte, Mosetaa. VHOldA5 BU;hGY, assayer and csbesslt. Sic a4o North Iltin street, Buatte. FITZPATRICK & LEWIS. ssayeras succees ere to A. Rombasetr. No. tao North Wyo. wing street. 'Phone 6.0-B. P. 0. Box a24, I CARPET CLEANING iUTrT UphoGteralg and C ;et Cleaning Company; works corner Mtostna and Pae phyry. Telephone S--M. W f35' 1 LJK hdecttlo Carpet Cleaning Corn. pany; carpcts sewed, remodeled, Oriental rugs scoured. Na ple West Broadway. . ;is. phone 867-A. MONT~ANA 1 CO~-Freight trana. fetr moves engines, boilers, sfee, machilery of all kinds; furniture van and storage; plane derrick for use in difficult places; dealers il coal and wood. Telephone as. Of:es No. AS West Broadway. W. J. Christie. masnager. RING WOELD'S BOX or 'phone eo. f N -- 1ur~room "l I.clnrllt at i? \West ]'ark. Inquire at Smlitlh & Jeffriea, 1s West Granite. ELECTRIC TREATMENTS ELECt'RIC treatments, gray hair restored. complexion specialist, Irom Mrs. Nettie liar. rison's Dermatolegical Institute, San Fran. elsco, Californias.Nos. 44 t.wslecy block (tHird floor). land must suffer themlselves to be disillusioned. The little brown men of our royal island of Samar could give somte valuable pointers on the sulbject. Also the small numlber of civilized men who have penetrated the re cesses of this I)aifully picturesque bit of earth could testify to sights which would certainly seem incredible to any one who had not actually witnessed thelu. Should your skopticinst, however, persist, take a little run over to Samar and hle convinced. They are there, all right. I have seen them. 'My first sight of these resurrected fairy tale characters was far up on the head waters of the Dolores river, where the mountains tumbled about in untidy heaps, strewed the face of the carth and offered sundry retreats to Lukhan's ragged rem nants. I was told by a native that we were the first white men to set foot on this virgin soil, and could well believe it. 'IThe strange appearance brought me a distinct shock, and I stopped still blink ing at it, while it seemed to be regarding me with equal wonder and a malicious grin. I took a shot at a flying fox which was passing overhead at that moment to ascertain if I were really awake. The fox came down all right and I looked for the dragon again. There it was, perched on a neighboring tree, the pink lancet in its throat palpitating wickedly. I advanced toward it; it made a light leap into space, its sides expanded into two pink, filmy sheets, and it sailed away on silent wings to another tree. And this it continued to do as long as I followed it up. At first glance it appeared to be a large Si.'d or chameleon. Now, there are many 'aFicties of the saurian family in Samar, front the dainty little lady's pet of a chta meleon to the pugnacious Iguana and the coarse and vulgar crocodile. But none of these can fly, and here was my little dis covery sailing about with all the abandon ulwl unconcern of a piping sparrow and showing not the least surprise at its novel achievement. From subseqnent familiarity I am en adled to describe my dragons so that if you should ever meet one you may claim its acqtuantance at once. The chameleon quality prcdominates in them, for they take on the color of the object upon which they rest, and as soume portions of the bodt' yield more readily to this change than Sthrys they sonctimues present a perfect olyglot of shimmering hues at once, which is a most interesting performance ideed. Their wings are merely cutaneous pro, springing from the sides, which are extended by greatly elongated ribs. These when expanded form a sort of parachute arrangewl.ent, whtl. enables the animal to fly, somethlng after the manner of our flying squirrels. When In repose they are folded up to snugly in the body. that their presence would not be detected save for close scUntiuy.--San Irancisoo Call, utte's Popular Stopplag Plce. DINNER. ase a a t a DINNER. a . The best mul and best ooke d fofor age In B ota. Yoa et as smuh of any ad everl dish ofered on the bill o I as rou wish. Cuisine unexcelled. DAN TEWEY. Proprietor. CLEANING AND DYEINQ PAUMI'IS Parisian Dye House-All work guarnteed. No. gi West Galena street. 'Phone p47-.A. French dyeing end cleaning. too BAR14EL4 bard cider at Palmerla, sI Et Broadway. so per glu.L Try it. MRS. A. 1BIRITIUOlIT. halrdreutusg mast. asre. chiropodist. No. 1a4 West Broadway. ACCORDOQN PLAITING No. ass West Broadway. Telephone j3--I. HARNESS AND SADDLES BEST worktanship, lowest price guaranteed. Alexander Macaulay, ao. sa Mouth Male. 'Pboae 62. JUNK-HIDE DEALERS ULGtDt))N &t I'IKLS.SIN -Screp Iron, metal, hides. No. aon Eait Platinum. 'Phone 639. WiDi WORK ad n enlsring at Eastern prices. Hawes, No. is West Merery. NlNWT WORLU'SI BOX or telephone moe MONIEY to loan on furniture. pianos, salary, time checks and all other security, at low rates. Iusiness cunfidential. JIltte Chattel Mortlplge Co., IS8 W. Park St., fiat floor. MONEIY TO LOAN oni resl etate, ranch property, livestolk, pianos or furniture. Bring In your propositioms. McUae A oolesao, Me.• 49 West Park. oom l. ik4EYTO LOAN--oaes on furmture, rest estate or any eeurities. Montana Chato t Loan Co. Ofies No. set Clark block. ;OuNS N I T kFilte irs ui- eson., te loli for you on resl estate security. Mooms as s SSilver Bow block. -O-TIY T-1 AN on furniture or any seeonw eriles. Edward Chapmen. Room , yp Wist Broadway. jANS-TliW oney- t-oals i ie per centl no delasy. Itall Brothers, No. 43 LMEt Broad. way. Butte, Montala. YURDIVEYTULUAN ooiiliis ;ind at mes. The Davenport Co., No. its Hamilton street. M)ONIL. T(I 1.1,AN ]lulte Iand and Invest ment ('o., io est (;ranllite reet . . D _.LE _A#1.R R MICIWAII Noodle Parlors-Importers fne teass noodles. Ch.u, Mule Metwab Ca. N eg. corner Mercury (the alley). ADVICEfrree i dUcste legal malter; stritoU confidential; promptnoe guaranteed. Boa as, Butte. Montana. MISS TURNLEY'S SCl.t.OUL-All grades taught No. 4Ji West Mercury. Only private BARGAINS in diamonds, watchoes and Jewelryt at Girson's Loan Office. No. s4 E. Park St. MIDWIFE I(hMI'E in c.llfinement. 647 South Mauin. 'I'cl. MILLINERY bWLELL STI'LES of tall mllinery, low prces. New millinery parlors. 647 Utah avenue. MASSAGE MRS. L. B. CARKUN -Scientific masseur. OUtceat Nos. 74--S7 Pennsylvania building. 'Phone pr--tB. fall and wlatin woolens. No. ato North Main. UECIISLI, 44 West Broadway, will buy, pack ship, store or exchange your household goods. Pay highest cash prices. soo uplto date second-hand heating stoves; also full new line stoves and ranges to exchange for second-hand goods. (Oechli.i. 'Teleplton9e 913.ll lif(.;ll.S't' cash prices pail for secrondl-hand furniture and stoves. Feldman & Co., tay West Park. 'I'lTne 975-M. WANT iJU-Scondhand furniture bought and sold. No. 318 east Park street, Butte. TOlp phone 116-F. k. McNamara. MINING APIILICATION NO. 469as United States Land Office, Helena, Montana, September as, sgo3, Notice is hereby given that Ifenry L. Johon ston and Andrew J. Johnston, whose postoffiea address is Butte, Montana, and Oliver P. Johnoton, whose postoftice address is Missoula, Missoula county, blontaas, have this day ibled their application for a patent for %76.a liner" feet, being s48 feet northeasterly and 3a8.a feet southwesterly from discovery shaft, of the Sarins No, a Lode Mirning claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted the sad day of September, A. V. goj3, situated in Summit Valley (unorganised) main ing district, Silver Dow county, state of Mon. tana, designated as Survey No. 6948, in the unsurveyed portion of Fractional Township 3 north, Mange 7 west, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the southwest Corner No. 1, a point in the north aide line of Survey No. d6ad, a granite stone set in the ground, with a mound of earth alongside and marked 1s6948 for Corner No, , from which the quarter seco tion corner on the east boundary of Section s7, Township 3 north, Range 7 west, bears north 8a degrees 27 minutes 39 seconds west, 72a7.5 feet, and running thence south 89 degrees 38 minutes east, 576.5 feet; thence north a do grees Is ndnutes west, s..3 feet; tulene north gp degrees iS minutes west, 576.5 feet; thence south a degrees Is minutes east, 1533. feet to the place of beginning, containing an area of s.o3 acres, of which t.oo acres is in conllice with Survey No. 5096, not claimed, leaving an area of I.o3 acres claimed by the above named he location of this claim is of record in the county recorder's office of Silver Bow county, Montana, in Book "U," of Lode Locations, on. Page 419. The adjolninlt claims to these premises are Survey No. 5096, Sarinas Lode on the north and west; Survey No. 60oo3, Kopper King No. a Lode on thle east, and Survey No. Goad, Columbus Lode, on the south, FIMANK D. MIRACLE, Register, Samuel Parker, Jr., attorney for applicants. (First tblication September a6, tpo3), INTER MOUNTAIN WANT ADS PAY MINING APPLICATION NO. 46s. United States Land Office, Helena, Montana, October 5, INe. Notice is hereby given, that Thomas H. Cot ter and Harry C. Cotter, by Michael A. Doen. hue, their attorneyin-fsct, whose poestoltee address is Ititte, ilver Itow oountt, Montana, have this day filed an application or a patent for t,Soo linear feet, the same bealg for sss feet in a westerly and 945 feet in an easterly direction from the point of discovery on the Iank Lodle Mining Claim, situated in Summit Valley (unorganised) mining district, Silver Bow county, Montana, the position, course, and extentt, of the said mining claim, desigaaH ted by an official survey thereof, as Survey No. 6456, Township No. 3 north, Range i west, a notice of which was posted on the claim on the .sath day ol September, no03, and teing more particularly set forth and described in the official field notes ant plat thereof on ile in this office, as follows, toswitt Beginning at the northwest location corner, a granite houtler In place, 3x415 foot above gtlond, marked t 6ts6 for Corner No. I, from whlenclte Initial 5,int No. a, established fot surveys in Fraction Township 3 north, Mange y west, bears north 4a degrees o9 minutes west, a,861 feet, and runnilig thence north S5 degress 37 minutes east, I,sto feet to the northeast Corner No. a; thence south 4 degrees a. man. utes rcat, 55 feet to the southeast Corner No. 3; thence soulth it degrees 37 minutes west tI,ao feet to Corner No. 4; thence south al degrees 36 minutes wet,. Sou feet to the south west C'orner No. s; thenre north 4 degrees 9S ninttern west, 349 feet to Corncr No. s and place of treinnlst , r.ntaining an area of ts.Sl acres claittrd tby tile above named applicants for patent. The location of this mine Is recorded la the office of the Recorder of Silver ilow county., in Itook V of I.olles. ()n the south is Surviey No. s8tp, Mary Eillee Lode; James W. Murray, rt. al., appthcants; on thle senstiwest Survey No. syaa, Josephine I ode, Robert Mcllrdle, applicant; on the weat, the Itirdie No., a Lode, unsurveyced Sampson lier, claimanlt. FRANK I). MIRACi.E, Register. Jos. II. Harper UL. S. Claim Agent. (Virst I'ubhcation, (ctober 6, sgos.) MINING APPLIC.('ATION NO. 4po3, UInited States TLand Office, lHelenr, Motntana. (October IS, I~js. Notice i+ herehy given that James F. O'llrien, Anna i(nen,, ltrin and the heirs of Jolm Elyv. deceasel, wllhose Ipostollice address is ltlute, Montana, have this day filed their application fur a patent for 1491 linear leet, bring 746 feet nortl 63 dlegtei IS minutes east atn 746 feet south 79 detietr 46 minutes west from disciroverry shaft of the (;old fliig l.tde mining claim, upoln which a notice of intention to alliy for a Ipatret w;a. polted ron tihe 13thl dlay oil t ctober,, situated in (unorganized) nlitling di(triet, Jetihrniit ctultity, state of Miro. tana, desrigatrl as Survey No. 7ott in VIrac. tional Tuwnhil 3 1att lti 11 Itange 7 west, Ie. ing ioire iantictllarly described as lullows, to-wit: Iteginning at the northwest ('orner No. I, a granite iowtihr in place, witnessed hIy hiaringr trern and marked )I7 oj5 for Corner No. s, frOin which I. I'. No . J'.1 ownnhip 3 north, Ranige 7 we-nt, Itnarl nortlh .r6 degrees so msils tilts went, 64.,36 feet; n11 rlunning thence soutl 14 dlegrees 17 millnutes eat. 534 feet; thIllnre nIortll 74 dlgrllns at mlinutes cast, 1473 fert; tlthence north 14 degrees 17 minutes west, 469 teet; thencte slouth 7 degrees S4 niinutes went, 7J feiet; thence motihlti 79 degrees 46 minutes west, 746 fiet to the place of ltegin ling, containing an area of 6l.J3;cres claimed by tile above namted aplplicants. Th'e loration of this craim is of record in tile C(ounty Rlecorder's office of Jefferson county, Mtllallna, in hIook ai of Lode ILocac tlonn, aell asitc aI. iThe )iljiiiinig i t;lins to thiese plrermines are unknown. 3 hANK l). MIItAC.LE, Iteginler. Sam.unitel Itirluer, Jr., Attorney for Altplicanlt, (Iiirit I'tlblitatlon, ( )cttlter i6, 9oj3.) MINi.NG. Ai'J'LIATIOIN NO. 4700. IUnited States Land Office, elena, Montanalllllll, October Ia, I.93. Notice is hlerery given that ('harles Mattlsun andl Jloh Ilarkn, whose ip.stlflice addrea., is hullt, Monifanal, have this day fied their appil. cation fir a patenrt fr as5o linear feel, bring 875 feet eastrily and 605 feet weterly, froln the poinlt of discovery in discovery tunnel of the I.alade Mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to uaply for a patent was posted ian thie 1th day of rOctober, A. 1). 1oo3. situatled in unknolnwn minilngil district, Silver Ilow conllllty, state of Monlanlla, designated as Survey Nei. 6oo98 in Fractiaonal 'JTownship 3 nortli, nalge 7 welst, andl biring more particu. larly describedl as follows, ltowit: leginaing at the northeast ('orner No, t, a gralnite astoai hsia ill thle gliaaald, with a mound of eartlh alongslidel, and mnar1k.d "*... 6998 for Corner No,. s, Irom which the quarter Section C('oller oln tile south boundary of Section 34, l'ownship 4 anlotll, Rtange 7 west, bears nortll J4 dcgires u4 mlillnuleas aeat 34a9.5 feet, aald run. ning tlhelnce sautlh a5 dlegreesi II mlinutles ast 6o6.5 feet; thllrne south 84 degrees 47 minutes west, risa feet; thence north as degrees ia minutes west, 585 feet; thence north M3 degrees 59 mainuteh east, 1496 feet to the place of I.agin. ning, contlllaining an area of :.Jao acres claimed by thle aolllve named alpplicants. 'The lacation of this rlninll is of rertrd in the office of thIe colunty rrccarder of Silver ilow county, ]lontanla, in hook "S" of Lode Loca. tions, at l'age ea. Thle aldjoininlg ctlaim to these premises Is Survey No. 4270, Lurgarn rLode on the caet. FRANK l). Mi lACL.t,, Register. Samuel Iiarker, Jr., Attorlney for Applicants. (First l'ublaition, Octuber s3, sgoj.) (REPUBU.LICATIO.N.) MINING APPLICATIUN ,O. 4s1, United States Land OfRice, Helena, Montana, Sept. s, 0ogl. Notice Is hereby given, that the lutto Land & Investment company, by Simeon V. Kern.. per, its attorney-in-fact, whlose postoffice ad. dress Is Butts, Silver Ilow county, Montana, has this day filed an application for a patent for 113.63 acres of the Xnoplhanesilalcer Mining Claim, situated in (unorganized) Mining lnis. trict, Silver Bow county, Montana, a notice of which was posted on the claim on the ayth day oflAugust, .p ;, and being more parties. larly act furth and described in tilhe oflicia examinratlnn and Report No. i76, on file ia this oflice, as follows, to-wita Lots as nd a, and the east half of the northwest quarter of Section 18, Towoiship a north, lange I west. The locaticll of this mine is recorded in the ofBce of the Recorder of Silver Bow county, as Pase 490, in Hook I of 'alaoers. There are no known adjoining claims 1t dsea premises. FRANK D. MIRACLE, Reglstr. toe. I. Ilarper, U. S. Clais Agent. IN Till'F DIS''IiRICT' COU'RT Of '1TI1$ SECOND j.ltillJAIA DISTRICT 1OF T1'II;V S'I'AT' (OF MONTANA, COUNTY OF SI1\'ER HOW. In the matter of the estate of John Robinson, deceased. Notice of time apllpoilnted for proving will, etc. Pursuant to all order of said district court, made on the 16th day of October, atpg, notice is herely given tIlat Monday, thi ad day of Novemberl, 19o3, at to o'clrok a, Im. or said day, at the courtroom of said court, at the city of Ilutte, in the said county of Silver Bow, has been appointed as the time slid place for proviang the will of said John Roblnson, and for lhearing the appliclaton ,of Oscar Wells, for the issuance to hln of letters testamenlary, when and whlere any personl interested may, appear and contest the same. Dated October A1, la03, SAMUIEL M. ROBERTS, Clerk. By Edward W. Ralpi, Deiuty Clerk,