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LIVELY SPECIAL PRIC[S Vegetables Smooth and Solid Potanesr, , too pound............... .... ......80C Jersey Sweet Potatoer, nix pounds .... ... ..........25 , Hubbard Squash, per pound. ...... ..................... 2 c Green or Red Peppers, per pound ............... ......... 10c Red and .Hipe Tomatoes,, d i1i large box... ......,,.............. 0 Pickling (nionq, per pound ........................ I Dry Onions, i5 poundsl..........................25c Extra Fancy C'elery, large bunch ......... . . 7 -2c Fresh Pears Ripe Iears, Full of IFlnavr, -4c per pound ............... .....6 4C Maple Syrup Pure Vcrmont l Maple Syrup; gallon can, $i-is, or half-gallon 60c cn................................ 60c eanned Meats 4oc can for.............. ..........25c Tenderloin Beef, 4oc crn for ............... ..25c Fresh Meats Young Spring .Lamb, hind quarter ..................... 75 Young Spring Lamb, fore quarter .......... ........ 45c Shouhlcr Roast Ilrrf, per pound .................... 12 -2c Shoulder Steak, four pu, nndls,........ ....... . ... 25c A barrel of fresh and Crisp Ginger Snaps, Special ................ 25c The finest of Home - made Mince Meat, Pound ............ 12 I2C Extra Specials S ll.......................... v -3I c 40c bottle . ..... .......25c ITomato Mutard, ic, jar for .. .................... IOc FIisit of New York C'rea it Chelt , .pr pIotund ........... 20 RAk for Booth's Special Wine, LIquor and 6 Igar Price LIst--It's Interesting. OECHSLI 42 West Broadway. Butte Pays Hlighcst Cash Price for Second Hand Goods. Has Soo second-hand Heating Stoves on sale. All kinds. Buy, sell, pack, ship, store or cxch:lage your houschold goods. 'Phone 923B BUTTE IS CHOSEN FOR NEXT PLACE OF MEETING i('o.( tigued from ll tage ()ILe .) hers were allowed seats int the grand lodge. 'Tlhere were tnulmerous cllllmitte re ports. 'These showed the order to be in a flourishing condition. 'The gain in membership since the last meeting was 168. Ofliers will be elected this afternoon. '1 he lodge voted to meet in Butte next year at the same time as the granld lodge I. U. O. :. BUTTE BRIEFS Orton Bros. Pianos and o6rgns. The Ravalli hotel at llumilton will be kept open the vear round. Sheriff Taylor of Teton county was here today with an insane perso whomi lie was taking to the state insane asylum at Warm Spings. The lunatic was lodged in the county jail while he was here. Dr. Schapps, Owsley blk. Tel. No. t6. Lippincott & Darrow. aS6 Pennsylvania block. J. G. Bates, Piano Tuner. Residence, "The Dorothy." Tel. 699A. THE DEPARTMENT STORE MYSTERY And flow It Was Solved. Very interest ing and complete story in the November Argosy. It's ready today at the P. O. News Stand, 57 West Park street; also the Smart Set, Ainslee, Family Library and all the new magazines mind books as fast as issued. Gait eoal $7 Per Ton GALT COAL CO. OFFICE 814 UTAH AVE. TELEPHONE 273 BALLOTS POUR IN FOR THE CONTEST MISS HATTIE SEITZ OF BUTTE LEADS CANDIDATES FROM SIL VER BOW COUNTY. GREATEST NUMBER IN TODAY Ballote in Tabulated Statement Only of Those Received Up to Noon-Voters Should Remember This. ((('ontinucd from 'lage lcn.) to date; also a tabulated statement of to day's vote. The organization of the contest is now so complete that the count will be brought up to noon each day and printed in the Inter Mountain that afternoon. The state mient of today's vote, printed today, shows the votes cast up to nooin. Up to Noon Only. Contestants and their friends should bear this in mind. Votes received tl, to noon will Ibe included in that day's table; votes received after noon s ill be counted in the next day's table. The greatest numitiber of votes received today foer any one candlidate goes to Miss Hlattie Seitz of Itutte, one of the Silver Bow county contestants. She gets i,.57, wvlich puts her in the lead in the Silver Bow county contest. Second today was Miss Lauira Kilgallan, with 658, and the third highest for the lay was Miss Nell Lloyd, with 583. )ther good votes today in the Silver Bow contest were as follows: Mi.s Alice Jackson, 30o; Miss Clara Aucrhach, :16; Miss Violet (;ill, 2.33. .Miss Julia ('Culilihy to lie the only candidate running in Deer I.odge county. She is in today with 361 new votes, In the Jefferson county contest today Miss Josie Nunan of lHasin polled .'So votes. In tile Jleaverhenld county contest Miss Lot tie Mclntosh today polled -'5 votes. The total vote for today was ..,i13. And at that several hullndred votes were re ceived after noon, too late to be counted today. C'arbon county gets into the contest to (lay in excellent shape. Eight entries fromn there were received last night and this morning. The agents there report prospects for a hot and brilliant race. The Carbon county entries are Misses Nellie ;urrell. ;ertrude Watson. Eva Roberts. Elimter BIowen, Margaret Dcegan, Annie ()'Shea and Fannie Rourke, all of Red I.odge, andil Miss Ilertha Reno of Chance. Friends have nominated Miss Delia I.awlor, a popular young lady of Ielena, as another Lewis and Clarke county candi date. ,Miss Estella Mac Rich of Dillon has bicen nominll;ated as another candidate front BUaverhead county by I)illon friends, '.My gracious, that is a fine thing for the girls. but I don't see where you are going to get off. It is a splendid thing. the ifivgest advertisement the fair has yet had in Montana. You can say that I in dorse it heartily." Senator C. W. lIoffimuan of Gallatin county said this today. lie said it in conversation li ith the Inter Mountain in a long distance telepholne conversation froiii l 'iemian. "It is a mighty liberal offer the Inter iMountain is making," went on Senator Hol'lman. "I don't think I ever heard of a piece of newspapler enterprise that cltuals it. The young ladies of the state should he well pleased over it. That Inter Mountain excursion certainly will be a line thing." LARGE SHIPMENT OF CATTLE Twenty-Two Cars Sent From the Vicin ity of Big Timber. SIll IA I t. THE' , IN'il .R at N fAI.N, Ilig Timtber, (ct. at.-- lThe third large shilpment ,of livestock from this polint this fill was made today whten a traintload of 2.. cars of cattle land slheep left for Chi cagl,. There were ,o Y l sheept helongingl J~ih ltialver;sion. Tile catile beIlonged to Kitute Ainderson, C. N. Rein, Jastadl & lticken, Samn Moore anid I'. II. Ellington. \lany sheepenlll are mallking arranige ilIenti s to feed tIaboulit 30,000 heal of sheep this winvter at Splringlale, a few mil es cast of here, ulon alfalfa. The feeders fitd that they get hitter renitls froii sheep winlter-fed in Sweetgrass counil ty than ainy olther place along the line. It is lbecoiming a great indlustry. To Increase Capital. ltv AS I'iAT'.D I'loss.5 , )Denver, ,olo.. (clet. t .-At a special meeting of the sitockhtltders of the I.. & R. f;. here today it was votued to increase the preferred. c;apital stock of the comupany front $44.4.oo to $50,000,000ooo, for the purpose, amlong other things, of acquiring tihe property and franchises of the Crystal River Railroad complany, a line running from Carbondale to Placita, Colo., a dis tance of 21 miles. M1ore than three fourths oif the stock of the company was represented at the mleeting. FOUR BABES AT ONE TIME PS' AISOCIAT:I) Pill P , Z:ne.sville, n, Oct. .---Mr. William 'l'ate, a tolor(Id womallcin '2 years old, has given irtlh to four girl babies, till of ionaal size aitnd weighing slightly more.thani six aid a hIalf pounds. The womaln is tile mlother of three oilier children born singly. DIAMONDS WATCHES AND JEWELRY opTH. MOST RELIABLE MAKES CLOCKS, SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES Ahpmentn of Holiday Goods Towle (. Wtnterhalter Jewelors and Optloians 28 West Park st. ALBERT BECKMANN BEFORE THE COURT HE SAYS HE KILLED HELEN KELLY, BUT THE CRIME HAS WEIGHED ON THE MAN. SITS NERVOUS AND WAN Case Goes Over Until Saturday, as the Attorneys for the Defense Want More Time. Tlaggard and pale, like a man who hal 'parcd the floor all night, Albert Beckmanv. the self-confessed murderer of Helen Kelly, sat in Judge McClernan's courtroom this morning while his attorneys tranr acted the details preparatory to an arraign iment. This was the date set by the court for lBeckmann to plead, and it had been an nounced that an attorney would be ap pointed for him unless he secured one by this morning. Assistant County Attorney Lynch an nounced that the state was ready, and tak ing the complaint, asked Beckmann t, stand up. Pleads Guilty. "You are charged here with the crime of murder. Is Albert Bleckmann your true name?" "Yes, sir," announced the prisoner in a clear voice. "1. G. Denny then arose and announced that he has been employed as counsel for the defense, together with J. II. Baldwin, and that they would waive thle reading of the complaint and ask that they be al lowed until Monday to plead. Judge McClernan stated that the time asked could not be granted, and that he would set Saturday as the date. Beckmann sat twitching nervously, rub bing his hands and showing other evidence of extreme nervousness. Occasionally he would toss his head and sigh as if the whole proceeding were an unnecessary de lay. Neatly Attired. lie was dressed in a pair of brow, corduroy trousers, a blue flannel shirt and a black and faded sack coat. His hair was brushed back neatly from his prominent German forehead, which slopes back quite perceptibly. There is nothing in his features to be speak either cunning or brutality, and dressed in neat clothes he would appear to good advantage. Neither does he take on the attitude of a man who has re pented of his deed, nor does lhe appear to look upon it as an act of bravado. "Night is the same as day to me," said the prisoner in response to a question as to how he felt. "1 do not sleep. "No, there is no Spanish blood in me. My father was German, while my mother is of French parentage. I have Ueen taken for Spanish because I speak it and write it fluently." He Has No Hope. Beckmann appears as a man who had no interest in life and one who had given up hope and was awaiting the end. Smnee his incarceration in the county jail he has slept little, and has grown paule and hag gard. After the court had set the time for hit plea the prisoner was ordered back to jail. TRIAL OF A WARSHIP NAVAL OFFICERS TAKE MISSOURI OUT TO SEE WHAT SHE CAN REALLY DO. Boston, Mass, Oct. aI.--'The new hat tleship Missouri left this harbor today until favorable conditions for her official trial trip over the regular course from Cape Ann to Iloun island off the Mlaine coast. The battleship contract calls for an average speed of i8 knots to be sus. tained for four hours. The government board supervising the trial is made up as follows: Capt. C. J. Train, president; Naval Constructor J. J. 1Voodward, Capt. 1.. C. Logul, l.ieutenant Commander A. B. Canaga and Commander \alter C. Coles. BARRET TALKS ON THE MANCHURIAN SITUATION BY A.SS.Oi'IAT.) i'RESHS. london, (Ocet. .r.-John tBarret, new Inited States agent to Brazil, is here eln route to Iluenos Ayres, In1 regard to the situation in the far East, where he has spent much time in recent years, Minister Barret says: "Taking things as they are today and judging from my travels throughout that section of China, it would seem to ime that Manchuria is that part of China which has the greatest potentialities of trade and development for the future, consequently it is not surprising that Rus sia should wish to retain its hold, that Japan should oppose its alienation from China and that the United States should view the situation with concern. I have so much confidence in the sagacity, both of the Russian and( Japanese statesmen, that I feel confident that they will settle whatever dif'erences they have by peace, ful means." MIr. larret will visit Paris, Berlin, Rome and Madrid. lle will sail for South America Nosvember 24. SWEDISH CABINET HAS SENT IN PORTFOLIOS Victory for Opposition Leads the Blehr ,Man to Resign-Ibsen's Son to Be Highly Honored. lSY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Christiana, Norway, Oct. at. --The cab inet presided over by Otto 13lehr has ree signed in consequence of a parliamlentary committee's decision in favor of the oppos sition in a disputed election in the Nede naes district, whereby the opposition gained four seats. A coalition cabinet, made up of the con servatives and moderate liberals, will be formed. King Oscar has instrusted Professor Hagerup to form the new cabinet. Siguerd Ibsen, a son of the poet and dramatist, will probably become chief of the Norwegian delegation in the council of state, meeting at Stockholm, HOMELESS LAD IS SEEKING RELATIVE JOHN KING'8 GRANDFATHER ONCE LIVED IN BUTTE, BUT BOY HAS LOST HIM. HE IS WITHOUT PARENTS Went Away to Follow the Races, but Comes Back Beaten, He Says, Be oause He Had Rheumatism. 'lThere is a boy with handsome dark eyes and hang, silk eyelashes at the county jail seeking his grandfather. The bIy's name is John King, lie says, and his grandfather's namne is E. King, The boy ought to be named John Reitr, for that was his father's name, but his father de. serted him when he was 3 years of age, and so lie took ihis grandfather's name. The boy is t1 years old, and his mother and his grandmother both are dead. lie left the city three months ago, at which time his grandfather lived either at the corner of Wyo mring and Granite streets or the corner of Blroadway and Wyoming streets. He Is Lost--Porr Tot. The boy, who talks slowly and wonderingly, with his big eyes wide open, knows tile house where ihe and his grandfather dwelt before he left BIutte three months ago, but lie is not cer. tain of the names of both streets upon which the thoisr cornered. John King is a slim little fellow, a waif, and he hears the marks of teglect and abuse. lIe st.ys he has suffered fromn rheumatism and heen beaten since ihe left his grandfather and such a home as the latter provided, and hit was very glad of the harbor of the jail today, de. dlining to leave the witnlleese' department wlhen he was told lie might stay outside if lie chose. John says ihe asked a racehorseman to let him go with the latter and the latter's horses over to Jig Sandy, and that the man, whose ianie is Cliver 'Tingly, granted him the per. mission. So he went to the Ilig Sandy with Tingly and the steppers. llis experience there was a grievous one, he says. Says He Was Beaten. "I got rhcumatism and I couldn't walk the horses fast enough, and lie beat me with a quirt," lie said weakly, while telling the tale of what befell him at Big Sandy. "lie didn't pay me anything, and so I left there and came back in a boxcar. I didn't want to stay after lie whipped time, and I had rheumatism," ihe added. \When John got back to this locality he fell in with a man named Brown, who has a ranch in the hills, and Brown brought him to town to seek his grandfather. IBut when lie went to wlhere his grandfather, who was a mniner, used to afford him a home and shelter, the lat. ter was gone, and nobody could tell the boy where he is. Haven of Refuge. So Brown helped him reach the courthouse, and the sheriff will keep him in the county bas. tile, that haven of refuge for so many of tihe unfortunate, till the authorities provide for him, or his grandfather comes to claim him. John looks sad and weary, and his lifeless talks indicate that lie will not go away with the horses again for some time. TOUCHES LIVE WIRES FORMER GREAT FALLS MAN IS KILLED AT BLACKFOOT CITY, IN IDAHO. SPiltCtAL TO TiHEt INTSER MOUNTAIN. Great Falls, Oct. a2.-A dispatch was received here today from Blackfoot City, Idaho, telling of Charles J. Anderson, a former resident of Great Falls, being killed there today by electricity. He was employed by the electric light company and while at work around the transformer in the substation he canme in contact with live wires. Ten thousand volts passed throught his body, killing him instantly and badly burn ing his hadl.s and feet. lie was about -5 years of age. His sister, Mrs. Erick son, lives at Stockett, near here. He once worked for the electric light company here as a lineman and for the telephone company. FALLS UNDER WHEEL AND WILL LOSE HIS ARM Man Named Maguire Who Was Beating His Way to Butte Mutilated by Oregon Short Line Train. SPECIAl. TO TIlE INTER MOi'NTAIN. Dillon, Oct. 21.-While beating his way on a Short Line train from Salt Lake to Butte, a man by the name of Maguire fell under the wheels of a coal car and his left arm was so badly crushed that amputation will probably be necessary. The accident occurred about five miles south of here. Another man by the name of Nelson was with him. They were riding on the edge of a big coal car and the sup position is that Maguire lost his balance while asleep and fell under the wheels. lie was brought here this afternoon and was too weak from the ellects of his in juries to talk. His ccaupanion did not appear to know much about him except that his name was Maguire and they were beating their way togcther to Butte. lie is apparently about 4o years old WILL NOT REOPEN THE CASE 1|Y AS.SOCIA iTED PRSS. W\ashington, Oct. 1.---Attorney General Knox today decided to advise the presi dent not to reopen the case of United States Marshal Field of Vermont, recently dismissed for neglect of duty in connec tion with liberating Clhinecse who were being deported to China. The decision was reached after a hearing was given tlie Ver mont delegation in congress, who urged reconsideration of the case. THREE ARE ALLOWED TO GO Washington, 1). C., Oct. .J .-T'he post master general has dismissed from office M. A. Louis, superintendent of supplies of the postoffice department ; louis Kempf. ner, chief of the registry division, and C. iB. Terry, a clerk in the supply de partment. The action is in connection with the postal investigation just closed, CASTOR IA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought Bear the slignature of (fJi. : We Are Still I In the Lead! i :THE NEW YORK DENTISTSi * Our office is not managed or run by l S Ethical Dentists, but by " * * * Eastern Graduate Specialists 0 of from twelve to twenty years' experience. i * * * Our Prices: " * . T Full Set Teeth $5.00 0 SNL it5 , Gold grown ... 5.00 S IRQdll Bridge Work .. 5.00 . / Gold Fillings.. 1.00 * Silver Fillings .50 0 --- Extracting ..... .50 · ALL WORK GUARANTEED FOR TEN YEARS. STHE N[W YORK DENTISTS 80 W. Park. Over Symons' : - Hours-8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday, 10 to 4.0 * 'Phone. 945A. Lady in Attendance. """"""0""eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" ********************** GRAYELLE'S BOND FIXED AT $10,000 CHARGE OF ASSAULT IN THE FIRST DEGREE PREFERRED AGAINST ALLEGED DYNAMITER. OTHER CHARGES TO COME Helena Police Attach Importance to Dis covery of Blanket and Satchel Said to Be Suspect's. SPI'IAL. TO TO E INTER MOUNTAIN, Helena, Oct. .r.-The bonds of Isaac Gravelle, the dynamite suspect, have been fixed at $to,uoo and the charge of assault in, the first degree preferred against hinm. Upon the return to Butte of Attorney Wal lace, the comupany attorney, the charges of writing threatening letters and of inter fering with a train will also be pressed. The chief of police attaches impjortance to the discovery of a blanket and a satchel presumed to belong to Gravelle. These Gravelle left with a party, who says that a blood mark on the blanket corresponds to a sore on one of the horses Gravelle was riding when arrested. In the satchel are sonte letters in which the writing bears a strong resemblance to that contained in the threatening letters received by the comnpany. These points are considered very material. In the satchel are some unused envelopes of the same make as those in which the threat ening letters were mailed. These envelopes appeared by the paper covering them to have been purchased in Butte. The de tectives feel elated over the capture of (;ravelle and believe they have the ritlg leader. MAY BUILD RAILWAY Salmon, Idaho, Oct. Oz.-Agent FI M. Ycarian of the Lemlhi Indian reservation has been notified by the interior depart mecnt that the Butte & Salmon River Rail way comlpanly has been granted permission by the department to build its line across the reservation. JOHN BRADWELL DEAD IN HIS HOME IN DILLON SPECIAI TO T'll 111 r NTEiR IMOI'N'TAIN. Dillon, Oct. 2i.-John Bradwell, aged i34, died here last night of pneumonia, at the home of his father, Robert Brad well, lie had lived nearly all of his life in this section and was well known. Be sides his father he leaves a brother and a sister in \\'ashington. The funeral \ ill be held tomorrow at Argenta. CARSON CASE IS CONTINUED SI IAI TO TIll IiNTER N MOi 'NTAIN. (;reat :alls, Oct. a 'l'he case against Kit Carson, charged with gamhbling, was today continued by Judge l.eslie. Why He Reformed. Illecker-So you are opposed to all games of chance, Ch? 'Meeker---Yes; I ant at the present writ ing. lleelker--llow long have you been op posed to them? Mecker-Ever since I got married. Cincinnati Enquirer. Know the Sex, "If I got as intoxicated as you do," re marked Mrs. Jaggsby, "I'd go off some where and shoot myself." "N-no you (hie) wouldn't, mi'dear. If you got (hic) hafsh 'tox'cated as me you couldn't (hie) hit th' shide of a barn."- Cincinnati Enquirer. ODDI I never see my rector's eyes He hides their light divine; For, when he prays, he shuts his own, And, when he preaches, mine I -Smart Set, PLUMBERS WALK OUT ON KRUEGER STRIKE WHEN DEMAND OF RAISS FROM $8 TO $7 A DAY IS REFI)SED. MAY MEAN GENERAL TIEUP, Other Firms Have Not Been Approach* ed, but It Is 8ald They Will-Seven t Men and Four Helpers Out The plumbers employed by Isadord Krueger walked out this morning upon being refused an advance of $z a day in wages. The scale of journeymen plumbers in Butte is $6 a day. Krueger's shop is the only firm af fected so far. He has refused to grant the raise of $t a day and the master pIlulmbers of Butte state that they will unite with hint in the matter. Mr. Krue ger will be able to do all the work that comes to his shop. however, until the trouble has been adjusted. The demand of the men does not come from the Plumbers' union, as Krueger's shop is the only one affected so far. It is expected, however, that the demand will be made general, when the master plutmbers will refuse. The Butte Cornice works. Ed Wright, W;alt Allen and the Eschle Plumbing com. panty have not been approached by the tmen on the subject of a raise in tthe wage scale. It is stated that the Butte Pltumb ing company is willing to accede to the dec tiand of the men. There were seven plumbers employed at Krueger's, and three or four helpers. Packing Cigars. An iamproved method of packing cigars, which has for its object the means if fa cilitating the sending of cigars and other similar articles by automatic machinery is a long ribbon of paper which not only enables these d-licate pieces to be han dled by slot machines, Ibut also offers a means of protection while in the pocket. Another feature of this invention is that it may heL used as a means of pre venting or detecting theft from the boxes of gentlcnteih who are in the halbit of pur chasing their cigars by the box. I:Under the present method of packing cigars it is an easy matter for a servant or other per son to abstract a cigar or two from the box every day without detection, but smuch a systematic thievery is prevented by the ribbon system, for the paper strings rce so numbered that the removal of a sin.:.!a cigar could be detected.--Philadillthia Record. In Charity's Name. Frances--Oh, what a lovely ring; I never noticed it oni your linger beftore! Cordelia-No, of course not. It':; my enlgagement ring, a:l11 I just got it yctcr day. Frances-I-ndeed! And how much did you pay for it, dear?-t incinnati !Enqtuirer. LAZY LIVER "I find Cnsearotl so good that I would ,not he withoub thorn. I was troubled it grout dearl wilh torpid Ilvr. and unedacho. Now shluco tOklln (ascarots OnndlyClthartle 1 feel very nluch bet ti-r I shall certanlly roeommnod theom to oy trieulll as the boat medl.ine I have over srno," Anna Balinot, Osborn Mill No. L, Fall Rlvcr, .lase. Best for The Bowels CANDY CATiHATIC PSeavo , Pelulable, Potent, " Tao. Cod.Do flood, Jveeioken, Weaken or Gripe, 0e, 4 o, o, ,ovr h The genulno tablet Lta oe . ranteeOO ýo cure or your money ackO Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or N.Y. 0or ANNUAL SALE, TEN MILLION BOXES