Newspaper Page Text
BROBleK 135 W. Broadway 'hone 6918 The Right Cash-Price Orecer Montana Fresh Egg.ots d n ............................... ....... UM FLOUR Dakota Hard Wheat, 5 O0 -o pounds ............................... . l. U Rex Flour. $I .5 So pounds.................... ........... . , BUTTER The Best Creamery Butter, g per pound .................................. U JAMS AND JBLLY One.Pound Ja 15 Fruit Jam ........................ . ......... One-Pound Jar 25C Pure Fruit.............. ............ One.Pound Glass 20c Pure Fruit Jelly..... .. ...................... Two Pounds, Fancy Glass 2 and Jely........................... ....... Five Pounds, Toy Pall 25C Jelly Extract.......... ............. . - " HBBSB New York Full Cream, 50 per pound, aoc; 3 pounds .................50C Wisconsin, new and mild, 0 - per pound, aoc; 3 pounds ............ CU Domestic Swiss heese, 25. per pound........................... ...... . FRUITS California Apricots, 15C threepnound cans.......................... California I'lums, .15 three-pound cans.................*. BREAKFAST FeeD Yuco Fiae Granulated Wheat, 25 three packages for........................ Carnation Wheat. . 25 S pound packages; special.............. Prompt Delivery 75c to $1.25 Pocket Knives 4oc $z to $3.50 Razors $i All drummers' samples: best fron the factories. NEWBRO DRUG CO., sop N. Main Street. BOARDING STABLES Attention Paid in Every Detail to Horses Left in Our Charge. Rates Reas soauble. . 'Phone 204 GROUND FLOOR STABLES 22a South Main St. DR. HiUI POeK Thirteenth doctor of China from Iran{- it father down. Bora and schooled el the profesion. Treats all diseases, a maikin a specialty of chronle troubles Consult me. sa7 South Main S. M'LLE FRANCES HARTE Late of New York. Soprano Soloist, First Presbyterian Church. Butte. Teacher of Singing. Pose, Technique, Style, Repertoire, Opera Concert. o Studio, aos North Jackson street, Butte.L n At Anaconda, 403 West Third street, Tuesdays and Fridays. J. D. M'19 Q2, VETCh ,NAMt aUKGk.UN. Honorary gradate of the Ontario Veter. o inary College of Toronto, Canada. Treats a all diseases of domesticated animals a b, eording to sientific principles. Office s d Morrow & Sloan's stables, 0o4 South Main street. Telephone apj. All cases promptla attoended to. DR. FRANKE TALKS r SAYS 141E WANTS TO GET HER t BOOKS BACK FROM HER t FRIEND KUHLE. Dr. Franke, the lady optician, whose troubles with E. C. Kuhle, an employe, were related in the Inter Mountain last t evening, declares that she never had any intention of bringing criminal proceedings against him. "I simply went to the county attorney's office to consult as to the nest means of getting back my office books which Kuhle had in his possession," said Dr. Franke today. "The whole arose over Kuthle endeavoring to secure for himself my offices while 1 was out of the city. "He was occupying those offices for me during my absence and had entered into a contract to purchase a half interest in my business. When 1 found what he was trying to do I returned and terminated his employment with me. lie still held the books and I wanted to get those back." S. J. PARKS IN CUSTODY BY ASSOC'IATED PRESS. New York, Oct. z2.--Samuel J. Parks, walking delegate of the Housemiths' and Bridgemen's union, who was indicted on a charge of perjury Tuesday and was to have appeared in court yesterday, surren dered himself today. He said he had been in New Jersey on business for the union. Parks was released under a bond of $5,ooo on the perjury indictment. He is now under a total of $23,ooo bonds on indict mnents alleging perjury. TWO HELD FOR A MURDER BY ASSOCIATEO PRESS, Southampton, Oct. az.-The two Croa tians, who were arrested on board the steamship Philadelphia on the arrival here yesterday from New York, today were remanded to Bow street police court, Lon don, for extradition on the charge of murdering S. T. Ferguson, a railroad con tractor, at West Middletown, Pa., Sep. tember as. The men had $:,zoo in their possession when taken into custody. Nixon Cash Grocery po6 UTAH AVENUE friday's Specials s5!4 Pounds Cane Sugar ...................... 1.00 Utah Tonmates, per pound................. 81'3C Sauer Kraut, per pound................. .... ATIORNEY GENERAL IN LITTAUER CASE KNOX RENDERS OPINION ASKED BY SECRETARY OF WAR IN THE GLOVE SCANDALS. TOO LATE FOR AN ACTION Knox Intimates That Nothing Could Be Gained by Bringing a Criminal Action at This Date. S-. 1Y ASBOCIATED PRESS. Washington, 1). C., Oct. a.-The text of the opinion of Attorney General Knox in the l.ittauer case was made public at the war department today. A considerable portion of the opinion is devoted to the question asked by Secretary Root whether suit should be entered against I.ittauer for money paid for the gloves furnished, the point hinging upon the construction of the word "advanced" in the section of the re vised statutes which authorized suit for the recovery of any aum of money so ad vanced. The attorney general after discussing the case in its phases says of the opinion, "That no part of the consideration paid by the government is subject to a demand fur a repayment." Too Late. Secretary Root asked the department of justice whether any further action is called for on the part of the government, and upon this point the attorney general say;: "lly 'any further action' you mean, I presume, criminal action. There is no occasion, however, for me to determrine whether the transaction called in question and which you say is the only one wherein there is any evidence of violation of law, presents sufficient ground for a criminal prosecution untmer section 3739 of the revised statutes, since the statutory period of limitation within which such a prose cution could be brought elapsed more than a year ago. Nothing to Be Gained. "No useful purposes, therefore, would be subtserved by such determination. An affirmative opinion could not be followed by a vindication of the law; a negative one might be regarded as an aftlirmance of the validity and propriety of methods of dealing with the government in cases where, after all, the form of the trans action is not to be so tmuch considered as its substance." "KING DODO" GIRL LAY ILL IN BUTTE HOTEL Gertrude Barnes Was Taken Down With Gastritis fMonday and Her Under study Took the Part Later. Theater goers who attended more than one performance of "King Dodo" in Butte noticed tbat the GCytrude Barnes, who sang the role of Annette on Sunday night had changed in physical appearance and vocal ability materially on Monday and Tuesday nights, though the program had changed not a whit. This was because the Gertrude Barnes of Sunday night, a tall and gracefully slender maiden, was not the plump and ljuxomtl Gertrude BIarnes who appeared un der the name on the succeeding nights. The real Gertrude Barnes, while her under study was making merry on the stage and warbling "The Tale of the Bumblebee" and other dities on Monday and Tuesday nights, herself was lying dangerously ill in room 402 at the Thornton hotel. Miss Barnes was ill Sunday night; on Monday she developed a case of gastritis. Dr. Sievers was called in and every atten tion was given the young singer. Since then she has been unable to move from her room until today. At first it was feared the malady would lay her up for some time, but last night and today she showed marked improvement. She rejoined the company today and will go on with it to Missoula, but sthe is too ill to appear on the stage for several days. GRAND ENCAMPMENT OF THE ODD FELLOWS ON Ir'EtCIAL TO THE1 INTrI: MOUNTAIN. Helena, Oct, .a.-'l'he grand encamp ment of the Odd Fellows, a branch of the order, convened today. Grand Patriarch J. Il. Little called the assemblage to order. Grand High Priest D. J. \Vaite delivered the invocation. A number of committees were appointed. The annual report of A. J. White showed that during the year there had been no charters revoked. There are 17 encampments in the state, 14 of which ate represented here. Forty-five new members were taken in during the year and seven old ones died. On July I, last, there were 654 members. The year's re ceilpts were $837 and the disbursements $634.9o. The election of officers is being held this afternoon. RAFAEL ROMANA DEAD OF INJURIES RECEIVED SPECIAL TO THE INTER MOLUNTAIN. Livingston, Oct. 22.-Rafael Romana, an Italian employed on the Northern Pa cific section, just east of here, died last night from the f#fects of injuries re ceived during the afternoon. lie was returning to the section house on the hand car with the other section men when he slipped from the car and, falling backward, struck upon his head. His skull was crushed. He was brought here t t the hospital and died in two hours. He was about 40 years of age and leaves a wife in Italy. CRUISER DENVER ON TRIAL Naval Officers Who Had Missouri Out Yesterday on Board. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS, Boston, Mass., Oct. za.-The new United States cruiser Denver, built by the Nifie and Levy company of Phila delphia, left this harbor today for her official trial over the Cape Ann course. The conditions were no less favorable than were those which attended the test made over the same course by the battle ship Missouri yesterday. The Denver's contract calls for speed of 16.5 knots, The trial was in charge of the same board officiating in the trial yesterday. Piano tuning and repairing; reduced rates, Orton Bros,, a9p North Mali. Here is ithe Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERIHEAD COUNTY-. Last Today's Total. MADISON COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Lottie McIntosh, Dillon.....-. ,.. ....... .... IsS 2s7 ass Miss Gertle Kohet, Virginia City........................... ....... Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon.,~.1 .',........... ....... .... ....... Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City ................ . .............. Miss Julia Grant, Lima............... " .. .. ....... Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City...................... .............. Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon........................e . ........ ........... iss Rita Marshall, Sheridan............................. ............... Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lims..rsva..,r4( . .......r..... . ....*.. s..** s..... Miss Nannie Thomas, Sheridan......................... Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillton........ ............... ......... n .. ... r Miss Edith J. Evans, McAllister....................... .. ........ ....... Miss Grace G. Gray, annack....... ................ ..... ....... . ........ Miss Mary Sperling, Emlis......................... ... .... ... .... ..... Miss Emily C. Taylor, Dillon...... ................ ....... ....... ....... Miss Maud Northway, Ennis...................... ................... Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon................ .s. . *" * a.....,. MEAGHER COUNTY BROADWATER COUNTY- Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs........... ....... ...... ....... Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.. ....... .s. ...... « a ..* . , .. Miss Catherine Ress, White Sulphur Springs......... ....... .. ....... Miss Leila Parker, Townsend...1... ................ . *.. Miss Eva Hartfield, White Sulphur Springs..... . ......... ............. .... Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend.... ................ ....... ....... ....... Miss ESe Tipton, White Sulphur Springs............. ...... ....... Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend . ......................... ...... ........... Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs........................ ..... Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend. ............... ..... ......... MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Mamle McRae, Townsend....:: ... ......... . .. Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula.................... .............. ....... CARBON COUNTY-- Miss May Drago, Missoua; .................. .......... ....... Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red I.odge.. :t .......... .. ... . ...... . ,, . Miss Amy Gates, Missoula. ........................... ...... ....... Miss Gertrude Watson. Red i.udgle...,... .. .......... ........ ....... Miss Anda Pritchard, Missoula...................... ...... ........... Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge .. ... ......................... .... . Miss Nellie Longstaff, Mlssoula................... .. ........... ...... Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge...... q.. .. ....... ........... Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula .................. ... ..... ..... Miss Marget I)eegan, Red I.odge...:.. . . ...... . ... ...... ...... Miss Mamie Osborne, Missoula........ .......... .......... ........ Miss Annie O'Shea, Red Iodge......... . .. ....... ... ...... Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenectownd.................................... ....... Miss Fannie Rourke, Red .odge .... .. ...... Miss Katherine Reees. Bonnerll ........................ ....... ........... Miss Bertha Reno, Chance........................ ..... ....... ........ PARK COUNTY CUSTER COUN' ... ... . Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston.................... ....... ....... ....... Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City l.,.. ................ ....... .. . ....... Miss Louise Darrouch, Livingston................ ......... .... ....... Miss Myrtle Johson Miles City .... .................... ...... ........Miss Edna D o, ivi ........... ........................... Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City.......................... ...... ......... Miss Birdie Crlscoll, Livingston.................................... ....... Miss Edith Whalen, Miles City..............,, ",,,, ,,""....... ......Miss rdsie Mercer, Livinlston................... ... .................. Miss Edith Whalen, Miles City........ ............ . ...... ...............Miss lseMemon, Livingston. ................ ............ ....... Miss Mary Schrimer, Mile City .......... . ....... .......................Miss "Rse Haurer, lvn.ston..... Miss lnute Wrlso., AMles City ....*,....................... Miss Florenc Goodson, Livingston................... ............ ....... Miss ARone Terrntt, Miles City.................................. Miss Rose Hausen, Livingston ....................... ...... .......... Miss I.ula W ilson Milen Cityo ....* ............ ....... M o...... . ..... Miss ro Ga.ordo. Miles Cit .......... ....... ..................... Miss Edna Turner, Livingston......................" f........ ..... ...... Miss rion ordon Miles City ................... .. .............................. ............. s d r K . .... . . Miss M m Hruaa, Lin rstonh........................ ....... ....... .... Miss Rose aylortel, Miles City ...... ... ........................... .... Miss Nanule Nieol, Ligston........................ ....... ....... ....... Miss Kate Hurgel, Miles City.... PO....E MCUNY Miss iessi Ilufllnan, Miles C'ity....... .......POWEL COUNTY- Miss Daisy Haynes Miles City ......... ........ ....... ....... ....... Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge...................... .... o3.. ....... Miss Ads Eichorn. Miles City. .......... ...... ...................... Miss Aie Daly, Hemville...................... ....... ....... ..... CASCADE COUNTY- Miss .................... ................ Miss Mae Richardson, Great Falls ............... .............. ....... Miss Harriet Quigley. Ophir............................... ..... ...... Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls....... .... ..................... ......... RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Nelly Short. Great Falls ........................................... Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensvlle.................... . ....... ....... Miss Eva E. Stelzer. Great Falls..................... .......,,, ...... ...... Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis.......................................... CHOUTEAU COUNTY- Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton .................................... ....... Miss Marion Auld, Havre............ .. ...... . ...... , Ba So Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton...................... ............... Miss Helen Culbertson, Fort Benton,. ............... ..... .... ........ . Miss Cor Adams, Hamilton........................ ......... . ....... DEER LODGE COUGN'TY-4 . I Miss lla Semmons, Hamilton........................ ...... .............. Miss Jula CuSdlihy, Anaconda...................... ,7 o ,76 Miss laura Harper, Hamilton...................... .... ......... ....... Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda ..... . ................... 490 490 Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor......... .......... ........ .... Miss Annie Marony, Anaconda...... ............. ...... 349 349 ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Kitty Lyons. Anaconda . .. .............. ....... 7 7 Miss Floy Westaby, Forsyth................................. ....... Miss Bertha Sawyer Anaconda................. .............. ....... Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth..................... .... ....... ...... FLATHA COUNTY .......... Miss Pearl Kane, Forsyth........................................... Miss Maude Fauver. Kalispell...... ............. ................ .... Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth........................... ...... ....... Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell.......... , ................................... Miss Marie Newnes, Forsyth.................................. ....... Miss Grace O'Hara, Kalispell .......... .......... ..................... Miss Ida Marcyes, Forsyth ..................................... ....... Miss Ethel Prodger, Kalispell ... .............. ....... ...... ....... SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Matie Higgins Kaelispell .................... .............. ...... .. Miss Hattie Seit, Butte........................... 1.687 1,023 ,?7o0 Miss Julia Brown, Columbia Falls................. ........... .Miss Alice Jackson, Butte........................ ..,oso 356 1,386 FR(;US COUNTTY Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte ............................ S85 .o. .,o86 Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown..................... .............. ......... Miss Geneva M. Smith, Butte ....................... 63o 305 935 Miss Orpha Noble, ewistown.. ..................... ..... ............. Miss Laura Kilgallon, Butte ......................... 658 ....... 658 Miss E. Corellee Philips. lewistown. ...... . Miss Ncllie Duffy., Butte. ........................ . 99 40o 6oo Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown... .................... . ...... o Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte .......................... . o20 386 GRANITE COUNTY-. dr Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte ......................... * 360 362 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond....... ...... .... . .............. Miss Helena M. Spiller, Butte........................ .76 3. 307 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite... :Miss Violet Gill, Butte. ......................... 233 233 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg..: s. '..... ...... ... Miss Belle Edwards, Butte........................ .........o 40 Miss Christy McKenzie, Philipsurg................... .................... Miss Margaret Loughrin, Butte..................... ..27 23 So Miss Bessie Wesphal, Philisurg. .......... ...... ... . . ....... Miss Agnes Harrington. Butte...................... . ....... 2 35 Miss Caroline Perrant. Philipsurg .................. .. ................ .. Miss May Rodda, Butte............................ ... ..... .. Miss Myrtle Clark. Philipsur.. .................... .............. ..Miss Mmie MeN ra, Butte..................... ............ ....... GALLATIN COUNT'f'Y- SWEETGRASS COUNTY Miss BeAsie Van Zendt, Boznan.....i . .....................,,............. Miss May Marley, Big Timber........................... ............ Miss Ella Arnold. Boeman ............i.................... .............. Miss Maud Anderson, Big Timber.................... ................ ...... Miss Mary C. Davis, Boremlan...................... .................. ...Miss Jennie Martin, Big Timber.................... .. ............. Miss Mamie Oakwood, Boemoan.... ............. . ............ ..... Miss Phoebe Stubblefield, Big Timber.............. ..................... Miss Mamie O'Connell, Bozeman.... .............. ... ................ Miss Maggie Irvine,.Big Timber..................... .. ....... ....... Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Boreman...... ........... . .............. Miss Reno Churchill. Big Timber................... ..... . ...... Miss Della Tate, Bozema....................................... ... ............ Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber................................... Miss -Mamie Stringfield, Bozemnau..-.. ........... ..... .... Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber..... .............................. Miss Sute Brooks, Bozeman........ ................................... . ...TETON COUNTY JEFFERSON COUNTY--- Miss Francis Cooper, Chouteau.......... ........... .. ,..... ....... Miss Josie Noonan. Basin............................ 5 ....... So Miss Katheryn Kennedy, Chouteau........................ ...... ....... Miss l.aura Hall, Boulder................................ ........ . ... .......... VALLEY COUNTY Miss Regina Bear, Basin....................................... ....... Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow..................... ................... Miss Marjorie Bines, Boulder.................... ....................... Mi.s Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow................................. ...... Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall................................. ...... ....... YELLOWSTONE COUNTY I.EWIS AND) CI.ARKE COUNTY- Miss Alice Walk, Billings ......................... .... ....... Miss Mae L. Curtis, Helena.........,,........... ....... 5 S Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings............................ ........... Miss Maymne Walsh, Helcl ....... ;. ................... 1 Miss Blanche Nickey, BRllings............. ........ ..................... * Miss Mable Riebold, Helena .......................................... .. Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings............................................ Miss Mahle McGregor', Helena ..... ............ ........... .........Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings......................... ............. Miss Anna Mareeau, Helena...... ............. ............... ....... Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings.................... ... .... ............ Miss Jennie Boynton. Helena...................................... ....... Miss Mable Ross, Billings............................ .............. Miss Cherry Ward, Helena......................... ....... .............. Miss Della Walters, Billings .............................. ........ -...... Miss Jennie Tonn, IHelena ............................................... Miss Sophia Bcnninghofl, Billings.............................. .... ........ Miss Cora Conrad, Marysville................................... ....... Miss Delia Lawlor, IIelena......................................... ....... Total ................... . .................. 7,670 4,656 x7,326 ONzL VOTE OI\ - Oct. 29, '03 TH/3 COG/PON /t7tI'r8 Voclt ON OR A'fOkE NEGOTIATIONS ARE STILL IN PROGRESS THOUGHT RUSSIAN-JAPANESE cI S1i HAS BEEN AVERTED FOR THE TIME. BY ASSOCIATrE PR.ESs. Pekin, Oct. 22.-It has been announce" that the Russian viceroy of the far east, Admiral Alexieff, is opposed to the opet ing of Manchuria towns to foreign trade, This has excited no surprise here. The treaty of commerce between China and the United States recently signed at Shang hai provides that suitable concessions bh given at Mukden and An-Tung for the residences of foreigners and for their cop merce. Russia's latest proposals to Chl which embody Viceroy Alexieff's poly stipulate that such concessions be gi only to Russians. The officials of the Japanese legation here say that the negotiations at Tokio be tween Russia and Japan are procecdlng satisfactorily. JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSINGS Cram's Atlas of the World, 5003 edition, wits handsome up-to-date map of Montana, is glve free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $7.50 for one year in advance, The special 500' vote coupon is also included. SNAILS AND LIZARD FORMED HIS DIET HARRY POWERS LIVED FOR DAYS ON NAUSEATING FOOD-IS DYING FROM HUNGER. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Chehallis, Wash., Oct. 32.-A man giv ing the name of Harry Powers was brought to Chehalis this morning from the north fork of Newaukum river in an al most dying condition. Powers had been lost in the woods since October a, during which time he had no food except huckle berries, snails and a lizard. RESIST AN ATTACK FROM AN IMAGINARY ENEMY BY ABSOCIATED PRESS. Fort Riley, Kas., Oct. 2z.--All the troops at Fort Riley were on the same military problem today and the enemy was wholly imaginary. It was assumed that a strong force was advancing to attack Fort Riley and the entire command was marched out to take up a position covering the post, Brigadier General F. S. Grant had command. Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour CONDITIONS First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. self. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October sp, and close Tuesday evening at I o'clock, January s9, 1904. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the seml.weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Dally or SemiWeedkly inter Mountain ....... ......................... ..... .. Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 2s Votes Subscription, Semi"Weekly, 6 months, $f, a special coupon of 50 Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, SemilWeeldy .a months, $2, a special coupon of soo Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain f month, 7Sc, a special cuopon of .............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, 84.*o, a special coupon of.,......... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... z5O Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 12 months, $7o50, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions,) ........... oo Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County....................Dillon Lewis & Clarke County.............Helena Broadwater County,................Townsend Madison County ............. Virginia Cioy Carbon County...................ed Lodge Meagher County....White Sulphur Springs Cascade County .................Great Falls Missossl County .............Missoula Chouteau County...............Fort Denton Park County.....................Livingston Custer County ...................Miles City Powell County.................Deer Lodge Dawson County ................Glendive Ravalli County............Hamilton Dooer Lodge County...............Anaconda Rosebud County .................Forsyth Fergus County.....................Lewiston Silver Bow County ....... ,,,.........Butte Flathead County...................Kallspell Valley County.............Glasgow Gallatin County............... oze...... an Teton County ........*.....,......Chouteau Granite County.................Philipsburg Yellowstone County............ ,,lBlng Jefferson County.....................boulder Sweet Grasa Countyr............Big Timber