Newspaper Page Text
THE BUTTE INTER MOUNTAIN VOL XXIII. No. 192. BUTTE MONTANA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1903. PRICE FIVE CENTS UNITBD STATES SENATOR W. A. CLARK. GANG OF TRAIN WRECKERS' DEED Santa Fe Express Goes Into River and Thirty Peo ple Are Injured. BAILS ARE DISPLACED Engine Leaves Track and Knocks Bridge Into the Water. IvY 4^SO('IA'rED II s.S. Pueblo, Coln., Oct. 3o.-As the result of what is thought to be the work of train wreckers, the . Santa Fe special, loaded with passengers fromt Denver, Colorado Springs ayl l'ueblo, was wrecked on a bridge crossing the Apishana river, 38 miles east of Pueblo and between Fowler and Manzanola at i :30 o'clock this morn ing. The wreck appears to have been caused by the removing of three rails on the ap proach of the bridge. The engine left the track and turning slightly to thd right carried the train on to the pile approach to the bridge and knocked the bridge into the creek. The engine, two baggage cars, chair car and day coach plunged to. the bed of the creek and lay there in a mass of wreck age. Nobody was killed but 30 persons were injured. Only five of these are re ported to be seriously hurt. Following is a list of the injured: Seriously injured--J. E. Walker, engin eer, La Junta, badly scalded. (Continued on Page Nine.) GOIIBR IMJOS 5PH K . TOOL& FORTY-FIVE DROWN WHEN STEAMERS CO LIDE Late Reports Say Japanese Steamer Sank Soon After Collision. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Yokohama, Oct. 30o.-It was ascer tained today that 45 pecrsons out of to.1 who were on board the steamer Tokio Maru were drowned as the result of the sinking of that vessel yesterday after hav ing hlen in collision with the Russian steamer Progress of Hakodate, Japan. The engineer of the steamship suc ciln~ed after having been picked up by the Progress. The mails and all the valu ables of the sunken vessel were lost. The tecidnt occurred at 4 a. In. in a dense fog six miles from ilakodate. The 'I bhichl belonged to tha Yusen Knisha company of Tokio, sank imsnc diatety. After rescuing all the persons posrible the Progress returned to lHako dnte. She was severely damaged. The Russian consul is making up a st:utement of the case for the court of inquiry. The -steamer Jinsen-Mart has gone to the scene of the disaster with divers to search for the bodies of the per sons who were drowned. SCHOONER ON ROCKS ll? AS.OCIATE.D Pli S. New York, Oct. lo.-The schooner S. C. Bartlett, which Failed front St. Vincent, Cape Verde Island, Septemiber 29, for New Bedford,, Mass.; is ashore on the rocks at Zachs bar on the south shore of Island. The captain and crew of 1a men and to passengers were landed in a surf boat by the life saving crew. Millionaire Philanthropist Dead. DY ASSOCIATED PRSI:S St. Louis, Oct. 3o.-Joseph Itogsland, millionaire philanthrophist, is dead in this city, aged 8o years. JAMES J. HILL MADE CHAIRMAN OF BOARD Arbitration Commission Consider the Most Feasible Method of Procedure. Four of the most representative umen itt the entire West are giathlred in Itutte this afternoon, discussing the. shutdown sitla tion, anxious It tio sl methlinhg to relieve existing conditions. IThly nre l.ames J. Hill, president of tihe trea:t Northe'rnt rail way and of the Northetrn Securities colt pany, known tas the greatest railroaid tman in the world and one of its g:cnatet finanil clers; United States Senatonr W. A. C(lark of Mlontonn, multi-millionuire, brillianut business man and profound stiudlet of affairs; Governor Joseph K. TuIole of Moin tana, Inwyer, pubthlicist and orator, and United States Senator Paris (Ihsoll of Montana, founder of the city of IGrat Falls, friend of President Roo.evelt. land owner and developer of the country's nat ural resources. They have come together at the lre' of the Business Men's association of Great Falls to act as a comntmittee of tmediation IS A COUNTER PLOT The Servian Conspirators Would Murder Assas sins of Late King. SY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Belgrade, Servia, Oct. 3o.--After a long, search Captain Lunjevics, irother of thed late Queen Draga, has been rearrested. lie was captured in the laundry room of the fort here. The arrest of Generatl Magelics and other officers is itmminent. It is understood that a plot has been dts covered against the murderers of Kina Alexander and Queen l)raga. FIND PARKS GUILTY ON EXTORTION CHARGE py AStititAlEintt .,4 New York, Oct. 3o.-- ;:3 p.. n .-T1.j jury in the Parks extortion trial has rc turned a verdict of guilty. GRAYELLE PLEADS ANSWERS NO GIL''YkTOCHARGES IN CONNECTION WITH THE DYNAMITING CASES. eFI,41'AI. T TIE IN'Tl'l Mlir'NTAIN. Helena, (let. 3o.---Isac (;Gravelle ilealed not guilty in tht tdistrict court' today to tihe two new inrormations filed' ycsterdtla charging a felony in contnecton' with lis alleged attempts to blow up Northrn l'Pa cific trains, Ilis attorney, l.a Croft, preseftttd the plc:t to judge Smith. G(;rvcrle's cah.b4 for trial uttler the two informationts were set for D)ecember 14 and: l i6. The accusedl was brought from ihis cell In the county jail to enter Itii plea and then returned, the whole incident occupying btyt a few millutes. JUDGE BOYLE DISPOSES OF SOME MINOR CASES Boys Who Play Hollow'en Pranks and Men Who Will Disturb the Peace Come Before His Honor. Judge Ioyle h'di.posetd ofI a fw offenders against the dignity of the city today. \Villi.m 'Th'lmas was charged with ehibit. inlg a d adly is pon i ll i i i Ithl eialling nIIi r.'I The court as' e'.ted timt $. , ald .ost s,l and inl dlefault of payllll he was coillltlitt(ed to serveI' twelve and a 1:11 cldays in the city jail. I)an Fllulli'-ty \ ', onl h:aI ld t'o ra:linl Wily lie brotke a v.indlow in Nick Ilughs' all ,ll. lie was iig lll gndtl a id pl. l'ed ot I iiilty. ldul had hits htarlilt st filr t l '.da.y, N.ovImlj 3. Johni lKincock Iand ,anites lideIr 'ngagucd itt a fight at the Silser ltow Ilrewtly, andl were taken in by the police. \\hnit tyll) appleated this tmorning tihe Ill;oltager of tillh' tplace with drew the chaurRe tgain.l.t tliutm. Phil ,cDonahlu , a i ..small boy. was charged by W. Winn, whll lives at 31a \\'a-,t P'orphyry street, with getting away with tI clothceline, bult on the promise of the boy's lfather to se1nd himl to school andI keep linlt out or mischiet, his honor turned him over to his parents. Charles (;Geiser, nnotiher boy, was c.a;rgerd with malicious .tisc.lhif. Carles was a.cused by G. G. Mlanuel of 7.*9 South Main street, of taking possessiorn of his wagonl on Iflltow 'en night. The boy was turlned over to hii.i latlher, who promised to keep him out of mischief. HELENA HOSPITAL AND POOR FARM ATTACKED tSPtCIA, TO Ttrill INtER MrIUN 1JAIN. Helena, O(ct. 35.--Written on a pastei.board box in a conspicuouts place in tile hold Jewish cemetery, near the poor farm, was found a communlcation addressted to nobodtly in particu. tar, and signed by nobody, attacking the imata. agement of the county hospital and poor farm. It went on to say, in a scrawling handwriting, that the inmates were not properly cared for and the management was little short of a die. grace. Jacob Deer, tile superintendent, 'says the charges are unfounded, while the county eommlssioners lndors. what he says, The writing was evidently the work of some crank. AGED PUBLISHER AND WIFE ARE ASPHYXIATED BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Chicago, Ill,, Oct. jo.-Horace L, Green and his wife were found dead in bed here today, the result of asphyxiation, Green was publisher of the Free Thought, Maga sine. He was p7 and his wife asbut' 7ya years old. The aged couple were prob. ably the victims of an accident, A gasisJt was found aartly ogae. hetw tt 11th" wdaringll llntc ts fit .lultl,. how critical the situation, its it it'rets the prlosl' rity and con1trltrce of tlih \\'V ,t, how imiportati its belaring oilt all brauli'es of triadle, is uicalted by tl f, ct that these mil ,,hLould asseliblt' to try 'o ild ia so.ih tla of the diflculty. I'rt ,idnt 1111. senator tibson and (Ov ernor T''uh arr.ivd in lult. on Mr. Ill'w special train hurtly before to uo'clock this Iln1int g. Tllh te i as it p Itlluinary cunt i rn.I haIt avlle Seators Clark itdtl liibl itm . nt I Ir. Hill at Slu.en.tlor 'lairk' homeI,. tr,,r 'ITli, a: ul adjourned Ito Senatior Lark's imlice, where they ttintained in ot.r ieni. l ntil il about o'clock whlen Senato' r (lak ttook tithen homet to tlun .Ic.h . Illt" Iotly thing done at the ' morn ing ',.c iu1. .tcc ildi 1g to ti1e a. il, ine1111 nt'lllit ll'ntiinue' on Page Nine.) MURDER UNEARTHED Charred Bones of an Iowa Merchant Are Found in a Barrel. DV AS.otIAl.SI lU'ilt . I)ubuqut, iow a., Oct. ,u. the charred tIler: of Juostus Harwig, a promliti'ent t'citi zes of I)unuqlue, were ftilt11i in Ithe ahesl of ta harret tnear Volga City today. The skull had been fractured. It in believed that 11larwig wits murdtered. WHERE IS MULLINS? MAYOR FAILS TO APPEAR BEFORE INVESTIGATING COMMITTEE OF CITY COUNCIL. 'Pat Mullins took tte .MaeGicinniss mrthod of scaipilng the investilgaling coil nliltee of the city council today. The c, :immittee net at ithe city hall and waited for Mullins to appear, )ut0 aifter anl hour and ino return on the slllnons i..led, they prreerdrd to the examinatio of lIlrt Marsh, who holds the power of attorney given by M. Hi. Gibbons, who claims that Mlullins has $S,.uo of the latter's tmoley. Several papers certifyinWg to the power of atterney and demands made on the mayor flif ihie Imoney were identified and or 4tered spread on the mllinutells. The conlinttee 'have enrllavored Io get the inayi'r to atltelld, but he has eluded thelc thus far. Jadge Wines i- i conducting the examina lion for Newtonl l M& NIIsh, Who are ell leavoring to collect the llollney Iroll tllh mlliayor. COAL MINERS GO OUT IIIY A, r, I VI 1 1'1I 3. Tinidad, fol,., tit. ;u. The great trike of coal miners peI ling in distrit !111. 15 for l0o tliu , %%wi officially called yeterday. DISTRICT ATTORNEY AFTER RESTRAINING ORDER Seeks to Prevent Missoula County Treas urer From Selling Cattle Belonging to Halfbreods for Taxes. .L'ilanlllt I'nit li l atel At~llll l y (' g .e II. i rcadhy ppli1d I indge K4Wi. ii lToday Slli ilrisohlll coun ty, i i' on tll ai..i d l '1111 taxil (tinlly r'li sonl' Icli l n , i)ll i l Irlil rel y vl :lo I' milolll gi t'MI l l i haI l l I 'a ,I lil l Alt - 'a' 'i 'li, ii a j'lil'Lira'l"• i III, Iiigti r iurl. lion' , h, lf bles'. "hl' lltireIsll 'r cIlaim $t1 , ' 14 l i Iai - M l' ls'lhl, who is iLiI i ll Ih e .'llil t l-. r frlth' Iis o Tia teil ri' and al;:it ni lo he '(a'I h i, strainilng olraL lly, toy e llil l s it i:o al illIII Ull the couIily illil' alli'er tI'1 1i1w iy ftve at I'ula I lya, I anitilnhgr 1la, wAy he 1tultl ' w be prictolt. t.nlly ('t~nllllr i.,i'll)l' r IX I,. lNllhii llt i i Slhl.a i ally ( il id, y of 'hiis iing ot hed Hitorian Sut he fSevderal ii Y Ai SOCIA'I I o I't:liSS. cBeurtl Ia, hect, 3.- uProf. Mo ion a, tenty hin torian, who wa h born tin 7, their a sbil ityc asious. s i left side iu paralyzed a t here i tle ho pe ofi i the higcover courtsy, All aColone 14,l Hlolland flwl' il Lives.m LITTLE ITEMS OF NEWS FROM VIRGINIA CITY I,\1. , "'Tl 'Jlii, IN"i it, M OI1'N'IAIN, ViToekia I ity, cot. 30. - he rlatest bum frllln Shtilidan1 that Ihlrew.intalive Frank ILinderman is agitating slarting at new newspaper for that receivedwn and has already re officeivd numbr o f lber, owa, syri s that Cot. . C. olland is The ed es in attendanc e with a skullhe Tfracture' institute wei'e royally entl rtained last night at l dance in h of Al ri t he aw. Virgini Ci JIancing club. About ioo ( couples welt present. Counly (Comnlii ilier I'.. 1. 11Marl. of She' an ad Editor w anork C y of ilvDrill were here tod:a. PROF. MOMMSEN IS DYING Distinguished Historian Suffers Severe Apoplectic Shock. IIY ASSOCIA'TE.D P1E'1SS° Berlwin, Oct. 3o.--Prof. Mollvr, e, the historian, who was born in 1817, has su, fired a severe apopletic shock. He is un caoscious. llis left side is paralyzed and there is Qittle hope of hris recovery. Colonel Holland Still Lives. BY AASOCIATEI Pul.l!, Topeka, Kan., Oot. 3o.--The latest bulletin received at the Santa Fe office from Fort Mad. lison, Iowa, says that Col. T. C. Holland is still alive, but that his death is hourly ex pected. He is suffering with a skull fracture sad dislocation of the law. New York Sllver. New York, Oct. 3o.-Bar silver, hoc; Mexi. aw iolhlirs, .46 UNITED STATES SBNATOR PARIS GIlSON. FALLS DEAD WHILE FRIENDS TAKE HER HAND New York Girl Suddenly Expires While Cele brating Birthday. NY A,'(II IAlD PIl'l 4M., New York, ()ct. Ju.---While beinlg con gratulated iby it lnuIlber of wouiImeI friends on htr a5th birthday at her rridenre in Irlnhklyn, Mi i Ilentric. Holentlltal, ellest dlauIghter of the laire Adolph RoIenthl , a wealthy jeweler. of Charlcrtn, 9.' C'., ut tered a cry :Indtfell unconseius at the feet of her will wiahller. W\V'hll Ii hhi,'ciansI reachcd thll Il:lce' he was deadl. ANARCHISTS AT WORK (EFFORT TO START A GENERAL REVOLUTION IN SPAIN ON ACCOUNT OF STRIKES. IIY AS'l' IAll. I. lt '1 S , I /i' tle l lit, ( l it. -f . 'i'll la' ; il hI I r h are w lltv i rej:itoI flmlntlillr 11 gkienehal Mstrik in sympathy with thie stiktr ir t Ihlcdso 'I e Bcaptain tiit l Iha hurrite dly efd t Itar celna foir Madri. Airealy large ninil her4 of pelir e :ore llt t of w ork in c ilse qtuence of the .hiting dawn of luily lclt, factories. LOVER HANGED FOR THE MURDER OF SWEETHEART BY Atir0 IA'TE I III .s. Atlanta, u O t. 3o.--IM llard Le" Wail hanged hero today for then murder of Miss L.ila May Suillles on May so, lopt.e. 1le was a rejected _ llilor anl killed Miss Suttles just after th,' minister pronouncn d the bentdic:tihlo at her wedding at lien I1i1 near Atlanta. ]Lee wa granted -six respites. ~· · i.·~· 9 ; ·'"' f!!~· 4~:~ ·~ ~,·i i··· C7 ~Addk'S J, HILL, PRBSIDBlrlT GRL~AT ~YOA.I'MR~R~ RAILW~K ARBITRATION BOARD IS HERE Senator Gibson, J. J. Hill, and Governor Toole Get to Butte. BII LES ARE.I AU.TJ, Business Men and Labor Assembly Call for an Extla Session. There. were ino, frills oin the reception of the distinguished gentlemlnl w who arrivted in ltue this mornnlllg Ito temler their goodl ofli 'es ii l tm di-tioll between the warringl eleme1, . Not asoul blut the yardmas ter w;ias on hand to, wehli'me the l ill special train, h l-arinl: l'Pre.i, l lrn James, J. H ill ofl the. treat Nirtihll railway, G ov. Ji,'eph K. Too'l'h :lllt Senator c1; ei l' ilbson, whens it pulled into thle rearyit Nolhrii o deplt at 9;5c o'clonck Ihis morrinlg. "l Mr.' wailk t," said Mr. h ill. "Itc' a linetl r wior and it will do uSi . lgd." "All right," said the governor with en thul..sian,, and "All right." echoed Senator ibsonr, though he lookedt furltivly it theu Wyom (inl treet hill and s' ighed.) Then They Struck Out. Then, three a.rtst, they sntruck out, Governor Toole carrying his own, suit case and Mr. Hill making the pace. gcntlemen wore an overcoat, Sateor Gib son's perhaps the most fashionable in cut . (Coniinned on Page Twelve.)