BROBEeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B For a good cup of coffee try our Hoffman House; there is nothing better; per round. 35c; 3 pounds........$1.00 Sweet Potatoes, Eastern Jerseys, per pound ..... ...................... .40 HAMS. Small Lean Hams, skinned, per pound .......................... Swift's Picnic, per pound.......... 10 LARnD. Pure kettle-rendered lard, 3-l., pails, 4oc; 5-lb pails, 6oc; to lhs..$1.15 BUTT ER. Brobeck's Best Creamery Butter, fresh direct front the creamery three times per week; per pound .... 2 1-"2 FI.()UR. Brobeck's Fancy 'atent, the hest bread flour made: special........ $1.40 Rex Flour, So pounds.......... 1.25 No. i Dakota Ilard \Vhlteat Flour. 1.25 ('lIE ES I. The east full cream nilnl AII terica:n Cheese: can't hr he;at ; ac per pounld : 3 poul.ds ........................ 50$ 1'Rl'IN IS. Meaty. small pits, per pH.,l .........50 Extra large. 4ic to 5c; .i ,i. il..250 St' ;AIt. too pounds fine (;rantulatrd Sugar, $6.zo; is pounds..............51.00 PROMPT DELIVERY IN CITY ONLY AT NEWBRO'S Drug Store this week Ithy are s $lling $r bottles of MRS, I)R. SI'('IS iEMAL.E VE .GETA.B1L. I.REISTORI tV I : fi r 5o -. They say if you ;Iit not satis;itdl tith the medicine they sill ;ii% yoiu inir uto.ney back. The ailore vt',er is telrd this wa k only. too North Main Street. ~i)) JEWELRY DIAMONDS' WATCHES S and a V4'" 18847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. ltyea carefully exnmtintted and properly fitted to the heat grade f glasses. Pine " Repailrling. TOWLE & WINTERIALTER Jewelersand Opticians. 28 W.Park DR. HUIE POCK Thirteenth dIctt.r ,of (Ihiman t'im grand.l I father down. I.rn ;an rthtit !cd in the prof"i-ln. Treatt all di-ra t , ltching a spec'ialty of chronic troubleh. Cl, i, ult mte. .aJ S.11th .Alain Street. ORA Y PLATA CLUB IS TO DANCE TOMORROW The first dance to be given by the ()ro y Plata l)anciniig club will take place in Renshaw hall tomorrow night. This Is considered one of the most e:.clusive so ciety datncing clubs in the city, and no invitations will bc issued outside the club members. It is a rule of the club that when a ntember has an out-of-town guest visiting him that guest will be received as a guest of the club at these dances, but no resident of the city. The member ship is limited to too. Arrangements are completed to make this, the first dance, one of the society events of the week. llergstrom's orchestra will furnish the :music, and a lung pro gram of dances is; lpromised. BUTTE BRIEFS Orton Bros. Pianos and organs. Late this afternoon the lallbearers to act at the funeral of the late ohbert B. Turner were selected. They are as fol lows: George Casey, T. M. Hlodgens, P1. T. Mcliride, Roger Knox, Carl Hand and A. J. liuneke. The Itavalli hotel at Ilamilton will be kept open the year round. The funeral of Emma Nylund will take place Tuesday afternoon at a :3o o'clock from the First Baptist church. Dr. Schapps, Owsley blk. Tel. No. 16. There will be preaching in the hall oc cupied by the Latter Day Saints, 9go2 Utah avenue, this evening at 7:30 o'cliek, by Elder J. D. Stead, late of Lonmani, Iowa, on "The Reorge-ized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Sain's." Lippincott & Darrow, a66 iPennsylvania block. J. G. Bates, piano tuner. Residence, "The Dorothy." Tel. 699-A. THE DESIGNER AND DELINEATOR. The December numbers of these po;:ular hr"sehold magazines are ready today at the P. O. News Stand, also Pictorial Re view, Elite Styles, Junior Tolettes, Some thing to Read, Princess Novelette, and many other popular books. 57 West Park street. Nixon i Cash Grocery' p9cs UTAw AVBNUB MONP.t SPLC ALS Guaranteed Ranch Eggs, per doz .5 I Jersey, Shady Brook or Suy4rior But tser, per pound ................25 so pounds Lard.............81.00 5 pounds ld.}..4...... ..... " I... 1 pounds Lrd.... ..... 3....... 5 FIFTEEN IHOUSANO IS TOOAY'S TOTAL IT WOULD BE HIGHER HAD NOT A NUMBER OF THE COUPONS RE CEIVED EXPIRED. SHOULD NOTICE THE DATE Many Voters Send in Coupons Too Late For Entry-Miss Mabel Beaumont Is Leading the List Today. " i' s n on ll nd rlherhri Imorningl" o hut not for the Inter Mountain's World IFair tour runtest. T'Jhe snow and the low t(r tplllratl tre didn't freeze tip any of the vtiors. 'They rolledh p . AII.%,S GIENi/'IIIE I I()'AN"I(LV, .. Of IhIena,r ton, of the h.Itliung candidates it ILterti and ('ltrk.' cot',ii to go t In thefl' St. I.ouis :Fair as tle liter' Mlotuntain's gll,'ust. in j 4tt a s iuttl, more than I.,la . ruon., anl at lat- t upart, this aftc.'rnuton tiiy were still "'t* tl a;cicttrate', 15,84t voits wire tpulltd to. th]y inl t!' ! tllo. or, ratheit the ,2t clntr.ts tLatt tue Jint " AMuttltain is cndutttctitng in thil Mi, Mubtel IItantn.nt is the lealer for the daly in the state. Shte ptolied .,out votes todity, of Mhich ..,mit werti cast for her in Silver Ilow cottly. Mist. Iteatttsont is a Powell county canmidlatlr, but hait a hJut otf fritends in this city tittlol he Mit liag rrce.tlll y inll ell rt, (Jiter high l ui le' ill the stiate today were at Mit. i'atiharin li'eps, Meagher countty... t.n'> I tis ( :I It ('lapin. tlcaghlir ciutl ty..... 1,1t 7 Mi., M1ay .\orlry, Swet titn., county'.. . .413 1i€s lJ.;tra Kilgitlan, Silver lItw c'utntty yet Tfhe tult; l vule to date is :5J.i - 7. tht tIltuartlri - millittn mark being plosd today. .\nd still thet voutc r.ntllltnus to incllrease. Should Watch Coupons. It wto ul ilnereat ' n a ft faster if tile votert wiubtl e' good et'ttuth to watcht the ntrirtig atite rn the cotupon+. 'More Itn sorrilw tith in angeuur tile Inlttr Mountain callt attn'tntlit, for the 'stenth time, tot this oversight tot the plr't of well tmeaning voters. 'IThey will try to vote coupm'ntui alfter thetse coup u .ri e i' p titi irtd. .ert'e its a thtige wasite bal." t ,,!.11-'airiu whltts thte voteis art r€untl ed, iand ti ..:. ' contain. i a sta :uc h c c'U nll . l t, y :ir' t.irow,'n' away ecausiite,. underuF the rui . of the aonte ,. they are outiawetd. l(ti, lti.e tr the date pri'tted on il t' coupon i ii the dat- on which it e'r ire,;. It cast att.r that a .t h ,t, spithed it is dead, 'Jihere :ire stvtt da:'i, atftet'r the couttwm is printed to cat t it, but if youta do 't cOat it in tha:t timtte it doues .not vt unt. [t'.a, bie.r thi t in titl. t, (ft c"u..e, your 1v. tighit doc, not hurt the Inter tuunt:intt in tu tl liglht:t, hut it i, ian injury to tIh' y),tmtm 1;uly fmr , wimt y~utl wanttt to vote. It is ill her int.rtst thati yotu hear this, ti mtinld. Silver Dow Leaders. ',day's t ader;s in Silver It" county :are ;.s Ili.i ILaura Kilgallan ...................... g t 1l,,I t. aira IHurka d ..... .................. 71a 1lit- (;. M . S nith .......................... 491 1ii Il ,ann1 a oitutilcy iof Silver Ilow county polle.d -a votes today in \'fioul't coouny. 'isi., Douligherty It avaIlli colunity plleud tour volts in Ier liIdge county todlay. 'lThe tail todlay it the lw.ii' iflice brought votes to the followitn cnlllild:it.¶' Itlia i t.nler, Icwis and tl,.~ nhl co1 unty; Ne.' lie Loungta.ll, Mi sioula; Je sic G drhich. Jet fel'oll; Myrtle (lark, GranIitle; Nitna Grahaim, ,er Loduge; Ruby Moores, tiallatini; i V I'y I. ()ld , lt:,vulh; Ethel Gilchrist, i.ranite; Laura liarpur, Flavalli; M;argaret (arter, tiater; I'da Jae.,oln, Ma,-di n; Ishsic Van ,,.andl, G ilatin. Mliss Seitz, for long leader in the Silver ]low county contest, who withirew last week ih. ecnol of her ilpsl lling ldepiartrtre for ('lticn. nati to take iia musial couirse, called at the Iiter hountaiin offlice today. "I wntll the loller I\ltounain," said she, "tl cpllress y thanks to ill tho Ilaly kind trillln, who sullpported Ile withtheir svotes iprevistu; to nt withdurawal. I cver will re member their kindniess,, which is appreciated just :s tuch as if I had ri toalned in the race anld fitnal ly been clet ed."' The statclineet at the opening of this article thai the snow did not interfere with the vote is not just exactly accurate. It, or somcehing else, camped oil the telegraphl wires anill he layed et'.;' ges front out of town, bringing the result of today's voites in several counties. 'Tlhe result is that tihese votes are not incloded in today's taliulated nitementi. If they had been in the total vote wouild have been several thlousanl higher than it is. Stacks of inquiries are still pouring in upon the Inter Mlountainl for further information concerning the contest. Well, the Inter Iolotutain is always willing and glad to oblige. First of all, don't get the idca that the only prize offered is a ticket to St. Louis and re tu.rn; that when the 30 lucky girl;; get those tickets they will he turned loose to go to St. Louis by thIlctcselvec. That isn't the Inter ~ountlain plan at all. Here is the correct idea: When the Inter Iouurtain patrons, by their votes on coupons from this paper, have clected three county n aids of honor from Silver Bow county, two from Deer Lodge coulty, two from ,Missoula county, and one each from the other a3 counties in the statec, the Inter Mountain will do the rest. It will bring the young ladies to Butte to get acquainted and select some nmarried lady to act as their chaperon. Tlhen it will put the entire 31 on special Pullman cars and take them ini all tie state anid comfort of 3r nmll lionairesses to St. Louis and back. It will pay every expense, even to meals, both on the train and at the fair, and car fare and admis. sions and all incidentals. The lucky girls will have no more use for money on the trip than the proverbial Jackrabbit. MINERAL EXHIBITS ASSURED Prof. A. N. Winclhell, a member of the state board of commissioners and chair. iran of the delp;irtment of Minerals and Metallurgy, when seen today by a repre. sentative fromt the Inter Mountain, stated that every thing looks bright for a fine ex hibit, He has .ad an extensive correspondence with leading mining companies and in. dividuals throughout the state with the result that he has promise of enough mii*ral prodtcts to make the exhibit one Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report, Vote. ,Vote. Miss Lottle Mcintosh. Dillon....... . .......... 4,767 ...... 4,767 Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock...... ............... 3,806 ...... 3,806 Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon ..................... a,656 ,...... 2,656 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon....................... 1,865 13 1,878 Miss Grace G. Gray, IBannack......................... 8,32 833 Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon....................... . 586 ......., 586 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon..................... ..... 444 .... 444 Miss Julia Grant, Lima .................. i.a. . 18 3 31 Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lima............................ . 6 6 6 67 Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon......................... 46 . 46 Miss Ethel Bond, Dillon .......... ............ * 3 *.* "**" 3 BROADWATER COUNTY Miss Maud l'enwell, Townsend....................... 4,702 137 4,8.19 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend........................ 3,230 5o 3,28) Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.................. 2,671 21 2,692 Miss Lella Parker, Townsend..................... 925 ....... 925 Miss Carrie Iloloway, Townsend..................... 775 2 777 Miss Manmie Mekac, Townsend.... ............... 2a56 5 G26 Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend.... .................. .. 119 CARUON COUNTY Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge............................. 2.784 ...... . 784 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge......... ..... 7" ..... 7)0 Miss Marget Deegan, Red Lodge.......... ........... 578 ii 589 Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Ludge.................... 7 ....... 167 Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge...................... ........... 32 3 Miss Bertha Reno, Chance........................... 25 ....... 25 Miss Eva Robbins. Red Lodge ............. ......... at ....... 2' Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red l.odge...s.................. . ... . " " Miss Jack Fullerton, Red lodge.......... ............. ." . . . ". ...... CUSTER COUNTY Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City.................... .14 737 878 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City .................... 4.J8 .; 636 Miss Marion Gtdon, Miles City.................... 19 ........ 9 Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City................... 8 , so Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City...................... 4 ..... 4 Miss Lula Wilson, Iltes City......................... 3 1 4 Miss Ada Lichurn, Miles City......................... ....... 3 3 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City..,,................... .................. Miss Kosakl, 'l'crrett, Miles City.......................... ....... ....... Miss Kate i;trgel, Miles City.......................... .............. Miss Ilessic Iluhfnan, Miles City ................... ..................... Miss Daisy lhaynes, Miles City. ........................... ....... ....... CASCADE COUNTY Miss Nelly Short. Great Falls..................... 2.044 4 2.048 Miss Netta ';ervais, Great Falls............. ....... .... .367 518 1.885 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls......*..i .............. 134 34 168 CIIOU'TEAU COUNTY Miss Marion Auld, Havre............................... ....... 92 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby.................................. Miss Cora Niles, Chinook ................................ ........... Miss Cora Hassock, lavre ........................... ...... ....... DEER LODGE COUNTY Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda....................... 3.073 47 3.1a0 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda....................... 2,97) 127 3,097 Miss Kitty Lyons, Anaconda.......................... 2,.197 40 2,443 Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda............. .1,12 40) 1,152 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda................. 969 134 1,103 DAWSON COUN' Y Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive.......................... 1,429 ....... 1,429 Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive .......... .............. 91, 5o 96r Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive ........................ 5-7 ....... 527 M iss Ililda Foss, Glendive........................... -6R ....... 268 M:ss Mabel Batchelor, Glendive....................... I) ...o... Miss Frances Lee, Glendive.......................... o ....... o Miss Fraun s Johloun, Glendive........................3 3 Miss Ana Simms, ;iendive .................... ....... 2 Miss Arie Mack. Glendive ........................ ....... Miss II. May Johnson, Glendive.............. . ........ I Miss Ellie Teeter, Glendive........................ ....... ...... ....... FLATIIEAD COUNTY Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell. ........... ....... 4,273 ....... 4273 Miss Bessie l'ate, Kalispell.......................... 1,393 ..*.... .o.10 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell.....,............... 6o0 ....... brh Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell.......... .....,....... 400 ....... 409 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell....................... 40 ....... .'40 Miss Julia Gildea, Kalispell.......................... .............. ... ,.. -Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispell...................... ............... ...... Miss Donna Schenck, Libby................ .........., ....... ..., ....... FERGUS COUNTY Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown........................ 5.83r ....... 5.83! Miss Mable Suprenaunt, I.ewistown ................. 674 24 608 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown....................... 66o ...... 66o GRANITE COUNTY Miss Ethel Gi;christ, Drumnaond...................... 1,726 a32 1.758 lMiss I.ily Royal, Drummnnd........................ .,66 ....... ,66 Miss Irnma Sherrill, Philipshlurg ....................... 1,195 140 1,335 Miss Myrtle Clark, l'hilipd,,rg........................ 767 0o 777 Miss Catherine Ferraut, P'hilipsburg............................ 647 8 655 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite ....... ............... 530 27 557 GAI.LATIN COUNTY- ' I Miss Manmie (iakwood, 3ozeman...................... 2,604..... 2.604 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman.......... ................. 372 ....... 1.37 Miss Mamie O'Connell, Bozeman .................. 7o ....... 700 Miss Ruby Moore. Ilelgrade................... ...... 766 61 827 Miss Grace Gtrillin., ozeman ......................... 751 ....... 751 Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozeman .................... .. 49 to 659 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman... ... ....... 5690 ...... 560 Miss Manle Stringficld, Bozeman................. . a. .) ... 210 S JEI.FFERSON COUNTY Miss Josie Noonan, Basin........................ ..12,041 to 12.051 Miss Regina Bear, Basin ......................... 3,60 ......... 3.,69 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall .......i.............. 1,545 40 1,585 Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour conditions: First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the Indoracment of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three Judges agreeable to thecandidates shall be selected to oicially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. T'lhe vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. sell. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October tp, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January ig, g9o4. Coupons aeven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily later Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bqar the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as followes Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain .................... .......... ..,............ Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar'paid a special coupon of.. Is Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, $i, a special coupon of So Votes (Paid in Ad$~s eIubscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 12 months, $2, a special coupon of 1oo Votes (Paid in Ad(fanee Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountalln i month, 75c, a special cuopon of ............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountalp,,6 months, $4.00, a special coupon of ............ (Paid in Advyaice Subscriptions.) ...... .... 0 , Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, Is months, $7.50, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Adyagse Subscriptions.) ........... 500 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point pamed below. Votes will be counted at noog each day and the totals announced in the evening papers of the best ever sent from any state in tle J W\est. The exhibit from Fergus county is tqw d stored in this city and that from Flatheid will be here ii, a short time. The special agent of the commission is now in Granite county and after covering a few other counties his work will be completed. Prof. Winchell is hopeful of having the Columbia Gardens' exhibit, as this has been promised as part of the exhibit to be made by Senator W, A. Clark. Senator Clark will also send other prbducts of his minds and a complete model, showing the in dustry from the first to the last stage of production of the finished copper. At present most of the work is W. an incomplete condition and matters have not taken definite shape, But Prof. Winchell is enthusiastic about the work in his de partmnent and feels assurred that the ex hibit will be the most complete sent from the western states. WANTS TO, KEEP THE ORES J. R. Wharton seems inclined to keep the mineral exhibit at Columbia Gardens 'for the inspection of visitors at that pop ular resort during next summer. Mr. Wharton is of the opinion that the people who go to the Gardens should have some thing else than grand scenery, grass, flow ers, wild animals and babbling brooks to LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Mable McGregor, Helena........ ,............... 3,394 48 3,442 Miss Delila Lawlor, Helena................ .... ... 2,592 s10o a,80o Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena ...................... 1,716 17 1,733 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena ......................... 1,58 . 1,581 Miss Genlvive Boynton, Helena...................... 665 668 1,333 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena........................ 787 ....... 787 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena .......... ............... 553 4 557 Miss Myra Trerise, Helena........................... .. 24 40 264 MADISON COUNTY Miss Maud Northway, Ennis....................... .,31o 3 1,313 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City ................... 1,187 28 1,215 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City .................... ,o03 9 1,o03a' Miss Gertle Kohis, Virginia City........ ......... 627 ....... 67 Miss Maybell Sparling. Ennis ....................... . 258 3 861 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan.................. ........... MEAGHER COUNTY Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs........ 2,122 1,950 4,072 Miss Clara Chapin,, White Sulphur Springs........ 1,848 1,887 3,735 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs..... .. 960 103 1,063 Miss Eva Hartfield, White Sulphur Springs .......... . ....... !?liss Effie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs ..................... .............. Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Springs............. .......... ...... MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula ............ .. ......... 1,734 26 1,762 Miss Nellie Longstafl, Missoula....................... 1,54 74 i,6a3 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown .................. . . ,633 ....... 1,62a Miss Sarah Beard. Missoula ............. ........... 30 ....... 302 Miss May D)rago, Missoula........................... a6t ....... 26 Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula........................... .... 1 ...... 6 Miss Manie Osborne, Missoula....................... n,8 ....... 1o8 Miss Amy Gates, Missoula......................... 6 ....... 6 PARK COUNTY Miss Etta Hruza, Livingston........ ................. 5,t23 70 5,193 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston ....................... 3,568 18 3,586 Miss Florence Goodson, Livingston................... 1,30 1,302 Miss Mlaud H. Vance, Livingston ..................... 792 17 809, Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston.......................... no2 Mli's Edna D)riscoll, Livingston ...................... 13 ....... 13 M:ss Elsie Mercier, Livingston..................... 8 ...... 8 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston ............... ...... ....... .. . I Miss Rose Hlausen, Livingston ...................... ........ . .... .... POWELL COUNTY- Miss Mable Belaumont, Deer Lodge .................. 2,273 . ,o05 4,285 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir........................ 1,998 41 2,039 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge................... 306 ....... 306 Miss Annie Daly, lelmville .................... .. ....... 5 ....... 5 RAVALLI COUNTY Miss Floy L. Old, Victor............................ ,671 107 2,778 Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton...................... 948 too 1,048 Miss Lilla Senmmons, Hamilton...................... 60. ....... 693 Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevensville.................... 675 ....... 675 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis....................... 348 ....... 348 Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton......................... a237 55 292 Miss Laura Harper, Hamilton........................ 96 8 104 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton............................. 8 4 89 ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Fley WectaLy, Forsyth ........................ 3,3ro .....3. 3,31o Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth..................... 93 ...... 93 Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth ............. ....................... ....... SILVER P.GW COUNTY Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte............................ 12,324 911 13,235 Miss Alice Jackson. Butte ........................... 12,654 372 13,026 Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte............................ 9.16 424 9,550 Miss Geneva M. Smith. Butte........................ 5.221 492 5.713 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte.......................... . 4.940 732 5,672 Miss Nellie DufTy. Butte............................. 4,202 225 4,427 Miss Henna Courtney, Butte......................... 3,37.3 2o4 3.977 Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte ....................... 3.432 68 3,500 Miss.May Rodda, Butte.,........ .,................ 3,237 216 3,353 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte......................... 3,031 216 1,247 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte......................... 995 42 1,037 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte ........................... 53.1 4 537 Miss Olive E. Beakey .................................... 531t 532 Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte............. ......... 48 ....... 408 Miss Margaret I.oughrin, Butte ..................... 1351 123 474 .iss Kayte Jones, Butte............................. 334 195 529 Miss Agnes Harrington. Butte ....................... 35 ....... 35 SWEETGRASS COUNTY Miss May Marley, Big Timber....................... 3,003 1,436 4,439 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber ................... 1,756 5I4 1,910 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber ..................... 1,685 64 1,749 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber .................... .............. TETON COUNTY Miss Francis Cooper, Chouteau............. .......... 4 5 9 Miss Katheryn Kennedy, Chouteau................... . 3 . *., 3 VALLEY COUNTY Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow ...................... 553 ......« 551 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow ...... ............. ..... YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings..................... ,o099 9 1,t08 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings.................. 473 18 491 Miss Mable Ross, Billings ........................ 1... 86 9 195 Miss Della Walters. Billings ......................... 133 9 132 Miss Alice Walk, Billings.............................. 7 ....,, 7 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings ........ ................. ....... Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings......... ......... .,,,,.. .. ...... Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings.............................. ....... Withdrawn .................................. 19,664 ....... t9,664 Total .......................................... 237,933 15,894 253,827 E Headquarters and Voting Places Bverhead County-A. S. Johnson ................................................. Dillon liroadwater County-Byrne Bro............ .......... ........... .... ........ Tonsend Carbon County--lrs. M. N. Hickox ...............................................Red Lodge Cascade County--Thomas Iodge ................................ Great nFlas Chouteau County-George W. Crane.............................. .................. Fort enton Custer County-J. E. Arnold ................................................Miles City Dlawson County-Albert IT. Johnson ................................................ Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Of .................................................. Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cortleil....................................... Lewistown Flathead County-Walter Ilunt............... ......................... Kalispell Gallatin County-J. P. Alartin ....... .................................. Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williams ...................................... lPhilipsburg Jefferson County-L. II. Riddell, Boulder; J. H. Rule .............................Basin Lewis and Clarke County-bloore Book and Stationery Company ..................h elena Madison County-James Powell .................... .............. ......Virginia City Meaghcr County-L. B. Jobb................................ White Sulphur Springs Mfissoula County-Winstanley's Office................................................. Missoula Park County-Bingham Iinman........... .................................. Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store.............................................. Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts ...................................... Hmilton Rosebud County-NV. H. Simons ......................................... Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office............................ ............... Butte Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher......................... ......................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Draks............. ................................ Chotcau Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley. ........................ .................... Blillings Sweetgrass County-L, M. Hungerford.............. ..... .............. Big Timber voT . Nov. I4, 03 Pw/s cowaPON ylS7"B Va v ON o;;r6 s gaze upon; he needs the mineral exhibit In the business,. According to Mr. Wharton the World's Fair at St. Louis will not get a sight of this valuable collection of ores, models and so on, as he is decidedly opposed to moving it. This may interfere somewhat with Prof. Winchell's plan to include this in Senator Clark's Montana exhibit. Exhibits From Far North,. San Francisco, Nov. g.--Frederick Koltcheff and Charles Homelezd of St. Michael, Alaska, arrived here yesterd.ty with part ot a lazge Arctic and Alsekan collection for exhibition at the St. Louis Fair. They ate on their way to New Yeot k, where the c. lecttor will be shown dut'vg the winter. No exhibition will be made here as the bulk of the exhibit is nos on r' ite direct from Seattle.