Newspaper Page Text
BOOIN'S Price Wreckage Sale Starts Tomorrow Morning Bargains in Every Department What Do You Think of Buying Hermitage whiskey, $s.25 bottle for ............. 75c McBrayer whiskey, SI. 25 1 bottle for................. 75c Old Continental whiskey, $.0oo bottle for........... Uc ; Booth's pure malt whiskey, the malt that makes you strong; $,.oo bottle....... 85C Clark's pure rye whiskey, bot tied in bond; $1.75 n bottle..... ......... .l.25 Family Wines A. A. port wine, soc bot tie; special................ 30c Sherry wine; soc bottle; 30 special .................... 30c Port wine, pint bottle, 2,; 15C value ................. .... - London Dock port wine, $1.oo bottle .............. 75c During This Price Wreckage Sale We will sell pure food groceries at a less price than they were ever sold for in Montana. Be sure and et tend this sale. The Hardware Store that leads --Watch Us and See Heating Stoves If you are going to blty a heatcr this winter, now is the time. If you get a Jewel ou'11 save enough itt coal he tween now and Xnm;ts to buy cvcry member of the fam;ily It Xmas present. No. to- Iive (tlak ..Iwet, airtight.I 10.00 No. :-- Live altk .sItse.'. airlight. 11.50 No. 14--l.ive tah Jewel, airtight. 15.00 No. t6-Live ()ak Ihwel, airtight. 10(.5. Atlas Airtight, for coal........... ..85 and up rrna BARNEY & bERRY SAKTES "In every land where water freezes Barney & Berry Skates are known." There is not another skate known that gives the satisfaction to skaters that these do. 'We hase the most cormplete line in the city. Prices range from.............751 iup Doutble Rnoer Skates for chilctren...504O Henderson Bros.& Cole Hardware Co. Greatest Stove llouse in IButte. 53 W. Park, bet. Lutey's and Boot h's OECHSLI 42 West Broadway, Butte Pays IHighest Cash Price for Second hand Goods. Has 3oo second hand lcaltng Stoves on sale, All kinds. Huy, sell, pack, ship, store or exchange your household goods. Pull Line Trunks and Travel. Ing Bags at Special Prices. The largest stock of second-hand house. hold goods in MAontana. 'Phone 923B GALT COAL $7.00 for 2,000 lbs Other Dealers Not Allowed to SELL OUR COAL GALT COAL CO. OFFICE 814 UTAH AVE. TELEPHONE 273 FIRST CONSISIORY HELD FOR PUBLIC HIS HOLINESS, POPE PIUS, CON FERS THE RED HAT UPON FIVE OF THE CARDINALS. TREMENDOUS CROWDS OUT All Rome Is in the Streets to Witness Magnifi-clt Coremonial Peculiar to the Catholic Church. 444' A44 Aill, A 4444I 54. 1P4444'X, v. i... I'.pu" Ijit., N l10l is lih-t pthi44II4 4'444'i',!444y ..Ibiy. Ii, (4 :n 'IliglsIvrli~il. 44'1l.i4:;. 144 ( 1:14:1~c· 1 : sl :u, s r, r 1)1 'ii l, 4'4V4'i 44'th e Ilp lla lr 4 o stale, Merry I), I Val, lieu IIcIl their riff 'Ihe 44444444443 Ib'ganc :4t 444:,34 ~bloc4k 44 eni IIh, five' 4'~l:441i(,I' t hu 4.44444 i r ('4i44e tl,, ev41 14i4t NI...I,'r4'ery Ili V, 'al, Mgri. ( '44114'1:4'i, :4r4'14,i'hu of41 441 144144 III. l l jl(.l i. IIt'al I '" i ii :.I I I. iIs l. s I 1:ll., I':1 :4i,41, (44J'; I I '4iui', 444 t i4 .:t. 'I .\4, 4' 44) -t~ t I 144 iii.. '-i-lii l' c1h:p, I. t tke \r. It 443' I\Ii, I \'a1 anal NI:'. (440114 g:44'i f.44444' their4j 'rI r 1e44 1444 t Ii, 41 Binl Crowd Out. '114'I(' r444'ri 414r, '' Ji 4444(4I4 4.11; 11""44444 1'eh~d i) p:,., :4444 t1.n' .444,4 II '"'ia whe'ie thle ('444 i%(44r4 wa4,4 144141, fs4 ill., In ovr t ttng, t it fne p.,'i ~ 44 4(4t' f1 r 44444ld.(. 4(441 f(144 l, k.*.r 4 it i,l.. tvarv nn~. l I1('Illl- a llllit i ill p, r" ll. 4(444s4' l liv :. 144' 414(4144444a. (' ll h\'liig1 1)I( ('4444' 1444'i44''( ll CI'IIII~ ) l~ls i.41144''' 44ti4 4' 1,"44 Litre a full 4444 '4' 44444:41 II,4rl.Ii4:g 444ll4 hi41s f1444 .'' as 14 4ai~s hi, l.'olin I~ h44 e, 1 4 4llt. 4144' :44''4 4' 14.44444:4 14i: 4444 ,r, 1 'I 14'14r.444' 5441.4 ;maids (1t4e , 4'4i4'4I,' ll44y444444, 4144'4' 41h4e44. 11he' nu41l4 '4 414 444444 n44t. 444ii4' 4r:n;4 4ll41 1 4J.ill, 444 4 %\44, 4 4 :4lli44 , by44 .441 Irvin444 o 4 (it'ps 44441 ., (tle . ;Hil4144 tu.4.' l44m444'a At the 44l of .'144144:44 4fi 1 ,iou,44 b." il};anclsotne uptodr lt mat of g, Jln, II iv '1114' i4.4444l4 waled44 14444'44'I .t Ip, thr'44( ,It 4144 414.1 of (4e h a4:ll41, 4414il4 144' c:r li4 ti 4444 44 n l their tIs n t141444r 4',r, 441114 414e biosbepi t th14 eift. Knelt Before Pope. 4444444 i:, 4144 t. l 44414 41it'y k444 'I 4444 i 4414 144144 44 (144' fuil'. l I cykt 141 1 ('4( 4 1 , 4 14: 1144 r('44(444 (Iilt po444tiff, wwi4I4 4444 ('4444 (2444, 44itMi lilt'41 114.' :44: f44rmul1:, Iin ai , 44'444l.4444'i' e (14 ve c4,:444114444 tenderl44y. ('44144444'. 14 the chir il4 t14e (44('444:te:4. sm4iting4 stifuly. embrace'44'.' 44a4 en441ed. t144' po0pe4 :(ros44, Ie ent444 a 41d (hen44 w pit ;41rew1.i (444 hal I and loll passed'4 tin his way(~ (44 hIs apa4:rtmen4'4l. A14t'r rvlturning4 (14:4ks in4 f1(4e si(4(4 chapl(441 (he new44 4441'4144:414 with1 the4 oth14r Cardinajls41, ret1ired, 444 tIhc hal 441 (he ('4444 4is4(4ry (to h441( a' supplementa4'((:ry4, secre44t 444444.1414.y, dar4ing1 which4(1 t1444 (444p44 gran4ted 1hem4 t14e p4rivilege of pa:rtiL'i14ating4 ill and4 pla:4444d the4 cardinl's1(:I rin~g on4 (heir fingers444 of a ch1urch41 in Ro4444e. JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSING" Cram'.. Atlas of 4(4e W44rl(1, 44443 edi(44ion, with handoutne 44(4(0 dale ma 444f4 Mont4ana, 41 given free to (fnter M~ountain 4444b444441er44 who4 pay $;.44 (or 0o1e yeair Inl ad4vance.44 Thi special 504o. vote14 coup(4n is aIto includedr44 LOCO WEED LITTLE KNOWN A well known chemist living in (ieorge town, I). .'., whose i tteltit intl was recently attractedl to ani article on the loco weed, givese s'.nte itnformationt relative to a little known, plant. "I hvei hald occasioni to Inak'e somne studly of that Ibotanical mIystery, and I fiidt that the fact that hiatian heinllgs, as well as horses. becotle addicted to its insidlious fasrcinations has been generally over looked. Some of the .Mexicans brew it with their tnatiotlal tIeverage, puIlil ,, ill soitmewhlat the sanle manner as herbs are comlbined with spirits to mnake cordials, and a .Mexican with a 'loco jag' is a crea ture to commandlad the right of way wtilout al lluntlent's lquetion,. With fixed, staring eyes anld uIlltscles stinlllated to allnormlal activity, he reits amiiucek, endeavoring to destroy whatever may obstruct his wil'y. To refer to a 11an as 'loco' is a deadly in sultt ill Spanish-Amterican territory., I be lieve the government has given sotIme at tention to tile loco weed, but no delilite conclusions as to its properties Ilave been reached." The governieltnt report contains the fol lowing oliservatio oni "loco:" "l.oco platnts, or crazy weeds, are pilanlts growing in the far Western states, the eat ing of which by horses and cattle is be lieved to produce loss of tlesh, disordered visiotn, deliriluml, convulsive nmoveIments or stutlpor anld death. .Much doltbt hanigs about the maltter, but astragalus mnolissi mus is believed to be the 'loco' of Kansas, while A. droumniondii and A. oxytropus are the loco plants of Colorado, Six species of the tstragalus, including those mlellntioned, .lave been examined, anilad not in one of themt has any alkaloid, resin or other active chetmical substance been found. Post-mlortem examlination of a number of 'locoed sheep' has shown inl each animal mtiasses of taenia expansa, and it has been suggested that this taplewormn was toe cause of the illness, "'There call be no doiubt that domestic animals are destroyed in the West in very large quantities from an:1 affection which is known as 'loco,' and hundreds of thou sands of dollars have been spent in boun ties by tile state of Colorado for the ex tirpation of the supposed poisonous astra galus,.-"Chicago Chronicle. AN ENDORSEMENT Blutte, Mont., October 24, 1903. Inter Mlountain t'ublibhting Lo., City: Gentlemen-We have carefully examined Cram's P'upular Family Atlas and find it reli able and up-to-date in every particular, Very respectfully, Rice & Fulton, Butte Business College. JUST "TO ME1'rTON IN PASSING" Cram's Atlas of tile World, 19o3 edition, with handsome up-to-date map of Montana, is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay t7.5o for one year in advance. Tihe special 5oo vote coupon is also included. THIS IS IUNQUESTIONABLY THE GREATEST BARGAIN SALE Of MEN'S WINTER UNDERWEAR BUTTE HAS EVER SUN A Remarkable Bargain Sale OF ME[N'S WINI[R UNDERWEAR TOMORROW AND SATURDAY Men's Underwear Men's Underwear Men's Underwear 31)ei's ,lediumtl weigthI. fline w 'sdl - iii- l3en's uliºinvtl graty, aill-wool under- 3len's extra heavy, nitural, fine merino deirshirit I and draw~I' , plink and lav\'etderl; slhitIs a tid drItw'i',. The shirl. hlyavte utllrshir i ls ad drawers; silk trinnied; .9(i4.50 at Hit it thie au't-laul rilie. SipjW ial 1o114l11de front,. aIId bIu lk; spled id 'll ' r ex- ia i its a t a i' ti r onl e codh weather; wortih n .00 t sMuit. IV y gox value ajt $3.50 a suit. Special, 4iale }"'ii'', $2.00 a Garment $1.45 $1.20 a Garment $1.4 a GaPrment Men's Underwear Men's Underwear 3len's pfik and Il vend'r, full faish- 31e's geninie Australiuin Ihn 's w.ool., l(ned, J.ersey rihted, Irelcl neck, salin d(,lery ribled underishirts and drawers(I; f'rout,, silk 111nd linllen ' und rwetll r. Were 3e 's pink a d dii'k lro ', nu Iitunt ' S.00 at This sale, weight, -ustratlia t wool undershirts I 11c u ull idelrshirts are silk trianined and haIve dratwers. ()tight to sell for .14.30 a suit. l'French neck; the draIwers have reinforced $2.50 a Garment 1l'il, sealts; colo's dar(k blue, brown aind pink; $1.50 a, Garment i tutal vulue is $4.O0 a suit. Special, •Men's Union sr $1.45 a Garment Men's all-wonl,, Men's Underwear Men's Underwear Frent'h ineck union su1its. 'Wer'e $6.00 a suit. Slieil prire, 3 Ien's all-wool, atu11imal graIy u11der- leh 's dar'k blue( jersey rilbbed winter shirts and drawers(l .; heavyL, wteighl. e\\'re $4.00 a Suit '.$25o it st his s.e, weight undershirts and drawers; worth 80c a. Garment $2.00 a suit. R1xH1ial, 80 a GCarment o Men's Underwear 45U ae Garment ,,i 411', il,,, enii, ile,,,,n ('1, lS Men's Underwear Men's Underwear hair undershirts land ldrawe rs; l(edliult weight; worth $5.00 a1 suit. Sal1I pItice, 31,lt's (ar \\'brown ('sllhnlll(el wool 1n- lien's natural fil(el li Cniied extral'll i(t y dle'shirtiis iud l drawe'rs; winter weight; undershirts and drawers; $2.00 a suit is $1.55 a Garment worill $2.50 suilt. This sale, the ordinary price. Speciail, 85c a G~rment 45c . Garmert $1.75 a Garment Garment' Men's Underwear 's full', 111l,, .rs rin eMen's Underwear Men's Underwear 1)111'k 1udh1h1111 rts ai a llll diat[ ('I, 1'(i1 MC;II'S gIt 1(|1 Al'S l'tl i a1iai\ii lil'ltlln ] iI)' i WOS IZ E d hith i mh n1 t. ; ] vF t'1h( 11n'4k;xtea y wei h elj. casily Vi 111111, U11 thl i.|15 Is ll' a 1414111luje1r; Wi lbtd otlh J.00 a sit. peil place, w right ; \Vt al't t $3.00 a suit. D T lling this Aily ort'hl ts.50 arn fom size uin4 to siz $2.0075 a Garment $1.20 G rment II, Men's Underwear eineMen's Barins in Men's Winter UUnderwear _enuine Bargains In Men's Winter Underwear MUSKRAT HABITS Were Known to Old Trapper, Who Fooled the Animals, The last log in the West Branch drte was sluiced through North Twin dam bi Saturday. While the keeper was closing the gates and making ready to flood Elbow Lake the wind came around to the west and ice formed along the lakes as far as South Twin. Early in the evening Joe Sockabesin, an old Indian from Old Town, came to (;er rish, the overseer, and asked permission to set his traps at the edge of the rising. water, saying he believed he could catch enough muskrats to make it gay him well for his labor. Sockabesin professes to know very much about the ways of muskrats. lie says that the animals can live for months under ice which is not covered with water, but as soon as the ice fields are overflowed the supply of air is shut off and no animal can exist below the ice for more than half an hour. Gerrish had no faith in the theory, but was willing to see it tested. Sockabesin labored until nearly midnight fastening his traps among the stones and gravel, close to the edge of the water, so when he returned to camp from his tramp of four miles up the lake the lake had risen nearly a foot, covering the traps. He brought in six muskrats which had been caught during his absence. Next morning the water was wetting the third plank on the dam and had risen more than two feet when Sockabesin went up the lake in a bateau. Two hours later he rowed back with 68 muskrats. "Ah'm bin do heem ev'y. tam," said Sockabesin. 'Muskrat he bin 'fraid of ice. Lak ice have hole in heem w'at let in za air, so musquash heem breathe lak heem bin in heem home. Ze water on ze ice bin keel ze musquash, so heem die eef he no geet away. Ah'm bin set ze trap longside ze new ice whart 'ze fool musquash bin come out fer to look 'round, so heem step in ze trap and geet caught. Sockabesin heem slak beeg money by know how ze fool musquash bin act when heem bin 'fraid heem drown."-Twin (Maine) Cor New York Sun. Perfectly Absurd. "The idea of her pretending that she thought my hair was gray?" exclaimed Miss Passay. "Ridiculous l" agreed Miss Peppery. "Wasn't it, though?" "Yes, just as if you'd buy gray hair." Philadelphia Press. Julia--Is C'lementine really so intellectual? Aurelin-( h, yes; she never can tell you a thing opu' 'hsr woman has on.-Deiroit lFree }Press