Newspaper Page Text
BROBESK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B What 5S.c WIH Buy Here Tomorrow New French Prunes, small pits; per pound, sc; to pounds ...... 50O Sal Soda, granulated. ;c pound; io pounds ........... O......... 5 Genuine Jersey Sweet Potatoes, 1t pounds ......... ............. 5 0 Fine Granulated Sugar, 8 pounds ...50 Pure Leaf l.ard, 5 pounls: special..50. Best Coffee in the world. HIoftman House, s~H pounds ................ 50 New Dill Pickles, per uairt, I,,c; S quarts........................ Yuco, the Best Breakfast Foond (spe clal); 6 two-pound packakes....... 50 Full Cream Cheese, new and mild; 3 pounds.. ............ 504 Silver Thread Saur Kraut, per pould, ge; to pounds....................50C English Breakfast Tea, 7c grade (special), per pound............. 504 Utah Tomatoes, standard pack; 6 cans (special .................... 504 New ('ape Cod C ranhcrries. 4 mqumarts.50O Celery. crisp and tender, stalk. 5c: per dozern...................50O Fresh Roasted Pleanuts, per quart. se; t- quarts . ................ 50 d Small Sour Pickles. per quart. Iac; 4 quarts.... 50e Ralston's PatlcL:c I f Nu. - 1 a :ckag.t , 25c ; 5 pac; k:ge .................. 50 Craw ford Peach,-. in heavy syrup, per canl. 0oc; . ca.s f iN .......... 50O PROMPT DELIVERY IN CITY ONLY -JEWELRY DIAMONDS' WATCHES and a complete line of the GENUINE - "1847 Rogers Bros." Knives, Forks, Spoons, etc. Byes carefully exasuined and properly fitted to the best grade Repelrlan. . TOWLE & WINTERIIALTER Jewelers and Opticians, 28 W. Park 'I 1 SKATES THEfl[ HIVE Has just received an elegant line of Bar ney & Berry and American Club Skatess From 75c Up. BOYS' SL[DS 35c AND UP Wilson's Bee Hive 33 West Park Street. THIS WEEK Every person making a purchase amount ing to $t.oo at our store will receive free of charge one asc bottle of Newbro's Witch Hazel Cream. NEWIIRO DRUG CO., Io9 North Main. St. Largest Drug House in the State. DR. HUIE POCK Thirteenth doctor of China from grand.| father down. Btorn and schooled in the profession. Treats all diseases, making a specialty of chronic troublce. Consult me. sa7 South Main Street. The Reason. Mrs Crosby-H-ow was it you didn't step on the track the first time you walked over there? Mr. C--I had my shoes on then-Chi cago News. The Man' and the Horse. Detter--I thought you said that the two. year-old was sure to win. Tout-Well, he'd a' been all right on'y he wasn't properly broke. Better--'hat's the difference between him and me.-Philadelphia Press. Nixon CashGrocery 9o5 UTAH AVENUE Full size loaf of Bread...........5 Milk fresh every morning, per quart ..........................5 0 Coal 011, per gallon:...........25 tr Pounds best Gran. Sugar..$1,00 SNOW ON" WIRES BALLOTS SKIMPY BUT GRAND TOTAL IS OVER THE THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND MARK JUST THE SAME. BEAVERHEAD GIRL IS LEADING Miss Miller of Powell County Also Does Well-Exactly What the Trip to St. Louis Fair Will Mean. S"toIothit.g min.t .1 9 haippened ttlav toi a big huti.h ef ti%.s. I'erita..s they gut snow,,l iI In the wayi to Itite. Anyway tI''y int'it lald, nill there i" a falling ofT in tihel total viti in . itt;ertten9e Only l,1)37 were imttlaitted Oif ( tl "te Ihlat , ldthi nl u i1 hig Vtlt ill liny orldilitry Inet .pt;qr titing tntri t At I tt Il , v liii err w lllll thinl k it illiorlnl ltls blut tiie linirr .itl uniti in ll n ititL isi ..ttiellhiing out of -r l MISS ANNVA M.ARCEAU Of I ulellna, one of the ,energe'tic LeI.s'i, anilud L'Ifrke crounty candidates lilthe Inter o!i ntaiini's i orld's MaiTr toun otlest.i , the ordlinary. It is a great Iig thing, anll Iwh i Ithe day's vote falls behlow as,yUo some. ihllug i wr.lng with the telegrailph wires. Light though thIe day's vote was. it lbrotugllt Ih griand totalil utp to J,-,3t4, and that looks putty gtod. \Iis D-lia I.nawhlr polled the llill(hest vte in it(. stiate todi:iv. securinlg,. 1Silt. i tine of thir ctiterlprising and briglht young lalitl contetingh in Lewi- and ('larkcet counity. oither ligh votesi in the State tloday follow: 11 M al;iiude Ih ll, Ilraverhealll ciounty.... r.uniS t1i.. (h.. lnio Miller, I'well ciuntiiy.... 737 Mhiat Mnhel licalinnnti. Powtell ctilllty... 704 .1i;. Clara littkaird, SilvCr How i.county.. 617 Thle Stiltr how coiunty lcader itnl;.y are as follow,: I. ,,s ( rllrn IHurk rd........................ 617 ,li,-n .\liec Javlsn ......................... 487 ib. .Ge ivna Ssmith........................ 252 .1i.s i)rt, irinst Miller li I'Pow.ell count.Iiy cast Ihvr irst big vote today. It exceercedl 7.91, anti iher i icejtI. indicate thait there are more big voties to follow. .itsi Miller is a typical .tltn tan.t girl, born in tihe. itate, the dtaughter of lthe piollersi, .\r. iandl .\lis. George .Miller. Al\r. Miller hinlcelf wan the son ofi a \Montana pl ,ne.I, i anll s, Miss lillhr i. Il a i tel et ntati e Lof lilt third lentrlati ln in the lati . She l hal l ia hi.t ol frirelit who have started tl n a cal-ll ji:lig i i hetr iltr .ei. .li I llHar trit (igtiY, al~o of Itowell contliy, ,'rived 3,31 vi.e tIodaiy in .li li.' t, allll indiT'a. tiIn lut !:hll" ha- fietltis in ihl t t -ctiIn of tIe ,tite whit :ire looking after her intti. 't1). 1 I, )i lia I.awlht r of ltI wi. i- lI and ('l:arlr e ttinily received 1,077 vote. ill Ittit" Itliay. The mail brought votea today to the ihoe lic fc or the fillowing oul t of itown candidates: .lis L.ill:. Selm. cltlt .,, livalll coutll c y; . Miss Ii)lia Lawler. Ice wit andl Clarkcl Mis Ethel (;i.hri,it Gran;ite; .Miss t;oodrich, let fer-'on; M11s Iily i!Royl, .rfeirrsoen; ti's lar:ia .rper, ravalli; M1is Mlabel lteauntont, IPwtll; Mis IFlorelnce toodtl, Park; Miss N.h11,t, Ilog t .ill, Mi.oitula; Miss i Entily TIay l·t. lt aiterhetid r Mihss Pearl ('Neill, NI.14. ,tiola;: , i Ir liriet tQuigley. IowII; Miss ir ,n,.e. ('9 oper, Tetlon; his ; enevicve Itloyn In. Lew andI (Clarke; Mi.s .ahhl tiSuperncant, . n i': i l isi Jutlia (ranit, leaverheatll Miss (;rac Iiray, iieaverheadti; iN Nannic Nrll Latit;hlin, Ilieaverhead; Mi loity ()hbds, Havy. AlXi; ulas Ethelt hilmbers, Rkvalli; I i-. Julia ('iltltly, I)er I.,udle; ..tiss .Mlabel MIcGreiguo, I ol .a.n i ld l late. "l'n:RIr te'lll l i lom ltlhirng about the liter iounttain's I trid IFair itr cntest of whicih I hear so much," wrlits an inl(luircr from' a ,di illt country. "I: hue Inter Mountain going S,.illl tI :.tiun to the St. Loii Fair tnext lt'hat is a sample ofil inquiries that cmne to ihi. iltiee eccy day, retu.ting fI't... laihure to rc.atl cl- -ely the varinut annottunccnimntos mtade. Ti lhi antI it. all ilther ihqlluirs lhr Inteb Al utiti;itn i0 delighted to .nnouncc ilhiat ii ltoet iot ri .op9 to ietid simply oie yttniilg Itlly to Ithe wVtrlIt'l Etir, but 30 of thI lm1, ttiid a :tait'rot 31 ltettple -1 told. And it i-i't go. iil. I.o give hlcnm a round trip ticket .jntl turn them tI,)c, it i, itliting to take the whole luarty in .plcial car- it. the fair and it it going ito ty .very cciiit .l exp.nre going and com 9 ing, at the fair aniiI all along the road. it i- gtting to treat cItll one of those young la]l.-'a jutt a. if it were hlcr otwni falthir. She will not have ti take a cent with her, for Ste-Ifather Inter Mounttin is going to be there t ilth a putroe to pay the expenses, MONTANA MINERAL EXHIBIT Montana is to have one of the greatest mita eral exhibits that has ever gone out of the Wcrst. I'rof. A. N. Winchell of the school of mines, is the chairman of the department of minerals fromn this state and is ill charge of the exhibit to be made at the \\urld's Fair. When seen by an Inter Mountain representative today he stated he was in communication with the owners and managers of all the big mines and smelters in the state and was conlident from the contents of the communications that he would be in a position to astonish even the Rocky Mountain states with the .Montana dis. play. "You can say," said Mr. Winchell, "that the prorgress made in the preparation for the clxhibit is rapid and that Montana will have the greatcst di:splay the world has even seen. Many Exhibits Promiaed. "I have been promised fine exhibits from the Farrell mines and meclttcrs, the .\malga. muted properties, the Clark vsproperties, the Ifeinze propertiesan and a numlber of smaller properties in the city. Then Ir.le out in the t::tr there will be exhibits from every county in the state. The only difficulty that I must face at this time is procuring aulhicicnt space :.te World's lair. "\\'hln I attended the Mining Congress In Ih:adswnod I met lMr. J. A. Holmes, who is ,'is: of tile departmt:nt of mines and metal. lurgy. lHe stated that he had requests cover. in: ttoure than three times as muchl space es there isu, but t bat he would do the very best tp,...iblc for the .Msntnsa exhibit, It seems tilt er,: :ay nt get the tlull io0,te squtare feet niskd for. but I ;,utl, ,.se this mnutiunt. Collections Coming In. "Several of thies ca.,eir. are r rnlmletcld and the onle from I:lath:rofd c,:-std in the ware. I.ou'e in this: city. S'C ral ,the- ciountles will sendll in their Collcctlion. at ,tice. And I would like you tio ate that . th xerio.:, exhibits slould he forwarded by tile last of January, Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest RI:AVERIIlAI) COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Manle iill, Roc ~ ....... ......... .... 5.332 1,o2a 6..357 Miss Lottie Mcintosh. Dillon.. .......:. ........" . 4.893 14 4, O7 Miss Nannie Mcl.oughlin, Dillon .............. ....... 2a.7 525 3.512 Miss Emily A. Taylor. Dillon ........................ .9 7 7 ',144 Miss Grace G. Gray, annack ........................ 845 15 86o Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon .................. . 59 . 599 Miss IEthel Squire, Dillon ................... 444 ....... 444 Miss Julia Grant, Lima.............................. . 147 5 142 Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lima.................... ... ..... 67 ....... 67 Miss Estelle Mac Rich, Dillon....................... 46........ 46 BROADWATER COUNTY Miss Maud Penwell. Townsend.........................5,67 5,678 ....... . Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend ........................ 3.464 ....... 3464 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.................. .728 ...... ,728 Miss Leila Parker, Townsend...................... 6 ..... 936 Miss Carrie Holoway, Townsend..................... 71 .. .. 78t bliss Mamie McRae, Townsend....................... .... 46 . . 462 Miss l.izzie Barker, Townsend.................. 9 1 .... . '9 CARBON COUNTY Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge ........... ......... .... .2832 ...... ,83 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Lodge ..................... 84J 842 Miss Jack Pullerton, Red ILodgc....................... 4"1 **.... 40s Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge.................... 174 ....... 374 Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge........................ 3 . ..... 3j Miss Eva Robbints, Red Lodge.............. ......... 2 ....1 2t Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge .................. .... ao ....... 20 CUSTER COUNTY Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City:.................. 887 ....... 887 Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City...................... 6 ....... 66 Miss Marion Gordon, Miles City...................... ...... 1r Miss Myrtle Johnson, Miles City ................... .......1. 2 Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City....................... 5 ....... 5 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City..................... 4 ...... 4 Miss Lula Wilson, Miles City......................... 4 ....... 4 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City..................... .............. Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City ............. ........... .. ... ........ . Miss Kate Burgel, Miles City......................... ............... Miss Bessie Huffman, Miles City...................., ............. Miss Daisy Haynes, Miles City....................... .... . ...... ..... CASCADE COUNTY Miss Nelly Short, Great Falls....................... a2,048 ...... .o048 Miss Netta Gervals, Great Falls ...................... .885 ....... ,885 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls....................... 168 *...... 168 CHOUTEAU COUNTY Miss Marion Auld, Havre............. .......... 92 ....... 92 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook............................. ... ............ Miss Cora Hassock, Havre........................... ........... DEER LODGE COUNTY Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda......ri. F..r........ 3.802 155 3.957 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda.........f............. 3,362 15 3,512 Miss Kitty Lyons, Anaconda.......... 4r.......... 2,484 It 2,495 Miss Blanche M. Salsbury, Anaconda ................. 1,664 13 1,798 Miss Elizabeth L Fitzpatrick, Anaconda.............. 1,67 ....... ,167 DAWSON COUNTY Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive......... vro............, 2,200 7 2,207 Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive....................... 1,880 a 1,882 Miss Ana Simms, Glendive........................... I,oo2 3 1,ooS Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive....................... . 581 ....... s9t Miss Hilda Foss, Glendive..... ........ .................68 .. 268 Miss Eflie Teeter, Glendive.......................... ...... o20 20 Miss Mabel Batchelor, Glendive..... ., ............. . .. . 12 Miss Frances Lee, Glendive.......................... .o ........ 1o Miss Franc s Johnson, Glendive......................., 3 ...... 3 Miss H. May Johnson, Glendive...... .... ......... 2 ******, a2 Miss Aria Mack, Glendive .............,,..,......... .. ....... FLATHEAD COUNTY Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell...........*re..-.. ...** * 4,281 383 4.664 Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell .............,",....... 1,637 7 1,644 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell....... ...r..... .... . a 608 6o8 Miss Maude Fauver, Kalispell.......... .. *........ 409 *.*.**** 409 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kaliape.ll..... ,, * *............ 4o ........ 40 Miss Julia Gildca, Kallapell......... ... . .. ....... ............. Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispell.... ., .................. ....... ...... Miss Donna Schenck, Libby........... ................ ..... ....... FERGUS COUNTY Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown......,....... .... s,3 ....... 2.396 Miss Mable Suprenaunt, Lewistown.... ............. 7(o 26 726 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown..................... 66o 66o GRANITE COUNTY Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond.......... .......... 778 31 1,809oo Miss Catherine Perraut, Philipsburg.,................ 1,778 ....... 1,778 Miss Lily Royal, Drummond........... .. .. 1,622 86 1,708 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg...................... 1.338 1,338 Miss Myrtle Clark, Phillpsbtrg..... r. ..*...... ..... 781 ...... 781 Miss Gertrude Shearer. Granite................. 7 5 . « 71 ..... 57s GALLATIN COUNTY- I Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman......P.............. 2,688 66 2.754 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman........,. ............ :.570 . 1...... 570 Miss Grace Griffin, Bozeman....... ................. .,,116 47 1,163 Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozeman...........,......... 660 502 1,I62 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade .............. ........ 835 .... 835 Miss Mamle O'Connell, Bozeman.................... 795 ....... 795 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman................... ... 576 ..~. , 576 Miss Mamie Stringfield, Bozeman....... ............. 215 .... 15 JEFFERSON COUNTY Miss Josie Noonan, Basin................. ..... '.r r 12,0 .... 85 12,085 Miss Regina Bear, Basin...........'......... ..... 3,157 ....... 3,157 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall....................... z.585 29 1,614 Butte Intel Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over y7 years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citisens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Dow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote is one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shell have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. selL. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October g, sand close Tuesday evening at 7 o'clock, January rg, g904. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. Al] coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted tor. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly inter Mountain ........................................... . ... ....... . Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 7s Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, SI, a special coupon of So Votes (Paid in Adv .neSfubscriptfons.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly sa mot '$2a, a special coupon of soo Votes (Paid in Ad as Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain i month, 7oc, a special cuopon of ............. (Paid in Advqns' Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.oo, a special coupon of............ (Paid in Advqnce Subscriptions.)........... 250 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountaki, If months, $7*.s, a special coupon of...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions., ........... soo Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the 'hedqusrters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point asmed below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evening papers as they must be gone over and selected froth before sending to the fair. "The agent of the commission, C. K. . Mur dock, has covered Jefferson, Lewis and Clarke4 Powell, Missoula, Meagher and Cascade coun. ties, and is now in Granite selecting material. There are the remaining eotunties yet for him to visit, and it is desired that the work will be completed with i)ecember, "IC. \V King of cergus county has promised some interesting exhibits from the cyanide process nowu in use in the great Kendall mines of that county. There will also be other models of this itnteresting process of extracting gold frln the ore. B. & M. Exhibit. 'in th Iloston & Montana exhibit there wil be ta mtodel showing the various processes through tae ores must go from the time they are dumped into the chutes till the metals are Rured into the ingots. The model smelter kill show these different stages and the neces sary paraphernalia through which they must pass. Other mining companies promise mod els of all kinds which will be equally interest. "hg and instructive. "llut copper, gold, silver are not to be the only ores and mineral products from this state. Lead, gypsum, coal, granite, marble, graphite, onyx, porcelain, brick, clay and other ores, stones and relative products will be included. There will also be a complete display of the jc..sls native to the state." Exhibit From Ceylon Isle, San Francisco, Nov. I2,--John Ferguson, LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena ........................... 3,436 i,t13 4,549 Miss Mable McGregor, Helena ....................... 3,5t1 350 3,85r Miss Genivive Boynton, Helena ..................... 1,852 53 2,905 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena................................ 186 o ,882 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena ......................... ... 1.59 ....... 1,590 M iss Anna Marceau, Helensa ........................ 794 ....... 794 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena.......................... .. .. 56 ....... 62 Miss Myra Trerise, Helna............................. 99 ....... a99 MADISON COUNTY Miss Maud Northway, Enis ............... ...... 1,496 ...... 1,496 Miss Fanaie C. Reif, Virginia City............... ....1 ... .318 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City.................... .o47 ....... 1,47 Miss Gertie Kohis, Virginia City ..................... 627 ....... 627 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis .......... ............... 515 ....... 515 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan..........~............. a ...... a MEAGHER COUNTY Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs......... 6,265 ....... 6.265 Miss Catherine REes, White Sulphur Springs...... 4.172 ....... 4.175 Miss Argall Anderson. White Sulphur Springs.... .. 1,o63 ....... 1,o63 Miss Eva Hartfield, White Sulphur Springs........ ... ....... ...... ....... Miss Efe Tipton, White Sulphur Springs.................... ............. Miss Maud Fuehs, White Sulphur Springs ....... ....... .............. MISSOULA COUNTY Miss Nellie Lonastaff, Missotla..... ................ 2,137 45 2,182 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoul~ ........................ r,80o 16 1,816 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown ...................... 1,697 ....... 1,697 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula ............................ 302 13 315 Miss May Drago, Missoaula....................... nr6 ....... a6r Miss Bessie Taylor, Missoula.......................... 2 .......7 127 PARK COUNTY Miss Etta Hruza, Livingston ............ ............ .,33. 8 5,341 Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston................. ...... 3.618 116 3,764 Miss Florence Goodson. Livingstosa................... r.329 79 1,408 Miss Maud H. Vance, Livingston.................... ....... 814 Miss Nannie Nicol, Livingston ...................... .q533 .... 532 Miss Edna Driscoll, Livingston ............................ ; 13 Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston ....................... 8 ...... 8 Miss Edna Turner, Livingston.............. ......... ....... Miss Rose Hansen, Livingston ...................... .............. ...... POWELL COUNTY Miss Mable Beaumont, Deer Lodge ................... 4.323 704 5,027 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir........................ 2,221 351 2,573 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge................... 330 737 1,o67 Miss Annie Daly, Helmvlle.......................... 2 S 2 27 RAVALLI 'OUNTY Miss Floy L. Olds, Victor............................ 2.952 93 3,045 Miss Laura Harper. Hamilton........................ 2.978 $ 2,983 Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton.................... . ,t122 53 1,175 Miss Mattie tiggins, Stevensville ................... 74 ....... 7474 Miss Lilla Semamos, Hamilton ....................... 693 5 698 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis ....... .......... 455 ....... 455 Miss Daisy Bond. Hamilton........................ 292 ....... 29 Miss Corca Adams, Hamilton .........................89.... 89 ....... 89 ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Flcy Westaby, Forsyth ........ ...... r........ 3.4n ..... 3,403 Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth...................... 633 ....... 633 Miss Mayme Hammond, Forsyth..................... 4 ....... 4 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Alice Jackson. Butte ........................... 4.944 487 15.431 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte..................... ....... 13,956 226 14,182 Miss Nell Lloyd, Butte.............................. 0.254 S o,0,306 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte.......................... 6,91 617 7.530 Miss Geneva M. Smith. Butte ....................... 66,38 252 6,570 Miss Nellie Dusly, Butte............................. 4.656 136 4,792 Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte........................ 4.247 17 4,264 Miss MainIe McNamara, Butte....................... 4.088 z6 4,10o4 Miss May Rodda, Butte............................ . 3.533 57 3,590 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte ........................ .... 1.40 8 1,410o Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte............ ............ 1,087 34 z,121 .,.iss Kayte Jones, Butte ............................. 6o6 14 650 Miss Olive E. Beakey............................... 551, So 609 Miss Belle Edwards. Butte. .........................- 560 11 571 Miss Margaret Loughria, Butte ......................... 476 23 499 Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte ..............*............. 408 5 423 Miss Agnes Harrington. Butte ....................* . 35 35 ; SWEETGRASS COUNTY Miss May Marley, Big Timber..................,,.: 5,00 ....... 5,099 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Timber...................... 2,68. ....... 2,682 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber........ ............. -2,1o9 ....... 2,109 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber................. ..... ..... ........ TETON COUNTY Miss Francis Cooper, Chouteau......... .-.-......... 9 9 z8 Miss Katheryn Kennedy, Chouteas ................ 3 ...... 3 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby... ........ .... ... ......... ....... VALLEY COUNTY Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow . ........... ........ ri,8so ....... I,8or Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow ..................... o50 ..... 5o YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings .............. ...... .66 ....... .66 Miss Dora Rademaker, Billings..................... ,26 ....... ,26 Miss Mable Ross, Billings........................... 95 ....... 195 Miss Della Walters, Billings.......... .......... 18,1 ....... 183 Miss Alice Walk. Billings...... ........ ........... 8 .... 8 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings......... ................... Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings..........,,,,,,,,............... ...... Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings.........,............................. Withdrawn .................................... 31.705 ....... 31,705 Total ........................... ................. 293,267 9,o37 302,304 Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson............... ........................... Dillon Broadwater County-Byrne Bros............................................... Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Iieckox .......................... .......... Red Lodge Cascade County--Thomas Hodge ........................................... Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane...................... ................. ort Beaton Custer County-J. . Arnold. .................. ....................... iles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson......... . ........................... Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain fice.......................,.. .................Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornel .......................................... Lewistow Flathead County-Walter Hunt ............................................. allapell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ........................................................ Boaeman Granite County--Clharles William ........................ .............. Phlipsburg Jefferson County--L. . Riddell, Boulder; J. H. Rule............................. Basin Lewis and Clarke County--Moore ook and Stationery Company ..............Helena Madison County-James Powell............. .................................... Virgin City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb ................ ............... White Sulphur Springs Minsoula County-Winstanley's Office............... ........................ Missoula Parks County-Bnghat m lHinman...................................... Livinrpton Powell County--T'he Kenyon Store... . ...........................................Deer Lodg Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts ....... .............................................. Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simona........................................... oytb Silve Bow County-Inter Mountain Udle............................... B' . Valley County--liss Bertha Kempher.............,................................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake. .......................................... ......... (.Cloteau Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley........ ................ .... ........B illings Swetgras County-L. M. Hungerford............... ..... ................ Big Timber - ,., ,,,_..... VOTE o_ Nov. 19, 03 T ./ C0UPON -d/JTB8 VOT- C. N O. - A '.F E the oldest working journalist in Asia, edi tor of the Colombo Observer, the leading .daily of Ceylon, where he has resided for the last 42 years, is here as special com missioner to the World's Fair, where Ceylon will make an interesting display, In discussing the conmmercial develop ment of Ceylon, Mr. Ferguson said that the exports of tea last year amounted to Izo,ooo,ooo pounds, worth between $2o, ooo,ooo and $25,oon,ooo, The old-time coffee industry is now practically dead, the exports having dwin dled from $a5,ooo,ooo worth a year to less than $5o,oou worth. Last year Ceylon -hipped ;6,ooo,ooo pounds of dessicated cocoanut, and s3,ooo,ooo cocoanuts, the (Continued on Page Eight,)