Newspaper Page Text
Fifty Years the Standard BAKING POWDIR Improves the flavor and adds to the healthfulness of the food, PRIOE BAKING POWDER 00., ONIOAGO, HOLD UP A SALOON SI'PYEIAL TO TILE INTI'R MOU NTAIN. Lewistown, Nov. Is.- The advent of the rail road with its train of hangers-on and the com ing of winter has borne fruit in the shlape of a hold-up of it saloon, which occurred last event. ing. Two masked men armed held up the occu pants of Il~gle & .:t.udt's brewery, about hall a mile south of town. They made everyone present elevate their arms skyward and then proceeded to go through their pockets. The robbers took fright before they got any thing and fled. Ed Suprenant. one of their victims, fired several shots after them in the darkness as they were fleecing, but without effect. Later two men who in decription correr sponded to the robbers, were arrested in a hay mow. 'They refused to give their names. L. D. HOWARD HOME ROBBED Missoula. Nov. 12.-Wh-\ ile Mrs. Howard and her son L. D. Howard were at the opera house last night, thieves entered their apartments in the Coleman flats through the dining-roomn window. The prowlers rummaged among bureau drawers and generally turned over the valuable effects, but seem to have taken nothing of value, overlooking several arti cles of considerable worth. Jones' Dairy Farm Sausag., .t P. J. Brophy's. LUTEY'S 45-47 W. Park. Phone 68 Thanksgiving Suggestions Notice our big front win dow, full of good things. A pretty tempting dis play. You simply can't resist buying when Rais. ins, Apples, figs, Dates, etc.. are so cheap. Fresh New Crop California Figs; full pound packages; choice quality, toe; extra fancy package..........12 1"-24 Seeded Raisins; fine large California Raisins; seeded by machinery; full potund package, toce and......12 1-24 Finest Fard Dates; pound1........150 Richelieu Boiled Cider; pint bottle, 25c; quart bottle ..........,m ......... 400 Choice Red Apples; iI poulnds, asc; heaping basket.................... 150 Fine Wealthy Apples; large box ................................ -1.00 Alexander Apples (finest we have ever seen), cheap at, per box-........~,125 Popping Corn Finest Popping Corn; every kernel pops: package miakes 8 quarts; 3 pack. ages tor.................. ......... 254. Popcorn Poppers, quart size...... 154 Two-quart ............................2 0 Perfection, Corn Popper, opens without burning your fingers...........25... Finest Citron and Lemon Peel, per pound..........................200 Comb honey; full franmes, choice quality.............................. 100 Extra Fancy W\hite Frames,....... 15 Finest Vostizzas in the world: abso. lutely cleaned; ready to put right into your cake or pudding; pound.... 150 Aromatic Spices You'll be surprised how mucll more savory Tillman's Pure Aromatic Spices will make your Tlhanlksgiving dinner. Fresh Meats Rear of Our Bakery Department: Prime Legs Mutton, pound.......100 Shoulder Mutton Chops; 6 lbs...2,, Ribbon Mutton Chops, 4 pounds.,~25 Loin Mutton Chops, 3 pounds...250 Prime Mutton Stew, to pounds..25, 4 Fresh Fish Strictly Fresh Red Salmon, lb...100 Strictly Freslh HLalibut, lb....12 1-2" Fresh Codfishl, pound.........1......1 New York Counts, per dozen.....tO4 TRAILBLAER IS CONE HEZEKIAH VAN DORN PASSES AWAY AT HIS RANCH IN THE BIT TER ROOT. RIC:'IAl. T(O TiIl INTER MotN'T.AIN.. Missoula. Nov. , .--Another trailblazer has crossed the grcat divide in the pelIrnn of Ilezekiah Van DIorn, forty-niner aid for mlany years an lhonl'red resilcent of this section of Montana. II dlied at his rnlch on .Miller creek where he had resided, since the early days of Montana. lIe was 80o ycn:s -of age, having beenl lorn in Covington. Ky.. in 18-3. lie crossed the plains to California in 18').j and later mined along the Columbia river and lived for a uilmlber of years at \\alla Walla. Wash. lie moved east in ,85, living in ,ra.s Valley. then lie located on .Miller creek. It was in the barn at his ranch that the vigi lantesb in iRat4 hanged (; erge Shears, a mnlember of the nictorious l'luntnser gang who had hbeen pursued from Virgiia i ily. He leaves a widow and six grownl chihlren. E. B. BRADEN GETS HIGH PLACE WITH COMPANY Appointed Northwestern Manager for the American Smelting and Re fining People. SP.ECIAL TO TilE INTEI"R MOt'NTAIN. East Helena, Nov. ia.-E. . I, Braden, manager of the smelter here of the Ameri can Smelting & Refining company, has been appointed northwestern manager for the company and placed in charge also of the company's smelter at Everett, Wash., and the Monte Cristo mine owned by the company near the Puget Sound town. Mr. Braden has 'been in charge of the East Helena smelter since about three years ago, when hlIe resigned the position of assayer in charge of the Ilelena assay office. He is rapidly developing into one of the most thorough smelter men in the Northwest. Mr. Draden was formerly a itembler of the firm of Bapty & Braden, assayers in Butte. SENATOR CARTER IS HOME Talks of Political Outlook and Recent Elections in the East, SI'ECIAI. TO TilE INTE'R MOt'N TAIN N Helena, Nov. za.--Ex-Senator T. If. Carter has returned from the East where he made speeches in Ohio, taking the place of Senator J. B. Foraker, who was ill, and also went to St. Louis where he gathered data for the use of the president in his forthcoming message to conlgress relative to progress on the St. Louis fair buildings, Mr. Carter being chairman of the federal board. Mr. Carter says that the republicans gen erally won a great victory in the recent election, with the exception of in New York and Maryland. The New York re sult will not have any effect on national politics while, he says, the Maryland result was largely of ql !cal character, Senator Gorman was betndling eery energy to carry his state with a view perhaps of strength ening his chances before the democratic national convention. SHE DIES ON AN EXPRESS Miss Sarah Knowles of Nebraska Taken From Burlington Train. SPECIAL TO TIlE INTER dMOUNTrAIN. Missoula, Nov. 2z.-Death overtook Miss Sarah Knowles of Lincoln, Neb., a passenger on No. S, the Burlington, west bound yesterday afternoon as the train was at Bonita and her body was removed front the train here. She was traveling with Miss Etta Caton, also of Lincoln, in the tourist sleeper and expected to stop off at Spokane to visit some brothers and sisters. They have been notified of her death. LLEWELLYN ROBERTS FOUND Missoula, Nov. Ir.-A special to the Missoulian from Hamilton says that Llewellyn Roberts, who was lost in the mountains in the Owl creek country, has been rescued by the Cross Camp outfit. Roberts wandered in the mountains for four days and nights without food. The searchers found him famished and ex hausted at 9 o'clock Sunday night, He will recover from his terrible experience, Jailbreaker Recaptured. Lewistown, Nov. 2..-John Roberts, one of the three prisoners who broke fromn the county jail Tuesday, has been captured at Kendall. The other two when last hehrd of were making for Fort Benton and the sheriff expects to capture them soon. SAM AUSMAN WINS M'LAUIGHLAN SUIT JUDGMENT FOR $40 AND COSTS FOR HIM IN DEPARTMENT ONE OF THE DISTRICT COURT. OVER PURCHASE OF SALOON Ausman Says He Gave $40 to McLaugh lan to Bind Contract-Deal Failed, but He Did Not Get $40 Back. Judge 1liarney thik mtorninitg heard tli proofs of the piaintilf in the justice court appeal case of Sutn A\.tsntan agmintst ,1. I. Alcl.aulthhn. Th- case ,as hefure thl court yesterday for trial, hut the delfetildt defaulted and the hiariing (if the protI here. thetn set for today. AtiiItman gave his evidence i tl gott t jfidgin( nt for $.to aid tl.c s. Ili, alttrti . I. II. I;lliwiu, stated to the court, frim the complaint o11 fil, t;hat Aus\11.a111n h,1 which AusntIIn agreed to pay $1..(, I,,& the Klondike salooni l 11 I';1 Pa.irk .stret,. :ni111 that; A.\usrtnI.i hd paid $4o on tlhe put chase pt ice. Alleged Repudiation. li' tadled that AustutaIs agreemenltlt wts to pay $t,,tn in e:sh an I give .1el.aulgh i1n a mortgage on 111thle aln for the h;a ltn , hilut that after the $jo was pail Ml nl.;zl ghlalnl repudiated the contrllT :nnt refuseld to rtlrn thil $.4i. of good faith iiThe hiearing was tlil e briefi . the I l.t) e the lurt alsking hitm l ly te.iu. Judgment and Costs. "\t.. . AusiIn. are the hlteg.tit tns i this c,,.tlplaint all true?" the lawt :er asked. '"lthey are," said the slitiess. "Ilid 111 yot perform youtr part iof the cen tract?" asked the olllttrlt. "I did." et urnd Ithe litigant. "lul.,ntent for the li niditili, with co.s, " said the etI.rt, tll the nearilng was tS i.. FAVORS FORCE AT DENVER ELECTIONS LEAGUE FOR HONEST UtALLOT SAYS WINCHESTERS SHOULD BE. TAKEN TO THE POLLS. CHARGE WHOLESALE FRAUDS League De:lares Thousands of Illchal Votes Were Counted at the Re cent Denver Election. a1' .ASll Al Al11 I' It t i.iS. I )citevt' r. i ol ., Nov. il. (lit I Iiti, of rr1e;. have bpleen advi. it t l e ai tl r thle l ,,I Io('nvention r tiocti ill on tcmlber I nrtl t iii y the L agttor ue for itlne t I':lctin.. ,facrt. ll ftlres t' dw rtI. e rll c stalte hi g i that i reilrr , i tlcclict ion ri i this cityt , r t h an llcil itl 1I' sipeaker orpenly charI lllt llhat Ihe prlitht III of tliht ire and pdliv e ho :di, the chiei of pollic. tald oirand Her Son rtBe Foundhe , imajorl of tie city jtoucil who aplpro.d lthe ppnl ,II ment of dihlhuont t'htketionl jmugxe aid aI dt trict aittorney who failed ti . Wpro t,cuitL cl tii thitteves, wer the partity repoiin lhle iifor prelenlt deplorable state of l a air. Al torney lph Taltfew year declared in liavl of having n menus, n atd withr Wiinchstlrei io this c.iy cicrs. in the downtown wards, wherea rit llli esolection days it rampant, rtll to lt d th ti i blood for the Irotll t a t thene t election, all. hii IuggII tion was waltlly seconded ih Rov. Ih nry V , I'iW t hnin, of thev hlndrend c itt nton irmen cheerd - terl say .tnd the apper al fottd ir livin ge l,' to fight, i y jail untile for an e ould le fction. PITIABLE CONDITION OF A WOMAN ONCE HAPPY Mrs. Annie Maine Sent to County Hos pital, and Her Son Will Be Found, if Possible, Another Hohere. Mrs. Anni. . ai Spe ho wa broeiv ght t the city jail yesterdaty in a d nen tenled ca.n1 dition from strong drink, was taken to traie ounty hospuita this alfternoon. Her. Mrs.-yar-old sn,,who has been living 'ith her, willi belovcred for y te chwas ritable i stitutio as of tMrs.e city util so call place ast him can he found. The case of thMrs. eai is saderi ou A few years ago s!i e wa living with her husband and three hisitedn in this city. A misunderstade dig arse and twh hou and left, takingthy of the ehiers hoslret of Mrs. Maine kept one bhy, a bright littlh fellow, nis withd ook in laundry work to akeaveent. a living. She bega some drfun ing and for some tie Sc has been addicted to the se of liquor. Thr case was brought to the attention of the Florence Crttenton irclet. and yes terday the officers found her living in Wyoming alley in squalor. She was taken to the city jail until her case could be fur ther investigated. This morning she had an attack of epi lepsy and l)r. Sullivan was called to at tend her. MRS. W. 0. SPEER'S LOSS Mrs. W. O. Speer has received ,a tlle,. gram announcing the death of her mother, Mrs. Ilatchach, in Davenport, iowa. The death of this beloved woman was not un expected, as Mrs. SlIcer was called East some months ago because of the serious illness of her mother, returning only 'a few weeks since. Mrs. Hlatelach visited this city some years ago and made many friends, who re. member her for her loveable nature and quick intelligence shown on all occasions, and the sympathy of Mrs. Speer's host of friends is with her in this bereavement. There'd be some fun in being a grocer if all his goods were like Schilling's Best on money. back terms. The world hasn't got there yet. IS ANNIVERSARY OF DEATH OF MR, DALY MASS CELEBRATED IN ST. PAT RICK'S CHURCH IN MEMORY OF ONE OF MONTANA'S GREAT. WHAT HE DID FOR THE FAITH Rev. Father DeSiere Tells of the Many Benefactions From Mr. Daly to Catholics of Montana. Thi i the 'nt nit er ar 1f Itr Jh ,th ,t 1ar -I'|1, I l y, .ul l t t lt, t i ' i ltn 1;. 1.1, . ' : I. i t hI tale ai t S.t, I',1t11'. ',, i a ' 11 lih th , , 111,l llltl T he (till t ,ii . itN . :1. t t't I i ll. I It n lit; ll i t i. r(;l l.' rian tlll ntu* .lid, th*e ;..I.i .-I ' |I \, " I ttlaI l )I n I I . Ilse . t. l 1.ttl t tilth T r111 11 itt it t it 1titil .. I ,11 I".tll 1 t1 tto Iv I . rl, . I,'r . Na lth t I,. u,1tu ,=I. ,.. 111r- ?,11 ,,1- l, Bi ADYlhOl R II I N.d I . , 11..Il t I II, It . I ItI n c 11 . i , \. 11. . tll It tnl 14 litti the iti1. hr ,' . i";l lht . , Ih Sl, I' ":.u L l l ,;" 111.11 11111.; 111;tl the, .11,'111,11I I .", I- 1..1 h1. .;. 1 It 1 $4 11 11 I I l ll II l t .t l i It tll. 1 11 111. i.t( 1 t.'.. 11.1 1. I 11111 t \ll l d , \ h,,f h,' ..l ,h( ur . u. ,.1,.h Iy 11i, its it ; b h11 .11 1.. 11 . o 1 .. a ~ 1'.I ."I t 'oNll e i'r th. I sI hI tt i Fo EIItt.nI in h i - al -i ,. (IllS·,,| I I t) I ,' A ,S.l A;"li. . I II i .I Both by hi onvettito.n Lht Il htio ,Dslhol Hie II h llc' Id itll \ . .1e, . .norl ,1t I '..1s , u 1' lilll h i'i h i i t ll ,: hi l l t ,,t i ha . in It i 1t iti 'htpl r.( .,111 41 .il h ll t Ill ti h i. 11 %,tl at hl ' fl ( u .l i h l hll c h ulc i1 1 m, 1 allh. I 11. .1 tl;r cI.1 (l l IL ( jlw. 11,1, (l.(1 (1 . '"1. . ;11 1!" lith h 11 ,11.1 i.t lihe In n ,1 ..l h., l lit . t t to l rl i tl " inl et ' ,it i" fin + 1." , h .I \l,,l.l,"ih, :i i:,l 0,1l).0 lhi h r 1.. ,; th.' ;", .llh .I i s lt'o II lht 6 KILLED AND TWO BDALY HURT IN A WRECK I11 .\:.: 11 1. 1111it Itlil ' ,t I. :iin to;l , I y., ., v. I' . . lth pl d 'ne' ll a,;g, l.s"c. it tl here' ll'pa.l ., .i t elcl t'i ly Inhay usc.n Nits, Holhp, ly. Inli Lic'h ,i.. , n\ wer\ Iihl . .% .h ath Iw' h treight i,,( theu .,nits ilh & t S h si\hI ll mtl' Lnoltl r l. ( I. Ji.ll, T ', ll " h1. 1."1 111111 1.' i . I( . c'nmlqlilely lhn,,lih,.d. Several .,", .w .' ullleh r the wlere ag ':np.;s1( lril. \ ,, 1iroi l% i; liu 1"'llllnill ;ll,1 l'el stl 'mnlll a11l I'ir.mili John l, vnbIl-. \\ ihlllan I.yh' ! t n l I.;,wh ;. w .i, I ilhl l. ". I,. m1 11,. , hilt 6 to .,, h.1l hi.. i.nw I"lIi tll ;i llI I.I >,1) u 11. ;t1 h. I l h;il hI. i", ,I1 ill,. I'd \\ailk r. Ihakruu n, w ;, b:aMlly in j 'ur l. INVESTIGATE NIELSON WRECK No New Facts Ehlicited From Examina tion of Steamer's Crew. 11"f AS .- tlA IOlf 1 tl I'Ii N , x Siln Fralli- t , Now, i. I' as-cl'sr j. K. ull l ( 'p ilnl Ithlh.e, be(huga an in. hiry vt'"i re ty in lt rllyh -: ikely io tile 1la." of thil t.Ictt nlr 'hatirl .. ln dn. -Th, monfil l l ll Tl.i. 1" ;;plain It lte .le unl ai l titrllr I lill t."I of, Il l,, ct'i' i rtl'll taken witlloul n, il fact, laill hlb .,.htpQait. AI th , rii(in rt!h;ii.' it xrlal l l ; hr I ' cw i l ittn of the Santllhe ., lic:, ,l;o N il 1h11l tith',n tliree m ileh' ( II i. l... .r Iu, ,, lie .;.w th., v, l ;The w,, .,l N ,.,n. Tlhe wreck w%&a hei.; ,. , l by a collier, prolablly tily I.lidhh. WILL NOMINATE IN CHICAGO Both Big Conventions Likely to Be Held in Windy City. 1\a',hinh Ilton, N,.v. I.!. 'illnatlr h ulimita, ch':irmlal of ltI. ripublicaii loni mitte. expect, It, aill Ihilat h,,dy I.t,.ether 1. rl) in IDeee1idiiwr. It i, lprlalilel that the rielpblican ,.o vnlion will r1o In ( ilci.;um S:m Francisco pei plr have oi i rrd 1,i,: ill .htleeti 'ts anld St. I. s wi', Waillt it, but it is trti ' l i ii S im I'ra wiicil is tl. fat ai . h::l I the \\ o. .i's Fair at St. Looit: will i ake Ii ta, city inl il-alica h.l , I hic'il te or,,lnh, vecsl l ullh the .ith or:ill , national i'iilit'illil w~ill b.. hi-hl in tlhr cihy also. TRANSPORT THOMAS' VOYAGE Ran Into a Typhoon and Suffered Con sideracble Damage. S.;i Franci-c. , v. I .. The tIransport 'Thaonu s airivIl last night fro-m 1Mlila. • In hal nI hr,:il n (' lomplnl is' II andl f t:th Seveiinth ;cavalry. I,.c,ili,'s I14 ecn l',t.l m10I, I ': .~ i"l , .2t sick, .2 ilSO le a ,al .;, pri5 mers. 'Th, "'Tho;na"; after l"av ing N ;,ct::,ski r:ln into :I s, t 'r," typhoon ;:nut ' f,,iferrd (:rcln",id r'I; l e dan;}elc fIo.In FREDERICK J. HAAS IS DEAD He Claimed to Have Been First Brewer of Lager Beer in America. BIY A*.4,0( A' IA I',i/ , II , New York, Nov. bI.-c Frehriik J. Illas, who claimed to he the first brewer of Inger ler in Anmrica, is deiad at his homie in 'renton, N. .. Hle came from (;er many ii 1i848 ill compny with the late General Franz Siegel. GIOLOTTI WILL NOT RESIGN Italian Premier Accedes to Insistence of the King. IV AS I.-oi I iAi.) R SI'a IS, IRome, Nov., 2.- P'remier Giolotti, yielding t to the insisihtn'e of King Victor lmllmlanuel, has aba);lndonell(d his intlllen.llentio of resignillng. $300,000 FIRE IN ALBIA, IA. BY A SOC(IA'I'I:) t I'l..iH; .S Alhin, Iowa, Nov. I.- Fire that lsartred in L.ove's dlrygoods store here early today de stroyed a block ,f ibusiness hmuseut entailing a loss estimated cat $300o,0o. Philadelphia Firm Bankrupt. IvY ASiSOCIAfti:t) t'iii:ss. Philadelphia, Nov, r..--'The firm of Strauss & Co., importers and wholesale dealers in millinery goods, has been ad judged bankrupt in the United Slates dis trict court. The liabilities are estimated at $aro,goo; assets, $101,200. Joseph Potter was appointed receiver. Continued illness of the senior proprietor is the cause attributed for the failure, JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSING" Cram's Atlas of the World, 1903 edition, v.:th. handsome up-to-date map of Montana, Is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $7,o5 for one year in advance. The special oe. vote coupon is also ancluded. A Buck's Heater MEANS A SMALL COAL BILL 111 lm. j)st Mioa)l(1l I it caload of lHiitk ', 1I 1111 re. I his sIIhoud I)l golod nows to tlhosoe wio are* striving to miaiko 'evry d0ollar 1go aIy ftr ase possilel; 14 1 111150 3he .'u1111 1y1ou nha IL 1(oom1)1 of gSiven Size with a o lllnJJer elit loek's Ileliter tharn yon would' 1) eluIre of anyi otherit8no Size for siieo, theyl 11 loss fuel and pololk e0 11101'0 u 11 thi any heaItel's tio. With i t ioderate a11111IIti of litt ltt I nu tiles, t 110% 0101)n0 dlos Iiti an1 l(p4lcnded ol to start whhit lit l reokindlling at nng tilen tio' witht Iti4 houIrs. 'Ihlly 1re not only the hest an UMI tit l (101jlst Iii iitos iawe hobit. thIly ar1, thle Piet t est ii11 iiiost eiunlile. O( n)i ltlt of tlho prev'ailing *ondiiiotni in Ilii1ti, veil will li114 oiu! 1101t10 jPrises fully it third losl tiani Intt Wilsoi. No. II Buck's Vista Heater (?uli( l .114 iii tittl-.I ct l I I 41 , il ti l Ii t he (1. I e () ek h t 4 lii at 1 4'r pric rr 4v111ma - wi llre41. I ii i 4 44iu 1 11114 .cl %4t4 il' 444 4u ii .d ll a IllI.r w4 ti' 4illll ly Irvt4,: Lo 4 ttl '()ll l' 1 ilck of liint( mt I t), aii tlltn1th , I) ll pt lill. ii k 11 ii , 4 1111 . $'7.50 No. 15 Buck's Vista Heater Ii . 41 tiit 4lc 4 font" 4 1.1a+ l, lirh eli lipi e iolltu r ue 11414 4 4 .5 5 il 11r 1141. It )I44(1 t tI4444 I 1 ant i me4l; 1 1101 .414 11 fii 44 .1 % 14441414444 o il t 1111 4 '41141 4 W(II 1 hair i44int(l.l i4, I lic, it 4 11 .................... . . ....$12.50 No. 13 Buck's Dewey Beater A grandii C'eoT444444 oiIiI tttetr er ikl lu e -cr e'.,~le 441.1 CIt I 14. il%%l1llli IIII' I tutu kt i L a rich 11,1.. ltd t.. A vcY y Ii~ u-.I ll ,1 .11 4 1 Ic sIteI fur ................... ........ .......... .................$1 5.00 No. 2B Buck's Hot Blast 11.1% peris hed hel 110 1>, 1111144 iny Le . I u Iii. I 11114414 4144 444I 1i 1444 Ilsi eIder 4IIn ) thle r ie, 14.4 I tiill) t II alie 141 Ito h )41e e 144444 neat h li um', 11 1114. 1 4 144;4k41e44 a h itter lilt, . 1 .II I 4).c ll ie III'g Ith .+ I I4.1414 I;N li ttt. 'I Ili, I 1.r h its as 4 , lIl4 i4 leer- 1101 ~. i 11144 . ........................... .... $19.50 No. 6B Buck's Bot Blast 1 4 4144111 t i the 111· 11 4 p n ,e"' . l lil N- X i,. t h. 4 ) 41 a I ic 4444.t et, e cganlt 4cl I 44 1141 .441 141,1": Itim144i441) w h4 1.41 e 144 4444,444 1 ii 111 4 11 1.14 i .' I 4411 l Ie 4441 :1 41t .144il steel i44II. \\1( t 111 t i .en4 ii 4 t i 44 111 1 1 i4II it e 114114 I :II ( 4 .4a It 1:a k II 4 41 .1.% Jl, 4 4 1 1 44 1 44 h ii . ill %,lit.44)4444l. 'Ii 11.i ..4- ............$2 6.50 Mail Us Youtr Orders We Pay the Freight YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD Brownfield:Canty Carpet Co. 48 to 54 West Park, 41 to 43 Went Galena Street, Butte. WHIT OF MANDAMJUS SUPREME COURT DIHECTS ORDER AGAINST JIJDGE HARNLY OF BUTTE COURT. S1i A,. 11 I II 1i lly (1 Ilit Sit ,'1.11 i n. i .1iii i. liga `: t . 1 I . t t it il. y 11 i , , ,ll f lI' oIll' lhi' ",ll l io t tl i II ti 1I~ 11'\ o.'11t" aoI 1; s ill ! . f nuJ l n her l ,l l, i I Jll l ' I. \\. IIn:tll B .,ikllayl er hAii AgIni , t.iil' wUhi A ir lo, l it l wi I't-In ' t i- eIIte' mIn.h t a p-lt 'l!,' 1ilt , pillalI Ils ti'ty of \\;lIrIm \ilpo , 11'11~l1 llh In A i I. I ii Ill a.lir :laii, -11I .''' iiiy I, )1 . ;i i l hio 11,, 111. 11 i 11. i Ihl. ity wi , lis ilill Ji lloy1 f isO L. aillll 1 ils l ml lunili uit It llill .,,I (il~llli-(- l Ia y IiIhl slilIleK Ilt .l it . l I II ial w. . s i .i by isi 4 )ilktin 12,000 MEN ARE IDLE AS RESULT OF STRIKE Union Bricklayers Are Again Up in Arms in New York--Settlement Ap pears Very inprobable. I1 ' AOIi IA I nIl II.1 IS i. 1New tork, Nov. I1. Woik ar Imhl in ill I' l slli ei of c nstrll llr'li ll by l ilt I h le ton ( istruction cl itip:w ly it n t his eiily hasi bste i Ma llltlld ;illrully by ii ileike iof After a faihire 1to adjulst the dlillicutlties all work of the i omli p nu y i, ai ;tii sh istillt o 'il1l tinirly 17,0. t olie ile idhi . 'Ilie mIco French Bark Disentangled From the Wire Up to Frozen Alaska. ISY ASunts IAfl.o) I1' t'lie velsse ls nolchr was hoisted it rev.led fithe fact that a tass of cable rope had twisten about the anchor. lSevelray, tll ll ti llu t cable Ihal tien twisted ab Mrs. Re uhor t Gray Dead.illicult to Dillolln Nov. i--Mre. Robert (;riy, one separate theill. f tihe cablec had citilso een "arlked" aisd la oulit thsie surface of i yeared coh is der ably, though in no place had the line been severed. Mrsn . Robert Gray Dead. SI';I''IAI. TO '1 1IE IN'ill. k MIOI'NTAIA N,. Dillon, Nov. c .--Mr. Robrt aa iray, one of the respected citizens of Hlinnack, is dead at the ae of 73 years Sin the is scr ived by her o honusbaord anrom several children, somell but one of rve younr large family of children survive her. She has a number of grandchildren, among them being Miss (,race (;ray, now attending the high school, who is one of the eaverhead cotetant i the utt n Inter Mountain'o the World's Fair voting contest. Mrs. Gray came to Montana in 1863 and resided almost continuously in this sec tion. Enter as maid of honor trom your county some deserving young lady for membership In the excursion given by the Butte inter Moues ta1n to the World's Fair at St. Louis. Day10 ýý b on wiry cure rsC ln~~n.r D 4l. O oon ý box, Sao JAILBREAK FAILURE l', I ilAl. It, 1111 11.1( I|11 f:N IAIN. R fed IfllNIf,. NoIv. .. loo I lh,.w' a;ind Al Sm itl, oI.s oers ill h coIutly jail, were f;ul,lhlt ill the al1t 5i l'yiii g to I Wh'a their way In libetly 'I netl,;y niiri, . Sheriff (;i'l1f wai nilil id f a11l after w llchlillg theii at w'irk for ;t Irfew lnullllfes, '( tllre'Id enoughIllI evidence to '.e i d , f to the penlliteltiary for jail ,1 al<ilug, '111e1 In e llIihe ithen dile. slfs lnti placei d I lth1I Ill ia mIlore hectoi Ilacel FRANK PICKET ASKS DAMAGES FROM HAVRE hl 'll Alt, i"ll l Ill,: IiIt M NI'N AI N. llavre, Nov. I.. I':ak Picket has cfnlellclud s.lit agaiilnst the city of ilalra fto I vi'' er $a,'0ff tl mnfll, e t . r fl ls ;l' IhII alleges he I. , thlllslnl ill jail aid klept Ithere severaltll days 1'll le'lienrl upon ltue toflil e atll aintl the 1 t) f 1rJr i lllltnc . MATILDA CHRISTIAN HAS SUED JOHN FOR DIVORCE fIpa llo In tli nonsupplil l llt cons i tit e li groUlnllds for divorce liltited in thfe di-. ric1 ,llco rt bly Matlilda (lflistia againstilt Jrlifli I. fht, 1lill. HE FOUND DEATH IN MONTANA Robert Gilmore of Saline County, Mo., Dies in Madison Valley. SIVI'SIAl. Ill Till. INI ilR MIO.N'IAIN. Virginia City, Nov. I-.. -Robert Gil. mllore of Saline Icountly, Mo., who cametl to Moltallna to visit his brtlh.r. Ctahnllplf'll Gilmore, at the latter's rancilh in the M1ldli soin valley, is dlead at thll age of ff7. 11i arrived nlly rcelltly l wlihen hIe passd through this city he was very ill. MARY J. REED GETS DIVORCE SPF A IITIA ' 1' T I \ I 'll I .11i1' N'AlS . (Ireait Falls, Nov. I.. -- Ji ry J. lcd hasne enll grlanted i divorce from herii . hitusslld, Ilclry leed, to wholi sIhe wits niarrie ill l.etihbridge, N. WV, ''., Augulst 1, l$851. Al;balmNfIoilllent ;llt(t I1i -.Slllllm ort were estaIifl lihed all ndtt the wife gi\Cven cLustoldy of the three Ilinlor childlren. SUSPENDING LAND ENTRIES Department of Interior investigates Frauds in Northern Montana. StI'I'IAI 1O TIH I"NTER MOUlNTAIN. Kalislpell, Nov. 1.- 'The departlment II tihe interior contlinues to $suspllend eltriesl and with draw aland from settlement ill Nforlthern Mlln. tlala with a view of runninig the fraluds to cover. Five more desert elntries ill tlie To. bacco Plains district have been supendlled because of ialpable frauds. Slilh Pleads Guilty. SPI'lCIAL TO1 Till INTE'iR MOUlNTAIN. Livingsloll, Nov. I1.--As the state was make ing out too strong a case against hliill in the district court Charles Slighl being tried for stealing articles from the office of Dr. Alton, cIhanged his plea to guilty and will be seen tenced Mlonday.