Newspaper Page Text
Embroidered Flannels 69c Golden Fleeced Yarns These are entirely ne patterns; We have the agency for these Thesedreno npper City Commercia I Co. veropla Flee tYr benu:ifully embrokiered on a fine very popular yarns; know the all wool quality of Saxony flannel. ANACONDA, MONTANA world over as the best made. We These embroidered flannels would have all colors in Germentown, be considered cheap at $1.00 and The works are open. Now for business. Our winter stocks are heavy-the time for clearing them out Spanish,Saxony, German knitting, $1.25 a yard. They are 59h is very short. Don't spend one dollar In any line until you have seen us. Note the prices mentioned Shetlaod floss and Angora. Buy an exceptional value at.. here today and remember that nothing but reliable, first class merchandise will be found in every de- your yarnshere. Prices the lowest. partment of our big store. We Are Making Special Prices on All Notions, Apron Check Oingham So Mercerized Sateen Dry Goods and Domestics Always useful ,ut sometimes hard to find 19 yard Outin flannel 5 fleeced Wrapper lannel uy Your Dress oods ere here is a new lot of them in all ol-, c yar Good heavy quality in light and dark col- 9 yard Extra heavy quality, with a beautiful satin Good rs, vy worth y iat l ight a. ; folrk - 90 you want Latest VW inter Sultings 59c turkish Towels 8 13e finish, 36 inches wide; this sateen would or0, worth at Ilast 8 1-3C; for this litn. vim want tritrn iOt fir sale only, yard ......................5 kimonas. rt.; t.he styles and colors are a ere is a grand lot of popular dress stuffs of values up to very so3 now on salpaenae for, a12 1-2 Outing Flannela large asortntit l r i g Very soft and pliable, in a mediuml large yard .........................19... .12 yaI2 o uting lannel 9 l. , ; t .r ,,e flanncel, going now $1.oo a yard. There's cheviots, twine cloths, etamines, all size, made of heavy southern cotton; yrg os r i e .. , adceks ,medgmt, for, v ,......................... O wool albatross, plain and figured zibelines, and in fact all rgular ,A s towel; on ale Oxford W alstings dlark colors; wothl lie a good value at now, for r .wa......s........3.- @n I~'c yard; a big bargain for, yarl ,90 All Linen Towllng 8 I-3c the most desirable fabrics are included in this lot of 75c, 19c yard Huck Toweling Sc Yon wohdl expct to pay at least ,I;ec 9oc and $z.oo materials. Moreen Skirting 190 The extra heavy kind in Ihleached atl for this pircly nl linen chash; no wear Alawys desirable for ladies' underskirts, New, dainty colorings, all this season's brown, regular width; selling for, to tis kind; our price now,ur Choice Now O ly 59 Yard full 36 inches wide and fast best patterns included n this lot; also ybrowt, d rgular a ilth o", ltt f , ,,our i O 9 fu 6 inches wide and fast black; sonme fleeced back effects; all going yard ................... ...........u )i>yrd .......................... 8 1 3e a great bargain for, yard.......... 194 at, yard..........................r19 i Mercerized Furs 20 Per Cent Off- Underwear for Women CORSiTS Fine furs jest when you need them at a big discount. This includes trakhan jack ts; all muffs and childrn's furs. Everything in furs ex ctNorfolk Jackets $7.90 ejCo have never shown so large and well assorted a line P tMiio aws' Norfolk Jackets, heavy zibline cloth, in dark green. redl and brown; of underwear for women and children. We are cutting W orth sizes ,4. 16 and ,8 years. Rgular price, $5s.oo. Don't be late, prices right and left in this department. Come and see. $ty will go fast at....Nw ...a ...0 ........... ....... ....... 90 , ' .4 $ 1.50 and $2.00 New Jackets .0 Children's Underwear 15c Wool Underwear worth " S $ 2 0 ()oit hltmnlrl Jiekets. this winter's styles, in ilack, navy (ixforcl and tan hl n r W ndc ( rhundred Jackets, winter's styleso d 7.n b lack, navy Oxford andup I.ot of odds and ends of children's .ot of odds and ends, all wool and to q44 .........s,,,,,,,,,,, ... . . . ., 5.o d. 5 ....... s ·te 9o50.5 i vests, some are all wool, others fine cotton vests and drawers, worth 44............................................ ........... heavy cotton, fleeced worth up $.50 and $.oo, white and New uplex ajustble oke skirts r Jckets, all the new clors and to soc; think of it, today.... 15~ natural mixed ..............95 made of fine black mercerized sateen, combinatilon. I..ilaies' and Nisss' garments, wortth up to Ladles' Underwear 45c Union Suits $1.10 S$i4;..5 ."".... ........................................... 15.00 Iavy fleeced underwear, odds and Wool mixed nion suits, ; reg aturalar ruffles and open work; made very ghlldren's Long Cloaks ends, rok lies, some sold gray; sizes 3 to 6; regular All long cloaks for children 6 to ma years uld, every one this sea- high as $,1.5; we have your $a.oo value; today........5 1.10 full. A bargain. son,' style; al good heavy cloths and wel made. 20 Per Cent eOt size in the lot; a. 45 W Underwear , A.l od ines oCose, W B.o adThompson's hry lot d ll . 20 er Cent le lot; tody......45 Wool Underwear u $1.50 black, white and drab; worth $.so and $2.oo. Plannelette Gown. Walking Skirts 50 SPECIAL-Full line light blue All go today................................ 75 .9 PFlannelette gowns. four styles,. Your choice of so heavy walkin Union Suits 50c fancy mixed, all wool, ribbed, good hea, y fla.nelclte and fast skirts in plain and fancy cloths; ieavy fleeced union suits, perfect vests and pants for women; Thirty new styles "Warner's" and Royal Worccs colors, all full size, worth skirts worth up to $5.oo, fitting, full size, regular price regular value $p.oo each; ters, with and without elastics. We start $.es.; today ................50 today .................$3.95 $.oo0; today.................501 today ................$1.50 them at.................................$1.00 Men's furnishings Warm Special Values in Bedding Dept. Lowest Prices on Winter Weather Specialties For the Cold Nights Men's Winter loves Men's Flannel Shirts r 10-4 Cotton Blankets, in white, tan and gray Calico Covered Comforts, full size, well made. colors. Pair ...................................-5 For this sale, each ................... .$1.25 M ien's medium and heavy weight Scotch wool Special sale of men's all wool blue flannel shirts, extra ........................ gloses, i 5c, 35c, Soc and....................751 heavy, in single and double breasted. Worth 10-4 Cotton Blankets, heavy quality, colored special values at these prices. .s25 each, at .............................$1.50 Everything good and desirable border. Special, for pair..................... 954 Art Silkaline Covered Comforts, with pure white Men's leather lined working gloves. Slecial O Men's striped union flannel shirts, worth in warm footwear for women cotton filling, hand sewed. For this sale, valces at, 5c, 75c and .....................$1.00 $oo, at..................................... and children's Jersey leg- -4 Cotton Blankets, extra large size, special quality, each ......................................75 Mool Socks 's extra heavy bilack salten shirts, with gins, all sizes, c, $.oo and ... effective borders, i white and gray colors; autifu Art Silkalie Covered mfort extra large Men's Wool Socks fleeced acks, t and...............$1.00 worth $,.oo a pair. For this sale... ... sie, with pure white cotton filling; hand 75 dozen of fine wool sox, in light and dark We carry a full line of sizes and prices in the cele- Mixed Wools Blankets, 11-4 size, colored tied; all new designs. For this sale........81.85 gray. Regular price, 25c pair; at, pair ......... . 206 brated Stockton make California flannel shirts. All border. Special for this sale, a pair ........ $175 'Ibrce pairs for soc. umniomn made. Blankets wool mixed with colored Oriental Covered Comforts, filled with fluffy white so .l.ýzen heay \i antic kni vol I sox, woth Extra largcotton, hand sewed. For thms sale, border. This blanket is worth $4. a pair. ec h .................. ............... .For this sale, 5 o ir, at........................... . 35 Men's Winter Underwear Juliets and lined house slippers, For this sale ............................. a .75 each2.2 -lhbree pairs for $..i. lMen' extra Iheavy, sanitary fleeced uniderwear; Joc and ...................... Mens Sweater shir an we50Glendale \\'oolenm Blanket in II-4 size, beau- Extra large Comfort, with downaline filling, art silk Men's Sweaters all sizes in bth shirts and drawers 50tiful pink border. As long as they last, for aline covering, hand-tied, cord edges, beautifful, rich .ct's tincy honeycoimb knit, all wool sweat- Me 's heavy ribbed wool underwear in tan and natural a pair-.................... ...............-3.~75 colors; just as if you made them at home, and at rts. ai,,ih $3.50o ach at ................. .1. a5 hde; thoroughly reliable garments and un- one-half tIe price, which is, a long as they excelled for hard wear; worth $1.25. Today. All wool, pure White Blanket, pink and blue bor Boys' Wool Sweaters ,each ......................................1.00_ ders, good size; worth $7.oo, and the price last, each................... T',.: ;irgest assortment in thel state oif boys' fancy A srpecial offering in men's fine English merino un- is only ...................................$4.75 Feather Pillows, covered in good quality of ticking; sweaters, all wool , to fit all ages from 2 to IS dtlrwcar in tan color; unshriinkable. Worth Wool filled no, mforts, good covering. For this each 65c, 7t5, 85c, $..oo, $$.05, $e.5o, $2.oo years, at 75 , S . $ .5 d................$ 1 .50 each, at............................... . sale, each....... and ...................................... (3.5 0 INTER MOUNTAIN'S ANACONDA BUREAU Office 109 Main Street-Telephone 69. TOWNt IS PROSPEROUS MERCHANTS OF ANACONDA LOOK FOR A BUSTLING WINTER UNDERSTAND SITUATION. fI'I'tlALI. 1'0 I' l 'NI 'It MOUNTAIN. Anacondla, Nov. :u. i- ithin Anaconda it may be raid at this time that the feeling in a business way has not been better for mlany 'years. Every merchant in the city has wired a renewal of thie order for goods which he had cancelled or ordered held until further notice. In fact the merchants are and have been dur. Ing the past two days encouraged by the re newal of Ibusiness and the general good feeling. Events have proved that there were many pteople in the city who had some rmoney lail aside for the witlter for they have now cut the strings to their purses and are buying the necessities for winter. Unless indications fail, the winter coming will be the most priosperous that the city has witnessed for manlly seasons. The people feel that the uncertainty of the conditions here is now greatly relieved att; that shortly Ania conda will be the city of old. in the meantime, however, it is expecterl that the legislature and the governor will to the right thing by free courts, fair trials and equal justice laws. There are more people in Anaconda today than ever before who understand tile situation prevailing inl the Silver How coturta. ()n the streets today talk of the injustice of affairs in the milinng county are freely discussed. 'Those who had heretofore showed opposition to the Amalgamated company merely because as they now express it, "''he Amalgamated is a big company and is made up of millions," declar: that even those interests which are allied with the Amalgamated should be given a .air atnd imnpartial trial of all causes. In fact, to put it plainly, the Amalgamated has more friends mi Anaconda and in Deer L.odge county today than it ever had before. Ithe fairness, the honesty and the evident endeavor on the part of the Amalgamated to do the right thling by the people has won the friendship of enemies and more firmly sealed the ties existing amongst those who have always stood with their shoulder to tile wheel ready to help along the industry and enterprise wtuch is and al. ways has been responsible for the protsperotus conditions of the state. AS TO PAYMENT OF TAXES SPECIAL TO THE INTER MOUNTAIN. Anaconda, Nov. ia.--County Treasurer Denny says he is having considerable trou ble with people who deduct from the Itnount sent for their taxes the sum of $a for road tax on the theory the treasurer collects such taxes. This is not so, as the road supervisors are expected to collect these taxer BIG REWAIR OFFERED $300 UP FOR RECOVERY OF BODY OF GEORGETOWN LAKE VICTIM WITHIN THIRTY DAYS. SPEt'IAt. re T11E INTER MOUINTAIN. Anaconda, Nov. 1t.-ln order to spur the work of searching for the bodies of W\right, one of tile two len drowned at Georgetown lake, tile Masonic lodge of Granite has offered a reward of $lso payable any time within to days from date of offering. This offer, in addition to the offer of $5o made for the recovery of the bodies of both of thie victims of the illdfated hunting trip will, it Is hoped, reeult in a discovery before ice forms on the lake and prevents further searching this winter. The Masonic lodge did not make the offer apply to the recovery of the body of Bridger Williams as well as W'right because the former did not belong to thle Masonic organlization. The relatives of the missing men naturally feel anxious over the prospects of winter closing the lake. The offer of the reward is expected to attract the attention of experts at hunting for biclirs, whto will devise some method of finding the.n, WILLIAM W. WALSH IS SEEKING BANKRUPTCY Anaconda. Nov. 12.-\\'illiam M. \Valsh of Anaconda, dealer in harness anttd sad dlery, has filed a petition in the federal court in Butte asking to be declared a bankrupt. The schedule accomlpanying the peti tion shows liabilities to be $0o,, of which $6,832 is secured to his creditors and $t4.685.o0 is in unsecured claims. Mr. Walsh gives his assets at $18,8a5, divided as follows: Stock in trade, $ta, ooo; household goods, $300oo; machinery and tools, $ats; debts due on open ac count, $700; insurance policies, $3,ooo, and property claimed to be exempt, $5.500. The matter was referred to Thompson Campbell, referee, for hearing at a date to be set by the court. JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSING" Cram'e Atlas of tile W\orld, t1o3 edition, with, handsome map of Monltana, is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $7.50 for one year in advance. The special foo vote coupon is also included. Your friend at the othes end will think of you often and with greater admiration if you Ias none but the neatest stationery when writ. ing to her, There is an excellent line of the best made with the real delicate motwgrams to match at the Inter Mountain oflice. Duratos block, Anaconda. KINGSLEY MUSICALE AFFAIR ORIGINALLY PLANNED FOR MARGARET THEATER TO BE AT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. SPECIAL TO TilE INTER MOIINTAIN. Anaconda, Nov. ia.-At the Presbyterlan church, Monday evening, the musical carnival which was originally planned for the Margaret theater will be given with the program as formerly made up. The musicale is to be given, as previously announced, for the benefit of Miss Kingsley, who is going to Chicago to finish her musical education. All of the best talent in Butte is going to take a part in the evening's entertainment as will all those in Anaconda who have always been looked on as favorites at concerts and other entertainments where mtusic has been a prominent feature. Miss Kingsley, for whose benefit this musicale has been planned, is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Kingsley. Mr. Kingsley is at present superintendent of trains of the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific road. 'lhe )young lady is counted one of Ann. conda's mItost beloved young women and in colnsequence everyone is interesting themselves in thlls event ill order to make it a decided autceas. MEMBERSHIP LIST OF ANTLERS' CLUB GROWS SPECIAL TO 'fil INTER MOUNTAIN. rt Anaconda, Nov. ta.-'lThe membership list of the Antlers' club is rapidly swelling with those young men who have a desire to join their friends in a series of dances for the winter months. Tne second party to be given on tomorrow evening at the Montana hotel has been entirely arranged for and promises to be another of the popular events of social circles. "FLORODORA" COMPANY HERE SPECIAL. TO THE INTAlt MOUNTAIN. Anaconda, Nov. i.- hlle famous "lloro' dora" company came into Anaconda this after noon by special train from Stuart, arriving in the city at 3 o'clock. ()wing to the present schedule of the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific road the company Wt.I not be able to get into the Smelter City ugil the 6 o'clock train by the regular route vii Butte. The company carries so much scenery and has so many members that the nmanage. ment deemed it advisable to get the show here over the stub running from Stuart. 'The company made a most favorable imprcs sion on the local people and will in consec quence likely draw a big audience tonlight to tie Margaret. B., A. & P. Train Delayed, SI'EL'IAI. TO TIlE INTER MOUNTAIN. Anaconda, Nov. ti.-The Butte, Anaconda & Pacific passenger train due in Anaconda at t1:25 o'clock this morning was delayed more than an hour owing to a breakdown of the passenger engine, No. 5s, while in Butte. An engine 4had to he sent from Anaconda to bring the train down from the Smoky City. AMUSEMENTS Anaconda, Nov. ia.-"Florodora," the musical hit of the decade, will be the at traction at the Margaret tonight and the indications are that the popular play will again have a crowded house in Anaconda. Isadore Rush plays the part of Lady Holdrod, first essayed by Emma Wallace Hopper, while the famous "Pretty Maiden" sextette is as pretty as ever, and the chorus contains many pretty faces. The company has enjoyed good houses everywhere and Anaconda is expected to be in line tonight. Enter as maid of honor from your county some deserving young lady for membership in the excursion given by the BIutte Inter Moun. tain to the World's Fair at St. Louis. ANACONDA BRIEFS A. I). T. messenger-prompt, reliable. Mrs. D. C. Letellier has as her guest Mfrs. N. 11, Davidson of Milwaukee. Calling cards, monograms and stationery, the finest to be had at the most reasonable prices. The Inter Mountain office. Durston block, next to postoffice. Rev, II. E. Itobbin yesterday afternoon mar ried Joseph W. Godfrey and Eleanor Need ham. For first-class printing, bookbinding or steel die work at reasonable prices call at the Inter Mountain office, Main street, next to the post office. Mrs. C. C, C'e of Minneapolis is in tile city. The boys and their sleds are very much in evidence these days riding on the sidewalks. DUTY DONE Election dlay is over an we're feelin' pretty good. We reckon that this world will now perceed 'bout as it should. The candidates have spoke with sech unfailin' eloquence That the township will seem silent when the real deeds commence. lBut earth will be a paradise when they have gotten through With all the splendid things they've been a promisin' to do. It's a mighty handy scheme with which our government is blessed. You simply put the votes In an' them fellers do the rest. I'll go to sleep tonight an' know I needn't fret a bit; 'Cause notice has been served that all annoy. ances must quit; 'here won't be nothin' wasted from the taxes that we pay, \\'e'll have reforms, but not too much at once; that's what they say. Reform is somethin' that you've got to keep a-watchin' close; It's always well to have some one to regulate the dose, \\'We've listened to the speeches, jes' as faithful as we cotld, lIut election day is over, an' we're feelin' party good. -W-\ashington Star, Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Ry. Co. Passenger Time Table, Nov. I, 19o3. VW ESTBOUND. EASTBOUND. Local Leave Arrive Local. Leave. Arrive Trains. Butte. Anaconda. Trains. Anaconda. Butte. No. 1. B., A. & P......1o:3o a.m. t:a5 a.m. No. 2. B., A. & P...... 9:oo a.m. 9:55 a.m. No. 3. B., A. & P...... 5:1o p.m. 6:05 p.m. No. 4. B., A. & P..... 3:40 p.m. 4:35 p.m. To make connection with Northern Pacific Railway Westbound trains at Butte, Icave Anaconda at 9:oo a. m. and 3:4o p. m. To make connection with Great Northern Railway trains at Butte, leave Anaconda at 3:4o p. m. To make connection with Oregon Short Line Railway at Silver Bow, leave Anaconda at 3:40 p. In. Tickets on sale at City Ticket Office (Great Northern Railway), No. 41 Main street, Butte, and at Pasaenger Station of the Butte, Anaconda & Pacific Railway. SNOW ON WIRES BALLOTS SKIMPY (Continued from Page Two.) exports of this palm product amounting to about $7,ooo,ooo per year. Decide Not to Exhibit. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. Toronto, Nov. aa.-Frifty representative livestock men from all associations in the Dominion met here last night to discuss the restrictions put on the exportation of show animals to the St. Louis Exposition. It was unanimously decided that no Cana dian cattle, horses, sheep, swine or poultry would be exhibited. NOTE FOR $2,652 HAS JUST DOUBLED ITSELF In Less Than Ten Years It Brings in 100 Per Cent at the Rate of 1 Per Cent a Month. A note for $2,653, which has doubled itself and more, in nine years, and no.v entitles its owner to the sum of $5,51.60o, if the allegation of the complaint are true, was made the subject of a suit brought in the district court today by Julia E. Tong, as the executrix of the last will and testa ment of George H. Tong, deceased, against John M. Blake. The note, according to Mrs. Tong's complaint, will be nine years old in three days, having been executed at Helena November 15, 1894, and it would have been outlawed very soon, the statute of limitations upon notes covering a period of to years. During all the nine years the little note, silent yet busy, collected interest at the rate of 1 per cent, or $26.a5 cents a month, till now it is twice as big as it was at the start. The complaint alleges that Blake exc. Daly Bank & Trust Co. of Anaconda, Mont. General banking in all branches. Sell exchanges on New York, Chi cago, St. Paul, Omaha, San Fran cisco, etc., and draw direct on the principal oities of England, France, Ireland, Germany and the Orient. Deposits from $1 upward received. CORRESPONDENTS National City bank, New York; First National bank, Chicago; First National bank, St. Paul; Omaha Na tional bank, Omaha; Bank of Call fornia, San Francisco. JOHN R. TOOLE - - - - President M. B. GREENWOOD - Vice President LOUIS V. BENNETT - - - Cashier F. C. NORBECK --- Asat. Cashier cuted the note to Tong, and that it was payable within one year. Tong died April Is, o902, and Mrs. Tong became executrix of his will June 8, :9o3. Mrs. Tong wants judgment for $5,512.6o and costs, FINAL ACCOUNT OF AN ADMINISTRATOR FILED The final account of the administrator, with the will annexed, J. P. Collins, has been filed in the district court in the estate of David I. Berlin, deceased. The account says that the money re ceived into the estate amounted to $75o, which was received upon an insurance claim, in accordance with a compromise agreement ordered by the court. The claims paid by the administrator amounted to $509, and the balance in the estate for distribution to the heirs amounts to $240.48, The distributees are the widow and four children, each of whom will re ceive amounts from $8o down,