Newspaper Page Text
EHARLES BLAKE IN SUIT VERSUS CITY PLAINTIFF ASKS DAMAGES IN THE SUM OF $5,350 AND THE COSTS IN CASE. HE SAYS HE FELL IN A HOLE Complaint Alleges That Blake Was Badly Hurt by Walking Into a Pit in an Alley Within Limits, The city of Butte was today made the subject of action for damages in the sum of $5,35o and costs by Charles Blake. Blake says he fell in a hole in an alley behind the Pythian Temple and hurt him self $5,35o worth and he thinks the city should pay for his alleged injuries and sullcrings. Blake alleges, among other things, that he will "hereafter, during his lifetime," be permanently affected by his alleged 'fall. Alley a Public Highway. His complaint says that the first alley behind Main street, between Galena and 'Mercury streets, is a public highway, and that it is the city's business to keep the alley in a safe condition. He adds that on December IJ. Ipoa, there was a pit of sonme kind behind the Pythian Temple, ex tending into the alley three feet, and that the pit was ao feet deep. Blake alleges that the city permitted the alley to remain "unsafe and dangerous" for a long period, willfully and negligently, and that upon the date given he fell into the pit, without his fault or design to tall I in. adding that he was greatly wounded, through the wrongful, careless and negli gent act of the city. Says He Was Badly Hurt. The complaint says that Blake was ex ternally and internally injured atnd sus tained a deep. long cut on his forehead: also that lie otherwise was cut and bruised and became permanently injured and dam aged. For 3o days the plaintiff could not work, the complaint says, and was damaged $1So worth therein, and his expense itn endeav oring to cure his wounds and injuries was $Soo more. To that was added great phys ical and mental pain, and permanent in jury, the complaint says, to his damage in the sunt of $5,00ooo, and the city refused to pay his claim. Hence, he wants $5,350 and costs. A, B. MACKAY ONCE MORE TO THE FORE ADDRESSES STARTLING COMMUNI CATION TO THE HEAD CON STABLE OF THIS CITY. 'HE IS VERY WELL FIXED (viackay Appears to Own About Every thing on Earth-But He Says He Will Dispose of Some of It. A. B. Mackay has cut loose again, and this time he wants about half of the state of Montana and several towns in Colorado. It will be remembered that several let ters signed "A. B. Mackay" were received in this city recently atd for a time kept the police on the jump to locate the author. When James McGeary was tried for his sanity before Judge McClernan it developed that his special bug was letter 'writing. While in jail in this city McGeary wrote a letter and signed it "A. B. Mackay." This letter fell into the hands of the sheriff, and it was presumed A. B. I Mackay had been located. Since that time two other letters have bmeen received in Butte from San Fran cisco, both addressed to the head con stable of Butte. The following is the latest and fell into the hands of Constable McGrath of Justice JDoran's court: "Nov the 7-10o3 "to the Head Constable of Butte city Montana this is a List of the property I amn to pay the million Dollars for, alaska, a Gold Mine Imporia Kansas, a track of Land or Strip of Land Between Sidney New south Wales and Melburn, to a gold anines, land goining In Ruby valley Cape of Good Hope, a mine, Gold Mine & city property around It, South America Rail road and mining property India a hundred sniles of railroad, Glasgow Scotland 5 Square miles of blocks or more in the center of city. The Caledonia railroad it starts at Pettih on'the' ttliii Scotland the I.ord of Cromarty's estate in Scotland --Matheson Adrdos estate in Scotland, Lord Laterum's estate Waterford Co., Ire land, Alfred Ritmaster Brother, John Rit master's estate, estate in Paris, france, a flouring mill and vineyard and money in bank-6o,ooo francs, Skelbo Sutherland Shire, an estate In Scotland, it's J. W. Mdacky's daughter's uncle, he is dead. A sheep farm in Strathglass, Scotland, a small farm in New ealand. 'My brother is living on part of it. The Yellowstone National park is mine and is a gold moun tain. A. B. MACKAY, "San Francisco." Another letter dated as the above lays claim to Saint Cobley gold mine, a gold mianle and coal lands near the Maxwell grant in New Mexico, and other prop erty. Well PIxed. It further says: "I own Botulder, Mon tana, Gregson Springs the Deer Lodge val ley, mloney in Ibank at Great Falls, 3 sil ver' mines at Manitou Springs, Colorado, an Iron Spring and money in bank at Glenwood Springs, Colorado. This is all the propertyI put up the million dollars to pay for as far as I can rememtber. This $St,ooo,ooo has got to be paid out of the first tlloney." Constable MeGrath has not decided whether hlie will attempt to collect the million or hunt up the property, but is willing to accept a good-sized retainer. This is the third A. B. Mackay that has turned up and it is presumed that San Francisco furnishes a special brand of dope that transforms all its victims into millionaires, TO CURE A GOLD IN ONE DAY. ITake Laxative Bromo Ouinine Tablets. 'All druggists refund the money of It fails to cure. L. W. Grove'e ignature is on *ach box. age. NEW YORK QUOTATIONS (Reported by Cue Commission Co.) New York, Nov. t3.-The opening and clos. ing quotations on the stock exchange today were as follows: Open. Close. Amrrican Ice.... ..... . 6 do. preferred ..................... 4 4 A\nmlgamtated Copper .............. 33 38?4 Atchison, Topeka & .'anta Fe.... 63 641 do. preferred .................. . 8l g1 9 lBaltimore & Ohlio ................. 7? 73 Brooklyn Rapid Transit........... 36 374 Canadian Pacific ............. ....7V, 17. ( heapeake & ()hio ................ a7, a27 Lhicego u. Alton...............;...... 5 . 9 olorado Sotuthern............... :1 a ('olorado Fuel & Iron............. 26, a7 Chicago Great 1\ estern.......... 4i IS l)elaore & don ................S.a 15 Erie...... .... .............. 6 a 6 do. first preferred ............ 6.' 66¼ t.eneral Electric Compaty........ 444 46'1 Illinois Central.....................t8 a8 L.ouisville & Nashville........... .9 99 Manhattan Consolidated...... t.,!" t38 Mietropolitan Traction.............I o4 114 Mexican Central............... K;' s Mlissoutri, Ka.nas & 'Teas........ 16 dn. preferred ...... ........... 34'/ j Missourl Pacific................ . u New York Central .......... ..:. :t1 a., Noriolk & Western ................ 54 Northwestern. ......................162 6 Ontario & Wetern................. . ag9 P'ennsylvania Iai way ............. 11,:4 People's ;as ....................... 9! 1l Rtepublic tront & Strrl............ o 6 Reading............................ 34 3 do. first preferred................ 6 6 Rocl Ilnd....................... ::s 2274. do. preferred.................. .... s3 3 LIVESTOCK QUOTATIONS Chicago Cattle. IY ASOt IATV.D PRIS:S. ('Chicagor , Nov. t3.-Ca'lttle- Ieceilpts, 3.,o head. Mal;rket steady. Good to prime steer.;, $S.ouw3s.7o; poor to ttediumn. $3.aSW4.55: stock crs and feeders, $S.;s,4.s-' ;, $S1.Sot4.Jo; helfers. $J.uods5.oo; canners, $t.So,,r.4o; bulls, $t.735a4.zaS calves. $J.oo.t7.o; 'Texas fed steers, $-.7013.35; Western steer.4, $S.ow4.3lo. Jlogs"-l(cceipts today. ao,oo head; tomor. row, to,oo head. Market to to i5e low r. Mlixed atnd butchers, $4.So"a 1.73; good to choice heavy, $4.553S4.85; rough reavy, $4.15n4,5; light. 4.400o4.85; butt of sales, $4.o04.80o. heep--Ieeeipts, .,ouo head. Sheep nnt lambs, steady. Cidc to choice wethers, $3.75"t 4.25; fair to choice mtixed, $a.7sj..,s; westerl sheep, $3.joa4.ou:; native .amrbs, $4.oo(53.75; western lambs, $4.ffo@3.75. Omaha Cattle. fy ASSOCIATED PRSttS. South Omalha, Nov. rj.--Lat.ce-Rleceipts, 1,7oo i.cad. MarkLt steady. Native steers, $3.5. ~4.go; cows and heifers, $3.oo@..6o; western steers, $3.oo 4.5:; Texass steers, $S.75'rJ.65: cows and heifers, $.a..S3.aio; canners, $ IN THE STREET TODAY DY ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York, Nov. s3.-Prices in tile stock market today opecnd higher all around on a good demand. 'J he heavy abhsorption of I'enn. sylvania carried it up ;. Union Pacitic gained Sfj and Sugar a point. Active selling was renewed in all quarters. 'enncsylvania falling below its closing In.t night and St. Paul reacting tI! from the bert. I)enlitne elsewhere averaged !; per cent, but selling was not of an urgent nature. Buying orders became effective at the lonw level and pretly full recoveries ensued. I'enn .ylvanhia got up to tltz¶ but St. l'aul met pre . sure again and the market wavered for a thie. Denver & Rio t;rande preferred fell 3. St. Paul was forced down IA atnd depresed the general list in sympathy but PI'nnsylvania's rise of t;i to iI rallied tile market. Manhattan rose a and Missouri Pacific, Kant. sas & Texas preferred, tUnion Pacific and ioulthlern Pacific gained a point. Denver & Rio Grande preferred recovered t;4. Thie tmar. ket was dull and irregular at noon. Bonds were steady. St. Paul took a downward dip again to tij44. Scarcely any effect was produced elsewhere by this decline other than to reduce transactions. Brooklyn Transit and Chicago & Alton pre. fcrred were in demand and a point better, while General Chemical dropped 7. The resistance shown by tile market while St. Paul was depressal encouraged the Iidding BUSINESS OUTLOOK THE COUNTRY OVER STRIKE IN COLORADO HAS OFFSET SETTLEMENT OF THE COPPER TROUBLE IN MONTANA. BY ASSOCIATED PRESS. New York, Nov. i3.--Special telegrams re. garding the state of trade, froml correspond. etlls of the International Mercantile agency throughout the United States and tile Donmtn ion of Canada, are summarized as follows: Tihe week has been marked by a somewhat unsettled feeling and a renewed conservatism in commercial circles. Distribution of staples is smaller than a week ago at Chicago, and materially so at Pittsburg, where industrial activity hasI improved, except or millinery. Cooler weather has improved trade in New England, except for jobbcrt, where the season is ended. Warm weather has dulled demnand at Ilalti more and I.ouisville. Collections are rather flow in territory tributary to St. 1aul, but in tile cottonl regions they are gro\wing easier. flow makers report a good business but mod. crate collections. Kentucky has a medlium tobacco crop; but prices are better than last year. Philadelphia merchants bay trade in staples is smaller. October lumlber shipments from Minneapolis were tile largest of any month this year. Encouragement is felt at the new policy of the steel trust. Consumers will no longer have to go abroad for steel, Ten thousand tons of rails have been sold to China. More mills are opening and somne are closing tem porarily. Colorado's coal strike offsets the settlement of Montana's copper war. Fall River's wage cut was not altogether unex pected. Makers of prints have been losing money at low prices for material and the rate of wages; but high cotton is making foreign exchange fast, now that Enurope is denlanding all it can get regardless of price-the most siginificanlt filnlancial feature of the week, with cotton, not steel, as king. Tight money has checked the rising demand for bonds, but shrewd people are making large investments at bottom prices. Trade conditions at Montreal are about the average, and the demand for seasonable goods is fair. Mild weather at Toronto has checked the distribution, but dealers report the begin. ning of holiday trade in fancy goods and jew. clry. Canadian lumber will be less this year than last, owing to scarcity of labor. Canadian banks are loaning money in the United States, which tnakes it more difficult to secure funds here. A GUARNTEEID CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile.. Your druggist will refund money if LALO OINTMENT fails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. joe. Enter as maid of honor from your county some deserving young lady for membership is the excursion given by the Butte Inter Morns tain to the World's Falr at Si, Louis. Open. Close. Soutsern Railway .................. 164. Is do. preferred ...................... 71 4 7 i Southern PacIic ..........0......... 4o)t 41t4 Sm elter............................ 451 48H Sugar Refinery ............. ..... . 116' It1i'4 St. Paul............................ 136 s IJ. Tennessee Coal & Iron............ at J74 Texas Pacific....................... sa's a4' jwin City Rapid Transit Co...... 8'! .0%. Union Pacific....................... 7o, 71 United States Stc..................... tos o do. preferred................. . S1!. 52' Wabash............................ o s do. plrferred ....................... J 32a 'isconssin Centlll ...................... 14I ,i do. preferred...................... a 335s Mll,.ty at 45i per cent. Total sales, ..,aaoo. Boston Copper Stoka. (Reported by (', ('Commission (',o.) Bloston., Nov. 13. -Tlloday's minig lshres oni the stock exchange were listed as follows: Amalgamallted .............. ......... ... Anlcnda ........................... ...l. ;' (Os)qela............................... 5 (s156 I'arint.......................... ... 1 47itul i1 Mohawk............................ JS3-iti3 alye\\' stl (askedl.................... s .. 'lam lrack......................... ... . 5S ctlt 'tlah t'unsolidlatc,..................... .tFIS i Shannon ............................ !, ii N14 C(pllper Itange.......................... 44~I 4t4/ Centennial......................... . . 5I 6D141 Trini.y................................ (re '*i I itedi Stats.......................... 7 ( (I714 I)omnionin ('oal........................ 7A4i074 I)l)lilni.ll lrn........................ N'."' 45t (;reen ('onsolidatc l .............. . 14 4ll4'14 2. tofJ~; ,t (Ickcr and fredcrs, calve?,, $JnR-l~o blil., *2.. u tic.. $.SMl5rJrtei. II.ngs Rteceipits, 5,5100 hicd. M.arket ,Ate lower. Ifeat). *4.4S~t .6;. tiXsed, $4.50164.6J; light.. t4,65014.75; p'g., tft 7lttt475; btlk of salet. $4.2$tt4.on.. $.t7eiteo Ioiaeit., 6w, lnd tv,et Makt. tay Ventet'n",·, $J,:5(n3·6S: wrthet .. Z.{.!tnrr~(..s: evl.s f:.71Jr1. b ; (· 1II)1II)I and r ink,,l. ;:,00(43.35: lamb., $3 4773''4.75· Kansas City Cattle. NY ANtt'IArtIt PRt s . fKansas 5 tt. Not. ij, latittlc -Llr ciipt' 3,oon load. Market witeoty N ative rtcct~ri $.t.75("175.J lcxas and. Indian steers, $z.tivt 3.15; native cows anIl loiters. $I.,1. I to: stock era antd feeders. $t.nasoj.73; 1,b1ul., $l.joLPS.Rx wesiertI steers, $3.5o04,3; esttert lows, $1.4S Ilo -IReceipts, 7~,101 Ihead. Malket'kc' weak to to Iower. Ittalk of sates, $4.5't4.75; Itcoty. #4.JSflýJ4.7 Itaekcrr, $4.59o't.77!'r: mttedfitm. 4.5J¼;: (rigs. $4.65034.77%. Sheep-fReceipts. 8.700 head. Market strong. Mutlton~, $J.6413.95;; Iambl,, $..yolirug. v; rarlgyL wethcrrri ) ewes, =5; ·n .15 t rr4kr ;n., up of the more active stocks and St. Paul .al. lied a large fraction. We,tinghouse Il.cctrit first preferred rose 4 poilts. 'The arlnenss of the market prompted covir ing of shorts. St. I'alt recovered all its loss; New York Ce('ntral rose N/, and gai.s of a point or inure were establishe4' in Atchison, (anadian P'acific, rtalaimr.' & Otito, Norfolk & We-tern, IReading., Erie first lo prefer.l, Southern Railway, 'TIlcdo. St. I.olis . \Vest* ern. Steel preferred, Amalgamated. and .ealty preferred. tuhber flood, preferred advlanceed 44 and ('Chicago hreat W\estern pre ferred V4 and Ann Arbor fell 3. t'rice, slipprft 'back slightly and then turned upward agal. The' closing was dull and atrong. New York Silver. N nt Asslot IAT ltr 11 IPuSYt Ncw York, Nov. 13.--liar ilvrt. 57)C4; 1c.4l. ican dollars, 41t. Lead and Copper. nY A.hO' IATJ:D) Pt.S,. New York, Nov. tj.--l.ead, strady at ;f.5). Cotpper. $13.orr 3.3So. St. Louis Wool. BY ASSO.(tTI:D PiTESS, St. Louis. Mo., Nov. is.---Wool, nominal; territory and western inediumn, Iti. urc; line nmedtumn, s5(t17e; tine, s5,t6c. BUTTE BRIEFS Orton Bros. Pianos and organs. Judge Knowles has set aside the order made on November . approving the report of the referee in the banklruptcy proceed ings of Joseph II. Campbell. The matter will be taken up again at the next tertm of the United States court in Butte. The Ravalli hotel at Hamillon will be kept open the year round. Theodore D. Seetield of Deer lodge htas filed a petition for final discharge in bankruptcy. The tiatter was ordered set for hearing in ll Ilena on November 25. Dr. Schapps, Owsley blk. Tel. No. id. Lippincott & Darrow, 266 Pennsylvania block. J. G. Bates, piano tuner. Residence, "l he Dorothy." Tel. 699-A. THE OLD CAMPER has for forty-five years had one article In his supply-llorden's Eagle Birand Con densed Milk. It gives to soldiers, sailors, hunters, campers and millners a daily cont fort "like the old home." Delicious in coffee, tea and chocolate. JANE A. FALKENBURG SUNK Used as Breakwater to Protect Dock in St. Michaels Bay. BY ASSOt'IAT'tD I'RtISS. Tacoma, Wash., Nov. I.,----The old barkentine Jane A. Falkenburg has been sunk by the Northern Commnnrcial com pany as a breakwater to protect the dock in St. Michacls bay, Alaska. The vessel was built at New Bedford, Mass., in 1854 and for miany years was operated as a whaler, first on the Atlantic and later on the Pacific ocean. JUST "TO MENTION IN PASSING" Cram's Atlas of the World, 'sos edition, with handsome up-to-date map of Montana, is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $7.So for one year in advance. The special see vote coupon is also included. (REPUBLICATION.) MINING APPLICATION No. 4573. United States Land Office, Helens, Montana, September a, 19o3. Notice is hereby given, that the Butte Land & Investment Company, by Simeon V. Kemn. per, its attorney-in.fact, whose postoffice address is Butte, Silver Bow county, Montana, has this day filed an application for a patent for 153.63 acres of the Xenophanes Placer Mining claim, situated in (unorganized) Min. ing District, Silver Bow county, Montana, a notice of which was posted on the claim on the 27th day of August, 1so0; and being more particularly set forth and described in the official examination and Report No. 176, on file in this office, as follows, to'wit I Lots I and a, and the east half of the northwest quarter of Section iS, Township a north, Range 7 west. Thea location of this mine Is recorded in the office of the Recorder of Silver Bow county, on Page 4o, in Book B of Placers. There are no known adjoining claims to these premises. FRANK D. MITRACLE, Register. Jos, H. Harper, U, S, Claim Agent, WANT ADS ONE CENT A WORD SITUATIONS WANTED-FEMALE \\: AN 11--Wo'uman who Lhas two small thil* drten wants employment where she can go Ihtmt. tights. Address Mrs. M., Inter Muua Atsen. 'WA\iNTi D- ood stenographer and clike girl desires position in or out of town. Address (Oflee Girl, Inter Mountain. h',\-ai +T-I--'eTiali is i ie- -i-w-,it+pe. Address Nurse Girl, Inter Mountain. i.iNT CtCrespc.i.Ile woman wants house. Leeping where there is no mistress. Address loulsrkeeper, Inter mlountaln. .11AN I'1iiTri womiani wantshEii~i Address Day Worker, Inter Mountain. l'ANTfl f -i- C tneciionery clerk aillis cerk 'hipl. Address Conflctownery Clerk, litter Mountlain . \ .\ANI.) - Woman wants landrty work. Ad" tliess Laundry Worker. Inter Moutlln. I\ \N'rTis[-stenograutfier .inifl.boolkeeper wants situation. Address Stenographer, lint*r Mountain. SITUA.JOS~ WANItEDP! M&,.E 1\N\1 '11)- I'oition as bI.:kkeeper or olltce I'k by experincted man; gtood re, rence.. A t . lrl \e ,'lh uiiiut.n i. 1\ \ANTEDI lirstlassch Ibnokkeeler wants post. )t.or; will acceptl clerical work of any kntd. Addhlils Iltokkeeper, Inter Mountain. A\\ :1Ni;t )l;-xperienced iinitepc r or othre manI wants si.iation. Address O()lice Man, nter MiUnltain. . \A,. I'rl) -(oIud ooik wants work. Add' ls (t'ik, Inter Mountnain. ANil'il:l)i.ri~ wants i chlrkship in otiaut ol Ititle. Address Clerk, Inter Mountain. TVA NTI':l . ll--Ji.i-o deseris positi;;n: i-td r:4 landsi hot ailr or steam hlat. Addressl Jat.. toti. Itler Mtnttain. .V'AN'.l'l)--llonrt,. reliabhle colnred tiny W.tts office cleaning. Address C. tIoy, 'later Mountain. HELP WANTED--MALE Im.ilw,. ability; ,tenuglaph+r dalnd axset wih oflie iwork. .Athhdes.s It . o Itt 144. i FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE i' i\ M I.'l F SA1.E San acres, water 1ighit aIl 3,ti itchels, .I) acre's under ditch, it ne' sang*, It., b t'e,,il frtit tri s., ,is r noff plah ttrest , r.t ,rnu and oilthuihi.ngs, n tions hay, alt catthl'. two iwo k hot sis mn: ti all necessary lasnling impltlriellts; one mile trout school, .0 tiltes from Missoutla; $j1es). Will sell iamn wiith -r withou ,,luck a,1 l plmenlts. E. A. \\ istanley, Mlss.ula, ilMontana. FOR RENT-ROOMS It ; l Ri .N I I tttni:',, it ro m s i,; tti,,,. k1') West I'.:rk. VOlt REiNT -Two tums turnsthed ifor hlght housekeeping. lUpton blobk, 416i4 S. Main. 'fTf'l'l'.FO iCltf)f int ;,,,E. ip; first class. modern convencierlice. South Msitn. (11'lltlCI f-urrnIhcd mints. Yurk. bluc:k, \West Park. VmIl ltt NI--'Trausient rmntns. soS ('noorado. WANTED--HORSES / trade for a mtullet ine; n willing h4 pay dil fifrl'it suitled. l'chl.411 & :Co., 1.7 \\West TRANSFERS 111 iN I ANA .1'IIANiui1.:I1 CU. -Flreright rans. f'r; Imove.s engie"Is, bilers, ales, mdcl'inery of all kinds; furniture van and storage; piano det rick for use in d:flicult places; daletirs in ccoal and wood. Tcleplhnhe a3. ()fice: No,. s W.est tBroadway. W. J. ('Christi, IUaIger. 'ItlN .\' Oit tl.)'hSIt1iX or 'phone stni. y OCR. ISTAN ND AURIST 'f.IR, '1'. t. t;'+;- ;)"e, c.=;r, "ue, tllri, ,l".;cI bugs; l)rices moderate; terms cash. NO. 41 Ilishour huihling. 'Thane 934--A. OSTEOPATHY 1(t. K. VIIeJNIA IIit;iSEiT. Rooms ,4- I,6s l'venlsylvania tbuilding. lHours: a to sa, I to 1, 7 to 8. ()lice closed Sundays. FIRE INSURANCE'NtJI.1)S & Mcl)oWEI.I,, leaditng fire i'",lraitce cornpanies. Correct rates and P l11ti,1 adjutmc ltl. 46 "-ait l ,roadway. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Iv ro',I hlouste. .!$. .sortlh Washinglon. SCAVENGERS 1':' It'lR RI41SK, No 347 East Mercury; night u rk . ()rders priio l tly filled. ASSAYERS Nl it 'A 'iWENKlI If, sucrcessuors Ito Jilin i(. lalpty; ,assayers and chemistits; bullion ripUtl and assayed or purchased. No. I57 J;miloton street, Ilutte, Montana. 'J lil .lAS I-U(;(-Y, assay-r and clhituit. No. 43' North Mlain atrecl, Iutite. Tii / l'Ti . --j-ii-T.V i & WIS'arssayrd tircce otoli to A. It. itomlbluer. No. ro Ntorlth Wyo. nrinu clreet. 'Plhone 659-l. 1'. (). lIox 14. LOST 'i, I Silv.r terui.r; atunswer.s to ii,'i iii \\.t ;ranite. 'Pcoria lrRog tax rn collar. HOUSEMOVERS .tI'hI(IE -NClL) hlousemover. Edgar Dayton, 435 South Ohiu. Tel. 747. Olice 267 E. I'ark. WANTED-BIDS \i\ . 1 I':1 ) --Ilids for building a glrl iiI11 at w, head of Flint creek, in ied Ilon dittrict, (,I ,it" county. All material furnished on tilhe g' und. l'lans anil specificatIons can bie seen at mine. Milwaukee Gold EJxtractioi Col.ll Ip, ' ti.'able, Montana. HARD CIDER i Ar R IIAIIIILS hard cider at Ptalmer'a, 58 .last l,,nradway. fe per lalss. Try it. HAIRDRESSING MR(S. A. BIRT'IHRI.GHIT, hairdressing, mani. cure, chiropodist, No. t4 West BIroadway, ACCORDEON PLAITING . IJs West Broadway. Telephone p~aj--F. MESSENGER SERVICE IIW\VAH Noodle Parlorl-Importers fine te,, noodlel. Chau, Suis eIMetwal Co. No. tip, corner Meroury (the alley). AI)VICE free in delicate legal matters; strictly confidential; promptnes. guaranteed. Box 685, Uutte, Montana, . HOTELS-LODGING HOUSES T.HE SOUT'lIHEN IULk1I.. Butte's Popular Stnpping Place. ]INNEI+R ,gc : : : : : lINNl.:t, ase The beat meal and best rooked food fotr ese In hltter. You get as much to any and every dials offered on the bill of fare as )uu wish. 'uislute unexcelled. DAN ' TI:'1WI., rroprletor. SPRMIVATE SCHOOL W'I+.. l't'In Ia-f'S t'it' fic . " NIT' " gd;; ttghIt. No., 4j1 \\'eat ierctlcy. t)nly p asvte schoeol L AN nd:OFFI E mm. or ,at.t stit, wf, ri w aa , tr aI ,welt,,y at (iirson'a loan tnfice. No. A4 I. Park St. .MONEY TO LOAN Mt..NI*Y to loan on tulnltml.e. pianos, salary, time cheeks and all other security, at law rates. Ilualnael confidential. Ltllte C'hattel Mortgage 'o.. 18 W. Park at., first flour. MONi - VY-1'IAN un re.i estate, rancl property, livestuck, pianns or lurniture. llhntg in your prop.itions. MciRae & Solvesun, No. 49 West Park. Room e. MO N lEY TO I.OAN--l.uan .on tlrnitture, real estate us any ,ecuritics. MolnItana tI lattel .Loan to. No. .al (lark block. Il.1INMINs & Itoltill will neegltiate a lan luo yoll tnt real Astate srelllty. Ituon:;a I. J, 3. Silvehr laow block. (NI:Y TO( ITIAN nt, Iut..ture or any 0ee.. rilies. Edward 'llalplan., a, 77 West Ilroadway. I.)ANS-.Moneyto lan- at 8 ie .cent. in delay. flail brothers, No. 48 Iast Ittuad. way. lutlter, Montana. Tf )A;'V "RI'. T1iAN'oi a;iy kn, ult .rc.llril'y. 'lite l)avrnrwrt Co.. No. aIs Ilainiltlon lstreet. SCLEANINQ. ANQ DYEING Iguarantllred. No.. a W\'et tI ,letla strleet. 'Phonlle 747" -A. renh dyein and cleaning. MILLINERY iA.I. and \\INT1IrIt 1 lhllry .i t II'a:ily educetI iprice. NMrs. lilnghr' News Mll. intly PIarlor. ir 47 I'tah av¥ n '. JHOqs Uka A. KT-COVERS. ilt t S ;i, 1 R. x V.'Sms asu ,age covers. 1: .1Maautley, tia Soluth Main atteet. ,pERT SHO1EMAKEP expert relpairingl walk guatranrterd. llCharles Mark, No. 0),j N.rlh Academy. jiI.E tni7antur. treatlmetnt JuMl un.Nvetii ber a. from ira. Ilanso.,n' paltirs. San 1ranlisco,. *. 45 ()waley Ilock. MASSAGE ARlS I.. IU t,'Al(IIN ,iunllrhI I.h sawr, ()lficrr: Noe. s74- q/5 'cnullylvatlia bulldding. 'Phone 07 1I. TAILORING Wr, ('AM t' il'jr'AI t wl f A .irs is iii, fall and winter woolvei.* No. 31o North Main. MASQUERADE COSTUMES II iA f)UA1(rIlIS for tliaslulertade L.otuilllte Mme. Robilnson, ,ns \W.e' (;ranile hllet.l. ST VEF RFPAIRtING SC'T'iI', the stnve nlan, has Iuoved to No. t:3 East Park. 'Phone numbler, a9y. WANTED --MISCELLANEOUS \\ANTI:I)-T'o buy for country paper, one Inewspaper prear. Address I', Ilavre, Motit. 1 NTED bu Way a host cla lulll nge nut hlelltr at once. ,A lrthe I. I'.., titer .IIoIs. ilin, MUSIC TEACHERS J()IO N N. 01I.SIIN-'l'ac.her vinlil, nl man. drsin. N.. 148 West (ranite. ''lui.t: 3.G-"M. F13 I. '1(1] ,I.Y- +IPiiii; t7 Wtt--frli;'enTi. HORSES WINTERED SIIE J. It ltred, tal EaIsi ilroad.ny. Trl((i+'i"; viii,,lu(.iitlt.: 67 $7 ,.t, la;in: 't;i; 067 F. ..... SQEO.N:HANA.O.OQPý IIAI(lt TIME I'S SAI.--(.;rrptty reduced price heIter itti furnitire tale; q ick stiales; ', mall proflit. The South Male Second .land Store. ''hone 857.SM. WVANT'IJu--.Second-hand furnirtue hught amt Boll. No. 338 East Park slrect, Itiutte. 'Iele. phonlue 6~6-. E. McNamara. OtF.( IIt.1 , I4 West llroaldway. anvys highest price for h.ousehold giod. i'lune o.'31 . MINING APILICATION NO. 47too. United States Land Offcice, Helena, Montana. October ra, rto3. Notice ir. herebly given that Charlel )lalttion and JoIhn IlIcrkin, whose poutofflice address is Itlutte, Montana, have thin day filed Ilheir appll. cation for a patent for 150ou linear feet, bring 875 feet easterly arid 6.a feet weWterly, from the point of diacovery in dis.covery tunnel of the Sunrise Lode Mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent waa potted on the 8th tlday of October, A. D). o3, sitiated in unknown mining district, Silver ]1ow county, state of Montlana, desiglnted at Survey No. 6998 in Fructional iT'ownslhiip 3 north, Range 7 west, and Ibeing nore particu. larly described ts foijows, to wit: Bleginning at the isorthesat Corner No, r, a granite stone set in the around, witlh a mound of earth alonglide, and nlmarked i.. 1*,6998 for Corner No. ., from which the quarter Section Corner on the south boutidary of Siecrtion , TownShip 4 north, Itansge west, hears north s4 degrees 04 minutes salt .1499. feet, and run. ning thence south as degres ta. minutels east 1o~6 feet; thence touth 84 'legreel 47 Ininutel west, s1of feat; thence north IS degrees Ias minutes weat. 5i5 feet thence north 8, degreel go minutes etst, t4gg feet to the place of begi. ninl, containingl an area of slres claimed by the above namcd applicants. Tbhe location of this claim is of record in the of the county recorder of Silver flow county, Montana, in Book "'" of Lode L.,CI. tiena, at Page It. The adjoining claim tq tIhee premiases i Survey No. 4*2o, Lurgan Lode on the tct. FRANK D. MIRAACLE , RegIlster, Samuel iarker, Jr., Attorney for Applicants. (First Publication, October l3, go3.) In thle D)istrict Court of the Lunited States, for tie Disitrict of Montana, In the Melatter of \Willitm McWhinney, 1ank. rulpt: Notice is hIerehy given that on the sIlth day of Novenlber, A. D. o3,l thoe said Willian: TMc\'hinney was duly iajudged bankrupt, and that the first meetinK of creditor, will be held at the Court of Hanklruptcy, No, 49 West Park street, Iutte, Montana, on the 24th day of Nwovcmber, A. D. ,oj, at a o'clock p, m., at which time the creditors may appear, prove their claitmo, elect a trtltee, examinte the bankrtupt and transtct such other butiness as may properly come before the meeting. T1lOMPS()N CAMI'BELL, Iteleree in Batkouptcy. Dated November 23, tQQJ, MINING; Al'P.I('ATfION NO. 473i. United States Iand Office, flelena, Montana, November $, i.oj. Notice is hereby piven that Henry L., John. nton anll Andrew J. Johnston, whose plaito* frce addrress is Iutte. Montana, and Oliver |'. JohIstlon. whose psttgiflice address is Mis snolla, Minsolla county, Monlana, have this day filed their application for a patent for 171.t lilnear feret, heing a lest westerly and t14q f.t rnoterly from discovery shaft, of the Kopllper Nvline No. .1 I.ode Miting ('laim, iplll wthil.h claim a notile of Inentollln to sp. ply It, a patent wan lpigted on the Xd tiny lt November, t.yI,. situatedl in Summit \'alley (tntI annitr.ed), Mining D)istrict. Silver Ilnw coutly, state of lMontant, designated a. Sur. ver No. 6l6,s. in tilII tMnslrveryed pIi.lrtinl t I'luti,+l 'lwn'ship .1 nortll, Itanige 7 west, hlring mnre hlrticutlarly descrihed as lltinnitng at the soutlhwest turner N. I. which it alst (iloet N.. I tof Survey No. 0,15;, ill lile ottnerhall of Slvrey No. 6|ot, a "" I oi a granite bowllrer in place, will, a moundi Iit earth alongside, as ll slkted a 606g. tfil Itorner No. 1, Irvnit which the soutllheast corner of Sectionl 7y, 'l'ownihip n ottrth, Hange y well, Ihear slnthl I7 dlegrees 36 nlinutteq 4a irculdl werti. 9370.S reel, iiand runntll I teenlcn itirthi : degrees Ia itimlutee west, 17.18 (felr thrller lith o drellers 4,'r nllnutes Cpalt. 1713. Irtn; thetnce south a degree so mtinutet east, ti4 Iie: r thei.e south 6.1 degrees 47 Ittnuites west, 187 t feet to the plle of heeginning, con taintitll : iI it i of o576 actc, of which n.o6j arset. Ile I i.n conlict wtl.i Survey No. Alot, inot clatllttll , Ii rviiin an aiei o(f Itj3 acres clalnedll. The IlocttioIl of this clail is of eciird in thet rl-ordelt' oltice ol Silver Ioutw county. MOnl tan., it itonk "' l" of L.ode J.oclatlun. lil P'age t',. 'Ile aditiiitng cluiti ts tthese prettiern ale Survey No. 5nT7, ~llpper lMounttain Iode, nit thte oIIth, NSutsey Ni (*h.l, Klopper King N... ,ti.ode, on the celS. N.t, Suty Nio. 6on, Kpper Monlt I .n.i. no the oullth, and Sutrvey N,. tao.l, KiIpper King Ni. a l.ide on thle weat. I'IANK It. llt.ft'l.K, Regtster. Namuel Ilsiker, Ji , Altitiey for Appllicants. (lVmit I'tublcati:ti, Nveittber 6, ouJ ) MINIaiJ AI'IVLI(AIIUN NO. 465.'. United ltates Lend Olimes, helens, M.lolltala, September as, soel. Notice is hereby givel that lHenry 1.. Juoha ston and Andrew J. J0htllnston, whose post.hlcle addenss is Ilttle, MlltiaiSna, and Oliver I'. Johllnton., whllie pnltatllr atddress is Missoula . Mlissotlla county, Mliolltana, have this day tiled th)er pplli allton for a patent fo Syd6.a lines feelt, being .145 left iuulltieasterly and a.L lest southliwesterly irt. discovery shaft, ofl the barina Nto. a .odse .it.iing ctlnlm, upon which a anotace It illtention to apply for a patent was pitted tile sad day of September. A. I). lees. sitiuatecl iI Summln it Valley (unorganleed) min* Ing disiilt,. Silver Bow county, state of Mon. tlas, desiglnated as Survey No. O4 in the intr.vlveyel purtioun of i,,nctional Township a north. allnge 7 west, bclmig s.ore particularly described ase ollows: Ileginning at thle outhwesh Corner No. ., a point in the north side line of Survey No. 5a4 a granite stone set in the ground, with a mounud of erth alongside and markesd t 16.4 for Colner No. i, from which the quarter sec tion corner on the east bouldary of Sectiun sy, 'I'uwnsltip north, luinge 7 west, bears north Si d ;rce 157 illinntes jg seconds west, S7107 feel, slid rnnnilng thence soutlh bg degrecs i imll eis epat, 7y6.5 feet; thenlllce north a de. green is mantlnt.a west, ..sy3 leet; thele lr northl fS delress 3S minutes west, $76. tleet; tlhence south a degrees it miinultes east ItS.j leet to the ptllc. uf leginnillg, conltalning an area of .o asl:res, of which mIIo acres is in clionllict wilt' Survey No. 5o96, nut claimed, leaving all area of m.os seres claimted by the s.Iove named applicalts. ''he loatln of thir clalm is of record in tiae county recorder's othier of Silver now county. ountains, in Siouk "U," of Lode Locations, uon l'age 4t5. ile adjoining clalms to thtese premises are Survey No. 5rt6, atrina lode on the north and west; Survey No. 6oos, Kopper King No. a Ldtte cnl the east, andti Survey No. ha lolumbus lode, on the south. FRANK D. MIR.I(ACLE, Iegister, Samuel Darker, Jr. anltrnry fort pplieaite, (F/irst P'ublication September ad, sego). MINING( APl"LICATION NO. 4egf. United Slates Land OMce, IHelens. flonlltanil, October 5, t..o Notice Is hereby given, that Thomllas II. Cot* tcr and hainry C. Cutter, by Michael A. I)ons hue, their attorney-lnrfact, whose postoMce address is Iutte, Silver flow county, Montana, have this day filed on aiplication for a patent for s,soo linear feet, the salle being for $15 feet in a westerly and a45 feet in an easterly dnrrllnll inllll tile pnint of discovery oin tile il1Lilk I.od. Minilg C:lim, situated in Summit Valley (funnrganized) mlning district, Silver 1ow county, hMontana, the position, course. and extent, of tile said miting claim, designal ted by an official survey thereof, as Survey No. 6456, Towuship No. 3 north, Range 7 west, a notice of whicl, was posted on the s.lailn n the colth day of bieptenmber, i,.j, and hiul ngore plarllciularly act forth and dcscelrbed in the ofacial field nates aid plat theneol oa file in this otlice, as foll,.ws, towitt beginning at tilhe northwest location corner. a Mlannite boulder inn picc, 3x4s1l oot 1:,ove o,uild, marked 14456 for Corner No. i, trom whlnence Initial Point No,. a, esltablshed tor surveys inll Lractlion Towlnshlll 3 north, Itange 7 west, bears mnortl 41 d.stecs o0 minlltes west. s,tl0 feet, and runnilng thence nurth 05 degrees 3j7 tIinutes east, too feet to tile northeast 'orner No. a; thlell:e southl 4 degrees a3 min. ulea east, 355 feet to the southeast Corner No. 3; thence southi 85 degree" 37 minutes west laoo feet to Corner No. 41 thence south 87 degrees 36 minutes west, 3rJ feet to the south. wcrt Corner No. 5; thence north 4 degrees a3 minutes west, 345 feet to Corner No. I sad place of begilling, conltaining an area of acres claitned by the above naesed applicatsa toe pal-nt. The location of this mine is recorded in the office of the Recorder of Silver Bow county, in hook V of Lfodes. On the south is Survey No. diS, Mary Elles Lode; James W. Murray, et. al., applicants; on the southwest Survey No. 57aa, Josephine Lode, Robert McBride, applicant; on the west, tile Birdie No. a Lode, unsurveyed, Sampson Beer, claimant. FRANK U. MIRACLE, Register. Jose IT. Harper U. S. Claim Abent. (First Publication, October 6, 9po3.) MLNING AIPP'LICATION NU. 4703 United States Land O(fRe, hIelena, Montana, October IS, io0j. Notice is hereby given that James F. O'lrien, Anna Roseustein and the heirs of John Eddy, deceased, whose postofllce address is Butte, Montana, have this day filed their application for a paeillt for s1r4 linear feet, beinig /46 feet north 63 degrees tI minutes east and 746 feet south 79 degrees 46 minutes west from discovery shaft of tilhe old Bug Lode mining claim, upon which a notice of intention to apply for a patent was posted on the ltli day of October, l1r9, situated int (unorganiled) mining district, Jefferson county, state of Mont tons, designated as Survey No. 7038 in Frac. tional Township 3 north of Range 7 west, be. ing more particularly described as follows, toewit: Beginning at the northwest Corner No. r,'l granite bowlier in place, witnessed by bearing trees and marked .I'" s-70e8 for Corner No, t, from which 1. P. No. s, Township 3 north, Range 7 west, bears north ad degrees lt min. utes west, 641,6 feet; and running thence south 14 degrees 17 minutes east, s34 feets thencm north 74 degrees so minutes cast, 1473 feet; thence north 14 degrees ty minutes west, 469 feet; thence south 73 degrees 54 minutes west, 739 feet; thence south ye degrees 46 minutes west, 746 feat to the plaes of begin. ning, containing an area of 16.3,sacres claimed by the above named applicants. The location of this claim Is of record In the County Recorder's office of Jefferson county, Montans, in Uook as of Lode Loua tions, on Page ast. The adjoining claims to these premises are unknown. FRANK D. MIRACLE, Register. Samuel Barker, Jr., Attorney for Applicant. (First Publication, October ad, 19sp,) JUST "TO MENTION IN PASBING'" Cram's Atlas of the World, rtoo edition, with handsome up'to*date map of "stasm, Is given free to Inter Mountain subscribers who pay $ for one year in advance. The special 60e vote coupon is also included. I