OCR Interpretation

The Butte inter mountain. [volume] (Butte, Mont.) 1901-1912, November 13, 1903, Image 2

Image and text provided by Montana Historical Society; Helena, MT

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83025294/1903-11-13/ed-1/seq-2/

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The Right Cash Price Grocer
135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B
Mince Mreat, the kinI you like: 4't;
pound jur ......... .. ........ 95*
If. (). Oatmeal, a pound package;
specini .. .15.. .. ............1
Preret.t ' ltlic da. P ia, h -, -
po, tn, d a ..... ....... ......... 12 1 2
C('lif.rniia Apricots, aJt',poiud cani.. 15C
Yu(,. i+ the helt breakfast fod ;
a-lp und package. ................ 10*
N•w P ack .asparagus. " -lupaum i[
a . ..... ... ... ....... 25
Tlroheik' lHet I reamery Butter,
poutnd, .Joc; o .............. 55*
1'an 'amp', Assortld Soups. per
ca, .........................10*
Nn I Ilardl \\ heat Flotur, make
white brenal: So p.unds. .. 51..25
Ialtlon's Health IHats, a i.pIu d pat
ge . ............ .... 10
Pickled uerti. ruady Ii the i ' blc;
p ,'r ; ln .......... ........ ... 10.
Rhubarb.,q-pounul caul . en1 ... ...150*
('ornltttl ill ,lush, . p ntd uackage;
a dish in enachi .lckng', ..... p .251
Hoffman Ihlto.e ( ,fre' i, ti11re to
pleas : iper liiiu . . . .
Nw't oIrk ( i....t..... , .. .v'try
fi.ne; pr 1. ke................ 400
Tendt r I rasp cL .r) Irue .talk;
lFancy trI.r'y "mu 't I' t 6I
CH I( - 'I ( ratlht 'rrlte . 1. r 1r ,.. I
I and a
complete line
of the
Rogers Bros."
Knives, Forks,
Spoons, etc.
Eyes earefully exalmined and
properly fitted to the Iest grade
Jewelers and Opticians. 28 W. Park
Has just received an
elegant line of Bar
ney & Berry and
American Club
Skates. From 75c
Up. a a
35c AND UP
Wilson's Bee Hive
33 West Park Street.
Applied to the chest will relieve a cold on
the lungs in onle hour. 25c box. For
sale by
tog North Main. St.
Train No. a, the North Coast Limited, and
No. 6, lthe Burlington, Eastbound, were both
delayed by the wreck at Clinton, 18 miles east
of uMissoula, last night, and did not reach
Btte until this morning. The first named
arrived about g o'clock this morning ansd the
other at to o'clock. The wreck was cleared
early this morning after the wrecking crew had
spent the night pulling broken cars from the
track and removing debris.
Iron Mines Close.
Havana, Nov. t3.-Several hundred per
sons have been thrown out of employment
by the closing of the iron mines in San
tiago province. These mines were for
merly owned jointly by the Pennsylvania
Iron company and the Bethlehem Iron
company, but full control of them was re
cently purchased by the latter.
Full asze loaf of Bread.........
Milk fresh every mniorning, per
quart .........................I
Coal Oil, per gallon...........
I? Pounds best Gran. Sugar. 1.o00
High Votes Pollod Today by a Number
of Young Ladies-Silver Bow Girl
Leads the Entire List.
'Today the ballots Ibehgn IIgain to cot)me
in nut of the anow. but just thie a"tnc thiat
fur- lays' precipitation on .,ong,'ale d
rtistiur, I.ihowver much good it did thie
r:lluthrr and stlsOckgrOweri. wI a )Rad
(Ji I/t,'u rn. o. a Of It' e ,rd' idates inl the
lutr ,tla.l ns'. ii', 'l,; I'.n tour r'un
lral it (ialatlle , IIuIt.;:.
illw t oe ranid t ir al t, l tly, t o t pon. wit
llw taenin); :,II t Itt'IC t d lay, S w in ll Us
ih ighrent in Sil.ir in;w cou tty, ints Mis
l \ic Jackson, the Silver . Iw cculty
:tl',I.y lhe vot i taki ig a s tn g race fo r te
n rml.f the total triay wa tr i..6re. Stak
itll lhe grand Setotal toin dte ctt y .o ay
uwas 1izs i aIurai Kile!Iii. with s sI. while
High Votes Today.
Ilherest is the list of today high votells i
A11" Jackson. the Silver Bn w county
hi':hr. wh .. ls .. Ialvrnt a rou rt........ :or
t.do Nll i.d yat. Seclur ittw counllty..... tay
w Miss Iarrit Qialey of witell coiit ily,
and ills o.yd wa third witf hutr l74. y,
recied Hotiges holdy in Votes r Today.e
ty. while Miss Ilinaii Coutrtztey of Silver
floere is the lit ofved votes in h issotela
thellIare il a n.arked diflver cen ill tIhe
mit.l Itds ucha Ilr the Imany .anlitt...es inl
the tl IiFlferent counties of thye stae.
S itsu f lher are very if Pwell cikel and
rectlte iv their work ind hery Ldge tour it
that their coutins, are always voted be
for thile expira Cotion of te.
Sto roullyty the Ivd r votesntain n1iustl
shake its figr in rked differt sen of tile
mctlidats used lry te inot so tanntidclt h it
are reldiff, dorent countake note f the state.
iorati iln dates the very bu1its anlike attendt
tcc vtrae them at y work atind, with the to i
sul that thie eirl cotpon l a are thrwbe
iorl ti.e wafully, th lter askt. lntain lthe
s1 ladty i ants ,r kin tw reroof at snm of ther
of tare ca rel d i to ter in t te of tahlae cx
stlelmtnt daily on tie a cpons anot attgre
w ith thilt Count shte Iihas kept.
That sort of thing keeps the young men
in charge of the contest busy explailing,
but it does not get thie outlasted votes
Watch Expiration Date.
Please remelmber, everybody, that
coupons older than seven ldays are not
counteld. Look for the date of expiration,
printed on the coupon, and vote the little
blip before that date Ias passed.
\'otes were cast inll Utte today for can
didates from outside counties as follows:
Fliy Olds, itavalli; Jo.ie No tian, )clleron;
Maggie lrvine, Swict Gr:a .s; Anna lareaun,
Iewis and (larke; Kitty I.yonu. I)ecr lodge;
hli ('uddihy, lIter L.dgµ": Ninea Ghalam,
Dcr l.dge; lDelia lnawler, L.wis nlld Clarke:
hlyra 'rcrise, Lewis & ( larke; 'earl O'Neal,
Allssuulla; Fannlllie C. Reif, Madison; Jessie
Goodrich, Jefferon; Minnlic V. \\'oud, Yellow.
stone; .\abel lieaumont, tlwell; Lottic iMe.
Intosh, Bleaverhead; Nellie L.ongstati, Mi:;s
solihl; (race G., Gray, licaverhead.
The mail today to the home office at liuttt:
brourht votes for the Lollowing candidiates:
Ellhel Chambers, sRavalli; i loy Olids, Ravalli;
s .ctria Cyr. Missoula; lltharine I'erraut,
G;r;,tie; jessie G;oidrich, Jeffersion; Genevieve
Bllyntntl, l.ewis and Clarke; Ruby Moore, G;al.
latin; D)lia Lawler, Lewis and Clarke; Julia
Cutddihy, Deer ..ndge; Julia Grant. Beaver
head; Marion Auld. Clhouteau; 11iltd Foss,
11)awson; Clara Ilasuoclt, Choutcau; Ethel Gil.
christ, Granite.
Lots of inquiries are received every day
as to the date of the trip to the Fair.
Now that is a matter not yet arranged.
Tile Inter Mountain wants to consult the
wishes of the successful candidates In
this regard. Then, too, it wants to fix
the excursion for as early a date as possi
ble, and at a time when the most Montana
people are likely to be there.
Guests of Honor.
Here is the plan which strikes the
Inter Mountain as the best: Take the
party to St. Louis while the Fair is young
and have it there during the week in
which Montana day occurs. Montana day
has not yet been fixed definitely, and it is
possible that the management of the fair
,will take the Inter Mountain excursion
into account in fixing that date. You
will remember that the management of
the Fair has already indorsed the Inter
Mountain tour, and in several of the de
partlents is giving the schelme its hearty
So you see, if this program is carried
out, you successful maids of honor will
be at the Fair at the most favorable time
and during the exercises on Montana day
you will be the guests of honor.
In fact, It will be your own day. You,
being the official representatives of every
coutlty in the state, will receive all the
honors that will be paid to the official
represen:tatives of any sovereignty. You
will be the stars of the day, just as King
Edward's ambassador will be the bright
particular star of England's day at the
.. . . ........ t e W a y . . ...
Here is the Way They Stand
Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest
Report Vote. Vote. Report. Vote. Vote.
Miss Maude Hill, Red Rock........................ 6,3157 14 6.371 Miss Della Lawlor, Helensa ................... ...... 4.549 i6 4.565
Miss Lottle McIntosh. Dillon............ ............ 4.897 139 5.036 Miss Mable McGregor. Helena ....................... 3.8s, 15 3,866
Miss Nannie McLoughlin, Dillon.................... 3,52 57 3.569 Miss Genivive Boynton, Helena..................... 1.90os 4 1,909
Mias Emily A. Taylor, Dillon ....................... 1,944 9 ,o953 Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena...................... s1.88 ....... ,882
Miss Grace G. Gray, Bannack........................ 860 17 877 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena...................... .5jo ....... 1.59o
Miss Carrie Harrison, Dillon......................... 599 ........ 599 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena......................... 794 24 818
Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon......................444 ...... 444. .. 444 Miss Carrie Ward, Helena........................... 561 ....... s6a
Miss Julia Grant, Lima ............................. 149 9 151 Miss Myra Trerise, Helens.......................... , 99 54 353
Miss Lucy M. Ford, Lima ........................... 67 ....... 67 MADISON COUNTY
Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon.........: . ................. 46 ...... . ., 46 Miss Maud Northway,, Ennis . ....................... 1 .496 8 s.504
IROADWATER COUNTY- - Miss Fannie C. Relf, Virginia City.................. 1,318 35 1s.353
Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend...................... 5.678 24 5,99 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City.................... s.o47 ....... ,o47
Miss Rena Schant, Townsend....................... 3..64 908 4,372 Miss Gertle Kohls, Virginia City................... 67 ......... 627
Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.................. ,728 5 2,7.;3 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis........................ . SS 4 19
Miss Leila Parker, 'Townsend. ...... ... .. ".16 a x33 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan...........................3
Miss L.ella 1'arker, "rown~,td........................ '119 a 938 ...
Miss Carrie Hloloway, Townsend..................... .78 5 786 MEAGHER COUNTY
*. Mamle McRae, Townsend..................... 462 25S 713 Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs......... 6,265 ....... 6,265
Miss Lizzie Barker, Townsend..... ............ 19 1..... s9 Miss Catherine RtLes, White Sulphur Springs....... 4,172 47.42t
Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... s,o63 ....... 1,063
CARBON COUNTY- Miss Eva Hartfield, White Sulphur bprings............ ........ .......
Miss Tony Early, Red Lodge.................. .. ...... 2,8.12 Miss . me Tipton, White Sulphur Springs......... ...... ....... .......
Miss Fnnie Rourke, Red l.odge ..................... * ....... 8a Miss Maud Fuchs, White Sulphur Spr.ing ............. , . ......
Miss Jack Fullerton, Red L.odge............... ..... . 401 ....... 41o
Miss Gertrude Watson, Red Lodge ....... .............. 174 ....... 174 MISSOULA COUNTY
Miss Elmer Bowen, Red Lodge.......................C ...... 3 Miss Nellie Longstaff, Missoula......................... 2,s8 27 3,209
Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge ..................... ........ . "2 Miss Pearl O'Neal, Missoula......................... ,826 30 1,846
Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge...................... . au . 0 Miss Victoria Cyr, Frenchtown....................... 1,697 33 1.730
Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula ......................... 315 soo 815
S CUSTle R COUNTY- . Miss May Drago, Missoula ....................... . ....a6 . 6o
Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City. ..................... ....... R87 Miss Bedsie Taylor, Missoula........................ 732 1.0 1893
Miss aRose Cyloead, Miles City........................ Miss le ce7, Lvinst3...................538 .......
Miss Marion Gordon, les City...... . ....... .... u PARK COUNTY-.......
Miss Mary l hne, Miles City............................ ....... Miss Etta Hirua, Livingston. ............ . ............. 79 5,60
MAiss A SAi rt, Mile C ity Miss Birdie Clark, Livingston...................... 3,764 331 4.095.
Miss Mear .'ervas,, Miles City....................... ..... 4 . Miss Florence Goodeon. Livingston....................... 2,408 ...... ,48
Mjs Loar Wýiels.,,,, I CMle (ity.......... ......... ....... ..4 5 Miss M~aud H. Vance. Livingston.......................814..s . 814
Miss eMary Schorn, i lu s City....................... 4.4 ....... ". .... Miss Nannie Nicoler, Livingston..................... ..,o2 54 586
Miss atei B nrgel, Mles City .. ...... .............. . . Miss Elsie Haerer, Livingston........................... ....... 8
-...... .Miss Ela T r. Liviton......................... ..
Miss essie iuman, Miles City.......... .......,is Hmilton........................... .......
Miss Daisy Haynes, Miles City ....................... . . . . s Rose Hausen, Livingston...................... ................."
DEER LODGE COUNTY- Miss Mattble HggiBeaumont, Stevensville................... 745 ....... 74.1
Miss NettJulia ervaCuddihy, GreAnaconda l..................... 3.S57 527 4.o3994 Miss Harriet Quigleymmons, amiltonpi.................68 ....... ...... 658
Miss Ninaly Short, Graham, Anacondalls........................ 31.52048 34 3.827 Miss MayOro Fino Millugherty, Deer Lodges .....................1,067 4 .. 455
Miss KEditty Lyons, GreAnaconda ls........................ 2.495 53 22 Miss Arie Dalsy Bond, Helamiltonle........................ a ....... 7 7
Mis., Courn 1Ha~ssck, Hiavre..........................A ...... 504) 50 Miss Floy I.. Olds, Victor.......................... 3,045 685 1,733
Miss BlMarinche M. Salsd Huvre......... Anacond................. .73 574 7 ,.6 Miss LauCor Adamsrper Hamilton....................... 8 ....... 8983
Miss CorElizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Anacond ........................ .. .......67 9....... ..... Misss9 ROSEBUD COUNTY..................... 1,75 97 127
DAWSODGE COUN TY- Miss lattie HWeggtainy, Forsythevens....vlle..................... 3,4o2 7 3.43
Miss Juliaesie JonesCudihy, AnaGlecondivea........................ ,57 12 4..47 Miss Ethel Wadd Se inghamons, aForsython....................... 698 ....... 633
Miss NiRuth Hunteraham, AnaGlecondivea............... ... ... ....... S3827 Miss Mayme Hammo nderty, Forvallsyth ....................... 455 ....... 455
Miss A na Simms. Anaconda..ive .............. .......... s 2.5 .65 SILVERsy Bond, HamiltonTY-.......................... 29 9
M is El r O s orne . Glend i . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .N5 is A l c a ckso n.a ut te. .. . . .. . . .. . ..... a sS 41 !, -4 s .4 o
Miss Bilanche ., Gleury, Anaconda........................ .798 54 2,36 Miss Cora Adams, Hamil. Butteon ......................... 9 9..8 65.89
Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Ansconda............. 1.1.67 92 1,239 ROSEBUD COUNTY
Miss FDAWSON COle Y .................... ....... Miss yNell Weptlby, ForsyButte .. ..................... ...3,403 47 3.430
Miss Jessie Joneso, Glendive................... ......2.2 .... 2,27 Miss Ethel Waddingham, ForsyButte h. .................... 6.33 633
Miss Ruth Hunterac , Glendive........................ ....... ,88 ,883 Miss Mayme HaNamod, ForsyButteh..................... 4.o 84 6, 4
Miss Ana Simms, lendive................ ......... ...... 1 Mis005 SILVERD , BOW COutte...NTY
Miss Mary Osborne, Glcndive ........................ . 8 5... .. Miss Alice Jackson.e, Butte.......................... 43 1,025 16,456
Miss ilda Fossa, Glcndive........................... 26 .....4 2 Miss Lau ra Kilgallan, Butte......... . ......... .... ..4, 221 5,09.
Miss Maele te, G ledive .............Iss ay o , Butte................. 1 2 . ... ........ 1.536 674 13.960
Miss Mabel Lacer, Kalispel ........................ ....1. 4. Miss Clara BurkardE , Butte ...................... ... 5.10 6 8.,454
I1Miss Faes Leet, Klnive............................o610 Miss Geneva b. Smith. Butte....................... .6.570 84 6,654
Miss FrAgne s Morrow, Kalispel ...................... 43 ....... 4 ' Miss Belle Edwardsuy, Butte............... .... 54,792 140 4,93
Miss IL, May Johnson. Glendivo.........".............. 2 . 2 Hiss Hanna Courtney, Butte......................... 4.264 229 4.393
Miss Julia Gildeak, Kalndivel ............................... ....... ....... Miss Ma.nie McNaLouhrin, Butte...................... 4, 6 o5
FLATIIEAD COUNTY- Miss May Rodda, Butte............................ 3.590 327 3,6277
Miss MaRuth AndersonSlack, Kalispell ............................... 64 ....... .......664 Miss AliceRuth Carlson, Butte.......................... 1.410 41 ,451'
Miss BeDonna Schie Tatenck, Kaibbys.......................... ... ... ,64...... 1,644 Miss Claranes Harrinbatonh, Butte.........................., 31 * . ,35
Miss Fannttie CookHiggins, KaLewispeltown ....................... .3,6 9 ,4o Miss Mayte Marley, Bui Timbe r .. ......................... 6.6 o 154 5.
Miss Maudble Suprenunt, Lewistow ........ ."............. 7..' 3 79 Miss Olive E. Brownin, Bkey......i Timber.................... .. .68. 8 2 .746
Miss Grace MorrcHugh, KaLewispetonll...................... o) ...... . 664 Miss MagBelle Irvine, Biu Timbe r .................... ao572 a o ,82
Miss Julia Gildea, KlispCOUNTY-l ....................... .............. Miss MaBerths Anderson, Big Timber..................... ....9 6 505
Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond........ .............. .. ,oo s .,8=4 TETON COUN.'Y-
Miss Catherine Ferraut, Philipsburgl................... . 8.'' So,, =.;78 Miss Francis Cooper, Chouteau**.......*.***.......... ,. S ...... .. 8
Miss LilyRuth AndersonRoyal, KalispelDrummond ........................ ... .7..... 4 .7 Miss RKath Caeryn Kennedy, Chouteau................... 43 ..... 3
Miss DoIrmnna Shenkrrill, Phiipburgby ....................... ,.8 s . ,53.... Miss Maud MuHarrington.ay, Shelbyut........................ 35 ....... .....35
Miss Myrtle Clark, PhilipsburgNTY-....................... 7 ,9SWEETGRASS COUNTY
Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown.......................2.116 9 2,405 Miss Anny Ratchfordrley , Big Timber...................... s,80 ....... s,8o123
Miss Mable Suprenaunt, Lewstown.................. 71 3 729 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Big Timberlsow.................... o .......8 2,740o
Miss Mamle Oakwood, Bozeman .......... ............. 2,754 ....... , ,754 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY-
Miss GrElla ArnoldMcHugh, Lewistown...................... 66... .57..... 66 ,57o Miss Maginnie IrV. Nord, Big Timber..................... ,1 3 ,2
Miss Grace NriT, Bozean......................... ,TY- ....... s,3 Miss DoBertha Andemakerson, Big Timbern..................... .6 . o.....
Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drummond ......:............. j.Roo 5 1,8i4 TETON COUNTY
Miss Catherine FerrVan Zandt, Philipsburgozeman.................. .a ....... 2,278 Miss Francis CooperRoss, ChouteBillings a....... ........... ..... . 8. , ....... 18
Miss LiRuby Mooreoyal, Belgrade........................ 81.74 4 1.73r Miss DllKatheryn Kennedy, Choute............ ........ . . 3...... . .3
Miss Irma SherriO'Coll, omPhilips ........................ 1,.8 197 1,535 Miss Maud Murrayk, Shelby .......................... ....... ,.
Miss Myrtinnie StubbClark, Philipsburg..emn..................... 781 5. ,6 Miss Blanche Nckey, BllO N
Miss MaGertrude Sheatringfielder, GrBozemanite ................. .. ... 57 55 26 Miss Mae L. Sleeper, Billing .................... ...
GALLATIJEFFERSON COUNTY- . Miss yrtNelle C. BuMillard, Billingsgow.................. " ...50. .
Miss Mamie Oakwood, Bozeman..................... 2,754 .....: 275 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY
Miss Ella Arnold, Btozemsan........................" 1.571,..... 1.570 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings..................... 1,662 359 2,022
Miss Grosice GriNoonan, Boasin....................... ..2,86. ,263 Miss Do Withdrawn ..Radeaker Billings..... ...........,
Miss Re.ina Bear, Basin.................,............. 3.57 88 3,245
Miss Jessie Van ZanGoodrich, BozWhitehalln..................... 1.,634 68 1,162 Miss Mable Ross, Billings....... ........... ... ..'............ 3,14 ,946 3.50
Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade.......................... 8,95 196 1,031 Miss Della Walters, Billings.......................... 18, 9 193
Miss Mamie O'Connell. Bozeman.......:..............75..7"." 79)5 Miss Alice Walk, Billings...............8 ~ £
MissMinie tublefeld l~oema...............576 """ 576 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings.........................
Miss Mamie Stringfield, Bozemnan.. "........ ".............. 225 ,225 Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings.. "...........:.............. . .
JEFFERSON COUNTY- Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings.....,,,,,,,........... ....... ... ..... 'ý
MisJseNoaBsn.......,... .."..' 1,8 2 226 Wtdan..... .......... 175Miss Regina Bear, Basin............................ . 3,257 88 3,245 - -" " 3,0
Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall...... ............... 1,614 68 1,682 Total..........e..........'.' . ....... r"..' 303,304 12,946 315,250
Butte Inter Mountain's
World's Fair Tour eondiltons:
First-Any young lady over t7 years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks
provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she
Second-Three Judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to oficially an,
nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting
that Silver Dow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Missoula two each.
Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot
affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of
the majority. The winner shell have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her.
Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October 19, and close Tuesday evening at
y o'clock, January 19, tgo4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons
cut from the seml-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All
coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for.
Fifth-Coupons are given as followes
Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter
Mountain ......................................................... Vote
Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 25 Votes
Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, $S, a special coupon of so Votes
(Paid in Advance,pubseriptions.)
Subscription, Semi-Weekly 1a m lhbs, $2, a special coupon of 1oo Votes
(Paid in Add abs Subscriptions.)
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountlfn i month, 7ac, a special
cuopon of .............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.)........... 40 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 6 months, $4.00oo, a special
coupon of ............. (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... 3j0 Votes
Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, s1 months, $7.50, a
special coupon of...... (Paid in Advanpe Subscriptions., ........ 50oo Votes
Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon
Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon
each day and the totals announced in the evening papers
Late Transportation Service to Meader.
villi Will Be Tried Again.
Manager J. R. Wharton of the street
railway company announces that the "owl
car" will be tried again on the Meader
ville line. The late car will be run from
12:45 until 3 a. in. at intervals of every
half hour. The last car for the night
will leave Meaderville at 3 o'clock.
The "owl car" has been made necessary
by the large number of men working in the
mines and smelters in Meaderville, who
go off shift at a o'clock in the morning
and who board up town. The walk is a
long one and Manager Wharton was asked
to give them some relief in the way of
street car facilities.
The late car was tried last season and it
did not pay. It is said now, however,
that a greater number of men are em
ployed down that way and that more of
them live in Butte than before, The late
car will be run until Christmas, at least,
and if it is found practicable it will doubt
less be made a regular thing.
Snow at Big Timber.
Big Timber, Nov. s,--It is snowing
Headquarters and Voting Places
Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson .......... ............................. Dillon
Broadwater County-Byrne Bros .. .................... ,.............. Townsend
Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox ................................................Red Lodge
Cascade County-Thomas Hodge ............... **** ***............................ Great Valls
Clhouteau County-George W. Crane ............... .......................... Iort Benton
Custer County-. . E, Arnold.........................................Miles City
Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson.......................................... Glcndive
Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office .............................................. Anaconda
Fergus County-L. C.,,Cornell............. ..~.... .... ........................... Lewistown
Flathead County-Walter Hunt .......... ......................................Kalspel
Gallatin County- P. Martin ................... .......... ................ Bozeman
Granite County-Charles Williams ...... ............................... Philipsburg
Jefferson County-L. H. Riddell, Boulder;, 3.H. Rule.................... .......Basin
Lewis and Clarke County-Moore Bookl and Stationery Company ................ Helena
Madicon County--James Powell .. ......................................Virginla City
Meagher County-.L. B. Jobb........................................ White Sulphur Sprlngs
Missoula County-W.nstanley's Office ............................................... Missoula
Park County-Bingham Hinman............................. ...........Livingston
Powell County-The Kenyon Store ....................................Deer Lodge
Ravalll County-Wynne Roberts ......................... . .............. Hamilton
Rosebud County-W. H. Simons .......................... ........................ Forsyth
Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office .................... ....... .......... Butte
Valley County--Mliss Bertha Kempher ................. ................ ..... ...... Glasgow
Teton County-C. H. Drake .............................................Chte
Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley.........B....... ........... .... .Billings
Swetgrass County--L. M. Hungerford ......................... ..... Big Timber
/ o .c. . -// ' '/ . OV 20, '03
"///'3 .'.2P O/V /7 7'O VOTCII aN O4RBF. E . . /O
rapidly here today and is quite cold,
Stockmen are not particularly worried.
To Receive Smaller Psy.
Lancaster, Pa,, Nov, 13.-A notice has
been posted at the Pennsylvania Iron
works announcing that on November z6
the wages of puddlers would be reduced
from $4.50 to $4 a ton and other workmen
Florence, Italy, Nov. i3.-Marquis Car
los di Rudini, son of the former Italian
premier, and Miss Dora Labouchere, daugh
ter of Henri Labouchere, proprietor and
editor of the London Truth, were married
here yesterday. Mr. Labouchere and the
former premier were present,

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