Newspaper Page Text
BROBEeK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691 B SOME COFFEE DRINKERS Are very particular about the Coffee they drink. Some like strong, black Coffee; others a mild aromatic cup, and still others like to strike a happy mcdium-a Coffee that has the strength and luscious flavor combined. Whatever yours may be we can please you. We can also please your pocketbook. We have the prices to do that. Our Coffees Are Always Fresh Roasted GEE WHIZZ-A Good Coffee -all coffee; per pound........ 121-2 BEST RIO-A Strong olffee ; per pound . ....... ............ ..15 GOLDEN RIO-A Fine Flavor; per pound ....................... 180 SANTOS-Makes a Mild Cup; per pound...........................25. MONEY-WORTHI HI.EN)-just what the name suggeats-that's what yoa get when you buy n pound at...........S30 HOFFMAN Ht()USE---( t)ur pet brand; a fine Mocha and Java and a Tcelherry. We can't help it: but we are partial to tlhis blend. because we don't think it can lbe heaten for the price: j.c per pound ; three pounds........... 1.00 GENUIINE ARAItIA\N Mocha and Mild ahling Java-two good etets -scareC in this country; at once tich in Ilavor and delicious : per pol,:1........... 400 Try our Cottces. Mniiiy hack if not satisfactory. Prompty Dclivery in (ity (iuly. Cut Glass bowls, water bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. 1M1 ROGERS BRo0 "Silber Plate uhat Wears" IN KNIVLS, PORKS AND SPOONS. A complete line of jewelry always in stock. w\e hive jtus reccived an elegant line of (lt t;l.-., thich we aolter a. ter) low Nappies as Low as $2 Bowls From $5 Up lOur latlct addlitn to our optical depart. artnl t iY the tinawa.t batti.t( liC in -trallll'llt thi at instlres plt. Lfet. actur.u y ata itting eye g -et . .' Examinrations ftree. TOWLE & WINTERIALTER Jewelers and Opticians, a8 W.Park Tonight's Specials For Boys and Girls AT WILSON'S BEE HIVE Girls' High Cutters 35c and up to $3.00 Boys' Sleds from 50c up Double Runner Skates 50c Boys' Skates 75c BEE HIVE 30 WEST PARD STREET DR. LONG'S LUNG EASE Applied to the chest will relieve a cold on the lungs in one hour. 2$c box. For sale by NEWBRO DRUG CO., zoo North Main St. DR. HUIE POCK Thirteenth doctor of China from grand father d~wn. Born and schooled in the profession. Treats all diseases, making a specialty of chronic troubles. Consult lte. aa7 South Main Street. Nixon CashGrocery 9po5 UTAH AVENUE WASH DAY SPECIALS So bars White Russian Soap ........ 100 so bars White Rose Soap......0,, 1|00 4 bars Fels Naptha Soap.......... ap Gold Dust, per packalge............ ,0 Pearline, per package............. .10 so pounds Sal Soda ................. .25 Six Large Bottles Blauinga......... ..5 BE CAREFUL WITH CONTEST BALLOTS BUNCH WITHOUT NAMES ON THEM THROWN INTO THE WASTE BASKET TODAY. GRAND TOTAL MOUNTING UP Need of Careful Voting Shown in the Careless Manner in Which Many of the Ballots Come In. The Iusy telegraph failed to get busy at the proper time today and as a result returns fro a nulllllller of outside collunties in the Inter Mountain Worhld's Fair tour MI.S.S A.l lil I'. S .P.RI .,VG Of linnis, a p ,tfrin,, 'Nn t 'odulate in the Inter MAuntotin,'s If',/nl's Fair tour con fist in MAadisotn i'ostv. rltest failed to arrive on tiltme. They goti in too late for ipulbiliatiton in the tabu lated tate'ntent tolday. A\MI1 lheni there are lluor vSoter, silowed tuider away out in the distant counties, where comllutialication is I.poor and the candidates have hern collectinlg the coupons by riding over the surrounding territory for thetti. Conlsequently today's vote iS 0,951 in the state, ma'.g the total 1s.Isot. In face of the elellrlent and the itn-lbusy telegraph lines, lhe total continues to climb at a rapid pace. In This County. The high votes in Silver Ilow county today were cast by the following: Mliss Alice .fack, n............ .. 8.1. Miss Laura Kilgallan ................... ·IJ .i;s Nell I.y............................ i,.sq And the high votes in lthe slate were calst by the following: li., I.aura Ilnarper, ravalli county ....... .1103 .11.,. Alice Jacksiin. Silver Iiow countv.. 853 Mli hllantclhe 1t. S.alstury. tlier ILodge county )' ..................... ........ . o IM-cIt Mary St1:cla. I:l:ltheal tt . ....... 591 Ml., laude l .lllntver, :Flatheald county*).... 512 Received by Mail. V-tes were received by nmail today for the followin : Miss M.thel iclhold. l.ewis and Ctlarke county; Miss Ethel (;ilchrist. (;ranite county; Miss FlIy (hils, RIvalli county; Miss Julia G(rant, Icaverheal county; M.iss Edlta Jackson, Madison coltty; Miss l':arriet Qutigley, I'owell coullty; Miss ilthy Moore, (Iallatin counlty; Miss Maltel Mc;regor. l.ewis and Clarke countty; Miss Nellie .otlgsltalf, Missoula county; Miss Iaura hlarper, Iavalli countlly. "Be careful." That is the mtotto which everyone tof the candidates should paste in her hat and look at frequently. You would he surprised a;t the tlnumber of votes that are lost just because you ;ire niot al ways careful. For inlstance, today a thutinch of 75 couilpons caltie in together. Prestnalbly they were all for one candidate, but only four of then, Ilre :lany namle whatever in the blank left for its insertion. Conse. Quectlly those 7 I coupons were thrown out. Somte girl loses IitheiI. Seventy-otie ballots at this or any other stage of the conitest Illay timean victory or defeat. You can't af ford to take chances like this. lic careful yourself, young ladies, in sending in the contpons, and tell all your frienlds to bIe equally careful. lIe sure that the tuiane is written ill or intiserted with a rubhler staltp in thlie bilanlk left for that plurloise oiln thie coulioti. T'hlei see that tile cotlpott has lit expliredl-that tihe expira tiot dalte printed oni it has nt ipassed. Closing Exhortation. Dol)ii't try to volte expiredl cottloitins or those ott which liii naite ;upltars. T'hey will simptily go to swell the pile in tile wsastc -laper Ihisket whtich thle large and h:lppy colored getllelr alill carries dowit to the fIurnace every Iight. lIe careful. l'lease ie careful. W. E. LITTLE HAS SUED Brings Action Against Administration of H. C. Stebbens Estate. W. E. Little of Melrose has sued John Melville as administrator with the will an nexed of Ii. C. Stebbens, deceased, to re cover $700 and interest and costs, to gether with a decree foreclosing a imort gage. The complaint, filed today in the dis trict court, says Stebbens executed his note to Little for the amount named at Melrose, October 2o, 18o8. and failed to pay it. The note bore interest at the rate of za per cent per annum, and was secured by a mortgage on two lode mining claims, the Ella 13 and the Itala, in Soap gulch. Melville became admininstrator of the estate some time ago, and little wants the money named, with interest to date, and the mininig claims sold under execution to satisfy his claim. Anaconda K. of P. All members of .Montana l.o'dge, No. 13, and Mount Powell l.dge, No. 43. KI. to 1'., are requested to meet at K, of I', hall, Sunday, NovIhnbcr ts, at 2 o'clock p. mi., to attend the funeral of llrother J. M. Goddard, J. W, Ilates, C, C. of lontatna No, t3; C. M. Saw yer, C. C. of Mt. Iowell, No. 43. LADIES, ATTENTION ! ()tr embroidery teacher retlrnted ftrom the E;,,t silme time ago, and is now ready to teach anti make to order aIny work de iired. Lessons, six hours for $.too. Iead wsork also taught, 'Mrs. James Ilurns, 938 South Arizona. JESUITS COMING TO MONTANA lHelena, Nov. It.-Word has been re ceived that two Jesuits from (' hicago will begin holding services here November a9. Here Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote in The Inter Mountain's. World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERHEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- L.ast Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Report Vote. Vote. Miss Maude lfill, Red Rock ..........." .............. 61371 ia 6,383 Miss Delia I.awlor, Helena ........ ...5............ 4.565 75 4,640 Miss Lottie Mclntosh Dillon .................... 5036 29 5,o65 Miss Mable McGregor, ll elena ....a............ 3,866 53 3.919 Miss Nannie Mcioughln, D)illon..................... 3.569 5 3,574 Miss (Genivive Boynton, Helena............. .... . ,1909 34 1,943 Miss iEmily A. Taylor, Dillon .......................... 1,953 4 1,967 Miss Mayme Walsdt Helena ...................... .,88a 27 ,909 Mis (iace (ray, Ianack ... ............... 877 .... 877 Miss Mable Riebold, Helena.................. 97 Miss Carrie arrison, Dion ...... 99 Mss Anna Marceau, Helena ........... 88 818 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon ........................... 444 ....... 444 Miss Myra Trerise, Ilelena ......* ......... ..*.... . 353 300 653 Miss Julia G(rant, Lia ill...... .. ................ 151 a 173 Miss Carrie Ward, llelena.........................«. 562 3 365 Miss Lucy M. Ford, Imia ............................ 67 . .., 67 MADISO' COUN1Y Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon.................... 46 .... 46 Mis Maud Northway, niCOUs ... 14 . ROADWATERC Maud Northway, .nnis....***..... ..** .*** .*.* . 5..« ...5.... 2504 MROifA W 1AFR CONTY-- Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City .................. 153 ....... ,353 Miss Maud I enwell, Townsend...... ...... ... 5,919 . .....e 919 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City. ................ ,o7 4 , Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsen ................. 47 ... 4,372 ,372 Miss (ertie Kohls, Virginia City. ............. .......627 67 .Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend ................ 1 ,73J3 ....e 2,733 Miss Maybell Sparling, Einis........................ 519 519 Miss I.eila I'arker, Townsend ........ . ..... ... . 9. 38 . ..., 938 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan........... ....... 2.",..1 , Miss (Carrie llolloway, Tluwnsetd ...................a 786 ..... 786 ME'A;FIIER COUN'r1 Miss Mamie Mcliae, 'Townsend.... * * .................. 713AF...R C7OUN3 Miss iMamie Marker, 'ownse.nd......... .............. 3 .9 ..... Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs........ 6,2'5 ...... .. 6,265 Miss ie arker w n.................. . 9 Mss (atherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs......... 4,172 4,172 CARi()N CO('(UNlTY--. Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... ,o6j 1,063 Miss Tony Early, Red Loidge...................... 2,812 t . 2,853 Miss Eva lartticll, White Sulphur Springs............. .................... Miss Fannie Rourke, Red Iodge . ....................... 842 Miss iflle I'ilpton, White Sulphur Springs............. ................. Miss Jack Fullertonl, Red I.dlge............... .. ...... 4o Miss Mau Fuchsl, \Vhite Sulphur Springs............................... Miss ;ertrude Watson, Red I.odge ................... . 74 2 76 MISS(I.A COUNTY_ Miss Elner Bowen, Red l.olge ....................... .. ...... M Nellie i. sta, Missola *...................... ,0 2 2 Miss Eva Rolrbbins, Red .odge .................... , 2 ..... .l is s ic lr y'NeI, Misssula........ =................ 1,4 1865 Miss Nellie (hirrcll, Red Lodge........... . ........ 0 Nli ' ictoria Cyr, Frenchltown .................. ... ,730 CUS'I'ER (:OUNTVY- Miss Sarah Beard, Missotula..Mla.................. .....* IS ". ,7, Miss Margaret tartcr, Miles C'ity ...................... 887 it 898 Miss Bessie l'nylor, Missoula. ................... . 2 o s. Miss Marion (ordon, Miles City .................... 9 PARK CUNT Miss Myrtle Johson, Miles City .................. ........ Miss Etta lIruza, l.ivingston ......... .... ... 5.620 6 5,646 Miss. Ada Eich5l.rn, Miles City ..irdi Clark, I.ivingston ....r9.......... . ...... 4,u95 286 4,381 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City ................ ...... 5 Miss Florence oondsn, I.ivingston................ 1,408 5 143 Miss L.ulu \ilrou, Miles City........................ 4 *.39 5, 4 , Miss Mlald I. Vance. Iivingston .......... ..... 84 . 814 Miss Mary Schriter, Miles City ...................... s...........: ...... .....Miss N;aiie Nicnl. I.ivinrgston................... ... 586 " 5.86 Miss Rosalee Terrett. Miles City................................. .. ...... liss Elnalh Driscoll. livingston .................. . . Miss Kate Burgcl, Miles ity........................ ...... ....... Miss i Mrcier. .ivington....................... ....... Miss ilcesie Ilultlian, Miles City.... ...................... .. Turner, I ivintn ....................... EMiss Daisy laynes, Miles City.. ................... : ...... ......., ....... Miss Rose llatsen. I.ivingstnl ....................... .. ............... CASC'ADE (OUN'I'TY- hl\VeI., COUNTY Miss Netta (;ervais, Great Falls. ...................... 2,309 597 2,90o6 Miss Malle ieaumonIIt, D)eer I.odge ................... 5,147 6 5,153 Miss Nelly Short, Great F:alls.................... 2.07 24 2,096 Miss Hlarriet Quigley. Ophir.......................... ..658 90 2.748 Miss IEdith Birown, Great Falls...o................a 221 4 225 Miss Oro Finn Miller, Deer Lodge .................... i,o ... 1,085 CHOUTFAOU COUNTY-- Miss Annie Daly. Helville .......................... 27 ....." 27 AMis ('ra Ilassock, Havre .......................... 500o ...... 5o00 RAVAI.!.[ COUN'y.- Miss Marion Auld, Ilavre........ "...... .......... 9 ..... 99 Miss .aura Harper. amilton ................... ........., 983 ,093 4.076 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook ........... ............... .....y ..... . s.... iiss Floy L. )Olis, Victor ......................... 3,733 o 3,843 .Miss Ethel C'hamlibers, Hamilton....................". 1.272 9o ,3 )EER l.Ol)GE C'OUNTY- Miss Mattie Higgins, Stevenville ................... ... 742 ....... 72 Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda ...........-..s . 4,84 * 4,084 156 4,240 Miss l.illa Semitons, lanilton........................ 68 ....... 698 Miss Nina Gr(;ham, Anaconda ....... ................« 3,827 248 4,075 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis ..................... 455 ti6 571 Miss Hlanchle M. Sualsbrry, Anaconda.............. . ,363 605 2,067 Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton......................... 39 293 Miss Kity I,yons, Anaconlda ......................... 1a,66 3.1 a,65 Miss Cora Adarms, lamilton .......................... • 89 6 9 5 Miss Elizalbethl L. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda ............... 1,259 29 1,288 ROSEBUD COUNTY DAWSON COUNTY- Miss Floy Westaby. Forsyth ........ ............... 3,40 Si 3,941 Miss Jessie Jones, Glendcive....... .................2.207 ,...... 2,207 Miss thel Waddinghnn, Forsyth..................... 643 .... 3,943 Miss thelkNadoigha For.yth '................... 6 .....63 .. M 6rTm Miss Ruth Hlunter, Glendive........ .. ............... 1,88 ..."..r 1,882 Miss Mayne Hlammond, Forsyth.............. ..........; 4 4 Miss Ala Simms, G(lendive............................. 1,005... 1,005o SI.VER BOW COUNTY Miss Mary ()sborne., Glendive ......,. ............ 588 6 S84 Miss Alice Jackson, Butte......................... 16,456 ,3 Miss Hilda Foss, ;lendive .......................... , 27 ...... 7 Miss I.aura Kilgallan, Butte........... ............. 15,0 436 15,529 Miss Iffie 'I'cter, (;lendive ........... ..... ...... o ....... 2 Miss Nell l.loyd, Butte ... .......... ........... 10,080 409 11.389 Miss Maibel latchelor, (;lendive ........ ......... 1.Miss Clara Burkard. Butte .......*........ . ....8 8,145 300 8.443 Miss Frances lee, (;ledive ......................... ..10... * 10 Miss Geineva M. Smith, Butte................... .....: 6,654 305 6,959 Miss l;r:anc. JRohnson, (;l*endive.. ............'' 8,o 3o 8, "Miss" " 3ris Jh.nso ( manii...3...... ......... . 3 . 3 ',6 0 n Miss Nellie Duffy, Butte.......... ..... 432 139 5,071 Miss II. May Johnson, Glendive.... ................., . .. .. . 2 Miss illanna Courtney, Butte....................... 4.9; 4,514 Miss Arie Mack, Gilendive... .. ............... ............. ....... Miss Mamie McNamara, Butte ................ . 4.219 57 4,276 FI.ATIEAD COUNTY- iss ay Rola Btte .....................7 56 3,773 Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell..........ý ........ r.,.-. 4,664 591 52$55 Mliss Alice Mitchell, Butte.. .......... ......... .. .451 75 1,526 Miss Bessie Tate, Kalispell......s",..........., 1,644 509 2,153 Miss Clara Auerbaclh, Butte....................... .3,121 25 1,146 Miss Mattie Iliggins, Kalispell .........r.6.......... 6u8 6o8 Miss Olive E. Beakey, Butte ...... ... ... .. 635 5 640 Miss Maeude Fauver, Kalispell ......,........,......... . 409 51 9t Miss Kayte Jones, Butte ............ .............. 65 ,...... 635 Miss Agnes Morrow, Kalispell.......... .......... 40 ....... 40 Miss Belle Edwar*ds, Butteo.......... ............... 6. 12 633 Miss Julia GildJea, Kalispell.. .......... ...... ....... ........... Miss Margaret l.ouglhrin, Butte........................ 5')5 4 509 Miss Ruth Anderson, K.lip.ll. "..... . ....... . . . . . . . . . . ..Miss Ruth Carlson, Butte............................43 .... 423 Miss Donna Schenck, Libby. . ........,.....0.. ... . ............... .. Miss Agnes lIarrington, Butte.'..................... . 35....... 43 FERGUS COUNTY- S\ELTGRASS COUNTY- Miss Fannie Cook, Lcwitowl... ............. 2,40o5 ..... 2,4o05 Miss May Marley, Big Timber...... .. .............. 5. 3 ... 5123 513 Miss Mable Suprenaut, lIewistown..............., ... . 7'9 t8 747 Miss Ethel Browning, Big Tl'imnber................... 2,740 ....... 2,740 Miss (;race Mcllugh, Lewistown........ .......... 66o .., .. 66o Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Tinlmber..................... z,i8 ......... 2,181 GRANITE COUNTY- Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Tinlbcr.......................... . ....... Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Drumtnond......:...: r....,..o.. 1,814 0 1,823 TETON COUNTi. Miss Catherine Perraut, Philipsburg..... ,.._,.,, 2.0, 2,278 6 2,284 Miss Frances Cooper, Clhoteattn............ .......... 8 . 8., 8 Miss l.ily Royal, Drinmmond............. .... ....; i,7t1 5 1,717 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Chotcau........ . ............. 3 3 ..... 3 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipslburg........... .......... « 535 8 1,543 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby..........................• .. ........ . . . Miss Myrtle Clark, Philipsburg. ...........V. .. 1.213 128 1,421 VALLIEY COUNTY- ... ....... Miss Gertrtude Shearer, (;ranite. .... ...,.. .... . r. 826 4 83o Miss Anna Ratchlford, Glasgow.... ............. ...... ,8o . . ,8ot GAI.LATIN COUNTY- Miss Myrtle MaMillan, Glasgow.... ..o............. o 5o0 ..... I 50 Miss Mainie Oakwood, Bozeman..,.....:......... 2.,754 ,."..... 2,754 YEI..O\VSTONEF CO NY'1''- Miss Ella Arnold, Bozenan ...... ..M.** ,.... . i57o 6 ,586 Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billinlgs....................... 2,031 39 2,060 Miss (;race Griffin. Bozenan.... .,.. ......,.... 71,63 115 I,278 Miss Dora Rademaker. Billings.............. ....1,413 93 1,506 Miss lBessie Van Zandt. Bozeman.., ..:......:...... 1,162 40 1,302 Miss Mable Ross, Billings ........................... 15 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrale. . .""., . .... 1,31 8 3,039 Miss Della Walters, Billings ......................... 92 ....... 192 Miss Maiiie O'Connoll, BtozeInan................. 795 . ... 795 Miss Alice Walk, Billings..................... 10 ..... Miss Minnie Sttblefield, ozeman.. . .... ...... 576 ....s.. 576 Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings............ ..; .......... ,. ... Miss nManic Stringfield, Bozenian.,.,. . ...,.. . .......1,. .. ,, a Miss ,Marie L, Sleeper, Billings ...................... ................. JEFFERSON COUN'TY- Miss Nellie C, Bullard, Billings. ....... Miss Josie Noonan, Basin........... ....... ..., 2,o206. 2,26 Withdrawn..........., ,26 ith....................31,705 ..... 31,705 Miss Regina Bear, Basin ...".................... .. 3, . .. 3,245 ..3,7 ...... 3,7 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall....- .... ........ 1,683 38 ,720o Total.........................................315,250 9,951 325,2o i ········· I'·····1··· lii·· •1t5 I~5 • il• rn, mm m Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tbur Conditions: First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to officially an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Bow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Mlssoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannot affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy if unable to attend her. self. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October a9, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January r9, 90o4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semi-weekly, or the daily Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. All coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ......................... .................... ........ Vote Subscription In arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. aS Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, $S, a special coupon of So Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions,) Subscription, Semi-Weekly i2 months, $2, a special coupon of 0oo Votes (Paid in Advasco Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily liter Mounta. month, 75c, a special cuopon of ..............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ........... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain; 6 months, $4.00oo, a special coupon of ........... (Paid in Advapce Subscriptions.), .... ..... 250 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 12 months, $7.0o, a special coupon of ...... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions. ,...... ..... 00 Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at the beadquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any poltansamcd below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the evcning papers MONTANA PIONEER SOCIETY To Meet in Helena November 20 to Elect' a Successor to Late President, SPECIAL TO TIE1 INTER MOUNTAIN. Helena, Nov. 14.-Secretary J. U. Sd.t ders of the Montana Pioneers' society has issued a call for a meeting of the executive committee here November ao to elect a president to succeed the late John Caplice of Butte. Secretary Sanders is sending out the nsew certificates of membership divided so that they can be signed by the respective presidents of the society at the time the recipient was elected a member. There are several hundred of them. BUTTE BRIEFS. GCeneral Agent Wilson of the Short Line is sending notice to agents in Montana to day that trains Nos. 7 and to out of Butte will be discontinued November a2, leaving trains Nos. 8 and g. No. 8 will leave Butte at the same time as it present, 4:45 p. nm., while No. o will arrive at 5:3u p . .instead of 6:3o, as at present. NEW STRIKE OF GOLD IN JEFFERSON COUNTY A new gold strike has been made in the vicinity of Gold Flint mountain in Jefferson county. Recently while crawling through the workings of a claim situated just east of the Cold Flint mine, W. Brown, who re sides near there, discovered a io-inch streak of ore disclosed by a cave int the Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A. S. Johnson ....... ................................ Dillon Broadwater County-Byrne Bros ..................... ................... Townsend Carbon County-Mrs. M. N. Hickox.................................................Red Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge ............. .................................. Great Falls Chouteau County-George W. Crane .............................................Fort Benton Custer County-- . Arnold......... ....................... ........ Miles City Dawson County-Albert H. Johnson .............. ........................ Glendive Deer Lodge--Inter Mountain Office ................... .................... Anaconda Fergus County-L. C. Cornell .......................... ............... ,wlistown Flathead County-Walter Iiunt .................. .......................... Kalispell Gallatin County-J. P. Martin ............................................, Bozeman Granite County-Charles Williams .......... .....'......,,U df.,,.,+u,". Phillpsburg Tefferson County--J]. I.. . ule ..................... ............. : ..........:..................asitt Lewis and Clarke County-Moore 1look and Stationery Company ................ Helena Madison County-James Powell ........ ............................... Virginia City Meagher County-L. B. Jobb................................. White Sulphur Springs Missoula County--Wlnstanley's Ofice ................................................. Missoula Park County--Bingham lHinman... ..................................... Livingston Powell County--Tihe Kenyon Store .................................................Deer Lodge Ravalli County-Wynne Roberts. .............. .......................... Hamilton Rosebud County-W. H. Simons ............................. ............ Forsyth Silver Bow County--Inter Mountain Office ,..................................... Butte Valley County-Miss lBertha Kemphler..... ............................... Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake................... ..................................... Chotesuo Yellowstone County-Thotnas Manley..................................... ...B Billlings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungerford ........ ..................................... Dig Timber VOTLer Fo . Nov. 21, '03 ,7"'/ CUPO /l/7 e V7TL!ONOR 'CVIr^ workings. Samples were taken and as sa),cd and shows four ounces .in gold and 63 ounces in silver. The claim on which the ore has been found was located sev eral years ago, but after the shutdown of the Gold Flint mine no work has been performed there. A leasing partnership has been formed and the shoot will be developed, Not an International Event. Ferrol, Spain, Nov. 14.-The alleged at tack by 25 Spanish vessels on two British steamers which arrived here Thursday in a damaged condition, turns out to have no real foundation. It was an unimportaint affair between fishermen. He's a Star. "Have you a goQd family doctor, Mrs. Haw. kins?" asked Mrs. Goldthorpe. "Yes, indeed," replied Mrs. Ilawkins. "There is III disease, however rore, that nho doesn't know whait speciallist to scud you to fur it tr oalntm, ."-P..uclk.