Newspaper Page Text
BRBOBEK 135 W. Broadway 'Phone 691B The Right Cash Price Grocer Montana Fresh Eggs, dozen ........30 PLOUR Dakota hard Whent. So pounds. 591.25 Rex Flour. So pounds. .......... 1.2 BUTTER The Best Creamery flutter, per pound ...........................25 JRMS AND JELLY One-Pound Jar Fruit Jin .......... 150 One-pound Jar Pure Fruit...........25 One-Pound Glass Pure Fruit Jlly.. 20C Two Pounds, Fancy I;lass and Jelly.25C Five Pounds, 'Joy Pail Jelly Ex tract ............ ............. ... 25h HIEESE New York Full 'reamn, per pound. aoc; .1 pounds....................5 0 Wisconsin. new .dil mild, per poulnd, oc; .i pousnds .............. .. 50O Dotsesttii Swiss ('hSile, per poiiuld 250 PRUITS California .\prict.. pound can..150 California Plunis. threi pounIl cans 1-.-15 BRESKPAST POODS Yuco line Graiulateil \\'hict, three package for ..................... 25t Carnation WIheat, five -pounld patk 4ages, special ...................2...25 l'riusply Delis cry in Cit)y Only. Cut Glass bowls, water bottles, glasses, dishes, etc. "_1 ROERS 0 OS "Silber Plate That Wears" IN KNIVES, FORKS AND SPOONS. A complete line of jewelry always in stock. We have just rcreived nn rleganst line of Cut (;l,.s, vsith I , at .,I at very low pnrce. Napples as Low as $2 Bowls From $s Up Our latest ahlliti , n to our optical depart. nent is the nw:t, f scientific instrumllentet that insure' perfut aCuracY, i I httilng eye l1ascs. ExI n ,ml: i,5 ns free. TOWLE & WINTERHALTER Jewelers and Opticians, 28 W.Park Sore Throat Cured In One Night by Dr. Long's Lung Ease Aply the lungI case to the throat and rub in wcll with the hand, then tie a soft cloth, "l ref rably woolen," about the neck. In eight hours all fever awl iinfla:mtation will have disappeared. Dr. Long's Lung Ease Untequaled for cold on the chest, Bron. chitis and all bronchial arl lung af fections due to infllamition. For sale by Newbro ;Drug Co. 109 N. Main St., Butte Largest Drug House In the State ERECTS RUDE TOMB OF BOULDERS ON SUMMIT BY ASSOCIATED I'PtISS. Alluquerque, N. M., Nov. 6d.-The partly decomposed body of J. M. Scaeller, until recently a soldier in the United States army in the Philippines, has been found at the summit of the highest peak of the lofty Sanmrlia range. A six-shooter with one chamber empty lay near the body. The body lay between two great houlders as if tile man had attempted to provide a tomb before killing himself,. liHe came to this city from Los Angeles, LADIES, ATTENTION I Our embroidery teacher returned from th51 East somie time ago, and is now ready to teach and make to order any work desired. Leseons, six hours for $1.oo. lBead ork also tautght. Mrs. James Burns, 9;3 South Arizonan. Nixon CashGrocery pos UTAH AVENUEI WASH DAY SPECIALS p bars White Russian, Soap...0.... I1O0 8o bars White Rose Soap...........l.O00 4 bars Fels Naptht Soap......... .1 Gold Dust, per packae ............ .0O Pearline, per package .............. ,10 to pounds Sal Soda ............. ... . Six Large Bottles Uilueeig.......... ,5 ELEVEN THOUSANO ARE POLLED TOOAY STAGE OF QUIET CAMPAIGNING IS REACHED IN THE INTER MOUN TAIN'S WORLD'S FAIR RACE. EVERY COUPON IS VALUABLE Do Not Lot One Escape, But Vote Them All and Help Send Some Young Lady to the Exposition. Ileven thou~sand one huntdred and twenty is tilhe total vote today in the Inter Mosuintain's World's fair tour series of contesicts. 'IThis mnakes the total vote to date 336, ,.lt. ilt by bit it grows. The stage of the contest where hardI, quiet c, ampalgn ing is being done by the many contestants ,has eenu reahlied. It is a struggle ror MISS IEVA ROBBIlNS, Of Red Lodge, One of the Caroon County Candidates in the Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour Contest. coutpons--and, with so many candlidates in the field-a strenuous one. Save your coutpons. You will be able to snake glad the heart of some young lady with them. Save Them All. l)on't let a coupon get away. Save them all. but don't save them too long. \ote them within seven days anId help Somen deserving and representative young lady to represent her county at the World's fair as the guest of the Inter Mountain. The high votes in Silver Ilow county today were cast by the following: li-" lara ltirkatd............ ............ 8. .lis s lamnlie .ISclNamara ................... 78J Ititv Nel Il. ................................. 67 The followintg young ladies todayJ received Ithe highest v'otes in the tale: Miss ('lora Iltirk:lrd. Silver luow county.. . 53 Mis E"ta IitrtIRz , Park eunty ............. 841 .is .Mamic McSNamara, Silver oItw rcunty 782 1i Maltl Itheat.tnnt, t'owell county.... 640 .liss Nell iLloyd, Silver flow county...... 677 Miss I\argaret Carter of Custer comnty and Miis Delta Lawler of Lewis alit Clarke county received large votes today in BIutte, the former re·cetiting sgo votes and the latter 400. MIss \Viltouia (yr o Missuila county re. ceived vote, itn sli 'Tula county today. The following young ladies received votes today in fhlte: Mises Malabel Ieauttmnnt, Powell; G;eevieve Iltynton, L.ewis and Clarke; .Maynte Walsh, Iewis and Clarke: tlarriet Quigley, P'owell; Nellie L.ongstaff, hM ..oula; Margaret Carter, ('tuter; lt innic Nord, Yellowstone; I)elia L.awler, Lewis and Clarke; Ethel Gilchrist, (hanite; Myra Treis~e. Le.wis and Clarke; .ottie Mclnto.h, licavrhncad; Mlabel Supre nant, Fergus; Nantii Mcl.oughlin, Heaver 1,; Ilanche RI. Salhbury, leer Lodge; (;,oodrich, Jefferson; lony 1L. Oldl, ItR:vallit; Julia Cutddihy, IDcer .Lodtge. The mnail brought votes today as (ullowsi luit',: li -es Delia lawler, Lewis nod ('larke comity; Katherinie Rles, Meagher; Myra Ire. rice, I.ewis and Clarke; I;race Giitlin, Galla /:itih, Gallatin; Ethel itlchrist, Granite. CALIFORNIA AT THE FAIR Each state is trying to outdo the other in the exhibits to be shown at tile World's fair. Especially is this true of the west ern states. Buit there is one exhibit from which it is quite possible that lMontana maiy gain a few ideas regarding the showing to he made of the minerals of the state; it is frotm California and consists of a trium ihal arch made of mineral products from that state. The height of the arch is to be 23 feet and width 17 feet. Each of the minerals, stone and jewels, native to the state, will be in this arch, and it is planned to have the lights so fall on it as to bring out the hines built into the construction. Behind the arch will be a collection of cabinet specimens and a column of ledido lite, 16 feet high, w\ill be one of the at tractive features. TO CURE A COLD IN ONE DAY. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All druggists refund the money of it falls to cure. L. W. Grove's signature is on each box. asc. ELMER JOHNSON HELD BY BOZEMAN POLICE Chief of Police Mulholland received word this morning from Bozeman that a boy, Ehnlmer Johnson, is detained there by the police. The boy lived in Butte and it is thought that he was running away. Last night the conductor on the North crn Pacilic train put him off at Bozeman. A GUARNTEED CURE FOR PILES. Itching, Blind, Bleeding or Protruding 'tcles. Your druggist will refund money it L'A4O OINTMENT fails to cure you in 6 to 14 days. 5c. Chinese Railway Opened. BY AsSocIATrEr Pa:ss. Ilong Kong, Nov. 16.-The Canton & latsh branch of the Canton & 1Hankow railway was opened today in the presence of Chinese and foreign officials. Wogack Is in Tien Tain, 'Tien Tsin, Nov. 6.--General WVogack, the Russiani commander, has arrived here with a strong suite. Here ?Is the Way They Stand Today's Vote In The Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eontest BEAVERIIEAD COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Maude lill, Red Rock....... ...../......... 6,383 29 6,412 Miss Lottil McIntosh, Dillon ....l...o............ 5,o65 178 5,243 Miss Nannie Mc.oughlin, D)illon..., . .............. 3,574 50 3,624 Miss Emily A. Taylor, Dillon ........................ 1,967 366 2,333 Miss Grace G. Gray, Bannack...... .....,,... ..... 877 6 883 Miss Carrie Ilarrison, Dillon...... r................. 599 19 618 Miss Ethel Squire, Dillon.......................... 444 *....., 444 Miss Julia Grant, lim n..............,.............. 173 ......., 173 Miss Lucy M. Ford, I.imaa........,................... 67 ....... 67 Miss Estelle Mae Rich, Dillon.... .,................ 46 5 51 BROADWATER COUNTY Miss Maud Penwell, Townsend.. ... ..... ...... 5,469 ....... 5,469 Miss Rena Schaaf, Townsend......................... 4,022 ....... 4,022 Miss Christina Erickson, Townsend.................... 2,733 ...... 2,733 Miss Leila Parker, Townsendl................... 938 938..... 938 Miss Carrie Holloway, Townsend... ,,...,...... .... 736 ......" 736 Miss Manlce McRae, Townsend.... .................. 61, ....... 613 Miss l.izzie Barker, Townsend. {" .,.. ............ 19 " ..... 19 CARBON COUNTY Miss Tony Early, Red I.odge....................... ,RSJ3 1o 2,863 Miss Fannie Rourke, Red I.odge.... .................. 8.1" 51 873 Miss Jack Fullerton, Red I.oge..... .................. 401....... 401 Miss Gertrude Watson, Red I.odge ................... 176 9 485 Miss Ehllmer Ilowen, Red Lodge....................... , 32 ....... 32 Miss Eva Robbins, Red Lodge ............... ... . at ....... a2 Miss Nellie Gurrell, Red Lodge..................... i. o 0....... ao CUSTER COUNlf'Y Miss Rose Gaylord, Miles City....... ................ 025 ....... 925 Miss Margaret Carter, Miles City.................. 898 500 1,398 Miss Marion (ordon, Miles City..................... . 1 ....... 19 Miss Myrtle Johlinson, Miles City .................... . 12 ....... 12 Miss Ada Eichorn, Miles City....................... 5 ...... S 5 Miss Mary Coleman, Miles City....................... 5 *.*.... 5 Miss L.ulu Wilson, Miles City......., ............. 4 ........... 4 Miss Mary Schrimer, Miles City...................... .... ....... ....... Miss Rosalee Terrett, Miles City......, ............................... Miss Kate Ilurgel, Miles City ...................... ....... ........... Miss Bessie Ilufftman, Miles City..................... .................. Miss Daisy laynies, Miles City............................. .......... CASCAI)E COUN'I'Y Miss Netta (;ervais, (;reat Falls.. .................. 2,906 .....r 2,906 Miss Nelly Short. Great Falls.....·................. 2,o96 ...... 2,o096 Miss Edith Brown, Great Falls... .. ........ 0 225 *.***** 225 CHO(() TTAUI COUNTY Miss Cora llassock, llavre......... ,.............*. 5oo00 .....: 500 Miss Marion Auld, Ilavre.......................... 99 "...." 99 Miss Cora Niles, Chinook........................ ....... ....".s .... DEER LODGE C()UNTY-. Miss Julia Cuddihy, Anaconda ....w..r's. s rer.v. ...* 4,240 196 4.436 Miss Nina Graham, Anaconda.......................* 4,075 194 4,.09 Miss Blanche M. Satsbury, Anaconda. ............... 2,967 209 3,176 Miss Elizabeth L. Fitzpatrick, Anaconda.............. 1,288 1....... ,288 DAWVSON COUNTY Miss Jessie Jones, Glendive............... ....,....... 2,207 19 2,226 Miss Ruth Hunter, Glendive......................... 1,882 264 2,i46 Miss Ana Simmns, Glendive....................... .. 1.o ....... 1,005 Miss Mary Osborne, Glendive........................ 581 .9 590 Miss Hlilda Foss, (;lendive..... .... ................ 7- a 274 Miss Eflie Teeter, Glendive........ ....,.............. o 7 27 Miss Mabel Batchelor, Glendive... ................. , 11 ,....... a3 Miss Frances Lee, Glendive ...... .............., So ,...·. 10 Miss Frances Johnson, Glendive.. ............ 3 ....... 3 Miss H. May Johnson, Glendive. ............... a 6 8 Miss Arie Mack, Glendive............................. I ,....... FLATIHEAD COUNTY Miss Mary Slack, Kalispell.......*..esr/ev.r*..**..n*. 4,862 10 4,872 Miss TBessie Tate, Kalispell........,, ....rrr...... r. .." 1,146 4 2,150 Miss Mattie Higgins, Kalispell........ ............. 6o8 ....... 608 Miss Maude Fauvcr, Kalispell.. ... 1.. ........ 926 Miss Agnes Morrow. Kalispell.... ....... 40 , ..... 40 Miss Julia Gildca, Kalispell.... ........ o .... ....... ....... Miss Ruth Anderson, Kalispell ........ . ....... ......y ...... .Miss D)uona Schcnck, Libly.. ..... .......... ......,. .....,. ....... ..... FERGUS COUNTY Miss Fannie Cook, Lewistown........ .............. 2.405 ***... 2^,405 Miss Mable Suprenaut, Lewistown...............7..4. 747 27 774 Miss Grace McHugh, Lewistown................. ..... 660 ..."..,. 66o GRANITE COUNTY- Miss Catherine Perraut, Philipsburg. . . r.2rr.rr-. r... ,284 7 2,291 Miss Ethel Gilchrist, Dnrunnond..-..... .. r..v..... 1,823 33 1,856 Miss Lily Royal, Druminond..... ... ..... ..... 17 . 1,717 Miss Irma Sherrill, Philipsburg.............,..... 1,543 17 1,560 Miss Myrtle Clark, PhIlipsburg...........ý..... ... ,4ai 1 1,433 Miss Gertrude Shearer, Granite. ., ,urer"....t..-..... 83o ai...... 830 GALLATIN COUNTY Miss MLamie Oakwood, Bozemnan.,r. ..rr:..· ,nTr..... ' 1,754 25 2,779 Miss Ella Arnold, Bozeman... .... ,*t. s.. .*.......... 1,586 21 1,607 Miss (;race (Griflin, Bozeman ......,.,.. ........... 1,278 146 1,424 Miss Bessie Van Zandt, Bozeman. .-....... ............. 1,o02 14 1,216 Miss Ruby Moore, Belgrade...... ........,.. ...,.. I,039 7."".. I,o039 Miss Minnie Stubblefield, Bozeman.. .... . ....... 576 5 581 Miss Mamie Stringfield, Bozeman....,,..,.........., 215 i.., ... S JEFFERSON COUNTY Miss Josic Noonan, Basin........... ............ 12,206 ,..,," 12,206 Miss Regina Bear, Basin.............* ... .. * ,.,.,* , 3,245 .....«* 3,245 Miss Jessie Goodrich, Whitehall.,r," . -................, 1,720 4 1,724 Butte Inter Mountain's World's Fair Tour eonditions: First-Any young lady over sy years of age may be nominated at any time on blanks provided and by the indorsement of three well known citizens of the county in which she resides. Second-Three judges agreeable to the candidates shall be selected to offically an. nounce the winner in each county. One girl will be chosen from each county excepting that Silver Dow shall have three, Deer Lodge and Mllssoula two each. Third-As in other elections, each county will vote separately. The vote in one cannol' affect the others. Matters properly concerning the tour will be settled by the wishes of the majority. The winner shall have the right to name a proxy it unable to attend her. selL. Fourth-Voting will commence Monday, October rp, and close Tuesday evening at y o'clock, January sg, s9o4. Coupons seven days old cannot be voted. Single coupons cut from the semiweekly, or the dailly Inter Mountain must be neatly trimmed. AU coupons, whether single or special, must bear the name of the one to be voted for. Fifth-Coupons are given as follows: Single coupons, cut from the Daily or Semi-Weekly Inter Mountain ........................ ............................... Vote Subscription in arrears, each dollar paid a special coupon of.. 5a Votes Subscription, Semi-Weekly, 6 months, Si, a special coupon of 50o Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Semi-Weekly 2: months, $2, a special coupon of too Votes (Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) Subscription, Daily Inter Mountdin., month, 75c, a special cuopon of .............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) .......... 40 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountal, 6 months, $4.oo, a special coupon of .............(Paid in Advance Subscriptions.) ... ....... 250 Votes Subscription, Daily Inter Mountain, 12 months, $7.50, a special coupon of ..... (Paid in Advance Subscriptions. ....*....... Soo Votes Sixth-Coupons should be voted at tb headquarters nearest you or mailed to "Coupon Department Inter Mountain" at any point named below. Votes will be counted at noon each day and the totals announced in the, evening papers BY SUPREME COURT SML'CI.s TO THE111 INTER MOUL'NTAIN. Helena, Nov. 16.-The supreme court today handed down a written opinion in the proceedings commenced by the city of Butte against John Weston, clerk and recorder of Silver Bow county, to compel him to furnish a copy of the city tax rolls. The ruling of the court was announce last month, the opinion to be filed later. The court nffirmed the judgmenlt of the district court of l)cer lodge county ih setting aside an attachment upon some property of some sureties on a contractors' bond. The case was entitled Division No. i, A. O. H. against S. W. Sparrow, J. J. W\Vegner, Barney Rodfeld and Joseph Thief. enthaler. F. B. White was awarded the contract for building a lodge hall in Anaconda in z898 for $3,ooo, IHe failed to complete the contract on time and the sheriff at tached some of the property of the above defendants, sureties of White's bond, un der a writ issued by the clerk of the court. The defendants succeeded in having the attachments set aside by the district court on the ground the action was not founded on a contract for the direct payment of money according to the codes. The su preme court upholds this ruling. In the case of J. ,v. Hieferlin against LEWIS AND CLARKE COUNTY- Last Today's Total. Report. Vote. Vote. Miss Delia Lawlor, Helena .............. ............ 4,640 438 5,o78 Miss Mable McGregor, Helena ................. . 3,919 25 3,944 Miss Genivive Boynton, Helena............................ 1,943 79 2,0oa Miss Mayme Walsh, Helena .......................... 1,909 524 2,433 Miss Mahle Rlebold, Helena ........................ 1,597 84 1.681 Miss Anna Marceau, Helena ........................ 88 ...... 818 Miss. Myra Trerise, Helena .......................... 653 1o 663 Miss Carrie Ward, Hlelena............................ 565 ...... 565 MADISON COUNTY Miss Maud Northway, Ennis......................... 1,504 1...... ,504 Miss Fannie C. Reif, Virginia City................... 1,353 I 1,364 Miss Edna Jackson, Virginia City.................I... 1,o61 a s,o63 Miss (;ertie Kohls. Virginia City ..................... 627 ....... 6a7 Miss Maybell Sparling, Ennis........................ t19 152 671 Miss Rita Marshall, Sheridan ........ ................. a ....... MEAGHIER COUNTY Miss Clara Chapin, White Sulphur Springs......... 6.265 ....... 6,265 Miss Catherine Rees, White Sulphur Springs......... 4,172 3 4,175 Miss Argall Anderson, White Sulphur Springs......... 1,063 ....... z,o63 Miss Eva lfartfield, White Sulphur Springs ................. ....... ....... Miss Effie Tipton, White Sulphur Springs ......................... ....... Miss Maud Fuchs. White Sulphur Springs ....... ....... ................. MISSOUI.A COUNTY Miss Nellie l.ongstaff, Missoula....................... 2,236 9 2,245 Miss Pearl O'Nenl, Missoula......................... 1,86 ....... 1,.865 Miss Victoria Cyr. Frenchtown ........................ ,7. 17 1,747 Miss Sarah Beard, Missoula ......................... B8n ....... 820 Miss May Drago, Missoula........................... 272 ....... 272 Miss Bessie Taylor. Missoula. ... ............... ao ....... 20o PARK COUNTY Miss Etta Ilruza, I.ivingston........................ 5,626 844 6,470 Miss Birdie Clark, Iivingston ........................4,381 4,385 Miss Fllorence Goodson. Livingston................... 1,413 1a 1,425 Miss Monad II. Vance, l.ivingston.................. 84 ......... 814 Miss Nannic Nicol, Livingston.............. .......... 586 ....... 586 Miss Edna Driscoll, I.ivingston ......................... . 1 ....... 13 Miss Elsie Mercier, Livingston ....................... 8 ....... 8 M iss Edna Turner, Livingston ........................ I ....... Miss Rose :Hausen, Livingston ......................................... POWEIi.. COUNTY Miss Mable Bleaumont. Deer I.odge ................... 5.153 68o 5.833 Miss Harriet Quigley, Ophir................ .......... 2,748 14 2,762 Miss Oro Fino Miller, Deer Lodge .................... 1,085 30 1,15 Miss Annie i)aly, Ilelnville................ .............. 27 ....... RAVALI.I COUNTY Miss L.aura Hlarper, lHamilton ............. ...... 4.076 ....... 4,076 ..lss Floy I.. Olhls, Victor............................ 3,843 539 4.382 Miss Ethel Chambers, Hamilton....................... 1,36 1,362 Miss Mattie Hliggits., Stevensville............... ..... 742 ....... 742 Mliss l.illa Semlnons, Hamilton........................69R 698 Miss May Dougherty, Corvallis....................... 571 ...... 571 Miss Daisy Bond, Hamilton......................... 293 ....... 3 Miss Cora Adams, Hamilton............................ 95 .....: 95 ROSEBUD COUNTY Miss Floy Westaby, Forsyth...................... 3,941 500 4,441 Miss Ethel Waddingham, Forsyth ..................... 633 2 635 Miss Mayme Hannmmond, Forsyth...........,......4....... 4 4 SILVER BOW COUNTY Miss Alice Jackson. Butte.......... ......... . 17,309 469 17,778 Miss Laura Kilgallan, Butte.......................... 5,59 474 16,003 Miss Nell Lloyd. Butte............................... 11,389 677 1a,066 Miss Clara Burkard, Butte........................... 8,445 853 9,298 Miss Geneva M. Smith. Butte........................ 6,959 79 7,038 Miss Nellie Duffy, Butte............................. 5.071 157 5,228 Miss Hanna Courtney, Butte. ........................ 4.5 4 131 4,645 Miss Manmie McNamara, Butte........................ 4,.76 78a 5,058 'Miss May Rodda, Butte......... ................. 3,773 1s6 3,899 Miss Alice Mitchell, Butte...........,,.............. 1,526 25 1,551 Miss Clara Auerbach, Butte ........................ 1,146 ... ,146 Miss Kayte Jones, Butte............................ 635 56 691 Miss Belle Edwards, Butte........................... 633 45 678 Miss Olive E. Beakey, Butte.... we .. .v........... 640 4 644 Miss Margaret I.oiughrin, Butte ... ..... Y........ 509 so8 617 Miss Ruth Carlson. Butte ............... ............ 423 ....... 43 Miss Agnes Hlarrington, Butte....... ........ ......:. 35 ...... 35 SWEETGRASS COUNTY Miss May Marley, Big Timber...... ................ . 5,13 473 5,596 Miss Ethel Browning. Big Tinmber. .................. .2,740 43 .2,783 Miss Maggie Irvine, Big Timber..................... a,181 53 2,-34 Miss Bertha Anderson, Big Timber .................,, ,,....... .......... . TETON COUNTa' Miss Frances Cooper, Choteau................. ..... .......... 8 ....... 8 Miss Kathryn Kennedy, Choteau ....................... 3 ..... 3 Miss Maud Murray, Shelby..................... ............... ..... VALLEY COUNTY Miss Anna Ratchford, Glasgow...................... 1,801 ....... 1,801 Miss Myrtle McMillan, Glasgow .......... ........ 0 . So .. .. o50 YELLOWSTONE COUNTY Miss Minnie V. Nord, Billings ................... 2,060o 3 2,191 Miss Dora Radenaker, Billings................ ....... *,5o6 ...... . 5o6 Miss Mable Ross, Billings............... ............. 15 ...... 195 Miss Della Waiters, Billings......................... 19 193 Miss Alice Walk, Billings .............................. .o ..... Miss Blanche Nickey, Billings ..........,,......... ,.... .. ....... Miss Marie L. Sleeper, Billings...............,......,. . ...... . Miss Nellie C. Bullard, Billings............. .... .... .... Withdrawn ....................................... 36, ....... 6,05 36,55 Total .................. ................... ..... 325,01 11,120o 336,321 Headquarters and Voting Places Beaverhead County-A. 8,. Johnson.........................*.......................... Dillon Broadwater County-Byrne Bros .................................................. Townsend Carbon County-MArs. M. N, Hickox ............o*................................... Lodge Cascade County-Thomas Hodge .............................................. et aillsa Chouteau County-George W. Cranea ..........................................Iort Benton Cusrter County-J. H. Arnold .. . ................... ...........Alies City Dawson Countyr-Albert H. Johnson............ ................ ........ Glendive Deer Lodge-Inter Mountain Office ..................................................Anaconda PFerguls County-L. C. Cornell t.............................................. Lcwitown Flathead County-Walter ilunt................................................. Kalispcll GVallateyin County-JMs P Martin ...Kempher......................................... Glemgowan --Granite Couty-Chatf r ..;;g;-... .... .Philipsburg etn County- . e .................................. ....................................Vgi Ctbe Meagler County-L. B. Jobb..... ................................. White Sulphur Springs Mlssotila County-Winstanley's Office..................................... Missoula Park County-Bingham Hinman........................................ Livingston Powell County-The Kenyon Store...................................... Deer Lodge Raval County-Wynn. Roberts............................... ..................... Hamilton toseb d County-W. H. Simon ......................... ................ Forsyth Silver Bow County-Inter Mountain Office........................ ............ Butte Valley County-Miss Bertha Kempher......................................Glasgow Teton County-C. H. Drake............................................. Chotcau Yellowstone County-Thomas Manley ...................................... Billings Sweetgrass County-L. M. Hungertord...................................... Big Timber --o ----Nov. 23, '03 m: ::~ys:. o r E v wo ,.o . . o..d.< .,J~J G, W. Karlman and M. Jennings, doing business under the firm name of Karlman & Jennings, the court affirmed the judg suent of the lower court of Park county on one count and reversed it on another. In the first count the plaintiff secured judgment for $1,6oo for goods sold and in the second got judgment for $165 for goods sold defendant's employes. The first judgment stands, but the second is set aside. In another opinion the court holds that the estate of A. J. Davis should have ap pealed from the order of the district court of Jefferson county from an order in a condemnation proceeding rather than com ancced certiorari proceedings, The court dismissed the latter and announced its reasons in an opinion, saying there should have been an appeal, The attorney for the estate claimed tLe lower court had nade an ardor at Boulder that wa:; ai-. plicahle to the district court of Mali:,)i, county