Newspaper Page Text
BOOTn'S fruit Specials Fancy Montana Eating ncA Apples, box ............U I Extra Fancy Montana O - Eating Apples, box......85c Extra Specials ivory Salt 1S cent packgce. Sadle price.. ....................... 10 4 Arniour' t Soups, all vankie1* , 15t c',n Sale price .................. .... 1 8, Ilurnettr i A .imon IE tr;ct, aSc bottle. Sale price ...........................15 4 ('lb, iloue S.almon. t. , ! .e c. Sale price ..........................1 0 Ilome Iranll KIlney IHens. Sale price, per canl......... ..12 1 2~ Baking Powder Schilling's Best Baking Powder, 35c can. 25e Sale price ...... Wreckage Prices family Liquors Blooth' ;,inlln S,,I,:er or our' Ma11lt - g\lhiikey. Special -r l: iLiice. ..... .i ii Ihooh's Ntu li Year (tlt I,)c. \ hi... : Iorth I,.sI bl. SalIc p, ice..~l ..O0 lBo th's to ' i:,;i.()i.. \ , hit ( ubit 'hi s key; littl $e.5. Sale p ic (iurke'i heint ur, I j1 o.atling. .orth $t:.,o ittile . S;,Ile p ic.. ......... l. 35 'larke li Rye , hidkey., Itthed in h, ;; No rth $,7; Ibattle. Sal r. l pr 1.175 W indr e BScrth \hinsk; worth . $: .., lt le. s.,le. Sa ,ic,........ . 1.25 j lurke's Scotch \'hinr; north $r bottle. Sale p ice .......... ..... 15 K ng \\ilham .Scotch \\ hi Iry: wo Ih n ' a tuthlt. SaIl,' price....... $1.75 Rode'i k Ilh t \\hi-key; w., th $;.75 bttle. Sale pl ice .............. $1.2 all'imear' , Ith ,v ,in \Vhi key; worth $t , bottle. Sala ptice ........ 1.23 Wine Bargains T"wo Star ('.ahlirni I' ort \Vine; wortil L ic I htt le . Itle p ir ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . : 1 5 . "lhrre St;r taldhfrnia fort \\itn'; woth Sc b,,ttlc. Salh i,tice ..............5 5 (' TOSSý999ýýO0l thOiýe.aiesisi SE The Hardware Store that Leads -Watch Us and See PRE-THANKSGIVING Clean Up Sale Ts saving money to hutndreds of pen ple every hour in the day. Read thac hand-bill w\ith the pictures and yo.i can find many things lo interest to you., Hlere are a few samIles of the thou :iands of bargains to be found heit during the whole week. 1,847 Knives and Forks Sold everyt here at $4.50, our price, iper dozen .................. $3.45 'I.ATl'.S--Decorated semi - porcelain, worth $1.25 l,cr set............ 50 S'ftV\ES--leecause it is cold and you need one and )because you can save =money, this week is the time to buy. \\ASIH ISII.FRIS--No. 8 colper Ihot' toll, ............ ... 850 TEA KI'lTT.ES- -Solid' topper, nickel plated, sold everywhltere for $i '5. Our price .......... .... $1.00 S.LES--Girl'........ 30 and iup. 1Boys ................ 350 and up. Henderson Bros. & Cole Hardware Co. Greatest Stove IIouse in Butte. 53 W. Park,bet. Lutey's and DBooth's OECHSLI 42 West Broadweay, Butte Pays Highest Cash Price for Second Hand Goods. Your choice of all the leading up to date Heating Stoves Rt Half Price and Less. The largest stock of second-hand house hold goods in Montana, 'Phone 923B COAL OOING FAST Black Diamond Lump $5.00 Best Montana Coal OALT COAL CO. OFFICE 814 UTAH AVE, TELEPHONE 273 SENATOR DIETRICH TO FACE A CHARGE OMAHA GRAND JURY INDICTS HIM FOR ALLEGED FRAUDS IN CON NECTION WITH OFFICE. POSTMASTER ALSO INDICTED Said Fisher, at HasLings, Neb., Pci;d Dietrichi for Recommending Himn for the Postmastership. ii hi-l A1( l T I II I'VI ' I, jr fl h:it t Niii . c lii . 1i fCIii h:' I H;iric t j u y h is t n igl i t r , .trl'l n tl r u hil l . i l l . I . ;i nsl' ,t United S tii t(sc S ilit iir ( harlc's It. 1 )iet rie1, maln .J c',b IFi-her, of lucid iiiii 'ciii liii ici. ihl, ihr.,i , int ei , i it h ' ii n s p i rl c )j al ,I f r a u d i n , ,ico n n e cl io n 11 w .it h i t h e aI|pointinenIt' o.f Fisihr ,,t h..o pusil;,. o |H..11 \;I (1. 1 (1n 11· lLI'.jl 9 ll T h e bi ,=lie f ic nt s : rll .. b r,, r hitll i t oi t hl e I'nited Static, i district ci'hirt iit (,c iclhck, Judl.,e Munger(.l ipre,.idinl., ain, w, re Iph.,','. ol fi'le. ii c. i riir i nl ly ct'iIpt; id licte re.Iirt ,,f tih' 'iniiic jur,, cuiackieic icc ci- mi rk iiii it. l ls nt lls b l it.o Ilil l a irdcer tI the cl hrk fi r tlh' lI ii , ti 'l hill, . lI he ii licti cn it i ,'t·hci t Sc-inl it'c"r Iliit rich allhegs thMat h., ;.'cepteI y mIl prici'rty ic c-cc, i i cctii, oc hi , cinu nlI ill4g Ic l ' c'ur :lcI 'ilUc illn i t .ics dttlie tl at I t i:c . I e i l ll I l .'li n ln liii t I'iistiinitliic Vzi-hter 11harge., himI will mI akll, g n a re iiiiit , hi Sento r Iiiiircicic hiiih ilhii fircteir i a.s i p'y iiil prIirits' iad oi i e'y $i,, fcc" .,c'cuirinig the.' cipp c cin tu l:t. Evidence. The eviho,,iiii c i cc presc' l,.d tol the l'racid junry to .hic tlihii 'iirher hi, Iluiccuht ccc t ,tliice ixiti rcs it rciii th ,. I :ii \rA ny p st at IItinl, cif the. v lu-l -f $5cc, a:iic Itch'r I lricii tile priipcrtc. over ti Sciuc;tr Iitirieich, tic choii'.i- bcuiibliing it w.1ccs re miivl%,t. anld to \whomll wa'i. paid ai r'1n1|; hy the goiver n ,ni. hi -'rlciti',ci tic the turn ing civir if Iti.ic prci' , y it is c..h rgeid tha:t Fi-her chid to ti' lit 'iiiuuIr $S1.. iil 'ensh. It wal '.tlieli thci II,' uhiiliitul jury ha4 cciii icicc''tigaticig liih H tin ptfli'.ii~ cruicce c iicc' f[cir lii'ty thri l , c .'vekl , ic . = u hati a cicliiclcc'r ccf vwitlsci- cc c-11, pri'c-.c-til from IInstinicllg' aictci ier poitciti nh the ,lilte. Secilitcr lietich ii ilt tireect,' lit Vc':cich ilighiti cud 11cc-rt ' cirlic w cci ;lticrilic'V oir ictlic'r |ic ir.c ,ic icc tlii , c it y a l i lh tic i e td ti c ilm l ik c . a stiflclt llIit fcl him. Says it Ie Politics. \Viiciuiii cc1i. :'ton , . 17. - i.itcl i'r liht rich :ciccl I, tilmr kio t w tilccr if lhic' I illm.ilis lIi.-. have arrived i l thii city aiii all i . cuilirici ac to. the i tliiciiiian it €cf thei ceulc itr wc' ,re rfirrid Itl .r. IRicccw itlr. wiii il ,';cri'i thiiat lhi, i linici'cint witre lice ri-cuiti clf ;c lciliiic l iiii;crr'l.. N1". tfcccc'ccitie" ii'.'.ii cl-ld thilut Sc'iiliictl" lictrich hid i i c giccI ide siii i s uii l c i lihlct lhillc he ci t ie llilcl' htii cilolle to Hi ishiniltdcii ilt tills ti c tii rini g hr i llit Ithe rc'cccicc'.cl if Iitri c t ,Attc.irc.y S iliciers. tie sciii thicey clrc.;idc hiccl ht cci icc thic \\hiite ouicc il hice micic. M r. iti ei ili :ter diiclii rid tlihit I)ijtriet Atitcriccy Scccciiinii'rt htid ccihi iicd theli charge .ct4 ini.t S'llnilor 11cc rich for the lcc'acln thic lt tihl w1 er, c ioliliclly cinit;cguciiisiic. IMPEACHMENT OF A JUDGE IS REQUESTED United States Official Is Said to Be President of a Trading Corporatioi. ciV' , icc IAi ciii pHil in;, \Vil' liiii .l, . Niu,. 7.--I 'hiiirge' ci'e,' fic'd wit tic Stpeiikr (I iilicit lt t I cigiih by Jiclcmcs 1i\. N.wlici lagniitit ,c IAndiiicw Kirk patrick, United State., district jaulge' oft cciiw Jersey. 'Ih,' ipleahchinnt it" .Jud*ce Kir'kltcii ck i i t ik i ci the gicoicid thici ''he hici Icrouglht ihc icciiliiiii nr ilscccc cif jicstice iiitci c ililctiip thliriuig.h his Icciing thi aicltiv, lci'cr ideilt ccf .i trcdiiiKg ci'ricicrhc tilln." Thi chiarges icere referrecI tio ie judic itrily c niiiliittc'e. NOT THE USUAL RESULT French Duel in Which a Human Life Is Actually Sacrificed. Ity A ,ttt IA I rt Itl SS, Paris, Nov. 17.--Iu a dutel oith swortlds yesttrdaly. arising froit a quarrel. I lenri l.antir, a lawyer of 'iolottse, wiis killed hI his a ttagolist, Charles Ik'elet of Paris. CHARLES M. SUITER DEAD II ' S AMa, IA I I' 'I ., Kansas ( ity .Mo., Ntov. 7.--('harles M. Sultcr, grand secretary alnd treasurer of the Natinial liBrotherhood of Railway Car. mnci, died at his home in Kansas City last night, aged 4n. Oregon Mills Shut Down. ItY' A. sIt'IA I'ilt ,til SS, l"g.nt',. I)re., Nov. 17.--'rihc car short aget of the. Southern Pacific compalny has caused the Ilooth -Kelly companiiy, the larg est Iantilfacturers of lumber in tO)regon, to close all its logging camps, throwing about 1,ooIl men tilt of work and stopping a payroll of $8i,ooo a month,. l'Two of their four iiills have already shut down andl the otlier twto w ill close as soont as the logs oil hand are cut tLp unless the situa tion is relieved. Canadian Firm Fails. Brantford. ()nt,., Nov. I7.-The Bailey ('Cutlery cotmpanyi has closed its doors. In suflicient tarilf Iprotection is given as the cause of stuspensilon, the lirnl being utinable to compete will American prices and the cheali labor iproducts from England anti Germany. The coIIItIpany's invested capital was $49,oo0o. Mcintosh Pleads Guilty. SPl'E(IAI. TO TIU INTER ,iii.NTANl, Helclena, Nov. 7.--\Williant lclntosh, who was brought hack from lHelena to face the charge of robbhint Ray Caraza, an epileptic cook, pleaded guilty today to petit larceny larceny in a justice's court and was sentenced to six moiiths in the county jail. Standard Oil Dividend. liv ASSOCIATED PRERs, New York, Nov. 17.-The Standard Oil com patty of New Jersey declared a dividend of $au per share, This is an increase of Sa on the dividend declared a year ago, and brings the total dividend for the year to 44 per cent, conm pared with 45 per cent a year ago. To Charge Rolando. An information charging Dominick Ro lando with murder for the killing of Den nis Holland in Walkerville on November 4, has been prepared by Assistant County Attorney Lynch and will be filed in Judge McClernan's court. _ CONNELL'S "Greatest of All" Bargain Sale Continues Tomorrow and Will Be Continued During Entire Week. Five Hundred Pairs of Women's $1.25 Kid Gloves For This Sale 49c a Pair. This is indeed the most remarkable glove bargain that Butte has seen for many a day. These gloves are splendidly made of selected skins and fit perfectly. They are two-clasp and come in red, gray, mode, brown, black and white. Don't miss this great money sav ing opportunity in gloves. GENUINE BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF OUR HOUSE BLANKETS r I- sie corttlon shiet llaiikets ; cr,h rs graly, tai aind whlit' heavy qualily, i ith thick, loing cnds ; worth $ i..5 pair .............................85G In-.l sire niediutm and sanitary gray is] Ihl:inkets, extra weigiht : a splendidl fauiiilv blanket; worth $.t.r pair. This sale, aI ir ........................... 21 .9 5 11-4 dark gray worn hhinkets, blue aill pink lorders; thi is i an excllc.nt blanket that will give satisfaction ill wear;, wor*h $5.'n" pair. 'llis ale............ 3.95 11i 4 fine sallitilry a;id icirliumili gray w nol bilalikets, beautifully soft aiid warm, with lnlg fleece nrap and handclse bordirs, extra Iheavy weight; worth $7.50 pair. lhis sale, pair................. $5.25 11-.1 white wool blainkets. extra weight., soft. loig nap; this is a splenlid qualhty frrr durablle sen icc; ortih $4.5o pair. 'llis sale, lair ................. $2.95 I. 4 fine white woosl blanketc. heiatiifiul soift fintish. goodI straidard weightr worth $5.un, pair. lThis sal. ,pair......$3.95 1 1-4 whitei wrool llilnket.. ý ln lu from uine luoig iorul,, extra \l ighl . .1 genuine cihl weather blanket; siriith $7..r pair. This sale, pair......................55.3 11-4 tinl white i ., t binktti.., full wei.}iht, imade of selected lorIng wool, with thick fleece ini,; this is cerl.inily a llcautifull IblanketI ; worth $' 5r l pair. This sale, pair ........................$..6.25 SILKS io-inch taffeta silks, in black. while. crea:u and full linii of colors - splenr did for lii ings and drop skirts; Soc yard quality. Sale price, yard ................... 29 3'" inch blac-k ..atin. spcrially adapted for crat lin:i.g ; $i.r r y-:rd ruality. Sale pIrice, yar'd ........................65r .7-inlch black talinta. nill pure silk aid Ieautif l finishi; $i.25 yard quality. Sale price, y.'rd ....................... 7 9 27-inch black peliai t de soic, extra liiit quality; worth $i.5o yard. Sale price,. yard ..............................89(' .2 inich paliet der. sui: thlii is a beautiial soft thirish silk. withl rich, and wolrth $S.oo )ard. Sale price, yardI....... 69 -r-iinch colored (China: silks, white in cluded, and all pure sill:: spltlndid for waists and kiiilotns. Sale plricc, yardl.'23 lch.nuiful line of colored el v ets, in stripes,. clots ;lian ,,riill neat tillres; the latest fad for waists: $I.ono n, i $1..5 luailities. S;:aC price, ya:rd........................69 BLACK DRESS GOODS 38-inch black all Ipure wool and miohair etallrine; sllendli dust-sllhedint g cloth: 6uc cquality. Sale price, yard....... g3S 42 inch I'ricstlcy's black winter-weigiht crlalinie; niever sold for less than $r..; lird. Sale price, yard............. 6) 54-inch black all pure wool basket cloth: noilthing better for skirts and full suits; $i.-25 ulality. Sale price, yard..... (9 46-iilch black all pure wool silk finish tlenrietta, extra fitle qu;ality; never soli for less thau $1.oo yard. Sale price,. yard .............................5 90 BLACK DRESS GOODS 48 incli Iblack all pure wool storm serge. This would he conisidered a bargain, at 8.e yard. Sale price, yard............ 43C 56-inch black iclthon cloth, specially adapted for coats, suits and skirts; $i.on yard quality. Sale pirice, yard...... 59 38-inch black zilbeline, the cloth that is :ni such demarnnd this season; 75c yard qual ity, Sale price, yard ..............438 RUGS .16x72 Axminster rugs; new, pretty pat terns; a large line to select from; $5.ox rugs at ........................$2.98 FREIGHT OR EXPRESSAGE PRE PAID ON ALL MAIL ORDERS.. M. J. CONNELL COMPANY BUTTE, MONTANA COLORED DRESS GOODS 58-inch extra heavy zibeline in red, brown, green and black; $1.5o yard quality. Sale price, yard ................. ..95 s5-iclt Oxford gray kerscy for stornm skirts; $1.00 yard cloth. Sale price, yard ............................. 59 , 5--inch gray English homespun for un lined skirts and coat suits; $1.oo yard quality. Sale price, yard ............ 651 52 inch navy blue cheviot, all pure wool, heavy enough to make without lining; $,.no quality. Sale price, yard .... 59 .iS-inch all pure wool and mohair Danish cloths. Nothlilg better for children's dresses; 65c quality. Sale price, yard ............................. 4 3 4 .;(,-inch all wool Ifenriettas in black, white and full line of colors, makes splendid house dresses and waists; 5oc yard qual ity. Sale price., yard ..............29C ;R-inch all wool tweeds, Scotch mixtures Ian zibelines. This is an extraordinary bargaint, being worth from 6oc to 75c yard. ()ur special sale price, yard........ 3Sg SWISS FOR CURTAINS .I6 inch Swiss, dotted, strped and figured; s , tth 2oc, at ..................... 1 24 Silkline, 25 pieces finest goods, 36 inches wide ; all new patterns, worth 15c, at ..............................10 4 LACE CURTAINS All of our stock of fine net lace curtains in Blrussels net, Irish point, Arabian., sout:che, llattcnberg, Cluny, htiaissance ;:Ia l many others, at 1-3 OFF MARKED PRICE $i.oo quality lace curtains at......68CS $ quality lace curtains at......9 5 $..oo quality lace curtains at..... $1.3 $2.50 quality lace curtains at..... 1,95 $.t.oo quality lace curtains at ..... 2.15 LINOLEUM Will's famlous linoleutms. We have the largest line to select from in the state. The regular 65c grade ........... 454 T'Ihe regular 85c grade ............ 03 The $t.75 Wild's inlaid ........ 1.45 FLOOR OILCLOTH 35c quality in all widths at, per square yard ..................................25 .oc quality at, per square yard ..... 38 ROOM SIZE RUGS 9x(2 feet Brussels rugs, worth $47.50, at ...........................$ 17 .50 ox2z feet Wilton velvet rugs, worth $30.oo, at ................... $24.50 9)x. i 2L.t Axminster rugs, worth $3.50o, :at ........................... $2 6 .50 9xzs Wilton rugs, worth $45.00o at .......................... $36.50 CARPET BARGAINS Seven patterns of half wool ingrain car pets, all new patterns, reds, grcena , browns, etc.; very heavy; worth 5oc, at ............................... 3 8 4 Eight patterlns all wool filled ingrain car pets; very attractive patterns and rich colorings; worth 65c at........... 48 Ten patterns best grade of all wool extra super ingrain; worth 75c, at ...... s (;ood, heavy Brussels carpets int Persian patterns and colorings; regular price 65e, at ...............................4 7 4 liest grade 9-wire tapestry Brussels carpet::s in floral and Turkish desigins, regular price 95e, at...................... 6 8 Twenty-five patterns of fine Wilton velvet carpets in rich designs, suitable for a pat lor; also a few fine Axtminsters ; all have borders to umatch ; beautiful colorings, small and large designs; also stair car pets to match; regular price $1.20o, at ...............................9 8 $4 BOYS' HEAVY WINTER SUITS $2.69 Boys' two-piece, vestee and blouse kne pant suits, made of cheviots, cassimeres, worsteds and corduroys in navy blue, black, fancy checks and stripes; sizes 3 to 14 years. $4.50 BOYS' REEFERS FOR $2.89 Boys' heavy winter reefers, made of all wool frieze and worsteds in navy blue and Oxford gray; double-breasted effects, storm collars; lined with plaid flannels; sizes 3 to 15 years. 40C BOYS' KNEE PANTS FOR 25C Boys' heavy knee pants, made of cheviots in blue, black and dark fancy checks, taped seams; sizes 6 to 14 years. $1 BOYS' SWEATERS FOR 69C Boys' heavy all-wool sweaters in navy blue and maroon, elastic ribbed, patent non-rip ovcrlocked seams; sizes 24 to 34. 50C BOYS' WINTER CAPS FOR 25C Boys' all wool winter caps in golf and yacht styles, in navy blue and gray cheviots, fancy mixtures and neat checks; all sizes. 75C BOYS' WAISTS FOR 49C "Mother's Friend" heavy outing flannel shirt waists in dark brown and blue, fancy stripes. T'Ihey have patent band and box plaits back and front; sizes 3 to 9 years. 400 BOYS' HEAVY GLOVES FOR 25C Biys' heavy all wool gloves and leather mittens in plain and fancy colors. 20C BOYS' SUSPENDERS FOR 9C Boys' fine elastic web suspenders, braided ends, stitched with linen. ART DEPARTMENT roo dozen scarfs, center pieces and pillow shams in spachtcl and Roman cut-work, beautiful designs and best quality; worth $1.25 each. This sale, each ........................350 Cushion covers, good quality denim, staimped and tinted floral and fruit de signs; worth 75c, top and back. This sale .........-..................25 Colored linen center pieces. beautifuliy tinted, 12 inches to 36 inches square; prices 25c to $2.oo each. This sale ................IIAI.F PRICE Iandkerchief cases, gloves and mag azine covers, stamped in suitable con. vetitional designs for outline; prices range from 75c to $t.25. ']'his sale ..................... ...50· 4 Pure linen doilies, stamped Battenberg borders with flower center, 9 and ta inches square; worth 5c and 2oc each. This sale, each ..................5 Finest quality double hemstitched linens, sizes 18 and 2o inches, plain, any style can be stamped; worth $S.oo each. This sale, each ........... 50 SHOES Men's $3.50 'English welt, seal top, box calf, lace shoes ............. 2.50 Men's $2.5o tap sole working shoes .................. $1.95 Men's $2.oo satin calf sewed shoes ............. ...... $.... 1.25 Boys' $2.00oo satin calf shoes; nearly all sizes ...................... $1.40 One lot ladies' $3.50 hand-made, welt sole shoes ................. 2.50 One lot ladies' $4.00 patent leather shoes, heavy soles........... $1.95 One lot ladies' $2.50 shoes, in button only ....................... $ 1.50 One lot ladies' $2.50 kid lace shoes, light and heavy soles ........$1.50 One lot misses' $2.5o kid lace shoes, all sizes ............... ...$1.50 One lo't children's kid shoes, spring heel; sizes 4 to 8 ........... 756 LADIES' BLACK SUITS Black pebble cheviot suits, made in the blouse effect, with long skirted coat and leather belt; the skirt is made in nine gore, full flare style; the regular price of this suit is $15.oo. Today........ $825 LADIES' BLACK ZIBELINE SUIT Black zibeline suit, made with long skirted coat and walking length skirt; the coat is made with fancy shaped collar and cuff, sleeve with plain cuff; coat and skirt are trimmed with stitched strappings piped in satin; this suit usually sells for $2o.oo. Today ...................... 11.95 LADIES' WALKING SKIRT Black and white fancy mixture homespun walking skirt, made close fitting over hips with full flare bottom and trimmed in cording and buttons; the regular price is $5.00. Today ................. 2.69 LADIES' ZIBELINE WALKING SKIRTS 'These are made of zibeline in gray, blue and brown and have three shaped straps over hips and very full flare at the foot; they usually sell at $6.5o. Today. '3.379 LADIES' ZIBELINE DRESS SKIRTS These are m:ade of a fine blue and white zibeline and trimmed with stitching and buttons; they are made with flounce, stitched at top and bottom with eight rows of stitching; the regular price is $9.00. Today ........................$4.59 LADIES' BLACK CHEVIOT SKIRTS These ,kirts are made of a fine quality black cheviot in the seven-gore style, each gore ending in an inverted pleat at the knee; they are trimmed in stitched strap piugs and braid; these sell regularly for $10.oo. Todayf ..................5.59 SABLE OPOSSUM SCARFS Sable opossum scarfs, made in cluster style and trimmed in six large tails. These sell regularly for $6.oo. Today.. $3.69 ISABELLA OPOSSUM SCARFS These scarfs are 22 inches long and fin ished at each end with large fox brushes; the regular price is $10.oo Today.55.49 LADIES' VELVET BLOUSES These are made of fine black velvet in blouse style, with short peplumn and have very full sleeve with cuff ; they are trimmed with fancy braid and steel buck les; these are regular $20.00oo coats. To day ......................... 11.95 LADIES' CLOTH COATS Ladies' full box coats, made of zibeline, in blue, red and gray; they are trimimed is strappings of broadcloth and peau de soie; the regular price for these is $12.50. Today ........................$7.35 MISSES' NORFOLK JACKETS These jackets are made of heavy kersey, int blute and black; they are made with sep arate belts ail'l piped with black satin: the regular price is $16.oo. Today... .$ .95 CHILDREN'S LONG COATS Tlhese are made of heavy kerseys, in red, blue and gree!l, and trintined with strap pinlgs of satin; they have high storm col. lar and shoultdelr capes; the regular price is $8,oo. Today ................ $4.95 LADIES' FLANNELLETTE WRAPPERS Heavy flannelette wrappers, in red, blue anld black and white; they are made very full, with deep flounce at bottom and trimmed with fancy braid; the regular price is $t.So. Today..............981